buku ekologi lahan basah

Post on 08-Nov-2014






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(WETLAND ECOLOGY)By Prabang Setyono

Ekologi merupakan ekspresi dari dinamika fisiologi makhluk hidup (interaksi

dengan lingkungannya). Hidroekosfir meliputi Freshwater (inland water) dan Marine

Water (oceanologi). Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya muncul istilah Brackish water.

Inland water meliputi wetland (lahan basah) dipermukaan bumi yang meliputi

Intermediate terrestrial dan open water. “ Wetland is an area covered with water and

supporting aquatic plants and be located between open water and upland. Definisi

wetland yaitu: 1. Adanya kehadiran air meskipun water tablenya dibawah tanah, 2.

Mempunyai tanah yang unik yang berbeda dengan tanah didekatnya, 3.

Mendukung vegetasi yang dapat beradaptasi terhadap kondisi basah (hidrophyt), 4.

Berada di tepi daerah perairan yang dalam dan daerah Upland (dataran tinggi) sehingga

dipengaruhi oleh dua tipe sehingga terdapat ciri aquatik dan cirri terrestrial, 5. Ukuran

wetland sangat bervariasi dari Pathol (kubangan kecil) sampai seluas-luasnya, 6.

Lokasinya bervariasi dari inland (darat) sampai coastal serta kondisinya dari region ke

region. Wetland (Lahan basah) atau sering disebut sebagai KIDNEY OF LANDSCAPE

karena fungsinya dalam siklus hidrologi dan kimia sebagai penerima material di hilir

(down stream) dan umumnya tidak mempunyai batas yang jelas (arbitrer). Hal tersebut

secara ekologi karena posisinya di daerah ECOTONE (AMPHIBIOUS) atau wilayah

transisi dalam suatu lanscape atau bentang lahan. Berdasarkan peranannya maka lahan

basah akan melakukan proses SINK, TRANSFORMER atau LALULINTAS

SEMENTARA (SOURCE) material hara/logam berat yang dibawa oleh inflow lahan

basah tersebut. Lahan basah juga disebut sebagai komponen yang unik dari bentang lahan

dan dapat dibagi menjadi daerah COASTAL untuk mencegah intrusi air laut (pantai

dengan salinitas min 35 o/oo) seperti Salt Marsh, mangrove wetland, intertidal wetland

dan hutan bakau serta INLAND WETLAND / FRESH WATER (seperti tidal salt marsh

(dibagi menjadi low intertidal zone misalnya: spartina (vegetasi) dan high tidal zone


misalnya juncos (rumput), tidal freshwater marsh/rawa buritan, rawa pasangsurut/tidal

sulfatquept wetland misal di Kalimantan serta riparian atau river dengan salinitas 0,5

o/oo). Wetland dipelajari dalam ilmu yang bernama Telmatologi (rawa) dan merupakan

perkembangan dari Limnologi yang mempelajari Brackhis water, Salin Water dan Fresh

Water. Wetland berada diantara 2 interface (darat dan perairan) dan mempunyai Water

Log Soil (becek) serta Water table (tinggi muka air yang dinamis). Wetland didisain

bagian dari landscape sebagai Ecotourism, wetland restoration (pengembalian fungsi) dan

wetland creation (wetland yang memang dibuat). Fungsi wetland adalah:

- Pembersih air yang tercemar (kebalikannya dengan Wasteland)

- Pencegah banjir

- Mencegah intrusi air laut

- Recharge ground water aquifer

- Berperan besar dalam lanscape

- Menmyediakan habitat unik untuk flora dan fauna

Wetland berdasarkan keberadaannya merupakan ENDANGER ECOSYSTEM karena

daerahnya selalu strategis sehingga rawan terhadap proses reklamasi (pengubahan

ekosistem) dan bersifat UBIQUITOS (terdapat dimana-mana) dari ekosistem tropik

sampai tundra. Contoh reklamasi wetland adalah proses pengeringan untuk lapangan

terbang, pertanian dan urban. Di dunia komposisinya 71 % merupakan daerah perairan,

30 % daratan serta 6 % nya merupakan wetland. Berdasarkan regionnya maka wetland

dibagi: Arid region (inland salt flats), Humid cool region (bogs dan fens/musiman jika

ada hujan saja) serta Coast line region (pantai meliputi salt marsh / rawa garam dan

mangrove swamp atau forested wetland dan not forested wetland). Kedalaman semakain

besar maka salinitasnya juga semakin meningkat. Cirikhas daerah tropik transportasi silt

sungai (pasir) terjadi proses flokulasi yang terdistribusi, sedangkan daerah temperate

(California) maka flokulasinya akan diendapkan sehingga akan terjadi timbunan silt yang

akan menjadi pulau di tengah estuarin.

Ekologi merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari interaksi yang menentukan distribusi

dan kemelimpahan makhluk hidup. Ekologi bentang lahan merupakan kajian yang

mempelajari interaksi antar ekosistem mulai dari lautan sampai daerah pegunungan


berdasarkan struktur dan fungsi. Penelitian dibidang ekologi bentang lahan dibagi


- Field Experiment: penelitian di lapangan

- Natural experiment: monitoring ( terdapat dua macam metode yaitu Trajectory

merupakan penelitian longterm research dan Potret/Snapshot penelitian saat itu)

- Laboratory experiment: Mendisain percobaan

Kekhasan wetland meliputi: air, tanah yang unik dengan dataran sekitar yang lebih tinggi,

vegetasi yang didukung oleh kondisi basah serta kadang dijumpai vegetasi yang Ruderal

(musiman) sehingga vegetasi yang tidak toleran terhadap banjir tidak akan hadir. Pola

konservasinya pada habitat bukan spesiesnya.

Konsep komunitas menurut CLEMENT ditinjau dari grafik dinamikanya

merupakan konsep batas yang Arbitrer (batas yang jelas antara komunitas satu dengan

lainnya). Berdasarkan konsep GLASSON (prominent ecology) bahwa batas antar

komunitas bersifat Diffuse / Continuum (batasnya tidak jelas). Hal ini diperkuat oleh

WHITTAKER dengan konsepnya Lanskape Ekologi. Konsep ekologi Modern dengan

kajian komunitas dikemukakan oleh HUTCHINGSON sedangkan konsep biogeografi

kepulauan dikemukakan oleh Mc. ARTHUR.

Hidrologi Wetland meliputi:

a. Presipitasi (adanya curah hujan dan salju)

b. Surface Run off

c. Ground water (aliran air bawah tanah)

d. Tides (adanya pasang surut)

Hal tersebut akan membawa konsekuensi adanya energi (hara) yang terbawa dari dan

ke Wetland. Adanya hidrologi input (sumber utama hara ke Wetland) dan out putnya

(dapat pindahkan materi biotik maupun abiotik ke tempat lain) wetland tersebut akan

mempengaruhi pada komposisi biokimia tanah misalnya dalam bentuk sediment Mud

(Lumpur) maupun Peat (gambut) sehingga akan menyeleksi biota wetland. Demikian

juga komposisi biokimia pada Poured Water / Interstitiil Water (air disela-sela

tanahnya). Wetland disini dapat diilustrasikan sebagai daerah Intermedia antara

Terestrial dan Open Water. Spesies Indikator di Wetland akan mempunyai sifat:


mempunyai toleransi yang kecil terhadap stress lingkungan, Kisaran adaptasi

terhadap lingkungan yang sempit, Organismenya mudah dilihat secara visual.

Wetland sangat sensitive terhadap perubahan pola normal Water Storagenya dan

Movementnya sehingga disebut sebagai Fragile Ecosystem (ekosistem yang rapuh).

Kemampuan biotik vegetasi akan mengontrol kondisi air melalui:

a. Peat building (pembuat sediment gambut)

b. Perangkap sediment (sediment trapping)

c. Aliran air (water shading)

d. Transpirasi

Vegetasi Mangrove bertindak sebagai sediment Trapping karena sediment tersebut

ada terlebih dahulu. Pada bentuk BOG akan membentuk peta (gambut) pada daerah

Surface Water kondisi anaerob (miskin oksigen) dan cenderung terjadi proses

fermentasi menghasilkan asam organic dan gas sehingga sulit untuk mendegradasi

seresah (litter) serta didominasi sphagnum (lumut) bersifat oligotropik. Bentuk FEN

merupakan tipologi wetland secara musiman karena tergantung hidrologi dari air

hujan serta akumulasi bahan organic dan didominasi Seddling-sedling. SWAMP

dapat berupa shrub (semak) dan wooded (berkayu) sehingga terdapat di hutan.

MARSH dicirikan dengan ketinggiannya 15 cm didominasi herba emergent.


Hydroperiod merupakan pola musiman level air (water level ialah tinggi muka

air) yang harus dijaga stabilitasnya. Tiap rawa akan mempunyai cirikhas pola

hidrioperiod (naik turunnya tinggi muka air dan permukaan bawah). Hidroperiod

merupakan integrasi antara inflow dan outflow air yang dipengaruhi penampakanfisik

topografinya (terrain). Flood Duration merupakan lamanya waktu banjir atau jumlah

lamanya waktu wetland dalam keadaan digenangi air. Standing Water merupakan

genangan air. Flood Frequency (perioda genangan) merupakan rata-rata waktu

wetland digenangi air sehingga pada wetland muncul istilah Riparian wetland dan

coastal salt wetland.

Berdasarkan Hidroperiode wetland yang dipengaruhi oleh tidal (pasang surut)


1. Tidal Wetland (mangrove) dapat bersifat permanently flooded (karena digenangi

air pasang)

2. Irregular exposed (terekspose secara tidak teratur) yaitu permukaan jarang


3. Regulary flooded (digenangi secara berselang-seling paling sedikit 1 kali sehari)

4. Irregulary flooded (permukaan digenangi secara tidak teratur)

Hidroperiode yang non tidal wetland dapat dibagi menjadi:

1. Permanently flooded (digenangi air secara permanen sepanjang tahun)

2. Intermittenly expose (digenangi sepanjang tahun kecuali pada tahun yang


3. Semi permanently flooded (digenangi pada musim pertumbuhan sepanjang


4. Seasonaly flooded (digenangi secara musiman (remnant wetland)), digenangi

lama pada musim pertumbuhan namun tidak ada air permukaan.

5. Saturated substrat (waterlog soil) akan mengalami kejenuhan air pada waktu

lama pada musim pertumbuhan namun air tergenang jarang ada sehingga berupa

Muddy (Lumpur) sehingga bersifat anaerob.

6. Temporarily flooded (sawah) tergenang secara temporer, dana akan digenangi

dalam periode pendek dalam masa pertumbuhan. Water tablenya jika tidak

digenangi akan berada jauh dibawah permukaan

7. Intermittenly flooded, permukaannya akan mempunyai air pada periode yang

bervariasi yang sulit terdeteksi tanpa pola musiman

Pada konsep Brackish water dikenal istilah ESTUARIN merupakan pertemuan antara air

laut dan air tawar dan umumnya miskin spesies lain halnya dengan daerah EKOTON

(daerah peralihan antara daratan dan perairan sehingga akan menampakkan zona/formasi

yang dominan, misalnya pada latar depannya hutan bakau Aviciena dan latar

belakangnya berupa Palmae . Sedangkan pertemuan antara daratan dan lautan disebut

sebagai daerah INTERTIDAL. Estuarin dibagi menjadi 4 pola:

1. Dataran pesisir (Coastal plain estuarin) hal ini disebabkan adanya kenaikan air



2. Estuarin Tektonik disebabkan oleh adanya gejala tektonik sehingga permukaan

daratannya turun

3. Teluk semi tertutup (Gobah) yang umumnya berupa air tawar

4. Fjord berupa lembah yang digenangi air laut.

Sedimen estuarin yang berupa Lumpur (partikel halus) akan membatasi pertukaran antara

air interstitial dengan kolom air diatasnya, sehingga oksigen sangat cepat berkurang

selanjutnya sedimen estuarin dibawah kedalaman beberapa cm bersifat anoksik.

Estuarin merupakan daerah pertemuan antara lautv dengan sungai (Brackhis estuarin)

atau danau dengan sungai. Dinamika pasang surutnya dalam 1 hari akan terjadi 2 X

pasang dan 2 X surut.

Salinitas air laut 35 o/oo, salinitas brakhis water 4 – 35 o/oo sedangkan salinitas air tawar 0 -

0,5 o/oo.

Vegetasi yang dominan didaerah estuarin adalah MANGROVE yang bersifat

tipikal (khas) pada suatu tempat. Mangrove dapat hidup di air tawar karena dapat

memfilter air salin. Cirikhas tumbuhannya umumnya mempunyai akan nafas

(pneumatofora). Nama lain dari vegetasi mangrove dapat berupa Coastal wetland, lahan

basah pantai, tropical swamp, hutan bakau dan hutan payau. Menurut Blasco terdapat 3

faktor utama untuk keberadaan mangrove tersebut:

1. Adanya periode pasang surut teratur

2. Ada suplai air tawar secara teratur

3. Adanya stabilitas substratum (jika ada lahan baru yang menyebabkan terjadinya

sedimentasi karena mulut sungai/Watershed terganggu maka substratum tidak

stabil sehingga mangrove akan terancam), seperti pembukaan lahan tambak


Habitat hutan mangrove dapat berupa Permanan (Native habitant) misalnya benthos

serta Pengunjung (Temporary habitant) misalnya burung migran. Hutan mangrove

yang sehat ditandai dengan kondisi seresah daun pada lantai hutannya bersih dan

tidak ada ranting-rantingnya, karena Bakteri akan hasilkan bahan organik 20

gram/m2/hari. Menurut ODUM bahwa produktivitas hutan mangrove sangat tinggi

karena bernilai 70 X nilai maksimum samudera sehingga terdapat istilah No

Mangrove No Shrimp/Crabs. Hutan mangrove mendapatkan input materi dari Coastal


dan offshore. Umumnya hutan mangrove berdasarkan topografinya tidak melebar

namun memanjang. Nilai ekonomi hutan mangrove tiap meter persegi senilai 70.000

dolar. 100 jenis ikan akan terdapat sekitar 70% nya tergantung dari detritus hutan

bakau. Berdasarkan distribusinya maka Mangrove dibagi dua: Old World Mangrove

(Indonesia, Brasil, Afrika Selatan) dan New World Mangrove (Amerika, Afrika Barat

(Karibia)). Indonesia merupakan salah satu pusat mangrove dunia.

Macam-macam mangrove :

1. Overwish mangrove (terdapat di pulau)

2. Fringe Mangrove (terdapat dimuara-muara sungai)

3. Riverine Mangrove (terdapat masuk sungai secara memanjang) contoh di


4. Basin Mangrove (terdapat pada cekungan)

5. Hammock Forest (terdapat pada cekungan akibat tekanan alam)

6. Scrub or Dwarf Forest (terdapat sangat pendek) contoh di segara anakan

Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi keberadaan mangrove:

1. Adanya kecepatan arus (curah hujan di Daerah aliran sungai, amplitudo pasang

surut dan topografi local)

2. Sediment load (geologi watershed, pola landuse/tataguna lahan, penutupan hutan

dan kondisi klimat local

3. Salinitas (lamanya penetrasi pasang air laut, dan klimatik arid)

Hutan di Eropa secara umum sudah langka sehingga teori ekologi yang

berkembang disana adalah tentang konsep Asosiasi, Cover, Braun-Blanket dan

Releve, sedangkan di Amerika secara umum masih banyak didapati hutan sehingga

konsep yang berkembang adalah konsep Biomassa. Konsep eropa dan amerika ini

disatukan oleh WHITTAKER. Konsep Lahan Basah di Eropa disebut sebagai MIRES

yaitu ada empat macam. Hal ini didasarkan pada: kondisi air permukaan (surface

water), Nutrient inflow (rheotrophy), tipe vegetasi, pH dan karakter peat builder,

sehingga memunculkan 4 macam:

1. Swamp (adanya mineralisasi/rich reed (gelagah utk atap rumah) bed. Forested Fen

dan Reed Grass tidak mempunyai pohon)

2. Marsh (wet grass land. Substrat tanah mineral tidak mempunyai akumulasi peat)


3. Fen (Alluvial ven/proses adanya jatuhan air dari atas (air terjun))

4. Bog/Moor (bersifat asam dengan pH < 7 )

Namun klasifikasi berdasarkan faktor fisik (geomorfologi) dan vegetasi (kumpulan

bermacam-macam tumbuhan) akan sulit dikelompokkan karena beda region akan beda


Kondisi tanah di Kalimantan dan di Jawa terjadi perbedaan secara mencolok yaitu

pada lapisan humusnya. Kalimantan tebal lapisannya 5 cm sedangkan di jawa bias

mencapai 500 cm (0,5 m), sehingga di Kalimantan sering terjadi Leaching. Lahan basah

di daerah tropik/Indonesia tidak akan ditemui jenis Marsh Salt.

Tipe lahan basah di Amerika dapat dibedakan menjadi:

1. Swamp (kaya akan pohon dan semak)

2. Marsh (sering digenangi, ada vegetasi emergent (padi) yang selalu beradaptasi

terhadap tanah jenuh air (saturated oil). Jika didaerah jawa tipe Marsh yang

herbaceous dijumpai di daerah Rawa Jombor Jawa Tengah.

3. Bog (Akumulasi peat wetland, tidak punya inflow dan outflow yang nyata.

Mendukung proses Asidofilik mosses (lumut) seperti sphagnum karena terjadi

akumulasi air. Di Indonesia tipe tersebut terdapat di daerah Kalimantan.

4. Fen (dibedakan berdasarkan bentuk morfologi. Akumulasi peat wetland yang

menerima drainase dari sekeliling tanah mineral akan mendukung tumbuhnya

vegetasi seperti Marsh. Bentuk Fluvial terbentuk di daerah gunung sedangkan

Alluvial terbentuk di daerah sungai ).

5. Peat Wetland (Terjadi karena adanya akumulasi dari sisa tumbuhan sehingga

disebut sebagai Gambut)

6. Mires (Peat accumulating wetland)

7. Moor (dapat berupa high moor dimana Bognya tinggi dan Low Moor dimana

Bognya rendah/peat land di basin cekungan tidak ada elevasi (ketinggian))

8. Muskeg (Peat land atau Bog yang luas, terdapat di Kanada)

9. Bottomland (terdapat di low land sepanjang stream (sungai kecil) dan River

(sungai besar). Umumnya terdapat didataran banjir Alluvial/Alluvial flat land.

Jika tergenang secara teratur maka akan tumbuh menyerupai hutan (Bottom land

hard wood forest).


10. Wetprairi (menyerupai Marsh sehingga banyak ditumbuhi grassland)

11. Reed Swamp (Marsh yang didominasi oleh jenis phragmites.

12. Wet Meadow (menyerupai grass land, mempunyai waterlog soil, water table

dibawah permukaan tanah)

13. Slough (system danau dangkal dengan alirannya yang lambat dibagian utara

Amerika). Wetland yang ada dibagian danau terdapat di daerah territorial zone.

14. Pathole (menyerupai marsh dangkal seperti kolam)

15. Playa (identik dengan Pathole, namun asal usul geologinya berbeda).


Biogeokimia meliputi sistem transport (pengangkutan) dan transformasi

(perubahan bentuk kimia) unsur-unsur kimia yang terlibat dalam dinamika lahan basah.

Proses meliputi interaksi antara faktor fisik, kimia dan biologi serta pertukaran unsure

kimia dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Pada Ekosistem terjadi daur biogeokimia secara

recycle sebagai suatu daur.

Cirikhas lahan basah adalah mempunyai muatan Waterlog Soil (kondisi jenuh

air/becek) selama ada proses penggenangan jika terjadi proses reduksi akan

mempengaruhi transformasi biogeokimia. Pada daur intrasistem akan tergantung kondisi

hidrologi yang membuat terjadinya transpor kimia. Lahan basah (Wetland) dapat dibagi

menjadi Open Wetland (Tidal Salt Marsh, Mangrove Swamp dan Bottomland Forest) dan

Close Wetland (Sawah tadah hujan).

Kondisi tanah wetland bersifat hidric soil (tanah dalam kondisi tidak mengalami

drainase/tidak dialiri) serta bersifat saturated (jenuh) terjadi selama masa pertumbuhan

terbentuk kondisi Anaerob (hal ini disukai vegetasi hydrofit). Tipe tanah berupa Mineral

(kandungan unsure organiknya 20-35 %) dan Organik (peat gambut/histosol).

Berdasarkan penelitian sedimen dasar danau akan mempunyai perilaku sama dengan

sedimen pada Wetland.

Transformasi kimia di Wetland

Kondisi air tergenang

Bakteri obligat O2 (jika terjadi depletion O2 akan terjadi proses pemecahan bahan-bahan

organic. Depletion O2 ini tergantung pada suhu ambient, COD. Oksigen tidak terdeplesi


secara total. Pada Sedimen water interface terdapat batas kondisi aerob dan anaerob)

Fakultatif O2 Dorman Bakteri anaerob.

Laju degradasi di udara 10.000 X lebih lambat jika dibandingkan dengan di tanah.

Unsur phosphat (PO4)bukan merupakan redoks elemen karena dia terikat dengan redoks

elemen sehingga sifatnya sama seperti redoks elemen.

Pada unsur dan senyawa Fe3+; Mn2+; NO3-, SO4

2- terdapat pada kondisi Aerobik (ditandai

jika terjadi Oksidasi dengan warna tanah coklat kemerahan).

Pada unsure dan senyawa Fe2+; Manganat; NH3; Sulfida (S2-) terdapat pada kondisi

Anaerob (tereduksi) maka warna tanah menjadi hitam, kebiru abuan.

Redoks Potensial (oksidasi reduksi potensial)

Tersedianya electron kimia dalam larutan tanah Wetland. Elektron tidak akan terjadi

selama uptake O2 yaitu Fe2+ Fe3+ + e

namun akan terjadi sebaliknya bila terjadi proses H2 dipindahkan. Proses tersebut

merupakan reduksi yaitu merupakan proses penghentian pemberian O2 dan

meningkatnya H+ dan electron.

Pengukuran redok potensial menggunakan elektroda platinum (Eh mv). Pada kondisi O2

bebas maka Eh +400 - +700 mV, namun bila O2 sedimen menghilang maka Eh +400

sampai -400. Bila substrat organic mengalami oksidasi maka Eh akan berkurang.

N-organik (Proses amonifikasi) NH4 (tetap ada kondisi aerob dan anaerob) N

Sedimen Water Interface pada Danau sama dengan Wetland juga dengan Sungai.

Transformasi Fe dan Mn

Setelah reduksi Nitrat (NO3) pada skala redoks potensial maka ada juga reduksi Mn dan

Fe. Namun Mn direduksi lebih dulu dari Fe dan perilakunya sama. Bila O2 ada maka Fe

akan dioksidasi Fe2+ jadi bentuk Insoluble Ferric Form (Fe3+) dilakukan oleh bakteri


Fe FeS FeS2 (sink/abadi bersifat toksik jika teroksidasi)

Fe Solution gugus Fe insoluble Bog Iron/Fe (penambangan besi dan baja)

Fe tereduksi Fe(OH)2 teroksidasi warnanya tanahnya merah/coklat Water

log mineral soil (Gley)/proses warna sebagai gleying.


Fe dan Mn pada Wetland soil jika tereduksi sifatnya sangat toksik. Fe akan mengalami

difusi ke permukaan akar karena proses liking O2. Jika terjadi proses oksidasi maka akan

terjadi Immobilisasi PO4.

Unsur S dialam dapat berupa S2- (sulfide) valensi 2-; S (elemen S) valensi 0; S2O3

(Thiosulfat) valensi 2+ dan SO42- (sulfat) valensi 6+. Reduksi sulfat dapat sebagai

Assimilatory sulfat reduction. Sulfat sebagai terminal electron akseptor pada respirasi



Menurut Boyd (1990) di daerah tropis suhu yang paling sesuai untuk

pertumbuhan ikan adalah 250 – 320 C. Nilai kecerahan 30-60 cm masih dapat dikatakan

baik untuk produksi perikanan. Nilai kecerahan < 30 cm akan mengurangi kandungan

DO, sedangkan nilai kecerahan > 60 cm akan mendorong pertumbuhan tanaman air.

Menurut Prescod (1973) pH yang wajar bagi kehidupan Biota air adalah 6,5 – 8,5. Center

dan Hill (1979) mengemukakan bahwa kandungan CO2 bebas diperairan untuk kehidupan

ikan pada umumnya < 12 mg/L (ppm).

Pertumbuhan Fitoplankton yang optimal berdasarkan kadar nitratnya adalah 0,9 –

3,5 mg/L (ppm). Wetzel (1983) mengemukakan bahwa Nilai ammonia total meliputi

NH3-N dan ion ammonium NH4. Senyawa NH3 akan menghambat daya serap Hb

terhadap Oksigen. Nanoplankton mempunyai ukuran 5 – 60 m dan Netplankton

mempunyai ukuran > 60 m.

Tipe danau dapat dibedakan menjadi Oligotropik, Mesotropik dan Eutropik.

Menurut Handersen (1986) cirri khas danau Eutropik adalah: mempunyai kandungan

klorofil 10 – 100 mg/m3 dan kecerahan 38,5 – 64 cm., sedangkan Oligotropik

mempunyai kandungan Nitrat 0,0 – 0,37 mg/L (ppm).

Alkalinitas merupakan kapasitas penyangga perairan terhadap ion Ca dan Mg di

perairan tawar. BOD merupakan kandungan bahan organic perairan yang dapat

didekomposisi secara biologis. COD merupakan jumlah total O2 yang diperlukan untuk

mengoksidasi semua bahan organic secara kimiawi, baik yang bersifat Biodegradable

maupun yang Non Biodegradable. DHL (daya hantar listrik) merupakan banyaknya

garam-garam yang terlarut atau terionisasi.




By Prabang Setyono.

Ecology represent the expression from dynamics of mortal physiology ( interaction environmentally [his/its]). Hidroekosfir cover the Freshwater ( inland water) and Marine Water ( oceanologi). In growth hereinafter emerge the term of Brackish water. Inland Water cover the wetland ( wet farm) on the surface of earth covering Intermediate of terrestrial and open water " Wetland Is an of area of covered with water and supporting aquatic plants and be located between open water and upland. definition Wetland that is

1. Existence of attendance irrigate though subterranean water tablenya

2. Having different unique land;ground with the land;ground of[is near by nya

3. Supporting vegetasi which can adapt to wet condition ( hidrophyt

4. Reside in the edge of area [of] territorial water which is in and area Upland ( plateau) [is] so that influenced by two type so that there are characteristic of aquatik and cirri terrestrial

5. size measure [of] Wetland highly varied from Pathol ( small wallow) until seluas-luasnya

6. Its location vary from inland ( darat) until coastal and also its condition from region to region. Wetland ( Wet Farm) or [is] often conceived of [by] KIDNEY OF LANDSCAPE [of] because its function in cycle hidrologi and chemical as material receiver [in] downstream ( down stream) and generally don't have the clear boundary ( arbitrer). [The] mentioned in ecology [of] because its position [in] area ECOTONE ( AMPHIBIOUS) Or transition region in a[n lanscape or unfold the farm. Pursuant to its role hence wet farm will [do/conduct] the process SINK, TRANSFORMER Or LALULINTAS [of] WHEREAS


( SOURCE) of Material hara / heavy metal brought by the wet farm inflow. Wet farm [is] also conceived of [by] a unique component from unfolding farm and divisible become the area COASTAL to prevent the intrusi irrigate the sea ( coastal by salinitas [is] min 35 o / oo) like Salt

HALTED. CROSSING PARAGRAPH LIMITATION, - impure Water cleaner ( on the contrary by Wasteland - floods. - Preventing intrusi irrigate sea. - Recharge Ground water aquifer. - Share big in lanscape. - unique Menmyediakan Habitat for the flora of fauna and Wetland [of] pursuant to its existence represent the ENDANGER ECOSYSTEM [of] because its area [is] strategic always so that gristle to process reklamasi ( distorting ekosistem) and have the character of the UBIQUITOS ( there are at all points) from ekosistem tropik until tundra. Follow the example of the reklamasi wetland [is] draining process for the airfield of, agriculture and urban. [In] its composition world 71 % representing territorial water area, 30 % continent and also 6 % its represent the wetland. Pursuant to regionnya hence wetland divided: Arid Region ( inland salt flats), Humid Cool region ( bogs and fens / seasonal if there [is] just just rain) and also Coast of lino region ( coastal cover the salt marsh / bog of salt and mangrove swamp or forested wetland and note of forested wetland). big deepness Semakain hence salinitasnya also progressively mount the. Cirikhas of Area of tropik of transportation of silt river ( pasir) happened [by] the process flokulasi which distribution, while area temperate ( California) hence flokulasinya will be precipitated so that will be happened [by] the hoard silt to become the island in the middle of estuarin. Ecology represent the science learning interaction determining distribution and abundance mortal. Ecology unfold the farm represent the study learning interaction


usher the ekosistem start from ocean until mountain area [of] pursuant to structure and function. research of ecology Area unfold the farm divided to become: - Field Experiment: research [in] field. - Natural Experiment: monitoring ( there are two kinds of method that is Trajectory represent the research of longterm research and Make a picture the / that moment research snapshot - Laboratory Experiment: Designing attempt. specification Wetland cover the: water, unique land;ground with the plain [of] about superordinate, vegetasi supported by wet condition and also [is] sometime met [by] the vegetasi which Ruderal ( musiman) so that intolerant vegetasi to floods will not attend the. its Conservation pattern [at] habitat [of] non its species. Community concept [of] according to CLEMENT evaluated from its dynamics graph represent the boundary concept which Arbitrer ( clear boundary [among/between] community one otherly). Pursuant to concept GLASSON ( prominent ecology) that boundary usher the community have the character of the Diffuse / Continuum ( its boundary [is] ill defined). This matter [is] strenghtened by WHITTAKER with its concept [is] Lanskape Ecology. Modern Ecology Concept with the community study opened by HUTCHINGSON [of] while concept of biogeografi archipelago opened by Mc. ARTHUR. Hidrologi Wetland cover: a. Presipitasi ( existence of rainfall and snow) b. Surface Run off. c. Ground Water ( underground current) d. Tides ( existence of ebb) [The] mentioned will bring the consequence of[is existence of energi ( hara) brought from and to Wetland. Existence of hidrologi input ( especial source [of] hara to Wetland) and out putnya ( can remove the items of biotik and also abiotik to other;dissimilar place) the wetland will influence [at] biochemical composition [of] land;ground for example in the form of sediment Mud ( Lumpur) and also Peat ( gambut) so that will select the biota wetland. And so do biochemical


composition [at] Poured Water / Interstitiil Water ( irrigate in between [by] its land;ground). Wetland here can be illustrated [by] as area Intermedia [of] [among/between] Terestrial and Open Water. Indicator Species [in] Wetland will have the nature of: having small tolerance to environmental stress, Adaptation gyration to narrow;tight environment, Its organism [is] easy to seen visually. Wetland very sensitive to normal pattern change [of] Water Storagenya and Movementnya [is] so that conceived of [by] Fragile Ecosystem ( brittle ekosistem). ability of Biotik vegetasi will control the condition irrigate [through/ passing]: a. Peat Building ( maker of sediment peat) b. Snare the sediment ( sediment trapping) c. Current ( water shading) d. Transpirasi. Vegetasi Mangrove act as the sediment Trapping [of] because the sediment there [is] beforehand. [At] form BOG will form the map ( gambut) [of] [at] area of Surface Water of condition anaerob ( impecunious [of] oxygen) and tend to happened [by] the ferment process yield the acid of organic and gas so that difficult to mendegradasi as anxious as ( litter) [is] and also predominated [by] the sphagnum ( lumut) have the character of the oligotropik. Form the FEN represent the tipologi wetland seasonally because depended [by] hidrologi from rainwater and also accumulate the substance organic and predominated [by] the Seddling-Sedling. SWAMP can be in the form of the shrub ( semak) and wooded ( berkayu) so that there are [in] forest. MARSH distinguished with its height ± 15 cm predominated [by] the herba emergent. BUDGET HIDROLOGI WETLAND. Hydroperiod represent the seasonal pattern [of] level irrigate the ( water level [is] high [of] water face) which must be taken care of [by] its stability. Every bog will have the cirikhas of pattern hidrioperiod ( fluctuate [his/its] [is] high [of] face irrigate and surface [of] under). Hidroperiod represent the integration [of] [among/between] inflow and water outflow influenced [by] the


its penampakanfisik topography ( terrain). Flood Duration represent the duration of floods time or sum up the duration of time wetland in a state of suffused [by] the water. Standing Water represent the pond irrigate the. Flood Frequency ( perioda pond) representing mean of time wetland suffused [by] the water so that [at] wetland emerge the term of Riparian wetland and coastal salt wetland. Pursuant to Hidroperiode wetland influenced by tidal ( ebb 1. Tidal Wetland ( mangrove) can have the character of the permanently flooded ( because suffused [by] the high water 2. Irregular Exposed ( terekspose disjointedly) that is surface seldom be suffused the 3. Regulary Flooded ( suffused [by] by at intervals [at] least 1 times one day 4. Irregulary Flooded ( surface suffused disjointedly) Hidroperiode which is the non divisible tidal wetland become: 1. Permanently Flooded ( suffused [by] the water permanently during the year 2. Intermittenly Expose ( suffused except to during the year year which drought / dry 3. Flourish the permanently flooded ( suffused [at] growth season during the year 4. Seasonaly Flooded ( suffused seasonally ( remnant wetland), suffused [by] the llama [of] [at] growth season but [there] no surface water. 5. Saturated Substrat ( waterlog soil) will experience of the saturation irrigate when llama [of] [at] growth season but irrigate suffused seldom there [is] so that in the form of Muddy ( Lumpur) so that have the character of anaerob. 6. Temporarily Flooded ( sawah) suffused transiently, fund will be suffused in short period in a period of/to growth. Water Tablenya [is] otherwise suffused will reside in far below/under surface 7. Intermittenly Flooded, its surface will have the water [of] [at] difficult period which vary detected [by] without seasonal pattern [At] concept of Brackish water recognized [by] term ESTUARIN represent the meeting [of] [among/between] water go out to sea and freshwater and impecunious generally other;dissimilar species the things of with the area EKOTON ( switchover area [of] [among/between] continent and territorial water so that will look the zona / dominant formation, for example [at] its foreground [is] forest of mangrove Aviciena and its background in the form of Palmae . While meeting [of] [among/between] continent and ocean conceived of [by] area INTERTIDAL. Estuarin divided to become 4 pattern:


1. coastal area Plain ( Coastal Plain estuarin) this matter [is] caused [by] the existence of increase irrigate the sea 2. Estuarin Tektonik [of] because of existence of symptom tektonik so that its continent surface descend the 3. closed Semi bay ( Gobah) which generally in the form of freshwater 4. Fjord in the form of dale suffused [by] the water go out to sea. sediment Estuarin which is in the form of Mud ( smooth particle) will limit the transfer [of] [among/between] water interstitial with the column irrigate for nya, so that oxygen very quickly decrease hereinafter sediment estuarin [of] below/under deepness [of] some cm have the character of anoksik. Estuarin represent the meeting area [of] [among/between] lautv with the river ( Brackhis Estuarin) or lake with the river. its Ebb dynamics in 1 day will be happened [by] 2 X install and 2 X withdraw. Salinitas irrigate the sea 35 o / oo, salinitas brakhis water 4 - 35 o / oo [of] while salinitas freshwater 0 - 0,5 o / oo. dominant Vegetasi [is] area estuarin [is] MANGROVE having the character of typical ( khas) at one particular place. Mangrove earn life [in] freshwater [of] because earning memfilter irrigate to copy the. its Cirikhas Plant generally have of breath ( pneumatofora). Name of[is differ from vegetasi mangrove can be in the form of the Coastal wetland, coastal wet farm, tropical swamp, forest of brackish forest and mangrove. According to Blasco [of] there are 3 primary factor for the existence of the mangrove: 1. Existence of regular ebb period. 2. There [is] freshwater supply regularly. 3. Existence of stability substratum ( if there [is] new farm causing the happening of sedimentation [of] because river mouth / Watershed annoyed hence unstable substratum so that mangrove will be threatened), like farm opening dam out prawn. habitat of Forest mangrove can be in the form of the Permanan ( Native Habitant) for example benthos and also


Visitor ( Temporary Habitant) for example bird migran. healthy forest Mangrove marked with the condition as anxious as leaf [of] [at] its forest floor [is] clean and [there] no its sticks, because Bacterium will yield the organic substance 20 gram/m2/hari. According to ODUM that productivity of forest mangrove very high because valuable 70 X assess maximum ocean so that there are term of No Mangrove No Shrimp / crabs. forest Mangrove get the items input from Coastal and offshore. Generally forest mangrove [of] pursuant to its topography is not wide but length. Economic value [of] forest mangrove [of] every metre persegi for the price of 70.000 dollar. 100 fish type will there are about 70% its depended from detritus of mangrove forest. Pursuant to its distribution hence Mangrove divided [by] two: Old World Mangrove ( Indonesia, Brasil, South arch African) and New World Mangrove ( American, West African ( Karibia)). Indonesia represent one of center of mangrove world. Kinds of mangrove : 1. Overwish Mangrove ( there are [in] island) 2. Fringe Mangrove ( there are dimuara-muara river) 3. Riverine Mangrove ( there are entering river by length) follow the example of [in] Kalimantan 4. Basin Mangrove ( there are [at] hollow) 5. Hammock Forest ( there are [at] effect [of] hollow experienced pressure 6. Scrub Or Dwarf Forest ( there are very short) follow the example of [in] segara anakan [of] Primary factor influencing existence mangrove: 1. Existence of current speed ( rainfall [in] Drainage basin, amplitude of ebb and topography local 2. Sediment Load ( geology watershed, pattern landuse / tataguna farm, closing of forest and condition of klimat local 3. Salinitas ( penetrating duration install the water go out to sea, and klimatik arid) Forest [in] Europe in general have scarce so that ecology theory expanding there [is] about Association concept, Cover the, Braun-Blanket And Releve, while [in] America in general still a lot of discovered [by] the forest so that concept expanding [is] concept Biomassa. this american and European Concept united by WHITTAKER. Wet Farm Concept [in] Europe conceived of [by] MIRES that is there [is] four kinds of. This matter [is] relied on: condition


irrigate the surface ( surface water), Nutrient Inflow ( rheotrophy), type vegetasi, pH and character of peat builder, so that peep out 4 kinds of: 1. Swamp ( existence of mineralisasi / rich reed ( gelagah utk of house roof) bed. Forested Fen and Reed Grass don't have the tree 2. Marsh ( wet grass land. Substrat of mineral Land;Ground don't have the accumulation peat 3. Fen ( Alluvial Ven / process the existence of fallout irrigate the from the top (of) ( waterfall 4. Bog / moor ( having the character of acid by pH < 7 ) But klasifikasi [of] pursuant to physical factor ( geomorfologi) and vegetasi ( corps [of] all kinds of plant) will be difficult grouped [by] because difference of region of region difference will its. Land;Ground condition [in] Kalimantan and [in] Java happened [by] the difference by striking that is [at] its humus coat. Thick Kalimantan [of] its coat 5 cm [of] while [in] jawa diffraction reach 500 cm ( 0,5 m), so that [in] Kalimantan [is] often happened [by] the Leaching. Wet Farm [in] area tropik / Indonesia will not be met [by] the type of Marsh Salt. wet Farm type [in] distinguishable America become: 1. Swamp ( rich [of] tree will and entangle) 2. Marsh ( [is] often suffused, there [is] vegetasi emergent ( padi) which always adapt to saturated land;ground irrigate the ( saturated oil). If area of jawa of type Marsh which herbaceous met [in] area of Bog of Jombor Central Java. 3. Bog ( Accumulate the peat wetland, have no the real outflow and inflow. Supporting process of Asidofilik mosses ( lumut) [of] like sphagnum [of] because happened [by] the accumulation irrigate. In Indonesia the type there are [in] area Kalimantan. 4. Fen ( differentiated [by] pursuant to morphology form. Accumulate the peat wetland accepting drainage from around mineral land;ground will support the growing of vegetasi [of] like Marsh. Form the Fluvial formed [in] mount area [of] while Alluvial formed [in] river area ).


5. Peat Wetland ( Happen [by] caused by [his/its] accumulate from rest of plant [is] so that conceived of [by] Peat 6. Mires ( Peat Accumulating wetland) 7. Moor ( can be in the form of the high moor [of] where high Bognya and Low Moor [of] where low Bognya / peat land [in] basin hollow [of] [there] no elevasi ( ketinggian)) 8. Muskeg ( wide Peat Land or Bog, there are [in] Canada 9. Bottomland ( there are [in] low land as long as stream ( rill) and River ( great river). Generally there are plain of floods Alluvial / flat alluvial [of] land. If suffused regularly hence will grow to look like the forest ( Bottom Land hard wood forest). 10. Wetprairi ( looking like Marsh so that a lot of growed [by] the grassland) 11. Reed Swamp ( Marsh predominated by type phragmites. 12. Wet Meadow ( looking like grass land, having waterlog soil, subsurface water table) 13. Slough ( [shallow/ superficial] system lake with its stream [is] tardy [is] American upstate). Existing Wetland part of lake [of] there are [in] area of territorial zone. 14. Pathole ( looking like [shallow/ superficial] marsh like pool) 15. Playa ( identik by Pathole, but its geology genesis differ). WET BIOGEOKIMIA FARM. Biogeokimia cover the system transport ( pengangkutan) and transformasi ( chemical transformation) chemical elements in concerned in wet farm dynamics. Process to cover the interaction [of] [among/between] physical factor, biological and chemical and also chemical transfer unsure environmentally [is] vinicity. [At] Ekosistem happened to [by] cycle the biogeokimia by recycle as a(n) cycling. wet Cirikhas Farm [is] have the payload of Waterlog Soil ( saturated condition [of] water / muddy) during there [is] process the flooding [of] if happened [by] the discount process will influence the transformasi biogeokimia. [At] cycling intrasistem will be depended [by] condition hidrologi making the happening of chemical transpor. Wet farm ( Divisible Wetland) become the Open Wetland ( Tidal


Salt Marsh, Mangrove Swamp and Bottomland Forest) and Close Wetland ( Wet ricefield dependant to rain). condition of Land;Ground wetland have the character of the hidric soil ( land;ground in a condition [do] not experience of the drainage / [is] not emited a stream of) and also have the character of the saturated ( jenuh) happened [by] during a period of/to growth formed [by] condition Anaerob ( this matter [is] taken a fancy to [by] the vegetasi hydrofit). Land;Ground type in the form of Mineral ( obstetrical [of] its[his] organic unsure 20-35 %) and Organic ( peat peat / histosol). Pursuant to elementary sediment research [of] lake will have the behavior [of] [is] equal to sediment [of] [at] Wetland. Chemical Transformasi [in] Wetland. Condition irrigate suffused. bacterium of Obligat O2 ( if happened [by] the depletion O2 will be happened [by] the process of resolving of substance organic. this Depletion O2 depend on temperature ambient, COD. Oxygen [do] not terdeplesi totally. [At] Sediment of water interface [of] there are boundary of condition of aerob and anaerob à Optional [of] O2 à Dorman à Bacterium Anaerob. Accelerate the degradasi on the air 10.000 slower X in comparison with [in] land;ground. element Phosphat ( PO4)BUKAN represent the redoks element [of] because he/she [is] trussed by redoks [is] element so that in character the [is] same as redoks element. [At] element and compound Fe3+; Mn2+; NO3-, SO42- there are [at] condition Aerobik ( marked [by] if happened [by] the Oxidation with the brown land;ground colour squeezing). [At] unsure and compound Fe2+; Manganat; NH3; Sulfide ( S2-) [of] there are [at] condition Anaerob ( tereduksi) hence land;ground colour become black, kebiru abuan. Potential Redoks ( oxidize the potential discount) The available of chemical electron in condensation of land;ground Wetland. Electron will not be happened [by] during uptake O2 that is Fe2 à Fe3 + e but will be happened


on the contrary if/when happened [by] the process H2 removed. The process represent the discount that is represent the process of stop of gift O2 and the increasing of H+ and electron. potential measurement Redok use the platinum electrode ( Eh Mv). [At] free condition O2 hence Eh + 400 - + 700 mV, but if/when O2 sediment disappear hence Eh + 400 until - 400. If/When substrat organic experience of the oxidation hence Eh will decrease. N-Organik ( Process the amonifikasi)à NH4 ( immanent [of] condition of aerob and anaerob à N of Sediment of Water Interface [of] [at] Lake [of] [is] equal to Wetland also with River. Transformasi Fe and Mn. After Nitrate discount ( NO3) [of] [at] potential scale redoks hence there [is] also reduce the Mn and Fe. But Mn reduced in advance from Fe and its behavior [is] of equal. If/When O2 there [is] hence Fe will be oxidized [by] the Fe2+ become the form of Insoluble Ferric Form ( Fe3+) [done/conducted] by bacterium khemosintetik / khemolitotrof. Fe à Fes à Fes2 ( sink / endless have the character of toxic if oxidized the) Fe Solution à bunch of Fe insoluble à Bog Iron / fe ( iron mine and steel) Fe Tereduksi à Fe(Oh)2 à oxidized à its colour [is] its land;ground [is] red / brown à Water of Logarithm of mineral soil ( Gley) / process colour as gleying. Fe And Mn [of] [at] Wetland soil [of] if tereduksi in character very toxic. Fe will experience of the diffusion to surface grow on because process of liking O2. If happened [by] the process oxidize hence will be happened [by] the Immobilisasi PO4. experienced Element S can be in the form of the S2- ( sulfide) valence 2-; S ( element S) valence 0; S2O3 ( Thiosulfat) Valence 2+ and SO42- ( sulfat) valence 6+. Sulphate discount earn as Assimilatory of sulphate reduction. Sulphate as terminal of electron acceptor [of] [at] respirasi anaerob.


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