burning bright without burning out

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Self Improvement



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Without Burning Out

feel/look like

for you?

what does being


Experiencing joy

Experiencing peace

Have gotten rid of high

maintenance/low impact

areas of your life

Are looking at people,

not through them

On the other hand, you are in

balance when you are:

What puts you on the road to


Depression Over Unmet Expectations

Much of depression is the result of running out of emotional energy.

If in depression, you’ll look for ways to cope: a secret life to bring

comfort to alleviate pain.

Focusing Entirely on Self or on Others


Lack of self-care

Loss of vision/mission


Going throughthe motions

Taking the full load instead of delegating

Your shoulders aren’t that broad!

Feeling alone; no positive feedback

Am I makinga difference?

Going outside your ability/gifting

Even Michael Jordanfailed…

Pleasing everyone

An insatiable quest

Work for need notfor approval

Too many commitments

Margin = Load - Limits

Lack of unity on staff or family

Constant conflictwears on you!

Not having own cup/tank filled

You are on empty.

Effective leadership

can be nullified by an

ineffective personal life.

Drink Alcohol

Excessive TV and video game time

Keep plugging away for 11or more hours per day

Take dangerous risks

Hibernate Vent Binge-eat

Avoid These Common

Burnout “Quick-Fixes”

Burnout Prevention Tips

Make a SYSTEMof Self-Care

Save YourSelf Time, Energy, and Money

Recognize the danger signs/gauges

What are your gauges to watch?

The faster you recognize and correct your course, the more your overall performance will improve.

Schedule a personal retreat

Sweet spot of your strengths, OR ELSE …

you will live out another’s

script for your life and

burn out

Your Ideal Day:


Wake-up time

Before-work block

Arrival time at work


work blocks

At-home evening




Delegate routine tasks; empower




errands fix sink



Delegate anything just you cannot do!

Turn the rat race into a relay race.

The measure of your leadership is how much you can get done through others.

Establish recovery time

Remember the

glass of water…

Step back…

The Breakout Principle: “a mental vacation”

Refocus: Rest (your soul) + Results (your main things) + Response (other stuff)


for a brief re-charge

Structure your days strategically

“Busyness does not equal effectiveness.”

– Doug Fields

“The 10% of time that you take to plan your activities carefully in advance …

Structure your days strategically

6. Structure your days strategically

“The 10% of time that you take to

plan your activities carefully in

advance will save you 90% of the

effort involved in undertaking and

completing the most important

tasks in your work day.” –Carol Halsey

…will save you 90% of the effort involved in undertaking and completing the most important tasks in your work day.” –Carol Halsey

Boundaries are the gate around your property, controlling what of you goes out and what gets in.

Your mantra: “I can only do whatI can do. I can’t do anymore.”

When you say NO, you say YES to high priority people and tasks.

Establish and enforce boundaries

Establish and enforce boundaries

“Greatness of soul consists not so much in soaring high and in pressing forward, as in knowing how to adapt and limit oneself.”

–Michel Eyquem De Montaigne

Temporary discomfort (of saying NO) is better than temporary easeif it averts permanent failure.

Do it now; don’t procrastinate

Paperwork is like debris: sweep it all into a pile and block out a chunk of time to sort it one shovel-full at a time.

Get your tank filled regularly

Idea-sharing talking on phone

Networking little details

Listening to music conflict

Waterfalls traffic

Fills Drains


Make a SYSTEMof Self-Care

Save YourSelf Time, Energy, and Money


Do cardio and weights

Hit the “off” button

Read the labels

Develop a new habit/routine


“Spiritual balance is the bedrock that makes improvements in all other areas of life sustainable.”

Giving more than hoarding

Your conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time.

Develop a new habit/routine


Self-affirmations“I am getting better daily.”“My future is bright.”“I can handle this.”Say 3x’s aloud in a.m. followed by post-mantra activity

Develop a new habit/routine


Forced Family Fun

Undivided attention

What do you want most in a

friend? “People that understand”

Look at 5 closest people:

boosters or drainers?

Develop a new habit/routine


When one passion

is thriving, it shines

onto the rest of your life.

Develop a new habit/routine

Your attitude is elevated.

Your energy is expanded.

Your relationships are


Your thinking is unclouded.

Your confidence is edified.

Your judgment is precise.

Your job performance soars.

When Charged in these 4 areas:

11. Hire a life-coach or counselor


Make a little

progress every day.

We are what we

repeatedly do.

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