bjorks analysis

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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bjork cephalometric analysis



2. CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONMANDIBULAR ROTATIONSSEVEN SIGNS OF GROWTH ROTATIONBJORK'S FACIAL DIAGRAMANGULAR AND LINEAR PARAMETERSCONCLUSION 3. Dr ARNE BJORK (1911-1996) Arne Bjrk was born on 1911 in Dalarne, Sweden. After his dental training in Stockholm, he practised dentistry from 1937 to 1951. During these years he also studied anthropology and genetics at the Swedish Institute for Human Genetics. In 1947 he published the famous dissertation The Face in Profile. 4. 1949-1950 chairman of orthodontics in Malmo, Sweden 1951-1981 professor of orthodontics in Royal Dental college, Denmark 1973 received the Ketcham award of Am. Board of orthodontics. 1980 nominated as member of World Federation of Orthodontics 5. Bjork conducted a study in 1951 using metal implants to find the sites of growth and resorption in individual jaws, and individual variation in direction and intensity.Bjork gave seven structural signs to find the direction of mandibular growth rotation. 6. FORWARD ROTATION OF MANDIBLE Type I About the centre in the TMJ. 7. Type II. About the centre located at the incisal edges of the lower anterior teeth. 8. Type III. Centre of rotation to the of premolarsregion 9. BACKWARD ROTATION OF MANDIBLE Type I Centre lies at the TMJ Openbite develops 10. TYPE II Centre is at the most distal occluding molars. This occurs in connection with growth in the sagittal direction at the condyles. The soft tissue of the chin may not follow this movement and a characteristic double chin may form. Difficulty in closing lips without strain. 11. The seven signs were: 1.Inclination of the Condylar head. 2.Curvature of the Mandibular canal. 3.Shape of the lower border of mandible. 4.Inclination of the Symphysis. 5.Interincisal angle. 6.Intermolar or Interpremolar angles. 7.Lower Anterior face height. 12. INCLINATION OF THE CONDYLECondylar Inclination 13. CURVATURE OF THE MANDIBULAR CANAL 14. SHAPE OF THE LOWER BORDER OF MANDIBLE 15. INCLINATION OF SYMPHYSIS 16. INTERINCISAL ANGLE 17. INTER MOLAR AND PREMOLAR ANGLE 18. LOWER ANTERIOR FACIAL HT. 19. BJORK'S ANALYSIS Three groups of Scandinavian(Swedish) male school children: Group I 20 twelve year old Group II 322 twelve year old Group III -281 high school graduates. Roentgenograms taken at a distance of 155 cms were used. The facial diagram was constructed and analysed. 20. He put forward a facial diagram in which the linear and angular configurations determine the amount and distribution of facial prognathism. This facial diagram that implicates these changes constitutes the Bjorks Analysis. 21. LANDMARKS USED WERE: A Articulare. Gn Gnathion. Pg Pogonion. Id Infradentale. Sp spina nasalis anterior (ANS) Dd Chin angle, pt of intersection of mandibular plane and line tangent to ID and pogonion. 22. Pr Prosthion Kk gonial angle The plane of reference he took was the SN plane. 23. Construction of facial diagram A line drawn from the prosthion to ANS to the nasion, to the center of sella turcica (S), to articulare to the Gonial angle (KK), to Chin angle (DD), and from these to infradentale (Id). 24. ANGULAR MEASUREMENTS Angles formed by lines at NAngles formed by lines at SAngle formed by lines at ArAngle formed by lines at KKAngle formed by lines at DD 25. ANGLES AT NASION These measures the facial profile in relation to the cranial base. Max. Alv. Prog. 843 Mand. Alv. Prog.796 26. ANGLE AT SELLA It provides a means of measuring the shape of the cranial base. 1235 27. ANGLE AT ARTICULARE It shows the forward or backward diversion of mandible. 1436 28. ANGLE AT KK 1287 29. ANGLE AT DD 30. POSITION OF FORAMEN MAGNUM 31. INCLINATION OF FOREHEAD 32. LINEAR MEASUREMENTS Sella nasion line 71cm3 33. Sella articulare line 32cm3 34. Articulare KK line 44cm5 35. KK to DD 71cm5 36. Facial prognathism may be due to Shortening of the cranial base.Angular deflection of the cranial base.A small ramus cranial base angle.Increased jaw length. 37. PARAMETERSBJORK'S NORMSPT. VALUEINFERENCESADDLE ANGLE1235124NORMALAr ANGLE1436141NORMALGo ANGLE (KK)1287126NORMALSN LINE713cm71cmNORMALSAr LINE323cm40cmINCREAED THAN NORMALArKK LINE445cm57cmINCREASED THAN NORMALKK-DD LINE715cm87cmINCREASED THAN NORMAL

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