by scott martin and brianne levek perseus and theseus

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Perseus and Theseus

By Scott Martin and Brianne LevekPerseus and Theseus PerseusFavorite tale in Greece.


King AcrisusHad a daughter Danae. She was the most beautiful in the land.Always longed for a son.Request was denied.Daughter would have a son who would kill him.Made a plan to hide Danae so she would not have a son.

The BoxKing Acrisus locked up Danae in a house made of all bronze, and then sunk underground.A mysterious shower of gold rained into the house.Danae knew this to be Zeus. She bore his son, Perseus.

King Finds outAcrisus found out about Perseus. Once again scared, made a plan and sent them to sea in a chest.Later discovered by Dictys.Dictys and his wife take them in as their own.

Danae lets Perseus follow Dictys Trade of a fisherman.

Polydectes is the king of the land, also Dictys brother.

Polydectes falls in love with Danae and wants to marry her, does not want Perseus.

Makes a plan to which he thinks will kill Perseus.Life on the IslandWedding PartyDanae and Polydectes are getting married.Have a wedding party.Everyone brings gifts.Perseus has nothing to bring.Promises to go out and bring back Medusas head.Gray WomenOften called FatesThey watch peopleBut ironically, they share a eyeDanae has to go to them to get directions to where he can find the Gorgons.So, when they went to take the eye out to give to another Perseus went and stole the eye.Which, made them tell the location of Gorgons.Gorgons3 of themMedusa is mortal, so only one that is able to be killedOther 2 are not.Great wingsBodies covered in golden scalesHair a mess of twisting snakesWhen one looks at a Gorgon in the face, they instantly turn to stone.Strongest and most deadly monsters in all the land

Medusa and/or Gorgons Portrayed as thisThe AdventureHermes and Athena came to assist him. Perseus gathered equipmentHermes indestructible swordAthenas breast plate3 maidens cap of invisibility.Magical wallet that changes size according to the holderWinged sandalsShield for him to look through. He needed this so he could actually look at Medusa without turning to stone

The Kill of MedusaTime came, and Medusa was going to die.Perseus had all his equipment onHe was flying in the sky with Athena and HermesThe winged sandals allowed him to flyPerseus swooped down, Athena guided his hand the whole timeChopped Medusas head off in one motionHe did this without the other Gordons seeing.Journey back to Ethiopia Perseus saved a young maiden that was meant to be eaten by a sea serpent.Her name was Andromeda, and thought she was the most beautiful in the landPerseus was passing by that exact spotWhen he arrived, Andromeda was chained to a rock in the middle of the ocean ready to be consumed by the awful sea serpent.Instantly, at sight of her, Perseus fell in loveHe waited for it, then cut its head off just like Medusa.

Back in the Home LandPerseus arrived to find that his mother and Dictys had ran away and hidden in a temple.

Perseus went to the kings palace

King was having a party

Perseus walked in, everyone looked, he held up the head of Medusa

Everyone instantly turned to stone.Happily Ever AfterAfter saving Andromeda, Perseus asked for her hand in marriage. Parents instantly acceptedThey got married.King of Larissa was holding a discuss throwing competitionPerseus joined, and killed his Grandfather.So, the oracle was proved truePerseus did end up killing his grandpa, but, not how anyone expected Theseus Great Athenian hero.His father did not want anything to do with him until he is a man.His father put a sword and shoes under a huge rock.When Theseus was strong enough to lift it and retrieve the things then he could be sent to his father in Athens

Journey to King AgeausTheseus grandfather had readied a ship for Theseus to make the journey to his father.Does not like taking the easy pathRefused to go by boatWent by landKilled bandits in the way the same way they tortured other people that came throughPath would be clear for all adventures after himArriving in AthensTheseus arrived and his father did not it was him Saw him as a threat.Witch that works for the king was sent to poison hisWhen Theseus denied the cup, then his father knew who he was.Then, announced that Theseus is his son.

Theseus MissionKing Minos sent his son to Athens. Son diedEvery 9 years 7 maidens and 7 youths are sent to the Labyrinth. There, they would be Minotaur food.Theseus volunteers to go on the next tripHe plans to kill the Minotaur, no one else knows

Minotaur HuntOnce Theseus arrives with the youth and maidens, Ariadne (Kings daughter) falls in love with himTells people to help him find a way outTheseus gets string to tie to the door for he can get back outGoes in the Minotaurs lair. Kills the Minotaur with his bare handsFollows string back out

What the Minotaur that Theseus fought most likely looked like!Journey Back to AthensWas suppose marry Ariadne, since she helped save his lifeAbandon Ariadne on the way backTheseus was suppose to put up a white flag instead of the blackThis symbol meant that Theseus had died.His father then killed himselfTheseus became kingDid not want a dictatorship, only to be Commander in Chief. Basically, wanted a democracy.Pirithous was king of Lapithae. Became good friends with TheseusTheseus goes to the wedding, Centaurs are on the other side of the familyTry and take the bride.Theseus kills that Centaur, and then run the rest out of town. Bride dies anyway.

Pirithous WeddingHercules ComesTheseus goes with Pirithous to the underworld to find Persephone Hades puts Pirithous in the chair of forgetfullness.Hercules goes and saves Theseus Too late for PirithousPirithous will forever sit there on the chair of forgetfulness.Hades would not let Hercules take him, for it was Pirithous that planned to take Persephone

Theseus marries Phaedra (Ariadnes sister)They had a child HippolytusPhaedra fell in love with her sonHippolytus did not feel the samePhaedra wanted to kill herselfHer servant found out and did not let her dieBut, Phaedra snuck off anyway and killed herselfTheseus then banished HippolytusTheseusTheseus was then killed, no one knew how or whyThe Athenians built him a great tomb.He had always been there for his peopleAlways defended the defenseless.


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