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Board Meeting

5:30 – 7:30 Tuesday 5th December 2018

Healthwatch Office Training Room




Welcome, introductions and apologies 



Minutes and actions from 6 November meeting (page 2)


Communication and Engagement


Social media campaign and skills development (page8)


Finance, Personnel and Review 


Project summary updates (page 12)

· young influencers

· GP online

· physical and mental health

· endoscopy



Finance recommendations from meeting Friday 30 Nov

· Agree salary increase beginning January 2019 for three staff members.

· Agree reimbursement of Chief Executive Salary.

· Agree replacement programme for aging IT.

· Agree new Board member

Recommendations to be circulated following FPR meeting on Friday 30 November.



Income generation update.



Meeting dates for next year (page 14)





Minutes Board Meeting

Meeting 6th November 2018

Board Members:

David Burbidge (DB), Stephanie Dowker (SD), Iain MacLeod (IM) Mahbub Anam (MA), Randal Smith (RS), Karen Bollan (KB), Tim Oliver (TO), Lesley Pavitt (LP), Vicky Allen (VA) – LBTH Contract Manager, and a member of the public Gilbert Eruchalu.

Staff: Dianne Barham (CE), Aurora Todisco (AT).

Apologies: Fathimah Rofe (FR).

Agenda Items & discussion


Welcome, introductions & apologies

Minutes from previous meeting

Amendment on page 2:

From: To understand the effectiveness of public health prevention programmes – particularly for children.

To: To understand Public Health prevention programmes – particularly for children (during pregnancy the dentistry service is still free of charge).


· Single point of access: the Public Facing Portal is not progressing as fast as we thought. Dianne to talk to THT to understand the timeframe. If it is beyond a year that work on putting widgets on the Idea Store website was suggested. THT website is separate from LBTH. It isn’t clear what the Public Facing Portal will add to Google and there isn’t a comms plan to publicise it.

We want to add a facility that allows people to leave reviews on a service once they find the relevant service/page on the THT website. They can also see what other people have said about the service. A bit like Trip Advisor for local health services. This will add to our repository. We also add the reviews from Google Review.

· Ekko added on our website the search function.

· Report: link to the work programme.

· Dentist: link to the work programme.

· Raluca working remotely: this is working well. Regular phone catch ups with CE (Monday am 1:1 meeting over the phone) and the rest of the team (Friday am team meeting over the phone) plus other contacts when needed. The only issue she had was running the webinar for CCG to train them to use the Repository due to IT issues. She came the next week for face to face session.

· Skills check: on going between the board members before take decisions around governance training. Training provided by THCVS on 20/11/2018 has been shared; some have already booked.

Previous meeting minutes to be changed.

If Public Facing Portal is delayed look at putting widgets on Idea Store directory.

Finance, Personnel and Review

Six month work programme review


We are working on developing an experience-based co-design (EBCD) project working with a group of patients to review the service design.

We are facing difficulties on linking with patient representatives from patient groups at Barts.

DB shared a case study: patient affected by learning disabilities prematurely died, he wasn’t able to report that someone else in his family also had the same disease. Life expectancy of patients with mental health issues is shorter. STPs (Sustainability and Transformation Plans) to be reviewed to overcome health inequality. Particular issue with Bangladeshi men not wanting to access endoscopy.

-GP online

We are working with the CCG to understand how patient experience of access corresponds to the type of appointment process that a GP Practice operates. This involves a survey with patients and interviewing the GP Practices. The report will provide practices with guidance on how changes to their appointments process are likely to lead to improvements to patient experience. It will also be used by both the Primary Care Commissioning Group and the Financial Analysts in the CCG to pull patient experience evidence alongside other quantitative evidence to measure improvement across time. This is an important tool for their quality improvement programmes.

As part of the survey, we also aim to build up a member list of people interested in being contacted both by us and also by the GP Practice, the network, the locality or THT/CCG.

We are the best organisation to hold and handle data of patients because we are independent (mailing list and contact details are kept separate from the comments we share with GP Care Group, THT and TH CCG).

Patient leaders should share with us their interests to be the voice of the community and be supported on leading their own project. Use them to cascade on locality level events and to link with the PPGs.

-physical and mental health

We interviewed people that are facing:

· Homelessness (we’ve been to hostels, day centres, Health E1. Still on-going with night shelters and the Mission planned.

· Substance misuses issues,

to understand the impact of mental health on access to services for physical health problems.

We’ve been to the Homelessness Partnership Forum and we have taken into account the recommissioning of substance misuses services is happening.

We have a postgraduate student working on their master’s dissertation around substance misuses and mental health who will be continuing a number of visits.

IM is asking about the readmission to A&E: if it’s related to homeless using the waiting area during the winter season to avoid the cold weather or if they are missing their slot because they are sleeping in the waiting area.

We are also keen on getting views from staff members that work with homeless that are coming “regularly” to the hospital as the violence around staff has increased.

Have staff been trained around this topic during their induction? Increase professional development for nurses offering video or training that explain them what we do and can offer to patients, and ask Barts to share it on their website.

A Draft Report will be available mid January for consultation.

-young Influencers

We won the bid to NHS England and Good Things Foundation to support the project. We will receive £50K upfront. The project aims to collect the views from young people to redesign services.

2 sessions with the kids and their coordinator have been completed. The CCG is supporting the project and they are making a short film to be presented to governing body in Nov. They presented to the THT Born Well Growing Well partnership board.

We are working closely with schools because the overall project should involve 500 Bangladeshi kids. We need to train 60 digital ambassadors and interview in depth 30 of them.

They will access info, we will get their opinions and they will earn rewards.

We are working with Stepney Green and Mulberry schools to pilot the project; they are keen on promoting our survey around accessing digital info around health. We are offering a reward of £5 to all participant students. If they are able to attend other workshops, they will get £30 (we are currently working on 2/3 ideas: e.g. joint focus group around: asthma, mental health and youth violence.)

After this trial period, we need to be able to transform the project to something real that students are be able to carry on alone.

Dentistry (E&V) will be a subheading of this big project and we want to work also on tackling childhood obesity (with family, parents, young people) as LBTH has a bid available around this topic.

Income generation update TOTAL INCOME 2018/19 is £61,810 made of:





TO is wondering if LBTH may reduce our budget if we have the ability to independently generate other incomes. CE said it was specially agree when the Contract was awarded that any income generated would not impact on the core budget allocation.

Other possible incomes:

We would like to present the Young Influencers project at the corporate day of Canary Wharf with the idea of getting funding to refurbish the Hub and start the partnership with them. We have been invited to their breakfast meetings to showcase what we do. We may be ready when the Cancer Film will be finalised (Macmillan is branding it adding an introduction and final part).

West Ham is another possible step.

We are supporting LBTH to submit a funding application around Childhood Obesity to which we might become a partner.

Volunteer Support Officer

The post has been offered to a volunteer without following the standard recruiting procedure. She will be working 16 hours a week, from Monday to Thursday. She will have a temporary contract up to 30/04/2019 with review after 3 months. The new Volunteer Support Officer will be working with relatives and parents (mostly mums) about their personal experiences asking them about food choices and obesity. She will link with PPGs and other local groups. She will support the general outreach programme as well as the Patient Leaders. She will be the point of contact for the management of the Hub (after the refurbishment it will be the available for them as support for their projects and community voices).

Reception service space maybe available at RLH to be shared with Carer Centre and Age UK. Our volunteer programme can be based their regularly.

EBCD plan for endoscopy to be developed with Sarah Silverton.

Benita to look at homeless commissioning strategy.

Link Benita and Research Advisory Group.

FPRC to agree policy on volunteers moving to employment.

Communication and Engagement Committee

AGM/Stakeholder Event 2019

This year it focused on professional stakeholders and show casing our achievements/projects. The panel worked well. Time (early evening worked well) if you want professionals.

We should plan in advance the AGM 2019 with some high profile key speakers and we should:

· highlight better how we work and what we carried out or improved,

· set a target based on this year’s evaluation,

· make sure not to clash with other organisations event (ELFT) and consider Cabinet meetings.

AGM day and venue to be set in advance.

Draft Communications Plan

We have a social media student that will:

· design campaign to promote our priorities (What we want to bring out? A sustainable campaign?),

· cut Cancer Film into short clips to be shared asking people what they think about (online engagement is different from sharing only).

Redraft partners to be added on our social media (not for profit organisation to work in partnership / contact admin of existing groups / ask them to share and promote us).

We are looking on recruiting new volunteers.


New board members: we have the capacity for max 2 new members (Finance and Comms expertise are priorities).

Adults social care network: IM contact - RS contact – MA contact (master degree math graduate).

Conference QI centre: linking to the childhood and obesity project TO report that pre-primary school kids are more physically active than students at university are. More activities have been promoted by the Health Minister, but has TH adopted the new guidelines? Who is recording the performances?

Primary Care Commissioning. KB to circulate PCC papers.

Care home: Has the local authority adopted a policy/plan to overcome the risks of failing Care Homes? Who can recommission the service? We have 4 care homes in TH as Gateway have shut there’s down. There isn’t a good use of the beds. They could link better with the hospitals and move patients to a care home earlier. Like the Care Hotel idea.

It’s not a problem if the patient is choosing to go outside of the borough, but we need to consider it as a concern if they feel pressurised, if the standard of care is not adequate or if the cost isn’t fair compared to the quality.

Toenail cutting service: quality impact on patients to be discussed between DB and Michael (Community Health Services Commissioner?). Comparison with private hospitals.

Mental Health Task Group: attendance to be encouraged between different organisations in the borough that can be represented by one of their officer as they may benefit on joining the group because we are an independent voice in TH.

Link Comms plan with THCVS and LBTH (biggest employer in TH).

KB to review Board applicants (and do tel interview after FPRC (30/11).

KB to circulate PCC papers.

Meeting with Warwick Thomson to be booked.





If Public Facing Portal is delayed look at putting widgets on Idea Store directory.


The Public Facing Portal has now been subsumed into a similar joint directory project being developed within the Council. A Steering Group is being set up which we’ve been invited to join. We aim to demonstrate how the widget would work at the first meeting.


EBCD plan for endoscopy to be developed with Sarah Silverton.


Sarah has now been given the go ahead to move forward with the project and we’re trying to tie down the relevant staff lead from Endoscopy. It would be great to have any Board members and patient leaders involved in the project group.


Look at homeless commissioning strategy.




Link Benita and Research Advisory Group.




FPRC to agree policy on volunteers moving to employment.


Going to meeting on 30 Nov


AGM day and venue to be set in advance.


Bring dates to the next Comms and Engagement meeting


Link Comms plan with THCVS and LBTH (biggest employer in TH).


Bring dates to the next Comms and Engagement meeting


KB to review Board applicants (and do tel interview after FPRC (30/11).


Report following meeting on 30 Nov


KB to circulate PCC papers.




Meeting with Warwick Tomsett to be booked.


Trying to agree at date at the moment.


Healthwatch Young Influencers Social Media Plan

· Overall Plan

· Launch will last just under two weeks

· Targeted organisations will be invited (via DM) to either share our work or to get involved in a discussion about what are the most important health needs for young people using #YoungInfluencers.

· Organisations to target

· Spotlight

· Young Mayor

· Haileybury Youth Centre

· Launch post - 9AM on December 10th

· One tweet/Instagram post targeting young people, the other targeting adult stakeholders.

· Young people post: “Listen up! @HWHealthwatch is launching an @NHSDigital Pathfinder Funded Project looking for young influencers to step up and #ContributeToCodesigning health services here in #TowerHamlets! What service do you need? #YoungInfluencers”

· Instagram video: Clip 2

· Twitter video: Clip 5

· Adult people post: #HealthwatchTowerHamlets is launching an @NHSDigital Pathfinder Funded Project with @goodthingsfnd looking for #youngpeople to step up and contribute to #codesigning health services here in #TowerHamlets #YoungInfluencers

· Instagram video: Clip three_Under thirty seconds

· Twitter video: Clip 5

· 12PM on December 10th (On Young twitter and Instagram):

· Our ears are open and we’re ready to listen. Are you ready to speak up?

#CallingAllYoungInfluencersinTowerHamlets #YoungInfluencers

· On Instagram this caption should be partnered with a picture of young influencers, or of the project logo.

· Day 3: December 11th 12PM

· Young twitter and Instagram caption: Change begins with open discussion. That’s why we need #YoungInfluencers like you to tell us what social and health services young adults need in Tower Hamlets! #CallingAllYoungInfluencersinTowerHamlets

· On Instagram include picture of young influencer, project logo or other eye catching image. Maybe a picture representing Tower Hamlets.

· Adult twitter and Instagram: “The real power of young people lies in the ability for them to tell us what they need and when they will use it and how they will use it. If we can’t listen to them we have no hope to really reach them and involve them in their care!” – Daniel Devitt, the Senior Programme Manager of Born Well Growing Well Programme in #TowerHamlets #QuoteOfTheDay #YoungInfluencers

· Day 4—7

· Break the nutrition infographic up into a few different slides to post on Instagram and Twitter

· Each post can be related to one of the “key findings” with the supportive graph as the picture.

· The accounts with more traction: “Check out what our Young Influencers found out about what young people are saying about their diet.”

· YI accounts: it might be more impactful to use some of the qualitative quotes on the infographic as the caption? We can also use these captions to engage with the youth by presenting a quote about fast food then asking “how often do you eat fast food?”

· End every campaign run with the “call to action” you were talking about: “what can we do to help young people recognize the importance of a balanced diet?” or something.

· Day 4, December 12th

· Adult twitter and Instagram at 9AM:

· Young people hold our #future in their hands. Let’s give them the tools to make the world a better place. See how this #YoungInfluencer is working with #Healthwatch to help make a difference in #healthandsocialcare!

· Attach clip 4

· Young People twitter and Instagram at 11AM:

· Because of #YoungInfluencers we now know that half of young adults in #TowerHamlets eat #fast#food at least once a week! #Themoreyouknow

· Attach image:

· Day 6, December 17th

· Young adult twitter at 12PM: “Its crucial to get the voice of #YoungPeople involved in designing services…if you don’t understand the experience, the context, and the life of young people - if you’re not prepared to listen -how can you possibly hope to give them the services they need in the way they need them.” – Daniel Devitt, the Senior Programme Manager of Born Well Growing Well Programme #QuoteOfTheDay” #YoungInfluencers

· Young adult Instagram 3:30PM: Young influencers competed to see if it was boys or girls who drunk more water. Winner is….Girls! #BecomeAPartofTheResearch #YoungInfluencers

· Attach image:

· Day 8—10

· Possible new content that you all have been working on can take place during the beginning of the second week?

· Day 11—14

· Post Instagram pictures of young people getting involved in community activities/health concerns

· Ask broad questions about what the apparent health issues are in Tower Hamlets and what young people can do to help.

· Possibly utilize Instagram polls and ask questions on Instagram stories. Young people are more likely to respond to polls than older audiences. Older audiences should be asked on twitter and told to discuss in the comment section. Post each Instagram poll at Nine in the morning so that potential responses can be shown the following day.

· Young audience

· Yes or no: Do you feel Tower Hamlets offers services specifically for young people?

· Yes or no: Do you prefer eating healthy or eating junk food?

· Yes or no: Do you prefer to drink water or soda?

· Yes or no: Do you like going to the dentist?

· Response options:

· Yes or no

· Not so much (sad face emoji) or Its fine (thumbs up emoji)

· I HATE the dentist or Me and my dentist are on a first name basis

· We want to hear your stories! How was your last GP visit?

· We wanna hear from you! If you could create a service which targets a health issue in young people living in Tower Hamlets, what would it be?

· Older audience each at 12PM

· We wanna hear from you! If you could create a service which targets a health issue in young people living in Tower Hamlets, what would it be?

· Yes or no: Do you feel Tower Hamlets offers services specifically for young people?

More Applicable Information

Half of young adults in Tower Hamlets eat fast food at least once a week! Which half do you belong to? #TwoTypesofPeople #ChickenShopDilemma

Only about half of young adults prefer water to soft drinks. News flash! Water is cheaper and you need it to live! #GetAWaterBottle


Project Outline and Progress







GP services

Improving GP services through greater online access

Provide regular trends analyses reports to the CCG/GPs to understand if online access is improving patient experience.

Focus on gathering the views of people aged 25 to 49 who are more likely to adopt online options. Undertake focus groups and workshops to understand needs and expectations and to test developing models e.g algorithms, emails, apps, video, full medical record access.

Staff and patient leaders to participate in CCG/GP quality improvement programme.

Primary Care Commissioning team at the CCG to access CIR and provide triangulated data to the QI programme.

Series of Enter and View visits to early adopter practices to understand the impact. Gather feedback from people not using online as to what would enable them to do so. Understand additional information that could be there or support which could be provided within practices.

Expected completion by March 31 2018

GP online consultation models are co-produced and evaluated with patients because of our community intelligence.

The CCG/GP Care Group use our community intelligence across their quality improvement projects to assess the impact on improving patient experience.

Projects and initiatives that have demonstrated an impact on patient experience can be quickly adopted across the networks.

Projects shown not to have an impact can be stopped sooner minimising waste.

Increase in online consultations leads to greater patient satisfaction and a decrease in the demand for face-to-face appointments.

Increase in GP time available for people with long-term conditions.

Patients understand and utilise the primary and urgent care system more effectively and efficiently, as they understand how to use it and have the right information at the right time to enable them to manage their health and wellbeing.

Conducting research looking at the various appointment booking systems and processes used by practices across the Borough and comparing that against their patient experience data with a view to making recommendations on how practices could improve patient experience.

Data sharing agreed and commenced with the CCG re patient experience data and the GP patient survey.

Outreach taking place in all of the GP Practices to conduct surveys on access. Aims is to have at least 10 people in each practice providing feedback.

Interviews taken place with 4 GP Practices.

Working with GP Care Group and the CCG to increase the number of local people engaged in working with practices, networks and localities to improve services.

Invited to the Primary Care Executive Meeting to discuss outcomes and impact.

Mental Health

Insights from community mental health service users

Enter and View Visits to community settings where we feel that it would appropriate and effective to talk to users. E.g. this might be ok at community support group venues but not appropriate directly after therapy.

Undertake focus groups in community settings e.g. Look Ahead user group, Inspire groups to talk to people about the variety of support they may receive in the community including CMHT.

Expected completion by February 28 2018

Number of comments gathered from mental health users.

Number of workshops.


Report on the community insights from mental health users of community based services.

Recommendations on how community health services could be improved.

Improved community mental health services.

The project has focused on Homelessness and Substance misuse and its relation to mental health problems and support. This enabled us to provide user feedback to support the recommissioning of substance misuse services being conducted by the Local Authority. It also allowed us to influence the Homelessness Partnership Forums focus on Scrutiny Committees review outcomes. We have undertaken

We have conducted 7 Enter & View visits to 6 services, interviewing 51 people. We will use feedback to produce reports on:

Substance Misuse Services

Integrated services for people who are Homeless and/or have a substance misuse problem.

They will then feed into a broader piece of work looking at how well services work together to support people with physical and mental health needs.

We may conduct research with patients who have been ‘specialed’ (are suffering a mental health episode) at the Royal London Hospital.

This project has been supported by 2 US post graduate students and by a masters student conducting his dissertation on mental and physical health.

Young People

The Young Influencers will develop and test their own mechanisms for engaging and gathering insights of young people in Tower Hamlets. These mechanisms could include, but are not limited to

· Social media platforms

· Messaging Platforms

· Online and in-person polls

· Videos

· Face/phone interviews

· Focus groups & workshops.

Young Influencers will also consider the following factors

· Youth representation on local decision making bodies

· What they would expect in return for their feedback from commissioners and providers and how this could be mechanised.

Research on the potential of a reward scheme, loyalty card or credits that young people would earn in return for their insights

Expected completion of the NHS England Digital Inclusion Project is October 2019. The project is ongoing with the aim to become self sustaining.

A strategic framework that provides mechanisms (both digital and face-to-face) for engaging youth in Tower Hamlets, to be completed by October 2018.

Potential framework for the implementation of a reward scheme, which would incentivise young people to give insight into their health and care.

100 young people engaged in the community as a result of YI testing different engagement mechanisms

Insights into the needs of youth in Tower Hamlets, and therefore the ability to assist in improvements in the commissioning, design and delivery of health services.

Further 500 youth engaged because of Young Influencers strategic plan.

Long-term empowerment of young people to feel ownership over their own health.

Tackle youth disengagement and isolation by enabling them to actively engage in improving youth wellbeing and their community.

Allow public, community and potentially private sector organisations to gain data insights and feedback on young people’s views on the design, delivery, provision and evaluation of a service or product

A film was produced by the CCG highlighting the work of the Young Influencers. This was presented to the CCG Governing Body and the Integrated Care lead is meeting with the Outreach and Engagement Officer to see how they can be built into the joint commissioning process.

We were successful in our bid to NHS England Digital Inclusion for 50K to develop the project. Working with the Good Things Foundation to develop a prototype. Surveys will go into Stepney Boys and Mulberry Schools in December to test the project assumptions re signposting and incentives..

Developing a longer term funding plan to potentially expand the project across other Boroughs or the STP area. .







Royal London Hospital

Improving hospital administrative systems and patient information

We have agreed with the RLH Senior Leadership Team to undertake a pilot project in Endoscopy to recruit patients to take part in a service redesign process with an emphasis on improving administration and empowering them through better information. Review use of co-production, co-design, Agile and QI models to undertake the work.

We would recruit the patients through the clinics. Barts would recruit staff. Look at how the system works now and how both staff and patients would design it in the future.

Workshop with 8-10 patients and 8-10 staff.

Proposed co-produced redesign of the endoscopy clinical pathway.

Improved patient experience in Endoscopy

Fewer DNAs

Improved information

Model is used in other areas of the hospital.

Expand learning to other clinics, wards and departments.

Improved patient experience in all areas of the Royal London Hospital

Reduction in bed days.

Agreed Endoscopy project with the Board and the Senior Leadership Team at RLH. Working with Barts Engagement Lead and Patient Leaders to do undertake an experience based co-design project. This is taking a long time to get started and we’ve had to go back through the Senior Leadership Team to get some traction on it.

Aurora has put together a calendar with the proposed meeting dates for the next two years. The dates proposed have been set to enable the Finance Personnel and Review Committee to meet prior to the Board meetings and to enable the QuickBooks bookkeeping entries to be entered into the system for reporting to FPR Committee and for the quarterly reporting to go to the Board prior to submission to the Local Authority. The Board meetings which do not fall before the quarterly reporting will be used for more strategic issues such as vision and priority setting, AGM planning and Board skills development.

Board Meetings 2019-2020






Finance, Personnel and Review Committee

Training Room

Fri 30/11/2018



Board Meeting

Training Room

Tue 04/12/2018



Q4 2018/2019

Comms and Engagement

Training Room

Tue 08/01/2019



Finance, Personnel and Review Committee

Training Room

Thu 10/01/2019


Q3 2018/2019

Board Meeting


Tue 15/01/2019


Agree recommendations from Comms and Finance

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 24/01/2019



Board Meeting


Tue 19/03/2019


Set new year priorities

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 28/03/2019



Q1 2019/2020

Comms and Engagement


Tue 09/04/2019



Finance, Personnel and Review Committee


Thu 11/04/2019


Q4 2018/2019

Board Meeting


Tue 16/04/2019


Agree recommendations from Comms and Finance

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 23/05/2019



Board Meeting


Tue 18/06/2019


AGM settings

Q2 2019/2020

Comms and Engagement


Tue 09/07/2019



Finance, Personnel and Review Committee


Thu 11/07/2019


Q1 2019/2020

Board Meeting


Tue 16/07/2019


Agree recommendations from Comms and Finance

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 25/07/2019



Board Meeting


Tue 17/09/2019


AGM evaluation

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 26/09/2019



Q3 2019/2020

Comms and Engagement


Tue 08/10/2019



Finance, Personnel and Review Committee


Thu 10/10/2019


Q2 2019/2020

Board Meeting


Tue 15/10/2019


Agree recommendations from Comms and Finance

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 28/11/2019



Board Meeting


Tue 17/12/2019


Away day

Q4 2019/2020

Comms and Engagement


Tue 14/01/2020



Finance, Personnel and Review Committee


Thu 16/01/2020


Q3 2019/2020

Board Meeting


Tue 21/01/2020


Agree recommendations from Comms and Finance

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 23/01/2020



Board Meeting


Tue 17/03/2020


New year priorities

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 26/03/2020



Q1 2020/2021

Comms and Engagement


Tue 14/04/2020



Finance, Personnel and Review Committee


Thu 16/04/2020


Q4 2019/2020

Board Meeting


Tue 21/04/2020


Agree recommendations from Comms and Finance

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 28/05/2020



Board Meeting


Tue 16/06/2020


AGM settings

Q2 2020/2021

Comms and Engagement


Tue 14/07/2020



Finance, Personnel and Review Committee


Thu 16/07/2020


Q1 2020/2021

Board Meeting


Tue 21/07/2020


Agree recommendations from Comms and Finance

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 23/07/2020



Board Meeting


Tue 15/09/2020


AGM evaluation

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 24/09/2020



Q3 2020/2021

Comms and Engagement


Tue 13/10/2020



Finance, Personnel and Review Committee


Thu 15/10/2020


Q2 2020/2021

Board Meeting


Tue 20/10/2020


Agree recommendations from Comms and Finance

Mental Health Task Group


Thu 26/11/2020



Board Meeting


Tue 15/12/2020


Away day


top related