career advice for women: learn the art of negotiation

Post on 24-May-2015






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The art of successful negotiating can sometimes be seen as a finesse that only the overly slick of the world achieve. However, negotiating simply means discussing an issue to reach a beneficial agreement.


Career Advice for Women: Learn the Art of Negotiation


Lisa Decker

Executive Senior Partner – Accounting & Finance

The art of successful negotiating can sometimes be seen as a finesse that only the overly slick of the world achieve. However, negotiating simply means discussing an issue to reach a beneficial agreement. All of us, especially women, converse our way to successful agreements daily (from who's retrieving the kids to who's making dinner). In career negotiations, however, many of us freeze. As an Executive Recruiter for over 20 years, placing senior-level roles commanding salaries upwards of $250K, I know paralysis in this realm will cost you.

Negotiating strategies should be chief among career advice for women. Census Bureau data shows women earned just 76.5 cents to every dollar men earned in 2012. Yet, women outnumber men in college and four in ten American family households include a mother as the primary or sole breadwinner.

As women especially, despite more opportunities, degrees and titles, we often don’t demand our worth. Master these negotiating strategies to get not only what you want, but also what you deserve.

Sing Your Praises

Top talent is keenly aware of key contributions they've made and can readily articulate specific accomplishments. Make influential company leaders aware of how you have made a difference.

Exude Confidence

Displaying professional ease and self-assuredness is imperative to getting what you want in negotiations. Maintain professional intonation by not ending affirmative sentences as a question. Be aware your posture and eye contact. Successful negotiating is all power pose.

Expect Discomfort

Negotiation can be uneasy. Practice getting comfortable being uncomfortable: Whether that is sending food back at a restaurant or speaking up about getting credit at work. Ask for what you want and expect to get it.

Let us know what negotiating strategies you put into practice--and how they worked for you. I am interested in your experiences.


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