brooklyn tech’s 2nd annual auction & international food festival

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1.TECH PARENT NEWS February 2012


Hello Tech Parents,

You and your family are cordially invited to Brooklyn Tech’s 2nd Annual Auction & International Food Festival on Saturday, March 24th at Brooklyn Tech. It will be an evening of food, student performances and fundraising to support Brooklyn Tech clubs, teams and academic activities.

You can buy your tickets in advance for $25 at the PTA Meetings on February 2nd and March 6th. Ticket sales at PTA meetings will be cash only. Tickets can also be purchased online using your credit card or PayPal account at our website,

The Auction Committee also needs your assistance in securing donations. Great auction items

include: gift certificates, vacation packages, artwork, electronics, books, spa experiences, behind the scenes tours, jewelry, Broadway shows, household gadgets, professional services — everything!

Visit the PTA website at for more information and forms. All donations received by March 6th will be featured in Tech›s Auction Brochure.

We also need volunteers to plan and setup this biggest fundraiser of the year! If you can volunteer, please contact us via email at Thank you for your continued support; we look forward to seeing everyone on March 24th!

PTA Executive Committee

Brooklyn Tech’s 2nd Annual Auction & International Food Festival

2. TECH PARENT NEWS February 2012

Dear Parents,

Thank you for supporting the PTA fundraising activities. These much-needed funds are used to support both the academic and extracurricular activities of our students. If you have not donated, I hope you can spare a little time to fill out the form in this bulletin and then send the check. Your actions will become the pride of your child!

In addition to fundraising (which in these times takes up a large part of our time), the PTA is also the source of information for parents and your direct connection to the administration. Please contact us at with suggestions and questions.

DID YOU KNOW: Do you know that one of the requirements in order to graduate with a Brooklyn Tech Diploma is that each student must complete at least thirty-two extracurricular activities credit (32 points)? Find out the details here on Tech’s website: I hope parents will encourage their children to actively participate in extra-curricular activities and community service to cultivate their self-confidence, leadership and communication skills.

FEBRUARY 2nd - FEAST ON INFO & MORE: You are cordially invited to attend the February 2nd PTA meeting on Thursday, 6:15pm. To celebrate the Lunar New Year, we will have Beijing duck, Shanghai dumplings, Hong Kong-style dim sum and desserts. There will also be a raffle. In addition, come listen to valuable advice from Mr. Marc Williams, A.P. of English, who will show us how our students can seize strategic success. Colleges That Change Lives will present, too! You and your children cannot miss this and future PTA meetings.

Best regards,

Carrie HoPTA Co-President


恭喜發財! 祝大家龍年行大運, 萬事亨通,身體健康, 小朋友考上理想大學!

首先多謝支持家長會籌募經費活動的家庭,我們收到你的經費是用作支持學生們課外活動的。 你知道本校的畢業要求是每一個學生必須完成最少三十二個課外活動學分 (32 points) 。( 在此我亦希望家長們能多鼓勵你的小朋友積極參予課外活動及社區服務,從而培養出自信心, 領導才能和與人溝通相處等等的技能。如果還未捐獻的,希望大家能抽出少少時間,填寫表格 (第十二頁) ,然後把支票寄出。你的行動必定成為你孩子的驕傲!

家長會誠意邀請你和你的家人, 一起出席二月二日星期四的家長會會議。為慶祝農曆新年,我們準備北京填鴨、上海餃子、港式點心及甜品,到時還有抽獎活動。時間是六時十五分,地點是學校大禮堂。請大家早一點來, 我們可以互相認識,及聽取你寶貴的意見。還有Mr. Marc Williams英文科副校長會教我們策略性去奪取佳績,成功在望。加上Colleges That Change Lives大學改變人生的特別演說,你與你的小朋友都不可以錯過的一次家長會會議。

而三月還有一個大型的家長會活動,就是一年一度的拍賣會。日期和時間是三月二十四日下午五時,地點是學校大禮堂。 歡迎你和你的家人朋友一起來歡聚,門栗是每位二十五元($25)。 你可以在二月二日及三月六日家長會上買票(限現金)及 (信用卡或PayPal)。而在家長會上買票的家庭可以參加三月六日抽獎。我們團隊現正向食品商和商家公司等懇求食品及拍賣品。如果你跟餐飲業或其他供應商有聯系,請跟我聯絡, 我的電話是347 634 4296。


家長會聯合主席CARRIE HO

3.TECH PARENT NEWS February 2012




BROOKLYN TECH PTA • 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn NY 11217 •


*  MARCH  24,  2012:    Annual  Auction  &  Dinner  Fundraiser,  5:00–8:30pm  *  [donate  items  for  auction  (over  $100),  raffle  (under  $99),  food  and  volunteer  time!    

Find  out  more  at]      

Online  Flower  and  Plant  sale,  Last  day  April  27,  2012:  []  


February  2,  2012   6:30  pm  Presentation  from  "Colleges  that  Change  Lives";  English  Department  Update  and  Study  Strategies  by  Mr.  Marc  Williams.  (Catered  Chinese  New  Year  Celebration  –  Dinner  Served)    

 March  6,  2012    (Tuesday)    

6:30  pm    Tackling  College  Admissions  by  Dr.  Cheryl  Paradis;  About  AP  Tests;  Call  for  Candidates  for  officers  of  PTA  Executive  Board.    

 April  5,  2012    

6:30  pm    Dealing  with  stress,  tests.  Study  Strategies  by  Jed  Applerouth.  Senior  Student  panel  shares  stories  of  their  success.    

 May  3,  2012    

6:30  pm    Presentation  of  Final  Slate  of  Candidates  for  PTA  Executive  Board;  Topics  to  be  determined.    

 June  7,  2012    

6:30  pm   PTA  Officer  Elections.  

   Ongoing  Fundraisers  —  Shop  Year–Round  from  Home  by  clicking  through  the  site  links   on   These   sites   will   make   a   donation   from   a   percentage   of   your  purchase  price.  These  are  our  easiest  fundraisers!  Tell  friends  and  family  all  over  the  country!  Use  Tech  PTA’s  website  to  access  special  links  to:    

–  –  GoodShop  &  –  


See  for  details  and  updates.  

4. TECH PARENT NEWS February 2012




Enjoy the PTA’s Chinese New Year Buffet



English Department Update: Strategies for Success!

– Mr. Marc Williams, Asst Prin.  

 Colleges That Change Lives


     Auction 2012 Update — buy tickets at

the meeting!

 New Fundraisers …  and  more…  

5.TECH PARENT NEWS February 2012




Tackling College Admissions by Dr. Cheryl Paradis



About Advance Placement (AP) Exams – Mr. Palmer, Asst Prin.


     Call for Candidates to run for 2012-13 PTA Executive Board

     Auction 2012 Update —

buy tickets at the meeting!

     Brooklyn Conservatory of

Music Presentation …  and  more…  

6. TECH PARENT NEWS February 2012

Brooklyn Tech Internship Program

In partnership with the Brooklyn Tech Alumni Foundation, the Tech Internship Program is alive and well. Last year we had over 60 Internship postings on the school website with well over 150 Tech students participating in various types of internship programs throughout the school year.

As a parent you may want to check out the internship page and encourage your child to do so regularly as internship are posted all the tim. I will try and give you a brief overview.

This link takes you to the internship page. It’s located under the Guidance Tab. Here you will find an overview of the importance of internships and other useful tools.

The top rectangular grid contains the internship and working papers applications, how to prepare a high school resume and cover letter and how to prepare for an interview. The application for internships is in PDF format and must be filled out on your computer. If you do not have software for filling out a PDF, a link is provided on the site. ( – Use the unregistered version.)

All students under 18 years of age must have working papers for an internship. If your child does not have a resume, now is a good time to prepare one. The document on the website was designed for high school students in preparing a resume. It takes into account

that many of them may not have work experience, but other things they have been involved in are just as valuable. If you need to prepare a cover letter or assistance preparing for an interview, I am happy to help.

The middle rectangular grid contains the Internship locations. We focus on internships for juniors and seniors so that they get meaningful experiences that they can also use for college applications. Any internships available for freshmen or sophomores are posted in separate asection. In addition, this area contains Volunteer/Community Service Opportunities and Extra-Curricula Classes, Workshops and Programs. You can check here for places to volunteer to meet the school requirements, available summer programs and even some study abroad programs.

Parent can help support our internship program. If the company you work for hires interns for the summer or during the school year, let me know. Maybe we can make a connection to provide even more meaningful internship opportunities for Tech students.

If you have any questions regarding internships, please feel free to contact me.

Isaac Honor, Internship Coordinator Brooklyn Technical H.S. 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 - 718-804-6400 x1990 - 917-318-5292 Email:

School Leadership Team Report

Did you know that your school has a School Leadership Team (SLT) that represents the interests of all Brooklyn Tech parents on important issues affecting your school? Yes, there is a SLT, and I am happy to report that it is a great way for the parents, as well as other important groups in the school, to have a voice on these important issues.

The Brooklyn Tech SLT is a group of parents, school administrators, teachers, students, and the BT alumni association, that meets once a month to discuss and vote on a long list of important issues that impact our school. At recent meetings, topics discussed have included: homework policies, grading policies, hiring of AP’s, the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan and PTA issues.

As you can see, we address many issues of great importance to all of us. And because of the way our SLT

works, all important groups, especially parents and students, have a way to comment on and make helpful changes to, school policies. Our SLT is a result of New York City rules and regulations and helps promote group input and decision making from all important constituencies at the school.

Each year parents elect four SLT members and each one of you is eligible to run in the next election near the end of the school year. Please consider running so you can help your school continue its outstanding record. I have been privileged to serve as SLT Chairperson for the past year and a half and can tell you that it has been a wonderful experience. I hope all of you will consider this as a way to be involved with your school and to help your school continue to be the great success it is.

Ken Cera, SLT

7.TECH PARENT NEWS February 2012

Class of 2012 Updates:

In the fall term the College Office has processed a staggering number - over 15,000 – of applications this year, and with the use of our new Naviance system of online application processing I am happy to report that fewer students than ever before are reporting schools missing information such as transcripts or recommendation letters. During the fall term we also organized the PTA financial aid event, six after-school panel presentations and hosted over fifty colleges and university representatives who came during the school day to speak to students during their lunch periods. Colleges/ Universities involved included a broad range from Princeton, Yale, University of Notre Dame to the CUNY and SUNY campuses as well as CUNY’s prestigious Macaulay Honors College.

I would like to share some preliminary admissions news from students who applied early. Future “Technites” have been offered admissions to such fine institutions as The Cooper Union, Yale, MIT, Princeton, Wesleyan, Brown, Vassar, Cornell just to name a few. Many of our students are receiving tens of thousands of dollars in scholarship money as well.

The College Office will be sending out mid-year grades to colleges that are requesting them through the Naviance system starting Monday, February 6.

I would like to welcome Mr. Adam Stevens to the College Office. He assumed the position of Scholarship Coordinator. He has been working tirelessly assisting students in the scholarship application process. Mr. Stevens is also a social studies teacher at Brooklyn Technical High School. He is a graduate of Columbia University and has a wealth of ideas on how to support

our students with regards to scholarships and financing college costs. His hours are Monday and Friday periods 8/9 and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday periods 4/5 or period 10 by appointment which you may request via email at

Class of 2013 Updates:

College Information Night for Junior Parents is scheduled for Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at 6:30pm in the auditorium. It is highly recommended that parents of juniors attend this event. We are excited to announce that our guest speaker will be Rob Franek, publisher of The Princeton Review. He has written many books on the topic of college admissions, including The Princeton Reviews’ Best Colleges. He visits over 100 colleges a year. He regularly appears on Good Morning America, NY1 and many other news programs. We have also invited experts on topics such as testing, selecting a college, and how undergraduate institutions choose their entering class. Additionally, you will also meet the College Office staff that will be assisting you and your children through this process.

We have been fortunate to have two volunteers from Learning Leaders to work with our students in the college selection process, completing the common application as well as assisting them with the personal essay.

The College Office will be hosting the following events during the spring term. We urge you to have your children attend these events.

Classroom Presentations: The School Counselors will be visiting Junior English classes during the week

College Office Updates:

Continued on the next page.

8. TECH PARENT NEWS February 2012

of March 5, to give out information on navigating the college admission. Parents of juniors are encouraged to have follow-up discussions to keep the momentum counselors establish in the classrooms going.

Upcoming Panel Presentations: The College Office invites all students and parents to attend the Panel Presentations listed below. These presentations are a wonderful way to learn about the opportunities available at the schools represented while also networking with Admissions Representatives from these schools. (At this time, schools are TBD, please check out the “College Office” section of the website for updates on these events) All Panels will be held after school in the 8th Floor Teacher’s Cafeteria.

Architecture Programs Wednesday, April 18th, 3:15pm-4:30pm

Engineering & Aerospace ProgramsWednesday, April 25th, 3:15pm-4:30pm

Media & Design Colleges Wednesday, May 2nd, 3:15pm-4:30pm

Science ProgramsWednesday, May 9th, 3:15pm-4:30pm

Liberal ArtsWednesday, May 16th, 3:15pm-4:30pm

Spring 2011 College Fair:

Students and parents are invited to attend the Spring 2012 College Fair which will start immediately following the May 5th SAT Exam. Representatives from over

100 colleges will be in attendance and it is a terrific opportunity to learn about schools and meet College representatives.

Date: Saturday, May 5th Time: 1pm-4pmLocation: Brooklyn Technical High School, 7th Floor Student’s Cafeteria

For a listing of College Office attendees, please refer to the “College Office” section of the website as the date of the Fair approaches.

Spring 2012 SAT &ACT Exam Dates:

SAT ACTExam Dates Exam Dates: March 1 February 12 May 5 April 9June 2 June 11

To sign up for the SAT go to sign up for the ACT go to

Additional events and updated information will be available on Also, College Office emails are sent out through the Naviance website, so please make sure your email address is correct in that system.

Rosemarie MazzoneDirector of College ServicesBrooklyn Technical High School 29 Fort Green Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 (t) 718-804-6590 (f)

Junior Information Night March 14.

9.TECH PARENT NEWS February 2012

Upcoming SAT ClassThis class will prepare students for the SAT Test.

Our program offers:

• 12 hours of extensive hands-on instructio

• Maximum class size ten students

• Strategies to improve focus, intensity and endurance

• Two Simulated SAT Test

• Experienced SAT prep instructors

Prep for March 10 SAT Begins: Classes start Feb 19th Classes: Monday 6pm – 8pm

Exam(s): Sunday 10am – 2pm

Prep for May 5 SAT Begins: Classes start March 12th or April 16th Classes: Monday 6pm – 8pm Exam(s): Sunday 10am – 2pm

Space is Limited. Register Now!

Cost: includes all instructional materialsLocation: 2044 86th Street 2nd FloorCall to register: (718) 333 – 9633Email: Admin@aimprep.comWebsite:

付出一点,获得更多 您为2011-2012年PTA基金募捐活动中, 將可幫助所有学生更多成功机会。

所謂「積少可成多,團結是力量」! 請行動吧!

敬爱的Brooklyn Tech的家长们, 如果您知道一份$25的捐助能使得您的孩子获得更

多的机会实现自己的梦想,您肯定很乐意花费这笔钱,是吗? 您为2011-2012年PTA基金募捐活动捐助的$25,将为每个需要获取成功的Tech的学生提供更多的机会。我们知道Tech PTA每年举办这个活动,将用于奖励

教师,学校供给,支持课后俱乐部和团队,参观大学校园等。 Brooklyn Tech的学生都有共同的特点——他们每天都取得令人惊叹的成就。 Brooklyn Tech的家长们也有共同的特点——我们都不吝惜为我们的孩子取得最好的高中教育。 您为2011-2012年PTA基金募捐活动捐助的$25或更


前来参加我们下次的PTA会议,看一看有哪些項目已经完成。 請 瀏 覽


捐助很快很简单。步骤如下…… 网络:到网站,使用您的信用卡或银行卡通过PayPal进行捐助。您可以一次性捐助或者分期捐助。 使用支票:或者填好下表和您的支票一并寄回给我们。请填写工整清晰,以便我们能填写您的收据并将您列入到下一期PTA简讯中。收款方请填写BTHS PTA。 总额(请圈选)$25 $50 $100 其他数额(请写明)_____________________ 您的名字 学生名字 年级 地址 电话 电子邮件 使您的捐赠做得更多,咨询您的雇主是否提供相应的礼物。您会惊讶地发现有很多的组织在这么做!PTA是一个非盈利组织501(c)(3),所以您的捐赠在法律允许下是可以减免税收的。

Elliot Greene 聯合主席

Carrie Ho 聯合主席

Dear Brooklyn Tech Parents,If you knew a $25 contribution could make the difference

between your child getting their dream college and career opportunity and them having to settle for something less, you would gladly spend the money, right?

Well it could. Your gift to the 2011-12012 PTA Fund Drive helps provide

opportunities each Tech student needs to succeed. We know it’s true because the Tech PTA does it every year with teacher grants, school supplies, support for after school clubs and teams, college campus trips etc....

Brooklyn Tech students all have something in common – they accomplish amazing things everyday. Brooklyn Tech parents also have something in common – we all want the finest High School education for our children.

Your contribution of $25 or more to the 2011 PTA Fund Drive helps us all reach these shared ambitions and common goals. Where else can you get so much for so little?

Elliot Greene Carrie HoPTA Co-president PTA Co-president

Did You Know NYC public school funding

is based on number of students not school

physical plant. Tech’s 1933 building is one

of the city’s largest with more labs and

workshops than any other city school and the

third largest auditorium in the city. But no

school, no matter its size, receives sufficient

city funding. That’s why we’re asking you to

send a donation to our school.

Come to our next PTA meeting and see what is getting done. You can find our meeting schedule at

On the PTA purchase of Track Equipment

“Getting the new steeple has really had an impact

on my running. It has made a huge difference

being able to practice with the equipment that

other teams have for their practices.”

Michael Coogan, Tech Class of 2010

2nd Place, Steeplechase, NYC Championship

8 ONLINE Go to and the PayPal button to contribute with your credit or debit card. You can give a one time amount or spread your contribution out over time.

Give a little, get a lot. Your gift of $25 or more to the 2011–2012

PTA Fund Drive helps provide opportunities each Tech Student needs to succeed.

? BY CHECK Or fill out this form and send back to us with your check. Please print clearly so we can fill out your receipt and list you in the next PTA newsletter. Make checks payable to BTHS PTA and mail to BTHS PTA, 29 Ft Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217.

Amount (please circle) $25 $50 $100 Other (please specifiy) Your Name Student’s Name Grade: Address City/State/Zip Phone E-mail

Make your donations go further by exploring if your employer offers Matching Gifts. You might be surprised how many organizations do! The PTA is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) so your donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Contributing is fast and easy. Here’s how...


12. TECH PARENT NEWS February 2012

Newsletter's advertisement. Rates per issue:

1/8 Page - business card size - $251/4 Page - $501/2 Page - $100Full Page - $200

Parents with engineering backgrounds are needed to participate in the interview of candidates for the Assistant Principal of Career & Technical Education (Engineering) on Tuesday, February 7th. This is called the C-30 process by the Department of Education. If you are able to help, please contact Parent Coordinator Mei Chan at by Friday, February 3 at the latest.

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