caramel macchiato

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Make a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato

By: Josh Kofron

The DrinkThe caramel macchiato is one of the most popular drinks that people order when at Starbucks.Customers love the intense bold flavor of the espresso followed by the sweet vanilla and caramel milk. Macchiato means marked in Italian which describes how the drink is made.

ProcessMacchiato implies how the drink is going to be layered.

Items Needed


Greet the customer with a smile and ask “What can I get started for you today?”Once the customer has given the order, the barista takes the cup and inscribes the drink code at the bottom.

CM - Caramel Macchiato

Vanilla Syrup

Adding vanilla syrup to drink to add sweetness


Cue shots of espresso (18 to 23 seconds on average)


Pour milk to appropriate line2% Milk by default, Whole, skim or soy by customers order

Steaming of milk

Insert steam wand into milk and begin to aerateSeize steaming at 152 degrees Fahrenheit

Steaming of milk

Let milk sit to allow liquid to separate from foam

Pouring milk

Taking the spoon and holding back the foam, pour milk into cup

Pouring milk

Once milk in pour take a dollop of foam and spread evenly on top of liquid milk, leaving room for shots of espresso.

Floating Shots

Float shots of espresso on top of foam

Adding Shots

Carefully adding shots of espresso to steamed milk

Cross Hatching Caramel

Add cross hatching of caramel on layer of foam


Top with lid and sleeve and call out drink for customer pickup


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