brochure 2011

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Overcome farshore contract and construction challenges to successfully start early revenue generation from your wind farm

OffshOre Wind COnstruCtiOn, installatiOn and COmmissiOning COnferenCe4-6 October 2011, London UK

3rd Annual

Join 450 Offshore Wind Industry Colleagues For Three Business Critical Days of Analysis, Information Sharing and

Business Development at the Largest Industry Gathering Worldwide

“ Exceptional opportunity to connect with market

participants working to make offshore wind a viable industry in the UK

” Gregg Egen, Managing Director,

Espirito Santo Investment Bank

ExpErt spEakErs from

All New Features for 2011� Expert Led Offshore Wind

Opportunities Workshop

� Contact Structuring Workshop

� Operators Group Meeting

� Larger Exhibitors Area & Increased Networking Time

� Keynote Presentation Day

� Twice As Many Technology Presentations

The largest and most in-depth meeting point for the offshore wind installation industry globally…

back for its 3rd blockbusting year

...attracting over 450 delegates in 2011!

Researched & Organized by:

save £300

register before July 15

• WHATWORKISCOMINGUP?Where is the potential for the greatest long term contracts? Which sites are suited to offshore wind installation R&D? Find out from the experts themselves!


• OVERVIEWONTHECABLECHALLENGESARISINGINOFFSHOREWINDFARMSCover all ranging challenges between laying telephonic communications, fibre optic and HVDC/HVAC cables

• FOUNDATIONOPTIONS,DESIGNSANDINSTALLATIONTECHNIQUESIn depth discussion from the established players alongside the new comers on structural integrity issues – can grout alone be the long term solution

• STATEOFTHEARTOFFSHORETURBINETECHNOLOGYGet the inside track on what’s available for use in the Round 3 boom

• TRANSPORTANDLOGISTICSOFTHEMAJORCOMPONENTSFrom the factory to point of installation here’s what you need to consider

• RISKASSESSMENTANDFINANCIALOPTIONSFORTHEOFFSHOREWINDINDUSTRYRisk and finance go hand in hand in offshore wind projects; Hear how 65 different projects have been brought through the consent phase

• CONTRACTINGMETHODSANDSTRUCTUREclient and project bundling options laid bare


Join 450+ industry professionals at the landmark event that will help you improve offshore wind project installation, overcome farshore transport and logistics challenges, understand the best methods for foundation installation and cable lay through the latest project experience, technology innovation and information updates


Dear Colleague,

Since the last Offshore Wind Construction, Installation and Commissioning conference (OWCIC) in October, landmark changes have impacted offshore wind installation in Europe

In the past four to five years, several larger, second-generation projects (including the UK’s Round 2), entered the construction phase, delivering a significant increase in operational installed capacity. Statistics point to a rapidly growing offshore industry. The biggest increase in offshore capacity occurred in 2010. European capacity increased by 883MW compared with 582MW added in 2009. The UK contribution to the 2010 increase was 562MW, which included Thanet (300MW), the largest operational wind farm to date.

Europe is unquestionably the epicentre of the market with 2.9 GW of the 3GW total installed wind energy capacity based in Europe and accounting for 88% of 2010 new capacity. Over the next decade it is estimated by EWEA that by 2020, total European offshore installed capacity will be 40GW. The UK’s contribution to that total is estimated at 25GW. The main centre for offshore construction looks set to remain in northern Europe.

Through a combination of the sheer volume of demand for contractor services, coupled with potential raw material price spikes, project managers are facing upward pressure on prices and hitting timely deadlines. It is therefore crucial that owner/operators have a water tight strategy in place to deal with their installation liability. Contractors need to ensure they are positioned to corner off a share of this multi-million pound industry with cost effective, safe service offerings or face being left behind by their counterparts.

Installing offshore wind farms is costly, technically challenging and potentially hazardous both to the workforce and a company’s global image. If costs are to be reduced then careful planning is required and common sense strategies must be put in place. In order to do that some of the following challenges must be faced:

• GroutingtheTransitionPiece• PloughingCableTrenchesat

Depth• WorkingwithHVAC/HVDCCables• EHSOffshore• ProjectPlanning&Management

• SupplyChainManagement• CostReduction• FarshoreTransport&Logistics• WeatherWindows• Workingwith5MW+Turbines

The 3rd Annual Offshore Wind Construction, Installation and Commissioning conference will supply your business with the critical intelligence and tools you need to build a cost effective, time efficient installation strategy. Delivered by the best in the industry, you’ll be able to take away key lessons and real world action points that you can implement to save millions of GBP.

Now in its third year, OWCIC will be bringing together 450 offshore wind installation experts for three days of business critical intelligence, unrivalled networking and stimulating discussion.

With senior level representatives from major & independent operators, lead contractors, specialist service companies and the major European land governing body – can you afford to miss out?

I look forward to seeing you in London in October.All the best,

Tom Evans Head of Sector, Wind Energy Update

Tel: +44(0)2073757247 Email: Wind Energy Update:

Project Managers: What’s Your Exposure? The cost of installation is significant and something that needs to be planned for – and then back-up plans created! Looking at the trends in wind farm project costs below can you work out your exposure? How much will offshore wind installation activity cost you in the next 5 years?

Figure 1 - Trends in wind farm project costs

Source: Carbon Trust/Emerging Energy Research (2009)

The OWCIC conference will equip you with all the planning information and technological tools to tackle your installation liability in the most proactive, cost effective way. Don’t get caught out, start planning now by attending the conference

Contractors: Offshore Wind Installation is on the RiseCAPEX costs for wind farms completed in 2009/10 have edged toward £3m / MW, some 50 -100% above costs of wind farms in the period up to 2006.

Considering there are still 32,200 MW of wind energy to be harnessed from the UK Round 3 zones this translates into a £96.9 million market.

Wind Farm Region MW Capacity

Moray Firth Scotland 1300

Firth of Forth Scotland 3500

Dogger Bank North Sea 9000

Hornsea North Sea 4000

Norfolk Bank Southern North Sea 7200

Hastings South 600

West of Isle of Wight South 900

Bristol Channel Atlantic Array

South West 1500

Irish Sea Irish Sea 4200

TOTAL 32200

Are you positioned to take advantage of this?Attend OWCIC 2011 and you’ll have the opportunity to not only receive all the market forecast you need to accurately set out your business plans for 2011 and beyond – but also we’ll put you in front of the top project owners.

Fill your order book in 3 days by attending this conference.

Rhyl FlatsRobin Rigg



Kentish Flats


South Sands

North Hoyle

Drivers• Rising commodity prices• Bottlenecks in supply chain• Complexity of sites, distances, depths• FX rate volatility








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er M

W in






Who will you meet?Meet, hear and do business with the cutting edge players in the Offshore Wind Installation space.

This is a high-level exclusive event – it's not just a tradeshow expo. There will be a select number of key decision makers who have all paid money to hear about this exact topic - how to install wind farms farshore on time and on budget

To get the inside track on building and growing a presence in the Offshore Wind business you need to be meeting and hearing from the very best brains in the business, experts in the latest thinking, new technologies and evangelists on the path we need to take. Fortunately OWCIC does this for you by bringing together the very best the Offshore Wind industry has to offer, including key players from:

• Round3zoneprojectmanagers• TriedandTestedLeadinstallation


• Financialanalysts,insurers,andtechnical experts

This conference is going to be a breath of fresh air to this industry, everywhere you turn when you get in the conference room or step into the coffee reception area you are going to be surrounded by key decision makers from the best of the best. The very best companies, researchers and people who are going to push the offshore wind world forward.

If this sounds good then you need to be here! CONTACT US TODAY about thisconference,thelatestoffshorewindnewsandmore-+44(0)

TOP 4 CONFERENCE TAKE-AWAYSWe guarantee to deliver strategies that will have a real and lasting positive impact on your business, giving you the tools to ensure the success of your decommissioning strategy.

1 CONNECTIONS - only the best of the best will be here. Our delegates are the best of the best of Offshore Wind executives!

2 FACTS – solid, hard hitting presentations filled with the true facts about

the Offshore Wind industry on progress made and the steps needed to push installations forward.

3 INSPIRATION – get fresh insights through lively discussion with your

fellow Offshore Wind executives – people on your level, who think like you

4 PRACTICAL IDEAS – only at OWCIC will you will hear the best tips, strategies and practical knowledge that will directly help you in your day-to-day work

Plus you will get conference audio, presentation slides, conference booklet, face to face meeting time and much more!



October 4 Pre-Conference

Day•Exhibition Set Up

•Registration & Exhibition Opens•Opportunities in Offshore Wind Workshop •Structuring Contracts for Offshore Wind


•Networking Drinks Reception

October 5 Key Note

Presentation Day

•Conference Opens•Market Analysis•Cost Estimation•Installation Case Studies

•Project Management & Planning•Risk Assessment & Mitigation •Supply Chain Management

•Networking Reception

October 6 Multi Track

Technology Analysis

•NewWindTurbineTechnology+Construction Techniques

•Foundation Installation

•Cable Installation•Transport and Logistics of Major


Conference at a Glance

Your chance to impress - become an OWCIC sponsor or exhibitorThe Offshore Wind Construction, Installation and Commissioning Conference is the most exciting and fresh conference in the offshore wind space.

Our vision of putting together a summit focused solely on how to build and grow offshore wind installation businesses makes for a unique and exciting event.

If you need our delegates as partners or clients this event is a valuable chance for you to meet, greet and impress them in person.

With opportunities as low as £3500 - Sponsoring, exhibiting or advertising with us is one the best and most cost effective ways to generate interest, meet leads and make deals, build relationships and imprint your company nameinthebrainsofallthesummitattendeesandallthe20,000+industry leaders who we will reach with our comprehensive marketing and promotional campaign.

We only sell custom made, high value packages - Talk to us today and share some ideas about what we could do together to help push your business forward. We have a range of options to suit every budget and we tailor every deal to match your individual needs like a glove.

Signing on with us to be a part of OWCIC is just the beginning. Sponsoring, exhibiting and advertising is a platform for you to reach your sales and marketing goals.

We guarantee that our continuing efforts to help you get the most out of your opportunity is unparalleled in the conference world - ask us for help on how to get the most out of a presentation, how to work the exhibition floor or even what copy to use in your advert. With Wind Energy Update this is part of the service and it is an invaluable one worth its weight in gold. It's the reason our percentage of repeat customers eclipses the conference industry average.

This could be the chance you need to pave the way

to massive future profits - you owe it to yourself

to at least give us a call and ask for our free

sponsorship info package.

call Tom Evans, Wind Energy Update on

+44 (0)20 7375 7247

or email

Who will be there?Senior level decision makers & project managers from the major and independent wind farm owner/developers who want to discover the latest technologies and services for planning and executing offshore wind construction and installation projects.

OWCIC 2011 provides outstanding networking opportunities for anyoneinvolved in offshore wind installation. This is the single largest meeting point globally- attracting over 450 stakeholders. If offshore wind installation is part of your job role – you simply can’t afford to miss out.

This year Wind Energy Update are providing:

• Over17hoursofdedicatednetworkingtime across the 3 days of the conference

•Abrandnewpre-conferencedayforyoutoengage in more relaxed discussion

•Fullyinteractivepanelsessionsforyouto identify yourself to the entire delegate audience as a topic expert

•Dedicatedworkshops,coffeebreaks,lunches & evening drinks for you to target your key clients

You’ll have more face to face

Attend the Conference and you’ll meet...

Senior decision makers from the leading Crown Estate Round 3 winners attend OWCIC every year to meet services providers offering new technologies and services to help them reduce cost, hit timelines and ensure safe projects.


Suppliers / Solutions providers

• Construction&Installationoffoundations

• Constructionofwindturbines

• Installationofcables

• Installationofoffshore&onshoresubstations

• Installationofwindturbines

• Maincontractors/projectmanagers

• Productionofcables

• Supplyofvessels/Seabasedsupport

And Many Others…

Who You’ll Meet…Wind Energy Update run a series of offshore wind conferences from health and safety, supply chain, North American development and construction. This places us in the unique position of bringing together wind installation experts from across the globe.

Below is a breakdown of who attends our conferences

“Excellent. As a newcomer to the industry it provided in-depth information and topical discussion on the major issues facing Offshore Wind

turbine installers and developers today.

”Tata Steel International

Networking at the OWCIC Conference 2011



Major/Independent Operators 35%

Intergrated Contractors 25%

Specialist Services 10%Sub Contractor 10%

Public Sector 10%Legal, Financial

Consultants 10%

Offshore Wind Developers

C-PowerDong EnergyEDF EnergyEDP RenewablesEnBW Erneuerbare EnergienIberdrola RenewablesLondon Array LimitedMainstream Renewable PowerRWE Offshore Logistics CompanyScottish PowerSeaEnergy RenewablesVattenfall

Tier 1 Lead Contractors

A2SEABallast Nedam Offshore EnergyBeluga GroupDEMEFluor CorporationGeoSeaKBRMammoet EuropeSeaway Heavy LiftingTechnipVan Oord Dreging and Marine Contractors

Tier 2 Sub-Contractors

Dredging InternationalEmbassy Machine ServicesEuskal ForgingFoundoceanHoulderJumbo OffshoreMinelcoSepamVos Prodect Innovations

Section One: Market Overview & Regulations

Market overview on the work approaching us in the next 18-24 months• Whataretheimpactsfromthehighprofileindustryflawsin2010on

the opportunities for testing new methodology for installation and construction

• Takeawayanup-to-dateanalysisofrecentpredictionsonwherethegreatest short and long term gains for construction firms in European offshore wind

• Gaininsightintooffshorewindriskmetricsandmarketingforecasting

Timo Laakso, Vice President, Wind Power, Poyry

Farshore wind: collaborate or compete?• Hearaboutareaswhereindustryisworkingtogethertoimproveefficiencyand

safety in farshore wind projects

• Gaininsightintothecontractmodelswhichworkbesttohelpreduceprojectcosts

• Learnaboutsuitablecontractingmethodsandstructuresincludingclientandproject bundling options

UK policy panel: Creation of the UK offshore wind industryHåkon Sandbekk, Legal Counsel, Statkraft (TBC)

Ed Wilson, Head of Renewable Energy, Project Finance, Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets

David Curran, Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC)

Michelle Thomas, Partner, Head of Clean Energy and Sustainability, Eversheds LLP

Keynote Presentation Day October 5


2011 Conference Structure The Offshore Wind Construction, Installation and Commissioning Conference has an all-new format for 2011 and will take place over three days. This is to ensure the best possible delegate experience through added benefits such as training sessions, workshops, more choice on agenda topics, keynote presentations, extended networking time and larger exhibition space

The conference will be structured as follows:

Pre-Conference Day October 4

• Pre-Registration Open

• Exhibition Open

• Training Workshop

• Opportunities in Offshore Wind Workshop

• Structuring Contracts for Offshore Wind Workshop

Two workshops aimed at giving a European offshore

wind opportunities overview.

Offshore Wind Technical Workshop•Diversificationandchallengesforparallelsectors(Aerospace,

automotive, composites, large item manufacture parallels)


•Components,customersandtechnologicaltrends:A:Metalworkingand fabrication





BVG Associates

Structuring Contracts for Offshore Wind Workshop Workshop on how to structure contracts in the offshore environment





“ The Offshore Wind Construction, Installation and

Commissioning Conference allowed our company to reach out to the industry to showcase the capabilities of our services. It is without a doubt an important part of our marketing plan.

Signal International Inc.


Section Two: The World’s Largest Offshore Wind FarmsOverview of the potential challenges and criteria involved when selecting contractors for the Walney wind farm• HearhowexperiencesinDONGEnergy’sprevious

UK and Danish offshore wind farm work led the thinking on Walney from the start

• Gettheinsidetrackonhowthecontractsweresplit up among the respective contractors and how DONG went about project managing the work

• Discoverhowthecontactorswerechosenandwhat criteria they are working to and for what rewards

Jens Hansen, Project Manager, Dong Energy (invited)

Discover the challenges and benefits of turnkey installation of a sole vs. multiple contractors to the supplier and contractor• Understandthecomplexitiesofconstructingwith

fixed and floating offshore structures and vessels furtherthan70kmfromtheshore

• Discoverthechallengesandbenefitsofturnkeyinstallation with a sole main contractor

• Whatarecontractorcapabilitiesforfarshorewindfarms and will all parts of the extended supply chain be ready?

Graham Mason, Project Development Director, Fluor Corporation

Discover the importance of stakeholder management in planning and how this can delay a project if neglected• GetavirtualtouroftheworkLondonArrayhas

accomplished to date

• Hearthedecisionmakersfirst-handdescribethe concepts that they used to enable buy into potentially one of Britain’s most polarising energy station new builds in the last 50 years

• Understandthebestandworstcasescenariosforan offshore wind project through best and poor stakeholder engagement

Joanne Haddon, Stakeholder and Media Manager, London Array

Understand how to prepare for farshore wind construction including the management of resources, equipment, cross-contractor communication and mitigating uncertainties• Understandthestrategicplanningconsiderations

for construction activities in the North Sea and their implications on project timelines and costs

• Discovertheimportanceofstakeholdermanagement when planning projects and how this can delay a project if it is neglected

• Findoutwhatadetailedreasonableworkinghoursassessment consists of how this can significantly mitigate the risk posed to lost man hours by adverse weather conditions

Ole Bigum Nielsen, Head of UK Offshore Projects, Vattenfall

Section Three: Offshore Wind Farm Finance, Contracting and Risk Mitigation

Risk reduction specific to offshore wind designed for both the owner and contractor• Understandhowconstructionliabilitycan

be reduced or even eliminated from an operator’s balance

• Eliminatecatastrophiccostsrelatedtocontractor insolvency & other perils through a new model designed specifically for farshore wind

• Mitigateriskofincreasedcoststiedtosudden market fluctuations

Jatin Sharma, Head of Offshore, GCube Underwriting Limited

Analysing the risks in offshore wind, the various models used to date in Europe (project finance bill and refinancing)• Discoverthefundamentaldifferences

between UK and European projects and why lenders approach the two from very different angles

• Getthelatestinsightfromthemostexperienced global leader in the field to drive forward success in your business from up to date facts

• Seehowtoworkwiththesystemfromthebeginning to best ensure long term financial securing and headache free days when projects are delayed

Christos Kolliatsas, Project Manager, Mott MacDonald

Legal insight – contract changes necessary to ensuring offshore wind market reaching potential• AssesstheimpactthatNDAshaveon

both long term and day to day business operations

• Gettheinsidetrackonwhatisactuallyconsidered business critical to you and your partners and what is purely legal red tape hindering your project’s success

• Learnhowtosiloupcertainpartsoftheconstruction packages so that mini-EPC units can be formed to work in a more manageable way

Peter Scurlock, Eversheds LLP

Section Four: Addressing skills in the offshore wind sector

Skills specific to offshore wind: what the UK is doing now to secure offshore wind jobs• GettheinsidetrackfromtheUKskillsmarket

to understand what processes are now in place to drive the growth of offshore wind

• Assessthedirectionyourbusinessneedstotake to enjoy the maximum benefit from these skills initiatives

• Learnwhattheprovenroutesofacquiringandretaining credible workforce labour are for the offshore wind construction industry

Bob Granger, Head of Renewables, National Skills Academy for Power

Military skills on offer to the offshore wind industry• HearfromtheUK’sleadingmarinemilitary

personal employer about the skill set matches that the Royal Navy has with the offshore wind construction industry needs

• Benefitfromhundredsandthousandsofhours of higher level education training suited specifically to working in harsh offshore conditions with state of the art engineering technology

• Discoverthevolumeandlikelihoodofpersonalfrom military background available to the private sector in the next 12-18 months and how you should best look to recruit

Karen Carroll, Career Transition Partnership, Royal Navy


Keynote Presentation Day October 5

how your input will lead to Offshore Wind Construction change

Buy a ticket and attend the Offshore Wind Construction, Installation and Commissioning Conference!

Speak up and get your points across at the Working Group Discussions

Your moderator will take notes summarizing the groups input

Panel discussion featuring all the group moderators presenting the discussions findings

Working together, you, the panel and the rest of the audience will work together to define the Action Points!

After the conference you can track the Action Points progress through Wind Energy Update’s news, reports and web services


October 6 Technical Split Track Day

Alternative methods for cable installation• CanJ-tubesberegardedastheindustrystandard

for inter connection?

• GetacomprehensivecasestudyofThanet’smanyconnections & learn how costs were successfully reduced

• Seewhatvaluesubseaconnectioncanaddandhow much simpler the cable lay procedure can become

Olivier Angoulevant, Subsea Cabling, Nexans

Export cable installation: working with HVAC and HVDC cables in the Baltic Sea to maximise effectiveness of project time and capital• Fullsessioninformationtobeprovidedafter

company signoff

Head of Installation team, Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke

Why traditional cable lay methodology isn’t working• Lookingindepthatploughing,survey,laying

methodology, subsea interconnection and cable tensile issues

• Understandwhya“lazyS”isn’tasuitablewayoflaying down excess slack

• Theworrytheamountofresponsibilityaships’captain has in cable lay regarding his guesswork as to where the cable sits in relationship to the vessels drivetrain

Steven Wilson, CTC Marine

Inter Array cable connections in the Thanet Wind farm• Benefitfromleadingexpertknowledgeonthe

many connections made on Thanet to improve the chance of right first time success on your project

• Hearhowthecablesconnectionsweresplitontobatches so that knowledge gained from one batch could be improved upon and then utilised in the next

• Discovertheinnovateconnectionmethodologythatwas used that allowed minimal delays from this part of the job to impact on others

Ian Bonnon, Head of Offshore, GL Garrad Hassan

Section Eight: Transport and Logistics of Major Components

Transport and logistics of the major components from factory to point of installation• Learnaboutthedifferentmethodsthathavebeen

used in offshore wind installation and hear first-hand about the ones that worked well

• Discovertheimportanceofcorrectplanningandhaving strong alternatives to compensate for the tough and ever changing working conditions of the North Sea

• Utiliseexclusiveindustrycasestudiestoplanworkaround the European working hour restrictions

Andrew Davies, BDM, Sarens



Section Five: New Wind Farm Technology, Construction and Maintenance Techniques

A look at the state of the art turbine technology available for release• Understandthebenefitsthatnewtechnology

can offer projects for not just energy production but also for ease of construction, installation and O&M

• Doeslargeralwaysmeanbetter-Whatarethe changes in turbine design that will really make a difference?

• Gainananalysisofthebenefitassociatedemploying a test area within your project to trial the latest turbine technology alongside proven tech

Karl John, Business Development Director, AREVA

Operation and Maintenance of farshore wind turbine generators: access requirements, methodology and technology• Withstrategy,accessandtimeallata

premium for offshore work hear how one company is planning for maintenance of its WTGs

• Learnthevaryinglevelsoferrorsandmaintenance checks that explain whether an onsite engineer is necessary or if the error can be checked as part of scheduled maintenance

• Discoverwhichpartsoftheturbinearehigh,medium and low risk and which require round the clock monitoring vs. an annual check up

Richard Luijendijk, Director of Service, Siemens Wind Power

The Development of Maintenance Strategies for Farshore HVDC Grid Assets Based on Experience in the German Market• Fullsessioninformationtobeprovidedafter

company signoff

Richard Cooke, Renewables, Petrofac

Section Six: Foundation Installation

Jackets, Monopiles, Gravity bases – pros and cons to your project• Receiveanintroductiontotheoptions

available now & how each can be used in shallow and deep waters for installation of offshore turbines

• Discoverthroughacomparisonofcost,transport and environment implications the benefits of one over another

• Understandtheimplicationsofpublicrestrictions passed re: noise and how this impacts hammer size and hence monopole use

Seaway Heavy Lifting

Piling operations in deep water and farshore offshore wind farm sites• Discoverwhatefficiencieshaveevolvedinthe

last few months that not only speed installation but also increase work place HSE

• Learntheimpactweatherusedtohaveonprojects and how this has been significantly reduced through better technology and methodology

• Getthelatestinsightdirectfromthevesseldeckson how to minimise time on site through a solid, continued supply chain of piling components

Ivan Ostvik, VP Business and Project Development, NorWind

Foundation structural integrity issues – Successful methodology laid bare• Seehowthehistoryofoffshorewindinstallation

certification has led to the methods used today

• Benefitfromacollectionofcasestudyexperience gained in the current installation projects to determine what factors to be aware of in your project

• Gainaclearanalysisofthefutureequipmentdevelopments that will aid foundation and transition piece connection

Jim Bell, Managing Director, Foundocean

Innovative foundation installationKaj Lindvig, CSO, A2SEA

Paul Gibson, Chairman, MPI-Offshore

Per Volund, Head of Wind Power, Grontmij

Inge Lotsberg, DNV Wind Energy

Case study of the installation at Ormonde• Understandfullythelogisticsandplanning

for transporting the turbines and lifting the components in place

• Gettheinsidetrackonhowtheseaconditionswere overcome

• Learnhowtherateofinstallationwaskepthighthroughout the project


Section Seven: Cable Installation

Overview on the cable challenges arising in offshore wind farms• Challengesbetweentelephoniccommunications,

fibre optic and HVDC/HVAC

• Howmultipleconnectionscancausehugeproject time delays

• Thecurrentstateofknowledgefromvesselcaptains and how cross industry experience can cause more harm than good

Ralph Steinberg, Manager Offshore Cable Systems, NKT Cables

How to install and construct farshore, deepwater wind farms on time and cost efficiently

Real case studies on current offshore wind construction projects including Ormonde, Bard 1, Thornton Bank and Greater Gabbard

This ground breaking business intelligence report is now available for order and will be sent direct to you within one working day of placing your order!

Get unique case studies giving a detailed account on how the most pressing offshore wind construction and installation challenges are being tackled in four of the most daring offshore wind projects.

Five Reasons to Buy

1. Find out how innovative foundations solutions such as gravity based foundations, jackets and floating turbines are being used in the latest far-shore, deep water projects

2. Learn how to cut both cost and time by using the pre-piling method to install jacket foundations

3. Discover the successes - and challenges - in using gravity based foundations

4. Understand how monopile foundations are being pushed to its structural limits

5. Assess the challenges of operating in hostile, farshore, deepwater environments and how you can best deal with them

6. Learn how the industry is coping with the shortage of vessels required for cable installation

Offshore Wind installation & Construction report

Wind Energy Update are a global business intelligence and conference company, part of the FC Business Intelligence group. It's our people that make us the market leader we are today. We are passionate about the industry, and look to keep building on the strengths we've developed

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REPORTS – Wind Energy Update produce in depth market reports to give you the detailed analysis that your organisation needs to make the right business decisions, including unique economic forecasts, the latest regulatory updates and technological developments

CONFERENCES – Our conferences focus on the four pillars of wind energy success: • Operations&Maintenance•TurbineSupplyChain•HealthandSafety•OffshoreWindInstallation

This gives us the unique ability to be able to call on expertise from around the world when bringing you the very latest in decommissioning best practice and lessons learnt.

NEWS – Wind Energy Update produce free weekly e-news briefs which we send straight to your inbox. These e-briefs include all the latest news, analysis, executive insights and more to ensure you have the latest industry information at your fingertips.


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Wind energy update forward schedule of events

3rd Annual Global Wind Turbine Supply Chain Conference


US Health and Safety Conference

Dallas TX, September 8-9 2011

4rd Annual Wind O&M Summit (onshore and offshore)

London UK, November 22-23 2011

Scan this smart tag with your phone now to access exclusive Report information

intelligence Pass

Business Pass

• Access to all presentations and exhibition

• Networking evening drinks reception on day one

• Lunch and refreshments

• Access to presentation slides after the conference

+ Access to online delegate list and meeting planner

+ Access to audio recordings from every session (worth £395)

Basic Pass

• Access to all presentations and Workshops

• Networking evening drinks reception on day one

• Lunch and refreshments,

Super Early Bird (expires 15 Jul 2011) £2025Early Bird (expires 12 Aug 2011) £2125Last Chance (expires 9 Sept 2011) £2225Full price £2325

Super Early Bird (expires 15 Jul 2011) £895Early Bird (expires 12 Aug 2011) £995 Last Chance (expires 9 Sept 2011) £1095Full price £1195

Super Early Bird (expires 15 Jul 2011) £795Early Bird (expires 12 Aug 2011) £895Last Chance (expires 9 Sept 2011) £995Full price £1095

This is your unique code ThaT saves you £50*Just enter it online, quote it when booking over the phone or in your email*Note: Code only applies to Intelligence, Business and Basic passes but can be used in conjunction with all early booking offers listed below


OffshOre Wind COnstruCtiOn, installatiOn and COmmissiOning COnferenCe

“excellent event, quality presentations and relevant discussions.”Stephen Kerr, Project Manager, SeaEnergy Renewables save

£300 register before

July 15

4-6 October 2011, London UK

Terms & Conditions: If you have to cancel - It is possible to transfer your place to a colleague/client if you are unable to attend, but you must inform Wind Energy Update of this in writing of this change prior to the event. You will incur 25% cancellation fee on or before 4th September 2011. For all cancellations received after 4th September 2011 we will be

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Post Conference materials

• Access to presentation slides after the conference

• Access to audio recordings from every conference session £395

Group Discounts, Play it Smart - Bring Your TeamWith multiple conference tracts, workshops, an enlarged exhibition space and increased networking time – you need more people on site to benefit from all the conference has to offer.

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This report provides vital information on how leading developers are cutting installation costs and times

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• WHATWORKISCOMINGUP?Where is the potential for the greatest long term contracts? Which sites are suited to offshore wind installation R&D? Find out from the experts themselves!


• OVERVIEWONTHECABLECHALLENGESARISINGINOFFSHOREWINDFARMSCover all ranging challenges between laying telephonic communications, fibre optic and HVDC/HVAC cables

• FOUNDATIONOPTIONS,DESIGNSANDINSTALLATIONTECHNIQUESIn depth discussion from the established players alongside the new comers on structural integrity issues – can grout alone be the long term solution

• STATEOFTHEARTOFFSHORETURBINETECHNOLOGYGet the inside track on what’s available for use in the Round 3 boom

• TRANSPORTANDLOGISTICSOFTHEMAJORCOMPONENTSFrom the factory to point of installation here’s what you need to consider

• RISKASSESSMENTANDFINANCIALOPTIONSFORTHEOFFSHOREWINDINDUSTRYRisk and finance go hand in hand in offshore wind projects; Hear how 65 different projects have been brought through the consent phase

• CONTRACTINGMETHODSANDSTRUCTUREclient and project bundling options laid bare


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