cabta annual report

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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CABTA Annual Report


The California Brain Tumor Association


2011 - 2012

501(c)(3)(h) Nonprofit Charitable Organization

DUNS # 838555717 ENTITY # 3213390 EIN # 27-0223677

October 2012


Table of Contents A Word from our Founder and Executive Director Page 2 Who We Are Page 3 - Our Mission and Story Page 3 - Our Board of Directors Pages 4 - 6 - Our Partners Page 7 - Our Supporters Pages 8 - 9 Advocate Page 9 - FCC and WHO Page 9 - Cities Page 10 - States Pages 11 - 12 - Countries Pages 12 - 15 - Congress Page 16 Bike with Survivors Program Page 16 Dream Program Page 16 Educate Page 17 - San Francisco Schools Program Proposal Page 17 - University of San Francisco Symposium Page 18 - Pediatrician Posters Page 19 Media Page 20 Online Outreach Pages 21 - 22 Remember Pages 23 - 24 Support Page 25 - Therapy Dog Program Page 25 - Call Us Anytime for Support Page 25 Write Page 26 - Letter to the Editor Page 26 Future Goals and Projects Page 27 Organizational Growth Page 27 Public Comments Pages 28 - 29


A Word from our Founder and Executive Director

Welcome to The California Brain Tumor Association! Concentrating CABTA efforts on cellphone radiation over the past year has yielded extremely important scientific and policy developments. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) published an explanation for their decision that cell phone radiation is a “possible human carcinogen” in the same category as lead, DDT, and jet fuel. It is our ethical duty to focus on prevention and safety. Brain Cancer is an insidious disease, and we are motivated to turn avoidable tragedy into selfless advocacy. According to Dr. Devra Davis of the Environmental Health Trust, “Cell phones are like electricity and water - things we can’t live without.” Researchers and scientists have proven negative long-term health consequences of cell phone use because radiation damages and breaks living DNA. Furthermore, research has demonstrated that a two-minute phone call disables the blood-brain barrier. Since 2005, over 31 million new users joined the cell phone market. Undeniably, cell phones are inseparable, indispensable, and ubiquitous with the potential to lead to a global epidemic of brain tumors.


Zack Marks

Zack Marks graduated from the University of San Francisco with a MA in Public Affairs and Practical Politics. His undergraduate degree is from the University of Colorado at Boulder where he majored in Political Science and the Philosophy of Law. Zack’s political experience includes working as an administrative assistant for Senator Ted Kennedy in his personal office on Capitol Hill and interning for Colorado Governor Bill Owens in his Office of Innovation and Technology. He also recently worked for the San Francisco Mayor’s Legislative Director and the San Francisco Department of Elections at City Hall. In 2008, Zack founded CABTA and was very involved in passing the San Francisco “Right to Know” ordinance in 2010.


Our Mission and Story Founded in 2008, the California Brain Tumor Association is a leading non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to safeguarding public health. We contend that it is inexcusable to allow technological advances invented to enrich our lives rob us of our lives instead. We offer numerous programs, which include the Bike Program, Dream Program, SF Schools Program, and Therapy Dog Program.

In addition, The California Brain Tumor Association…  

• Educates individuals, health professionals and communities about controllable environmental health risks

• Sponsors cutting-edge research about cellphones and other environmental health hazards, carried out by our world-class collaborators

• Publishes articles in peer reviewed publications about research results, and critiques of articles published by others, related to cell phones and other environmental health hazards

• Develops and promotes constructive policy changes that rely on our research and extensive input from relevant experts

• Advancing research efforts to develop safer cell phones

CABTA fights to make prevention the cure and expose environmental hazards that endanger public health. We fight to educate you, your children and grandchildren because you have the right to know health and safety information about avoidable environmental health threats.


Our Board of Directors

Ellie Marks – Chairman of the Board Entering the brain tumor world in 2008, Ellie became active after her husband was diagnosed with a malignant brain cancer. Ellie has testified to Congress, attends International Expert Conferences, and has appeared on the Dr. Oz Show, Larry King Live, and many other national newscasts. Ellie is an outspoken advocate for educating, advocating, and legislating nationwide. Ellie is one of the lead authors of a legislative Briefing Book, which has been translated into 8 languages worldwide. In addition, she was active in passing the San Francisco “Right to Know” ordinance and has formed numerous close relationships with influential political figures.

Dr. Toni Stein, Ph.D. – Strategic Advisor Dr. Antoinette Stein is currently assisting the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment-Institute for Environmental Research and Education. Stein worked at the State of California in Sustainability for five years as an Associate Procurement Engineer in the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program of the Department of General Service’s Procurement Division and as an Air Pollution Research Specialist in the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Program of the Department of Public Health from 2005 to 2010.


Dr. Santosh Kesari, MD, PhD – Strategic Advisor Director, Neuro-Oncology Program Director, Translational Neuro-Oncology Laboratories Director, Neurotoxicity Treatment Center Department of Neurosciences Moores Cancer Center UC San Diego Health System

Dr. Devra Davis, Ph.D. MPH – Strategic Advisor Designated a National Book Award Finalist for When Smoke Ran Like Water (2002, Basic Books), Devra Davis founded Environmental Health Trust in 2007 in Teton County, Wyoming to provide basic research and education about environmental health hazards and promote constructive policies locally, nationally and internationally. She has also authored more than 190 publications in books and journals ranging from the Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association to Scientific American and the New York Times and blogs in Freakonomics for the New York Times and Huffington Post.

Alan Marks – Real Estate Broker Alan Marks is a top-producing agent in the area with over 27 years of experience. Alan Marks’s brain cancer is directly attributed to his long-term cell phone use.


Bret Bocook, Esq. – Strategic Advisor CEO, Founder at World’s Law, Inc. Brain Tumor Survivor Founder / Chairman of the Board at Angel’s Camp, Inc. (non-profit)

Lloyd Morgan – Senior Research Fellow Director: Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States Member: Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) Member: Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium (BTEC) Member: University of California, San Francisco investigating a childhood cancer cluster in Fallon, NV Retired Electronic Engineer Lloyd Morgan is an electronic engineer by training with 38 years of industrial experience and a member of international science organizations. Since 1995 Lloyd Morgan has been involved in the study of exposure to electromagnetic fields and resultant health problems.

Jermain Jones – Policy Analyst Community Organizer Former Research Intern at the National Institute of Health


Our Partners

CABTA works with organizations throughout the United States who have similar values and are pursuing similar goals through public education and policy initiatives.

Abraham’s Vision

Angels Camp

Donate for Charity

Environmental Health Trust

Mepeace – The Facebook of Peace

Vortis Technologies


Our Supporters

Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom

State Senator Mark Leno

Supervisor John Avalos


State Senator Leland Yee

ADVOCATE The following is an exhaustive list of organizations, cities, states, and countries taking precautionary action.

United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - The FCC requires that every cell phone manual include a safe distance warning because when the phone is held to the body the user is exposed to radiation levels far exceeding federal safety exposure limits. However, the information is hidden in fine print and absorption safety limits were set 15 years ago without any pre-market safety testing or testing on women or children.

World Health Organization/IARC - The WHO classified cell phones as possibly carcinogenic to humans based on an increased risk of glioma brain cancer, which effectively puts cell phones in the same environmental risk category as lead and engine exhaust.


San Francisco, California

- In July 2011, San Francisco became the first city and county in the world to pass cell phone disclosure laws. The “Right to Know” ordinance passed the Board of Supervisors unanimously and was signed by Mayor Lee on August 2, 2011. San Francisco’s trend-setting cell phone Right to Know disclosure law signifies a pivotal shift in public awareness of the hidden long-term health risks of cell phones. According to Dr. Devra Davis, “With the passing of this ordinance, the City of San Francisco has taken a significant leap forward in promoting the awareness of health risks posed by cell phone use. The progressive thinking that led to this event should serve as an inspiration to other cities and towns around the nation as they propose similar ordinances.” Unfortunately, a Federal Appeals Court has stalled the San Francisco “Right to Know” ordinance during the implementation phase. The CTIA Wireless Association has sued the City and County of San Francisco claiming that their First Amendment right precludes them from having to disclose health information at the point of sale. The CTIA also moved their convention from San Francisco to San Diego.

Berkeley, California - CABTA appeared before the Berkeley City Council and persuaded lawmakers to

pass a resolution directing the City Manager to draft a cell phone ordinance modeled after San Francisco’s new law. In addition, the Berkeley Health Commission added safety precautions to their website.

Burlingame, California - The Burlingame City Council voted to include cell phone guidelines as part of their Healthy Living in Burlingame initiative. Currently, Burlingame is waiting for the resolution of the pending lawsuit against San Francisco and closely watching progress in surrounding cities like Berkeley. Jackson Hole, Wyoming - Jackson Hole Mayor Mark Baron declared October Cell Phone Safety Awareness

Month, and the town council endorsed the need for broader public education.


The State of California - State Senator Mark Leno introduced a cell phone product safety bill (SB 932), which calls for disclosure warnings at the point of sale. Consumers would be advised how to use a cell phone properly according to the instructions in the user manual. Interest groups have strongly opposed the legislation proven by the following contribution information.

According to Senator Leno’s office on January 30, 2012, “After carefully reviewing the vote count for SB 932, we do not see a path to the 21 votes needed on the Senate Floor before the house of origin deadline. As you know, not much has changed in the Senate since the bill moved to the Senate Floor last year. There are still too many core members who will not commit to support SB 932 (even after the good news from the (WHO).

Given our experience with close-votes this year, we have found that these members continue to be a challenge. In fact, Senator Leno took up a two-year bill last week that required 21 votes on the Senate Floor and it failed. The vote count on SB 932 is more challenging than any of our other bills.”

The State of Maine - “Our cell phone warning label bill passed the Maine House of Representatives. The bill would have required whatever warnings were in the manual to be placed on the package OR a label on the package directing users to check the manual for safe usage guidance, and at what pages that appeared. In the Senate all the Democrats present except one, and two Republicans, voted in favor of the bill. The Senate Majority Leader worked aggressively to defeat it, and succeeded. The vote was 20-13, with two Democrats excused. Clearly the choice was whether to protect the industry or the consumers because the wording in our proposed warning label legislation was carefully chosen to use only the manufacturers' own words.” – Representative Andrea Boland - Every October is “Cell Phone Awareness Month” in Portland, Maine

The State of Oregon - Senator Shields introduced Senate Bill 679, which would prohibit retailers from selling or distributing cellular phones unless the product and packaging display a disclosure warning label.


The State of New Mexico - The Departments of Environment and Health prepared a comprehensive report featuring “recommendations on how to alleviate any dangerous effects that cell phone radiation has on human health.”

The State of New York - “We have been closely following this (cell phone) bill and are aware of the federal judge’s recent ruling on the ordinance. However, I wanted to inform you that we are moving ahead anyway, and have begun drafting a similar bill in NY!”

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Regarding cell phone radiation, a powerful City Council resolution passed authorizing the Council's Public Health and Welfare Committee to hold hearings on actions the City can take to promote public awareness about the cell phone radiation health risks to children and pregnant woman. The City Council ordinance passed unanimously and public hearings were held last year.

The State of Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania Congresswoman Vanessa Brown and Former House Speaker Dennis O'Brien introduced HR 1408 entitle, “The Children's Wireless Protection Act.” The Act requires retailers to display warning posters and orders the Office of the Attorney General to issue a warning on the health effects of cell phones. The Act also requires “manufacturers of cell phones in Pennsylvania to include legible, prominent, non-removable warning labels on both cellular telephones and their packaging.”

Australia - The Commonwealth of Australia has issued an official caution for children to text rather than talk on cell phones. The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency released cell phone safety warnings arguing that children must take precautions to protect themselves from radiation exposure. “Children should be encouraged to limit exposure from mobile phones to their heads by reducing call time, by making calls where reception is good, by using hands-free devices or speaker options, or by texting.”


Brazil - According to the Porto Alegre Resolution in 2009, “We make an urgent call to all nations to convene a panel of experts, selected from candidates recommended by civil society groups (not only those preferred by the affected industries) to discuss precautionary technology, laws and advice in order to develop policies that reconcile public health concerns with further development of wireless communications technology such as mobile phones as well as electric power transmission and distribution systems.”

Finland - In 2009, the Finnish government argued that cell phone use by children ought to be restricted. Some possible solutions include urging children to text message more, make shorter calls, and/or use a headset. According to the Finnish report, “although research to date has not demonstrated health effects from cell phone’s radiation, precaution is recommended for children as all of the effects are not known.... Since it takes years to develop a cancer and cell phones have been in common use only for about ten years, the possibility, that a link between cell phone use and cancer might be found in the future, cannot be ruled out.”

France - The French government has introduced legislation that proclaims, “Under the new bill, all public communication, whatever the means or support, that aim, directly or indirectly to promote sale, availability or use of cell phones by children younger than 14 years old would be prohibited. Sale or free distribution of products containing radiofrequency devices and aimed specifically for use by children younger than 6 years of age may be forbidden by order of the Health Minister, in order to limit excessive exposure of children.”

Germany - The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection recommends minimizing radiation exposure for children.

India - New Delhi has passed a law that no children under 16 years old can use a cell


phone. A new law throughout India requires posting SAR warning labels at the point of sale. The government requests that cellular manufacturers do not advertise using pregnant women and children.

Ireland - Ireland passed the Mobile Phone Radiation Warning Bill in 2011. The legislation is “an Act to provide that a warning label shall be affixed to the exterior casing of mobile phones and on related packaging, which shall state clearly that mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation.”

Israel - The Country of Israel is taking cell phone safety extremely seriously. Perhaps this is because there are more cell phones than people in Israel. Undeniably, cell phones are an intimate and important part of the Israeli/Palestinian culture. Knesset member Yulia Shmalov Berkovitz recently tabled a bill that includes a list of demands from cellular phone manufacturers. The most notable demand is the requirement to send a text message every day at noon that reads, “Warning: this mobile phone emits non-ionizing radiation. The WHO has decided that its use can cause cancer.” This warning would also appear every time the phone is powered on. In addition, consumers purchasing a cell phone would have to sign a document stating that they understand the possible health risks. One clause in the document would allow consumers to sue the manufacturers in the future if it is definitively proven that long-term cell phone use is harmful to public health. The Israeli bill also calls for banning children from appearing in advertisements. However, advertisements will include warnings similar to cigarette advertisements. Regarding public outreach, at least 15% of manufacturer profits would go towards educating children and airing public service announcements. The Israeli Ministry published guidelines calling for limiting children’s use of cell phones and using devices like headsets to avoid radiation exposure. The Israeli Dental Association resorts that the number of cases of parotid salivary cancer rose dramatically during the past five years. Dr. Siegal Sadetzki of the Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, found a link between malignant brain tumors and cell phone use in excess of five years. Researchers looked at 500 Israelis who had developed health issues and compared their cell phone usage with 1,300 healthy controls. Appearing in the American Journal of Epidemiology, the results showed that those who had used the phone against one side of the head for several hours a day were 50% more likely to have developed a salivary gland tumor. According to Dr. Sadetzki, “Compared to other studies, the amount of exposure to radiofrequency radiation we saw here was much higher. If you like, you're seeing what could happen elsewhere 'speeded-up' in Israel.”


Italy The Venice Resolution - June 6, 2008

- “We remain concerned about the effects of human exposure to electromagnetic fields on health. We take exception to the claim of the wireless communication industry that there is no credible scientific evidence to conclude there a risk.

Recent epidemiological evidence is stronger than before. We strongly advise limited use of cell phones, and other similar devices, by young children and teenagers, and we call upon governments to apply the Precautionary Principle as an interim measure while more biologically relevant standards are developed to protect against, not only the absorption of electromagnetic energy by the head, but also adverse effects of the signals on biochemistry, physiology and electrical biorhythms.”

Korea - The Seoul Metropolitan Council (2009) has banned cell phones in schools.

Russia - Expressing concern about the marketing of cell phones to children and young adults, the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection argues that the risk to children’s health from cell phones is similar to the health risks posed by alcohol or tobacco.

Switzerland - The country of Switzerland urges citizens to either keep calls short or send text messages instead. According to the Federal Office of Public Health, “This advice applies especially to children and adolescents.” Lastly, Switzerland already requires posing SAR warning labels on all cell phones.

United Kingdom - In 2005, the U.K. Department of Public Health strongly advised that children and young adults only use cell phones for essential purposes or short calls.

In addition, numerous countries around the world have taken precautionary measures with regard to cell phone safety. Notably, Israel established a national safety research institute and Italy has held public hearings on the need to take steps to protect their citizens from RF emissions due to concerns over hidden health effects caused by long-term cell phone use.



CABTA testified to Congress about cell phone radiation.


Brain tumor survivor, Alan Marks, frequently rides the 20-mile Lamorinda Loop. We also participate in Livestrong events like the Davis Challenge.


We make dreams come true for brain tumor victims and their families. Please support our Dream Program!

The California Brain Tumor Association runs a Dream Program that makes dreams come true for brain tumor victims and their families. For example, CABTA arranged for the Solomon family to go to a San Francisco Giants baseball game and run the bases. Andy Solomon's daughter got to steal second base with her Dad, meet the players, and was welcomed in front of the entire ballpark. CABTA wishes to plan more of these "Dream" activities and needs funding in order to make more dreams come true!


EDUCATE CABTA intends on fully-implementing a schools program in San Francisco in conjunction with the SF Department of Environment. The program teaches kids the importance of cell phone safety. We do not advocate against cell phones… just putting them to your head. We tell kids it is better to text (not while driving) or use speakerphone. In addition, we tell students to use their headphones. CABTA distributes prizes in the form of retro headsets to students after making a presentation created in Imovie by CABTA’s Director.

Although experts are still studying the link between cell phone use and adverse health effects, the World Health Organization has classified radio frequency energy as a possible carcinogen. Most cellular phone user manuals state, usually in very fine print, that if a user holds a phone too close to their body, a phone may exceed the radiofrequency energy exposure limitation set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). It is in the interest of public health to require cell phone retailers to inform customers about measures they can take to reduce their exposure to radiofrequency energy from cell phones.

Did you know that 31 renowned members of the International Agency of Research on Cancer (IARC), a World Health Organization (WHO) committee, voted in a nearly unanimous decision to put cell phones in the same category as lead, jet and diesel fuel, chlorinated pesticides like DDT, engine exhaust, industrial compounds like PBBs, carbon black, and carbon tetrachloride?


USF Symposium


PEDIATRICIAN POSTERS Doctor’s offices on three continents are handing out these pediatrician posters, and CABTA is working with more Doctor and Pediatrician offices everyday to provide these posters and safety cards to their patients.










CABTA appeared on the Dr. Oz television show in New York City.

Other programs that we have been featured on include:

- The View - CNN – Sanjay Gupta MD

- CNN – Wolf Blitzer - CNN – The Human Factor - Fox News – Shepard Smith (Studio B) - San Francisco Examiner - San Francisco Chronicle - Channel 2 KTVU – John Fowler - PC World - KQED - Channel 7 ABC News The San Francisco Board of Supervisors and Supervisor John Avalos honorably commended the California Brain Tumor Association for our wonderful work on the San Francisco “Right to Know” ordinance.


ONLINE OUTREACH The California Brain Tumor Association boasts a wonderful website ( that provides a plethora of information and resources to the general public. The CABTA website is linked directly to CrowdRise online fundraising campaigns, an online CABTA store, hundreds of news articles/videos, and general information about brain tumors.


Facebook Group

Twitter – 394 Followers

62 Perfect Reviews on



We have lost far too many friends over the years from tragedies caused by avoidable brain cancer. We feel that it is our duty and ethical obligation to speak for those

who can no longer speak for themselves. These terribly sad stories remind us that it could happen to you, your children or your grandchildren.

Senator Ted Kennedy

Dan Brown – Fresno State Football Coach


Milton Marks

Rich Farver

Rob Stuart

David Servan-Schreiber

Paul Prischman


SUPPORT Therapy Dog Program

Teddy is a SF SPCA therapy dog that visits brain tumor patients at the hospital.

Teddy is a three-year old golden retriever and was born in Colorado.

Call Us Anytime for Support

How can we help you?

Do you need references for some of the best doctors in your area?

Do you just need to talk to someone?

Please give Ellie a call at 925.285.5437


WRITE - Letter to the Editor - September 22, 2011 (Published in Lamorinda Weekly and Spirit of Change Magazine) Democracy requires participation amongst the governed, but the people must be provided the information necessary to render informed decisions. All people maintain a fundamental right to safety and health information about technologies that will directly impact one’s health. San Francisco’s trend-setting disclosure of radiation specific absorption rates (SAR) signifies a pivotal shift in the raging debate over the hidden long-term health risks of cell phones. Lt. Gov. Newsom describes his legislation as “a modest and commonsense measure to provide greater transparency and information.”

The FCC, a federal agency handling communication matters, for over a decade, stipulated the exact methods used approximating cell phone’s SAR. Shockingly, the FCC established SAR limits without any pre-market safety testing and guidelines are outdated by over 15 years. Currently, the FCC is arguing (without offering any reasoning) that SAR is meaningless and proposing to eliminate all wired landlines. The FCC withdrawal of information from their website paralleled arguments from the Cellular Telecommunications Industry (CTIA) opposing San Francisco Right to Know ordinance about disclosing cell phone radiation levels. In order to separate truth from fiction, we need more independent research instead of self-serving studies funded by the cell phone industry. UC Berkeley Professor Joel Moskowitz argues that independent studies demonstrate “consistent evidence that heavy cell phone use for a decade or longer increases brain tumor risk at least 30%.” Mr. Snowden of the CTIA wants to be “very clear. The CTIA has not said once…that cell phones are safe.” The CTIA argues that most studies do not demonstrate a direct link between cell phone usage and cancer. However, these studies examine health effects only in the short-term. The early introduction and ubiquity of cell phones in Scandinavia translates into a 240% increased risk of glioma for individuals using their cell phone in excess of ten years. Comparatively, Israel, Germany, Finland, Russia, Switzerland, France, and Canada have all expressed serious concerns. Switzerland already requires SAR warning labels on cell phones, and France already has cell phone marketing restrictions to children. Additionally, the U.S. President’s Commission on Cancer reports that extended cell phone usage causes brain tumors. It is inexcusable to allow technological advances invented to enrich our lives rob us of our lives instead. Reducing direct radiation exposure to the brain can be achieved by promoting simple precautionary measures like wearing a headset, using the speakerphone, or texting. Enacting simple precautions to reduce exposure will save us from a potential global epidemic of brain tumors. Consumers must continue to demand the successful Right to Know ordinance be implemented in San Francisco. Consumers must demand cell phones require warning labels similar to cigarettes. Consumers must demand their city follow in the footsteps of San Francisco. Even if we agree to disagree on the validity of current studies, we should make the compromise that information and simple precautions help protect public health.


Future Goals and Projects - Plan and implement public educational programs in San Francisco schools with the assistance of the San Francisco Department of Environment - Continue to establish relationships and inform policy-makers about the hidden health dangers of cell phones and other radiation-emitting devices - Work with top oncologists and surgeons on prevention - Distribute more posters to pediatrician and doctor offices nationwide - Plan another major public forum on brain cancer awareness and cell phone safety - Prepare grant proposals to be submitted to pre-determined funders and foundations - Expand our programmatic activity (Bike with Survivors and Dream Program) - Reach out to more victims and their families in efforts to provide support services

Organizational Growth The CABTA website and social media online presence have been updated to keep pace with this rapidly changing world. However, in order to keep pace with other nonprofits like the Breast Cancer Fund, funding is needed to hire a professional design firm. Currently, CABTA is utilizing Wordpress and our domain is through Godaddy. In order to continue our efforts educating and advocating, we need to bring on a professional and dedicated team that can manage day-to-day operations of the website and social media. We have managed for the past four years to operate CABTA by spending our own money out of pocket. A detailed advocacy plan spelling out our goals and future plans is available upon request.


Public Comments

“Stay strong and courageous. Your work is of great importance.”

- California State Senator Mark Leno - ---------------

I am in awe of you, Zack. You are going to do great things. ---------------

Your ability to turn such a tragedy into selfless advocacy speaks volumes. ---------------

My young daughter of 20 months will not be getting a cell phone because of the knowledge I have because of people like you. Thank you, thank you. Let me assure you, that your willingness to not be silent is an inspiration.

--------------- I appreciate your efforts and commend your strength.

May you be blessed with strength and inscribed in the book of life. ---------------

What a bold act of love, and of regaining power for the family. You will make the difference you seek.

Keep on speaking, keep on fighting. ---------------

Your testimony was powerful and a definite memorable moment in the Senate hearing. ---------------

Your website is amazing! I sent it to everyone on my email list. It's easy to navigate and so well written and informative.

--------------- You have my admiration for educating the public about the dangers of cell phones.

--------------- Thank you for what you’re doing. Great website.

--------------- Your nonprofit is phenomenal and a tribute to your father, Zack.

--------------- You are surviving and thriving through your determination to make a real difference.

--------- The contents of your letter and website are so well written, powerful and tragic.

--------------- I am so proud that you went to DC. God bless you for your activism and courage.

--------------- I'm proud of your efforts! Keep up the good fight.

I will have a heart to heart with my children. ---------------

The ripple effect of your positive and bold action will be felt around the world. ---------------

Zack is a deep and thoughtful man. He is taking his pain and using it for good, and that guarantees his eventual healing.

-------------- Your website blew me away and I cried as read each section.


It is powerful -- especially knowing this comes from the victim’s son. ---------------

What a terrifying ordeal to be forced to experience. --------------

Your web site is really amazing. What a great job - again. --------------

I was touched by the fact that you have created this nonprofit, which is great!!!! ---------------

I am filled with pride over your testimony yet saddened for what you have been and will be going through. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.

--------------- I am a firm believer that God has placed this burden on you for a reason and I think that

reason is because you have the guts to do the battle that needs to be done. ---------------

I know for myself, you have enlightened me on a mission to protect myself and most of all my kids from over-use of a cell phone.

--------------- Thank you very much for taking the time to inform me. I will help you with your path to

educate as many people that I know. ---------------

Thanks so much. I will be forwarding your website to all my family and friends. ---------------

Incredible, your poise, openness and compassion in telling your story and the risks associated with cell phone use were amazing.

--------------- Thanks so much for being such a wonderful example. I doubt many folks I know would

have the courage to do what you are doing. ---------------

For the past two years, I've been working with Zack Marks on a variety of projects. He is exceptionally bright, diligent, creative, and innovative. He knows the rapidly

evolving world of social media and knows how to present complicated ideas in ways people can comprehend them. He single handedly (and against great odds) organized and

conducted an important public symposium at his university on the issue of the right to know about cell phones. He's testified before public hearings and founded the California

Brain Tumor Association. I've written about Zack in my new book. His family is an inspiration. Zack knows how to work within system constraints and how to change them.

He is also a mensch. Please know that I recommend CABTA most highly. ---------------

Thank you for your work, keep on getting louder! —————

I think it’s great what you are doing for families of brain cancer patients. I wish WA had something like your organization. We had no one to help us.

Thank you for your support.  

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