canonical visitation to the province of mexico october 18...

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Canonical Visitation to the Province of Mexico October 18 – November 17, 2015


During the first days of his visitation, Father Gregory Gay, CM, superior general, met with the elder confreres in Casa de Paúl (a house that has been recently built). He also met with the Daughters of Charity and with the leaders of the various branches of the Vincentian Family in Mexico.

The visitation was begun on October 22 with a meeting between the Visitor and his council and Father Gregory … during that meeting there was a report on the reality of the Province.

The Province is composed of 93 members: 1 bishop, 85 priests, 4 brothers, 1 deacon, and 2 incorporated students. At the present time 4 confreres on involved in missions ad gentes¸ 2 confreres are in Madrid (one at the International Office of the VMY and the other studying). The median age of the confreres is 54 and there are 19 canonical houses in the Province.

The visitation of the individual houses was conducted in the following manner: a community meeting, individual interviews with the Missionaries, meeting with the Vincentian Family, meeting with the parish community, and then a celebration with everyone.

One of the problems in the Province is the low number of candidates wishing to enter the Congregation. This is difficult to understand since there are many vocations in Mexico and in many of the parishes where the confreres ministers, there is an active youth ministry.


The young men and women participate in the life of the parish and can become members of the VMY and other groups. All the confreres are aware of this situation and also understand that they are able to promote vocations in the midst of their youth ministry.

The Province has a Minor Seminary where there are 9 candidates and 3 formators (two priests and one brother).

The house of philosophy is in Guadalajara where there are 3 students and 2 confreres (the superior of the house and a formator). At that house there is a special program that deals with human and Vincentian formation and this program is open to all the members of the Vincentian Family.

The theologate is located in two distinct houses. In the parish of San Augustin there are 3 seminarists who have completed the Internal Seminary (one from the Province of Central America, one from the Province of Barcelona and one from Mexico). Three formators also reside there and assist in the parish ministry.

The other house is in Olivar del Conde where there are 4 Mexican seminarists (theologians) and 3 formators.

The Province is involved in a dynamic process of evangelization and it should be remembered that for some years the Province has been serving in the Vice-Province of Mozambique. There the number of Mexican confreres has been reduced and the vice-province is becoming more and more autonomous (at the present time there are only three confreres from Mexico in Mozambique).

Popular missions are a very significant ministry in the Province. For seven years Father Servando Sánchez has served in this ministry and has not only involved other confreres and other priests and women religious but has also involved the laity in this ministry. As occurred during the time of Vincent de Paul so here at the conclusion of each popular mission various branches of the Vincentian Family are established, including a group called, Misiones, whose members have committed themselves to provide continuity to the


popular mission in the parish. The confreres are ministering in two

indigenous areas … one of which is called Sierra de Chihuahua, an area composed of 105 communities (three confreres minister there). The other area is called Amixclan (five confreres minister there in three different parishes … each of those parishes has multiple chapels and communities).

The other parishes are located in urban areas, in “popular” neighborhoods in the city of Mexico (La Perla, San Agustin and Olivar del Conde). Another parish, La Milagrosa, is located in a very poor area but there is a strong presence of young people and the Vincentian Family. There is another house in León where two confreres reside and here also there is a strong presence of the Vincentian Family.

The Provincial House sustains two works: a rectory and a social outreach program that is directed by Brother Marcelino Cárdenas. These works are financially supported by the Province and the Vincentian Family. Volunteers minister there and these volunteers come from other Vincentian parishes in the city. The social outreach program is a soup kitchen that serves more than 300 people four times a week. Besides providing training for the volunteers we can say that this ministry is a truly collaborative Vincentian ministry.

The Vincentian Family in Mexico has grown


considerably and there are many well-established organized branches, such as the AIC. There is a need to promote the creation of other branches. In each parish there are groups and movements whose members are accompanied by their parents and siblings, so it is important to involve lay people (whether of the Vincentian Family and other lay movements) who have experience in formation,

During the visitation, the collaborative program, VFCAP, was held. There were two meetings at the Provincial House of the Daughters of Charity … the first weekend was attended by 50 people and the second weekend, 60 people participated. This project was a great success and its purpose is to strengthen collaboration between all the branches of the Vincentian Family in Mexico.

A very interesting project is CEVET (Vincentian Center for Theological Studies), which offers training in theology for the laity in the various parishes and for the members of the Vincentian Family. Currently this program is coordinated by one of the seminarists in theology … other confreres, diocesan priests and seminarians who are studying theology also participate in this program … it is a creative project!

Translated: Charles T. Plock, CM

Visit of Father General to the Province of Venezuela


After the December tempo forte meeting at the General Curia, Father Gregory Gay, CM, Superior General, visited the Province of Venezuela (December 16-23, 2015).

At the present time the Province is composed of forty priests and two brothers who minister in six parishes (two in Caracas, and one each in Maracay, Valencia, Cumaná, and Ciudad Bolivar), two schools (Barquisimeto and Maracaibo) and the Provincial House. There are nine young men in formation: five in philosophy and four in discernment.

The majority of the Missionaries are from other countries (only ten are from Venezuela). All of the ministries respond to various ways in which the


charism has been actualized in different situations. Given, however, the median age of the Missionaries (66 years) and the fact that a number of the Missionaries are advanced in years, the ministry can become very burdensome and overwhelming … then one must also take into consideration the difficult situation of the country.

The reality of the country It is important to take some more time to

reflect on the fact that the situation in this country has become worse with the passing of the years. Father Gregory was able to affirm that from the time of his last visit (2006) there has been a noticeable change. The situation has deteriorated and poverty has been more acute and visible.

There is a scarcity of basic food stuffs; the ranks of the unemployed have increased; insecurity and violence have also increased. Many young people between the ages of 16-19 have prematurely died as a result of confrontations between various street gangs.

Venezuela has experienced an incredible breakdown of family life and this reality presents a great pastoral challenge to the Church.

Today, Venezuelans are living in a time of great expectation and hope. The result of last

25 YEARS OF CEVIM (Conference of European Visitors)


When Pope Francis convoked the Year of Consecrated Life he stated the first aim in the following words: to look to the past with gratitude. He referred to the importance of these fifty years which have followed the Second Vatican Council and which represent the “breath” of the Holy Spirit upon the whole Church. In consequence, consecrated life undertook a fruitful journey of renewal which, for all its lights and shadows, has been a time of grace, marked by the presence of the Spirit.

The trajectory of CEVIM (Conference of European and Middle Eastern Visitors) during the twenty-five years of its existence can be best understood when viewed from the perspective of the path that the Church and Religious Communities have traveled since the time of the Vatican Council.

[1] The initiatives of Father J. Richardson (superior general 1968-1980)

As we look at our past it is only right that we should recognize the efforts of Father James Richardson (and the members of his Council) in organizing the

By: Corpus Delgado, CM


month’s election for members of the Assembly gave victory to the opposition parties. Although there are many fears of possible power clashes, there is great hope that the current situation will change.

Father General had the opportunity to meet with the Cardinal Archbishop of Caracas, Jorge Urosa Savino who, together with the other bishops of Venezuela, wrote a strong pastoral letter opposing any manipulation of the elections.

It is a time of crisis, but the Missionaries understand that this can also be a time of grace. This difficult situation has produced many gestures of solidarity and greater harmony among the people. Men and women value the little that they have … there is great collaboration among people as well as many incredible charitable gestures. People value the presence of the Congregation. On a daily basis, the Missionaries themselves must confront the situation of a scarcity of material goods and this reality has led them to live evangelical poverty in an even more radical manner.

Rathe than feeling disheartened or discouraged, the confreres live their missionary vocation in a more committed and creative manner. The year 2016 begins with great expectations and the Province is planning new projects.


Several months ago the first steps were taken with regard to the process of reconfiguration between the provinces of Venezuela and Colombia. The Visitors, with their respective Councils, met for the first time and a second meeting will be held in February 2016. Father General,

recommended the formation of a financial, pastoral and formation commission. He also suggested creating a commission to draft Statutes to define the Province's relationship with Colombia.

The idea is to form a Region, having its own proper autonomy, that is, a Regional Superior with a Council. The Regional Superior will report periodically to the Visitor of Colombia. Father General recommended that the Regional Superior become a member of the Provincial Council of Colombia.

Father Gregory found his time in Venezuela to be one of great personal edification as a result of his meetings with the Vincentian Family and with the poor families that he met in the various places that he visited. Above all, Father is grateful for the witness of the Missionaries who live in the midst of this difficult situation and yet confront this reality in a very evangelical manner.

Translated: Charles T. Plock, CM


Visitors of the various geographical regions and constituting them as Conferences. This was done in order to promote the unity of the Congregation and to deal with matters of common concern. As a result of his personal initiative the first regional conferences of Visitors were formed: in 1970, the Visitors of Spain and Italy; in 1973, the Visitors of the United States and Southern Cone of Latin America.

[2] Meetings of the Visitors of the Congregation of the Mission between Assemblies

In January 1983 the Visitors throughout the world met for the first time with the Superior General and his Council (until that time the Visitors came together as a group only to participate in a General Assembly). This gave rise to a new institution in the Congregation, that is, it was proposed that between the General Assemblies the Visitors would gather together in order to reflect upon themes that were important to the life of the Congregation.

During the second meeting which took place in Rio de Janeiro (1989), the Visitors of Europe made


a decision to form a Conference. The preparations for the first gathering of the Visitors in Europe was entrusted to the Visitors of Rome, Barcelona and Toulouse … that first meeting was held in Paris, (April 1990).

[3] The General Assembles of 1992, 1998, and 2004; the new Statutes of CEVIM

The General Assembly of 1992, 1998 and 2004 emphasized interprovincial collaboration and collaboration with the larger Vincentian Family.

For the first time the Assembly of 2004 outlined, in its final document, the commitments of the continental conferences: the delegates from each continent together with their respective Visitors participated in the development of those commitments. One of those commitments stated: strengthen CEVIM with a new statute and a new structure.

CEVIM approved the new Statute in 2005 during their meeting that was held in Trier (Germany). The new structure that was put in place was as follows: a permanent council that would meet three times a year and the term of office of the president, vice-president and secretary was extended for a longer period of time. Those changes provided greater effectiveness to the coordination efforts of the conference and gave rise to some new initiatives: annual meeting of Visitors, encounters for young Missionaries, encounters for those involved in formation ministry, encounters for parish pastors, encounters for provincial treasurers, etc.

Simultaneous translation into the four official languages of CEVIM (English, French, Spanish and Italian) facilitated and enriched the participation in these various encounters.

[4] The objectives of CEVIM The objectives, according to the Statute, are:

• To promote mutual knowledge and fraternal support among the Visitors and the Provinces;

• To promote interprovincial collaboration in the areas of initial and on-going formation, the


evangelization of the poor, as well as common projects of service;

• To promote collaboration of the Congregation of the Mission with the Daughters of Charity and with the other branches of the Vincentian Family;

• To impel the Vincentian charism through periodic gatherings;

• To foment a European conscience in the interior of the Congregation so that its mission might be more effectively accomplished in Europe and the Middle East;

• In accord with its proper statutes and laws, to make decisions with regard to those organisms that are dependent on the Visitors of Europe;

• To promote communication and exchanges with other Conferences of Visitors of the Congregation of the Mission and with the General Curia;

• To facilitate regional meetings of the the Missionaries of Europe and the Middle East.

[5] The General Assembly of 2010 and Statute 79 of the Congregation of the Mission

The General Assembly of 2010 approved a new Statute of the Congregation of the Mission with regard to the Conference of Visitors. This came about as a result of a shared experience on the five continents and at the same time the conferences of Visitors have become an intermediate structure of communion in our Congregation.

The 25th anniversary of the establishment of CEVIM provides us with an opportunity to express to the Provinces of Europe and the Middle East our hope and desire that they become “experts in communion”.

Translated: Charles T. Plock, CM

The “Green Shoots” Project – Lempira, Honduras

By: Isaac Demets, C.M.


Ten years ago a Daughter of Charity, Sister Lorena, and a Vincentian Missionary, Father Jesús Palau, together with some educators, established the “Green Shoots” Project in Puerto Lempira, Honduras. This project is geared toward children (boys and girls) between the ages of 6 and 17. The present administrator and coordinator of this project is Father José Vicente Nácher, CM from the Province of Barcelona. According to the statistics that the program has maintained, during the past ten years some five thousand children have been the beneficiaries of this project.

This project was started as a response to the social and educational situation in which some of the children of Puerto Lempira find themselves, that is, a situation that is the result of family disintegration and the lack of economic resources. All of those factors have consequences that are very visible in the percent of children who leave school before graduation, the high percentage of children who are employed as laborers and the misuse of free time. Those same factors also lead to an increase in drug abuse, crime and violence.


This project is geared toward providing these children and their parents with social, educational, cultural and health resources. This program has a very clear objective: to prevent children from entering into a life of crime and drug addiction. Some fundamental lines of actions are derived from said objective: to strengthen an attitude of responsibility in the family, the community, as well as among local authorities and to prevent children from falling victim to any kind of exploitation … and to do all of this by promoting the values of the Kingdom, namely, life, the family, etc.

This project attempts to offer an integral education to children who are at risk. The program seeks to offer children a type of formation, recreation, and education that will enable them to grow and create a new society in which the family recovers its role of providing for the integral well-being of its children.

We provide below a link that will enable you to view the web page of the daily newspaper, La Prensa, the most widely read paper in Honduras. There you will be able to read news that is related to this project of Green Shoots. Translated: Charles T. Plock, CM


Father Pucher, kindly known as father vinzi, has dedicated thirty-eight of his seventy-six year to the work “Vinziwerke” … a work on behalf of those poorest members of society.

Friday, November 20th, our confrere, Wolfgang, received the Silver Medal for his meritorious services in the Republic of Austria. The Vincentian Community in Eggenberg has announced that the Social Minister, Rudolf Hundstorfer, will visit Graz where he will present Father with the award during a ceremony that will take place in the parish of Saint Vincent.

Father Pucher was born on March 31, 1939 and was ordained in 1963. Since that time he has dedicated his life to service on behalf of people who find themselves in the midst of poverty. Next week Father will be recognized for his work 38 VinziOpere, shelters that receive persons most in need of assistance. In 1991 Father began the work known as “Vinzibus”, a program in which each night food is distributed to people in the city. In 1993 the program “VinziDorf” was created in Graz-St. Leonhard … this program provides emergency housing to people who find themselves homeless. Other programs have been initiated in the various


neighborhoods of Graz as well as in other cities throughout Austira.

Father Pucher has been especially attentive to the Gypsies from Slovakia who come to Graz in order to beg for alms. After frequent allegations that only beggars came to Graz, Father initiated the project “VinziPasta”, a pasta factory that has enabled the women of that city to earn money to sustain their life. In 2011 the province of Estiria banned the practice of begging. Father Pucher and other concerned individuals protested the ban which was eventually lifted by the courts (2013).

The presentation of the Silver Medal was originally scheduled for June 2015, during the 25th anniversary of the presence of the Vincentian Community in Eggenberg. Due, however, to the celebration of “Amokfahrt”, a two day celebration that takes place in the central plaza, the ceremony was rescheduled for 2016.

Translated: Charles Plock, CM

Austria honors our confrere, Wolfgang Pucher, CM

The Provinces of Colombia and Venezuela have begun the process of reconfiguration


During the Provincial Assembly of Colombia it was announced that the process of reconfiguration has been initiated with the Province of Venezuela. The Assembly approved said process. The first meeting between the Visitors and their Councils took place in Caracas, Venezuela (October 29-November 3).

The participants in that meeting included: from Venezuela, Henry Miguel Khristen, (Visitor), Matías Revillas, (Assistant), Francisco Solás, (Provincial Treasurer) and the council members, Jesús Amable Bravo, José Alberto Rodríguez, and Cristian Rodríguez; from Colombia: Orlando Escobar, (Visitor), Fenelón Castillo, (Assistant), Héctor Vidal Gutiérrez, (Provincial Treasurer), and the council members, Humberto Aristizábal, Carlos Arley Cardona, Luis Alfonso Sterling and Rodrigo Restrepo.

Under the words, together we initiate a journey, the participants began the meeting with a sharing of the actual situation of their respective provinces.

The Province of Venezuela finds itself in the following situation:

• There is great uncertainty with regard to the future; nobody knows anything, nobody says anything and nobody knows where the country is headed.

• There is great deterioration with regard to the social, political, economic and cultural situation. There is much fear, insecurity and silence.


• In the religious sphere, traditional values have been lost, even though the Church is a credible institution and defends moral principles.

• The people of Venezuela are becoming specialists in “forming and waiting on line” … there are long lines for the bus, for the train, in every store and supermarket … this means that people are very dependent on the Government.

• Corruption increases with the passing of every day.

• Young people find no stability and look for ways to leave the country … they are searching for new horizons.

• With regard to the history of the Province: in 1931 the Vincentians came from Puerto Rico to this country. They went directly to Barquisimeto in order to administer the Diocesan Seminary. When the Province was established in 1951 the confrere were ministering in six diocesan seminaries, five parishes and two schools … there were forty-four priests and two brothers.

• Today the Province is composed of forty priests and two brothers who minister in six parishes (two parishes in Caracas, and one parish in Maracay, Valencia, Cumaná and Ciudad Bolivar), two schools (Barquisimeto and Maracaibo) and the provincial house which is also the infirmary and the house for the elderly confreres.

By: Rodrigo Restrepo, CM


• At the present time there are nine young men in the seminary, five in philosophy and four in pre-philosophy … the philosophy students are living at the provincial house.

• Parish ministry in the six parishes is one of maintenance and conservation … due to the advanced age of the confreres the ministry in the parishes is mostly sacramental. There is a catechetical program in the various parishes as well as outreach to young people and to the other branches of the Vincentian Family.

• With regard to our educational ministry, there are two schools and the confreres’ presence is one which enables them to encourage Vincentian and gospel values … the administration of the schools and the academic program is now in the hands of the laity.

• The Province of Colombia finds itself in the following situation:

• With regard to the history of the Province – Father Orland showed a video that was made at the time of its centennial celebration … that video highlighted its focus on diocesan seminaries, popular missions and the formation of candidates for the Congregation of the Mission.

• With regard to the reality of the country: some of the more important aspects were highlighted, including the negative aspects of the political, social, economic, cultural and ecclesial situation.

• Reality of the Province – there are 143 confreres in 25 houses and these confreres are involved in ministry in diocesan seminaries, formation of members for the Congregation, parish ministry, preaching popular missions, vocational promotion and advisors to others branches of the Vincentian Family.

• Provincial Plan 2015-2019 --- begins with a reflection on the fact that the confreres are “dispensers of God’s mysteries” and then goes on to develop various dimensions of ministry with regard to initial and on-going formation, seminary ministry, popular missions and ministry with the


Vincentian Family. • Formation of members for the

Congregation: each stage of formation was briefly reviewed.

• On-going formation is a priority of the Province and it was pointed out that this aspect has always been important in the life of the Province.

• Finances and Administration of goods: the Province lives in an austere and poor manner … at the same time there is an on-going awareness to achieve self-sustainability and to enable our patrimony to continue to produce income for ministry. Challenges and points of agreement: A commission was formed that was

composed of confreres from the two provinces … this commission will define the path of reconfiguration. The following were some points of agreement:

• We must form the new province that we want to become;

• We must strengthen formation and our vocational promotion programs;

• We shall participate in spiritual retreats, formation sessions, and encounters.

• Sharing among confreres working in popular missions, ministering with the various branches of the Vincentian Family and in forming candidates for the Congregation.

• Participate in common meetings. • Provide the young missionaries in

Venezuela with time and the opportunity to prepare themselves for ministry; there are vocations in Venezuela but there are no formators there.

• Venezuela needs to re-evaluate its works and the Visitor and his council should participate in that process. Translated: Charles T. Plock, CM


Our house, called the Noceta, has been leased to a religious community of women called the Congregation of the Sisters of Plenteous Redemption, Daughters of Mary, Mother of Divine Grace". The Congregation was founded by Father Moraes Wilton Lopes, a Redemptorist priest from the province of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso del Sur in the city of Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil (December 8, 1989). While Father Wilton was preaching to some young people at a technical school in the central region of Brazil, he saw a young woman crying at the altar … she was carrying package of drugs, some of which she intended to sell and she


herself was a drug addict. At that precise moment Father Wilton understood what God wanted from him: to help drug addicts recover from their addiction and to worship before the Blessed Sacrament, the source of plentiful redemption for the addicts. During the twenty-five years of its existence, the members have devoted themselves to the ministry of helping young people recover from their addiction, praying before the Blessed Sacrament every day for each of the people who are at their center. They also have developed drug prevention programs and look for ways to reinsert the recovered addicts into society once again.

In Brazil they have 15 communities. For the past ten years, in the house called St. Louise de Marillac, they have ministered with a group of lay Vincentians. The Sisters also administer a home for the elderly and a house for the recovering addicts (a transitional housing situation before they become fully integrated into society) … they have a rehabilitation center called Ancora. Two of the Sisters are now visiting Rome and they want to thank the members of the General Curia for a warm welcome.

Translated: Charles T. Plock, CM

Sisters of Plenteous Redemption

Canonical Visitation of the Province of Madrid


The Canonical Visitation of the Province of Madrid and the Southern Areas of Almería, Melilla, Málaga, Granada and Andújar .

During eleven days, November 3rd to November 13th, Father Eli Chaves, Assistant General, visited the Southern Areas of the Province of Madrid. The canonical visitation was carried out in accord with an agreed upon schedule … not in some rigid or formal manner but in a fraternal environment that went beyond any legal formality.

On November 3rd and 4th Father visited Almería … a community composed of three confreres who are engaged in parochial ministry in two parishes: Santa María Magdalena de los Molinos and Santa María, Madre de Dios (in the neighborhood of El Puche). Father Chaves was able to meet with parishioners, members of the Vincentian Family and so many simple, welcoming and open men and women who are active in those two parishes.

On November 5th, 6th and 7th Father visited Melilla, a community composed of three confreres who minister in the parish of Santa María Micaela and


who are involved in various other Vincentian ministries in that city.

On November 8th and 9th Father flew to Málaga to visit the two Missionaries of that “ad instar” community and share with them in a fraternal and trusting manner.

On November 10th and 11th Father went to Granada and, as usually occurs during these visits, Father Chaves shared life with the three confreres in this local

community. He visited the parish Regina Mundi which is administered by the confreres and also had the opportunity to meet with the Daughters of Charity and members of the other branches of the Vincentian Family.

Finally, on November 12th and 13th, Father visited the city of Andujar (Jaen). There Father Chaves met with the four members of the local community and was able to witness the pastoral ministry of the confreres in the parish of Divina Pastora. He also visited the Saint Vincent de Paul Shelter for Transients.

Those were eleven intense days, well used and filled with times of sincere cordiality and fraternal living. On this website we record Father’s journey through these southern lands.

By. Celestino Fernández, CM

The Founder of the Marian Sisters of the Miraculous Medal Leopoldina Brandis

By: Mychaylo Talapkanych, CM


Leopoldina Brandis was born on November 27, 1819, in the city of Graz, Austria, to the family of earls. She was brought up in deep and permanent Christian spirit. In her family, Leopoldina received the gift of compassion to people in need. The Brandises granted a lot of their property for Church needs. Facing human sufferings

created a desire in her heart to sacrifice her life for the poor and the sick following the example of St. Vincent, whom the Brandises honored very much. However, her parents had other plans for Leopoldina. They prepared her for the life in a marriage. Leopoldina revealed her dreams about religious life to her spiritual director, bishop Zengerle, and he backed her.

She began her road of following Jesus in Munich. Leopoldina craved for becoming a Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, but it was only in Munich when she found out she had joined a wrong order. Having returned to Graz, she tried to get in touch with the Daughters of Charity in Paris and visited it. She lived there for a while and learned the spirituality of St. Vincent. Later, having overcome different obstacles, she joined a convent of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent in Graz. She was the first provincial sister of Graz Province which she headed for 50 years. Leopoldina sacrificed her social status, used all of her talents, her education and contacts for the sake of serving to the poor and the sick, like her spiritual father, St. Vincent de Paul had done.

People in need, the poor, the sick and those in need of help and care sought Leopoldina's assistance. But she could not meet their requests because of some current restrictions and rules. To some extent, it brought about a conflict in her heart: on the one hand, she was faithful and obedient to all Congregation rules to the end, but on the other hand, her heart was compassionate with


poor and sick people, whom she wished to help and who were a voice of God to her. Then she arrived at the following solution: she would start preparing girls she knew to get involved in caring for the sick. In that way, on July 16, 1878, a new congregation appeared – the Sisters' Community for Caring for the Sick (presently known as the Marian Sisters of the Miraculous Medal).

Awareness of the fact that Leopoldina Brandis deserves being declared Blessed and later Saint lives among the Marian Sisters and the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. On the level of a diocese, a beatification process led by Bishop of Graz, Dr. Wilhelm Krautwaschl, has been launched, and for this reason, we can already mention her by the title of Servant of God.

-------- Beginning of the beatitification process for s.

Leopoldina Brandis, DC. Representatives from the Daughters of Charity,

Sisters of Mary of the Miraculous Medal an the Congregation of the Mission, met on the 6th of October, 2015 with the bishop of Graz, Austria, Dr. Wilhelm Krawtwaschl to officially ask for the process of beatification to begin.

Bishop Dr. Wilhelm Krawtwaschl was very open to the idea, and the process has now officially started. Two Sisters of Mary of the Miraculous Medal and three members of the Congregation of the Mission pictured in front of the tomb of s. Leopoldina Brandis, DC, in the Provincial house of the Daughters of Charity, Graz, Austria

Gathering of the members of the General Curia With the Vincentians studying in Rome


Each year the members of the General Curia gather together with the Vincentians who are in Rome specializing in some area of study. The gathering took place on Sunday, December 6th, 2015. The members of the Preparatory Commission for the 2016 General Assembly also participated in this gathering.

After a brief greeting and introduction from the superior of the house, Father Stanislav Zontac, and after each individual introduced himself, Father Joseph Agostino, coordinator of the Preparatory Commission, reminded all of us about the primary themes that will be discussed during the assembly: the new evangelization, missionary vitality, multiculturalism, collaboration and solidarity.

Father Joseph then opened the floor for discussion and for dialogue among those present. This was followed by the celebration of the Eucharist which was presided by Father Gregory Gay, superior general. He reminded those present about the content of his Advent letter and spoke about his recent journey to Morocco to visit the Daughters of Charity. He invited us all to continue to prepare for the celebration of the Year of Mercy which will begin on December 8th. This was followed by a luncheon that had been prepared by some of the members at the Curia.

The confreres who are studying in Rome are the following:


1. Fr. Gregorius Tri Wardoyo, CM – Province of Indonesia 2. Fr. Vladislav Kuchak, CM – Vice-province of Santos Cyril and Methodius 3. Fr. Teclemichael Tewolde, CM – Province of Saint Justin de Jadcobis 4. Fr. John Musolo Ochola, CM – Region of Kenya 5. Fr. Joseph Vu Ngoc Hoang Thai, CM – Vice-province of Vietnam 6. Fr. Anil Thomas Karackavayalil, CM – Province of Southern India 7. Fr. Szczepan Szpoton, CM – Province of Poland 8. Fr. John Jairo Valencia Marin, CM – Province of Colombia 9. Fr. Justin Eke, CM – Province of Nigeria 10. Fr. Patrick Issomo Mama, CM – Province of Cameroon 11. Fr. Hailegiorgis Mamo Mebratu, CM – Province of Ethiopia 12. Fr. Christy (Binoy) Othirakudissimakkal, CM – Province of Southern India 13. Fr. Atumo Ambo Habtamu, CM – Province of Ethiopia 14. Fr. Yamil Abel Velásquez Velázquez, CM – Province of Colombia

Meeting of the Preparatory Commission for GA 2016 By: Joe Agostino, CM


The Preparatory Commission for the upcoming General Assembly met for 9 days at the Curia in Rome. We extended the time for our meeting beyond the usual 5 days in order to deal with the significant tasks which remained to be done after the Provincial Assemblies of the past ten months.

Our major work entailed the creation of a summation of all the material we received in response to the Reflection Sheet, completed by the provinces at their assemblies. Hundreds of pages of material were received in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and


Italian. From these, a “Summary of the Questionnaire” was written which will be sent to the GA delegates on March 1st.

In addition, the Commission needed to work through the details of the Assembly, especially in regard to the times and dates on which confreres will be invited to make presentations to the delegates. Meeting during the time of tempo forte also afforded us the opportunity to present many matters to the Superior General and his Council. The Commission met with Jorge Rodriguez, Director of


Communications, to organize strategies of communication before, during, and after the Assembly. We also met with Shijo Kanjirathamkunnel, Procurator General, to speak about the postulata which we received to be addressed during the Assembly.

This was the last official meeting of the Commission, but by no means the end of our work! We concluded our last session with an evaluation of


how this two year process went for us individually and as a Commission. We felt truly blessed for having had this time to work together and felt enriched by the gifts, talents, and perspectives shared so generously from the start of our mandate. And we hoped that all these efforts will bear fruit for the Congregation as we look ahead to the next six years of our service to the poor and to the Church.

The Working Group on Interreligious Dialog (ID)


The Working Group on Interreligious Dialog (ID), consisting of Claudio Santangelo (Rome), Armada Riyanto (Indonesia), Charles Pan (China), Narcisse Djerambete (Paris), and x Nayak (North India) held its first meeting at the General Curia in December. At its conclusion, it presented the Superior General and his Council the fruits of their reflection, a summary of which follows. 1. IMPORTANCE OF THE “WORKING GROUP” ON ID

- Vincentian provinces sometimes flourish more in countries where Catholics are a minority. Therefore, a good understanding of ID is needed.

- Saint Vincent did not ignore the need to have good relationships with people of other faiths.

- The increasing multicultural reality of our world is the basis of the importance of ID.


2. VISION / MISSION The working group on ID wants:

- to encourage dialogue with other religious traditions;

- to raise consciousness among the Vincentian Family on the issue of ID in collaboration with other organizations in the CM;

- to focus on the actual needs and situations where confreres and Vincentian Family members live and serve, with regard to ID matters;

- to have links with other organizations working on ID and to be present where we are called to partake in projects.



Father McCullen born in1926 in Drogheda,Ireland,FatherMcCullenentered theCongregationin 1945 after studying at St. Patrick’s College,Armagh, Northern Ireland. Prior to that he hadstudied at the National Seminary in Maynooth. In1948,heearned (withhonors)aBachelor’sDegreein English at the National University of Ireland, anthen spent four years in theological studies beforehisordinationtothepriesthoodin1952.

Father McCullen continued his studies inRome,whereheobtainedaDoctorateofCanonLawDegree in 1956. Returning to Ireland, he spent thenext 11 years at St. Kevin’s, a house of studies fortheological students at Glenhart, serving asProfessor of Canon Law, Director of Students andSuperior. From 1967 to 1975, he was SpiritualDirector at Maynooth where 90 percent of thediocesan priests in Ireland prepared for thepriesthood.HethenservedasProvincialoftheIrishProvince. During his five years in that position, he


1. Publication of words of St. Vincent as a spiritual accompaniment to live ID. 2. Publication of Vincentian formation booklet on ID (simple guidelines). 3. Updating our website of with contributions on dialogue. 4. Having links with other organizations on ID. 5. Promoting collaboration with friends of other faiths in various fields. 6. Seeking good contacts with bishops and leaders of communities. 7. Offering sessions on ID when requested by CIF in Paris. 8. Organizing and offering workshops of formative sessions on ID. 9. Facilitating events to study similarities and differences between our faith and others. 4. HOW TO REALIZE THEM


- The publishing of the two handbooks, mentioned above, will be done in the context of the 400th anniversary of our foundation. The first book will be handy, simple, and “spiritual.” The second will be more academic; it will be based on the Church’s teaching on ID and enriched with the perspective of our Vincentian experiences.

- Updating the website of will be done constantly.

- Links with organizations will be established first in our local communities.

- Possible plan from Franz Foundation or VSO for a grant or scholarship for a project where collaboration with and involvement of followers of other faiths is present.

- Workshops on ID can be offered in different areas (as it is done for systemic change)

Father Richard McCullen, CM


was active in fostering, missionary activities inNigeria,aflourishingmissionoftheProvince.

In 1980 Father Richard was electedSuperior General of the Congregation of theMission. He oversaw the continuation of themissionoftheCongregation’sfounder,St.VincentDePaul, andadapted themission to the changingtimesandtodifferentcultures.Heservedinthatpositionfrom1980at1992.

During his term of office, the Constitutions of the Congregation were approved … also the Constitutions of the Daughters of Charity were promulgated. Father McCullen maintained contact with the provinces and promoted spirituality within the Vincentian Family. He redacted the Ratio Formationis exhorted the confreres to expand their vision and to view the Congregation as one.

From 1993-1995 Father served as spiritual director at Saint Patrick’s College in Dublin. Since 1996 he has resided at Saint Paul’s College in Dublin and it was there that he died on December 24th, 2015.


(Dublin, 29.12.15)


Fr. Gregory Gay, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, presided at the funeral mass of Fr. Richard Mc Cullen who had been Superior General from 1980 to 1992. Participating in the celebration were members of the Province of Ireland, Daughters of Charity and many members of the different branches of the Vincentian Family, as well as other priests, sisters from other communities and lay people.

Fr. Gregory pointed out that Fr. Mc Cullen himself had made known months before his death his desire that the Superior General preside at his funeral; and that in the celebration Luke 18:9-14 be read as the gospel. The passage refers to the Pharisee and the publican in the Temple.

At the beginning of his homily Fr. General mentioned this wish of Fr. Mc Cullen and also pointed out that the bible that would be used in the celebration would be the one found in the place where Father usually did his reading. He also emphasized the fact that Fr. Mc Cullen wanted a bible translation that was modern and popular.

“When I was preparing the homily”, Fr. Gay affirmed, “I tried to think from my position as Superior General and tried to understand Fr. Mc Cullen’s intention when he chose this gospel.” He went on to say “as Superior General I realize that people have a tendency to place us on a pedestal; sometime one feels honored and applauded for the good things he does; but in my heart I am very aware of my own limitations. Surely Fr .Mc Cullen felt the same way many times; I think he may have felt worse since he was considered a saintly man, and being like St. Vincent he considered himself the worst of sinners. Then I recalled the very words of St. Vincent de Paul about not having confidence in oneself, but rather putting all our confidence in God.”

Later on Fr. Gregory commented on what Fr. Mc Cullen meant for him. In this regard he affirmed, “I have to say he was a true gentleman and at the same time a serious student of Vincentian spirituality and of God’s word since his love for St. Vincent was so evident. With great familiarity he would cite his (Vincent’s ) words, the events of his life and his thoughts in order to give advice to people and to direct them from those same ideas. With regard to God’s word, I can say he was a lover of Jesus Christ; Jesus was always the principal person in his life. For Fr. Mc Cullen, Jesus Christ was the beloved of God.”

At another moment Fr. General recalled how Fr. Mc Cullen was a great missionary and he underlined two aspects of his life that bore this out: “meekness and leadership”. In this regard he said: “missionary, meek


and a leader. Besides these virtues there were others that adorned his missionary life and that Father General wished to emphasize: “two other principal virtues stood out in his life: simplicity and humility.” Father General also told his listeners that a book was left on top of Fr. Mc Cullen’s desk, The Wisdom of the Founders by Sr. Margaret Barret, Daughter of Charity. In it Fr. General came across a phrase that spoke powerfully to him and that he also shared in this homily. It was a phrase of St. Vincent to the confreres: “people should find in them (the confreres) and in their houses a courteous welcome, an open heart and a winning simplicity.” “This is what St. Vincent has called us to show forth in our lives. Fr. McCullen gave testimony to this simplicity with his life, whether it was with the Daughters of Charity, the diocesan seminarians or with the poor he met in his different visits throughout the world as Superior General, or with the members of the Congregation of the Mission to whom he always showed his affection”, observed Father General.

Father General’s words were very moving when he said that Fr. McCullen incarnated the words St. Vincent spoke to Fr. Portail: “Remember, Monsieur, we live in Jesus Christ through the death of Jesus Christ, and we should die in Jesus Christ through the life of Jesus Christ, and our life must be hidden in Jesus Christ and filled with Jesus Christ, and in order to die as Jesus Christ, we must live as Jesus Christ.” (CCD:I:276)

Before closing Fr. General wanted to recall a phrase that, for him, has been the best expression of Fr. Mc Cullen’s love for the Congregation and its missionaries. It can be found in the Introduction to the Constitutions of the Congregation of the Mission that he himself promulgated in 1984: “In the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and of his Immaculate Mother, and with all my heart, I profess myself to be your most devoted confrere”.

Finally, Fr. General said that while pronouncing these words he did not wish only to give honor to Fr. Mc Cullen, but also to invite us to see how his life itself can animate us to love St. Vincent more deeply, to live our Vincentian vocation in all its fullness whether as members of the Congregation of the Mission, as Daughters of Charity or as members of any branch of the Vincentian Family. He emphasized that Fr. Mc Cullen, by his life, invites us to love Jesus Christ more deeply in our lives, handing over our lives with the same love that he lived his own life.

Nominationes / Confirmationes

ONDOUA NKONO Clément 24/11/2015

(start 07/02/2016) Vice-Visitor Cameroon


24/11/2015 Regional Superior of Panama


NÚÑEZ ESCOBEDO Alonso Sac Mex 18/09/2015

Nomen Cond. Dies ob. Prov. Aet. Voc.


Sac 14/07/2015 Mex 74 57

CUNNINGHAM Patrick Joseph Sac 02/11/2015 Hib 83 65

CASEY Timothy Sac 06/11/2015 Hib 84 66

LAMELA VELOSO Juan Sac 06/11/2015 Por 79 62



Nominationes / Confirmationes




MEMHERU Mekonnen Menkir 04/12/2015

(start 02/02/2016) Visitor of Ethiopia

MBATA Cyril Nnamdi 04/12/2015

(start 05/01/2016) Visitor of Nigeria

TYPAMM Emmanuel 04/12/2015 Director DC Cameroon (Confirmed)

CAAMAÑO DOMINGUEZ José Ignacio 15/12/2015 Director DC Barcelona (Confirmed)

CANNATO Luigi 15/12/2015 Vice-Director DC Albania-Kosovo

BILALI MPUTU Lucien Sac Cng 25/10/2015

EYAYA BWINA Franck Sac Cng 25/10/2015

NGOMBO BOMBUKA André Sac Cng 25/10/2015

RAIVUNI Sowani Sac Aul 25/11/2015

Nomen Cond. Dies ob. Prov. Aet. Voc.

SIEDLCZYŃSKI Józef Sac 03/12/2015 Pol 62 43

VITELLO Antonino Sac 04/12/2015 Nea 79 61

VÁZQUEZ FONSECA Eduardo Sac 19/12/2015 Arg 81 63

GRIMALDI Francesco Sac 20/12/2015 Mad 80 63

McCULLEN Richard F. Sac 24/12/2015 Hib 89 70

AMÉZQUETA ARBILLA Francisco Sac 28/12/2015 Cae 88 70

LIBER Tomasz Sac 30/12/2015 Pol 50 29

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