biochar stoves:the commercialization and advantages

Post on 13-May-2015






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Biochar stoves are an exciting new technology that reduce poverty, improve health, curb climate change, increase food security and decreas desertification. How? Biochar stoves gasify waste biomass such as grass, husks or dried manure to produce heat for cooking. The charcoal byproduct, biochar, is a carbon-negative soil amendment that increases water and nutrient retention thus increasing soil’s adaptability to the extreme floods and droughts of climate change.



2. WHY I LOVE BIOCHARThird Culture Kid- Diverse world-viewsMBA in Sustainability, Bucky Fuller and Systems ThinkingIEA- we have 5 years to turn this ship around! RESOURCES: IEA 3. WHAT IS A BIOCHAR PRODUCING MICRO-GASIFIER COOKSTOVE?(aka a Biochar Stove) 4. =THE CHEMISTRY OF PYROLYSISCombustions of gases, not biomassThis all happens in any open re, stoves organize and controlthe pyrolysis so that is happens uniformly 5. CHAR PRODUCTIONYou must quench the char before it gasies to ash.This is Miriam and her Estufa Finca in Costa Rica with oneweeks worth of char 6. WHAT IS BIOCHAR?a highly porous and stable charcoal that is applied to soil 7. THE SECRET OF EL DORADOThe Amazon was once home to cities of millionsThe soil that supported these cities is Terra Preta (DarkEarth) and contains charred kitchen waste. RESOURCES: BBC 8. COMPOSITIONBiochar is high in stable amorphous graphite domains, as in ithas many tiny pockets.Similar to activated carbon, acts as a soil catalyst. 9. Decreases nutrientrun offHigh cation exchangecapacityImproves soil tilthCarbon captureRemediates soils ofheavy metals BIOCHAR BENEFITS RESOURCES: IBI 10. NOT ALL BIOCHARS ARE CREATED EQUALThe same feedstocks can create very different chars atdifferent temperatures.500 C is optimum RESOURCES: MCLAUGHLIN 11. BIOCHAR STOVE ADVANTAGES:fuels, emissions, value of char, climate solution 12. ADVANTAGES: FUELSCorn husks, switchgrass, rice hulls, pigeon peasAbundant renewable dry biomassAgro-waste, tree-waste, environmental excesses. RESOURCES: UKBRC report Biochar Innovation 13. ADVANTAGES: EMISSIONSQuantum leap difference from conventional stoves Black Carbon is second major cause of climate changeRESOURCES: GIZ Manual 14. ADVANTAGES: VALUE OF CHARMonitoring tool- when the stove functions well, it produces charCash Value- depending on local prices, $2-$10 dollars a weekSoil Value- increases resiliency to extreme weather events 15. In Costa Rica: IS IT WORTH IT?Each stove produces about 1.5 Kilos per day of charThe char is bought back for 30 cents a kiloResulting in an income of .45 cents a day for the households 16. ADVANTAGES: CLIMATE SOLUTIONOffset up to 12% of GHG Reduces Black CarbonClimate AdaptationCarbon-negative energyRESOURCES: Nature Communications 17. BIOCHAR STOVECOMMERCIALIZATION:How are biochar stoves best introduced into the market?Anila Stove, World Stove, Champion Stove, Estufa Finca 18. ANILA STOVE$6APPROPRIATE RURAL2500 STOVES TECHNOLOGYINDIA INSTITUTE RESOURCES: ARTI 19. LUCIA STOVE$2016 COUNTRIESWORLD STOVE RESOURCES: WORLD STOVE 20. CHAMPION$30 IN INDIA, $14PROTOTYPE IN PERUSERVALS RESOURCES: SERVALS 21. ESTUFA FINCA$40200 STOVESSEACHAR, APPTA, CATIERESOURCES: SEACHAR 22. BIOCHAR MARKET CREATION 23. WHO DOES BIOCHAR?80 Companies - a quarter 40 Non-protsare at a full production scale Projections: 30% growth40 Academic Institutions RESOURCES: Biochar Network 24. Ask for more. PARTNERSHIPS FOR PROPER CHAR USEUNIVERSITIES WATER FILTER COMPANYAGRICULTURE RESEARCH SANITATION COMPANYFERTILIZER COMPANIES 25. THE NEED FOR CHARCLIMATE ADAPTATIONMORE ARABLE SOILMAKES SOIL MORE RESILIENTFERTILIZERFOOD SECURITY 26. Questions?and Thank YouAMANDA JOY

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