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Post on 16-Apr-2020






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January Theme: Healthy eatingWeek one: During circle time children will be encouraged to discuss with their practitioner what is healthy and what is not healthy. Teaching the pre-schoolers about nutrition by introducing the food pyramid. Making them aware of carbohydrates, protein and fatty foods. Children will be given choices of healthy fruits and vegetables for snack and tea. Planting vegetable seeds for our patch.Week two: This week children will take part in a cooking activity making some yummy healthy savoury scones, salads, dips and fruit kebabs. We will be transforming the home corner into a supermarket. The children will be encouraged to bring their favourite fruit and vegetable. Developing mathematical skills while counting out fruits and vegetables; Sorting out healthy and unhealthy food Week three: This week children will take part in various physical activities both indoors and outdoors. Including “Busy feet exercises”, “Walking bus”. They will also be cutting pictures of healthy food from magazine to create a collage of healthy eating on a paper plate. The children will be visiting our local supermarket.Week four: The children will be visiting our local supermarket. They will be encouraged to look and buy different fruits and veg of their choice. The pre-schoolers we will be concentrating in other things which we need to be healthy such as hygiene or exercise. Visiting Dental Surgery. Also this week: Chinese New Year celebrations.

February Theme: RecyclingWeek one: The children will be learning about Recycling. What is recycling? Encouraging children to bring in various recycling materials from home. During circle time we can sort them out with the children. Also talk to children why recycling is so important. Science activities –Recycled materials and magnets. Also the children will be celebrating Chinese New Year

Week two: Junk modelling using the recycled materials. Watch videos on recycling. Role play- Setting out some recycling bins with paper, plastic, and tin cans. Fill some garbage bags with light materials like crunched up newspaper and tie the bags up. Children with gloves and hats will be using the “Garbage truck” to collect the rubbish.

Week three: The pre-school children will make plant pots using the milk cans. Then encourage children to take part in planting things in their cans they made. They can make traffic lights with the milk cans. Sensory tray- exploring different textures with recycled materials. Reading various books about recycling

Week four: Children will be creating an Earth collage this week. The pre-school children and their parents will be participating in a competition “Making a sculpture using recycled materials.Also encouraging the children to become familiar of where the food/paper should be disposed i.e. the correct bin

March Theme:Going on a Bear HuntWeek one: The children will be encouraged to listen to the story “Going on a Bear Hunt” on the interactive board. This week children will be creating/ making the characters that are in the story and will be displayed in our role play area

Week two: Making sensory bags, using grass, mud etc. We will record all of the obstacles encountered in the book and then turning that list into a sensory tray with household items. Sound activity- will search for things around the house that make the same interesting noises in the book. Small world sensory play

Week three. Celebrating St Patricks Day and Mother’s Day. The children will be planning an afternoon tea for their mums.They will be developing their counting skills by making flower bouquets for their mums. Decorating cards and baking to celebrate. Week four: The story can be role modelled by the children in our garden. The pre-schoolers will be going on a pretend bear hunt where they will be having some grass, mud, etc. to make it fun and challenging. Making bear headbands, binoculars to see the bears, maps, using flashlights/torch We will be baking some delicious bear shaped biscuits. Trip to the woods, zoo. Teddy bear picnic bringing their favourite teddy. Reading story book “We’re going on a bear hunt”. Making bear masks.

April Theme:- Easter/Spring

Week one: During circle time practitioner will be taking to children about Easter i.e. what it’s all about and why we celebrate Easter. The little chefs will be making “Bunny snack” using vegetables. Observing the hatching of the eggs in Nursery. Outdoor- Using bunny ears to hear the sounds in the environment. Tuff tray with shredded paper, Easter eggs and chicks

Week two: the children will be taking part in various Easter activities such as, decorating their Easter cards, painting foam eggs, and also taking part in a cooking activity making chocolate nests. Trip –Visiting Garden Centre. Week three: This week the children will be learning about the season of Spring, weather changes. They will be observing the changes in the environment such as flowers blossoming etc. The children will also learn about the lifecycle of the plant, butterfly and caterpillar. Trip: Visiting Farm animals

Week three: The Preschool children will be asked to decorate their bonnets from home and bring them to Nursery for the Easter Parade. Hunting for Easter eggs. Reading story books about Easter. The children will be digging the allotment patch and planting spring flowers. Looking after and feeding the little ducks

May theme: SuperheroesWeek one: This month the preschool children will be learning about superheroes. What do the Superheroes do? Which one is your favourite superhero? The children will be encouraged to dress up, choose a superhero name and talk about their powers. Anyone needs help?-Our superheroes will be going in a mission to help the dolls/stuffed toys in the garden. Reading various books and singing rhymes about Superheroes.Week two: We will be using the flashcards to spark a conversation within the group, in our reading and writing corner. Construction area- Blocks of all kinds to which we have added shiny stickers or star shapes. Cooking- Writing recipes for Superheroes and baking. Also this week we will be talking about our real Superheroes-Community Helpers. Week three: Children will be encouraged to name and understand the professions as well as the importance of all helpers working towards the betterment of one community. A matching whereby children will be encouraged and supported to match the tools used in a particular profession with the professional. Also this week the children will be celebrating Eid ul Fitr.Week four: At creative table children will make community helper paper hats using their imagination and guidance of the teachers. Fire Sensory writing mats will be made and given for mark making. They will be encouraged to draw fire and colour it, trying to see if they could name the three important colours which should be used to indicate fire. At sensory table children will learn to segregate garbage and put in different bins. Trip-Visiting community helpers’ e. g. dentists, fireman, etc.

June Theme: SpaceWeek one: The topic will be explained at circle time through some flash cards and videos. Through UFO paper plate craft we will try to consolidate the understanding about the UFO. Alien making, using paper and googly eyes, counting of number of aliens we had made and the number of eyes of alien would be fun. Role play-Space station. Getting O fit-Obstacle course: Our little astronauts need to be in very good physical health so we will be “training” for NASA by setting up an obstacle course!Week two: Constellation- word to be explained and then making it at art table. Galaxy sensory dough and galaxy sensory bottles can help to explain the point in a fun way. In literacy, name rocket craft will be done. We can also make paper plate solar systems. We will create a black bean sensory table and see how many stars they can put in a jar using a tongWeek three: Balloon alien craft activity will be fun. The children will be cooking fruit rockets and solar system cupcakes. Also the children will be playing aluminium foil moon rocks counting game and making paper plate flying saucers. We will have fun making play dough googly eye monster and aliens. This week we will be celebrating Father’s Day. The children will be baking and making cards for their fathers. Week four: Solar System tracing lines in literacy, to enhance eye hand coordination as well as patterns. The children will make Telescope making to watch stars and we will relate it to the profession of Astronaut. Children will learn the names of planets through planets song at circle time. Science-colourful cloud raining. . The children and parents will be taking part in a competition- Best space creativity

July Theme: OlympicsWeek one: During this month the Preschool children will be learning about Olympic Games. This can be a great time of learning about sports, teamwork and the Olympic events. Information will be given to the children about the Olympic Games during Circle time. They will be taught why the games are important apart from being fun. This week the pre-schoolers will be making Olympic rings, lollipop stick Olympic torch during craft activities.Week Two: The children will be making Olympic Games certificates and medals. Children who are already able to write their names will write their own certificates as well as the certificates for other children. The children will be participating in different physical activities indoors or outdoors such as Sports Day (racing, jumping, slithering, javelin throwing etc.) Week Three. We will continue with lots of physical activities: Hurdle walk in class room to make children understand how they should be aware of the surroundings. “Busy Feet”-dancing and movement to keep the children active. Ready steady go (chair and hula-hoop hurdle game for gross motor skills); indoor/outdoor basketball, tennis.Week four: The children will learn about the different countries which participate in Olympic games.-World flag memory game. The children will colouring/painting world flags to make bunting banner. Toss the globe-Looking at the different countries/continents on the globe. This week the children will be exploring “Gold, silver and bronze” sensory tray.

August Theme: Summer Week One: Introduction of summer season at circle time- what to wear, what to eat, must haves, change in the surroundings, changes in trees, importance of drinking water and fluids to be explained . Water tray- Cleaning dishes; paper boat race. Sensory activity- frozen dinosaurs rescue; sea animals etc. Outdoors-The children will be using a watering can to water letters of alphabetWeek Two: Summer picnic in garden encouraging children to share and enjoy the season and relate it to the picnics at home. This week the children will be playing “Sort the season” activity- where the children will actually match the things belongings to a particular season. The children will be encouraged to participate in different craft activities such as making beach ball, sharks using paper plates etc.; making beach in the sand tray; alphabets in water tray; Week Three: This week the children will be exploring with colours and sounds when participating in different activities such as bubble art; painting with colourful ice cubes; rain dance in garden. We also going to focus in developing literacy skills during different activities such as making recipe for summer salad; reading various books and singing rhymes. Week Four: This week the pre-schoolers will be counting ice cream scoops; different fish measurement activity; sorting pebbles and shells; play dough ice-cream cones etc. These activities will support and develop mathematical skills. Arts-drawing and making flowers; decorating actual flowers; making paper fans.

September Theme-All about meWeek one: This week the children will be talking about themselves. The children will be encouraged to make their portrait using paper plates, cereal, rice etc. We will be talking about body parts. The children will be encouraged to talk about their family-Making family tree; Making their houses using cartoon boxes; “Mini Me”. Singing Nursery Rhymes such as “Head shoulders…etc.”Week Two: This week we will be talking about feelings and emotions. Reading various books about feelings and singing Nursery rhymes such as “If you’re happy and you know...”, “I am special” etc. Making the Feelings and Emotions Display” with children .Garden area –Group game activities such as parachute, play house etc. Cooking- Emoji pizzaWeek three: This week the children will be developing mathematical skills while measuring their length or dry footprint; using family counting mat etc. The children will be making emoji pizza using vegetables. “Show and tell” bringing favourite toy/book from home to share with friends Week four; The children will be learning about human skeleton. Observing x-rays on the light table. Puzzle-building human body/skeleton. Outdoor- Developing numeral skills while playing the family game, e.g. Jump 2 times if you have 2 sisters. Trip to Natural History Museum

October Theme: Black History MonthWeek one: This month we are celebrating Black History Month. The children will be learning about diversity and equality through different activities. We will be reading various books such as, ‘Handa’s Surprise’, “Anansi’s Stories’ etc., and singing different songs relating with the theme. Mr. Woods the inventor Telegraphing.-The children will be making “Phones/ walkie talkie”Week two: We will be talking about inventors such as Garret Morgan who invented traffic light. Craft activity- The children will be making traffic light. We will relate this with being safe on the road. Outdoor –Walking bus: looking at the road signs, traffic lights. The little inventors will be creating and constructing using recycle materials. Also the children will be celebrating Diwali.Week three: This week the Pre-schoolers will be learning about Martin Luther King. We will be focusing on the children’s rights .Also learning and exploring with African instruments, Role play area –traditional dressing up and dancing with African music. Cooking and tasting African food. Role play area- Hair salon. We will be relating this with Madame" C. J. Walker, the inventor of the pressing comb. Water tray-shampoo timeWeek four: The children will be exploring with African patterns while cutting with scissors, making tie- dye etc. The children will be making clay pots and decorating them. Role play-Acting out different stories such as “Handa’s Surprise” etc. Trip -Visiting Supermarket to see a wide variety of African-Caribbean products ICT-Looking at pictures of different buildings and homes from Africa and the Caribbean

November Theme-AutumnWeek one: This month the children will be learning about autumn. Science- Seasonal changing. What should we wear? Sensory tray with leaves, conkers and pine cones. Learning about the life cycle of an apple, pumpkin, and tree and about harvest. Outdoor- Harvesting the vegetables and planting autumn flowers. Role play-Farmer’s shop where the children will be sorting, counting, weighting and selling fruits and vegetables.Week two: This week we will be focusing on the story book “Baby Owls”. The children will be making owls and nests. Singing various Nursery Rhymes about autumn. Outdoors-picking up leaves and twigs to make birds nest. Also the children will be encouraged to participate in different Art activities such as making leaf collage; crowns; umbrellas, owls’ apple printing etc. Science-Floating and sinking Week three: During this week the preschool children will be developing their social skills and extend their vocabulary while playing and exploring the autumn sensory tray. The children will develop their fine motor skill while craving the pumpkin .Also the children will be developing their numeracy skills while counting and grouping seeds, feathers, twigs etc. Week four: Preschool children will be encouraged to participate in the cooking activities-Making Autumn recipes. .

Mark making-“Oatmeal tray”; the children will be making marks on the oats, sand using writing tools and paint brushes. Arts- Making Autumn dream catchers. Little master chiefs will be using autumn recipes …for cooking.

December Theme: ChristmasWeek one: This week the children will be learning about different festivals and celebrations-Christmas. The children will be involved in different craft activities to make stockings, cards, Christmas decorations, Christmas wrapping paper etc. Decorating the Christmas tree. Role play are “Santa’s Factory” ”Reindeer farm and barn”. Making a countdown chain till Christmas EveWeek two: The children will be learning Christmas Carols and act out a Christmas play. The children will take part on the Christmas concert. This week the children will take part in cooking activity. The master chiefs will be baking delicious sweets with their little hands. The children will be making their wish list and post it to Santa. Stack the presents-wrapping boxes as presents .Outdoor –Parachute game –bouncing presentsWeek Three: Christmas treasure basket-.Exploring Christmas ornaments. Jingle bell freezing dance. We also love play dough so this week will be having red and green play dough. Making cinnamon ornaments. This week someone special is coming...Shshshsh…I can hear some jingle bells. Santa will be visiting our Nursery-Have you been ‘ good’?

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