bypass fraud

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Chapter NineLife Flow One

The Solution For Heart Disease by

Karl Loren

Bypass SurgeryIt shouldn’t be necessary for me to write about the fraud of bypass surgery. That fraud, as

a subject for authors, is now so popular that you can find dozens of books about it.  

I’ve provided a good bibliography of books you can refer to in the back of this

Book. [Karl Note in March, 2001: I've added many pages on this subject since

writing this Book in 1994. Here are some of those: 

  The article summarizing the fraud of bypass surgery -- published in the

monthly free electronic newsletter called The Wednesday Letter, version of 

May 2000. 

  The Deliberate Drugging Of America, The Wednesday Letter of March2001 and also published with more details by clicking here. 

  Doctors Lie For Money -- Expose of the American Heart Association --

falsely claiming that their recommended treatments for heart disease have

been lowering the death rate from heart disease when the exact opposite is

the truth.] 

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Let me just give you some flat statements which

can easily be proven to be true.

1. Bypass surgery is the most popular surgical

procedure in the United States -- measured by the

amount of money charged. 

2. It is not unusual for heart bypass surgery to

cost $25,000, or even $75,000. They often come

"undone" within months or a few years. They are often repeated on the same


3. There has never been any scientific proof of the effectiveness of bypass surgery

in the quantity of patients receiving it. 

4. What tests have been done show that there is no improvement in longevitywhen a patient gets bypass surgery. In fact, the President of the American Heart

Association says: "Up to half of all coronary artery bypass surgeries fail. In these

surgeries, portions of veins are surgically inserted to bypass clogged blood vessels

to the heart." Click Here to see that source. 

5. Doctors and hospitals, many of them, depend on the money earned from

bypass surgery to support their standard of living. Many hospitals, in particular,

count on the regular bypass surgery procedures to bring in enough money so

they can afford to continue providing much less fancy medical care to the poor

who flock to their doors. This subject of heart doctors going for the money doesnot go away. Click Here for an article in the Wall Street

Journal in June 1999 about this.

6. The death rate from bypass surgery has varied

tremendously, from doctor to doctor, with a very

concerted effort to keep secret those death rates. When

they were finally revealed, there were some doctors

whose death rate was less than 1% while certain other

doctors killed as many as 15% of the patients they put a

knife to. The medical establishment, particularly thehospitals, keep this information as confidential as they

can. Click Here to read 1999 data on this point. 

7. Heart bypass surgeons are mentally sick people. They know they are

delivering a fraudulent treatment; taking money for performing a harmful

procedure which they lie about and claim is helpful. 

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8. If your doctor would recommend ANY patient for

bypass surgery, without a second opinion, you can tell him

from me that I consider him a psychotic criminal who

belongs in jail. 

9. Fortunately, the lid is coming off. The pot is boiling andthese truths will be more and more exposed to the

American public. 

10. The problem is not just that this one multi-billion dollar medical scam has

been exposed. The real problem is that there is an entire system, a medical

industrial complex, which has no interest in your health, but does have a very

intense interest in getting money at your expense. 

11. The single most accurate way of predicting what type of treatment you will

get, if you have heart disease, is your zip cod! This amazing data is well known tosurgeons, but carefully hidden from patients. Click here for the study on that


You can use this information to guide your own, personal health care decisions,

but that would be a waste of your talents. 

What you can and should do is start making a fuss about this. 

Go to your city counsel and get a law passed making it illegal to perform bypass

surgery in your city. That would get some attention. 

Get your county supervisors to pass a law requiring every bypass surgeon to

register, the way a child molester does if he lives in the county. 

Don’t expect any help from Congress or state governments. You can do

something in your own town. Once you get the mayor to proclaim a week free of 

fraudulent heart treatment, go for two weeks in the next year. In a few years you

can have your town free of heart fraud. 

If you don’t do it, who will? 

[Karl Note: In March 2001 the stunning news came out that bypass surgery

causes a reduction in mental ability, by at least 20% in more than half of those

receiving this barbaric procedure. Click here to review that data -- added long

after this Chapter was first written.] 

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The Unraveling Of The Myth 

There has been a medical myth believed by millions of Americans, over many

years -- that heart surgery, or bypass surgery, was an effective technique for

handling heart disease. 

It isn’t! 

The fact is that it has never been. The truth about this lie has been known ever

since the beginning. But that truth was seen by only a few people twenty years

ago. It is now such common medical knowledge that most doctors know about it

and only the man-in-the-street hasn’t heard about it yet. 

The sordid tales of heart bypass surgery were just as true twenty years ago, but

the master planners had their reasons, then, for not allowing the sins to be

revealed. You see that twenty years ago the drug support system was not yet in

place. These master planners had to get a "solution" to the number one killer in

America, and they knew that the solution would have to be some drug that

people would take for the rest of their lives. They also knew they would have to

build up the "research" basis and public opinion support for the drug solution. 

In the meantime, bypass surgery seemed like the solution. It was expensive

enough that obviously not everyone could get it. BUT, if the master planners

could get the bill for bypass up to $60 billion per year, then allow the exposure of 

bypass as a fraud, then all that $60 billion would be shunted over, gradually, to

the drug companies, without even an increase in the cost of total medical care. 

Way back in 1985 I was lecturing about the evils of bypass and the wonders of 

vitamin chelation treatment. Here’s a letter written in 1985 from Roy Biensch, of 


Dear Karl, 

As we have talked on the telephone many times before, I have

decided to sit down and write you a letter of appreciation for

the concern you have for people. 

I also share this same concern and compassion for people.

There are so many people leaving this earth too soon and quickly, without

getting hooked up with Jesus and going on into eternal life with him. 

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[Karl Note: Roy Biensch continues to use Life Glow Plus, and spreads it around

among his friends and neighbors in Canada. Literally thousands of bottles of Life

Glow Plus, the oral chelation product, have been used to save lives because of 

Roy. Note added in March 2001.] 

You see, it is far cheaper to keep a patient so drugged that he hardly ever takes awalk, or lifts a finger -- thus reducing the chance of death from heart attack --

far cheaper to use a drug on a patient for the rest of his life than it is to give him

two or three bypass surgeries. Health Insurance now often pays for bypass, and

by switching patients from a $50,000 single surgery, to 25 years of drugs, at

$1,800 per year, the health bureaucrats can claim that they are saving money.

Mevacor costs about $1,800 per year! 

Now you find bypass surgeons making confessions! 

Even more fascinating, you find the standard media starting to report the truthwhen they ignored it twenty years ago. 

And there are still die-hard bypass surgeons who are trying to prolong their life

by "inventing" new ways to do bypass surgery. Click here to read a Wall Street

Journal article about a new, but failed, method of doing bypass surgery -- called

"keyhole surgery." 

When you see a story about the fraud of heart bypass surgery appearing in USA

Today , you know that the Master Planners are ready to sink the whole bypass

surgery ship and replace it with the drug ship. 

It is happening. 

USA Today  

Bypass surgery, angioplasty and cardiac catherization do little to enhance

survival in many elderly heart attack victims, a major study shows. 

"These invasive procedures could be eliminated with no effect on mortality in at

least 25%$ of cases," says Dr. Mark McClellan of Harvard Medical School, wholed the study of Medicare records of more than 200,000 heart-attack patients 65

and older. 

The study is the largest to compare the expensive procedures and mortality. 

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Cardiac catherizations are done to assess heart disease, angioplasty and bypasses

are intended to restore blood flow to the heart. 

McClellan says the study in today’s Journal of the American Medical Association ,

is key to the health-care debate. 

  From 1987 to 1990, the number of cardiac catherizations jumped

40%, angioplasties doubled and bypass surgery rose nearly 40%. 

  Death rates were not influenced. 

  Survival improved with aggressive care at the onset of symptoms,

such as quick hospitalization, use of clot-busting drugs and close


The study compared heart-attack death rates between rural and big hospitals. 

Patients at big hospitals fared better, but only in the first 24 hours before aninvasive procedure. 

Dr. Willix’ Confession 

One of these fraudulent doctors even made a public confession of his disgust with

bypass. Dr. Robert D. Willix is a surgeon who has performed more than 2,000

bypass surgery procedures. That puts him in the top ranks of heart specialists. 

In his book he writes: 

I performed about 2,000 coronary bypass operations before I finally figured out I

wasn’t helping people. I haven’t picked up a scalpel since 1981, but I’ve saved

more patients than I did as a surgeon. 

Every time one of those other doctors, still doing bypass, receives $20,000 for his

part in the fraudulent operation, he knows he is stealing from the patient and has

even less chance of avoiding Hell! What sins these people commit! 

Dr. Carrow’s Confession 

Here is another of these people. When I write that they are mentally and

spiritually sick, you would probably think me guilty of a dramatization, an

exaggeration. How about Dr. Donald Carrow: 

He once was the chief architect of a program that coerced angina patients into

giving their consent for heart bypass operations. Now, this doctor goes public

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with his revealing story of the trickery and deceit behind the over-selling of heart

bypass operations. 

His unconventional approach to practicing medicine is well known in the Tampa,

Florida area, as well as nationally. He is Donald Carrow, M.D., former chief of 

anesthesiology for a large Florida hospital. In a candid interview below, Dr.Carrow tells all. 

The turning point for Dr. Carrow came with his own personal health crisis.

"Two things happened to me. I was a 42-year old physician working in a major

hospital in Tampa, Florida. I was a professor of anesthesia. I created the concept

of the heart team. This team was comprised of nurses, ministers, radiologists,

laboratory technicians, family physicians, and even patients who had previously

undergone open heart bypass surgery. We developed a uniquely contrived

method of talking patients into heart bypass surgery that, now looking back on

it, they didn’t need." 

"Other hospitals would send people to learn how we ‘sold’ heart bypass surgery.

Since hospitals had to spend $1.5 to $2 million dollars in equipment before they

could perform their first heart bypass operation, they were obviously eager to

recoup their investment. This meant a steady stream of patients was required to

pay the debt service to the bank," emphasizes Dr. Carrow. 

"When a patient would come to the hospital with chest pain they would be

stabilized with pain relieving medications and then would undergo a myriad of 

tests, including a heart angiogram. Nurses were then instructed to tell the patientthat there was some bad news concerning their tests and that the doctor would

have to speak with them about it. The family physician would then visit the

patient and indicate the cardiologist would be needed for a consultation. By the

time the cardiologist was at the patient’s bedside he or she would usually be in a

state of fright. The cardiologist would then point to an area on the angiogram

and tell the patient they were a ‘walking time bomb’." 

"If the patient still couldn’t make a decision to undergo open heart surgery I

would go out and visit with his or her spouse," says Dr. Carrow, "and point to

the same spot on the angiogram and say this problem is what we call a widow

maker." The spouse would then run to their loved one and plead with them to

consent to the operation. 

"If all of this didn’t work, then we would apply the icing on the cake. This

consisted of sending a patient who had undergone successful heart bypass

surgery to visit the prospective surgical candidate and tell them how successful

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the operation was." It wasn’t easy to find a patient who had a successful

operation, notes Dr. Carrow. 

"The heart surgeon would then come in and say how easy the surgery was to

perform. All members of the heart team were trained to circumvent the

question: how effective is the outcome of the surgery? We would answer thatquestion by saying that years ago there was only a six percent chance of success.

Today there was a 96 percent chance. Every patient would interpret this as a

cure. The nurses were told to tell the patient they would be holding their hand

through the whole procedure. Then the pastor would come in and say a few

words. It was well orchestrated." 

"We call all of this patient education. It was really patient coercion. I was

involved in over 2000 open heart procedures. Only about 200 were necessary. We

had a 90% failure rate," says Dr. Carrow. These numbers were recently

confirmed by a landmark Harvard study. 

"Then, at age 42, my own chest pain occurred. Crushing chest pain. I couldn’t

say a full sentence, I couldn’t find the strength to walk out of a chair. My

colleagues said it was my time to get on the operating table. I had no intention of 

having the operation. Something inside me balked at having the same operation

that I talked others into on a daily basis." Heart bypass surgery consists of 

taking a vein out of the leg and placing it into the heart, to restore circulation.

There is a 50 percent failure rate in the first year following the operation says Dr.

Carrow. "If it weren’t for a little trick performed by the surgeon at the end of 

the operation, heart bypass surgery would be shown to be an outright failure,"

says Dr. Carrow. 

"When the operation is completed the surgeon announces he wants to check for

stasis (blood flow). He puts his hand behind the heart, and in doing so, breaks the

nerve connections behind the heart. Once broken the patient feels no chest pain.

It takes about 6-7 years before these nerves regenerate and then the pain returns.

The surgeon temporarily eliminates nature’s way of letting the patient know

their heart circulation is bad. It’s really a despicable trick to play because it

makes the patient feel the operation worked and that they can return to the way

they lived before the operation" 

Dr. Schwartz’ Expose 

Here’s another expose, this time from the Wall Street Journal : 

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CANTON, Ohio -- At the peak of their careers, Philip Rice and Richard

Schwartz were doctors who made heads turn. they dominated cardiovascular

surgery in this city of 84,000. They posted some of the lowest surgical mortality

rates in Ohio. Each doctor earned more than $1 million a year, and they reveled

in the luxuries

that a thriving

practice could


The two

surgeons furnished their office at Aultman

Hospital with Oriental rugs, glass sculptures

and original oil painting. They drove

matching sports cars -- first Jaguars, then

black, top-of-the-line BMW 750s -- that they

parked side-by-side in hospital bays reserved

for them by name. 

In their grandest gesture, Drs. Rice and Schwartz each December threw a black-

tie dinner party at a local country club for 200 friends and colleagues. That

single night’s entertainment cost $20,000, Dr. Schwartz says, but it established

him and Dr. Rice as part of Canton’s social elite. 

Then people in Canton began to learn unsettling things about the star surgeons.

Deaths associated with bypass surgery surged in 1990 and 1991. Hospital

disciplinary bodies began looking into reports of alcohol on Dr. Rice’s breath.

And hospital lawyers uncovered a little-known, grisly episode in Dr. Schwartz’s

past, involving the death of an infant in his care. 

The Canton case provides a rare inside look at how a top medical practice

boomed and then fell apart. Each year, state medical boards discipline about

3,000 doctors, or one in every 200, with steps ranging from reprimands to

revoking of licenses. Most of these cases occur almost entirely in private, though,

with only a brief case summary being released once a dispute is resolved. The

public seldom learns about drawn-out and heated battles over whether to

discipline a doctor. 

The story continues, for many more hundreds of words. It is well worth getting a

back copy of the Journal to read it all. 

When a person is committing transgressions against his fellow-man, on a high-

volume and daily basis, he MUST start to treat his fellow with contempt and feel

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that he, as God, can do no wrong. That’s why these surgeons are so confident

that, even when drunk, they can help a patient! 

In the Canton, Ohio case, Dr. Rice was accused of being drunk while performing

surgery. He went into three different alcohol-treatment programs, but refused to

have a urine test and was finally locked out of the operating room. One of theother doctors who was trying to cover up Dr. Rice’s drunkenness even said that

"although Dr. Rice has a sli ght tr emor in his hand, it seems that the tremor is 

always in the right direction! "  

How many died because the hospital administrator wanted the profits more than

living patients? How many have died because doctors won’t report the sins of 

other doctors -- because they know that their own sins would then be revealed! 

What is remarkable, and instructive, about the Wall Street Journal giving this

story the front page position is NOT the fraud of by-pass surgery being exposed,but that the real power brokers, the drug companies, are letting the world know

that they are ready to replace by-pass surgery with drugs, and want to get rid of 

by-pass surgery in favor of drugs. THAT is the significance of such a national

newspaper covering this story. Heart surgeons should see their own demise writ

large upon this wall . 

More Confessions

The Sins Of Dr. Ross Gardner 

There is an extremely well-documented story about a physician from New

Zealand named Ross Gardner. He moved into South Bend, Indiana in 1974. He

convinced Memorial Hospital to open a bypass surgery service. 

Dr. Ross, and a new partner, Dr. John Rubush, got rich doing 300 to 400 bypass

surgeries per year, on into the 1980’s. They were grossing one to three million

dollars per year. 

Unfortunately, after some years of seeming success, the death rate began to rise

and the Hospital’s NEW chief of surgery was forced to investigate. He actuallydid nothing. The Cardiologists in town decided that their patients would die if 

they sent them to Memorial. The Cardiologists simply quit sending patients to


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Only then did it come out that the death rate among the patients of Dr. Ross and

Rubush was higher than ANY OTHER hospital in the United States doing

bypass surgery! Finally the Chief of Surgery acted. 

The data? Some 23% of all the Medicare patients there died after bypass surgery

in 1984! This death rate was ten times higher than the best bypass surgerycenters. 

Was this unusual? Well no! What was unusual was that the statistics on death

rates for bypass surgery had been kept hidden for many years and only in 1984,

for the first time, did these figures finally get into the media. 

Even with these terrible statistics, Dr. Gardner refused to admit any error, and

the close-knit medical community tried to cover it all up. When Dr. Gardner was

finally replaced, the new heart surgeon had an average death rate of only 3.8%

of his bypass patients within the first year. 

How many years had that fraudulent doctor murdered people in South Bend,

Indiana, with full knowledge of anyone inside the Hospital who cared to look at

the facts? In fact, when Dr. Rubush left, he was hired in Madisonville, Kentucky,

to perform bypass surgery. One of his referrals spoke highly of him. Who was

that? One of the Cardiologists in South Bend who wanted to get Rubush out of 


Dr. Dean T. Mason’s Murder Rate 

Perhaps the worst cover-up, and the most fraudulent bypass surgery story comes

out of California. 

Dr. Mason started the bypass unit at the University of 

California medical center at Davis, California. This was

one of the largest medical teaching universities in the

world, and in 1967 they knew that bypass surgery would

make lots of money as well as lots of "history" for the

University. They recruited Dr. Mason as one of the

foremost young surgeons in the country. 

The story is very well, and fully, told in Thomas Moore’s

book, Heart Attack . 

In brief, Dr. Mason started killing patients, and then started covering up his

murder statistics. The high medical executives at the University conspired to hide

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the truth from the public and finally there were so many deaths that the

bereaved relatives of the murder victims started suing. 

It took a long time! 

Finally, in 1984, the first of many lawsuits reached the stage where ONE personon the inside, an honest doctor, was ready to testify publicly to what he had

learned in his private investigation of Dr. Mason’s death rate. Just the threat of 

his testimony sent the University into a private settlement of $3.1 million to avoid

any public trial. That initial $3.1 million was just the first payment for a patient

who was permanently damaged by Dr. Mason -- a life-time of care that would

probably cost the University more than $40,000,000! 

You didn’t hear about that in your local papers! 

More people started lawsuits -- all settled out of court so that the media and thepublic could never find out the total truth. The University paid out secret

settlements to at least 35 plaintiffs -- in some cases bereaved relatives and in

other cases to patients whose surgeries were so badly botched that they would

live the rest of their lives in need of intensive medical care. 

The stories I’ve told in this Book are only the tip of the iceberg. When a

fraudulent procedure is asserted to be good, and the surgeon knows he is lying,

he MUST start justifying and covering up. These heart surgeons are murderers.  

Now, do you think I am too extreme in asking that they register in the samemanner as convicted child molesters! 

News Item: From the Boston Globe , appearing in the Dai ly News on March 24,


Betsy A. Lehman was receiving cancer treatment at Boston’s Dana-Farber

Cancer Institute, and was ready to go home, cured, to her husband and two

young children. At the last moment the hospital put her on one more series of 

cancer drugs, over-dosed her and she died. 

Several staff members, including senior executives, should have seen the drug

being given in lethal doses, and didn’t catch it. It was only caught, months later,

by a clerk. 

When doctors are delivering fraudulent service, they grow callous to both the

truth and to life. Avoid chemotherapy and bypass surgeons. 

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If your health is to improve, and if the health of our nation is to improve, then

YOU will have to do something about it. You can start by telling others about the

information in this Book -- by getting extra copies and starting to stem the flow

of lies pouring out on us from the government and many doctors. 

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Ultimate Resource On

Chelation Therapy  

Technical Data On Heart

Disease and Bypass


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