brief review of 'keep it quiet

Post on 20-Jul-2016






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A brief review of 'Keep It Quiet' (Sea Cruise Books, Sydney 1988) by David Kelly, 'Muse News', Poets Union, April 1988


Pamela BrownShelley KMyron Lysenko




Keep it iiuiet ( Sea Cruise tsooks )Ivivyanzo Mwisho ( Foreign Books )Coughing with Confidence (ivtranagement and Software Consultants )


Keep rt'qDret rB a series of Lllr ploBe pieces in different foms - etoriee, letters,simple descriptione, interior nonologuesr lists - some Just a parzgraph, sone sevela]pa€Bso Alnoet alL are jrt ttre first pereon ancl the ove:gal1 effect is to create animpreesionietic oharaoter study of tle author based on ranrlon menories of eventeand people in her l-ife. Torards the entl of the book a pl.ece ca}leil Een Years rlth theSam6 Dog ercuber:ant1y slrn6 up the authorrs life. Sone of the pieceo seen, at firstreatlingl po5ltleasr auch as ltre Avalon Notes rhich gives a plain alescliptLqr of a ronarraLking on a beach, or the openiig stoqf, Satisfactory, rhich is abcut eryentling timewaitilg at a hoopital while her frientl ls receivln6 tneatment for au lnJua:y. Ilowever,there ig a daring Lu juet dropplng these into the bag of neuories. It unaledinegthe slgnlficanoe for all of us of the geeningly uninportant nments. jl our livesothe rrlting EtyLe le olean anil tight alloring the events to slrine tliroudr rlthoutany floritl or poEey illstractldr.Fron rYou Wake into I

rr You f,ake lnto a partlcular time with a partloular feeliag. tlre tlneElizebeth calle rthe tr{elbourre of t}re night r. &le feellng: somefi.nea yourenenber ttri-nga rhtch rnake you feel oarl, eometlnea ]rou Dake resolutions,you deci.pher dreana, you analyae and levler you! life for houls. Tonightyou 8Bt up and go to the kltchen. Stenat over the tJny gas flanea anil stircocoa antl fill up rlth the drleatl of yourself atan<ting there. Alone asalraye anil ever alone at tluee, four ln ttre moralug" the i&elbou:rre ofthe ulght" tl

Front rLittLe f,lLootleolrr &re of the rritere says that etre vent to the bank to asL for a loan. Ileebank n6nager a slcetl, 'trIir.1 ale your- asgets ?rt lbut-hfult y, etre replied ttlfftaLent antl my prospectci.rr IIe l-eaned. into the desk and sdtd, ,But, ny delr,this le a 3A}1tr. r' rr

trhom I Back of Seyond IIt O]ll Crazy. OLd 3111 6ays, rtlrn a conse]grra tl.ordst but it can go too farorrHe stroots satin borer birdg. rtltr.ey eat the s€ealllngs. n tr{y friend an<l Iplant ttre prrlen urder rire nettlng" "

Keep It Qulet is a rarm entertainingl antl quietly rritten book tlut geernE to achleverhat its author get it do. G€t one qulck. AncI uake som€ nolse about itt

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