caiazzo angela public_speaking

Post on 02-Aug-2015






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Alison Gopnik

Alison Gopnik is an author who studies the

development of babies.

In Alison’s talk she began by proposing that a babies way of thinking is very similar to a scientists’ way of thinking.

Alison emphasizes that they way children learn, is through scientific experiments.

Alison explains she conducted a series of experiments in which babies were able to make their own conclusions based on what they have learned.

Alison kept they audience’s attention by showing many examples of the experiments that were conducted.

Alison used more of Garr Reynolds’ tips. She kept the theme of babies on her slide presentation, and didn’t use bullet points.

Delivery is very important and I noticed that making the audience laugh helps hold their attention.

Alison Gopnik and Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talks are very similar because they both manage to hold the attention of the audience through laughter.

Sir Ken Robinson’s talk was more entertaining because he was constantly keeping the audience attention while effectively getting his information across.

Alison Gopnik’s talk was very amusing but she kept losing the audience’s attention, after a long period of time.

Sir Ken Robinson’s visual were more appealing than Alison Gopnik’s. He had animations that were appealing and did not take away the point of his presentation.

I rate Alison as a 3 in dynamism. I feel she could have been a tad more enthusiastic.

Alison Gopnik’s visuals were very boring to look at.

For future references in Public Speaking, I believe it’s important to hold the audience’s attention. If you lose their interest, there is no point of speaking at all.

TED Talks

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