bitimger · p~esides a$ college·...

Post on 22-Oct-2020






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  • Bitimger · P~esides A$ College· Head -

    Frederfok ·Reveals ' Choir Placements ;

    Re11eatlng au occuf.renc'o ot Jut year, AfcPPeraon CoUOKO again bas over 25 'f'er cent or her student body In "dfftorent college choln und arftaH ensPmhles. Tho Cba1>ol

    Last week, with the academic • turn of the century, und A Ca1•pella choirs 11re cum, , !'icPherson College entered her 6.Srd ·year and officially fe0::~ .. ~~rc3h6 .~~11~0~1 0":~1:· ,~~: •• co\ maugurat~d Dr. Desmond W. Bittinger as the tenth presi- Members o" tho recety~d hon-.

    :\fon _ Selgmund-Schultzc. Gerhard was r. l nger 188 >een tor 0 • reseor or Modern Languag·ea. Dr. 1>here. and Who's Who In ChlcagO' Thralls. born a t .Breslau , Eaet Germany, the Chu rch or the Di·eth~en lJB- Llkhlte was horn In Ponna, lnd-un'd Vlcln lt.)'. • McPherson Graduate and attended Oottlogen Unlversl- 11er, . The Go11pel 'Messen,ger, 1rnb- la. and bas travel&d In Europe and"

    J)r. and Mrs. Ulltl.nse~ a nd ram- Wit1s · Seco d I C t l W · B • ty for two years. He la preparing Jlahe'"• D. s.~ l\1cPher-

    • Alcohol Problem. Mrs. Llo)d, body this year. He Is MOU ?JSa Ra- Ing Dean aud Head of the Chemls- son College, 1945; :a. o .. .BetbanY \; Sjek Betnms ~ Oct,9be!' "' . 'Ylfe of ,Jl.Qhert Lloyd, lL junior at •Mr. irnd Mra. Orvo.t Wagnor r~ :r.tnl.a t b.o cRpttol chy ot'. T~~ • trY f5ei&~ti11 8nt atter a t W'O-year Semln•l'1, r9uq, hu been aecure(l ~

    ~lss Mildred Slek, head of the ' McPhOrson College, competed cently assumed overaUon or tho heran. teu·e of absence. During this uOic to sene .. ,as Aufunl Secretary and - -H6me Economics Department.- wm .... - v.Jth over .. 2,000 oth$1 etodent.s In ~ ... 1ocn1 McPheuon Colle50 ..... farm". _._ JYJ.!!!.t~ C~·ezo 8 ".!"~'·ed on Mon... he completed bis residence Vt'OTk Director ot Placement . aQd to. as-

    not be able to eulrt the' LCrm a& the contest. She receh•ed $511 In Comins to Kansas Crom a farm In dny, Sept. 11, Crom I uerto l_l.l co to dor the Ph. D. degree al Ohio Un- slat In sludent so11elatlon, ...Ml . teacher because ot ll1e Illness or ,.J,rJ~ .. e money. ~ ~ : tho s late of w&shlogton. the Wag- become a member of the aopbo.i h'ors tt.y , a nd seryed as pasior of Mays Jpent 'two ·years In lWl.)• do-11.n uncle. Miss Slek bas made Besldca the casl1 uward, Mrs. ni f fa mily roi; ldes ut the co1lege- more class or McPherson College. Voa e Church of the Brethren. at. Ing relter fnd rehabilitation work

    v hor ho1i10 with tho·nunt and uncle Lloyd recelv~d a scholnrshl1> to owned tu.rm on Lhe east edge of Miu Cereio hatl been a t eacher Belle[ontulne, Ohto. under the auspices ot the Brethren at Hope, Kanfllls, In ihe vaat and the Institu te or -Alcohol Problems McPherson. · ' tor four years and sbe i& majoring r1 -... "Co k A n l\t Service CoinmJuton. ~ ; . ht remaining: with her aun t during 9thlch \..·as held In Ohio the lust ru addition to Mr. and Mrs. Wag· In sociology. - l'h1:..~o~ C~l)eg1~1.~94s~t the ~e';· ~ "~. -r.auon, A .. n .. Sout~· her uncle's ex tended sickness. week or Augus t. ner the family consists of lnln, f 1n8tructor In women·a pbysJca l ed- western College. l 9U : A. 1\1 •• tho

    - -·-~-- "- ·-· • ~ .. - - - • l ~....YS@r.:..!l!~::J.!!!!! ·.l!!i:lt.: 1c 001 ·-Russell..Shubz· - " ucallon. Ml•J- Coppook.-.1> ..... bee - U.!\!~'!!t.y or •• K.•n••o, 1949; Ph. ~ .M U

    ' JI . H _..._,._ - student, and Ve1va, •Who baa al- • , . --~-doln-g-gradua'te of'k'"'1n-,, ·• Kan ... ;:Statei--CoUege -.950.,...,........., a campus : Jiu..ergoes . ready •nrulled at McPheroon Col- Joins Kans s Bar education at-the University of Kan- 1, ~Iatan! Prof ... or of Chenilt _' ,~ener~l fa' Ce"Lif. tin• g . . lcge us a rreijhmua tbla year. Jtusaseit Shu ltz. ~ ·t O , was sworn :~sa t~::.~~::1am::~1:eo~!u~h!r~~~~ ~;~~1:11ee1;1~~~~::i d:le~~~e ri:.c~l~r~~ . ~ • ~n '~~':"co~~=t.~;3!. ~~:..u~:;:~~ In as a mef91Jer or lh i! Ka Mas bar lb addition to teaching physical od~ too Is a apec la ltat ¥tn me,tcoroloa. ,.

    tfMaca.mpus has undergone·a gehw oCihe cl&Ksrooms a nd dormlLOry atnted Lhat U1e college had 160 berore a meeting or thP Kanf&s u

  • ~ · The Spectill~r Fri;, Sept •. 16, 1950 ••• . 2 . . . . ' ' . . '

    ·&J~~tj~' \Can B.~ Perllou~ ' 1Fre~h Qiieptat~o~~·fl'ftgf.~.· W!tafDo · · '~!:~;;~:.~:. ~ . >:f>_., ' ' . "I' . • U_ ·o U., "1l_ p..._"'-J-! • V .. ·m..~·.!·_~ 1..:9 Maeamp11 .. t•l)!led ,~ '· , ': ·. " ·~ •''. " .. ,' · ' Tbe .. purpoliii of !bl• ccilumn 1, · 1111 .. Lebman,a-.eteran,tranler,

    / hia, feet and walJc:ed on again '°'Nefther ·"'!'1111. In a jiangllfP.!111 pean Berk~blle has announc~ ~hat telttpqokji, Thl!:. to irlve the st'udimte an 0j1110r111,nt· . ct~crl~ed ~be secu,i:lt:r Cou11 ~'•"!• "'• t.h• con...,. . ·

    . m!)veil· oil: · They had not lieen greatly endangered. which the as8ignmerit. is , . . :. , . i. T6o a~bJpc t ror i11acuulon . 'Malf.e Frienda,' Saye · there on nian grj!w quickly ip his ed,ucatlona~ un- One ho)Jr of credt will.l:>e giv~n this year for the Fr!)!h- ~~e 1!01:~; 1::1;,:~~ wtll he p~lnt- President In GJiapel ·

    -··rerSUin ~iiiii:-1w"itn eiich""":li~ldlfd bit of· kno:Wledge-he-be---~-men. orlenta on classes which,~~ at 11 :;;_!; ':!:i.m:;d Flory ... Ei:ecutb·e accused . the u . · s. Ma·

    • ~pfulne~:'f'!I: Jh'! ~i'!1dom of God. · . . ~~~~~a:.?.ur McPherson College vcicattons. cont.: :_ ·· rtntia or ba•lnr "a propararjd• .. ~ucatiop, J\llt ,educatl~, ~y not be at all helpfq), · Prof. Rtclrnrd warehaJU Ch urch Service Work-Pro!. ;;'~~~~~~· •econd o,nlr lo J?aepb -

    Bide To School! Back to Oli~er'sl -..:,:"' "": The.,, riaht 1'.ind o'f education Cati be peraon aaYln1 and ''The ,n!'creatlonu.l rrogfam nnd Jack Kough "Tbts ; emarlt Wfll a blunder

    wC.r~d .&Yin1.. . • Ito It eta lion to .a Balanced Lite ~~!::d E!:;~!:1;; - !or many reason a. The !Int rea-•'O'ltorth:e •t WrPh"""n,

    Su1Q:!iittJ•~~:n!:. ll .50

    AddrtU All Con'ftpondenu to . TllE srECTA'l'Oa

    llcPh.non. Xlinau

    TH& EDITORIAL STAFF Rowan Jtelm - .. -.. --··--·-····•······-··--··-···· ·····-··· •. .. 'F.dltor-ln·ChiC":f

    ·•n-n· Couihnour --····-··-······--·-······-·· .. ··-··· .•.. ll•••slnr Editor llott-•rd Ttldd ····-:. .. ·-···- -·-····· ........ - .................. -. . .... ·-······ ····-· Camp\UI Editor M.a,· ···-··-·········-··-····"'·· ··-··- ···--··-"··· .. ·········-·······-·· ... ·- Soclet)o Editor

    ~ ~:-v~;~·;;·:·:.=.=;::::· ~::~::~:=;::;~;:·:·:::: · ;:.,~~,','~'::~; Jaba FINlflon• Dnn CC!tton Mel.,Jn Flahburn Howard Kithlinl'n- ~1otnf Mankey Mlldnwt lkd: 811e Smltll 'W•rne Zlf'Slrt K•thlJ'n X..r11Un Nadt1• .Saa.~r IJ•rw7n Oltman

    ; , + . 1 . TH~ BUSINESS STAFF

    [;~~~~~~~~ .. ~~=-~:~~~:~;::~~~~~~~:~~~~·~f~~' ;~~~

    ' <

    THE.HOME STATE B~ _ M. ,

  • uNtsco"·c· h·' · 1 , . _ . ape Ha~ International 'Flavoi.)· Sept. .f8.

    · Aa:Hn1bly Se11t . 1 8 ·wm ht1.\:e ~ti · .•• ): Sntetnatlonal fl O\"Or, accOrd lng to

    • S1l1'us Florfl , cha irman or t.he Mo'Phersoil College 'UNESCO. 'I'h8 · pro«iTam wlll Include an ln11trumen-tol aol'? by Mrs. V. N. Ll khlte. a talk by Gerh'ard Sleg1itund-Schu1t.-ze. music by the Snm,oan qunrtet , nn4 o talk by Nasser YydL

    The ~ollege UNESCO ChatHer ts tt direct member of the Rlnte or-ganltatlon . Mr. FIOr n-16 tho -tJhn h'--

    :::~:~e~.r~r~r~~Y~:~:r ~l~~~n~1rt~~~ An International pen pol cnm-

    JlRlg-n, a UNESCO purty, cd 11 co llon-

    :~dm:v~:d~~ofi'n 1~!~8~ntra::~t.r~er~ belnK plan~ by the organtzut_lon.

    Freshmen Ha-vc Auuual "Get Acquainted" Party

    Monday t!~enln g. Sept. .t , the t rHhmen got 't.Ogethe r In SharJl Him .tor their . nnnirnl "s;e t uequointed" llRrty. At 7 :-:i O they met. in the nl1ditorlum to hear. Dr. R . E. Mohler pi-eRent on address on "Colle1:c Frlend-Hhl1ls . ' ' ·tF ollo .. ·in g th lrc f! \•e r}'Oll e ~tt.thereq_ 'In Ute SUR ro r the 1•nr1y which wtls In chnrs;e or Ju c.:k Kough Dnd th fr R ea.ny. Ml sl'I Krehbie l nnd Mr. l .. ehm-

    herg , dUo _planl sti;, pla yed select-ions from n8ch-Foss, and Drnhrus-Maler nntl tieveraJ other CompoK-ers. lnclu{ling; a selection by Cnss-

    , Je r who la n 11ath·e oL .Hcsst:on , "Kansas and a grad'u"'n-t8 ·rrom"': ~tc'.. PhersOn College.

    iu ents consisting or punch, cup- "These a r e speclulls fllrong cakes, mtnls And nuta were serv- pants s ir , they stmJ)ly la ugh al ed t o HO guesLB. th e laundry."

    · vo~1~~~ ~~~ ·~;}e~Jl~'tei.0~~~:. ih~0

    t1~~°: b1!1c~k ii;n:1; t11!\~d '!fctmC: Donul.d F_rederlck. and Mrs. Roy- • split." mond Flory were hostessea • .

    Coach Wareltam Weds ~:~~~ttl:;:ri~~:reJroVe and Lois During SulJlnier Month Yoder. ... . Miss Coaette Will, daughter o[ . Decorations: Donnie ·Martin . o.nd R e" · and Mrs. Ha rpe r Will of Be tty Hnngarne.

    ~~~11:~!~1 c~=~~~~ch~~~ ~!~:.~~n~~ ~ :l~.~!!~10~~:1t~fn~~~:r~owman and nt o. wedding ceremony wbJch took Pnullne lleRs. J)l ~ce du~J~g .U1e, e~even o'clock r-:-.......:..---------1 ·worl:lhlp on Sunday • .(\ugust l :L in the First Church or th e Breth-ren ln -cftfcago.

    ~ Re\". Harpur ·Will read tho \'ows, r assisted by the gr oom 's uncle. Jio11cbe Wnrobam. , Wanda Will . 81Rt £:r or the ))ride WM : ru iitd Ot honor: J ohn Ware-hntn,· brother or tho gr oom, HOr-ved as best man.


    COFFEE SHOP For ·'. Yo~r School ,:Parties Three party rooms avail· able. A rece1•tlon · Wns held tn t.he

    Church Social Room Cron\ thr'ee i to fl\'e o'clock tn t he afternoon. No d 1argo for room when meat

    ts served, The Wnrehnms nre now nt home tn l\icPhers on. '

    .PHONE 834 .

    ·'for your

    Corsages -- ...... -.:..._.---........... ...


    .Cut Jlow~rs • • i'


    Jarold Shops Dreaaea • Coat~ • Suits Sport.owear • Lina:erie Hosiery • Handbaa:~

    WINSLOW AND_SON· MOTOR-CO. Nash Airflyte .

    ·- TO .RETAIN THEIR ifiJ;i'i'ITffi~:· :- -

    McPHERSON let CO.

    ; ··,Rutchetion~s. ~heel Allgnln1 Service

    ' • 'f~e·S,1ectator ,; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBERi 15t l950 .... V . N. Llkhltc -;f

    Presaipllons · Compounded

    -··· at 0 • R1leigh's Drug Store

    Dawley Dardw•re 219 N. Main

    • RCA Victor • Columbia • Capitol • D~ca • MGM

    Rodlot • Rocotd, Ploy•" ~ Gos 11- llectric:ol Appli0-

    ~•t.&P~~J/S -3~!.;;~,,.,.

    ... .. . . .. ' "'";~!; ,( (..)

    ; I


  • i1ae SP1?Ctator • FRIDAY, SEPTEM'.BER· l5, 1950 . Wood~d, See~ Sharp . Bake,r ¥ts Early· Nod • nod at aon; Clive Sharpe, Scott City, JVI.; mlaaed. * • .\¥a footbaU tf"Chnklan. Wood)' the Tltal qaarterbttck: slot. \\r()O(I. nave Metzler . ?ttcP_herwon; Char- There are aUU alx. veteran backe pleaeant change, the tear may be ts • thorouata. hud·worklng J)(Sr-

    . ud. ,mo..e. ~ wttb the T·ff)r. lie Peteflsh, Cedar Ran.Ids. la. from wblcb to cJloose Including the genuine. Graduation took what fecUonbt. 'l'ho.fl.nft man to use the ~~ proctucea •flYe ' undefeafec~ Tackl~lm Scruggs, Gray- Jltterr. Jackra·bb!t , Boyce ..... Smltb. ~nearly wu the< finest KonHs•-Con- • T·formation ht the Nhlte uf Jiau• t~ .... lil· a d6l:ade- of IJCbOlutlc ville. m.; Howard Todd, MCPber- The kinky-hatred one Ume Kaneaa terence of all Ume almost en mas- 8U, he "Kt~ crisp bluckl.lls and CNCh!,~ bu not ~n get.~na tha son ; Kennath·Slabach. Inman, Ka. ; City, Mo., blJli' school 1tar can Be. Junior Blll Carlson the fin est exact 01feru11Te thnlng. He l¥ a

    . that former K. ·U. Joe Pate. Independence. Ka.; go all t_he way tl\one P1a7. all-around back '"' tn the confCrence HtlckJer for offC1Ufye ftet.11 and ~t ~le.Donal~ """1.h•n>·'• George Kelin , Nampa, lda.: John Up front there are veterans two- tn 'O, baa ·reiurqed, but lie ""111 bud.rets delenai\*e 1•ractlce. l."r:t :Prfce or Bob Q«ard, •ad Lennon, Gary, Ind.: Jim Horton. deep In every Poaltton except right mlea the great protection • those hLf teanUJ •t La~~ never had l•tite. ~ Sluions prodne- ?ttcPheraon; Elvin Brown. McPber- 1 guard and center. Spear worried =~e~~f:~·::l~i~~:~e:d ?i:~::~= o\'er 20 potat• HCO~ -.alnHt. thrm.

    wrm:ace Mc>.ft¥>rlal HJah 80~;~br-- Marvin Ferguson , ~==~. t~t0~1~~~~f~~:::ateJ:~~ z~:~ er Charlie Land·er~ are among the 1a1~\~~~v~80:?r:~:1::.n!8°~:11:!~: However, Biie- Grand Junction , Colo.: George was seldom out of play, An Injury . returnees wh0 s9.~~ a lot of action i-euce Liberty Memorial High

    );euetaft'a .. htl'h Qotr, Lawrence; Haney Miller, · to Zorn tbta Ye&T would •11nd Spear In ' -U. School where be wB.a fabulouaty &chool experience Beatrtce, Neb.; Ken Pritchett, with o~ty 'freahmen replacements. Perennially gloomy Wn.Uy For&- successful from 1943to190, were wu alt at end, Grayville. 111. : Rex Johnaon, Law- The WUdcata are biting otr a berg' bu a word ot encouragement eS11e nllaHy running teams. and lie bu shown rence, Ks.; Manley Draper. El- t~dous chun.k tonlOITow as from Kanaas Wesleyan, and , that 'Last aeaaon 's undefeated. , un-rapld , ·advance- dora , Iowa : Robert Watkins, state• thtJ7 open the kaHOa l\ith Kan8M8 che•rtd a

    81nln Yu, nm



    8lrtoeufbllres't Fyoerasrber

    8gt tied state champlon1 completed on-

    ment at the, J>iY· Colleje, N. M.; Har\'ey Paula, In- · ET~n tr Ralph Graharu•e ~ ly seven paeaea all season. While ... ot-pltcb-or...,- pass man , Ks. nien baYc not ~roTed,.,. much u Salina after hta great success at By all practi ca l stand!lrds this nearly all oC his players have be- ·

    l'-:-;: 1pot. *· ...Preaelng Ct-.nterH-Don Stenvemi. Rock anUcJp.t.ed. It. will wtUl be an out.. Ottawa, but with most of the com- man who likes to be called ' come reguJanf In coltege ' 'ahltY ,~ "Bllckens~aff are Falla, m.: Lee Ho1le. Whitten, or~la8# ....,. An .o-rerwhclmtng placent veteranS of last year gone "Woody" had made a serious mls-1 ranks. none have beconie predom-

    freabman . Don Ja. : Bob Gray, Moundridge, Ka.; · IOM tht.81 eu-1)' hi the aeasOn has and hla ft rie fre8bman backs one take in mo,·lng from an establish- inant atara, indicating that bis ,Hoch and letter- Jerry Irons, "McPherson. n1lned JJlAllJ' a fine dub tor tl.e year a lollg, the Corotes -may ha\•e ed. successful high school organ- teams 'have been baaed on gome-

    . :e:u:g~rHo~::: ~o~~ra;:n ",.~~:fi:':r~~ · E:!r, ~=~ c11~~"~ro~!utn~~~~:;!'.:: It. Hank Doeri~ •nd Joe 'w14 1~h. ~:~10n~~~: ~~~~;&:~1~e~o 8~~~ro~~~; !~hl~O:~~~d:~~=~~tl~d~v::::!tp~:~ t .... .... -. • •· Mel Fllb·buro. J.od.; Gene Smith , McPherM>n; Lar- Nutro Dame mutteled them lu the the ,t.WQ::-..'badu11 wluJ roUowNI 1o~ors- compete wtth the atbletlcly attrac- ~ come to be known as a fundamen-¥e~~·~K'i..•Dd. Bllckenstaft;~{e t~e ry Krebblel f Moundridge, Ka.: sc•MOn Opent"r? ~rg · ftoQ\ Ott.Aw~ to sauna. nrc live pluu~ at Ou~ wn, Baker, Kan- tally sound, con91stent p!!_)'._!r. ,, ' en of the quartet. ' · John Roblaon. Lawrence : Wayne The Wild.cats slipped to the back .«"lllrtblc now. -Doering ) 101118 tJie su Wesleyan , and the College or Woodard 18 a graduate oC South-~ Pel9Usb, 'Who carried · Bllckenst&fr, ... Nampa, Ida.; Tom- door to tb'e champlonaltlp l!iaL

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