britain ultimate review

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Britain Ultimate Review


    The Ultimate Review y Political culture: attitude and beliefs that affects political behavior

    y Legitimacy: belief by the citizens that the government is acting in their best interest

    y Distributional politics: the government determines who gets what, and when

    y Democracy: government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in

    the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. (via y Seville, 2002: Tony Blair went to Seville to talk about toughening up immigration laws due to the fact

    that so many people from the Middle East were getting in illegally y History of religious conflict

    o Henry VIII forms the Anglican Church

    o Mary (Catholic)

    o Elizabeth I starts Plantation

    o James I continues Plantation

    y James II is a Catholic Glorious Revolution in 1688

    y Catholics and Jews couldnt vote until 1802o There are still Catholic/Protestant tensions in Northern Ireland

    y Devolution: transferring power from a central government to a local government

    y Margaret Thatchers victory in 1979: She wins the general election from the Conservative Party,

    becomes first female PM y Thatcherism

    o Monetarism: the only control the government is the amount of money in circulation

    o Laissez-faire: low government intervention

    o Cutting taxes

    o Cut in social services

    y Thatchers most successful program : council housing/rent-to-buy/tenant

    o Basically allows people who rent housing from the state to eventually buy their house

    o The price of the house you buy will be reduced based on how long youve lived there

    y Britain in the European Community

    o 1973: Britain joins the European Community

    o Conditions

    Had to follow the rules of the European Community

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    Have to submit to the European court y Prime Minister appoints his cabinet

    o Minister MUST be a MP

    y Prime Minister must gain the support of a majority of cabinet members

    o Their method of checks and balances

    y Keynesianism

    o the government nationalizes some industries, and assumes direct ownership (basically the

    government runs a company) and in return has the responsibility of economic stability

    and growth (This is the one formed by John Maynard Keynes) y Industrial Revolution: transition into wage labor, cash and market-based transactions replace barter and

    production for local need, machinery replaces skilled craft workers y Collectivism

    o Expanded role of the government

    o Welfare state, narrow the gap of the rich and poor through public services

    o State responsibility for economic growth and full employment

    y Ethnic minorities in Britain

    o Characterized by poverty and diminished job opportunities

    o Poorer treatment by the police

    o Women get limited employment opportunities

    o Overrepresented in low-income households y Organizing principles of the British political system (just look at the notes for this)

    y During the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901)

    o the sun never sets on the British empire

    o extensive informal empire in which Britain ruled as a hegemonic power

    y Policies of Tony Blair

    o Third way

    o Iraq war

    o Higher Education Bill y How British look at their history: gradual series of changes

    y True of the cabinet

    o Basically just know what the cabinet does, etc

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    y Britain fell behind its competitors after the Industrial period: because it relied on its area of overseas

    control, Britain fell behind as a result of decolonization y Explain why the British government has had the record of parliamentary success: because of the vote of

    no confidence and collective responsibility

    o Vote of no confidence: when Parliament votes after a bill fails to pass whether they want to

    keep the PM or not

    o Collective responsibility: refer to notes later down on the page

    y Commonly associated with proportional representation electoral systems?

    o Proportional representation: the people vote for the party, and then the party gets that

    percent of the seats; allows the party to move members around (beneficial for smaller


    o No, for each area, it is winner takes all and the losers get nothing

    If a candidate gets 50%+1 vote in the first round of elections, then the winner is

    automatically chosen, and there is no second round of elections

    If a candidate loses, they are out, and they have no role in Parliament y Blairs largest challenges to power

    o Iraq War

    o Higher education bill

    y Quangos: Government provides funding, fuction and appointment of staff, but ministers are not directly

    involved, combination of private and government y Political party system of Great Britain: two-and-a-half party system; Labour and Conservatives are the

    main parties, with the Liberal Democrats on the side; creates a stable, one-party government y Obstacles for new political parties

    o Elections are first-past-the-post so it is hard to get a hold in parliament

    o There is no proportional representation

    y Labour party tensions: activists/parliamentarians

    o Some want to change, others dont

    o Some want to keep the third way, others dont o Some are just concerned with keeping their seat in Parliament

    y Parliamentary elections: parliamentary elections are based on the first-past-the-post principle; elections

    occur at the longest every five years (within five years of election, the PM must dissolve parliament) y Small number of women in Parliament

    y Duties of cabinet ministers?

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    o Advising PM

    o forms policy which will be placed before parliament

    o Controlling and directing body for executive branch

    y Liberal democracies (Look at the section 4 notes: liberal democrats)

    y Losing the confidence of Parliament: Im assuming it means losing the vote of no confidence, which

    y Conservative government accomplishments

    o Increased competition in private sector

    o Council housing bill

    y Role if bureaucracies in modern nation-states

    o Bureaucracies = civil service

    o Help with the creation of bills

    y Collective responsibility: if the Cabinet makes a decision, the party will support it; basically following

    along party lines y Unitary state: there are no subdivisions of government, there is only the government at the national level

    y Fusion of powers: Parliament acts as the executive,

    y Whitehall: where Parliament is, the heart of London, talking about the civil service

    y Britains civil servants: 600,000 people (1%) of the population, help assist the Parliament as a channel

    from the public to their MP, helps with the creation of bills y Margaret Thatchers poll tax: this is what brought Thatcher down, she wanted to do something similar to

    an income tax y The creation of legislation: see notes

    y Functions of the House of Commons

    o Pass laws

    o Give the state finances but authorizing taxes

    o Review government policy and public administration

    y Reforming the House of Lords

    o 1999

    number of hereditary lords was cut down to 92

    Hereditary lords can no longer speak nor vote

    o 2003: Blair proposed several different ways of reforming the HOL, all were rejected

    y The Major government was weakened considerably by: wrangling amount Conservatives about the

    European Union

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    y Select committees: their function is to examine specific policies or aspects of administration

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