bushey meads news - 26 september 2014

Post on 04-Apr-2016






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‘Free Your Feet’ Campaign By Ashley Cartledge, Head of PE and Health Faculty

The school have been promoting the Walk to School "Free Your Feet" campaign as part of a national campaign to encourage more students to choose an active method of walking to school. All students in Years 7 and 8 have been issued with cards to record how often they walk to school.

This may involve being dropped off a walking distance away from school or getting off the bus one stop early and walking the final section of the journey. The school has also identified designated drop off points at Bournehall Lane, King George Recreation Grounds and Bushey Country Club which are recommended walking distances away from school.

Bushey Meads



Diary Dates

1st October 2014, 8.30am-5.30pm

Debating Matters: First Heat

1st October 2014, 7.00-9.00pm Year 13 BTEC Music Solo Recitals

3rd October 2014, 5.30am-10.30pm

Year 9 Trip to Ypres

7th October 2014, 9.00am-4.00pm Year 9 Brighton Field Trip

13th-17th October 2014 Book Fair in the Library

24th October 2014

INSET Day (school closed to students)

27th-31st October 2014

Half Term

This is all part of the school’s programme to encourage more students to lead an active, healthy lifestyle.

Daily Steps of Progress across the BMS Learning Community By Jeremy Turner, Executive Principal

It has been a real joy to walk around Bushey Meads School since starting here as the Headteacher and see superb teaching taking place that is clearly engaging all students and helping them succeed in all areas of the curriculum. The staff at Bushey Meads are really committed to ensuring that all students enjoy reaching their full potential. As you are aware one of the whole school strategies we are focussing on this year is enabling all students to make progress in each and every lesson and empowering them to take real ownership of their own learning and work out the next steps that need to be taken to ensure they all achieve.

You will by now have seen the colourful stickers in their books and folders that highlight this assessment for learning drive across the school. In a Year 9 Food Technology lesson last week it was brilliant to see students motivated and engaged in the practical activities which followed some initial careful planning.

What was powerful however was to see the green ‘peer assessment’ stickers being used by the students as they gave thoughtful feedback to each other to help their peers improve their work even further. An example in Jack’s book is shown here – with helpful comments provided by Catherine.

The work that was produced was of a really high standard and all students in the class had clearly made real progress.

BMS Debating Society By Daniel Ellis, 12Willow

This house would support the fact that students who attend debate meetings become better equipped for later in life.

Are you tired of feeling voiceless, powerless, just another person? Are you angered by this? Do you want to gesture change? These are all questions I would request you to ask yourself.

If and when you realise that the vast majority of your answers fall into the yes category, the answers may just be closer than you have previously believed. Did you know that your school possesses its very own debating society to which you are very welcome to attend.

Every Wednesday around 13:30 in H2, there are meetings where you can express your views and maybe educate yourself further on some controversial topics. For example, this week we have been debating whether The House supports Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in his view to legalise marijuana sales on the high street, presumably in chains such as Boots and other pharmaceutical chains.

Debating is a very substantial activity for you all, as it teaches you various essential skills required in everyday life such as the ability to speak confidently in public, empathise with others and to form an effective argument without abusing others, the latter being a skill we are all ashamed to admit we require.

Debating also allows you to visit and spread your views in global renowned institutions such as the russell group universities including University College of London (UCL) and potentially Oxford University. There are also nationwide competitions to become ‘The Best Arguer’ or ‘The Best Debater’ in the UK. One example is the national ‘War of Words’ competition, details of which are displayed on the boards outside room H2, which is the HQ of the society. Check these boards for updates on forthcoming topics, details of debating matters and the Watford interschool debating competition held at the House of Commons.

If you are interested in becoming involved with debating please see Mrs Pinkus or email the society’s Chairman, Kevin Tailor: 09TailorK@busheymeads.org.uk. We look forward to you joining us.

Jamie Finch, 13Maple KS5 - Student of the Week By Sara Ash, Assistant Headteacher Our KS5 student of the week this week is Jamie Finch who is currently in Year 13. He has been awarded this for his contribution to the wider school community. Jamie is often to be found giving up his time to assist in setting up lighting and sound for school events and helping to ensure the events run smoothly.

Jamie is currently studying Physics, Maths and IT and achieved an A grade, 2 B grades and a C grade in his AS examinations. Jamie is applying to study Computer Science and is hoping to attend Loughborough University to succeed in achieving his ultimate goal of joining the RAF.

Year 7 Football Match against Bushey Academy By Jeremy Turner, Executive Principal

The Year 7 BMS football team played their first football match of the season on Tuesday after school and entertained the supporters with an absolutely thrilling game. With BMS leading early on in the game Bushey Academy came back to equalise and nudged in front with a few minutes to go. Demonstrating great resilience and some great skill the score ended up level and extra time was played leading to nail biting penalties. BMS held their nerve and went through to the delight of all the proud parents, staff and students.



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Bushey Academy...4


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Bushey Academy...5

Year 10 Football Match Against Bushey Academy By Ashley Cartledge, Head of Physical Education & Health Faculty It was also good to see the talent that exists in our Year 10 team. The boys played their second match of the season and produced a much improved performance to defeat Bushey Academy 6-2. The boys dominated the game from start to finish with special mention to Lyes Titouah who scored 4 goals. Lyes has also been selected for the Watford District team in a fixture on Thursday and on Friday he will be taking part in the final trial for the Hertfordshire County Under 15 team. Good luck!



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Bushey Academy...2

LUNCHTIME SPORTS CLUBS Monday: Y7 Multi Sports / Hockey (all years) Tuesday: Y8 Multi Sports / Y7 Football Practice Wednesday: Y9 Multi Sports / Netball (Y8, Y9, Y10 & SEN) Thursday: Y10 Multi Sports / Y7 & Y11 Netball Friday: Y11 Multi Sports / SEN Sports Club

Profile on Ms Suzanne Open, Head of Biology By Roz Armitage, PA to the Executive Principal

You will recall that last week was the start of a series of ‘Profile On’ articles, introducing our new staff to the wider Bushey Meads School community. This week our focus is on our new Head of Biology – Ms Suzanne Open. Ms Open joins us from Parmiters where she has been teaching Biology for five years. When asked why she chose Biology as her subject to teach her response was that ‘the subject is so fascinating – in particular microbiology and neuroscience’. Presumably the students are going to come home with some interesting facts beyond the standard curriculum if they are taught by Ms Open!

Life beyond the classroom for Ms Open includes reading, going to the cinema and travelling. In fact, her travels include a trip to Uganda back in 2007 where she helped to educate children about HIV and AIDS. She was also part of a fund-raising campaign for this where she made a significant contribution in raising £2,000 for the cause. We welcome Ms Open to Bushey Meads and look forward to all that she will offer to the Science Faculty and the whole school in her career ahead.

UCAS Application Day By Rachel Smallwood, Head of 6th Form

September is a time in the year for new beginnings and opportunity. In education, it’s a time where we look to the future with excitement and anticipation for the challenges that await us. For year 13, September marks the final stage of their academic journey at Bushey Meads school. On Wednesday, our year 13 cohort took part in the UCAS application day for September 2015 entry.

As Head of 6th Form, the UCAS process represents years of hard work and commitment as our students’ make decisions about what course and which University they would like to study at. It represents a move into adulthood as our young people make choices that will inform their future career aspirations. It is always with a sense of anticipation that I approach the day as I know I am looking at future Lawyers, Teachers and a wide range of Professionals. It makes me feel very proud that we are able to support and shape our students’ futures and enable them to realise their career goals. I would like to take this opportunity to wish Year 13 a very successful academic year in preparation for the next part of an exciting future.


Year 7 Lunchtime PE Club By Bill Fisher, Assistant Headteacher

It's a perfect landing for Anna after launching into another spectacular mid-air somersault. The sky's the limit too for Amy, Nicole, Alice, Abigail and Kanishka, as they wait their turn to vault high off the springboard during one of our many and varied Year 7 PE lunchtime clubs. Out of sight, Miss Ward provides the encouragement and guidance.

Last year our gymnastics team competed against Hertsmere and Watford schools at the new Dophina Gymnastics Centre. The girls had to perform two vaults and a floor routine. All our teams did extremely well, returning home triumphant with an amazing first place in the U14 section. By the look of these vaults from our new Year 7s we could be in for more successes to come.

Amelia Beard, 11Elm KS4 - Student of the Week By Jenny Depper, Learning Mentor for KS4

Amelia’s corset design is part of her GCSE Art course work. The students were required to respond to the work of the conceptual artist Jennifer Collier. Amelia’s work is comprised of numerous tea bags that have been filled with items that reflect the life of Marilyn Monroe.

Amelia’s Art teacher has commented recently that her work, particularly during the summer break, has been and remains outstanding. The corset is one of the final pieces for the GCSE course but just as important are the sketch books and preparatory work which support the final pieces and it is here where Amelia has excelled.

Practice Makes BMS Perfect... By Hilary Morawska, Deputy Headteacher

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) at BMS regularly visit lessons to see first-hand the innovative teaching being delivered to students in all subjects. Below are some examples of good practice observed by SLT in the last week:

Word of the Week By Mike Dawson, Head of English Faculty


1. self-governing 2. different

1. Example: Scotland has voted for its independence. It wants to make its own decisions. 2. Example: He took an independent view of the situation - he was not thinking like the others.

The word independent describes important political issues. It is also used about people who seem to be more individual or self-reliant. And of course, it is important to remember to spell correctly…!

Each week try to speak and write the word of the week as often as you can. Over time and after each and every week at school you will begin to build up and extend your vocabulary. Imagine the difference to your spoken and written communication by the time you leave Bushey Meads School.

The theme of the week this week has been “Relationships” and more specifically ‘Friendship’. Ms Morawska, Deputy Headteacher, lead thought provoking assemblies asking students to consider what makes a good friend and how

friends can impact upon the person we become.

Tutor time has also allowed students to think about the positive and negative aspects of well-known friendships and

why they work.

Good friends can have a huge impact on someone’s experience at school and we hope the Year 7 students have

enjoyed getting to know each other and making new friends.

Don’t walk in front of me I may not follow,

don’t walk behind me I may not lead,

just walk beside me and be my friend.

Don’t forget – every Thursday lunchtime there is a Friendship club in A1 for all year groups.

English Resources adapted to fully

integrate the school’s marking and feedback policy

Maths Clear, up-to-date marking

with evidence of exemplary behaviour for learning

Geography Neat and well-presented work with clear targets for progress identified


Outstanding engagement of students, with students (Y12 &

Y13) displaying a mature approach to their learning

Art Student engagement in

responding well to the coloured feedback labels about how they

can improve their work

Business Studies Great peer work


History Students actively self

assessing their work and able to recognise how they

need to improve

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