building apis with mvc 6 and oauth

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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Filip Ekberg

Building APIs with MVC 6 and OAuth


I’m Filip EkbergAuthor. Blogger. Speaker. MS MVP. Xamarin MVP. Geek.

Senior Software Engineer @


ASP.NET 5 OAuth Consuming APIs

Using ASP.NET 5

• Everything!• Cross-platform• Open Source• Modular design (split into NuGet packages)• And much more..

What’s new in ASP.NET 5

• Ctrl + H (Find and Replace) Upgrades• Until RTM

- anything can be renamed- anything can be removed

• Side-by-side versions makes it easy (dnvm upgrade)

Using Bleeding Edge Tech

• Powershell, powershell and more powershell…

Continuous Delivery and Integration$out = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName

$(dnu restore --no-cache --lock --unlock --parallel)

get-childitem -recurse -filter 'project.json' -exclude '*artifacts*', '*Build*', '*Publish*' | Where-Object { !$_.Directory.FullName.Contains("artifacts")} | ForEach-Object { $res = $(cd $_.Directory;$?) -and $(dnu build | Out-Host;$?) -and $(dnu pack --configuration release --out $out\Build\Packages) if (!$res) { Write-Error "Build failed!" Exit 1 }}

$out = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName

get-childitem -recurse -filter 'project.json' -exclude '*artifacts*', '*Build*', '*Publish*' | Where-Object { $_.Directory.FullName.Contains("Tests")} | ForEach-Object { $(cd $_.Directory;$?) $testOutput = $(dnx . test | Write-Host)

if ($testOutput -contains "*[FAIL]*") { Write-Error "Tests failed!" Exit 1 }}

• Use your own APIs• Find pain-points before your customers• Invite other teams to build something


• Allows you to introduce new tech early• Up-scale and prepare team for the future• Mitigating risk

Building on-top of legacy

Building an API



• Don’t rely on a third party for a critical system• Less headaches for your integrators• Could be added as an option

What about Twitter, Facebook, etc?

Roll your own OAuth implementation?

• Built by industry experts• Open Source• Allows you to use OAuth 2.0 and OpenId

Connect• Lots and lots of examples and help




Tokens and Codes

Authorization CodeTrade code for an Access Token

Access TokenLets you access a given resource

Refresh TokenLets you keep your Access Token fresh

Storing Tokens

Treat your Tokens like passwords!

Remember, they give you access to a potential private resource

• JSON Web Token• Payload (Claims) include Scopes, User info,

etc• Signed


What happens when you don’t validate a token?

Build your software to assume tokens are invalid and expired

Inspecting the Token

Securing the API

Choosing an OAuth Flow

Authorization Code & Implicit Flow

Resource Owner Password Flow

Client Credential Flow

Leverage current infrastructure

What if we already have authentication?

Identify this in pre-authentication and skip OAuth login screen

Authenticate against current system

Authentication vs AuthorizationAuthentication is the process of ascertaining that somebody really is who they claims to be

Authorization refers to rules that determine who is allowed to do what. E.g. Filip may be authorized to create and delete databases, while Josh is only authorized to read.

Authentication vs AuthorizationAuthenticationlogin + password (who you are)

Authorizationpermissions (what you are allowed to do)

• More than just “OK you access this resource” (OAuth)• Authorization (Permissions) +

Authentication (Login)• IdentityServer provides OAuth 2.0 + OpenId


OAuth + OpenId Connect

Securing the API

Consuming APIs

Testing your API

• Client Id• Secret• Scope(s)• Return URL• Grant type• Credentials / Authorization Code (Flow


What I need to get a Token

Resource Owner Password Token Retrieval

{ "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiO.....", "expires_in": 3600, "token_type": "Bearer", "refresh_token": "cfba7b409dcbb662216bfc5bba80afbc"}

Using a Token

GET /api/products HTTP/1.1Host: localhost:1337Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJK...

Getting data from the API


Adding support for Scopes

[HttpDelete][Authorize("write")][Route("/accounts/{accountId}/documents/{documentId}")]public async Task<JsonResult> DeleteAsync(string accountId,

long documentId)




Open Source Go-Live! Cross-Platform

Building Secure APIs

Don’t roll your own security framework

Read the OAuth 2.0 Specification


Know your flows

Authentication vs Authorization

Leverage Claims

Want to introduce new and shiny tech?Build on-top of existing infrastructure

Start with non-mission critical parts of the business

Download the code

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Thank you, I’m Filip Ekberg!Author. Blogger. Speaker. MS MVP. Xamarin MVP. Geek.

Senior Software Engineer @

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