by the radiant ryan saari and the cool cat collin shields vikings

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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By The Radiant Ryan Saari and The Cool Cat Collin Shields


What were Vikings?

Vikings were Scandinavian sea faring warriors that raided and settled in vast areas of eastern and western Europe.

What was there motivation?

Most believe that Vikings did what they did simply because they got tired of living a repetitive life so they went out and wreaked havoc.

When were they around?

They started invading the coast of Europe in the 790’s.

The Danes conquered much of the English kingdoms until King Alfred of Wessex defeated Guthrum at Edington and agreed to divide the country in 878.

The last recorded Viking conquest was the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.

Where in the world were Vikings?

Vikings started out in Norway but expanded rapidly across Europe, into Greenland, and North America.

The Vikings travelled great distances to conquer their foes. This was made possible by the invention of the sail.


Warriors were lead by a chief warrior: fighting was their business.

Viking Warriors

Berserkers were a special class of warrior who wore fur. They attacked their enemies while shouting in a crazed lust for blood.


Vikings fortified themselves beautifully. They put up massive wooden walls and surrounded their settlement with a moat.

Viking Fortification

Yes, there are. In 1970 the York Archaeological Trust dug through 20 feet of deposits to find a Viking city.

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Kings and noblemen would use horses, hounds, and falconry to hunt.

Common Vikings would use bows, arrows, and spears to kill animals ranging from hares to walruses.


Sword blades, knives, axes, spears, and arrowheads were made out of iron.

Vikings were very advanced sword smiths. The metal was heated in a furnace until it

was soft. It was then was shaped on an anvil with a hammer.

Viking sword smiths featured in many myths and legends.


What influence did Vikings have on Europe?

If Vikings had never raged Europe, England would not exist as it does today.

They mapped out much of Europe due to their voyages.

They invented very sophisticated boats for navigating certain types of waters.

Founded some of the best and most dynamic states in western Europe.

For 200 years, you could barely go to church without a prayer, “Deliver us O Lord from the wrath of the Northmen.”

Although many people rampaged Europe, none had such a major impact as the Vikings did.

What Vikings Revealed about Europe

Knarr – Used for Atlantic voyages about 54 feet long, could carry up to 24 tons of weight, and often traveled 75 miles in a day in open sea.

Karve – Small ship similar to Knarr used for human transport through shallow waters. Karves were around 17 feet long.

Viking Ships

Faering – An open boat with two pairs of oars.

Longship – Naval Vessels used for trade, commerce, exploration, and warfare. They had a maximum speed of 15 knots.

More ships!

When a Viking died, he was cremated. Then they would cast their ashes and belongings out into the sea to reach Valhalla.

Burial at Sea

Vikings were polytheistic. Gods included Thor, Odin, Freya, Baldur, and Fenrir.

Viking Religion

You may have been wondering just that. Well, we’ll tell you!

We think Vikings were vital to the culture of Europe. Without Vikings, Europe would be a much different place than it is today.

What do we think about Vikings?

National Geographic – In Search of Vikings. Uncovering History – Everyday life of the

Vikings By Neil Grant. Flashback History: By Dereen Taylor.








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