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Career Sites User Guide

May 2, 2014

Version 1

Talemetry Careers Sites User Guide 1.866.485.9259 1

Table of Contents About this Document ..................................................................... 4

Document Version .................................................................................................... 4

Document Overview ................................................................................................. 4

Designing the Career Site ............................................................... 5

Implementing Basic Design ....................................................................................... 5

Header Image ............................................................................................................. 5

Background Image ...................................................................................................... 6

Selecting Colors .......................................................................................................... 6

Limitations ................................................................................................................. 6

Implementing Advanced Design ................................................................................ 6

Layouts / default ........................................................................................................ 7

Stylesheets / theme.css .............................................................................................. 9

Templates ................................................................................................................ 10

Javascript / theme.js ................................................................................................ 10

Asset Management .................................................................................................. 10

Adapting an Advanced Design to an Existing Site ..................................................... 11

Creating Robust Designs ........................................................................................... 12

Theme.css Elements and Descriptions ...................................................................... 12

Selecting the Career Site’s Features ......................................................................... 15

Managing the Career Site’s Content ......................................................................... 16

Talemetry Careers Sites User Guide 1.866.485.9259 2

Jobs.......................................................................................................................... 17

Pages ....................................................................................................................... 17

Locations.................................................................................................................. 18

Blog ......................................................................................................................... 19

People ...................................................................................................................... 19

Polls ......................................................................................................................... 21

Hiring Plans .............................................................................................................. 22

Questions & Answers ............................................................................................... 22

Web Presence .......................................................................................................... 22

News ........................................................................................................................ 22

Comments ............................................................................................................... 23

WYSIWYG Editor (What You See Is What You Get Editor) ......................................... 23

Managing Media ...................................................................................................... 23

Setting up a Career Site’s Layout and Adding Widgets .............................................. 24

Adding Widgets to a Career Site ............................................................................... 25

Configuring Widgets ................................................................................................. 26

Job Widgets ............................................................................................................. 27

Jobs .......................................................................................................................... 27

Single Job ................................................................................................................. 27

Job Search ................................................................................................................ 28

Job Categories .......................................................................................................... 28

Creating Search Results pages and navigation .......................................................... 28

Web Presence widgets ............................................................................................. 30

Media widgets ......................................................................................................... 31

Photos ...................................................................................................................... 31

Single Photo ............................................................................................................. 32

Talemetry Careers Sites User Guide 1.866.485.9259 3

Video ........................................................................................................................ 32

Subscription widget .................................................................................................. 32

Analytics .................................................................................................................. 33

Basic Information ..................................................................................................... 34

Traffic Sources .......................................................................................................... 35

Links ......................................................................................................................... 35

Searches ................................................................................................................... 35

Locale ....................................................................................................................... 36

Content .................................................................................................................... 36

Talemetry Careers Sites User Guide 1.866.485.9259 4

About this Document

Document Version

V1.0 Friday, May 2, 2014

Document Overview

The following document is a comprehensive User Guide for the Careers Site product. The User Guide

focuses primarily on how to build and manage a site. In most cases when you’re working with Careers Sites,

your site (or sites) will already have been built, with a design and basic content. In that case, the key is to

understand how to manage your career site(s) going forward.

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Designing the Career Site

Generally once a site is designed it requires very little in terms of design updates. The design will only change if

the company’s branding changes, in which case it’s important to match that new branding on the career sites.

There are two Theme (or Design) Modes: Basic and Advanced. Changing a basic design does not require any

knowledge of design, HTML/CSS or programming. It’s as easy as clicking on colors and uploading images.

Changing an advanced design is more complicated, and typically requires some basic knowledge of web design

and programming.

Implementing Basic Design

Under Design in the navigation, you’ll see whether the site is in Basic or Advanced mode. If it’s in Basic mode,

click Basic Design Editor to update the design. Here’s a screenshot of the Basic Design Editor:

Header Image

Select a header image that will go across the career site. Click the icon to the right of the text “Header Image”.

You can use the logo image (if you uploaded one in the Basic Information), or upload another image file. The

Talemetry Careers Sites User Guide 1.866.485.9259 6

optimal width for the image is 950px. There’s no specific height required, but it’s suggested that you keep it at

150px or below. Accepted file types include: JPG, GIF and PNG.

Background Image

Click on the icon to the right of the text “Background Image” in order to upload a background image file. You can

tile the image horizontally, vertically, in both directions or not at all. Accepted file types include: JPG, GIF and


Selecting Colors

The rest of the selections allow you to pick colors for various elements of the site. For example, you can select the

background color, content color, text color, link color, etc. Select a specific color for an element by clicking on the

color wheel icon. You will see the colors change immediately in the sample career site on the right-hand side.

This will give you an idea of what the colors will look like on the live site.


While in Basic Mode, it is not possible to do further styling. For example, it’s not possible to change font types or


Implementing Advanced Design

Under Design in the navigation, you’ll see whether the site is in Basic or Advanced mode. If it’s in advanced

mode, click advanced template editor to update the design.

Advanced Mode allows you to have much more control over the career site's HTML and CSS, thus making

advanced designs possible. These instructions assume you have a fair understanding of HTML and CSS.

The Template Editor allows you to edit HTML, CSS, as well as JavaScript files.

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Layouts / default

The file that holds it all together is the default file, listed under "Layouts". It's an HTML file with special markup

that allows the system to dynamically add scripts and content to a page:

{% careersites_required_title %}

Optional. This is the generated page title. It should be placed inside the <title> tag. The output of this tag is hard-

coded, but it's optimized for SEO and looks like this:

<title>Automation Test Engineer, Jobs in Vancouver, BC - Jobs at Acme</title>

The system automatically generates a Page Title for every page on the site.

{% careersites_required_head_tags %}

Required. This contains CSS meta tags and scripts required for the page. It must be placed within the very end of

the <head> tag. The output of this tag looks something like this:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />

<meta name="description" content="Description is here" />

<meta name="keywords" content="keywords are here" />

Talemetry Careers Sites User Guide 1.866.485.9259 8

<link href="" media="screen"

rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<link href=""

media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

The Meta Description and Meta Keywords are generated from the Site Information that is input in Career Site-

>Configuration->Site Information.

{{ template.permalink }}

Optional. This contains a page's unique identifier allowing for greater CSS control and specificity. It should be

applied to the ID in the <body> tag. For instance, the <body> tag for the "About Us" page may look like this:

<body id="pagesabout-us">

{% careersite_required_header %}

Required. This contains UI when previewing the career site. It must be placed within the very beginning of the

<body> tag.

{{ root_url }}

Optional. This contains the URL of the career site and can be applied to any HREF in an <a> tag.

{{ employer.site_name }}

Optional. This contains the career site's name as defined in Configuration->Site Information.

{{ employer.site_tagline }}

Optional. This contains the career site's tagline as defined in Configuration->Site Information.

{{ template_content }}

Required. This contains the main content of any given career site page, except for the career site homepage.

{% widget_region one %}, {% widget_region two %}, {% widget_region three %}

Required. This contains widgets for their respective regions as defined in Layouts. {% widget_region one %}

should be placed right after {{ template_content }}. There has to be one, two, or three regions. There cannot be

more than three regions.

{% standoutjobs_required_footer %}

Required. This contains analytics-related. It should be placed before the end of the <body> tag. The output of this

tag may look like this:

<noscript><img height="1" width="1" src="

Talemetry Careers Sites User Guide 1.866.485.9259 9

db38.gif" alt="stats" /></noscript>

Regions are parts of a design in which widgets may appear. You may use up to three regions, which you can

place anywhere within the default file:

<div class="container">

<div class="sidebar">

{% widget_region two %}



<div class="main">

{{ template_content }}

{% widget_region one %}


<div class="sidebar">

{% widget_region three %}




Stylesheets / theme.css

The file that styles everything is the theme.css file, listed under "Stylesheets". It's a CSS file that at first contains

all the basic styling for all elements, which you can edit to suit the style of your career site.

It is important to note that a backup of this file exists and is loaded before theme.css:

<link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet"

type="text/css" />

<link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

As the file name implies, the advanced_theme_scaffold.css acts as scaffold onto which your design can be

built. Sometimes it will be necessary to use theme.css to overwrite the design rules established in

advanced_theme_scaffold.css. The file advanced_theme_scaffold.css cannot be edited. It's a

duplicate of theme.css and is there is a backup in case things are edited incorrectly in theme.css. For

example, if you deleted everything in theme.css the career site would still look OK because of

advanced_theme_scaffold.css. You change the design of a career site by editing theme.css; but it's

Talemetry Careers Sites User Guide 1.866.485.9259 10

recommended that you overwrite and change the design rules versus delete elements completely (since

advanced_theme_scaffold.css remains.)


These files allow you to customize the HTML of the main content of individual pages on the career site, such as

"comments", "home", "job", "people", etc.

Javascript / theme.js

There are instances where you would want to add your own bits of Javascript into the <head>. The theme.js

option makes this possible.

Asset Management

Advanced Mode makes it possible to upload, store and use assets such as images or documents. For example,

a stock image can be uploaded as an asset and then referred to in a jobs page:

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To access the Asset Management page, go to Design->Advanced asset manager or click Browse

Assets. Assets can be added or deleted. You can upload images and documents, but in truth all file types are

supported (up to 30 MB) when you upload them as a document.

Once the asset is added, it appears on the Manage Assets page and you can see a URL of where it's stored

online. This URL can be used anywhere within your Template Editor or within any content of the career site

where HTML is supported.

Adapting an Advanced Design to an Existing Site

Copying an existing website (ex. Your corporate website) is possible. The bulk of the work is done by creating the

right default file. The overall idea is to copy and adapt a suitable page from your website in order for it to

display the content from your career site:

Go to the existing site and find a page that has a layout that's suitable for the career site.

View the page's source and copy it into the default file via the Template Editor. Replace everything in the

default file. It would be a good idea to keep a local copy of the original default file for reference and


Save the default file and continue to edit.

Make sure all references and sources include the original website's URL.

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For instance:

A link to /products/index.html should become

An image at /images/spacer.gif should become

If possible, strip all manner of scripts, CSS, and meta tags that you don't think will be useful for preserving the

look and feel of the original website.

If possible, strip all manner of content while preserving the layout of the page and thus the regions for the main

and secondary content.

Next, add some template tags:

Replace the contents of the <title> tag with {% careersite_required_title %}.

Add {% careersite_required_head_tags %} before the end of the <head> tag.

Add {% careersite_required_header %} right after the beginning of the <body> tag.

In the main content region, add the {{ template_content }} and {% widget_region one %} tags.

In the secondary content region(s), add {% widget_region two %} and/or {% widget_region three %} accordingly.

Add {% careersite_required_footer %} before the end of the <body> tag.

For other tags, refer to the Layouts / default section of this document.

Once this file has been set up, you can edit the theme.css file to style the career site.

Creating Robust Designs

Referencing your website's resources in the template is a simple way to get started on a career site design, but

it's far from robust. These references can break if your own website undergoes modifications. For example, your

career site template may suddenly refer to a CSS file that no longer exists on your website.

To get around this problem, use the Template Assets feature to store copies of these files as template assets and

use each asset's URL as its reference or source instead of referring to the original website URL (see Step 4 of

Adapting an Advanced Design to an Existing Site). This way, instead of referring to a file that may or may not

exist on the original website, the template will refer to an actual template asset.

Theme.css Elements and Descriptions

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Below are descriptions of several theme.css elements.

div.block {} defines the style of widgets.

div.block.* {} defines the style of various widgets. For example, {} defines the style of the Jobs


div.block div.media_attached {} defines the style of all media that is attached to widget content.

div.block {} defines the style of media appearing in the Photos widget.

div.master_view {} defines the style of all Master View pages. Master View pages are pages that list links to

content. For example, the Jobs page is a Master View page.

div.master_view {} defines the style of media attached to listed items in the master view.

div#*.master_view {} defines the style of various Master View pages. For example,

div#jobs.master_view {} defines the style of the Jobs page.

div.detail_view {} defines the style of all Detail View pages. Detail View pages are pages that display

content. For example, the Job pages are Detail View pages.

div.detail_view {} defines the style of the media attached to the page's content.

div#*.detail_view {} defines the style of various Detail View pages. For example,

div#jobs.detail_view {} defines the style of all Job pages.

ul.affiliations {} defines the style of all affiliations that are listed next to People:

#lightbox {} defines the style of the lightboxes used to view enlarged images:

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Selecting the Career Site’s Features

With a design in place, it’s time to pick the Features to use on the site. To start, go to Features. This displays an

inventory of the Features available. A screenshot is provided below:

The list of Features includes:

Social Network Updates: For updating LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter when new jobs or other updates are made.

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Jobs: For posting and listing jobs

Pages: For any type of content (such as About Us)

Locations: For listing all locations

Blog: For writing and publishing blog posts

News: For publishing or importing news about your company

Web Presence: For listing web-information as Web site, Twitter, Facebook accounts

Perks: For listing perks / benefits

Hiring Plans: For publishing your upcoming hiring plans

People: For highlighting employees

Polls: For publishing polls

Questions & Answers: For providing content in a Q&A format

A fuller explanation of each feature is provided below.

Several of the features are Locked and always available, including Jobs, Pages and Locations. This does not

mean that you have to use these features, only that you cannot turn them off from this page.

To turn something on or off, simply click the “On/Off” slider. Once a feature is enabled you can place the feature

onto the career site. When a feature is disabled, it’s automatically removed from the career site, but the content of

the feature is not deleted.

Note: This functionality is exactly the same whether you’re in Basic Mode or Advanced Mode.

Managing the Career Site’s Content

To manage content for your career site go to the Content section. It will list the available features that you can

manage content for.

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Click on the Feature name to get started. We’ll use the Perks feature as an example.

Most content management is as simple as this – with the ability to add, edit and delete content. In some cases,

such as Perks, it’s possible to sort the list by clicking on the up and down arrows. You can also click on the title

(or name) of an item to edit it.

Once content is deleted it’s gone, so be careful!

Note: This functionality is exactly the same whether you’re in Basic Mode or Advanced Mode.


Jobs are the focal point of all career sites. In most cases jobs will be pulled from an applicant tracking system

(ATS) using a job feed, and very little if any management of jobs has to take place in Connect.

Every job has a “Job Status”. The options include: Draft, Active and Archived. A draft job is one that has not yet

been published and made public on a career site. Once a job is published and live on the career site, its status is

changed to Active. Jobs can then be archived. Archived jobs will still appear on career sites but candidates

cannot apply to these jobs. This is done for SEO purposes, so that more job content remains on a career site for a

longer period of time. Archived jobs are not searchable (through the career site’s Job Search widget) and do not

appear in any active list, so they can be hidden from people visiting a career site and browsing around.


Pages are used for any type of content you want to publish on a career site. When a site is first created it comes

with two examples – About Us and Five Reasons to Work Here. Other typical pages that customers create

include: Corporate Mission, Employment Guidelines and Company Overview.

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Pages can be added, edited and deleted. It’s also possible to enable comments on pages, so site visitors can

leave comments about the content. A screenshot below shows the Create New Page feature:

Pages only require a Title and Content. You can also associate photos, videos and audio to a page.


Locations are associated with job postings. You can add as many locations as necessary. Locations can be

added, edited and deleted. But it will not be possible to delete a location if it’s in use on a job posting. Here’s a

screenshot of the Manage Locations page:

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One location must be set as the default. When editing a location it’s not possible to change the Locality (city),

Region Name (state/province), Country or Zip Code. This is because the location data may be associated with job

listings that have been distributed and should not be changed.

Here is a screenshot for adding a new location:

The Country and Zip Code (or Postal Code) are required for the United States and Canada. For other countries

there may also be a Locality field that is required. The remaining fields are not. However, if you do not input an

accurate/detailed location, it will not appear correctly in the Location widget on the career site, which displays a

Google Map. When you input the zip code, the system will look for the appropriate city and state, which you then

must select. This information is pulled from the US Postal Service and Canada Post.


The blog feature allows you to add, edit and delete blog posts. Blog posts can contain any content, and have

some limited HTML formatting. You can also automatically import 1 blog feed (RSS) from elsewhere, which will

publish posts as they’re published on the other blog. If you’re importing blog posts, you can still write new blog

posts through the system. And you can edit or delete blog posts that are imported. You can also enable

comments on blog posts.

A blog post needs a Title and Content. You can associate photos, videos and audio to a blog post as well.


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The people widget allows you to display individuals within your organization. This can be used to highlight key

personnel, recruiters, or to highlight individual employees – and need not correspond to any account users.

People can be added, edited or deleted.

Here’s a screenshot of the Manage People feature:

The list can be sorted by using the up and down arrows. This will affect how the people are displayed on the

career site.

Here’s a screenshot for adding a new person:

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You must input a Name and Position for the person. You can also include a description, and a number of links

and social media profile usernames. These include: blog URL, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, etc. The goal

is to make the person as accessible as possible to potential job seekers and candidates. You can also upload a

photo for the user.


Polls can be added, edited or deleted. Polls can be about anything.

Each poll shows a question, the top choice (from respondents), the total number of votes, the status (open or

closed) and the created date. Only one poll can be open at any given time. So, when a new poll is created, it

automatically closes the older poll. Deleting the new poll automatically re-opens the older one.

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When a person votes, the system makes it difficult (though not impossible) for that person to vote a second time

by storing a cookie on their computer. This is to help keep your results authentic.

Hiring Plans

Use this widget to inform site visitors about your expected hiring plans in the future. This is a good way of letting

people know what types of people you’re looking for, even if there are no immediate job openings of relevance.

Questions & Answers

Use this widget to display Q&A style content. The questions are not open to site visitors to supply. These are

questions that you would write, and answer to provide the content in this format. You can add, edit and delete

questions & answers.

Web Presence

Use this widget to display a list of relevant websites and social media profiles for the company. You can include:

URL, Email, Twitter username, LinkedIn Name and Facebook Page. None of these are required. A screenshot is



The news feature allows you to import 1 RSS feed or manually input news.

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Comments are managed in Content->Comments. This assumes you’ve enabled comments on job postings,

pages and or blog posts. All comments are immediately put into moderation. You can approve, delete or report a

comment as spam. Here’s a screenshot:

The commenting system has built-in spam control to minimize the amount of bad comments that appear for


WYSIWYG Editor (What You See Is What You Get Editor)

When creating/editing a job or a page, you’ll use the WYSIWYG editor to manage the text.

Click the “Source” button to switch to the HTML source code view. NOTE: When adding HTML tags, please be

aware that the tags allowed are: span, br, p, a, b, em, i, ol, ul, li (this reminder is also displayed below the


Click the “Source” button again to switch back to the design view. Use the Editor’s buttons along the top to

modify your text:

Bold, Italicize, Underline, Insert Bullets, Change the Justification, Change the color, Insert/Edit Hyperlink, Remove

Hyperlink, Undo, and Redo.

Managing Media

Media includes photos, videos and audio files. You can manage media files in the Media Library.

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Photo file formats accepted include JPG, PNG and GIF. Once uploaded these photos can be attached to other

features (such as Jobs, Pages, etc.) or by using the Photo widget.

Audio files (mp3) can also be uploaded and attached to supported features, such as Jobs, Pages, etc.

Videos that are already uploaded to a supported online service (YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, Metacafe and

can be added to your career site using the video’s URL.

Setting up a Career Site’s Layout and Adding Widgets

Start by clicking Layout in the navigation. This brings you to the Layout section where you can place content and

features on the career site. We call these Widgets.

If you’re in Basic Design mode you’ll be able to automatically change the site’s layout. There are four choices:

Click on any of them to change the layout of your site. Here’s an example:

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If you’re in Advanced Design mode then you’ve already manually edited the layout of your site through the

CSS/HTML code. In this case the preview of the Layout page will show 3 columns (with Region 1, Region 2 and

Region 3), but the preview layout may not be representative of how you coded it. That’s fine; when you place

widgets in Region 1 it will display those widgets properly on the site, wherever you put Region 1 in the CSS/HTML


Adding Widgets to a Career Site

You’re now ready to position widgets on the career site. This is the point where you’re “building” the career site,

by deciding which features will go where.

The Features you’ve enabled will determine the list of available widgets. If a widget is grayed out that means it’s

not available. Widgets that are available can be dragged into one of the regions. Click on the widget and drag it

into position. Once it appears in a region, you can move it up or down within that region or move it to another


You can remove a widget from the career site by dragging it to the box at the bottom of the widget list. Note: This

will not delete the content of the feature; only remove the widget from the site itself.

The pulldown menu that appears above the representation of the career site allows you to define the widget

placement for sub-pages. Initially it starts on the Home Page, but click the pulldown and you’ll see the other

available sub-pages. When you select a sub-page (example: Jobs List) it will allow you to place widgets on that

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specific page. To simplify this process, each sub-page automatically takes on the widgets of its parent page. For

example, the Jobs List page takes on the widgets of the Home Page, and the Single Job Post page takes on the

widgets of the Jobs List page. A screenshot is below:

In this scenario, the checkbox next to the pulldown is checked on. Un-checking the box will not remove all the

widgets, but will allow you to move things around.

Being able to define the widget placement for these sub-pages allows you to completely customize your site. The

one limitation with Basic Mode however, is that only page categories can be defined. This means that widgets

placed on the “Single Job” sub-page for example, will be displayed on every Single Job page. Every job posting

will have the same layout. Customization of each individual page is possible in Advanced Mode.

Configuring Widgets

Each widget that you place on a career site has a wheel icon. You can configure the widget by clicking on this

icon. Here’s an example screenshot:

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In most cases you’re able to change the name of the widget and the excerpt size to be displayed. If you set the

excerpt size to full, it will no longer show a “Read More” link at the bottom of the content of that widget on the

career site.

Job Widgets

There are 4 job-related widgets available:


This displays a list of jobs. It’s sorted based on whatever sorting options you selected. You can define how many

jobs to display and whether to display them in a table format, or a list format. With list format, you can define the

size of the excerpts to be displayed.

Single Job

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This displays a single job. When using this widget you need to pick which job to display. This can be used to

highlight a specific job as more important.

Job Search

This displays a search box that people can use to search for jobs. It accepts basic Boolean strings and returns

results in a similar format to the Jobs List. Fields that can be searched include: Job Title, Job Description,

Location, Job Category, Tags, Country

Job Categories

This displays a list of the job categories in use along with the number of active jobs in each category. It’s a useful

navigation tool for site visitors that want to jump into a specific group of jobs. It displays jobs in the same format

as the Jobs List.

Creating Search Results pages and navigation

You can create a page and/or links based around a search result as a way of providing visitors with commonly

searched for content that is highly visible on your site (e.g. Jobs by Location, Jobs with specific tags, etc.)

The default “Job Categories” widget has already been done for you. When placed on the career site, the widget

appears as a page with hyperlinks to Jobs based on categories. Here’s a screenshot:

To create similar widgets or links based on other search results, you would first perform the desired search

yourself, either by:

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Typing your query into the Job Search feature on your career site, OR

Clicking on any of the existing Job hyperlinks on your site, such as Location, or tags (see screenshot below for a

Location link example).

In this example, clicking the San Jose location will bring up the Search Results page with the URL Jose. Copy the last portion of the URL after the domain. In this example, it

would be /jobs/in/CA/San Jose

Create or Edit a page to add a hyperlink with /jobs/in/CA/San Jose as your URL. The necessary first portion of

your URL will be filled in automatically by the system. Here’s an example of a page widget being used to display

jobs based on their Location:

Here’s an example of a hyperlink being added to an existing page:

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Web Presence widgets

The Web Presence feature allows for a couple different widgets. The first is the Web Presence widget, which

displays a list of the items you submitted. Here’s an example:

For most of the items it will link to the URL provided (such as URL, Twitter username, Facebook page.) For

LinkedIn, when the user clicks on the icon it will display a list of users that the person is connected to at the

organization. A screenshot is below:

The Twitter widget will pull the most recent tweets from Twitter for the Twitter username that you input into the

Web Presence widget. A screenshot is provided below:

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Media widgets

There are 3 media-related widgets:


This displays a photo gallery of thumbnails on the career site. You can change the number of photos that appear

in this widget. Photos are clickable and display larger versions of the images in a hover-over layer.

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Single Photo

This displays a single photo, which you must select after putting the widget in the appropriate place.


This displays a single video, which you must select after putting the widget in the appropriate place.

Subscription widget

The subscription widget will display an RSS feed button on the career site that allows people to subscribe to news

and job postings. The list of items that will appear in the feed include: jobs, blog posts, and pages. Here’s a

screenshot of the widget on a career site:

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There are simple, summary analytics and more detailed, advanced analytics as well. On the dashboard, you’ll see

the summary analytics. Here’s an example screenshot:

It shows a summary of the current month’s analytics: Page Views, Unique Visits, New Visits and Repeat Visits.

Click Advanced Analytics to see the more comprehensive data. Here’s a sample screenshot:

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At its core, the analytics data tracks:

Number of site visitors / time

Source of site visitors

Actions site visitors took

Change the time period for the search and display of results by clicking on the time period at the top.

The percentages next to many of the results indicate the difference between the current time period and the

previous time period of the same size. Therefore if you’re looking at the data for the last 30 days, it will provide

you the percentage difference from that 30-day time period and the 30 days prior to that. This gives you a quick

sense of whether things are improving or not for various statistics.

Basic Information

The Basics show you a quick synopsis of traffic data. Some highlights:

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Visitors: Total number of unique visitors in a given period of time

Actions: Total number of actions those visitors took (click “Expand” to see list of possible actions.)

Average time per visit: How long people are spending on the site.

Bounce rate: How many people are visiting the site and then leaving without taking any action.

Traffic Sources

This shows a quick summary overview of all the traffic sources divided by Direct, Links, Searches, Email, Social

media and RSS readers. You can click any of these to dig further into the data.


This shows the number of visitors that came to the career site through links. These links could be from any source

– job boards, job aggregators, email clients, etc.

Click domains to aggregate the various links into their root domains. For example, you may see a few instances of listed in the Links. When you click domain it will aggregate all of those links into one.


This shows the most common search terms that were used to find the career site. Click on Keywords to see the

most frequently used keywords (that may have been part of a bigger search term.)

Click on “Searches” in the navigation to drill into this data further. For example, you can see the search engines

used (ranked by popularity). Here’s a screenshot:

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This shows site traffic based on geography. You can view the data by country, city, and more.


This shows the most popular content on your career site.

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