brightideas€¦ · millennials are expecting brands to look to impact society and culture. brands...

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#brightideas SXSW Interactive 2018

2 #brightideas 2018

The objective of #Brightideas is to provide timely, fresh insights and ideas

people and organizations thrive. The following pages present a few of these

that surfaced at this year’s SXSW Interactive conference.

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Bigger than meThough their titles may not have shouted this theme overtly, many panel discussions had implications far greater than their panelists’ projects and companies. We’ve been feeling this shift in perspective—the desire to problem solve pragmatically with an eye on the long game—as the millennial generation gains its footing in the workforce, finding themselves with real power to effect real change. We’re seeing more and more leaders looking to create and problem solve for good, for better and for bigger than just one person or company. Here are a few ideas we heard and talked about that tie in nicely to this theme:


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Fail Fast, Scale Fast

Turn one-off solutions into scalable systems. Companies need to look for opportunities to turn a solution to a single problem into a formula or system that can be replicated, reused, moved or evolved to help solve many different problems down the road.

We heard a panel from Chicago discuss their quest to improve urban food deserts and empower mom-and-pop local entrepreneurs. What they discovered was a much bigger idea that solved more than just a local business crisis. They realized their solution could be scaled across the country!


Purpose-driven companies, brands and content

Patagonia has environmental protection written into its bylaws. The company has a rich history of supporting organizations and regulations that protect our environment. So when the company launched its campaign to save Bears Ears, a national monument in Utah, their wasn’t much backlash because consumers found it authentic and true to who Patagonia is.

Patagonia is a purpose-driven company to its core. Look beyond making a product and then a profit. What service do you provide to society? Millennials are expecting brands to look to impact society and culture. Brands that are transparent about their beliefs and values have more opportunity to build relevancy to consumers beyond product features. We saw a 46% increase in share of wallet for brands that lead with their purpose.

Millennials want to change the world and believe they can. This purpose-driven mentality changes the way companies think about attracting and retaining talent. How is your company providing opportunities to match this millennial mindset?


“People pay attention to culture, not advertising.”

Stop talking at your audiences and start talking with them. The highly acclaimed Westworld experience is the perfect, almost literal, example of this. HBO could have put posters around Austin advertising the show’s next season but instead created an interactive, life-size reproduction and off-the-rails theatrical experience that immersed attendees in the Westworld, well, world. The event generated tons of buzz, but more importantly created a deeper connection with audiences than a few posters and billboards may have.


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Be the speed

Don’t wait for your company to build the programs you’re looking for and care about. Do it yourself, and don’t even worry about asking for forgiveness. Be the change agent and get to better, faster. Shatter the status quo!

You can also be the speed by bringing fresh voices and perspectives to your organization. From working with consultants and agencies to hiring from a completely different pool of talent than you usually do, there are myriad ways to avoid getting sucked into legacy policy programs, old social constructs and closed-minded ideating.

Attendees ‘Make Google do it’ in interactive phone booths showcasing Google’s voice command features.

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Okay, we have the technology. Now what?In years past, we’ve heard about the future of tech. This year, the future and its ultra-intelligent technology have arrived, and now it’s time to understand how best to harness them.


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Easier, better, happier

An important idea that came up multiple times: Tech and innovation are at their heart about solving human problems, not just creating something cool and new.

As companies continue the hyperspeed advancement of technology, the litmus test of everything created should still be: “Did it make my life easier, better, happier?” If not, you need to reevaluate and possibly pivot.

Slack created a series called “Office Hours” that takes the perspective of an employee walking through things that come up during the day. They ask questions, and share challenges and impending needs at work, and a “colleague” shares ways that Slack can be used to address those needs.

A technology is only useful if people know it exists and how to use it. Slack focuses on product education so people get the most out of the platform, thus making their work lives a little more efficient.

Companies are centered around their people. Technology within companies needs to solve human problems, not be forced in retroactively. It needs to help employees do their jobs more efficiently, not get in the way.


Okay, so how do we talk about tech?

At IBM, everyone already knows they’re a tech company, so they don’t need to cloud the airwaves by using the word “innovation.” Instead, they show how their innovative technologies are applied to changing the world.

Companies like Visa are trying to build a reputation in the tech world and focus on being innovative versus saying they’re innovative.


Data, AI & ML

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) aren’t new, but they’ve become deeply integrated into the fabric of society and business.

Customization and individualization are faster and easier than ever, leading to new ideas like ML comodeling—for example, getting spot-on clothing recommendations based on the type of faucets you purchase.


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While data is great, it’s only as good as the people distilling it into true, actionable human insights.

Bring truth to the brand through data and insights. Only then can companies achieve powerful consumer experiences and sell the aspirations of what could be.


Iterate, now & forever

One thing that really hit home about the advent of usable, highly intelligent ML is that it’s successful when it constantly iterates. By always learning, it’s forever a work in progress and improving its approach and product.

Slack had a lot to say on the subject of iteration and has already gained plenty of valuable insight from thinking humbly and asking questions candidly.

#BeefTweets is an open twitter feed asking customers to share their grievances with Slack so the company can proactively address the issues.

We need to iterate and improve. We need to take ourselves and our egos out of the equation and focus on making our users’/audience’s/employees’ lives better. It’s about them, not us, at the end of the day.

The keys to iteration: Observe, Learn, Improve, Repeat.

Mike Altier, Kristen Harbour, Carole Masse and Allison Mack from Alight test drive the Dell Experience.

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What’s hot in media and content?The most-consumed content right now is the podcast. Ear-catching, short content that anyone can make feels more authentic to consume. Podcasts contain the most authentic advertising of any medium so far, which is why their messages can be so powerful! Plus, there are some key players that have been advertising through podcasts for years: Squarespace, Zip Recruiter, Casper mattresses and Blue Apron are just a few.

Advice from Kate Spade’s creative team: Try to figure out how your audience wants to consume the content. If you have to break the story down to explain to people how your company works, do it.

Additionally, it’s more effective to develop a content strategy ahead of creating the content itself so you have a roadmap or sandbox to play in, instead of trying to retrofit your ideas into a shaking content framework.

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