canberra citynews august 9, 2012

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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MUM in the City columnist SONYA FLADUN has been looking at the cartoons on television and, horrified, discovers the wise-cracking rabbits and ducks of her youth have been replaced by nasty, vicious ‘toons. CEDRIC BRYANT becomes Mr Potato Head with a column in praise of spuds, there are four pages of social photos and astrologer JOANNE MADELINE MOORE urges Leos not to be bossy this week!


CityNews August 9-15 1CityNews August 9-15 1

AUGUST 9, 2012


Gallagher attack treads a fine line MICHAEL MOORE

When ‘toons get cruel SONYA FLADUN

Gotta love those spuds! CEDRIC BRYANT


break stories TIM GAVEL

Bad news, but who’s to blame? ROBERT MACKLIN

The Canberra Walk-In Aviary is a huge privately owned walk-in aviary where the friendly free flying birds can be observed, photographed and fed. The Walk-in Aviary’s owners developed the aviary as a way to enjoy and share their extensive

collection of feathered friends. It is our mission to allow people to interact directly with the birds. Visitors to the aviary walk amongst more than 550 birds representing 57 different species from Australia and around the world.

Canberra Walk In Aviary Feed the Birds!Unit 13 Federation Square, O’Hanlon Place, NICHOLLSPh 6230

Trading hours Summer (September – April)10am to 5pm (last admission 4.30 pm)Winter (May – August) 11am to 3.30pm.Open 7 days a week (Weather permitting) except Xmas Day.

Canberra Walk In Aviary EN0667-V2.indd 1 7/08/12 2:00 PM

How Emma Wilson lost 53kgs and found herselfLOST & FOUND



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2 CityNews August 9-15

CityNews August 9-15 3

How Emma lost 53kgs and found herself

IN 18-months, teacher Emma Wilson, of Bruce, has lost 53 kilograms of weight, from 110kgs to 57kgs, and in the process found herself.

“I have learnt that to achieve long-term weight management it is not just about diet and exercise programs, it is about finding your identity, being confident with that identity and demonstrating balance throughout everyday life,” Emma, 33, and now 57kgs, says.

Emma has always been an emotional eater who would turn to sugary foods for comfort when she was feeling tired or unhappy. Eight-een months ago she went to see her doctor and admitted she had an eating problem.

“It was the first time I had stopped making excuses for myself and realised that while I had a problem that may have been caused by the ac-tions of others, I was the only person who could solve it,” she says.

“I began to see how relationships that were unhealthy were affecting me and so began to close doors and embark on new relationships that brought out the best in me rather than the worst.”

Emma, who has recently finished her masters degree in special education, now spends three hours a day at the gym and competes in body sculpting competitions, all in addition to her day job working in pre-schools to improve literacy

and numeracy among indigenous children.“It would be wrong of me to say that the

weight-loss journey has been easy. Anyone who has lost weight knows it isn’t,” Emma says.

The point where Emma’s life turned around came after her visit to her doctor. The GP pre-scribed medication to suppress her appetite and correct her metabolism.

“Initially, I lost seven kilograms, but I soon began to see the bigger picture and understand that medication is not a long-term solution... I asked my swimming coach if he could recom-mend a personal trainer, thinking that if I increased my cardio workouts I could just burn the extra weight off and all my problems would be solved.”

Last February, Emma began training with Andy Burton. “Weighing in with Andy it was as if the light came on and I saw in figures how overweight I was... it dawned on me that I had been kidding myself for a very long time. When Andy began to take my measurements I felt so embarrassed and ashamed of myself for having so little regard for my fitness and health.”

Andy recommended a diet for Emma and she began to see results immediately.

“After the first few weeks of the diet where

For Emma Wilson, it was the realisation that she could not stop eating that turned her life around. LIBBY HILL reports

Before: Emma Wilson, at 110kgs... when she looks at this picture she says she sees how sad she was.

After: Emma Wilson at 57kgs... “I can’t wait to start each day.” Photo by Silas Brown

news / cover story

my poor body reeled from the lack of sugars, fats and general bad stuff, I started to feel good – really good,” she says.

And she has started challenging herself and stopped making excuses.

“I began to take pride in my appearance, dress-ing well and making an effort. My social life took off and rather than sitting at home every Saturday night, I was out meeting new people, making an effort. I began to enjoy life rather than just exist in it. I started to see a psychologist to understand why I over-ate and what strategies I could utilise to manage my eating,” she says.

While the process has been about shedding more than just weight, it’s been about surround-ing herself with the right people.

“People are not always as supportive and posi-tive as you assumed they would be and relation-ships begin to change or sadly end, but rather than let that upset me I have learnt to focus on the people who do support me, who encourage me, who are at the other end of the phone when I need to talk, who bring out the best in me and inspire me.

“I have a wonderful team around me who donate their time and energy into seeing me succeed. Andy Burton is my trainer, Kristy-Lee Williams supports me by training with me, Rohan Untersteiner designed my diet, Bernice Roberston donates her time to me for posing and routine les-sons and Allison Foster and Warren Fernandex train with me, too.”

Emma says she used to sleep all the time.“I couldn’t get enough, now I love getting out

of bed, I am so excited, I can’t wait to start each day, train and chat to my friends at the gym. I love the thrill those endorphins give me when I know I have worked hard.”

index Volume 18, Number 29

Arts&Entertainment 25-28Canberra Confidential 16Cinema 28Dining 27Garden 30Home 31News 3-13Politics 6 Puzzles 29Social Scene 17-20Sport 9

Responsibility for election comment is taken by Ian Meikle, of Suite 1, Level 1, 143 London Circuit, Canberra.

Phone 6262 9100 Fax 6262 9111 GPO Box 2448, Canberra City

4 CityNews August 9-15


“PEOPLE think because Canberra is relatively new it doesn’t have much history to uncover, but I’m hoping what I’ve done is enough proof to end that notion,” local historian and au-thor Alan Foskett says.

With more than 30 historic books on the capital published in the last 23 years, Foskett has long been passion-ate about unearthing Canberra’s rich and “unique” social and urban history – and at 84 years of age he’s showing no signs of slowing down.

His books range far and wide; from the history of hostels in Canberra to the origins of the Ainslie Football Club.

Foskett’s latest book, “Caring for the Community Rain Hail or Shine – The History of District and Com-munity Health Nursing in the ACT”, is to be launched in March as part of Canberra’s centenary.

The book’s printing is funded by the ACT Government under the Heritage Grants Program and will provide an in-depth look at the evolution of dis-trict nursing and the roles of nurses in caring for patients in Canberra over the last 100 years.

A self confessed “history addict”,

Foskett’s love of the past spurred from an honours degree in geography at the University of Sydney, where he stud-ied the history of the mining towns in Queensland for field work and became “fascinated” by their stories.

He moved to Canberra in 1950 where he worked in the public sector, including the then Capital Territory Health Com-

mission and ACT Health Authority. It was when he started his own

urban development consultancy busi-ness in 1987 that he had more time on his hands to indulge in what he calls his “hobby.”

“That’s when I started to research and write about the history and stories of Canberra, which I’ve continued to

do now in my retirement,” he said. “For me it’s a hobby; it’s just enjoy-

able. I usually find what I’m interested in and start from there, or sometimes people will approach me and ask me to write.”

In 2009 Foskett received a Medal of the Order of Australia for his services to ACT history and heritage, which he says was a “huge honour,” although he remains modest.

“I get a bit embarrassed about that sort of thing, but it was wonderful to be acknowledged.”

He says his latest book was a long time coming.

“For some 20 years a group of com-munity nurses wanted to have a book on their history but they kept defer-ring it,” he said.

“Finally, they got together and said ‘we’ve really got to do this book’ and approached me to be the author. I had always been interested in that area from my work in the health field and my wife was a nurse, too,” he said.

He believes people won’t need to have an interest in nursing to enjoy the book.

“It is really a history of health ser-vices here and I think anyone interest-ed in the way Canberra has developed will have an interest in it,” he said.

“The main attraction, apart from the general history, is the range of stories the nurses have provided – the

emotional involvement they some-times had with patients is extremely interesting.”

It took Foskett about two years to research and write the book from his home office in Campbell, sifting through resources from The National Library and stories and photos sup-plied by a committee of long-serving community nurses.

“It depends on the timing, but I’ll usually spend 800 hours altogether on my books, which ends up to be about two years for each one. Some days I’ll do two hours, other days I’ll do eight,” he said.

For Foskett, documenting Can-berra’s history is as rewarding as it is addictive, and he’s not ready to give up just yet.

“There’s a lot of demand for these books here; people are very interested in our history,” he said.

“I always say ‘this will be my last book’, but I don’t think I’ll stop any-time soon. There’s still plenty of great stories to be told.”

Pre-paid orders of “Caring for the Community Rain Hail or Shine - The History of District and Community Health Nursing in the ACT” are avail-able ahead of the book’s” launch on March 24. Visit for more information.

Historian Alan Foskett... “I’ll usually spend 800 hours altogether on my books, which ends up to be about two years for each one.” Photo by Silas Brown

LAURA EDWARDS meets a man who thrives on living in the past

Author Alan sees local history everywhere

CityNews August 9-15 5

Laura Edwards reports

IT’S not just a cookbook that’s bound to get more dads in the kitchen – it will also raise money for a cause close to Wallabies’ captain and Brumbies star recruit David Pocock’s heart.

“It’s a Boy Thing: Recipes for Dad and Me” will be sold ahead of Father’s Day on September 2, and includes about 250 recipes from St Edmund’s College staff and students.

Most of the proceeds will go towards rugby union star David’s charity “Eighty Twenty Vision”, which sup-ports communities in Zimbabwe living in poverty.

The idea for the book came from two St Edmund’s students, brothers Eamon and Lachie McCoola, in Years 5 and 6.

They say they were inspired to raise money for David’s charity after read-ing his biography, which told of his childhood in Zimbabwe before moving to Australia in 2002.

Eamon says the book raised the is-sue of kids his age living in poverty in Zimbabwe, and made him realise how “good life is here”.

“When we were reading the book it really made us sad how poor these kids are,” he said.

“We couldn’t really believe what they have to go through... walking eight hours just to get water, and they don’t have much food.

“We thought raising money through a recipe book would get everyone

involved. It’s great how supportive everyone has been... I can’t wait to see people using the book.”

With help from their mother and through a fundraising publishing company, the boys have managed to get 1000 copies of their book published.

David, who has just signed a three-year deal with the ACT Brumbies and will join them in 2013 after moving from the Western Force, told “CityNews” he is proud that the boys “used their own initiative” to create the book.

“It’s great, seeing a response from people like this, being inspired to make something good happen,” he said.

“I think this is why it’s really impor-tant athletes are giving back to society. We benefit a great deal from society and it’s important we’re giving back in a meaningful way, that we be a good role model for kids and ensure what we’re doing is not just about sport, but going a bit further than that.”

David started “Eighty Twenty Vi-sion” in 2009 because he wanted to “give back” to the country he grew up in after witnessing the general lack of food, electricity and opportunity there. He donates most of his income from rugby union to the charity.

Eamon and Lachie say they hope to

one day meet David while he is playing for the Brumbies.

Copies of “It’s a Boy Thing: Recipes

for Dad and Me” will be available from St Edmund’s College from August 20. The books are $25 each.

St Edmund’s College students Lachie, left, and Eamon McCoola in the kitchen....the boys “can’t wait” to see people using the fundraising cookbook. Photo by Silas Brown

Boys’ cookbook with a conscience brieflyThe Leigh wayTHE member for Fraser Andrew Leigh’s next “town hall meeting” will be at the Ginninderra Labor Club, corner of Lhotsky Street and Charnwood Place, 10.30am to noon, on Saturday, August 11. RSVP to

Baking for goodFROM Monday, August 27 and throughout September, hosts will be cooking, sharing and enjoying delicious homemade treats at home, workplaces and social groups while raising funds for Red Cross during its national Big Cake Bake campaign. To become a Big Cake Bake host, register at and you’ll receive a kit with a special oven mitt and all the information needed to run a Big Cake Bake event.

Church historyEDDIE Braggett, emeritus professor of education at Charles Sturt Univer-sity, will speak on “Anglican Camps, Settlements and Churches in the Inner South of Canberra, 1912-1970” at the next Canberra & District Historical Society meeting, National Archives, 7pm, Tuesday, August 14. All welcome.

6 CityNews August 9-15

news / politics

WITH only a few months to the October ACT election, the Opposition has finally found, in the data-doctoring scandal, something it can use to mercilessly pur-sue the personal popularity of the Chief Minister.

However, there is a risk – if they push too hard, they will simply be seen as bully-ing Katy Gallagher and their strategy will backfire.

The aim is politically motivated and simple. If they can tarnish the reputation of Gallagher, if they can reduce her popu-larity, then the popularity of the Govern-ment will also decline.

It does not require a large percentage of people to change their vote to bring a gov-ernment down. The difference that sepa-rated the Canberra Liberals from Labor at last election in 2008 was just 5.9 per cent of the first preference vote. Labor won 37.39 per cent, the Liberals 31.59 per cent and the Greens, in their best performance at an ACT Assembly election, won four seats with 15.62 per cent of the vote.

The Liberals not only need to close the gap on Labor, they also have to eat in to the Greens’ vote. Even if they have a higher percentage of the vote than the Labor Party, the Greens will still be unlikely to support them for government. Govern-ment goes to the Chief Minister who has the support of at least nine of the 17 votes on the floor of the Assembly – not to the party with the largest representation.

The Liberals have been working hard to narrow the difference. Apart from con-stantly having stalls in shopping centres and door knocking throughout their time in the Assembly, the elected members have been reaching out to community groups and individuals by careful use of the internet, by running and attending community forums and by judicious use of the media.

One key aim will be to win at least a seat from the Greens. They unexpectedly won an additional seat when Caroline Le

Couteur was elected by a very narrow margin in the largest electorate of Molon-glo. Although the Greens have performed well in the ACT, their core issues, such as climate change, are not at the forefront of community thinking as was the case at the last election when a decade of drought really brought the message home.

However, the Liberals know that their efforts in opposition and their hopes of offering an alternative set of policies for government are simply not going to be enough. While Gallagher maintains the gentle, statesperson-like persona that she has projected – just staying a step above the hard cut-and-thrust of politics – the conservatives are unlikely to swing enough votes to bring about a change of government.

Attempts to drag the Chief Minster into the fray have at best been only partially successful. The Greens have come out in support of her and are not convinced by attempts to address this situation as any form of corruption. The Greens lose no skin off their nose in taking either stance.

On the one hand, if they attack the Chief Minister in partnership with the Liberals, it helps to distance them from the Govern-ment. This would assist in lowering Labor votes and to having voters look more carefully at the Greens as an alternative, which is less likely to get involved in any-thing that can be portrayed as seedy.

On the other hand, by supporting the Chief Minister through this morass, they have been able to illustrate that they are able to make their own decisions about whether or not the evidence really stacks up on a major issue of conflict of interest, fraud or failure.

It is a fine line the Liberals are now treading as they head to the election. They are taking their responsibility to pursue poor administration and conflict of inter-est seriously, but they have not yet made out a convincing enough case. Without such a general understanding they appear to be just intimidating Katy Gallagher.

Michael Moore was an independent member of the ACT Legislative Assembly (1989 to 2001) and was minister for health.

Lib attack treads a fine lineThe Canberra Liberals continue to pursue the hospital’s ‘doctored data’ issue the way a terrier sticks with a bone, says MICHAEL MOORE.

Katy Gallagher... Libs risk pushing too hard.

‘In the Thick of It’ winnersThe three winners of the boxed sets of the hit TV political comedy “In the Thick of It” are: Linda Kelly, of Watson; Margaret Thompson, of Wanniassa and Alison Moir, of Queanbeyan.

CityNews August 9-15 7

8 CityNews August 9-15

AT the risk of sounding unfair, I believe our political leaders have to share the blame for our desperately disappointing performance in the London Olympic Games.

And it’s not that they have starved our ath-letes of funds. Our elite sportspeople receive more than enough from the public purse to prepare themselves for top competition.

Rather, it’s a quality less tangible but no less real – a national sense of adventurous self-con-fidence and team spirit that has been lacking in Australia ever since the rise to leadership of Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott.

We are currently cursed with two people who find it quite impossible to tap into that well of community goodwill and reciprocal acceptance that allows the nation to become greater than the sum of its individual parts.

In its place there has arisen a national ma-laise that is sapping Australia’s heart, a sneer-ing bitchiness that has spread to every part of the country and among all socio-economic groupings. And it defies the reality of our place in the world’s pecking order.

We have never been better off. We have never been more safe from external threat or econom-ic stumble. Our neighbourhood is peaceful and friendly. The yellow hordes of yesteryear have become the eager customers of our agricultural and mineral wealth. And their endless supply of low-cost manufactures has kept our inflation rate in perfect control. We are healthier, longer living, and wealthier than any generation that went before us.

Yet we moan and snarl and bicker. And with a few notable exceptions this awful negativity

takes its toll on our representatives in the inter-national sporting arena.

We look back in wonder at that Australia un-der Bob Hawke, for example, when we wrested the America’s Cup from its plinth in Newport. We can barely remember that fine day in Can-berra when Kevin Rudd and Brendan Nelson joined as one to say “Sorry” to the Aboriginal people.

It could never happen today when both sides are prepared to sacrifice human refugees at sea in pursuit of their political ends; and where the righteous battle against climate change brings denial on the one hand and petty bribery on the other.

In the American constitution they have a rule that says a candidate for president must have one qualification above all others – to be born in America. In that land of immigrants it is quite uncontroversial. It ensures that from her or his very first breath the candidate will be surrounded by all things American. I think it’s a good rule. And as it happens, neither Tony Abbott nor Julia Gillard would qualify if it were applied to our head of government here.

It’s not foolproof, of course. Wayne Swan was born here though his heart, he says, is with “The Boss”, the New Jersey singer Bruce Springsteen.

But it is significant perhaps that the two peo-ple the polls tell us who Australians really want as their political leaders – Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd – are native sons. Or is that just a coincidence?

How politicians sap the Olympic dream

Disappointed by the Australian performance at the Olympic Games? Blame Gillard and Abbott, says ROBERT MACKLIN

news / olympicsdose of dorin

CityNews August 9-15 9

IT is hard to describe what a mad place the Olympics can be. There are twice as many jour-nalists as athletes; every single media outlet is seeking to get a piece of the action; you can’t be beaten to the story!

It is exhilarating and frus-trating at the same time. The atmosphere is exciting yet claustrophobic – and all of London seems to be abuzz with Olympic spirit.

The competition among the journalists is just as fierce as in the arena. We’re neither as fit, nor as young as the athletes, but the events demand the world’s media to concentrate on and capture every moment of this highest stage of human endeavour.

It’s exhausting, but I only have to look at the physical input of the rowers here at Eton Dorney to see where real physical effort is being exerted.

WHEN Britain finally won gold, after a five-day wait, with row-

ers Helen Glover and Heather Stanning in the women’s pairs, the British media went into a frenzy and the mood over Lon-don changed up a notch or two in a heartbeat. The media loves these moments.

AT home, you now have the op-tion to tune into the Olympics in many different ways and, for the first time, the impact of social media – in particular, Twitter – is really being felt.

It is so immediate it has changed the way the media operates. There is no holding on to stories because you are not sure when or how they will break.

Television and radio delay events at their peril and jour-nalists find themselves unsure on where a story might emerge.

This new generation of athletes use social media to ex-press how they really feel away from the “straight jacket” at-mosphere of news conferences.

It has also led to athletes

themselves finding it hard to manage how they use Twitter and Facebook.

Some have found, to their detriment, that it can lead to fatigue; others become de-spondent after reading tweets from people they don’t even know with comments that can be quite deflating and per-sonal. There is also the issue of athletes reading tweets which are praiseworthy and can lead to them believing in their own publicity.

And, of course, some ath-letes have fallen into the trap of expressing their feelings without thinking it through or having somebody to talk them through it.

Facing the camera imme-diately after a race is difficult enough for many young ath-letes, but the full-time access and attention via social media adds another layer of scrutiny and requires a mature head.

These Olympics have been a lesson for us all and while they are elating and exhausting, they always reveal something about the human spirit from the most unexpected corners.

MEANWHILE, back home all of Canberra should be rejoic-ing with the signing of David Pocock. This has to be ac-knowledged as one of the most significant signings in the Brumbies’ most recent history. He brings class and leadership to the Brumbies’ camp, on and off the field.

His signing is just as im-portant as the recruitment of Ewen McKenzie and the like in the early days of the team. Bring on season 2013!

Media’s mad race to break stories

TIM GAVEL, in London covering the Olympics for ABC Radio, says the competition among international journalists is as fierce as in the arena.

10 CityNews August 9-15

ANTIQUES appeal to people because “there’s always a story behind them,” says antique dealer Les Selkirk.

Les has been running the ACT Springtime Antiques and Collectables Fair at the historic Albert Hall, twice a year for 26 years, with the latest on August 17-19.

The fair, supported by the Rotary Club of Can-berra City, sells a blend of “antiques, old-world nostalgia and collectables,” including clocks, furniture, fine linen, glassware and jewellery.

Les says the antiques can date as far back as 1820.

“The appeal of our fair is that there’s noth-ing new, so you really know they’re genuine antiques,” he said.

“There are rules; china and crockery must be a collectable, jewellery must be antique or estate, and furniture can’t be newer than 1920.”

Les says the fairs have remained steadily popular over the years, with crowds – a mix of all ages – averaging about 2000-3000 throughout the weekend.

He’s noticed jewellery is among the most popular items at the moment.

“Jewellery just walks out the door,” he says. “Also, younger people in particular are look-

ing for sturdy furniture, things that don’t fall apart, and with antiques it’s all solid wood. A lot of modern furniture is not as substantially made as the older ones and the carvings on an-tique furniture are so elaborate.”

The antiques usually have a description and

information about their origin. “We get a lot of interest, a lot of people ask-

ing about them and where they came from,” he says.

“Sometimes they’ve originated from France, or England – there can be many places and many interesting stories.”

Prices range from around the “$25 mark up to the thousands” and all pieces are sold by 23 reg-istered antique dealers from around Australia.

Les, who has been collecting antiques per-sonally for 28 years and runs an antique and restoration business from a studio in his Kam-bah home, says his interest in antiques began with furniture.

“My wife and I got sick of plastic furniture, and found the older furniture was a lot sturdier, better quality,” he says.

Proceeds of the antique fair will go towards Pegasus, a not-for-profit community organisa-tion that runs equestrian activities for people with disabilities.

“Each fair we give to a charity and we’ve always insisted that the money stays in Can-berra,” Les says.

The fair will open Friday August 17, 6pm to 9pm; Saturday, August 18, 10am to 5.30pm and Sunday, August 19, 10am to 4pm. Entry is $7 ($5 concession); children 14-years and under free.

Rotary antiques fair organiser Les Selkirk... “Jewellery just walks out the door.” Photo by Silas Brown

Les loves living withpieces of the past

brieflyGuzman comethTHE anticipated opening of Guzman y Gomez Mexican Taquerìa’s first Canberra restaurant has been delayed until Thursday, August 16. The opening at Bunda Street, Canberra Centre, will feature a live mariachi performance, spot prizes and free burritos to everyone who stops by.


Laura Edwards reports

Film premiereACCLAIMED Canadian film “Monsieur Lazhar” will have its Canberra premiere on Monday, August 20. Set in Montreal, the film won the Audience Award for Best Film at the 2012 Sydney Film Festival and was nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. It is a moving story about a group of schoolchildren coming to terms with the adult world well before their time, and the inspirational educator who transforms their lives. Hosted by the Canadian High Commission, the 7pm screening, at the Arc cinema, will be preceded at 6pm by a drinks reception. Tickets at $11/$9 concession can be booked at 6248 2000, from the NFSA Box Office, or online at

CityNews August 9-15 11

CityNews August 9-15 13

news / families

Sonya Fladun mum in the city

Libby Hillreports

REMEMBER those Saturday mornings of long ago, curled up on the couch in your PJs munching a bowl of cereal as you watched your favourite TV cartoons?

I loved the ‘toons when I was a kid: Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, Rocky and Bullwinkle, the Flintstones, the Jetsons, and Scooby Doo.

Lately, I’ve been revisiting the ‘toons. Gone are the days when my children were happy with very young kids’ viewing: Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues or the gorgeous Bear in the Big Blue House. If I’m honest, I’m not at all sad to see the end of the Wiggles, and both of my kids, one aged nine, the other six, are now into kids’ cartoons. Some of my old favourites are still running, at least on pay TV; but I’ve also discovered that the new generation of cartoon entertainment is not what it was.

In my day, cartoons were largely populated by wise-cracking rabbits and ducks and never really left the realm of fantasy. But things are different. Many contemporary cartoons seem to portray real nastiness, selfishness, venal and grasping behaviour that, as a parent, you really wouldn’t want your child to emulate or follow.

I’ve sat down with my kids and watched contemporary cartoons screening in the mornings and

afternoons such as “Total Drama Island”, the “Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy” and the “Regular Show’s” “Mordecai and Rigby”.

I wasn’t impressed. “Total Drama Island”, for example, is a spoof of those popular reality shows such as “Survivor”. It’s not without humour, but it’s all about backstabbing, bitchiness, greed and cruel stereo-types. That’s fine for me because I love satire and black humour. But I’m not sure I want my kids to watch this sort of stuff; their brains are yet to develop a good filtration system and I don’t want them absorbing too much of this and treating others in such uncaring, anti-social ways.

Not all contemporary kids’ cartoons are bad or inappropriate. There is lots of good, wickedly funny stuff. But a lot of what is being screened for quite young kids is probably more appropriate for teenagers and young adults.

But it’s best to have a look for yourself. Don’t presume that what’s screening in so-called “kids’ viewing” times is really appropriate.

And remember that some of the old classics are still fresh for each new generation; the antics of the Roadrunner and the Coyote had my kids rolling on the floor laughing.

JUST as home visits from midwives have increased rates of breastfeeding, the Heart Foundation believes home visits aimed at teaching new mums about healthy eating and active play could reduce childhood obesity.

More than 60 per cent of Australian adults and almost a quarter of Australian children are now overweight or obese, putting them at significantly higher risk of heart disease, the nation’s number one killer, as well as other serious health con-ditions including diabetes and certain cancers.

A University of Sydney study pub-lished in the “British Medical Journal” has found in a trial of nearly 700 first-time mums in south west Sydney, that children whose mothers had received the health-focused home visits had a lower body mass index (BMI) and lower rates of overweight and obesity.

Thirty-four-year-old Sarah Yap, of Harrison, is mum to three-year-old Shaun and 11-month-old Audrey. She works three days a week as a public serv-

ant and believes home visits would help parents make better choices.

“I think that the rise in childhood obesity is unfortunately linked to the un-healthy choices their parents make and the fact that they are constantly being fed junk food and watch a lot of television at home,” she says.

“It is a struggle for mothers who are often time poor to make the right choices. Heavy marketing of junk food is a big problem in our society and everywhere you go you will see the junk-food aisle when you go to the supermarket checkout.

“I think it’s difficult for mothers to magically change their bad habits but if they had a home visit, it would make a difference to them.”

Heart Foundation clinical issues direc-tor Dr Robert Grenfell says this research shows how effective simple health tips can be when they’re delivered to the right people in the right way.

“Australians – and mums in particular – are constantly being bombarded with

information on how to be healthy, but so much of it gets dumped in the too-hard basket because it is complicated, confus-ing or contradictory.

“That’s why the Heart Foundation developed the Mums United campaign to help Australian families take small, easy steps towards a healthier lifestyle and ultimately achieve a healthy weight,” Dr Grenfell said.

Practical tips including quick, healthier family recipes are available at

Visits help fight family obesity

When the ‘toons get cruel

Sarah Yap with children Audrey and Shaun... “It is a struggle for mothers who are often time poor to make the right choices.” Photo by Silas Brown

14 CityNews August 9-15

CityNews August 9-15 15

WHEN Matt and Anna Doogan purchased their house in Bremer Street, Griffith, they knew that someday they would knock it down.

When they moved in in 2003, they did a quick renovation with a coat of paint and a Bunnings kitchen, which made it comfortable enough to live in for the next five years, as their family grew.

“We always knew we’d knock it over, it was never a case of extending or anything like that,” says Anna.

Neither of them had built a house before, but they loved the location of their house so they set about

researching their dream home by visiting display homes in Sydney.

It was when they visited Forde and Crace and spoke to a range of builders that they really hit it off with the team from Today’s Homes and builder Brendan McCoullough.

“Brendan’s buildings all flowed really nicely,” Matt says.

Although building a house was something the Doogans felt like they “had to do at least once” in their lives, it was no small task. With three children aged 2, 3 and 4 in tow, they moved into a small, two-bedroom apartment for 18 months while their old home was knocked down and the new one was built.

But Matt and Anna describe the process as seamless saying that once

Today’s Homes and Lifestyle / advertising feature

Building our new home, without the hassle

Matt and Anna Doogan at home in Griffith... “At no stage did we feel like we had the contract rammed down our throat. If we wanted to change something, it was never a hassle.”

Matt and Anna Doogan knocked down their old house in Griffith and built a new one with award-winning builder Brendan McCoullough. They’re glad they did – and they’d do it again!

it got going, it just seemed to roll smoothly.“From the start, we spent hours with the

Today’s Homes team,” Anna says. “The first meeting with the designer probably went for four hours and we had a couple more after that. I’d say we spent days initially with designers just talking about what we wanted and that really made it easier later on.”

“It became evident pretty early on that nothing was going to be a hassle for Brendan,” Matt says

“At no stage did we feel like we had the contract rammed down our throat. If we wanted to change something, it was never a hassle.”

Working with the team of designers was a key part of the process for the Doogans.

“They would throw up ideas and suggestions, but also they would make comment, on what the

effect of our choices might be; things we wouldn’t have necessarily thought about,” Matt says.

When it came to choosing lighting for their new home, Anna and Matt found themselves stuck.

“That was one of the most difficult decisions for us,” says Anna. “So Brendan actually came out with us to the store and went through all the options with us.”

“When we were choosing paint, we sat down with one of the designers, and we knew we wanted white, but there’s a hundred shades of white. All it took was explaining to the designer that I wanted a beige colour. I didn’t want it yellow, I didn’t want it brown, I didn’t want it pink and she went, ‘I know, you want ‘Hog Bristle’ and it was exactly the colour I wanted,” says Anna.

The couple knew they wanted a custom-built

home, designed especially for them and never considered a project home.

The house is packed with features, such as red bricks, deliberately incorporated into the design of the house as homage to the original buildings in the area.

“We always knew we didn’t want an ultra-modern house, that we wanted it to fit in with the area and look like a house in Griffith,” Anna says.

The home was a finalist in the 2012 ACT Master Builders Association awards in the custom built homes $600,000 – $1 million category.

Matt and Anna don’t hesitate when asked if they would do it all again.

“I don’t want to buy another house, I will always want to build,” says Anna.

16 CityNews August 9-15

Canberra Confidential Know something? /

LAST week it was licence plates, this week it’s Civic traffic lights that are going European.

Snapper Silas Brown spotted the new lights on the corner of Akuna Street and London Circuit the other day and, knowing this paper’s passion for silly road signs, flags and urban furniture, came panting through the door declaring he had a “scoop” (of what, we chorused?). Anyway, he’s right – the sleek, new lights look as if they might make a red-light stop just a little more, as they say on the Continent, wunderbar.

Roads ACT manager of traffic signals Michael Day told “CC” they are trialling the imported European lights and are interested to see whether Canberrans prefer the change.

“They’re widely used in Europe, but we want to see how reliable they are first, too,” he said.

His understanding is that the National Capital Authority like the lights so much they are thinking of using them in the upgrade to the intersection of Anzac Parade and Constitution Avenue.

Just call us the new Milan...

Oo-la-la! New lights

A doodle on GoogleHOW on earth did the Liberals hear about Health Minister Katy Gallagher sharing holiday time in France two years ago with the recently resigned executive who fessed up to cooking the emergency department books at the Canberra Hospital?

Not a lot of intrigue, alas. A ran-dom late-night doodle on Google by a shadow minister set the algorithm alight and, by some freakish quirk of circumstance, up popped the published fond memories of one of the vacationers skiting about happy times with the CM. Makes the Greens whinge about privacy invasions look a bit weak.

Political puntersAND as the ACT political parties come galloping into the home straight in this year’s Election Stakes, some interesting odds tumbled out of the “CC” fax machine the other day. They came from a mysterious (ie not on Google) group called the Braddon Punters Club and showed its latest odds for the October poll.

Here are some of them: A highly unlikely Greens majority government is in at 100/1, Labor’s chance of majority rule firmed at 12/1 but the Liberals had the best prospects at 8/1. Despite that, in seats for the new Assembly, the club’s odds of 6/4 favour a 7 Labor/3 Greens /7 Liberals result against 5/2 for an 8 Liberals/2 Greens/7 Labor split.

Car park painRESIDENTS at an upmarket, water-front apartment block at Kingston are wearily filling in insurance claims and scratching their heads about the state-of-the-art security system after thieves got into the carpark and damaged 26 cars the other night. That’s right, 26 cars. Lousy mongrels.

Crazy CoolersTHE crazy, old Daddy Coolers at Ross Wilson’s Southern Cross gig the other night were breaking all the rules. The Eagle Rocker shamelessly urged his already less-than-sedate

audience to ignore the warning card on the table from CEO Greg Mitchell and, ahem, make more noise. Call security because killjoy Mitchell’s note says: “Members and guests are requested to be silent during show time”. Silent? What, no clapping?

Here’s cheersTHAT ad man Warren Apps must have been hiding his light under a Fyshwick bushel when he was running Grey Group. Since he took a slice of junior agency Coordinate, there’s been no stopping him and founder Jamie Wilson. Just weeks into their new partnership, they’ve landed, they reckon, the biggest advertising account move this year.Independent Liquor Retailers, which has almost 500 stores under the Lo-cal Liquor and Country Wide Liquor brands across eastern Australia, has signed with Coordinate, following a competitive pitch from four agen-cies. What a coup for Coordinate.

Sliver of springSICK of the cold? Going stir crazy as winter grinds on? Our thoughtful friends at Events ACT have thrown us a sliver of hope for spring... they’ve put the Floriade NightFest tickets on sale with the promise that it will again transform Commonwealth Park into an after-dark wonderland next month with spectacular lighting and entertainment.

NightFest will run over five nights from Wednesday, September 26, to Sunday, September 30. And, though probably no link to it being election time, general admission has been held at $25. Bookings to or call 132849.

Red raggin’“CC’s” favourite thoughtful Socialist, the irrepressible John Passant, from Socialist Alternative, will be talking about “The Olympics: racism, nation-alism and profit”, Room G8, Moran Building, ANU, 6pm on Thursday, August 16. He told “CC” his talk is inspired by the attacks on Olympian Damien Hooper for wearing the Aboriginal flag on his T-shirt at the event he describes as “the low light of the McDonald’s Coca Cola Games”. There’s more at

The Continent comes to Canberra... the new traffic lights in Civic. Inset: the old ones. Photos by Silas Brown.

Warren Apps

Ross Wilson

CityNews August 9-15 17

scene Canberra’s only locally-owned Subaru dealerBROUGHT TO


At the Property Council of Australia (ACT) ‘Stardust’ awards night and gala ball, National Convention Centre

Caitlyn Davidson, Lisa Mountford and Jemima Daly

Lauren and Nicky Cooper Margaret Spratt, Angelo Daniano and Sam Davis Ben and Diane Ponton with David Lamont Toni Baker and Emma Somerfield

Jeremy Hanson MLA and wife Fleur

Ros and Damien Collins with Helen Grounsell

Rebecca Stockley and Nichelle Jackson

Steve Mackintosh and Charlee Sharples

Stephanie Fereday, Elise Cossar, Keely Kochel and Keely Johnston Monica Lindbeck, Kristine Schilling and Josephine Azzopardi Liz Shaw and Maryam Asgari

18 CityNews August 9-15


At Framing Matters’ 11th birthday celebration, ManukaAt Australian Culinary Federation’s fundraising dinner, Royal Canberra Golf Club, Yarralumla

Lennie and Kehm Hartmut

Lyn, Peter and Michelle Smee

Ben Lennard and Meg LewisChris Purcell and Sue O’Connor Susanna Suen and Merlin Coen

Larraine Nicholls, Angela Campbell and Anne Hall Hosts Cathy and Quentin Webster

Di Strahan, Dave Fife with Gerry and Louise Tan Cecilia Millar-Rakisito and Emma Yates

Alison and Ruth Shipton Marilyn Gray and Jill Howell Gerardo Navarro and Sarah Forrester

CityNews August 9-15 19

sceneAt ActewAGL’s Business Rewards Club cocktail party , Civic

Teale Moyers and Aaron Green Jonathan Miller, Sean Davis and Michael Ghobrial Michael Tabert and Kate Palmer Lucy Millington, Jess Brown and Jess Thomas

James Barrett, Brianna Olzen and Andrew ByrneTom, Sally and Jack CloustonJenni Regan, Joanne Weir and Michelle Jackson

Graeme Harrison-Brown, Charmaine Daniel and Kirt Walters

Tony Muckle, Angus Howell and David James

Meagan James and James Hall

20 CityNews August 9-15

sceneAt ‘The Mousetrap’, Canberra Theatre Centre, Civic

At ‘Winter, Wine & Unwind @ the Brassey’, Barton

Jade, Ros and Alana Edwards with Lauren Goldring

Sarah Schmitt, Ryan Veurinc and Jess Schmitt

Maureen and Steve Doszpot MLA

Wendy Kay, Kathryn and Clare Stuparich, Caitlyn Williams, Helen Joyce and Marie Mannion

Laura and Janette McGuffog Kath O’Brien and Kay Murphy

Laura and David Pike

Donatella Blundell and Jacquie Roberts

Barbara Newman, Dal Clifton and Maurine Rogers

Jane McGowan and Roger Camilleri

Ian De Landelles and Mary Porter MLA

Caroline and Rachael Cox

CityNews August 9-15 21

all about weddings special feature

CHOOSING a wedding dress is one of the most exciting parts of planning a wedding.

Regardless of whether you know what kind of gown you want or not, it is a dress you will remember for the rest of your life, so it’s worth the effort.

Gowns, like brides, come in all shapes and sizes. Deciding on the style for your gown is easier when you know what flatters your figure. Wearing the right cut for your body type can highlight your best features.

When it comes to your gown budget, make sure that you take into consideration things such as a headpiece, shoes, gloves, jewellery, undergarments, and accessories. These are just as important to creating an overall look as the dress itself.

Milliner Rachael Henson says she sees lots of brides who are turning their backs on the traditional, long veil and opting for a smaller

headpiece.Face veils covering the eyes and nose are on

trend at the moment, but Rachael says they’re not for everyone.

“Some people want that, but when they try them on and realise they come down over their eyes, they decide they can’t put up with that for the whole day,” she says.

Hand-made flowers and lace are very popular at the moment and are often made with fabric from the dress of the bride or bridesmaid.

When the big day is over it can be

alarming to see the state of the wedding gown, especially after lots of dancing and outdoor photographs. Mark Ryan, from R and R Fabricare, says it’s important to preserve your dress carefully and have it cleaned and boxed.

“You need to be able to preserve those memories – just like the photos or anything else to do with the wedding,” he says. “Also, some people don’t have a lot of space at home, and may prefer to hang the dress instead, and so we have environmentally friendly garment bags for them.”

Here comes the... hard work!Planning a wedding is a huge undertaking – it’s one of the most exciting times in our lives, but getting there can be one of the most stressful!“CityNews” fashion editor LIBBY HILL has prepared the go-to guide to getting the main bits sorted with tips and trends for the latest and greatest in bridal.

In search of that special gown

22 CityNews August 9-15

CHOOSING a reception venue needn’t be a daunting task, even though there is a lot to consider when narrowing down your wedding venue.

Whether you decide to go for a cocktail reception, sit-down dinner or a destination wedding, there’s a lot of planning that needs to be done.

Melissa Boardman, from the Federal Golf Club, says the majority of people are going for the plated, formal option of a sit-down dinner.

“It’s the one day where they can really pamper themselves and be waited on, so couples generally take advantage of that,” she says.

Melissa has also noticed a trend towards having the ceremony and

reception at the same venue.“I’ve found a lot more brides are

turning away from the church and they’re having an outdoor ceremony with the beautiful views and fresh air around them. You can have the beautiful flowers and everything you would have in a church,” she says.

Another Canberra venue popular for ceremonies and receptions is Rydges Lakeside, with Skyline on the 15th floor often booked as a wet-weather option for people planning an outdoor ceremony.

Rydges conference and sales executive Katie Dewar says people are spending more money on a photographer and cake and book-ing the venue second.

“People are opting for DJs or ipods to provide music at the reception and keeping decorations very simple with lots of white and cream,” Katie says.

Most weddings Katie sees have around 100 guests and the majority are choosing a traditional sit down dinner with two courses and

wedding cake for dessert.“People are keeping costs lower

and parents don’t seem to be paying for weddings as much anymore,” she says.

Nevertheless, the bookings are still coming in with many people enquiring about weddings for 2014 and a number already booked.

It’s common for really popular venues to be booked out 12 months ahead, so be prepared to be flexible

when it comes to picking a date and a day. If you are set on a particular venue, and you won’t wait a year or two, then think about the possibility of a Sunday or mid-week reception.

Saturday is the most popular day to get married, so it’s also easier to negotiate price with a venue on a Sunday, Thursday or Friday evening.

Once you do decide on a venue, make sure you find out exactly which function room will be yours for the reception, and are you able to use features of the venue such as gardens or pools as the backdrop to your photos? Are there any other weddings or events taking place at the same time as your wedding? It’s also wise to see if the venue can assist you with a wet-weather plan.

If your chosen venue has a wedding co-ordinator, work with them on planning your wed-ding – they will have experience and knowledge of how the venue functions best. Just make sure they share the same vision as you do for your wedding day.

all about weddings / special feature

Where best to celebrate

CityNews August 9-15 23

WHETHER it’s pre-wedding pampering or make-up for the big day, there are bound to be a few visits to the salon for any bride-to-be.

Although you’ll need to be ready for the close ups, beauty goes beyond the face. Nails need attention and skin needs to be fuzz-free and glowing.

Beauty By Penelope’s Penelope Zelenka says most brides go for a natural look when it comes to make-up.

“You want to look like yourself on your wed-ding day,” she says. “It’s disappointing to look back on your wedding photos years down the track and think you look done up like a doll.”

But while brides may be a little more conservative, Penelope says bridesmaids are these days more willing to stand out.

“Brides are letting the bridesmaids have their own individual look,” she says.

Lashes Anonymous owner Grace Martin says false eyelashes have been hugely popular with brides and their bridesmaids.

“I recommend people have them applied about five days out from the wedding and I do home visits, so often the bridal party comes together and we make a night of it,” she says.

The lashes last at least 2-3 weeks so they are likely to last through the honeymoon, too.

“It’s great if you’re going to Thailand or somewhere like that because if there’s lots of swimming you don’t need to worry about eye make-up,” Grace says.

It’s a good idea to have a make-up trial before

Beauty for the big day

the wedding day. Hold the make-up trial one month before the wedding. No point in holding the make-up trial in the middle of winter when you are having a summer wedding, you will look and feel different depending on the season.

Natural to you may mean something else to the artist, so being clear about what you want is important. It’s a good idea to take along images of brides to show the make-up artist the bridal looks that appeal to you.

Bring swatches of fabric or images of the wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses. Tell the make-up artist what shades of flowers will be in your bridal bouquets, too.

If you are having a daytime wedding it is better to organise your make-up trial during the day as this will give you a better idea as to how the make-up will look in daylight rather than in the evening.

Lastly, take photos of yourself in the make-up and continue to look at them to be sure it’s the look you’re going for.

24 CityNews August 9-15

THE ENGAGEMENT• Announce your engagement.• Arrange engagement party if you’re

having one.

SOON AFTER• Set the wedding date. • Establish who is contributing financially

and then set the budget for the wedding. • Appoint officiant and book. • Decide where the wedding ceremony is to

be held and book. • Write up a guest list and establish

numbers. • Select where the reception is to be held

and book. • Plan the style of the wedding (whether it

be religious, secular or a theme). • Determine type of entertainment for

reception and book. • Make a list of necessary hire equipment. • Nominate wedding party. • Start shopping for a gown or dressmaker

and accessories. • Shop for groom’s suit or tailor and

accessories. • Look for suits, dresses and accessories for

bridal party. • Shop for florist and flowers you want. • Decide on transportation. • Search for a photographer/ videographer

that suits your requirements. • Plan accommodation for wedding night. • Set your honeymoon destination. • Organise passports, visas and vaccinations

if going overseas.• Arrange leave from work. • Keep a scrap book or diary of ideas and

samples. • Start to think about ceremonial vows.

1-3 MONTHS• Make appointment with your wedding

celebrant and complete the “Notice of Intended Marriage” form.

• Finalise wording on your ceremonial vows. • Choose your MC. • Shop for or design your wedding rings

and order. • Design, order or make your wedding

invitations. • Buy a guest book. • Finalise your guest list. • Decide upon a gift registry and compile

a gift list. • Send your invitations. • Start to prepare your bonbonniere.

• Choose the style of cake and book decorator.

• Make final decisions on all items that need to be ordered and booked if haven’t done so already.

• Book your hire equipment. • Have fitting for bride, groom and bridal

party. • Purchase all your wedding accessories. • Book your wedding night.• Finalise and book your honeymoon. • Consider a hairstylist and make-up artist

and book appointment. • Consider taking dance lessons.

4 WEEKS• Arrange bucks night. • Arrange hens night/bridal shower. • Have wedding rings engraved. • Have hair and make-up trial.

3 WEEKS• Make sure that all in the wedding party

are aware of what is required of them. • Select music for the ceremony. • Choose the music for the first dance,

father and bride dance etc.• Provide a list of music that you would like/

not like to have played.

2 WEEKS• Have bucks night. • Have hens night/bridal shower. • Wedding rehearsal. • Final fitting for bride and groom.• Make sure all wedding attire for bridal

party fits properly. • Check that you have all your accessories

in order. • Confirm that all legal documents are in

order.• Pack bag/luggage for honeymoon. • Pick up rings.

1 WEEK• Pick up or arrange delivery for all wedding

attire. • Ensure that all in the bridal party have

what they need. • Confirm roles and responsibilities for the

day. • Inform caterer/reception venue of total

guest count and seating arrangements. • Confirm all services are booked and all

delivery times are established. • Write your speeches.

WEDDING DAY• Relax and enjoy your wedding day!

There’s lots and lots to do...all about weddings / Wedding planner

CityNews August 9-15 25

arts & entertainment Wendy JohnsonLabour of love

Philo’s having fun in BaltimoreIT’S obvious from the gurgles of joy that the director Jarrad West and co-choreographer Amy Fitzpatrick are having a disgracefully good time on the coming Canberra Philharmonic Society production of the musical “Hairspray”.

Originally made famous as the 1988 John Waters cult comedy film, it was later made into a Broadway musical. Waters was mortified when it turned into something so mainstream.

“It has to be 1962, it has to be bubbly, bright and colourful,” West tells me, but he also reflects on a time when black and white relationships in the US were being tested, seen here when the main character, Baltimore teenager Tracy Turnblad, stands up against racial segregation.

It’s one thing to cast “Hairspray” in Sydney or Melbourne, but West and Fitzpatrick were worried as to where the necessary black cast members might come from. As West reports, “they just appeared and auditioned”, many of them students from Francis Owusu’s com-munity arts organisation Kulture Break.

If you don’t know the story of “Hairspray”, don’t worry too much. Pleasantly obese Tracy is dying to dance on the Corny Collins TV show. She succeeds, falls for the hunk Link Larkin (Zack Drury) and vice versa, and defeats her detractors.

Max Gambale gets to play housewife Edna Turnblad, originally created for the late drag star Divine and once played by John Travolta. Will Huang (“the best male voice on the Can-

berra stage”, West says) plays Corny Collins and the musical direction is by Rose Shorney.

As befits the time and the title, the hairdos will be huge.

As for the set, “we’re pushing the Erindale Theatre to its limits,” West says. “It has to show the streets of Baltimore, inside a house and on a TV set.

Krystal Innes, who plays Tracy, is trained in jazz and opera. She was one of the five shortlistees for the role in the 2010-2011 professional production.

West and Fitzpatrick have inserted a lot of “in” jokes into the action, but at this point the gurgles of amusement take over. West does give me one hint – “watch out for the three gay sailors,” he warns.

“Hairspray”, Erindale Theatre, August 16 to September 1, bookings to or 6257 1950.

“Hairspray” rehearsals get underway... “It has to be 1962, it has to be bubbly, bright and colourful,” says director Jarrod West.

Helen Musa reports

Whodunit? Well,Maude won’t sayTHERE is a fair bet that you’ve seen Maude Davey.

She is a founding member of the group Crying In Public Places, was in the cast of the movies “My Year With-out Sex”, “The Slap” and TV’s “Summer Heights High”, and regularly performs burlesque with Finucane & Smith.

She’s been artistic director of Ad-elaide’s Vitalstatistix Theatre Company and Melbourne Workers’ Theatre. In short, she is the mistress of alternative theatre and film.

Davey will be at The Street Theatre soon in “The Flood” by Patrick White Playwright’s Award winner Jackie Smith and it’s a complete change for her.

“I’ve done a bit of naturalistic acting, but not all that much,” she tells “CityNews”. “This is a straight play, a well-structured drama in four acts.”

It’s set around the year 2000 in rural Australia and it happens in real time, observing the classical unities.

“The language is very naturalistic, it comes out of the realistic tradition that started in the 1960s with the search for the ‘Great Australian Play’, not like the ‘90s and early ‘noughties’ with performance-based theatre,” she says.

“The Flood” is set in the Ball family farmhouse. There are three characters, the mother (Shirley Cattunar) and two daughters, Dorothy (Davey) and Catherine (Caroline Lee). As in an Ibsen play, when Catherine comes home after 22 years on a “white knight” errand, she becomes the catalyst for dark revelations.

The two women, who remained behind, live with the consequences of the past, but now the mother is falling into dementia and Dorothy is drinking too much.

“There’s a prickly relationship be-tween the sisters,” Davey explains, “and there’s the terrible tragedy of one’s mother becoming demented… Shirley puts in a heartbreaking performance.”

No spoilers, she pleads, but I can reveal that Catherine tries to discover what happened to her father. Did mum kill him? The swine deserved it. Did Dorothy kill him? Did anyone kill him?

You’ll have to wait and see.“It’s a great role, I love it, I get to run

the gamut,” she says. “I have to get the audience asking if I’m a murderess… it’s such a treat for an actor to visit this territory,” she says.

The play has been described as “Australian Gothic” and in one Q&A session, a man got up and told the cast: “I thought that was just a wank, but now that I’ve seen it, I think I know what you mean.”

“The Flood”, The Street Theatre, August 15-25, bookings to 6247 1223 or

Helen Musa reports

“The Flood” star Maude Davey... “I have to get the audience asking if I’m a murderess… it’s such a treat for an actor to visit this territory.” Photo by Jodie Hutchinson

26 CityNews August 9-15

arts & entertainment

‘Sisters’ doing it for themselves

TERRY Pratchett’s novels have sold more than 70 million copies and he has a cult following here in Canberra. Stephen Briggs’ adaptation of Pratchett’s novel “Wyrd Sisters” has been chosen by the Tuggeranong Arts Centre Women’s Theatre Forum for a production to be directed by Kerrie Roberts. At TAC, August 14-August 25, bookings to 6293 1443.

AN angry online comment about the perceived sidelining of local jazz bands in the Capital Jazz Project at The Street lays into “unlistenable esoteric atonal experiments by SoM students”. Project director Caroline Stacey responds that of the 23 bands performing this year 12 are based in the ACT, a remaining eight feature ex-Canberrans and/or SoM alumni and there are two JUMP mentorship recipients (Rafael Jerjen and Andy Butler). “We don’t look to replicate jazz festivals or, indeed, ACT festivals, but rather carve out a distinctive niche and brand over time,” Stacey says.

“FROM Russia with Love” is the obvious spare title for diplomat-soprano Joanna Heslop and Irish pianist Elaine Brennan Loebenstein’s coming recital of “luscious songs” from Tchaikovsky, Rimsky Korsakov

and Rachmaninov. It’s in the Wesley Music Centre Lunchtime Live series, 12.40pm-1.20pm, August 15. $2 or paper note entry. No bookings required.

I HEAR that the talented actor Josh Wiseman, who played both twins in the recent Rep production of “the Venetian Twins”, has been advised to audition for the coming New Theatre production in Sydney.

MERICI College is staging “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” from August 15-18, with matinees and daytime shows. Tickets from Merici College cashier’s office, call 6243 4107 or visit

IRMA Gold is editing “The Invisible Thread,” an anthology of 100 years of writing by Canberra writers. Although they have received funding from several sources, they need to raise $5000 in the next 44 days to help to meet the remainder of the costs. You can chip in at

BEAVER Galleries has a touching tribute to the late printmaker in “Jörg Schmeisser: Selected prints 1966 – 2010”. Many of the artist’s friends and colleagues have selected a work of their own to exhibit alongside the main show. At 81 Denison Street, Deakin until August 14.

ANCA Gallery in Dickson is now seek-ing exhibition proposals for the second half of 2013. Proposals are due by August 17 to

Toil and trouble... cast members of “Wyrd Sisters” get to work.

Helen Musa arts in the city

Laura wins the prizeTHE winner of the $10,000 National Portrait Gallery’s inaugural iD Digital Portraiture Award is Laura Moore, from Picton, NSW, with her work “Animation 1”, a traditional school photo brought to life.

Other finalists in a female-dominated list chosen from 60 entries, were Aaron James McGarry, Laura Moore, Nina Mulhall, Clare Thackway and Bridget Walker. Their works make up the exhibition, “iD2012”, which extends traditional notions of portraiture into screen-based digital media – in other words, the moving image.

Moore receives a $10,000 cash bursary

from the gallery, supported by the Mac-quarie Group Foundation, and a residency at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts.

She told those present that she was “not an actress”, so the tears observed in her winning entry, were real.

Chapman noted that the growing interest in moving digital portraiture of the moving kind (as compared to either photography or cinematic footage) was amply demonstrated in the public’s ready acceptance of the NPG’s digital portrait of actress Cate Blanchett. –Helen Musa

Laura Moore and her winning entry, “Animation 1”.

CityNews August 9-15 27

arts & entertainment / dining

Labour of love at the marketsIT was a spectacular winter morning and just above zero, but when the Fyshwick Markets opened at 8am, Bean and Grain was ready with a warm welcome.

There is a lot of “warm” about this new cafe – the on-site coffee roasting, smells of fresh baking and shelves of artisan breads, genuine American-style bagels (the only bread product boiled before baked) and patisserie items.

The gold and ruby red art and rich colours on the pillows scattered about the bench seating add to the cosiness.

Bean and Grain is a labour of love, opened by husband and wife John and Hailey Bautista. As passionate are main chef Corey Wheatley and two dedicated bakers who work through dark and lonely nights creating sweet and savoury goodies.

Let’s start with the bagels. John, who was raised

in California – the home of modern-day sour bread – understands what the real McCoy is and imported Bean and Grain’s big boiling kettle and bagel maker from New Jersey. The soft, chewy, donut-shaped bagels – 12 kinds – have a lovely sheen.

Corey is also American and you see the influence with several food items, including the peanut butter and chocolate tarts. John and Corey worked in Hawaii yonks ago, on opposite sides of the island. They met in Australia when working “in the snow” in 2006 and Canberra is now lucky to have them. Hailey worked at Lambert Vineyards for four years and it is her artwork on the wall.

We landed for breakfast and the gorgeous presenta-tion of the dishes is a feast for the eyes. All dishes come with a complimentary fruit smoothie shot decorated with a ball of melon. My Gillette, made with potato and smoked fish, came with poached, free-range, organic eggs, tomato concasse, herb crème fraiche and caviar ($16). The classic eggs benedict were accompanied by a potato croquette made with chives and lightly fried in butter – crispy on the outside and soft on the inside ($16).

Cured salmon benedict ($17), with chilli sambal, and country benedict ($16) also feature. Those with a sweet tooth will adore the Belgium waffles ($14), made three ways, including with chocolate and poached peaches. Organic granola is available for the health conscious ($13).

The bagels are the big hit at breakfast and lunch.

Enjoy in the morning with jams made in-house or flavoured cream cheeses, including berry, beetroot and fig. From noon, enjoy with roast lamb, pork tenderloin, rare roast beef, organic chicken with maple chili bacon, and several other ways.

It is all so yummy and it is only a matter of days before I will be back to give lunch a go.

Bean and Grain, Fyshwick Markets, call 6295 9220. Open Thursday to Sunday, breakfast and lunch. Indoor and outdoor seating.

Wendy Johnsondining

Club bagel. Photos by Silas Brown

Bean and Grain... There is a lot of “warm” about this new cafe.

28 CityNews August 9-15

arts & entertainment / reviews

Letting the soul shine through“The Sapphires” (M) IN 1968, four young Aboriginal women formed the vocal group The Sapphires and went to entertain US troops in Vietnam. Tony Briggs’ mother was one of them.

Briggs’ screenplay for Wayne Blair’s film, co-written with Keith Thompson, may garnish verity for the sake of enhancing their story’s filmability, but its provenance is undeniable. Its depiction of white-fella disdain in a small Victorian town is uncompromising without being overblown. What is important is how well the story persuades us of its essential truth.

The sequences showing the girls’ develop-ment as people and as a singing group move quickly and effectively. At a local pre-selection audition for a chance at the Vietnam gig, Gail (Deborah Mailman), Julie (Jessica Mauboy) and Cyn (Miranda Tapsell) perform before Dave (Chris O’Dowd). Dave, one of life’s losers, perceives C&W talent. What the US Army wants is soul. Dave wants a better voice for the lead singer, who hap-

pens to be the girls’ cousin Kay (Shari Sebbens), a stolen generation child raised as white.

The screenplay doesn’t waste time getting before a selection panel in Melbourne thence to Saigon. The girls are a success. But not a military necessity. They are performing in Nha Trang when an attack begins. Dave gets shot. Fear not. We know he’s a survivor.

Little niggly bits stopping short of resolution or making assumptions lacking validation keep distracting from the film’s effectiveness. Its depic-tion of Vietnam and American military behaviour is a bit flaky without totally overwhelming the film’s claims on our goodwill toward its warmth of heart and musical strength. Liking it is not hard. But with a more rigorous screenplay and attention to period detail, it could have been done better.

At all cinemas

“I Am Eleven” (G) AUSTRALIAN film-maker Genevieve Bailey’s affectionate study of 11-year-olds from several countries speaking about themselves and their hopes belongs in the same genre as Michael Apted’s “Up” series with British children and Gillian Armstrong’s with Australian women.

Without being strident, it provides a frank re-cord of not only their words, but also their social, economic, educational and family situations.

None live in well-to-do circumstances. Many are orphans living in the care of charitable bodies struggling to house, clothe and feed

them. They seem unaware that they are dealing with adversity. They don’t complain. They are grateful. They help each other and it takes little to persuade them to smile.

Of them all, two stood out for me. A British boy smiles through dyslexia. And in Thailand, a happy little boy trains an elephant.

It’s an easy film to like. It carries Bailey’s heart on her sleeve and blazons her courage in almost singlehandedly completing a feature documen-tary lacking conventional box-office appeal. I call those attributes good reasons for people of goodwill to see it.

At Dendy

“Cosmopolis” (MA) ?LEAVING the cinema after David Cronenberg’s dark futurist polemic about the condition of society, a man of about my age commented that he had stayed until the end hoping that something might happen to give it meaning. I could only concur.

Robert Pattinson plays a young New York man wealthy from managing other people’s money. He lives in a stretch limo. Today his whim is to go across town for a haircut. Traffic is in gridlock while the president is in town. Never mind, there are places to go, people to see, deals to make from inside the cocoon of that obscenely-large car.

The film flows like transmission oil down a glacier. It’s heavily verbose, characters spouting views about society’s condition. Occasionally something happens to vary the pace. But its target audience is a bit of a mystery.

Stars? Somehow they seem inappropriate.At Dendy

Dougal Macdonaldcinema

‘Water’ flows on strong actingcomedy“The Memory of Water”By Shelagh Stephenson, director Ed WightmanCanberra Repertory At Theatre 3, until August 18Reviewed by Simone Penkethman

“THE Memory of Water” depicts three adult, north-English sisters who are brought together by the dementia and subsequent death of their mother, Vi.

The sisters all have vastly different and sometimes conflicting memories of their up-bringing. Though their life choices are diverse, they all show the strong influence of their mother. Like her, they all have troubled relations with men.

Vi (Sally Rynveld) appears on stage as an imagined character, interacting mainly with her middle daughter, Mary. Mary is in her late 30s; a doctor and the family success story. She’s also childless and in a long-term relationship with a married man.

Through her dementia, Vi was cared for by her pious, health-food espousing elder daughter, Theresa (Andrea Close). The flighty and emotional younger daughter, Catherine (Eliza Bell) was a late addition to the family when Vi was expecting menopause rather

than pregnancy.There are frequent comic moments and audible

laughs from the audience, but the play lacks the tight plot twists and farcical elements of a true comedy.

The cast features some of Canberra’s most outstand-ing actors and all performances are strong and well drawn. Wightman’s direction is naturalistic and spare. Thematic resonances are layered through the narrative and, what could have been a dark comedy, becomes a poignant and bittersweet domestic drama.

Project’s takin’ it to The Street...CANBERRA’S hot-house of creativity, The Street Theatre, was alive with adventurous and bemused music lovers eager to sample some of the one-off performances included in this year’s 10-day feast of contemporary jazz that is the Capital Jazz Project.

As expected of The Street these days, the presenta-tion of this event is superb, with excellent sound and atmospheric lighting to enhance the performances

More than 90 players are participating in this year’s event. The emphasis is on reed instruments and com-position, and on Saturday night, contrasting programs by three world-class ensembles were on offer.

Saxophonist Sandy Evans performed in Street Two, transformed into a glamorous, cosy jazz club for the festival. Joining the Sandy Evans Trio was charismatic Indian tabla player, Bobby Singh, to present a series of new compositions that commenced with Evans on clarinet, setting the theme and mood for a series of exotic, mesmerising improvisations.

Uber-cool combo, Albare, was the attraction in Street One. Fronted by Moroccan-born jazz guitarist Albert Dadon, Albare also included German harmonica virtuoso Hendrik Meurkens, to present silky smooth, Latin-American-inspired compositions.

Then back to Street Two for tenor saxophonist and composer, John Mackey who, with his trio, was premier-ing an 11-section suite that he confided was “only completed today”.

His music had a very New York jazz-club feel, dense, atmospheric, emotionally involving with its myriad complex progressions and improvisations, providing a satisfying conclusion to a fascinating evening.

jazzCapital Jazz ProjectThe Street Theatre, August 4.Continuing until August 12.Reviewed by Bill Stephens

Deborah Mailman as Gail, Jessica Mauboy as Julie, Miranda Tapsell as Cynthia, Shari Sebbens as Kay in “The Sapphires”.

CityNews August 9-15 29

Sudoku medium No.86

General knowledge crossword No. 372

Solution next week

Solution next week

Crossword No.371 Sudoku hard No.85Solutions

puzzles pageJoanne Madeline Moore your week in the stars / August 13 - 19 Across

4 Name one of Australia’s most exceptional male swimmers, Ian ...7 What is the smallest particle of a substance capable of independent existence?8 Those who suffer from Hansen’s disease are called what?9 What describes the extent or distance upwards?11 When one breathes out, one does what?13 Name a player of a four-stringed instrument of the violin family.15 What is another expression for governesses?17 Name a more common term for an apothecary.20 What is an alternative name for a helmet?23 Which machine converts energy into mechanical work?24 What are rooms hired for residence in another’s house?25 To which type of plant do wheat or oats belong?

Down 1 Name the hooded garment worn by monks.

2 What is anything published, broadcast, etc, in many instalments at regular intervals?3 What do we call a spiritual guide?4 Name a communication network, its name being an abbreviation of “teleprinter exchange”.5 What do we call a child, bereaved by the death of both parents?6 To grammatically describe a word is to do what?9 What describes that which is extremely cold?10 A relaxing of international tension is called what?12 What is a device which detects a variable quantity, and converts it into a signal?14 Name a government under an emperor.16 What is a small cup or mug?18 What is the movable device on which a door, etc, moves?19 Name another term for a bomb.21 Which other word is descriptive of an assistant?22 What is seaweed also known as?

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)Saturn throws a wet blanket over relationships mid-week and demonstrative displays of affection are out, to be replaced by cool criticism. Take it in your stride – and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Be inspired by Julia Child (born on August 15): “The only real stumbling block is fear of failure.” You’ll feel like being creative, sporty or just super social this weekend.

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)Mid-week’s Pluto aspects push your possessive/jealousy buttons – while Uranus aspects stir unpredictable moods. You may also feel overwhelmed by extra responsibilities as Saturn increases your work load (and you receive scant praise for your efforts). The rewards will come later. Sunday is about togetherness, as you share good times with family and friends.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)Do your relationships feel as if they’re on auto-pilot? The New Moon urges you to find fresh ways to connect with those around you. Expressing yourself in writing (or by discussing issues in your local community) sees you networking like a pro, as you get your message out loud and clear. Sunday is fabulous for sharing your ideas in innovative new ways.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)Bossy behaviour and possessive power-plays will get you nowhere fast this week. Compromise is the catch-cry, as you strive to keep your Crab claws well hidden. And have you been talking about purchasing a big ticket item – like a car, holiday or house? With the New Moon in your $$$ zone, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is and start saving ASAP.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)Calling all Lions! Avoid being a right-royal bossy-boots this week. Compromise and clear, considered communication will get you a lot further than temper tantrums and prima donna behaviour. The Sun and Moon join up in your sign on Thursday and Friday, so it’s time for lively Leos to shine – in positive and productive ways. Sunday favours study and travel.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)Money matters are on your mind so make sure all bills are paid, and resist the urge to spend extra cash. Motivate yourself to get serious about saving – rather than spending. The weekend is the time to re-discover your Virgo vigour and verve! Take a break from the madness around you and escape somewhere quiet and private, where you can relax and rejuvenate.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)Are you running around being what everyone else wants you to be? Librans have a strong need to please but, with Mars and Saturn hooking up in your sign, you must be proactive and persistent about finding the real you. Your motto for the moment is from birthday great Coco Chanel: “How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.”

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21)Expect intense communication, as tricky transits trigger emotional outbursts and plenty of power games. The more you try to control others, the more they will resist. And are you reaching your full professional potential? The New Moon stimulates your brilliant career zone, so you need to create work opportunities and explore all your options – sooner rather than later.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)You’re fired up and ready for action. Which is just as well because some people are getting sick and tired of your enthusiastic offers of help (and extravagant promises) accompanied by no action. Face the facts Sagittarius – it’s time to zip your lip, roll up your sleeves, walk your talk and get to work! When it comes to joint finances, be open and transparent.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)This week’s stars highlight your leadership qualities – and your control-freak tendencies. Don’t dictate to others; the best way you can lead is by example. There are professional roadblocks you need to navigate to reach your destination. Aim to get the balance right between being proactive and being patient. On Sunday, a loved one surprises you by making an unexpected move.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)A close relationship heads into exciting (and unchartered) territory. You enjoy sharing common interests, but you can also strike out on your own and explore new hobbies and passions. You’re also ready to ruffle a few feathers, as your restless spirit goes looking for fun. Your bohemian side shines brightly this weekend, so tap into the adventurous Aquarian within.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)Finances continue to be unpredictable – no money one moment and unexpected cash the next! Smart Fish will squirrel extra dollars away to tide you over when times are tight. If you have unresolved health issues, perhaps you could try a different approach? And avoid being indecisive on Saturday. If you constantly avoid issues, then other people will just make decisions for you.

Daily astrology updates at Joanne Madeline Moore 2011
































30 CityNews August 9-15


Gotta love those spuds!THE stands selling potatoes are always popular at the Farmers’ Market every Saturday, and it is surprising to see how many varieties are available.

Most garden centres have potatoes for planting from now until the end of September. I suggest you do not plant them all in one go, but a few or even a different variety each week over a period. Potatoes have different varieties suited for all the various culinary delights from baking, roasting or cold with summer salads.

My 1880 copy of the English “The Gardener’s Chronicle” uses the spelling “potatos”, without the “e”, which must have been added at a later date.

At that time, you could buy peonies for six shillings each, climbing roses for four shillings and strawberry plants for two and sixpence per 100. Some of the varieties of potatoes for sale were “Snowflake”, “Myatt’s Prolific”, “Redskin” and “Fortyfold”. To my knowledge, these are no longer available and, indeed, many varieties were lost in the spread of potato blight in the 1800s and the great potato famine.

Since that time, with modern breeding, there are literally hundreds of named varieties available. One regular exhibitor at the Royal Horticultural Society’s shows in the UK shows more than 350 distinct varieties neatly displayed and labelled in miniature wheat bags.

IN Canberra, just a few of the varieties now available include “Nicola”, “Cranberry Red”, “Banana”, “Pink fir apple”, “Ruby Lou” plus the old favourites such as “King Edward”, “Sebago”, “Pontiac” and “Dutch Cream”, which I understand is very popular locally. In Holland, potatoes are called Aardappel or “apple of the earth”.

I have selected these few from a stand shown here with more than 15 varieties. Potatoes are still a staple diet in many parts of the world and where would the likes of McDonalds be without potatoes!

AS an extension to the Chelsea Flower Show in London – and to keep folk in the city for a longer period – the first Chelsea Fringe Festival was launched in May.

Following immediately after Chelsea, it “burst out of the Royal Horticultural Society’s show-ground and spread the excitement and energy that fizzes around Chelsea Flower Show time.

Anything went – from avant-garde art to community projects – so long as it was about gardens, flowers, edible plants and/or landscape. As an example, more than 250 gardens in London from the smallest to corporate gardens not generally open to the public entered into the fun.

Potted holesONE item for local interest was Steve Wheen, known as the “pot hole gardener”, who ran tours of guerrilla-garden scenes involving pot holes in London’s roads. Part of his tour was building pot-hole gardens. Wow, what a challenge for Canberra, the wholesale growers would never be able to supply enough plants! What a totally mad idea, playing “chicken” and seeing if you can plant the flowers before getting run over. Or will drivers enter into the spirit of the theme and drive each side of the floral pot hole?

Cedric Bryantgardening

• If your Daphne leaves are turn-ing yellow it is almost certainly the old leaves shedding as the new spring growth appears.

• If any plant’s leaves have yellow between the green veins it is almost certainly lack of magne-sium. The solution is a heaped tablespoon full of Epsom Salts in a standard watering can of water. Water the leaves as well as the root zone.

• If you do not have a Daphne plant now is the time to buy one as the delicious fragrance of the flowers wafts through the garden and house as cut flowers.

• Water in new Daphne plants with Multicrop “Seaweed Plant Food” to encourage new root growth.

This week, think Daphnes

Potatoes galore at Heritage Nursery Yarralumla

Floral pot holes to brighten the city.

CityNews August 9-15 31

Clues to kids’ looshome

FAMILIES are increasingly opting for a dedicated children’s bathroom and while the temptation is to go small and low in fixtures and fittings, parents need to think long term, says Tim Dawson, Raymor brand manager.

“Standard-size fittings, with a focus on softly rounded shapes for basins and toilets, plus high water efficiency, are the key things to look for,” he says.

“Ease of use is essential, so install items such as single-lever mixer tapware, a rail shower that can easily be adjusted by the child, and even a hand shower for hair washing and rinsing.

“All of these mean the child’s daily washing and bathing routine will be both easy and enjoyable.”

Check out freestanding baths, as these give parents more room to manoeuvre while supervising, use a cute stool for smaller children to reach the basin (saves having to raise the height later) and use plenty of colour and creativity in the form of paint and tiles. Paint colour especially can be changed relatively easily as the child grows.

And while child-friendly, water-conscious appliances are undoubt-edly the preferred option, they can also be a budget-conscious option.

“Children are usually oblivious to the need to conserve water, so choose a five-star rating basin mixer and toilet suite.”

The ability to create an eye-catching, stimulating children’s

bathroom with the use of paint and tiles cannot be underestimated, says Tim.

“Use colour and patterns on the walls and floor in the form of paint and tiles, ensuring all tiles are of the anti-slip variety,” he says.

“Be imaginative and colourful with accessories such as mirrors, stools and towels.”

Use colour and creativity in tiles, paint and accessories to create a gorgeous kids’ bathroom. Bella II link toilet suite, from $245. Victoria basin mixer, from $135. Small Coral wall basin, from $155, all by Raymor.

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