car parking changes at altnagelvin area hospital the people’s

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The People’s Priorities

A View from Patients, Service Users, Carers, and Communities on Future Priorities


Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland.

November 2010


Car Parking Changes at Altnagelvin Area Hospital The Views of Members of the Patient and Client Council Membership Scheme in the Western Health and Social Care Area.

Your voice in health and social care

This information is available in other formats

Table of Contents

Summary 1.0 Background and Purpose 3

1.1 The Patient and Client Council 3 1.2 What is the purpose of this report? 3

2.0 Our Approach 4 3.0 What Members Said 5 4.0 Conclusions 9 Appendix 1

Transcript of Individual Responses 10


1.0 Background and Purpose

1.1 The Patient and Client Council

The Patient and Client Council was established on 1st April 2009, to provide a

powerful, independent voice for people.

The Patient and Client Council has four main duties. They are to:

• listen and act on people’s views;

• encourage people to get involved;

• help people make a complaint; and,

• promote advice and information.

1.2 Purpose of this Report

During 2010 the Patient and Client Council established a membership scheme as a

way of enabling people and organisations to have a say on issues relating to health

and social care. During November 2010 the Western Health and Social Care Trust

issued a consultation document on proposed changes to car parking spaces and

charges at Altnagelvin Area Hospital. The purpose of this report is to provide the

Western Health and Social Care Trust with the views of members who reside in the

Western area regarding proposed changes.


2.0 Our Approach

During November 2010 the Patient and Client Council sent a copy of the Trust’s

consultation document on proposed changes to car parking at Altnagelvin Area

Hospital to 145 members of the Membership Scheme who reside in the Western

Health and Social Care Trust area. A short questionnaire accompanied the

document asking members to give their views on the proposed changes. A total of

35 responses were received (4 were completed on line and the remainder were

completed in hard copy). A transcript of individual responses is contained in

Appendix 1 of this report and the notes which follow identify the key themes and

issues raised.


3.0 What Members Said

Members were asked six questions and this section provides a summary of the key

issues raised from their responses.

Question 1

Do you or a family member attend Altnagelvin Area Hospital on a regular


Of the 35 respondents 26 responded yes to attending the hospital on a regular basis.

Question 2

If yes, do you experience any difficulties with the existing arrangements?

Of the 26 respondents who responded yes to attending the hospital on a regular

basis, 12 responded yes to this question, 10 responded no and 4 did not provide a


If yes, please give an example.

In reviewing the responses, 5 difficulties were identified, as below.

• Availability of Car parking spaces is limited

Patients and carers experience difficulty finding car parking spaces during

peak hours (Monday to Friday 9.00a.m. to 5.00 p.m.) and can spend

considerable periods of time driving around to get a space.


• Access to Parking Disabled Persons

Particular difficulties are experienced by individuals who have a physical

disability accessing designated spaces and there is a perception that some

spaces which are available may be used by staff or visitors who are not


• Information about car parking and availability

People feel that the information about location of car parks and availability of

spaces could be improved and they express particular difficulties regarding

the information on parking for out patients.

• Dropping Off Elderly Relatives at Outpatients / Too Far To Walk

Elderly people experience difficulties walking to outpatients and they feel that

this is particularly the case for those who park in the South Wing Car Park.

• Rural Community Transport

Individuals find it difficult to understand why Rural Community Transport

services are not permitted to take them to and from Hospital.

Question 4

What do you think of the proposals to increase the number of paid parking


There was a variation in opinion. However, the majority of respondents felt that an

increase in the number of paid car parking spaces could benefit patients as it may

discourage inappropriate use of existing spaces and more use of public transport.

Some respondents felt that it was totally unacceptable as they were of the opinion


that parking for hospital treatment and care should be free. In addition some people

were concerned about the financial burden on patients and staff if they have to pay

for a space; particularly for staff on lower pay scales.

Respondents also took the opportunity to make the following suggestions:

• There could be a monthly pass card for people who have to attend hospital on a

very regular basis;

• Staff should be encouraged to “car pool”;

• When a disabled person has an appointment at outpatients the person who

drives him/her should not be charged for parking while they wait for the


• Staff could be charged a flat rate - £1 per day and have a designated car parking;

• Encourage staff to avail of the “Cycle to Work” project;

• Cheaper rates for disabled persons; and,

• Increase “near” parking for elderly and disabled person.

Question 5

What do you think of the hourly proposed rate of 70p?

Eight individuals indicated that they were in agreement with the proposed new rate of

70p and eighteen were not in agreement. Of those who were not in agreement

several expressed the view that the hourly rate was high when compared to other

commercial car parks in the City and local towns. Most were of the view that an

hourly rate of between thirty and fifty pence would be more acceptable.


Question 6

Are there any other comments you would wish to make?

Twenty six comments were received. The details of these comments are in

Appendix 1. Some of the comments re-iterate themes already mentioned. However

it is worth noting that there was particular concern about parking for disabled and

elderly. Other suggestions were made about operation of out patient clinics and

appointment systems which could improve efficiency and waiting times.


4.0 Conclusions

This report summarises the thirty five responses received from members of the

membership scheme who reside in the Western area. It is recommended that the


• Consider the issues and suggestions raised by respondents when finalising

these proposals;

• Should engage with patients, carers and families with a view to improving

information about parking and signage on site;

• Should consider the particular needs of disabled persons; and,

• Should consider a lower hourly rate within the range of 30p to 50p per hour.


Appendix 1

Altnagelvin Area Hospital Car Parking Transcript of Responses by Question

A total of 35 responses were received (4 were completed on line and the remainder were completed and returned in hard copy). Question 1 Do you or a family member attend Altnagelvin Hospital on a regular basis? Of the 35 respondents 26 responded yes to attending the Altnagelvin hospital on a regular basis and the following outlines the common themes/issues raised, as well as suggestions for improvement. Question 2 If yes, do you experience any difficulties with the existing arrangements? Of the 26 respondents who responded yes to attending the Altnagelvin hospital on a regular basis, 12 responded yes to this question, 10 responded no and 4 did not provide a response. Question 3 If yes, please give an example. In reviewing the responses, 5 common issues/themes were identified, as below. Common Themes: Car parking spaces are limited

• Have found it impossible to get a parking space – many vehicles parked in non-designated areas. Spent 25 minutes driving around before finding a space.

• No vacant spaces – driving round and round waiting for someone to leave often leaving patients being late even though they were there in time.

• Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. – impossible to get parked in either pay or non pay spaces.

• Car park spaces are limited and often not available even within paid barriers.

• Disabled spaces are filled early before clinics. My husband has a permit. Access to Disabled Parking

• Disabled parking spaces are often used by staff/visitors as other spaces are unavailable. This is inconvenient but completely understandable.

• Yes, it’s sometimes very hard to find a disabled park, as my son has a learning disability.

• Parking is difficult at peak times, such as visiting time and clinic time sometimes due to staff parking in unapproved parking spaces and disabled being taken by non disabled parkers.


Car parking not clearly marked or not marked that parking is full

• Car parking for the new physiotherapy unit is not clearly marked. I had an appointment for an MRI scan at 6 pm recently but the outpatient car park was not open.

• The car park for outpatients is frequently full and there is no indication that it is. A sign indicating available spaces would help.

Issues With Dropping Off Elderly Relatives at Outpatients / Too Far To Walk

• Sometimes, problem “dropping” elderly relative off at outpatients – having to leave them and go and find car parking.

• It is a long walk to the south wing park area even if disabled person has been dropped off. Sales are at a premium in clinic code parking area – not enough space at times. Disabled spaces are filled early before clinics.. My husband has a permit.

• Too far to walk.

• It is a long walk to the south wing park area even if disabled person has been dropped off.


• How do you check that staff members do not use this facility if they know the code for entry?

• Very hard to get parked, most unfriendly and rude staff.

• Transport to Hospital is not allowed when using Rural transport, as the hospital say that they put on an Ambulance, but one case had to travel round half of the country before you get to Hospital.

Question 4 What do you think of the proposals to increase the number of paid parking spaces? This section has been broken down into two components, i.e. general comments and suggestions. Comments

• Can accept this as long as it has been equality and human rights screened. Agree as long as Trust have discussed and agreed as far as practicable with the nursing unions. Income can go some way in tidying up some of the outlying parking areas.

• Patients attending clinics should not have to pay – this is a tax on the sick. The hospital clinic letter should provide proof of proper use of this site to avoid misuse.

• Not too bad.


• I think it is a shame that free parking is not available to everyone when there is so much focus on salaries and bonuses.

• In an environment where staff have to pay for parking I can only say that this is wrong. For staff to be paying at least £5 per day to do their jobs can’t be right. All staff should be given parking passes. Car sharing is not always possible.

• Agree with proposal but still feel it will not solve the problem.

• If visiting, yes, I think you should pay but if a patient and being brought up by a family member, very unfair. Don’t forget appointment times might not be kept by hospital. I have waited 4 hours in the past.

• Good, in that it should discourage drivers who park indiscriminately for long periods of time while not working / using hospital facilities – some staff doing 12 hour shifts occupy free spaces, causing frustration and unnecessary touring – looking for a space. Make it mandatory for those workers to use the proposed 100 place car park.

• I think it will make people think more about bringing car to hospital. They may begin to use public transport, walk and cycle which in turn will improve health. I agree with concept. Hopefully it will free up more paid space which I don’t mind paying for.

• Yes, this would be a massive benefit.

• It is a disgrace that people in distress and their families have to pay to be in hospital or visiting hospitals they have already paid their taxes (car tax, VAT, petrol tax, etc).

• I don’t welcome it too much, but it will happen because the parking issue at Altnagelvin Hospital has been in dispute for as long as I can remember and I am a retired member of the WHSSB.

• I think this is not unreasonable as long as a good number of free spaces are maintained.

• I agree with more parking spaces but think attending hospital parking should be free.

• We have no problem with being charged an amount of money for parking. I would recommend that all visitors day car pay – this would eat out the problem of people driving about to get a free space. I would propose that visitors to long term patients get a free pass arrangement.

• Absolutely ridiculous, cost cutting exercise, unfair, should have thought about additional parking spaces when services were expanded.

• More spaces needed.

• A valid process as long as equity is maintained in that all staff members are treated the same with removal of any privileged parking sites.

• Good idea and well needed.

• I assume that this must be at the expense of the free spaces for patient appointments. It is hard enough finding a space at present. I often have to drop my mother at the door while I cruise around looking for a space.

• I understand the financial and environmental pressures. However paying for parking on top of other travel costs, e.g. from Omagh is a burden, especially for pensioners.



• For patients that attend the hospital and the travel long savings – should a three monthly pass card be put in place? Paid up to date if patients had to travel by car or taxi it would cost so much more. Could staff that live near each other travel together say week about, saving a lot on parking and sharing the cost.

• Make everybody pay.

• Staff should not have to pay for car parking.

• If a disabled person has an appointment at outpatients the person who drives him/her should not be charged for parking while they wait for the passenger. It is often necessary for the relative/friend to accompany the patient to a particular department and waiting times can be variable.

Question 5 What do you think of the hourly proposed rate of 70p? 7 individuals indicated that they were in agreement with the proposed new rate of 70p and 11 were not in agreement. Note the comments below, along with suggestions for appropriate rates. Individuals In Agreement

• No one likes to pay more but 70p is acceptable.

• Reasonable increase.

• Fine.

• This is reasonable.

• Seems OK.

• Not too bad but depends on how long you have to stay – if you must attend A&E you can be a long time.

• The rate is high but again if it is intended to deter commuters etc then it needs to be higher.

Individuals Not In Agreement

• When you have to spend extra time through no fault of your own [it is not fair] when you have to wait for doctors who do not call you on time.

• Rather much.

• Very expensive – especially if you are an outpatient.

• Too much, when compared with the cost of parking on multi-storied or other council car parks, where costs varies per length of stay.

• The rate of 60p going up to 70p per hour is by far too much. A much lower rate of 30p per hour would make sense.

• I think the hourly rate is too expensive – it costs 30p per hour to park in the town of Omagh.

• Too much!

• Should be no charge.

• Too expensive.

• Unreasonable.

• For staff the rate is too much. Employees are paid little enough. Waiting times usually extend beyond 1 hour so patients/visitors will suffer too.



• Could you guarantee this will not be increased for a fixed period?

• I think 30p and 50p because sometimes patients and visitors are longer for appointments than others.

• [Benchmark other hospitals] – is this the rate used by e.g. Ulster Hospital or RUH?

• 40p for everybody.

• Should be no charge.

• I would suggest a maximum charge which might kick in after a certain number of hours.

• If capped at 70p for the next 5 years, then no problem.

• All spaces should be free.

• I would have thought 50p would have sufficient.

• Prefer 50p.

• I think 50p would be enough to pay – it is easier to find a 50p than 70p.

• Very expensive and 30p would be more suitable. Question 6 – Are there any other comments you wish to make? Comments

• Good signage and road markings – must provide secure vehicle parking for night staff and continue free parking for staff.

• Glad to see that extra handicapped spaces are being made available.

• On site car park O/P 183 spaces – do you take into account length of time for day procedure involving general anaesthetic when proposing introduction of charges?

• It always annoys me, people who are not disabled, using parking spots and using other people’s blue badges.

• Yes, I agree with charges – this will take away from people parking at the hospital and walking up town to do their shopping.

• Yes, stop making peoples lives more difficult and expensive.

• There are still not enough disabled spaces near the hospital – all said, the parking issue is still a big concern for all parties.

• I think it is disgraceful that anyone using a hospital car park [who are patients] should be charged. It’s not as if people are using the car park unless they have to


• What about ticket machine in place then when clients come out from appoints pay what hours are owed.

• Fewer appointments made at the same time. • Doctors to be on duties at the correct time. • Receptions to leave your files in to let them know you have arrived and waiting on

time. • Hope that there are lots of spaces for invalid parking. • Instead of creating more spaces for parking continually, staff and patients need to

consider other sustainable methods of transport. • No staff pay. • Make all car parks paid parking spaces.


• Patients and long term relatives should have free parking or at least a reduced or fixed rate.

• For A&E they should not charge as you are kept for a long time. For those respondents (or family members) who indicated “No” to attending Altnagelvin Hospital, the following summarised their responses (under question 4). Question 4 What do you think of the proposals to increase the number of paid parking spaces? Comments

• No patient should have to pay to use hospital car parks.

• Yes, this is a good idea.

• OK

• Increasing the number of spaces is a good idea, especially the need to increase disabled spaces.

• There are inadequate parking in Altnagelvin at present.

• Why is it necessary to charge a fee if the spaces are there. I would need to look at maintenance fees to see if the fee change is necessary.

• No problem.

• I am not in favour of this as it is discriminatory and puts the burden mainly on out-patients and family members attending clinics, etc.

• Appointments seem to be made for the same time, thereby resulting in waiting times of two hours or more. It is unfair to levy parking fees only at Altnagelvin site.


• Charge staff £1 per day and create a car park to facilitate staff and employ additional staff to oversee the management of traffic flow. Encourage as many staff as possible to avail of the Cycle to Work project / initiative details (Caoimhe Lavery Phone 02871 865127). As in all hospitals better management of car parking is essential. An on the ground presence is invaluable.

• Disabled spaces should be at a cheaper rate or free of charge in new development. Charges should always reflect the cost of provision.

• Increase “near” parking for the elderly and disabled when having to attend your hospital unexpectedly.

Question 5 What do you think of the hourly rate proposed (70p)? Comments

• Very expensive when one considers rate is 30p in some town car parks.

• OK.

• I feel that for short term parking it is steep as some people could be there for a long time, e.g. visiting very ill patients.

• Very expensive – is this a private organisation?


• There should be no charges for visitors, only very rich friends.

• I think this is too high, costing more than some council parking sites. It would be effective as a means of raising revenue if that is the main objective.


• The hourly rate of 50 p should be adequate to cover costs.

• I think that 50p per hour would be enough to pay. I’m thinking of trying to find the correct change for the meter!

6. Are there any other comments you wish to make? Comments

• I believe extra income could be raised in other ways, .e.g. better usage of free operating theatre slots for day case surgery.

• None

• I did attend regularly for chemo and was given a number for the outpatient car park but was full many days.

• I am assuming because this car park is out of town that all users are actually hospital visit or staff. These people need to visit hospital for one reason or another so I feel it is an added burden on an already difficult situation.

• Attending hospital can be stressful enough without having to worry about the prospect of car park attendants.


• Consideration should be given to free parking for old age pensioners and their drivers.

• Should be able to use ambulance service when coming and also when ready for leaving when necessary.

• Has thought been given to charging a yearly premium for those (mainly high income earners) who have the privilege of reserved parking spaces? This proposal does not increase parking spaces – only charging for more.


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Southern Area Quaker Buildings High Street Lurgan Craigavon BT66 8BB Western Area ‘Hilltop’ Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital Omagh BT79 0NS South Eastern Area 1st Floor, Lesley House 25-27 Wellington Place Belfast BT1 6GD

Belfast Area 1st Floor, Lesley House 25-27 Wellington Place Belfast BT1 6GD Northern Area Houston’s Mill Site 10a Buckna Road Broughshane Ballymena BT42 4NJ

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