
Post on 12-Jan-2015






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  • 1. Caesar!

2. Early Life Julius Caesar was bornin_______ He was the son ofan_______family While Caesar was young,there was conflict betweenthe ________and _________. Rome was inturmoil, attempting toexpand, but still without astable government. What problems do you seewith this? 3. Spain Caesar argued against thepower of the ______. Heeventually became a____ Despite being a wellknown politician, Caesarhad enemies. He wasappointed governor of___________. When hereturned he was elected______. During his return, he wascaptured by pirates- hewas ransomed and as hehad promised while incaptivity, had the pirates 4. The Triumverate Caesar did not get alongwith the other Consuland allied himself withtwo powerful Romans,______, and _____.Pompey was a______,while Crassushad_______. Thesethree men formed thefirst ______ Triumvirate: 5. The Riot To keep control of Rome, Caesar usedPompeys _____to get his way. When hewanted to pay them back by___________, itwas unpopular. He started a riot to get hisway. How did this allow Caesar to do what hewanted? 6. Gaul Caesar now became thegovernor of______which is the areathat makes up modernday_____ Caesar used his time inGaul to defeat the_____ in the area andbuild up his own____ He was the first Romanto set foot in _______ 7. Caesar was a greatgeneral and managed totake over most of Gaulwithin _____years usingruthless_____. BeforeCaesar, Gaul was seen asdifficult to conquer. Gaulshad even invaded Romeearlier in its history! Back home, the_________was fallingapart. Pompey was_________of Caesar andCrassus did notlike______. Crassus was 8. Caesar had made manyenemies through hiscareer. He felt the onlyway to protect himselfand Rome was to seizepower. He famouslycrossed the______River sayingAlea iacta est Whichmeans, ___. What did Caesar meanwhen he said the dieis cast? 9. Caesar fought in agreat______ against Pompey.Eventually, Caesar won thewar and became the dictator ofRome. To secure his position asdictator, Caesar neededan____. He had not hadchildren during his career, sohe adopted his great nephew,_______ to take his place.Caesar also fought tostrengthen Romes ____anddefeat enemies in the _______ Caesar also reformed the His Wifes name__________, _______, was Cornelia Cinna 10. The Civil War At one point during thewar, Caesar pursuedPompey to Spain, Greece,and finally Egypt. The Pharaoh offeredPompeys head to Caesar. Caesar was saddened andbecame involved in a Civilwar in Egypt. He supported Cleopatra,the queen of Egypt andhad her installed as itsruler. 11. Death Many of Caesarsenemies and others whodid not like that he wasa dictator decided thathe had to be _______.On the ______of March(which means March15th, 44 BCE, Caesararrived in the Senateand was_______.(stabbed 23 times) What is thesignificance ofCaesars rule over 12. Caesar united Rome into a great Empire under astrong central government. He eliminated resistance and competition forpower Created a police force Rebuilt Carthage and Corinth- capitals ofCarthage and Greece

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