can you find all these things around the building? you ... · can you find all these things around...

Post on 09-Aug-2019






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Can you find all these things around the building?

You could draw something else you see here.


9) St Thomas is the patron

saint of builders,

architects, and India. He is

some�mes known as

‘Doub�ng Thomas ‘

because he wanted to see

Jesus for himself to believe

that he had risen from the


1) We support Kirima School in

Kinkiizi Dioces, Uganda and

o(en raise money for them and

pray for them to teach well

about Jesus.

7) The stories of Jesus’s life

can be found in the four

gospels—books in the Bible

wri.en by Ma.hew, Mark,

Luke and John

2) The cross is the symbol of

Chris�anity because Jesus’

death on the cross paid for our

sin. In bap�sm, the sign of the

cross is made with water on the


8) St Thomas’s first met in

an ordinary terraced house

before they had a building.

When was the founda�on

stone of this building laid?

3) Jesus told his followers to go

into all the world to make

disciples of people of every

na�on. You can see mission to

Oakwood in the mission


4) In bap�sm we say we believe

in God—Father, Son and Holy

Spirit. The dove is a symbol of

the Holy Spirit.

10) Anyone who lives in

the parish may ask to be

bap�sed or married here.,

but they would have to

make the Chris�an

promises 5) The le.ers I H S which are on

the font are the beginning of

‘JESUS’ in Greek. They can also

be short for ‘Jesus Saviour of

Men’ and for ‘By this sign’ in


11) Prayer is talking to

God. We pray that the wa-

ter of bap�sm will be a

reminder for us of the

promises God has made,

and that we are making. 6) Jesus said, ‘I am the light of

the world’. When it is light we

can see everything. Jesus

shows us that we do bad things,

which we call ’sin’. Bap�sm is a

sign fir a Chris�an that all the

bad things have been washed


12) Churchwardens help

look a(er the people and

the building. Godparents

help the parents to bring

up children to know about


When you find it, you can �ck

the box or write the number of

the text box next to the feature

of the church to which it relates


St Thomas is the patron saint of

builders and architects. He is

sometimes known as ‘Doubting

Thomas’ because he wanted to

see Jesus for himself to believe

that he had risen from the dead.

St Thomas’s

Oakwood first met in an ordinary

terraced house before they had a

building. When was the foundation

stone of this building laid?

Anyone who lives in the parish may

ask to be baptised or married

here., but they would have to

make the Christian promises.

Jesus told his followers to go

into all the world to make

disciples of people of every

nation. You can see mission to

Oakwood in the mission


We support Kirima

School in Kinkiizi Diocese,

Uganda and often raise

money for them and pray


them to teach well about Jesus.

The stories of Jesus’s life can

be found in the four gospels—

books in the Bible written by

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The cross is the symbol of

Christianity because Jesus’ death

on the cross paid for our sin. In

baptism, the sign of the cross is

made with water on the forehead.

The letters I

H S which are on the font are the

first three letters of ‘JESUS’ in

Greek. They can also be short for

‘Jesus Saviour of Men’ and for ‘By

this sign’ in Latin.

In baptism

we say we

believe in

God—Father, Son and Holy

Spirit. The dove is a symbol of

the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said, ‘I am the light of

the world’. When it is light we

can see everything. Jesus

shows us that we do bad things,

which we call ’sin’. Baptism is a

sign for a Christian that all the

bad things

have been washed away.

Prayer is talking with God. We

pray that the water of baptism

will be a reminder for us of the

promises God has made, and

that we are making.

Churchwardens help the

Vicar look after the

people and the building.

Godparents help the

parents to bring up children to know about Jesus.

Look for each of the features above, and tick the box

when you find them.


At baptism promises are made by an adult for themselves or for a child. If it is a child, they promise to bring them up to know God loves them, and to help them to follow Jesus as a member of the Church. Godparents promise to help the parents in this. What is baptism? Parents are thanking God for his gift of life, making a decision to start their child on the journey of faith and asking for the Church's support. For the person baptised, baptism marks the start of a journey of faith, which involves turning away from all that is evil, turning towards Christ and becoming a member of the local and worldwide Christian family.

Mark each picture with the number below if you

think this feature reflects something about:

1) the church family 2) Chris�ans in the local

community 3) Chris�an mission to the wider

world 4) something else

Christians see themselves

as part of the global

community, and try to reach

out to the wider world both

with the good news about

Jesus but also with

practical and financial help. We support a number

of missionaries, in

Africa, Japan, Serbia,

and (until recently)

South America.

Christians believe that they should share God’s love

with others. In the local community, they may be

involved in running activities for those who need

support. For example, St Thomas’s runs a social club

for the elderly and helps provide a weekly lunch for

them. We offer Parent and Toddler

groups, holiday clubs and afterschool

clubs for children and teenagers.

There are uniformed organisations

also associated with the church. Scouts and Guides

were originally set up with Christian

beliefs. Do you know their promise?

Every home in England is in a Church of

England parish, and we are connected to

the other C of E

churches in various groups. St

Thomas’s is part of the Diocese of

London. The parish

system gives the

people who live there the right to ask

to be married or baptised in the

church. We also commemorate those

from the parish who died in the wars.

The church family is the group of local

Christians who meet together to worship

God. They do this in prayer, making

music, and listening to the Bible which is

explained in a sermon.

The church family also tries to help

each other, meeting together at

other times in the week to study the

Bible and pray.

The Vicar’s

job is to organise the teaching

and worship of the church, and to

help the church family to serve God through what they

do with their lives.

The Churchwardens help the

Vicar to look after the

church family and the church


Christians are people who believe that God is king

over all the world, but that

people rejected his rule. Jesus

was born to save us from the

punishment we deserve by dying

on the cross. With Jesus as

our king we

can look forward to being with

him in heaven. This is the

story told in the banner

beneath the organ pipes, and

by the gospel writers,


above the choir stalls. Jesus

told his followers to go into all

the world to make disciples of all

nations, baptising them in the

name of the Father, the Son and

the Holy

Spirit. He said that he would

return to judge the world,

and this is illustrated by the

picture of harvest in one of

the windows.


See if you can find these and learn about what they represent

for us. Mark their loca�on in the church on the plan of the

building. Pick up a copy of our weekly newssheet

Around our building you will see many things which remind us of what we believe and which reflect what it means to us to be

part of the Chris�an family. See if you can spot the things on the I-Spy sheet, and mark the from this plan on that sheet.















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