bodyweight burn pdf ebook by adam steer

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Your trusted source to discover the truth and the facts about Bodyweight Burn Program PDF eBook by Adam Steer. Happy reading :)


  • Bodyweight BurnCopyright 2010 Shapeshifter Media Inc. All rights reserved.

    Important: If you have access to a printer, please PRINT this report (you have our full permission). Youll get a lot more out of it.

    Legal DisclaimerThe information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.

    By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Shapeshifter Media Inc, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Shapeshifter Media Inc and its representatives, or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.

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  • Welcome to the Bodyweight Burn bodyweight exercise program!

    A couple notes before we get started.

    You will need one piece of equipment to perform the exercises in this workout: a few cheap dog leashes that you can pick up at any dollar store. Itll cost you less than ten bucks, and it opens up an entire range of pulling movements that add versatility to your training sessions. See the Getting Started video on the download page for a visual example.

    Finally, the Appendix at the back of this manual contains photos and performance cues for each exercise variation in our bodyweight workout. Its meant as a quick reminder only, so make sure you watch the videos and learn the fine points of each movement before you tackle them for volume. You can stream the videos in our download centre, or download your own m4v ipod-compatible version.

    Okay, so lets begin with a little introduction...

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  • Why Bodyweight Exercise?

    The frantic pace of modern life means that finding time to exercise is always an issue. How often have you fought traffic to get to a crowded gym, only to loaf around waiting for equipment to free up? Many of our clients were in just such a situation when they sought us out. Now they train entirely at home, or over lunch hour at the office. This cuts hours from a demanding schedule, which allows more time for family and personal interests.

    Training at home is the perfect solution for the time-compressed. But if thats true, why arent more people doing it?

    Most set out with the idea of assembling a nice little home gym, but theyre quickly discouraged thanks to bulky, expensive equipment. And so they become slaves to the gym because they think they need it.

    It doesnt have to be like that. Our goal with Bodyweight Burn is to introduce you to a better way to train. If you stick with us to the last page, we will give you:

    An equipment-free way to train in your own homeA radical new approach to eliciting adaptation while balancing your bodyMore energy from your workouts, rather than lessFat loss, strength gain, and greater flexibilityThe most fun youve ever had working out

    As is usually the case, our big secret is elegant in its simplicity: youve been carrying around everything you ever needed to get in shape, every day of your life.

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  • No, it isnt your wallet. Your bodyweight and a little specialized knowledge are enough to ensure incredible results and a lifetime of peak fitness.

    Bodyweight training can be as tough or as gentle as you want it to be. But the greatest problem with conventional bodyweight exercise programs, and the reason no one sticks with them, is lack of variation yep, theyre dull. You can only do so many push-ups, sit-ups and jumping jacks before boredom drives you away...

    Well, our solution is different. And if you give Bodyweight Burn a try, we think youll agree.

    So why the heck are we giving you this program for free?

    You may at this point be wondering whether were in our right minds especially those of you who already own one of our products and are aware of the high quality material we put out. As far as we know, were perfectly sane (more or less). Our thinking on this is as follows.

    People distrust the new and unfamiliar and rightfully so. Weve all been tricked by snake oil salesmen peddling the latest gimmick thats supposed to solve all our problems in one easy purchase. Thats why weve decided to create this ebook and accompanying videos. Its our way of earning your trust.

    This isnt just some free throwaway we whipped up one weekend. Weve put our best efforts into it. We hope youll honour us by doing the same. Download the program and try it out. Do the work, and after one month take a look in the mirror and recognize the transformation youve begun to unleash from within you. Then pop by our site and share your success with us.

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  • And if you decide, after trying this program, that youd like to have us as your coaches, we would be honoured to guide you to your next step in the world of bodyweight workouts.

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  • The Bodyweight Burn Program

    The goal of Bodyweight Burn is total body transformation.

    In order accomplish this, weve paired lean muscle gain with high intensity anaerobic work designed to create a massive metabolic disturbance.

    Adding muscle helps reshape your body because muscle is our most metabolically active tissue. Active tissue is important because the higher your metabolism, the more energy you consume simply through being alive. In addition to looking good and adding curves in all the right places, that means youll burn hotter and keep fat off even while at rest.

    Bodyweight Burn also incorporates a unique form of high intensity circuit training called Metabolic Resistance Training. If youre familiar with our training materials, youll know this is one of our favorite principles simply because it gives you so much bang for your buck. Metabolic Resistance sessions are an excellent way to maximize your workout when you have minimal time.

    Why does this style training burn more fat than moderate intensity cardio training? Simply put, after you finish your training session your metabolism explodes and burns a pile of calories. Those calories are being burned because your body must recover from the intense workout you just exposed it to. Contrary to what you might expect, you burn the most fat after your workout not during your workout.

    Metabolic Resistance Training also happens to be fast! One of the best things about it is that you no longer have to spend 30 minutes to an hour jogging your life away

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  • on a treadmill.

    If your goal is to melt fat, youve gotta push to the point where you feel you cant keep moving through the last few seconds of each set. Dont coast through these intervals push hard right from the beginning. Youll build the wherewithal to finish each session if you simply loose the reins and focus every moment on performing your hardest.

    Finally, Bodyweight Burn also saves you time and shortens your workouts by placing the exercises into very efficient supersets.

    Supersets combine two or more exercises with similar motions to maximize the amount of work done in a given period of time. The exercises are performed with no rest period between them.

    Those are just a few of the principles that weve packed under the hood of our Bodyweight Burn portable workout.

    Now lets get to the goods!

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  • Bodyweight Burn Warm Up

    Use this warm up before all your Bodyweight Burn workout sessions. Itll prime your joints and muscles for the work phase of the program.

    Warm UpWarm Up

    Shoulder Breathers 30 seconds

    Front / Back Arm Figure 8s 30 seconds each direction, both arms

    Hitchhiker / Arm Bar 30 seconds each direction

    Hip Hurdler 30 seconds, both legs

    Front / Back Leg Swings 30 seconds, both legs

    The day after you do a Bodyweight Burn workout, run through this warm up routine 3 times, moving slowly and smoothly. This will help speed up your recovery between workouts and maintain your range of motion. You can also use the warm up routine on your rest days.

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  • The Bodyweight Burn Workout

    This workout involves supersets with no break between sets.

    Begin your session with a quick run through of the Bodyweight Burn Warm Up.

    Complete 3 rounds of each superset before moving on. For example, perform 30 seconds of the One Leg Push Up, rest for 30 seconds, perform 30 seconds of Jump Squats, and rest for 30 seconds. Thats one round. Perform all three rounds before moving on to superset number two.

    Perform as many reps as possible at a steady tempo, with good form.

    Superset One - 3 roundsSuperset One - 3 rounds

    One Leg Push Up 30 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Jump Squat 30 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

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  • Superset Two - 3 roundsSuperset Two - 3 rounds

    Leash Pull 30 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Forward Twisting Lunge 30 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Rest 1 minute before moving on to 1 round of the Heart Rate Accelerator

    Heart Rate AcceleratorHeart Rate Accelerator

    Jumping Jacks 30 seconds

    Bucket Drops 30 seconds

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  • Complete 3 rounds of each superset before moving on.

    Superset Three - 3 roundsSuperset Three - 3 rounds

    Rocca Press 30 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Airborne Squat Left 30 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Airborne Squat Right 30 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Superset Four - 3 roundsSuperset Four - 3 rounds

    Leash Row 30 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Prison Squat 30 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    End your session with the Bodyweight Burn Cool Down.

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  • See the Exercise Description Appendix at the end of this manual for photos and performance cues for every exercise in the program.

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  • Bodyweight Burn Cool Down

    Use this flexibility cool down after all your Bodyweight Burn workout sessions. It was specifically designed to speed your recovery by releasing the tension you put into your body during the exercise circuits.

    Cool DownCool Down

    Seated Shoulder Stretch 30 seconds

    Kneeling Side Bend 30 seconds each direction

    Rabbit 30 seconds

    Lunge 30 seconds, both legs

    Sprint Start 30 seconds, both legs

    The day after you do a Bodyweight Burn workout, run through this cool down routine 3 times, working to the edge of your tension and seeking to dissolve it. The extra stretching session will help speed up your recovery between workouts. You can also use this routine on your rest days.

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  • Programming Bodyweight Burn

    The last point we have to cover is: how long and how often?

    If Bodyweight Burn is your main exercise modality, we suggest doing 3 sessions per week. Those who are already used to a vigorous training routine can do this workout as often as every second day.

    If Bodyweight Burn is NOT your main exercise modality, you can schedule it into your existing program. Here are some suggestions for doing so:

    Replace your conventional cardio session with Bodyweight Burn

    Use Bodyweight Burn as a convenient solution for training on business trips, vacations or for those hectic weeks when you cant get to the gym

    Do 3-4 repetitions of each exercise, slowly and deeply, as a warm-up for your regular workout routine

    We recommend that you use the program for one full month before taking a short break or switching it up.

    Best wishes, and good luck with your training!

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  • Exercise Description

    The following photos are a reminder of the directions presented in the detailed instructional videos. Study the videos carefully before you begin Bodyweight Burn.

    One Leg Pushup

    Begin in press up position, with elbows to ribs, shoulders packed down (no scapular flare), and chin down /crown long. Glutes are tight and knees locked, tailbone tucked, and thighs and core held strong to prevent belly sag and maintain solid alignment. Lift one leg off the ground and hold it there throughout the entire movement.

    Exhale hard and press up, engaging your core. As you press, drive your elbow pits forward to full lock. Lower under control and repeat. Change elevated legs with each rep.

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  • Jump Squat

    Stand with mid foot balance and spine stretched from crown to coccyx, creating a slight arch in the lower back. Press your hips back as though sitting in an invisible chair, then squat as far as you can without losing spinal alignment and the arch in your lower back. Arms come forward for balance.

    From the squat, exhale hard as you press the ground away with your legs, pushing through your heels and then snapping your hips up and forward. The hands drive down and back at the same time. Finish with hips fully extended and hands just behind your hips as you float at the apex of the jump.

    As you descend, begin folding the hips back to absorb the downward momentum with your legs. Land softly, making as little noise as possible.

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  • Leash Pull

    Stand with feet shoulder width apart, holding both leashes, and drop into a low squat, sitting back and hanging from the supports. Bend from the waist to get your spine in line with the leashes. Pull on both leashes, drawing elbows into your ribs to connect your core to the movement, and driving the chest up and out and the top. You can adjust the difficulty of the exercise by moving further away from the anchor point to make it easier, or moving closer to the anchor point to make it harder.

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  • Forward Twisting Lunge

    Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart, and on rails pointed straight ahead rather than splayed out. Elbows are held up and out at chest height. Exhale as you step forward, landing with mid-foot balance. As you step, twist from the waist towards your stepping leg. Squat on that forward leg until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Shin and back remain perpendicular, and hips in one line.

    Drive off the front leg again from mid-foot to return to a neutral standing position. Repeat, changing legs each time.

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  • Jumping Jack

    Jump up and down on the spot. As you jump, alternate between these two positions: legs together / arms at sides and legs apart / arms spread overhead.

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  • Bucket Drop

    Begin on ball of foot with your hands in contact with the ground. The grounded foot rotates onto the edge of foot (or foot sword) as you rotate in a tight arc to the opposite side. Free arm lifts and pulls back to guard position (elbow tight to ribs) as you drive from the hip to bring the free leg knee parallel to the ground.

    As you reach the end of the arc, the free leg foot hooks the ankle of the grounded leg. Maintain mid-foot contact with the grounded leg and palm contact (with fingers spread) with the grounded hand.

    As you rotate back to the opposite side the hands switch and the other knee reaches across to hook on the opposite foot. Exhale on the waist twist. Repeat this movement from side to side in a tight arc.

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  • Rocca Press

    Begin in a down dog position: palms in contact with the ground, elbows out, and fingers pointing toward each other at a 45 degree angle. Shift to your toes in order to maximize the amount of weight that is over your hands youll stay on your toes for the entire set.

    Bend your elbows at 45 as you lower to touch the crown of your head to the mat. Exhale and press back up, recruiting your core to tighten and drive. Shoulders remain in line with butt throughout.

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  • Airborne Squat

    Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart and on rails pointed straight ahead rather than splayed out. If you need assistance, hold the leashes and adjust your distance to adjust the difficulty. Feet farther from anchor point is easier, and feet directly beneath anchor point is hardest.

    Raise one leg and exhale as you squat on the opposite leg until your thigh is parallel to the ground and the free knee touches down. Shin and back remain perpendicular. Drive off the grounded leg from mid-foot to return to standing. You may use the foot of the free leg to assist, but only as much as necessary to return to standing. Work towards the goal of using no assist. if using the leashes, pull only as much as you need to in order to return to standing.

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  • Leash Row

    Begin in the decline position. Hips are held up in a bridge, forming a straight line between shoulders and knees. Adjust the difficulty of the movement by walking your feet back to increase the angle (perpendicular below the anchor point of the leashes is the most difficult).

    With your elbows tight against your body and shoulder blades pinched together, pull evenly with both arms until your hands are level with your waist. Avoid popping your chest, and pull with your lats. The crown of your head points away from your tailbone do not pitch your head forward and round your back. Lower with control and repeat.

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  • Prison Squat

    Stand with mid foot balance and spine stretched from crown to coccyx, creating a slight arch in the lower back. Place both hands behind your head and draw your elbows back. Press your hips back as though sitting in an invisible chair, then squat as far as you can without losing spinal alignment and the arch in your lower back.

    Exhale as you press the ground away with your legs, driving from mid foot to return to standing. Hands remain behind your head throughout.

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