call for abstracts 2018 - eurosolar - start · included in the registration fee for oral and poster...

Post on 11-Jun-2018






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12th International Renewable Energy Storage (IRES 2018) Hall 8b Messe Düsseldorf/Germany, 13 –15 March 2018

The European Association for Renewable Energy EUROSOLAR and the World Council for Renewable Energy WCRE will organize its 12th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2018) on March 13 –15, 2018 together with Energy Storage Europe (ESE)Conference and Exhibition at Messe Düsseldorf, Germany. The conference is based on two thematic foci: the scientific research on storage technology, legal frameworks, network andmarket aspects (IRES) and the business and finance aspects for the rollout of these technolo-gies to the global market (ESE).

IRES aims to promote a cohesive overview of the global storage technologies that can enablethe complete transition to a decentralized renewable energy system. The focus of the confer-ence is expanded beyond just the current state of specific technologies to include case studies,applications, country scenarios and comprehensive trends.

The conference is accompanied by the largest B2B exhibition on storage technologies. Theclose proximity of the conference to the exhibition guarantees the opportunity for scientistsand entrepreneurs to meet and discuss the recent developments of the newest technologies.Access to all parts of the conference, the exhibition as well as to the networking events, is included in the registration fee for oral and poster presenters.

You are cordially invited to submit an abstract to be considered for presenting at the 2018conference. Papers may be presented in parallel sessions (“oral presentations”) or theposter exhibition (“poster presentation”).

InternationalRenewable Energy StorageConference

EUROSOLARThe European Associationfor Renewable Energy



Submission DeadlineAll abstracts need to be uploaded by Friday, September 15, 2017.

Submission FormatAll abstracts need to be submitted via the online platform Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and contain the focus area, subheadings, new findingsand the main thesis. The abstract may be supplemented with a maximum of two pages, including figures with captions and explanatory remarks. Abstracts must be submitted andpresented in English.

Abstract SelectionThe scientific steering committee will meet in October to select the best abstracts and finalizethe conference program. Each accepted abstract will be assigned to a speaker’s slot in the par-allel session or a place in the poster exhibition. The Program Committee reserves the right toaccept abstracts as oral or poster presentations. The committee is fully authorized to rejectcontributions. The decision by the committee is final.

Notification and ConfirmationIf your abstract is accepted for presentation, you will be notified by the end of October. The information is sent to the contact person stated in the online system. Those contact personsare asked to share the information with authors and co-authors. With the notification you willreceive a Confirmation Form that needs to be returned to EUROSOLAR within one week. Theform states the presenting person as well as the title of the presentation and the final contactdetails.

Conference RegistrationAll oral and poster presenters are required to register for the conference and pay the applicableregistration fee no later than December 17, 2017. Presenters from universities, research institutes and non-profit organizations will have to pay 480.00 € (incl. VAT) and presenters from companies and private organizations will pay 960.00 € (incl. VAT). Presenters will receive an invoice for the registration fee in response to their confirmation form.

Presentations can be delivered by both authors and co-authors. If the submitter of the abstract is unable to attend the conference, s/he must provide a replace-ment. The registration fee is applicable for the replacing presenter, too. Each presenter mayinvite one additional co-author or member from his research team to attend the conferencefor the same price as the presenter (480.00 € or 960.00 € incl. VAT). Any additional co-authorswill have to pay the regular conference fee. Presenters may not give more than one pres-entation.

The conference program will be made available in December 2017 on the website


Oral presentations:Oral presentations (15 min + 5 min discussion) are taking place in parallel sessions. Slots fororal presentations are assigned based on the quality of the abstract. Please note that there is no guarantee for a paper presentation as available slots are limited.

Poster presentations:The poster exhibition is integrated in the trade fair hall and can be accessed by all attendeesof the conferences and B2B exhibition as well. Posters can be presented and explained through-out. Additionally, the poster exhibition is highlighted in 2 session à 90 minutes, where no parallel IRES sessions take place. A0 size poster walls and glue strips will be available.

Full papers and publications:Full papers may be handed in until February 1st 2018. Full papers serve as an addition to theabstract and will be reviewed by the scientific steering committee separately.

Papers of high quality and a striking relevance will be selected to be published in Energy Procedia. Handing in a full paper is not a requirement for the presentation at the conference.Publications at Energy Procedia are copyrighted, published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) and freely accessible. Papers may not have been published before and may not be published afterwards.

Proceedings:All selected papers, authorized presentations and authorized full papers will be included inthe Proceedings of the 12th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference. The confer-ence proceedings are a collection of the presented work at the conference. This portfolio will be made available to the conference participants.


Authors are invited to submit research and project abstracts addressing the following topicsfor the IRES Conference:

TECHNOLOGIES, SYSTEMS, PLANTS AND SCENARIOS Developments in storage technologies for electrical energy, heat and mobility (electrochemical,electrostatic, electromechanical, electro-dynamic, chemical, thermal and thermo-chemical)

Enhancement of storage capacity, durability, reliability and safety: scenarios and assessmentstudies for all applications and energy sectors

Strategies for systems with a high share of Renewable Energy and 100% Renewable Energysystems – focus on the use of storage

Connecting electric-drive vehicles to the grid (vehicle to grid) Heat storage for buildings and industrial applications Compact thermal energy storage: design of reactors, heat exchanger development, opti-mization of heat and mass transport as well as simulations of all these aspects

High temperature storage for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technologies Energy storage products, management strategies and field experience with storage systemsto increase self-consumption of photovoltaic energy from owned facilities as well as off-gridand micro-grid systems

Strategies on increasing energy efficiency, especially in the industrial sector

POLITICS, POLICIES, LAW, FINANCES AND MARKET Legal, political, social, national economic and market economic aspects of integrating energystorage into the energy supply system

Realized systems and operational experience Market entry strategies and the associated business and cost models for the operation ofstorage systems and hybrid and combined Renewable Energy power plants/virtual powerplants under different economic and technological frameworks (developed countries, devel-oping countries, emerging economies)

Renewable Energy finance and energy economics: market strategies, computability of eco-nomic growth and the energy transition, (financial) strategies for the development of renew-able energy systems in countries of the Global South

NETWORKS Interaction of the energy networks for power, gas and heat Cross-sectoral use of energy storage systems: Power-to-Gas, Power-to-Heat, Power-to-Mobility, Power-to-Chemicals: technologies, business models, legal framework, countrypolicies

Electric grids and storage – supplements and competition Storage as an option to avoid grid extension and therefore lower cost Distributed and decentralized electricity storage as virtual large-scale storage facility CHP and heating networks, use of new or existing thermal storage in the power grids High temperature storage for solar thermal power plants (CSP) or compressed air energystorage

Grid-scale energy storage solutions Any technologies providing flexibility to the power grid such as power-to-X, smart grid con-trol, demand-side management, etc.

SMART ENVIRONMENTS Smart grid concepts and hybrid and combined Renewable Energy power plants/virtual powerplants with Renewable Energy

Electricity transactions management based on blockchain technologies Security and privacy in decentralized energy (trading) systems

GLOBAL APPROACHES – Renewable Energy Storage Research in Your Country Overview or review presentations on certain storage technologies or areas of applicationused in your country

Possibilities and barriers of using renewable energy in your country Discussion of current use and types of storage technologies, including an evaluation of theproblems and opportunities arising from this technology

Evaluation of involved actors (government, (multinational) companies, non-profit organiza-tions) and their input on the introduction and sustainable use of storage technology

ENERGY STORAGE IN EMERGING COUNTRIES Status of the market, Projects already deployed, Technologies adopted, Microgrid interaction with the national grid Technical regulatory framework in the region: status quo, history, evolution

MUNICIPAL ENERGY SUPPLY SYSTEMS Appreciated aspects: marketing, involvement of people, financing, technical concepts, bar-riers, best practice, future plans, etc.

Local initiatives for energy supply including storage technologies of any kind Discussions about opportunities and barriers of existing initiatives in cities and local communities who take the energy supply into their own hands

Share experience from local energy supply communities from all over the word

ContactEUROSOLAR e.V. The European Association for Renewable EnergyKaiser-Friedrich-Str. 1153113 Phone: +49 (0) 228-289 1446 Fax: +49 (0) 228-361279

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