brazilian prezi vicky+ella+may

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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1. Brazil is located in southAmerica. It is the biggest country in South America. It is boarded byVenezuela, Suriname, French Guiana and Guyana etc. 2. Children in Brazil go to school for about four hours in the morning or afternoon. The school year runs from February to December. A lot of schools require uniform. of Brazilian children go to school, the other work, especially in citys. 3. The word Brazil came from the tree Brazil wood. 4. Brazilians play music which they learned from the Native Indians. They also like to play and sing choros or folk tunes. The berimbaus is a Brazilian instrument, it has one string and is played with a bow. Guitars, banjos, drums and maracas are also other popular instruments. 5. Brazil has the longest river in the world known as the river Amazon. It contains more water than any other river on earth, it flows through (ideally named) theAmazon Rainforest witch stretches for thousands of kilometres. Over of the worlds wildlife live in theAmazon rainforest, including Parrots, Monkeys and Jaguars. 6. Brazil grows a wide variety of tropical fruits, such as Bananas, melons and mangoes.The fruit is sold at local markets and at huge city-centre supermarkets, many of which are open 24 hours a day. The national dish of Brazil is feijoada, a mixture of pork, black beans, spices and rice. It is served throughout the country and is usually eaten at lunchtime. 7. By May, Ella andVicky Thank you for watching!

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