careermanagement sửa 27-12

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    PART 1: SELF- ASSESSMENT..............................................................................................2

    1. PSYCHOMETRICTESTS....................................................................................................2

    2. SKILLSAUDIT......................................................................................................................2

    2. PERSONALSWOT ANALYSIS...........................................................................................3

    4. PERSONALBRANDINGBUILDING........................................................................................3

    PART 2: COMPARATIVE INDUSTRY ANALYSIS.............................................................4

    1. INDUSTRYANALYSIS.........................................................................................................4

    a. Information Technology and telecommunications sector............................................4

    b. Advertising and marketing sector...................................................................................5

    2. TARGETEDORGANIZATIONANALYSIS..............................................................................6

    a. FPT..............................................................................................................................6

    b. Samsung.......................................................................................................................c. !usiness start"u#.............................................................................................................$

    PART 3: JOB SEARCH ACTIVITY.......................................................................................9

    1. GOALSANDPREFERREDSECTOR/ROLE...........................................................................9


    %urriculum &itae...............................................................................................................'(

    %over )etter.......................................................................................................................''

    3. REFLECTIONONINTERIEW.........................................................................................12

    4. REFLECTIONONNETWORKINGEENT..........................................................................13

    ". SMART FUTURECAREERPLAN....................................................................................13



    APPENDI#1$ THEWORKSTYLE%UESTIONNAIRE...............................................................1&

    APPENDI#2$ PSYCHOMETRICTESTSRESULTS....................................................................2!

    APPENDI#3$ TRANSFERABLESKILLSAUDIT.......................................................................23

    APPENDI#4$ SWOTANALYSIS.............................................................................................2"

    APPENDI#"$ 'OBACANCY..................................................................................................26

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    P!"# 1: S$%&- A''$''($)#

    1. P()*+,-0* T((

    After completing 4 required tests including The Kenexa Online Test, Jung Typology

    Tests, SHL ersonality Tests and the rospectus lanner Tests, ! could identify much useful

    information a"out my a"ility that ! ha#e not reali$ed "efore% All the details a"out the results of

    the test are sho&n in Appendix part%

    'irstly, The Kenexa Online Test indicates my a#erage le#el in "oth (er"al reasoning

    and numerical )easoning% This means that ! ha#e a"ility to analy$e &hat happens around me

    to find out the root of things% *esides, ! could "ase on my experience and +no&ledge to assess

    an e#ent, feelings, actions that ! could &itness e#ery day%

    Secondly, Jung Typology Tests results sho& that ! ha#e distincti#e preference of

    xtra#ersion o#er !ntro#ersion &hich means that ! am not reser#ed of shy, in contrast ! feelcomforta"le &hen commutating &ith other people% This assessment is correct to myself,

    actually ! &ould li+e to &or+ on a team instead of &or+ing indi#idually% !n addition, my

    !ntuition is o#er sensing and ! prefer Judging than ercei#ing, this indicates that ! normally

    "ase on -udgments to ma+e decisions rather than "ase on my o&n perspecti#e and sensing%

    Also, the test identify that ! ha#e no preference of Thin+ing o#er 'eeling% .hich means that !

    could "alance my thin+ing and my feeling &hen &or+ing/

    Thirdly, SHL ersonality Tests re#eals that ! ha#e strengths of &or+ing &ith people,

    creating and inno#ating, adapting and responding to change as &ell as achie#ing personal

    &or+ goals and o"-ecti#es% !n term of &or+ing &ith other people, it is true that ! en-oy

    spending time &ith other people and al&ays try to understand the reasons for others0 "eha#ior

    so that ! could pro#ide support and sympathy to my colleagues as &ell as my su"ordinates%

    1oreo#er, ! "elie#e that &hen ! consult other people "efore ma+ing a decision, it &ill "e a

    "etter decision and people could accept it comforta"ly% Also, ! thin+ other strengths are

    necessary for me to &or+ effecti#ely in fast2changing en#ironment% *esides, the results

    indicate that ! not good at analy$ing numerical data and all other sources of information as

    &ell as planning and organi$ing%

    'ourthly, rospectus lanner Tests is relati#ely accurate to my planed career path% The

    result sho&s that ! could "e matched &ith position of manager in organi$ations and !n fact, !

    ha#e a desire to &or+ as a human resource management after graduating%

    2. S( A5

    ! desire to &or+ as a human resource manager so ! &ill prioriti$e some s+ills for my

    career de#elopment including spo+en communication, interpersonal s+ills and pro"lem2

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    sol#ing% 'irstly, as a manager the spo+en communication is #ery important, the manager

    should tranfer information to su"ordinates correctly to a#oid misunderstandings &hich could

    result in "ad performance at &or+% Secondly, &or+ing in human resource department means

    that ! &ill ha#e to &or+ &ith a lot of people through inter#ie&ing, explaining company

    "enefits, or managing employee relations, therefore, ! need to relate effecti#ely across a range

    of different people, understand them and find out the &ay so that they could express the "est%

    Thirdly, human management is not an easy tas+3 there &ill "e a lot of unexpected pro"lem

    arising% As a result, pro"lem2sol#ing a"ility is essential to "e a good human resource manager%

    2. P0(,7 SWOT A7)((

    *ased on test results and comments from my colleagues as &ell as people ! had chance

    to &or+ &ith, ! could identify that ! ha#e strengths of flexi"ility and Adapta"ility, team&or+ing and interpersonal s+ills% specially, one of my manager said that ! am as prepared as

    most to adapt interpersonal styles across situations% Ho&e#er, in the future, ! need to impro#e

    myself a higher degree of adapta"ility as &ell as interpersonal s+ills if ! &ant to "e successful

    in my targeted career% *esides, my &ea+nesses ha#e "een re#ealed in pro"lem2sol#ing,

    numerical data analy$ing, presenting and communicating information% !n term of pro"lem2

    sol#ing, experience plays an important role "ecause the lin+ "et&een past e#ents and current

    e#ents could help to find out the suita"le solutions% Also, presenting and communicating need

    more practice so that ! could spea+ fluently3 expressed opinions, information and +ey points

    of an argument clearly as &ell as ma+e presentations and underta+e pu"lic spea+ing &ith s+ill

    and confidence% !n addition, ! should ta+e time to do extra &or+ related to num"ers and

    statistics to increase the speed and accuracy of analy$ing% )egarding the la"or mar+et,

    organi$ations are more concerning a"out human resource management and ! ha#e opportunity

    to get a -o" as human resource manager in a "ig company% Ho&e#er, there are a large num"er

    of excellent people in this area3 as a result, ! ha#e to perfect myself &ith human management

    s+ills so that ! am a"le to compete &ell in this career% On the other hand, human resource

    management is a complicated -o" that require a lot of s+ills and experience so it hard for ne&

    graduates to get a -o" in this area% *esides, management is a stressful and pressured, hence, !

    need to "e consistent &ith my career path to o#ercome all the possi"le difficulty%

    4. P0(,7 B0758 58

    ! &as "orn in a city &here ! could &itness changes in the economy% !n the past ! used

    to "e the monitor of the class and got a lot of compliments in controlling class to get good

    achie#ements% ! graduated from *usiness epartment 5 6ottingham Trent !nternational

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    7ollege in 899: and to complete my am"ition to "ecome a human resource manager, !

    continued to study in *usiness epartment of )affle !nternational 7ollege and graduated in

    march 89;8% ! ha#e a passion to communicate &ith as much people as possi"le, and ! am

    interested in studying a"out people, for example, ! &ould li+e to understand the reasons &hy

    people "eha#e li+e that, ho& ! could ma+e them to "e cooperati#e as &ell as pro#ide support

    and sympathy to them% To do that, ! en-oy to spending time &ith other people, moti#ate them

    for the "est performance at &or+% !t is undennia"le that human resource management is a

    complicated -o" that require a lot of s+ills and experience, reagarding my current a"ility, !

    ha#e some strengths of flexi"ility and Adapta"ility, team &or+ing and interpersonal s+ills "ut

    on the other hand, ! ha#e a lot of &ea+ness that ! need to impro#e myself% Ho&e#er, ! "elie#e

    the moti#ation of ma+ing a dream come true &ill help me to do it%

    ! am an am"itious person and ! admire 7Os &ho ha#e "een successful in human

    resource management such as the 7Os of

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    are &ide range of technology products including computer hard&are and soft&are, contents

    and applications, electronic and micro2electronic systems, goods and components%

    Telecommunications facilities consist of telephone lines and &ireless signals &hich allo&

    customers to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information%

    !t is estimated that the total money spent on !T &orld&ide has "een a"out BS C@%D

    trillion =.i+ipedia, 89;@ the num"er could indicate the de#elopment of this industry in &orld

    economy% To +eep pace &ith the gro&th of technology &orld&ide, information technology

    companies ha#e to employ people &ho ha#e a"ility to adapt ne& technology and inno#ate

    current de#ices &ith ne& features% mployees in this industry &ill responsi"le for a large

    num"er of tas+s including, soft&are de#elopment and installation, hard&are and soft&are is

    maintainance, upgrade and replacement, net&or+ administration as &ell as the planning and

    management of technology life cycle% This industry is closely related to other areas includingelectronics, internet, telecom equipment, e2commerce and computer ser#ices% Therefore,

    human resource management department in these organi$ations should "e in charge of

    employing high quality human resource for the company as &ell as finding the method to

    retend excellent people to &or+ for the company in long term% *esides, the information

    technology and telecommunication companies are follo&ing the going glo"al trend to do

    "usiness across "orders% 'or example 'T soft&are has open its "ranch in Japan and to reduce

    the cost, the company &ould li+e to hire people in this country% Therefore, human resource

    management department meets the challenge of ho& to attract local la"or force to &or+ for

    the company%

    )egarding the responsi"ility of human resource management in !nformation

    Technology and telecommunications sector, graduates ha#e #ariety of chances to &or+ as

    human resource manager% Ho&e#er, the requirement for this position is relati#e high

    especially, these organi$ations prioriti$e people &ith lots of experience, as a result, and

    graduates should impro#e themsel#es in human resource management s+ills as &ell as

    +no&ledge a"out !nformation Technology and telecommunications sector%

    b. Advertising and marketing sector

    7ompanies operate in ad#ertising and mar+eting sector &ill ta+e charge of create

    ad#ertising campaigns, implement pu"lic relations campaigns, as &ell as engage in media

    "uying "ased on ad#ertising ser#ices% !n addition, in each organi$ation, there has "een a

    department that is responsi"le for ad#ertising and mar+eting% !t is "elie#ed that ad#ertising

    and mar+eting is a large and di#erse sector, ranging from creati#e agencies to sales

    departments% 6o&adays, ad#ertising and mar+eting acti#ities are more and more recei#ing

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    concern in "usiness performance so ad#ertising and mar+eting is the most important acti#ities

    of "usinesses%

    1ar+eting can "e consider as the science and art in exploring, creating, and deli#ering

    #alue to satisfy the needs of a target mar+et at a profit% =hilip Kotler, >E%

    Therefore, the main roles of mar+eting are identifying unfulfilled needs and desires of

    customers% !n an organi$ation, it measures mar+et si$e as &ell as predicts profit return "efore

    launching products in a ne& mar+et% 1ar+eting helps to identify segments that the company

    could operate to ha#e effecti#e performance%

    Hence, this sector requires creati#e and acti#e human resource &ho could come up

    &ith "right ideas for ad#ertising and mar+eting campaigns% 1oreo#er, the profita"ility of

    indi#idual companies depends on creati#e s+ills% The &or+ing en#ironment should "e suita"le

    for staff to encourage their creati#eness and inno#ations "ecause if employees ha#e to &or+on a stressful and high2 pressure en#ironment, they could not &or+ effecti#ely%

    ue to the fact that the mar+et is greeting more competiti#e, demand for ad#ertising

    and mar+eting ser#ices is increasing especially in manufacturing companies% This also means

    that graduates could get a human resource management career in this industry% Ho&e#er, to

    graduate from "usiness management, the +no&ledge of management is not enough so they

    need to fulfill themsel#es &ith "asic +no&ledge of ad#ertising and mar+eting to understand

    people &or+ing in this industry% The understandings of people could allo& managing

    employees effecti#ely%

    2. T7085 ,087:7, 77)((

    !t is commonly +no& that all types of industry needs human resource management

    "ecause human is an e#ita"le of an organi$ation% Ho&e#er, ! interested in information

    technology and as sho&n in s+ills audit, ! am good at information technology% #en though !

    ma-or in "an+ing and finace at 'T Bni#ersity "ut during the time ! study at this uni#ersity !

    find out that information technology is an interesting and moti#ating industry% Therefore, this

    part of the report &ill focus on analy$ing three +ey organi$ations in !nformation Technology

    and telecommunications industry including 'T, Samsung and my planed "usiness start2up as

    a self2employed person%

    a. FPT

    'T performs in !nformation communication technology% 'or nearly 8D years of

    de#elopment, 'T has al&ays "een the leading !7T company in (ietnam &ith the re#enue of

    more than BS ;%8 "illion ='T, 89;8% !n running "usiness, leaders of 'T "elie#ed that

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    human resource is dominant factor deciding companyFs success% Therefore, 'T stated that

    G'T people respect indi#iduality, inno#ation and team &or+ spirit% The core #alues ha#e

    "een considered as the source of po&er that guides 'T from success to success as &ell as

    creating its uniqueness among other "usinesses% .ith the core #alue all the mem"ers in 'T

    are expected to ta+es full responsi"ility for protecting this spirit% specially, leaders and

    managers of all le#els ta+e responsi"ility of the primary spirit +eepers of the company% They

    are required to "e dedicati#e, exemplary and perspicacious to ensure the sustaina"le and long2

    term de#elopment of 'T% ='T, 89;8

    'T core "usinesses include soft&are outsourcing, soft&are solutions, digital content

    ser#ices, systems integration, Online data ser#ices, distri"ution of Telecom and !T products,

    ial2up ser#ices as &ell as Technology training% The company is aseen as the the leading

    !nformation Technology company in (ietnam &ith more than ;,999 international technologycertificates% =ne&s%com%#n, 89;@

    !n term of human resource management, 'T is facing &ith the shortage in !T human

    resource li+e other !T company% This led to the delay of pro-ects, missing pro-ect, reduction in

    profit and e#en losing mar+et share% Actually, in 89;8, the total re#enue of 'T online had a

    sharp decline in comparison &ith 89;;% !n detail, the total re#enue felt do&n from @;: "illion

    (6 in 89;; to 8;E "illion (6 in 89;8 =reduced @8I% And the same, the profit "efore tax

    had a 4>I fall from >EI in 89;; to 4>I in 89;8 ='T, 89;8% Also in 89;8, 'T had to

    reduce ;E%?I of the planned re#enue and ;DI of the planned profit to ensure that the

    company had enough a"ility to meet the target% There are some main reasons for the shortage

    in !T human resource of 'T% 'irstly, salary in 'T is not competiti#e to other companies%

    Therefore, 'T has to face difficulties in attracting people to &or+ for the company in long

    term% 1any people only consider 'T as a temporary stage to get experience to promote

    further in future% Secondly, (ietnam in general and 'T in particular ha#e a shortage of &ell2

    qualified human resource in !T area% According to the statistics of !T7 ne&s, in (ietnam on

    a#erage, there are ;9%999 graduates in !T areas per year3 ho&e#er, only ;D percent of them are

    qualified% The director of 'T also said that all the ne& staff of 'T is re2trained in @ months

    "efore starting their &or+ =!7T ne&s%

    'T desire to create a an ideal &or+ing en#ironment for all of their employees that

    respect indi#iduality and team spirit as &ell as 'T aims at an open and friendly atmosphere,

    ho&e#er the company currently ha#e to deals &ith human resource management% Therefore,

    leaders of the company ha#e paid more attention to human resource management so that the

    company could attract talented people% The core philosophy in human resource management

    of 'T is suita"le &ith my perspecti#e3 therefore, ! &ould li+e to &or+ as a human resource

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    manager in 'T so that ! could contri"ute to eliminate the shortage in human resources as

    &ell as other human management issues%

    b. Samsung

    Samsung is and lectronics group that pro#ide electronics de#ices and ser#ices

    including Tele#ision, mo"ile phones and computers to customer% (ision of Samsung is stated

    that GSamsung is dedicated to de#eloping inno#ati#e technologies and efficient processes that

    create ne& mar+ets enrich people0s li#es and continue to ma+e Samsung a digital leader%

    *rgani+ation #hiloso#hy in human resource,

    Since its foundation, the company has concentrated on and respect people as Ga

    company is its people% Samsung opened its recruitment system in ;>D?, up to no&, the

    company continuously pay much attention to de#eloping people% 7urrently, Samsungemployee are expected to follo& @ mottos including people &ho challenge the future &ith

    passion and flo&F, people &ho &ill change the &orld "y learning and creati#ityF, and people

    &ho communicate and colla"orate &ith open heartF =hrd%samsung%co%+r, 89;@% *esides, the

    company promotes its human resource de#elopment strategy "ased on three programs

    including sharing Samsung #aluesF, Samsung "usiness leader programF, and Samsung

    glo"al talent programF%

    Samsung-s #erformance,

    2!12 F7*7 H8+8+( ;(,0*$ S7-(8.*,-< 2!12=


    6et Sales 8?4,8?D%E9 84?%D ;:D%;

    Total Assets 4@4,>:D%:9 @:4%@ 8:?%:

    Total Lia"ilities 8D4,@8>%89 884%? ;E:%@

    Total Stoc+holder0s quity ;:9,EDE%E9 ;D>%E ;;>%D

    6et !ncome 89,@;E%@9 ;:%@ ;@%?

    Amounts in billions/

    Samsung leaders "elie#e in that Gtalents create the future, Samsung considers human

    factor as the most important assets and goal, and pro#ides opportunities and en#ironment that

    employees can find fun and happiness in &or+places% Also, Samsung applies S1A)T

    re#olution in the expected &ay of &or+ing among employees including Speed, 1orality,

    Assurance, responsi"ility, and truth% *esides, the company has designed a large num"er of

    programs to facilitate communications among employees and support &or+2life "alance% This

    expressed its attempt to "uild an ideal &or+ing en#ironment &here employees could perform

    their "est capa"ilities at &or+% This orientation in human resource is excellent and ! &ould

    li+e to ha#e chance to -oint hands to ma+e this goal of the company come true%

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    c. !usiness start"u#

    As &hat ! said in my personal "randing, ! admire 7Os &ho could create ideal

    &or+ing en#ironment for their employees li+e 0?005 (*,0/0,

    ! completed my iploma in *usiness in *usiness epartment of 6ottingham Trent

    !nternational 7ollege as &ell as Ad#ance iploma in *an+ing 'inance in )affle

    !nternational 7ollege% 6o&, to achie#e my am"ition in career path, ! ha#e identified myself

    my career plan that consists of short2 term, medium 5term and long2 term goals%

    'irstly, regarding the short2 term goal, ! am studying *an+ing 'inance in 'inance

    epartment 2 'T Bni#ersity% This course &ill pro#ide deeper +no&ledge a"out "usiness

    management in general and finance management as &ell as human resource management in

    particular% ! &ill try to complete my course &ith good result%

    Secondly, in consideration of medium term goals, ! &ill try to impro#e my s+ills in

    management% After completing some psychometric tests ! can reali$e my &ea+nesses and

    strengths as &ell as &hich s+ills a need to impro#e to "e a good human resource manager% 'or

    example, ! &ill ta+e time to do extra &or+ related to num"ers and statistics as &ell as try to "e

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    more careful &hen analy$ing% !n addition, ! &ould read more "oo+s a"out famous and

    successful people a"out the &ay they sol#e pro"lems, storing experience in pro"lem2sol#ing

    in issues related to human resource management% *esides, in the time learning in 'T

    uni#ersity, ! &ill find internship or part2time -o"s that lin+ed &ith human resource

    management so that ! could learn from practical experience as &ell as ma+ing comparison

    "et&een methods to manage people in different organi$ations%

    Thirdly, in long term, ! ac+no&ledge that the competiti#eness in la"or mar+et is

    intensi#e% There ha#e "een a lot of people &ho are more s+illful and ha#e much more

    experience in human resource management than ! am% Therefore, after graduating, ! &ill

    continue to find a -o" in human resource management that might "e the staff in human

    resource department or an assistant of manager, ho&e#er, ! "elie#ed that my experience stored

    in these -o"s &ill "e #ery useful for me to "e employed as a human resource manager% On theother hand, if ! ha#e enough capital to create my o&n "usiness, ! &ill do it and employ myself

    as human resource manager%

    2. L0 ,? 7>>*7, 75 C00*- 7 ?,0 7 07 @7*7*)

    C00*- 7


    D!#$ *& ,"#:;?M9;M;>:E5$)$":female


    P*)$ )/($":9>:> :8 :? :8


    A"$'':6o D, lane ;E4M@;, Hong 1ai Street, Hai *a Trung istrict, Hanoi, (ietnam%


    A self 5 moti#ated, independent and hard&or+ing indi#idual &ith numerous transfera"le s+illsgained throughout Bni#ersity and past &or+ing experience% An enthusiastic, punctual and

    +een to learn employee &ith a Gcan do attitude3 a person &ith high sense of responsi"ility

    and the flexi"ility to adapt to ne& &or+ing en#ironments%


    2812 P"$'$)#: F,)!)$ D$+!"#($)# - FPT U),$"',#0

    BA B!),); F,)!)$

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    S+ill gained continues de#eloped insight +no&ledge and competence in finance and

    "an+ing, accounting, mar+eting, human resource and management as &ell as excellent

    intercultural communication s+ills%

    2889 2812: B/',)$'' D$+!"#($)# - R!&&%$ I)#$")!#,*)!% C*%%$;$

    AD A!)$ D,+%*(! ,) B!),); F,)!)$ 2889: B/',)$'' D$+!"#($)# N*##,);!( T"$)# I)#$")!#,*)!% C*%%$;$

    D,+%*(! ,) B/',)$''

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    )ecei#ed and responded to customer enquiries% 'ace5to 5face or o#er the phone deal

    &ith customers%

    Arrange "oo+ed and ta"le for the restaurant%

    7ollected and handle cash from customers or other colleagues and su"mitted to

    accounting department%

    ADDITION: M!)!;$"

    M0 *) C*&&$$ S*+

    S+ill gained human resource mangement, staff moti#ation "alance &ith profit of the shop%


    7ommunication s+ill

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    See+ and #alue feed"ac+ from customers%

    Language computer s+ill

    'luent in nglish and (ietnamese%




    P*)$ )/($":9>:> :8 :? :8


    A"$'':6o D, lane ;E4M@;, Hong 1ai Street, Hai *a Trung istrict, Hanoi, (ietnam

    ate Septem"er >th, 89;D

    ear SirM madam,

    ! ha#e seen in (ietnam&or+ &e"site in ecem"er that your company is searching for

    Human resource manager% !t is commonly +no&n that your company &or+ing en#ironment is

    an ideal &or+place for people &ho &ould li+e to &or+ on human resource area and ! ha#e

    passion to &or+ on human resource management so ! am &riting to apply for the #acancy of

    human resource manager in your company%

    ! am graduates from *usiness epartment of 6ottingham Trent !nternational 7ollege

    and *usiness epartment of )affle !nternational 7ollege% 1y &or+ experience in operation

    department of (ietnam post and manager in my o&n cofee shop ga#e me experience in human
  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    resource management% 1oreo#er, ! could communicate &ell "y nglish and &hen ta+e part in

    international "usiness communication% All the details you could find in my 7(%

    ! hope that ! could ha#e a chance to &or+ for your company% ! am appreciated if you

    could ta+e my 7( into consideration%

    ! loo+ for&ard to hearing from you soon%

    )espectfully yours,


    3. R?*, , 0@

    0eflection on Intervie1er

    !nter#ie&er &ill responsi"le for ma+ing questions, gi#ing time for inter#ie&ee to

    ans&er, and "ase on ans&er of inter#ie&ee to ma+e assessment% Ho&e#er, to ensure that theinter#ie& could run smoothly and inter#ie&ee could express exactly &hether they could meet

    requirements of the -o", the inter#ie&er should "e a person &ho has lots experience in

    inter#ie&ing% They must +eep in mind the main purpose of the inter#ie& so that they could

    gi#e the suita"le questions to the inter#ie&ee as &ell as consider &hether open or closed

    questions are suita"le for each inter#ie&ee% *esides, inter#ie&er should ha#e a questioning

    strategy prepared &hich means that they could prepare +ey questions "ut they should "e

    flexi"le in the &ay of ma+ing questions to inter#ie&ee% 1oreo#er, inter#ie&er should

    esta"lish an appropriate communication atmosphere for inter#ie& so that inter#ie&ee could

    not "e too stressful during inter#ie&% !n addition, there are many +inds of inter#ie& and

    inter#ie&er should "e prepared for certain +ind of inter#ie&%

    0eflection on intervie1ee

    !nter#ie&ee &ill ha#e ans&er questions from the inter#ie&er% The quality of the

    ans&er &ill decide they could "e employed or not% Therefore, they must "e &ell2prepared

    "efore inter#ie& as &ell as thin+ carefully "efore gi#ing ans&er to each questions%%

    !nter#ie&ee is suggested to "e appearing confident "ecause the first impression is #ery

    important to the employer% *esides, inter#ie&ee should express themsel#es in appropriate &ay

    instead of exaggerating their o&n a"ility as &ell as their +no&ledge% .ell2preparation

    confidence and calmness are essential for them to &in an inter#ie&% !t is ad#ised that

    inter#ie&ee should not -ust ans&er Qes or 6o, in contrast they need to qualify points &here

    appropriate, -ustify #ie&s , as &ell as offer examples if necessary% Also, they should not "e

    o#er2familiar or o#er2formal "ased on the characteristics of the inter#ie&%

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    0eflection on observant

    O"ser#ant &ill ta+e charge of o"ser#ing an inter#ie& and gi#e feed"ac+ on the

    performance of the inter#ie&er% Therefore, the o"ser#ant should "e experienced people &ho

    ha#e a"ility to analy$e the situation to assess the attitude as &ell as the performance of the

    inter#ie&er during the inter#ie&%

    An inter#ie& &or+s "est if the inter#ie&er and inter#ie&ee could co2operate during

    the inter#ie& and the o"ser#er can "e the last person to assess the inter#ie& is effecti#e or


    4. R?*, , ,08 @

    6et&or+ing e#ent is useful in -o" searching acti#ity "ecause net&or+ing e#ent is a

    really #alua"le &ay to expand your +no&ledge and learn from the success of others%

    6et&or+ing e#ent "enefits you &ith a great source of connections, and really opens the doorto tal+ to highly influential people that you &ouldnFt other&ise "e a"le to easily tal+ to or

    find% As a result, if you could perform &ell in a net&or+ing e#ent, you could ha#e more

    chance to get a desired -o"% !t is suggested that in a net&or+ing e#ent, people should net&or+

    &ith purpose and "e prepared as &ell as "e informed%

    ". SMART ?0 *700 >7

    SMART C!"$$" P%!))$"


    O$"!%% ;*!%: Human resource manager

    A#,*) '#$+'




    AR A#aila"le

    6 R 6eeded




    2o1 much

    money time



    S**(( *007

    2o1 1ill I kno1

    once I-ve

    achieved it3


    !y 1hen3





    A +no&ledge of

    human resource


    6 clear plan

    'riends and



    my passion

    and desire

    a"out this


    *e certain to fill in

    registering form to





    registering to


    entrance exam

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    Step 8

    1eeting the



    A iploma in


    6degree in



    teachers 8 years

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12



    1. *ro&n, J% % ;>?@, The 2uman ature of *rgani+ations% 6e& Qor+ BSA%


    2. 'T, 89;8,financial statement 7('7

    3. hrd%samsung%co%+r, 89;@, 208 strategy, a#aila"le from

    httpMMhrd%samsung%co%+rMesu"8@%html Accessed ecem"er ;>th, 89;@

    4. ne&s%com%#n, 89;@, FPT %or#oration a#aila"le from


    corporation%htmlAccessed ecem"er ;>th, 89;@

    ". hilip Kotler, >E% Princi#les of 9arketing% ?th dition%

    ngle&ood 7liffs, 6%J% rentice Hall

    6. Samsung%com, 89;8, Samsung Profile 7('7, a#aila"le fromhttpMM&&&%samsung%comMusMa"outsamsungMsamsunggroupMourperformanceM Accessed

    ecem"er ;>th, 89;@

    &. &i+ipedia, 89;@, Information and communications technology, A#aila"le from

    httpMMen%&i+ipedia%orgM&i+iM!nformationandcommunicationstechnology Accessed

    ecem"er ;>th, 89;@
  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12



    A>>5 1$ T+ W,0 S) %(,70

    S#!#$($)# R!#,); S0(*%

    ;% ! am happiest &hen ! can implement my o&n ideas D !6

    8% ! donFt li+e &or+ing on my o&n 4 SO7

    @% ! am often the one to come up &ith ne& ideas 4 7)

    4% ! li+e paying attention to detail @ )L

    D% ! donFt li+e a predicta"le &or+ routine @ 7)

    E%! &or+ most effecti#ely if there are ample opportunities to share

    ideas &ith colleaguesD 7O

    ?%! li+e to ha#e the freedom to try out ne& ideas, e#en if there is a ris+

    that they may "e unsuccessful4 !6

    :% ! "elie#e that colleagues &ould descri"e me as a relia"le person to&or+ &ith

    4 )L

    >% ! ne#er ha#e trou"le coming up &ith suggestions @ 7)

    ;9% ! li+e ta+ing decisions at &or+ 4 !6'

    ;;%! &or+ most effecti#ely if ! am left to get on &ith my tas+s &ithout

    interference@ !6

    ;8% ! see+ out opportunities to ta+e responsi"ility D A1*

    ;@%Ha#ing good &or+ing relationships &ith my colleagues is #ery

    important to me

    D SO7

    ;4%! am often the one to organi$e an e#ent such as a lea#ing do or an

    office outing4 SO7

    ;D%Ha#ing &or+ &hich offers plenty of opportunities for ad#ancement is

    important to me4 A1*

    ;E% ! am al&ays prepared to try a ne& approach 4 7)

    ;?% ! encourage other people to contri"ute suggestions and ideas D 7O

    ;:% ! disli+e ha#ing to complete tas+s in a hurry @ )L

    ;>% *eing respected "y colleagues is #ery important to me @ )

    89%! expect my o&n efforts to "e re&arded financially or &ith

    promotion4 A1*

    8;% ! find it difficult to deal &ith confrontations at &or+ 8 B7

    88% ! &or+ hard and ! expect to gain promotion rapidly @ A1*

    8@%!t really matter to me that family, friends and colleagues #alue the

    -o" ! do and the progress ! ma+e@ A1*

    84% ! only thri#e if my &or+ is frequently praised 8 B7

    8D% ! get a lot of satisfaction from persuading someone to see a pro"lemfrom my point of #ie& 5 ! li+e &inning an argument

    4 !6'

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    8E% ! listen carefully to &hat others are saying D 7O

    8?%! donFt usually offer an opinion at &or+ unless it is deli"erately

    sought8 B7

    8:% ! can usually moti#ate other people "y enthusiastic myself 4 !6'

    8>% ! pay great attention to details li+e punctuality and time +eeping 4 )L

    @9% ! find it difficult to accept criticism ; B7

    @;%! thri#e on change and on "eing as+ed to do something ne& or get a

    pro-ect started4 7)

    @8% ! shall only "e happy &hen ! get to the top of my chosen profession @ A1*

    @@% ! li+e follo&ing things up and researching information @ (A

    @4%#en &hen &or+ing in a team, ! still li+e to ha#e the ultimate

    responsi"ility for decisions4 !6

    @D% ! thin+ ! can easily spot and ta+e ad#antage of ne& opportunities 4 7)@E% ! donFt mind "eing unpopular if it leads to good results D 7T

    @?%! can often persuade people to do something in a different &ay from

    the tried and tested4 !6'

    @:% ! thin+ colleagues might sometimes #ie& me as rather forceful @ 7T

    @>% ! do not ma+e careless mista+es &ith my &or+ @ )L

    49% ! "elie#e people are moti#ated "y feeling encouraged 4 7O

    4;% ! am pro"a"ly a "it of a perfectionist 4 7T

    48% ! can influence the decision ma+ing process effecti#ely, e#en &hen !donFt ta+e the decision myself

    D !6'

    4@%! en-oy analysing pro"lems and situations and loo+ing at all the

    optionsD (A

    44% ! li+e "eing gi#en difficult tas+s, ! see them as a challenge D (A)

    4D% ! do tend to get "ored easily and then my attention to detail may slip @ (A)

    4E% ! often find that colleagues confide in me @ SO7

    4?% ! li+e &or+ing to targets, "ut ! li+e to set them myself 4 !6

    4:% ! find ! settle into a ne& -o" quic+ly and easily @ (A)

    4>%! &ill sometimes gi#e in e#en if ! donFt agree -ust to a#oid falling out

    &ith people; B7

    D9% ! ne#er put off difficult tas+s 5 ! li+e to deal &ith them straight a&ay 4 )

    D;%! en-oy those &or+ing days &here you -ust ne#er +no& &hat is going

    to happen next4 (A)

    D8%To me the "est part of &or+ is forming good relationships &ith

    customers and colleagues4 7O

    D@% ! ta+e ad#antage of any training opportunities that are on offer 4 ) D4% ! en-oy seeing other staff de#elop and impro#e D 7O

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    DD%!f ! am ha#ing a pro"lem &ith a colleague ! try to address it straight

    a&ay, rather than letting a pro"lem "uild upD SO7

    DE% ! ne#er find myself doing things at the last minute @ 7T

    D?% !f ! ha#e got a pro"lem &ith something ! donFt mind admitting it 4 )

    D:% ! am prepared to &or+ hard to see something though @ )

    D>% ! thin+ regular appraisals at &or+ are #ery important 4 7T

    E9% ! +eep pretty calm in a crisis D )L

    E;% ! #ie& &or+ as the most important part of my life 4 A1*

    E8% ! could ne#er stay in a -o" &here ! felt "ored @ (A)

    E@% ! need to "e a"le to use my professional +no&ledge and s+ills D )

    E4% ! li+e integrating and managing the efforts of others 4 !6'

    ED% ! need to see the results of my &or+ 4 (A

    EE% ! cope &ell &ith constantly changing demands @ (A)

    E?% ! plan a -o" carefully "efore ! ma+e a start 4 (A

    E:% The idea of routine really depresses me @ (A)

    E>% ! really en-oy gathering information and data @ (A

    ?9% !f ! say ! &ill do something, then ! do it 4 )L

    ?;% ! ta+e opportunities to train and teach other mem"ers of staff @ !6'

    ?8% ! often sociali$e &ith colleagues outside &or+ing hours D SO7

    ?@% ! really hate it if ! upset some"ody at &or+ @ B7

    ?4%! "elie#e people &or+ most effecti#ely if they are told exactly &hat

    to doD 7T

    ?D%! try hard to encourage quiet colleagues to contri"ute to discussions

    and meetings4 7O

    ?E% ! am usually the first to arri#e and the last to lea#e @ 7T

    ??%! prefer the idea of "ecoming a specialist to that of "ecoming a

    general manager@ )

    ?:% ! really need to ta+e responsi"ility for organi$ing my o&n &or+load @ !6

    ?>% ! li+e to ha#e all the stages of a pro-ect clearly mapped out 4 (A

    :9%! &ould really rather run my o&n "usiness than &or+ for someone

    else4 !6

    :;%! &ill often chec+ out my ideas &ith a colleague "efore ! raise them

    &ith a larger group4 B7

    :8%! "elie#e that time spent thin+ing "efore ta+ing action is time #ery

    &ell spent4 (A


    ! really en-oy stri+ing up ne& relationships &ith customers and

    clients D SO7:4% ! sometimes come up &ith unusual suggestions and ! donFt mind 4 7)

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    "eing laughed at, if is helps people try a ne& approach

    =; R strongly disagree3 8 R disagree3 @ R neither agree nor disagree3 4 R agree3 and D R

    strongly agree%

    S0(*% S*"$

    A1* 8E

    7) 8E

    7O @8

    7T 8?

    (A 8?

    !6 8?

    !6' 8:

    ) 88

    )L 8E

    SO7 @;

    B7 ;D

    (A) 8:

    A>>5 2$ P()*+,-0* T(( R((

    ?$)$$ O)%,)$ T$'# R$'/%#':

    All questions completed &ith the time limit


    (er"al )easoning A#erage =DEI

    6umerical )easoning A"o#e A#erage =E>I

    A#erage le#el in "oth (er"al reasoning and numerical )easoning

    J/); T0+*%*;0 T$'# R$'/%#':

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    SHL P$"'*)!%,#0 T$'# R$'/%#':

    A"$! C*(+$#$)0C*(+$#$)0


    Leading and eciding D$,,); !) I),#,!#,); A#,*)

    Supporting and 7o2operating *",); ,# P$*+%$

    !nteracting and resenting P"$'$)#,); !) C*((/),!#,); I)&*"(!#,*)

    Analysing and !nterpreting A)!%0',);

    7reating and 7onceptualising C"$!#,); !) I))*!#,);

    Organising and xecuting P%!)),); !) O";!),',);

    Adapting and 7oping A!+#,); !) R$'+*),); #* C!);$

    nterprising and erforming A,$,); P$"'*)!% *" 5*!%' !) O$#,$'

    C*(+$#$)0 "!#,); $0

    otential area of strength

    Some potential scope for de#elopment

    otential de#elopment need

    P"*'+$#/' P%!))$" R$'/%#':

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    A>>5 3$ T07(?07 S( A5




    !''$''($)# *&

    /""$)# %$$%

    *& #,' ',%%

    E,$)$ &*" !''$''($)#


    A#,*) P%!): H* !) 0*/

    &/"#$" $$%*+ #,' ',%% ,) #$

    )$# 6 #* > (*)#'



    1edium 1y score in &ritten

    assignment is not high, -ust

    a"out ?

    ractice more in &riting and try

    to impro#e &riting s+ill "ase on

    tutorFs comments



    1edium ! &as commented that ! loo+

    quite ner#ous &hen deli#ering


    Ta+e part in more presentations

    to practice to spea+ to a large

    num"er of people

    A>>*7, ,?


    Lo& ! find difficulties &hen

    dealing &ith numericalinformation and often ma+e


    Ta+e time to do extra &or+

    related to num"ers and statistics%Try to "e more careful%



    xcellent ! am good at 1icrosoft office

    and got an excellent degree in

    1icrosoft office course

    *e updated &ith ne& technology

    to ta+e ad#antage of them

    P0(7,( 1edium ! am not confident &hen

    spea+ing in front of different

    audiences and not flexi"le in

    dealing &ith questions

    ractice to spea+ to a large

    num"er of people3 predict

    possi"le questions "efore each




    xcellent ! could communicate &ell

    &ith &ide range of people in

    different cultures

    )ead more "oo+s a"out

    differences in cultures

    T7- ,08 xcellent ! &as said to "e cooperati#e

    &hen &or+ing in group%

    )ead "oo+s a"out people

    characteristics and ho& to

    engage people to complete a

    common goal



    1edium ! sometimes meet trou"le

    &hen negotiate &ith peoples

    Learn ho& to persuade people to

    get &in2&in negotiations



    xcellent ! am good at analysing,

    presenting and disseminating

    a large amount of information

    ractice the a"ility to read fast

    and got the right and important


    P0,-(,@8 1edium !t ta+e me a lot of time to find

    the solutions for a

    complicated issues

    )ead a"out famous and

    successful people a"out the &ay

    they sol#e pro"lems, storing

    experience in pro"lem2sol#ing

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    D78 +


    xcellent ! ne#er miss a deadline Set order and priority to certain

    tas+s carefully

    L750(+> 1edium ! ha#e a"ility pro#iding

    direction, "ut ! am not good at

    moti#ating others

    Self2 study a"out the methods to

    moti#ate people

    F) 75


    xcellent ! feel &or+ing in fast2

    changing en#ironment li+e

    exciting challenges

    ! &ill apply for internship or part

    time -o"s in different company

    to impro#e my adapta"ility

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    A>>5 4$ SWOT 77)((


    .hat are my +ey strengths as an employee

    and a person/

    'lexi"ility and Adapta"ility

    Team &or+ing%

    !nterpersonal s+ills%

    ealing &ith deadline

    !nformation technology


    .hat are my +ey &ea+nesses as an employee

    and a person/


    Spo+en communication%


    6egotiation s+ills%


    .hat are the +ey opportunities for my

    career de#elopment/

    )equirement of la"or mar+et%


    .hat are the +ey threats to my career


    competition among graduates P

    stress and pressure

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    A>>5 "$ ', @7*7*)

    HR M!)!;$"

    S!('/); E%$#"*),' V,$#)!(

    Qen hong ! !ndustrial one, Qen Trung, Qen hong, *ac 6inh%

    Samsung lectronics (ietnam 7o,%Ltd =S( located in Qen hong ! !ndustrial, Qen

    hong istrict, *ac 6inh ro#ince &ith total area of ;99 hecta is a mem"er of Samsung

    7orporation% S( is speciali$ing in manufacturing mo"ile handsets and other hi2tech

    electronics de#ices &ith a"out @4,999 employees% S( is A

  • 8/11/2019 CareerManagement Sa 27-12


    V nsures accurate and timely management of payroll, "enefits and tax related


    V 1anage #endors and other sta+eholders &ith regards to timely and quality H)


    V 1anaging other operational support functions li+e recruitment, on2"oarding,

    termination acti#ities, international mo"ility etc and ensuring ris+ control measures are in

    place under these functions

    V ro#ide timely and effecti#e H) ad#ise to production on long and short term


    V e#elop people plan and strategy and implement it across different functions

    V Support production and functions "y pro#iding tools, process and policies in regard

    to talent management, compensation re&ards, employment regulations, recruitment andperformance management

    J* "$/,"$($)#

    V ost

top related