bilan d'activités annuel 2012

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CERN/SPC/1004 CERN/FC/5718 CERN/3055 Original: anglais 14 mars 2013



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21 mars 2013 __

Bilan d’activités annuel de l’Organisation

pour le cinquante-huitième exercice


GENÈVE, mars 2013

Ce document comprend uniquement la traduction du Résumé analytique.

Table des matières

I. Résumé analytique .................................................................................................................................. 1 II. Bilan d’activités ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Récapitulatif des produits et des charges par activité ........................................................................................... 9 III. Informations complémentaires ........................................................................................................... 35

1. Progrès et publications scientifiques .............................................................................................................. 36 2. Ressources humaines ...................................................................................................................................... 37 3. Santé, sécurité et environement ...................................................................................................................... 38 4. Accords de coopération .................................................................................................................................. 39

IV. Tableaux financiers et éclaircissements ............................................................................................. 41 1. Récapitulatif des produits et des charges par activité ..................................................................................... 42 2. Produits totaux................................................................................................................................................ 43 3. Charges par programmes (scientifiques et non scientifiques) ........................................................................ 44

3.1 Expériences (contribution du CERN aux collaborations et aux expériences sur le domaine) et Accélérateurs ...... 45 3.2. Programme non scientifique (Infrastructure et Services d’appui) .......................................................................... 46 3.3. Projets (construction et R&D) ................................................................................................................................ 47

4. Charges d’exploitation par nature .................................................................................................................. 50 5. Report ............................................................................................................................................................. 54 6. Projets financés par l’UE ................................................................................................................................ 55


I. Résumé analytique


Le présent document contient le bilan d’activités annuel (APR), instauré dans le cadre des nouveaux principes de gouvernance du CERN approuvés par le Conseil en 2008. Ce bilan a pour objet de comparer, par activité, les résultats obtenus et les objectifs convenus par le Conseil, ainsi que de comparer, par objectif et par activité, les charges effectives et les ressources planifiées.

Il comprend des informations détaillées sur les progrès et les publications scientifiques, de même que des informations générales sur les ressources humaines et la formation, l’hygiène, la sécurité et l’environnement, les statistiques concernant les utilisateurs, les accords de collaboration, ainsi que des informations financières sur les reports budgétaires et des éléments sur les projets financés par l’Union européenne. Les tableaux financiers récapitulatifs comprennent la répartition des produits et charges par nature.

La plupart des recommandations des commissaires aux comptes, ainsi que celles du Conseil et de ses comités concernant la structure et le contenu des bilans précédents ayant été prises en compte, la présentation de ce cinquième bilan d’activités annuel est identique à celle du bilan de l’exercice précédent.

Les objectifs pour 2012 ont été définis dans le plan à moyen terme révisé de juin 2011 et ont été en partie revus tout au long de 2012 pour les adapter aux besoins sur le plan scientifique et répondre à de nouveaux besoins urgents. Ces modifications ainsi que les raisons qui les sous-tendent sont expliquées dans les tableaux récapitulatifs.

L’annonce, le 4 juillet, de la découverte par ATLAS et CMS d’un boson de type Higgs a constitué l’événement majeur de 2012. Cette découverte, et les avancées réalisées ultérieurement dans la mesure de ses propriétés, démontrent l’impact du CERN sur la recherche, rendu possible grâce aux très bonnes performances de la chaîne d’accélérateurs, l’excellente efficacité de la prise de données par les détecteurs, ainsi que la stabilité et la fiabilité exceptionnelles de l'informatique. La poursuite et l’intensification depuis 2009 des efforts de consolidation de l’infrastructure générale comme technique ont permis d’avoir une grande disponibilité opérationnelle. En outre, afin d’optimiser les résultats scientifiques, le calendrier du LHC a été modifié de sorte que la campagne proton-proton 2012 a pu être prolongée jusqu’à la fin de 2012 et l’exploitation pour la physique proton-ion plomb reportée à février 2013.

Les principaux progrès et résultats obtenus en 2012 peuvent se résumer comme suit :

• La performance de la machine LHC a été exceptionnelle : la luminosité intégrée a dépassé de loin les attentes pour l’exploitation proton-proton, une performance exceptionnelle qui s’est traduite par des luminosités de crête records. En mode proton-proton, le LHC a fourni à ATLAS comme

à CMS une luminosité intégrée de plus de 23 fb-1, dépassant ainsi nettement l’objectif de 15 fb-1 fixé pour 2012, et des luminosité instantanées records dépassant 7 × 1033 cm-2 s-1 à une énergie dans le centre de masse de 8 TeV. Ces luminosités records ont été possibles grâce à l’expérience acquise dans l'exploitation du LHC, notamment de la chaîne d’injection, et à l'effet bénéfique du renforcement de la maintenance et de la consolidation. La machine LHC a également testé avec succès le mode proton-ion plomb en prévision de l’exploitation pour la physique de 2013. Ce test était destiné aux études sur la machine. Il a toutefois aussi permis une courte période d'exploitation pour la physique et des données ont pu être recueillies par ALICE, ATLAS, CMS et LHCb.

• Les expériences LHC ont recueilli des données d'excellente qualité, avec une grande efficacité. Plus de 300 articles scientifiques ont ainsi été soumis à des revues de physique à comité de lecture et plus de 1 600 communications ont été présentées à des conférences par les expériences LHC.

• Outre la découverte spectaculaire, annoncée en juillet, d’une particule semblable au Higgs, les expériences ont présenté des résultats d’études améliorant notre compréhension du Modèle standard de la physique des particules. Par exemple, la section efficace inclusive de production des jets en fonction de leur impulsion transversale (couvrant neuf ordres de grandeur) et la production simple et double de bosons vecteurs ont été mesurées avec précision et s'avèrent concorder avec les calculs à l’ordre sous-dominant (Next-to-Leading Order). L’importante production de quarks top aux énergies du LHC a déjà permis de mesurer avec précision la masse et les sections efficaces de production du top et d’observer des corrélations de spin. Les limites pour la nouvelle physique ont également été améliorées (p. ex : modèles supersymétriques).

• Parmi les principaux résultats de physique obtenus par LHCb, citons la première indication de Br(Bs → µ+µ-) = 3,2 × 10-9, ce qui est conforme au Modèle standard ; la mesure de ϕs (phase de l’amplitude d’oscillation des Bs) à ±0,09 rad ; la mesure de l’asymétrie avant-arrière AFB) dans B → K* µ+µ- ; et la première mesure de l’angle γ de la matrice CKM à ±16 deg.

• Pour ALICE, l’essentiel de la période d’exploitation 2012 a été consacré au mode proton-proton afin de recueillir des statistiques sur les déclenchements à biais minimum et les déclenchements pour événements rares pour servir de données de référence pour les données Pb-Pb recueillies en 2011.


• TOTEM a mesuré la section efficace totale dans un mode indépendant de la luminosité avec β* élevé et recueilli des données sur les processus diffractifs avec des déclenchements communs à CMS. LHCf a terminé son analyse préliminaire des spectres d’énergie du π0 à l’énergie de collision de 7 TeV. MoEDAL a déployé deux nouveaux détecteurs et collecté des données en mode de collisions proton-proton. L’analyse des données de MoEDAL se poursuit suite au retrait du dispositif d’expérimentation.

• La Grille de calcul mondiale pour le LHC (WLCG), dont la performance est restée remarquable, a fourni un service de calcul stable et fiable pour la physique et permis une reconstitution et une analyse très rapides des données. Au total, près de 30 Po de données ont été enregistrés sur bande pour la période d’exploitation du LHC pour la physique de 2012. La WLCG a pris en charge des débits de données sensiblement plus élevés pour toutes les expériences, du fait de fréquences de déclenchement plus élevées et d'une augmentation des données « parquées ». Le nombre d’utilisateurs finals de la WLCG à des fins d’analyse de données de physique a constamment augmenté, plus d'un tiers des membres de toutes les collaborations LHC utilisant actuellement ce service. Un contrat a été conclu avec l’Institut Wigner à Budapest pour l’hébergement du centre de niveau 0. Il offrira de nouvelles perspectives pour la continuité de l’activité hors site.

• Le programme de physique hors LHC a également été extrêmement fécond pour toutes les installations (SPS, PS, AD, n_TOF, ISOLDE) et pour les expériences recherchant des axions. Les expériences OPERA et ICARUS ont terminé leur collecte de données pour la physique, OPERA ayant rendu compte de l’observation d’un deuxième candidat pour le ντ. Les exploitations spécifiques d’OPERA ni aucune autre expérience n’ont confirmé la surprenante mesure du temps de vol du neutrino réalisée précédemment par OPERA. Parmi les résultats marquants obtenus auprès de l’AD, on citera la publication dans la revue Nature de la première mesure de spectroscopie sur l’antihydrogène par l’expérience ALPHA, la mesure très précise du moment magnétique de l’antiproton par ATRAP, la réussite par ASACUSA de la spectroscopie de l’atome d’hélium antiprotonique froid avec un photon unique, ainsi que l’installation de l’expérience AEGIS et ses premiers tests avec des antiprotons.

• Dans la zone Nord, COMPASS a mesuré l’effet Primakoff et publié des résultats sur ses analyses des hadrons et des muons pour 2010 et la période 2008-2010. NA61 a enregistré des données de référence proton-ion plomb et lancé l’étude des interactions Be-Be à différentes énergies avec une mesure à 13 GeV/A. NA62 a publié ses résultats sur l’analyse du rapport RK et mené à bien une prise de données test avec un grand nombre de

sous-détecteurs. NA63 a collecté des données pour étudier l’effet Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal et les résonances avec une cible structurée. CLOUD a continué de collecter des données avec des détecteurs optimisés et progressé dans l’analyse des données sur la nucléation recueillies précédemment. DIRAC a collecté de nouvelles données en vue de l’observation des atomes pioniques à longue durée de vie. L’exploitation de n_TOF s’est caractérisée par une campagne fructueuse avec plusieurs cibles, et des résultats présentant un intérêt pour la technologie nucléaire, la médecine et l'astrophysique. La construction d’une nouvelle ligne de faisceau de neutrons (n_TOF-EAR2) a été approuvée. Un nombre record d’expériences de physique ont été menées à ISOLDE, dont une portant sur la mesure de la masse du 54Ca et une autre utilisant pour la première fois l’imagerie par résonance magnétique bêta avec des liquides. CAST a continué son exploitation pour la physique avec 4He et des détecteurs optimisés pour la recherche d’axions dans la région de 0,4 eV.

• L’année 2012 a été marquée par le lancement du programme de consolidation pour l’amélioration de la performance et de recherche pour le LHC haute luminosité (HL-LHC), dont l’ambitieux objectif à long terme prévoit de fournir une luminosité intégrée totale de l’ordre de 3 000 fb-1 (enregistrés) à la fin de la vie utile du LHC. Cela suppose une luminosité annuelle d’environ 250 à 300 fb-1 au cours de la deuxième décennie d’exploitation du LHC. La phase HL-LHC nécessitera également d’apporter des modifications aux éléments des régions d’insertion de la machine dont la performance se sera détériorée sous l’effet des rayonnements, notamment les quadripôles pour les triplets internes. L’installation du HL-LHC est programmée pour le long arrêt de 2022. Les travaux de R&D et d’amélioration concernant les détecteurs LHC aux fins d’un usage optimal de la luminosité du LHC sont également en cours.

• Les mesures de l’installation d’essai de CLIC (CTF3) ont apporté des réponses concluantes aux questions de faisabilité déterminantes pour le concept d’accélérateur CLIC, notamment l’accélération à deux faisceaux avec des gradients d’accélération supérieurs à 100 MeV/m dans les limites des taux de panne fixés. Le Rapport préliminaire de conception (CDR) de CLIC a été achevé et un document d’orientation a été présenté lors des délibérations sur la mise à jour de la stratégie européenne pour la physique des particules.

• La recherche dans l’unité Théorie (TH) couvre l’ensemble des domaines de la physique théorique des particules, ainsi que certains sujets d’astrophysique des particules et de cosmologie. L’unité Théorie apporte son appui au programme de physique du LHC, aussi bien pour la physique des protons que pour celle des ions plomb. L’unité a consacré des efforts


particuliers à une meilleure compréhension des signaux de fond du Modèle standard, à l’étude de la nature de la brisure de la symétrie électrofaible ainsi qu’à l’origine de la masse et de la hiérarchie des masses, et à la quantification de l'interaction gravitationnelle. L’une de ses principales tâches a été de comprendre les conséquences de la découverte au LHC d’un boson de Higgs aux alentours de 125 GeV du point de vue de la validité du Modèle standard et de la supersymétrie. Par ailleurs, plusieurs aspects de la physique au-delà du Modèle standard ont été étudiés, en tenant compte des contraintes expérimentales actuelles, y compris en ce qui concerne les expériences neutrinos et hors accélérateur. Du côté de la physique des ions plomb, l’unité a concentré ses efforts sur la compréhension du mécanisme fondamental qui sous-tend la perte d’énergie des quarks et gluons fondamentaux.

• Un domaine d’étude important de l’unité TH concerne l’interaction entre les mesures effectuées dans le domaine de la physique des particules auprès de collisionneurs et le grand volume de données obtenues à partir de diverses observations, notamment dans les domaines de l’astrophysique et de la cosmologie. Dans les domaines théoriques plus formels, les recherches ont porté principalement sur la théorie des cordes, les applications de correspondance entre jauge et gravité, la CDQ sur réseau, la supergravité et la dynamique de jauge non perturbative. Les membres de l’unité Théorie prennent également une part active dans les groupes d'étude sur le CLIC et les collisionneurs linéaires en général, et sur les futures améliorations du LHC. L’unité Théorie a publié 369 prétirages TH et accueilli 66 boursiers, 63 étudiants et 770 visiteurs pour des périodes de courte durée venus travailler avec les physiciens théoriciens et avec les collaborations. L’unité Théorie a organisé une école de physique, quatre instituts d’été et quatre ateliers. Elle accueille cinq scientifiques titulaires d’une bourse pour chercheurs confirmés du Conseil européen de la recherche (CER), un physicien titulaire d’une bourse CER pour chercheur débutant, ainsi que deux boursiers du réseau européen ITN et un boursier du réseau européen ICT.

• Des accords bilatéraux ont été signés entre le CERN et diverses parties. La Serbie est devenue un État membre associé en phase préalable à l’adhésion. Le Conseil du CERN a approuvé à l’unanimité l’octroi à Chypre du statut d’État membre associé en physe préalable à l’adhésion. L’Accord correspondant a été signé par les deux parties et ce statut deviendra effectif après notification au CERN de la ratification de l’Accord par le Parlement chypriote. Des négociations sont en cours en vue de l’octroi à la Slovénie et à la Turquie du statut d’État membre associé. Un certain nombre d’autres pays ont présenté une demande d’octroi du statut d'État membre (Brésil, Fédération de Russie et Ukraine).

• Le CERN a continué d’être engagé envers les jeunes scientifiques et ingénieurs en encadrant leurs travaux de recherche et en assurant leur formation, dans le cadre du programme des boursiers, qui comprend le programme de formation des ingénieurs diplômés (GET), destiné aux scientifiques, ingénieurs et ingénieurs-techniciens. En 2012, le CERN a accueilli au total 513 ETP boursiers (y compris ceux financés par des tiers).

• Au total, 1 045 enseignants originaires de 35 pays ont participé aux programmes du CERN pour les enseignants du secondaire, soit au programme international, soit à l’une des nombreuses sessions tenues dans une des 18 langues nationales. De nombreux enseignants sont revenus au CERN avec leurs classes, ce qui, avec les visites quotidiennes du grand public, s’est traduit par la venue de quelque 85 000 visiteurs en 2012, confirmant l’augmentation constatée ces dernières années. L’exposition permanente du CERN Univers de particules a accueilli au total 63 000 visiteurs en 2012. Le CERN a organisé sur son domaine 504 événements médiatiques. Des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont visité l’exposition itinérante du CERN à Chypre, en Grèce, en Irlande, en Serbie, en Espagne et en Turquie. Les événements organisé lors de l’annonce, le 4 juillet, de la découverte d’un boson de type Higgs ont suscité une couverture médiatique mondiale sans précédent et ont attiré une audience grand public record : émissions retransmises par plus de 1 000 chaînes de télévision, 450 000 internautes suivant la retransmission sur le web, 17 000 coupures de presse et 150 instituts organisant des événements en parallèle rassemblant plus de 10 000 participants.

• Le Bureau VIP et protocole a organisé 169 visites de personnalité au CERN en 2012, un chiffre en légère baisse par rapport à 2011, mais qui reste élevé par rapport à d’autres années.

• La Direction a mis en œuvre un vaste programme visant à consolider l’infrastructure générale, la logistique et les services, en continuant de consacrer des efforts importants pour la maintenance d’un site épars, vieillissant et de grande ampleur, et en se fixant pour priorité absolue de renforcer l'appui au personnel et aux utilisateurs. Parmi les éléments marquants, citons les avancées remarquables des travaux concernant plusieurs bâtiments existants et nouveaux bâtiments, la poursuite de l’intégration d’un service d’aide aux utilisateurs unique au bâtiment 55 et la maintenance des systèmes de détection des gaz et des incendies. La rénovation du bâtiment 867 sur le site de Prévessin a été achevée et le projet de construction du bâtiment 107 pour le traitement des surfaces a été lancé.


• Plusieurs services de santé et de sécurité ont été améliorés ou mis en place afin de permettre à l’Organisation de veiller à la mise en œuvre systématique de mesures préventives. Des mesures ont notamment été mises en œuvre pour mieux gérer certains aspects de la santé et la sécurité au travail (réduire le nombre de blessures et poursuivre les cours de sécurité) ; la protection contre les rayonnements ionisants continue d’être développée ; la sécurisation de l’exploitation, de la maintenance et de la consolidation des installations du CERN avec faisceaux continue d’être améliorée ; des mesures visant à accroître la protection de l’environnement ont été mises en place.

• La deuxième phase de l’examen quinquennal 2010 et un deuxième train de mesures visant à rétablir l’équilibre financier de la Caisse de pensions ont été mis en œuvre avec effet au 1er janvier 2012.

• Le CERN a reçu de nombreux prix et plusieurs membres du personnel ont été récompensés pour le travail accompli. Citons notamment le prix Avancée de l'année par la revue Physics World, et le Prix de l’Innovation RH pour le caractère innovant du système de congé épargné à long terme (LTSLS).

Par rapport à la fin de l'année 2011, la situation financière de l’Organisation à fin 2012 montre une diminution du déficit budgétaire cumulé. Cette situation s’explique principalement par le report du long arrêt du complexe d'accélérateurs. Les charges seront sensiblement plus élevées pendant le long arrêt de sorte que le déficit budgétaire cumulé augmentera d’ici à la fin de 2013 et de 2014. En 2012, une partie du budget du matériel a été transférée au budget du personnel pour permettre à un nombre plus grand de membres du personnel de travailler sur des travaux de R&D et des projets. Les calendriers de certains projets ont été modifiés. Certains achats de matériels, notamment pour la consolidation et les projets, ont cumulé des retards. On note une différence totale positive de 99,2 MCHF par rapport au solde budgétaire estimé dans le budget final de 2012. Sur ce montant, 87 MCHF de crédits pour des projets ont déjà été réaffectés de 2012 aux années ultérieures (64 MCHF pour 2013), comme cela est indiqué et expliqué dans le budget final de 2013. Le reste correspond à des produits supplémentaires comme les produits de ventes, les gains de change, et surtout les engagements ouverts dans les postes « Exploitation » et « Projets » pour des éléments qui ont été commandés mais pas encore livrés au CERN.

En conséquence, l’exécution du budget 2012 confirme pour l’essentiel les charges et les produits probables de 2012 présentés en décembre dans le budget final de 2013, les différences étant entièrement engagées. Des précisions sur le report sont données à la section IV.5.

L’exécution du budget 2012 alloue +23,7 MCHF au déficit budgétaire (après remboursements de capital et versement du montant annuel pour la recapitalisation de la Caisse de pensions).

Grâce au soutien constant de tous les États membres, il n’y a pas eu besoin de recourir à des emprunts à court terme fin 2012, même si le montant des contributions restant dues pour 2012 s’élevait à 85,4 MCHF au 31 décembre 2012 (contre 75,1 MCHF pour 2011 à la fin de l’exercice précédent). La différence entre le déficit budgétaire et le solde de trésorerie s’explique par des avances de trésorerie sur les comptes de tiers et par le décalage habituel entre commandes et livraisons par rapport aux dates de paiement.


II. Progress Report


Summary of Revenues and Expenses by Activity Figure 1: Summary of Revenues and Expenses by Activity

More detailed information on revenues and expenses is given in Figure 14 on page 42. The budget balance is more positive than anticipated. The main reasons for the 99.2 MCHF difference are as follows: • Revenues were higher than planned owing to: the contribution from Serbia which has become an Associate Member State, increased sales, exchange rate gains,

CERN shop revenues and car sales. • Expenses were significantly lower owing to multi-annual project re-profiling (86.7 MCHF) and carry-forwards of supplies linked to the new LHC schedule (in

compliance with the Cost-to-Completion estimates) and to lower electricity consumption, as published in the Final 2013 Budget (CERN/FC/5693). The annual payment of 60 MCHF towards recapitalization of the Pension Fund was decided by the Council in 2010 as part of the package of measures CERN/FC/5498-CERN/2947 to restore the funding balance of the Pension Fund and paid for the first time in 2011. The cumulative balance of -70.3 MCHF is the accumulated budget deficit as at 31/12/2011, as stated in the Annual Accounts for 2011, p.6.

(in MCHF, 2012 prices, rounded off)


(a) (b) (c)=(b)-(a) (d)=(c)/(a)

REVENUES 1,174.7 1,186.5 11.9 1.0%Member States' contributions 1,082.2 1,082.2Additional contributions from Host States 1.9 1.4 -0.5 -26.8%Additional contribution from Romania as a Candidate for Accession1a 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0%Additional contribution from Israel as an Associate Member State1b 3.6 3.6 0.0 0.1%Additional contribution from Serbia as an Associate Member State1c 1.0 1.0EU contributions 17.3 17.0 -0.3 -1.5%Other revenues (incl. other in-kind, housing fund, sales,, KT, personnel on teams) 64.7 76.4 11.6 17.9%

OPERATING EXPENSES 1,130.0 1,040.6 -89.4 -7.9%Scientific programmes 529.1 493.1 -35.9 -6.8%Infrastructure and services 438.0 414.6 -23.4 -5.3%Projects and studies 163.0 132.9 -30.1 -18.5%OTHER EXPENSES 35.9 38.0 2.1 5.8%TOTAL EXPENSES 1,165.9 1,078.6 -87.3 -7.5%

BALANCEAnnual balance 8.8 108.0 99.2Capital repayment allocated to the budget (Fortis, FIPOI 1 and 2, SIG) -21.9 -24.3 -2.4Recapitalization pension fund -60.0 -60.0

Annual balance allocated to budget deficit 2 -73.1 23.7 96.8-Cumulative Balance ³- - 70.3 -143.4 -46.6 96.8

Variations of Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2 The difference in the annual balance allocated to the budget deficitof 96.8 MCHF is due to a) the re-profiling and anticipated carry-forward as already included in the Final 2013 Budget with the 2012Probable Revenues and Expenses FC/5693 - CERN/3041; b) thecarry-forward in line with CERN's financial rules as shown in SectionIV.5; c) savings that reduce the deficit as shown in Section IV.5 of 5.4 MCHF, notably due to less energy consumption and less insurancecosts.

3 The cumulative balance of -70.3 MCHF is the accumulated budget deficit as at 31/12/2011 as stated in the Annual Accounts for 2011, p.6.

Final 2012 Budget


2012 Out-TurnCERN/FC/5718

1a Romania as a Candidate for Accession paid 50% of its theoretical Member State contribution in 2012 and will pay 60% in 2013 (75% in 2014 and 100% as of 2015) as specified in Council Resolution CERN/2829 and updated by the Agreement signed by CERN and Romania on 11 February 2010.

1b Israel became an Associate Member State on 1 October 2011 and, as such, paid 25% of its theoretical Member State contribution in 2012 (26% in 2013) as defined in the Council Resolution CERN/2985/RA.1c Serbia became an Associate Member State on 15 March 2012 and has paid the statutory minimum of 1 MCHF as defined in Council Resolution CERN/2999/RA and updated by the Agreement signed by CERN and Serbia on 10 January 2012.


LHC programme (incl. projects)1 LHC machine and injectors, reliability and consolidation

2012 Goals Beam operation of the LHC in 2012 with a target integrated luminosity of several fb-1. Reliable operation of LHC as Pb82+ collider.

Risks Following a critical review of the spares situation, provision of the most important spares has been established.Future prospects & longer term Continued evaluation of the spares situation as experience with LHC operation is gained.

For the consolidation and upgrade of the CERN electrical network to cope with increase of energy of the LHC and to adapt the existing electrical network to accelerator projects, a detailed programme was undertaken.For the consolidation of overhead cranes a detailed programme was evaluated.For the collimation project, new collimators with integrated Beam Position Monitors that will allow a more precise positioning of the collimators in the interaction regions, were designed, adjudicated and production started.The R2E measures (shielding, relocation and new electronic developments ) taken during the 2011-2012 shutdown led to a drastic decrease of failure rate caused by radiation induced problems (from ~12 dumps per accumulated fb-1 in 2011 to only ~3 dumps per fb-1 in 2012). Following these positive results, a complete review of the R2E project was done.


The consolidation projects are organised in such a way that during the year, if the risk situation changes, priorities are shifted and the items with the highest priority will have budget allocated.Failures which could compromise reliable operation of the accelerators and the experiments due to the ageing electrical infrastructure as well as the increased needs. A new consolidation programme is launched.The availability of the Pb ion sources has been improved by operating two ovens in a push-pull mode.

Figure 2: LHC programme: LHC machine and injectors, reliability and consolidation

Activity 2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

LHC machine and experimental areas



Purchasing replacement hardware for the old LEP UPS; 4 spare RF Klystrons were ordered; a spare injection kicker was assembled and installed in the LHC to test its vacuum performance before LS1; the manufacture of the replacement beam screens. The magnet spare stock has been reconstituted and tested 100% to the level before the sector 3-4 incident, except one dipole and one quadupole. The operational stock of interconnecting bellows in arcs (PIMs) and in warm sections has been refurbished to compensate for the losses after sector 3-4 and to reach the needs of the operation.

Consolidation will cover mainly the old LEP infrastructure that has been re-used for the LHC (cooling, ventilation, electrical networks...) and a major campaign to build up the necessary LHC spare parts that were not included in the final LHC Cost-to-Completion. Also, preparations are being made for the consolidation of the splices and the enhancement of the collimation system, i.e. finalizing the collimation in the insertions (both being planned to be carried-out during the shutdown 2013).

2012 GoalsThe last spares for magnets must be bought to restore the spares inventory to the situation before the Sector 3-4 incident. Buying and manufacturing of spares according to the critical list.

2012 Achievements

Future prospects & longer term

The collimation project will continue investigating the issue of losses in the dispersion suppressor regions, with the aim of giving a recommendation for the eventual installation of additional collimators in those regions. In order to allow that, several R&D actions have been launched and will be followed-up, as for example on 11 T magnets, on new materials, on hollow beam lenses and on crystal collimation.For the R2E project, a complete programme has been developed which will allow the increase in integrated luminosity with an acceptable number of failures due to single event upset.

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011

2012 Goals

2012 Achievements

Future prospects & longer termBeam operation of the LHC in 2015 at collision energy around 13 TeV. Continued Pb-Pb operation starting at the end of 2015. Re-establishing 18GHz operation of the source is still under investigation in order to increase further the ion intensity produced by the LINAC.


2012 Achievements

Failures of LINAC2: until LINAC4 is operational. Ageing of the injector chain: the risks are continually mitigated and an extensive consolidation programme is under way to keep the current injectors running for 25 years. Many activities concerning the consolidation of the machine are planned during LS1.For Injectors for heavy ions: Extensive work on the source has mitigated the risk of delays after a scheduled source change. A vacuum degradation anywhere in the injector chain could lead to poor transmission of the Pbion beam.

The LHC was operated at 4 TeV/beam and with increased focusing around the two high luminosity experiments. These, together with an increased brightness of the beam delivered by the LHC injectors gave a factor two in the peak instantaneous luminosity that LHC could deliver to ATLAS and CMS. During the proton run 23.3 fb-1 were delivered to these two experiments. At the same time 2.2 fb-1 were delivered to LHCb and 10 pb-1 to ALICE. The proton run was extended to allow the maximum luminosity to be delivered before the long shutdown of the LHC and injectors.The operation period of the LHC will be completed in early 2013 with a proton-ion run. Commissioning of the LHC for this mode of operation was achieved during dedicated periods. In addition, dedicated machine time was used for physics runs for TOTEM and ALFA using very large beam spots at the collision point.Numerous machine studies were also undertaken to improve the machine performance and to prepare for the restart of the LHC after LS1.


FTEPersonnel Personnel Materials Total

LHC programme (incl. projects)1

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget 116,135










2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget 15,525


89.4 63,49547,970

35,078 55,025

The prolongation of the LHC run throughout 2012 resulted in a small overrun for materials expenses. On the contrary, the very reliable operation allowed some staff to be redeployed to prepare the consolidation activities during the Long Shutdown 1.

LHC machine and injectors, reliability and consolidation

LHC machine and experimental areas









0.7Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget





Budget usage in %


Figure 2 (cont.): LHC programme: LHC machine and injectors, reliability and consolidation


Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011

ActivityComparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)

and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC5718)in 2012 prices


Thanks to a very reliable operation, some materials was not spent in 2012, but was already re-allocated for increased consolidation needs during the shutdown to be includeed in the Final 2013 Budget. The materials open commitments at the end of 2012 amount to 1.5 MCHF.


The higher amount of personnel is due to re-allocations from LHC exploitation allowing for preparing the long shutdown 1. The underspending in materials is directly linked to the prolonged LHC operation, open commitments amount to 12.8MCHF. The heading is thus fully committed and the unused budget will be carried forward to 2013.

Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

Budget usage in % 111%













LHC programme: LHC detectors

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011

2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

In 2013 and 2014, the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) phase will take place. A wide range maintenance and consolidation will be carried out on the detector, together with service and safety systems, with a new beam pipe section installation and with some infrastructure preparations for the LHCb Upgrade construction in 2018. With beams foreseen back towards early 2015, physics run at ≥4 x 1032 cm-2s-1 luminosity is foreseen until Long Shutdown 2 (LS2). LHCb could be sensitive to new physics with the sample collected in 2011-12 and with that of 2015-17 in the areas of rare decays, and of CP violation in b or c meson decays. Prepares for an upgrade during LS2 to enable the LHCb experiment to operate at 10 times the design luminosity, i.e. at about 2 × 1033 cm-2s-1, to collect a data sample of ~50 fb-1.

No major managerial and financial risks identified. Technical: no specific risks identified. General risk related to the operation of a very complex detector system including many different detector technologies.

Successful data-taking and integrated luminosity (2 fb-1) goals achieved at luminosity higher than the nominal (4 x 1032 cm-2s-1). The main physics results are (world best): first evidence for Br (Bs→ μ⁺μ-) ~3.2 10-9 (in agreement with Standard Model); measurement of phi-s (phase of the Bs oscillation amplitude) at ±0.09 rad; measurement of AFB in B→K*μ⁺μ-; first measurements of gamma CKM angle at ±16 DEG; several important measurements in the areas of b-quark production cross section and fragmentation ratios, of quarkonia and electroweak production of W and Z bosons in the forward direction. More than 300 presentations at conferences and ~60 physics papers submitted for publication in 2012.

Normal data-taking with complete detector at close to nominal luminosity. Further extend the constraints on new physics (or its discovery) by exploring the key measurements, down to the level of the Standard Model expectation. With ~1 fb-1 of data expected each year during 2011 and 2012, LHCb will significantly improve on the world limits for Br(Bs→μ+μ−) and phi-s (phase of the Bs oscillation amplitude), as well as making first measurements of the CP angle gamma, and the rare decays K* μμ and ϕγ. LHCb also expects to make the world's most precise measurements of charm mixing and CP violation.

In 2013 will have a most important run with pPb beams, which, also given the results of the pilot run, promises a wealth of scientific results, relevant both per se and for the understanding of PbPb. Immediately after, Long Shutdown 1 will be a period of intense activity n the detector, with the completion of the TRD, the installation of the fourth PHOS module and the installation of the second arm of the electromagnetic calorimeter (DCAL). Moreover, in 2013 ALICE will produce the Technical Design Report(s) for the upgrade of the detector, in order to submit them to the relevant committees. This will require a major effort of simulation studies and R&D on detectors and electronics. For the longer term future, ALICE expects Heavy ion data-taking for one month per year and pp physics data-taking as needed for the rest of the year at the higher energy for the years between LS1 and LS2, while in parallel constructing for the upgrades, to be installed in LS2. In the years after LS2, ALICE foresees running again for one month per year with either PbPb or pPB collisions, at the higher rates, for about six years of data-taking, complemented by more limited pp running.

The reorganisation of the Collaboration for the Upgrades is certainly a challenge, but not a major risk. So, no major managerial and financial risks identified. Technical: no specific risks identified. General risk related to the operation of a very complex detector system including many different detector technologies.

The run with pPb collision was finally postponed to early 2013, yet a very short (4 hours) run did take place in September as part of the machine studies necessary in view of the real run. The analysis of the data taken during this pilot run was launched immediately and has already produced three papers with very important results, on one side providing illuminating evidence on effects measured in PbPb, on the other unveiling new and unexpected features of pPb collisions at this energy. Most of the year was devoted to running with pp collisions, collecting the necessary statistics both for MB and for rare triggers to serve as reference for the PbPb data collected in 2010 and 2011. The analysis of the 2010 and 2011 data continued attacking more and more complex analysis, leading to a continued flux of new results. The collaboration presented the new results in about 400 presentations at international conferences, with a particularly important presence at both Hard Probes and Quark Matter, the two main Heavy Ion conferences of the year. A major achievement of the collaboration has also been the definition of the plans for the upgrade of the experiment during LS2. A vigorous program of R&D and physics simulations throughout the year have allowed a detailed discussion with the LHCC and with the national funding agencies, leading to the presentation of a LoI for the operation of ALICE at high HI rate, to reach a total of 10 nb-1 of integrated luminosity with the upgraded detector, and the Conceptual Design Report for a new Inner Tracking System. The program defined by these two documents has been endorsed by the LHCC in September and received the support of the October RRB.

pp reference data-taking and 3rd Pb-Pb physics data-taking. The possibility of a p-Pb run in 2012 is currently being studied by the LHC, and is considered an attractive alternative, since it could allow the clarification of shadowing and other effects on the observed features of PbPb collisions. Physics analysis. Preparation of 2013 shutdown to complete the detector and carry out detector maintenance tasks.

Consolidation and first part of Phase I upgrades during the 2013/2014 shutdown, complete Phase I upgrades in the following few years and start planning for Phase II upgrade. By the end of 2012 with the foreseen luminosity, expect to be able to exclude the existence of the Higgs boson over the full allowed mass range, or else to get evidence for it. Supersymmetry could be discovered up to masses of almost 1 TeV and carriers of new physics up to masses of 1.5 - 2 TeV.

LHCb detector

4 ALICE detector

3 CMS detector

ATLAS detector

2012 Achievements


2012 Goals


No major managerial and financial risks identified, general funding risk linked to the start of the upgrade Phase I funding cycle (to be approved by the RRB). Technical: preparation for replacement of beampipe during LS1, installation of shielding walls (YE4, heavy load to be lowered in the cavern), extraction of pixel detector and reinsertion, other general risks related to the operation of a very complex detector system including many different detector technologies.

CMS recorded about 22 fb-1 of integrated luminosity with efficiency well above 90%. In July, CMS observed a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV which is so far compatible with a Standard Model Higgs boson. The analysis of data collected since then (16 fb-1) is on-going. Construction activities and preparations in various areas have been started in view of the detector upgrade to be carried-out in LS1. There have been 333 conference reports produced and 127 papers were published in physics journals in 2012.

Physics run at 7 TeV and luminosities up to 1033 cm-2s-1 or higher (depending on the machine performance) with CERN physicists playing an important role.With 3 fb-1 of accumulated data, CMS could exclude the existence of the SM Higgs boson above 120 GeV/c2 or get evidence for it (3 sigmas) above 130 GeV/c2. It could discover supersymmetric particles with masses up to 0.9 TeV, as well explore several other scenarios for physics beyond the Standard Model.

Physics run at increased energy and luminosity in 2015 and beyond. Given the luminosity expected by the machine expect to further study the detailed properties of the Higgs boson. Searches for supersymmetry will continue, with possible discoveries up to masses of 2 TeV and beyond and carriers of new physics up to masses of 2 - 4 TeV and beyond.

No major managerial, technical and financial risks are identified. General risk related to the operation of a very complex detector system including many different detector technologies.

2012 Achievements


Future prospects & longer term



Future prospects & longer term

Future prospects & longer term

2012 Goals


ATLAS was able to record almost 22 fb-1 of integrated luminosity during the year, with a data-taking efficiency of 94%. The number of operational channels exceeded 95% of all detector systems. This excellent detector performance permitted ATLAS to set some of the most stringent performance requirements for lepton identification, lepton energy/momentum resolution, b-tagging, ET ᵐⁱˢˢ measurement, forward-jet tagging, etc. The highlight of 2012 was of course the observation of the Higgs-like boson in July, at 125 GeV. During the year, 163 conference notes, 627 conference talks were delivered and 128 physics papers were submitted. The CERN-ATLAS group has made important contributions in all above areas.

Data-taking with the complete detector at luminosities up to 1033 cm-2s-1 or higher (depending on the machine performance) with CERN physicists playing an important role.With 3 fb-1 of accumulated data, ATLAS could exclude the existence of the SM Higgs boson for masses above 120 GeV or get evidence for it (3 sigmas) for masses above 130 GeV. It could discover supersymmetric particles with masses up to 0.9 TeV, as well explore several other scenarios for physics beyond the Standard Model in the multi-TeV mass range.


2012 Goals

2012 Achievements

Figure 3: LHC programme: LHC experiments

Future prospects & longer term

2012 Goals

2012 Achievements



Personnel Personnel Materials TotalLHC programme: LHC detectors

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget 23,0653,57019,495102.2

117.9 21,977 26,1214,144


103%Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget








Figure 3 (cont.): LHC programme: LHC experiments

The budget overrun is due to some additional maitnenance and operation budget, and more fellows as well charges from technical support groups. Budget excesses offset the available funding in 2013.


Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget 15.7 2,482

P+M expenses in line with budget. The excess of materials expenses will reduce the available budget in 2013.


Budget usage in %


5 LHCb detector

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011







99%Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget

110% 99%


2,026 11,169





P+M expenses in line with budget.


106.1 20,015 3,666 23,682

Budget usage in % 107% 101% 101% 101%

187511357.3Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Budget 98.7 19,880 3,615 23,495

2012 Out-Turn


ATLAS detectorThe smaller costs per FTE than anticipated is due to more fellows working on ATLAS. Otherwise expenses are in line with budget.

Comparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC/5718)

in 2012 prices kCHF

115% 113% 116% 113%

4 ALICE detector

3 CMS detector


LHC programme (cont.)

2012 Goals Continue with 4 year plan as indicated in the 2006 White Paper.2012 Achievements

RisksFuture prospects & longer term This activity has ended in 2011.


Future prospects & longer term

7LHC detectors consolidation

2012 GoalsProcure all the necessary equipment and prepare for the consolidation effort during the 2013 shutdown. Main domains of consolidation work are: magnets; cryogenics; electrical, UPS, cooling & ventilation equipment; shielding; networks; preparation of assembly and maintenance areas.

2012 AchievementsThe 4 main LHC experiments have continued consolidation and launched procurements in view of the Long Shutdown 1. Work mostly in the areas of cooling for Trackers, electrical network including UPS, HVAC, magnets infrastructure, controls and tooling for maintenance at the pits.

RisksWithout consolidation of the detectors infrastructure and equipment, their operation would be less efficient and could even be severely compromised in the case of key elements such as the magnets.

Totem: Physics programme for 7TeV: Measurement dNdEta, Σtot in luminosity-independent mode, inelastic cross-section with T1 and T2 telescopes. Physics programme for 8TeV centre of mass: data-taking and analysis at β*=90m, first data-taking with special optics with β*=1km, measurement of Σtot in luminosity-independent mode at high β*; Data-taking for diffractive processes with triggers in common with CMS. LHCf: Primary physics analysis, pi0 spectra at 7TeV collisions, is completed. MoEDAL: Deployment of 2 Timepix sensors and of a prototype of the Magnetic Monopole Trapping (MMT) detector. Data-taking with pp, followed by the removal of the 8 m2 test array for analysis. Installation of a few m2 plastic array for 2013 p-Pb run. First Moedal Physics Workshop in June.

Totem: Carry out the physics programme, initially described in the TDR only for 14TeV centre of mass, also at the reduced =7TeV centre of mass :Measurement of Σtot in special runs with high β* : completion of the β*=90m programme started in 2011, and development of an optics with β*~1km.Study of diffractive processes with nominal optics both in standard runs and in special runs with reduced luminosity, partly together with CMS.Preparation of replacement silicon detectors for the Roman pots to be installed during the shutdown 2013. LHCf: Complete physics analysis with data taken. MoEDAL: Continue running with the 8m2 test array already deployed. If the LHC energy is substantially increased in 2012, the test array could be replaced by another one of similar size and the stacks exposed to 7 TeV data would be analysed in 2012.

Totem: Technical risks: radiation damage of detectors close to beam, for example silicon sensors in RPs; extraction of T1 and T2 during LS1; extraction of silicon sensors and relocation of the present RP147m enclosures. LHCf: No risk. MoEDAL: None identified.Risks

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011

Common items, other experiments

(incl. Totem, LHCf)


2012 Goals

2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

Extended production run ensuring:- Sustained transfer of LHC data (raw and processed) to tape at >2 GB/s (up to 5 GB/s for heavy ion running),- Data export to Tier 1 centres of >2 GB/s,- Support for increasing numbers of users performing analysis at Tier 2s,- And more generally providing a service capable of withstanding planned and unplanned incidents: improving recovery procedures.

2012 Goals

LHC computing

2012 Achievements

Totem: Data-taking with p-A run, in common with CMS. Pursue analysis of several data sets (1km, diffraction, p-A). Extract T1 and T2 for maintenance. Extract silicon sensors from 147m Roman Pots and plan move of Pots to 220m locations. Start up general consolidation and upgrade activities during LS1. LHCf: Physics run at the highest possible energy. Upgrade of detectors with GSO (= more radiation hard) scintillator. Also data-taking in proton-ion collisions. MoEDAL: Recording data at the highest possible LHC energy for an integrated luminosity of > 10 fb-1.

Figure 4: LHC programme: LHC experiments (cont.), detectors consolidation & computing

Upgrades to several services during LS1 to better exploit the available networks grid-wide; anticipate significantly increased data rates following LS1 as trigger rates will be increased. Continual integration of new grid sites, and investigation of potential new cloud resources. Good prospects for more commonality between experiments, hopefully leading to improved efficiency and decreasing support loads.

- Provided a stable and reliable computing service for physics during the whole of 2012, with no significant service interruptions; the level of effort required is reported as sustainable;- Supported significantly increased data rates from all experiments, due to much higher trigger rates and additional “parked” data; Close to 30 PB has been written to tape from the 2012 run, with data rates to tape routinely between 4 and 6 GB/s;- Data exports from CERN run at 2 GB/s or more continuously, additional bandwidth is available when needed; integrated data transfers worldwide often reach 15 GB/s;- Grid-wide CPU delivered increased 20% over 2011, with full occupation of the resources by all 4 experiments.

2012 Achievements


- Indications of pledged resource levels for 2013 and 2014 are in-line with requirements during LS1, however, increase in need for 2015 may not be matched by available funding; - Additional Tier 0 capacity must be accommodated in the new Data Centre in Budapest, this still has risk associated until large scale testing has been performed;- With the end of the EMI and part of the EGI EC-funded projects, grid-service staffing at CERN is reduced. The available level of staffing is not sufficient to fully develop new technologies to improve efficiency, while maintaining an adequate Tier 0 service.


Detectors re-scoping

Future prospects & longer term Pluri-annual funding needed to address the planned consolidation projects has been included in the MTP.

Future prospects & longer term



Personnel Personnel Materials TotalLHC programme (cont.)

2012 Budget 1.0 120 1,575 1,6952012 Out-Turn 1,431 1,431

Variations Out-Turn wrt Budget -1.0 -120 -144 -264Budget usage in % 91% 84%


Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

7,7151,7455,97034.42012 Budget








126% 117%



LHC detectors consolidation


The personnel originally budgeted to work on Detectors re-scoping was reallocated to LHC detectors. The materials budget was subject to a reprofiling during the year due to the prolonged LHC run. Open commitments amount to 1.3 MCHF.

8 LHC computing





Common items, other experiments (incl. Totem,


Figure 4 (cont.): LHC programme: LHC experiments (cont.), detectors consolidation & computingFact

Sheet as in

MTP 2011

ActivityComparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)

and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC/5718)in 2012 prices

Some support previously earmarked under scientific support is directly allocated to the common LHC items.


The materials budget was fully committed at the end of 2012.


2012 Budget 44,645

Detectors re-scopingThe personnel originally budgeted to work on Detectors re-scoping was reallocated to LHC detectors improvement as well as to R&D for HL-LHC detectors.

Budget usage in % 57% 54%

2012 Out-Turn 102.9 20,360 23,887 44,247

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget 4.5 480 -878 -398

Budget usage in % 102% 96% 99%




Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget

98.4 24,76519,880


Other programmes (LHC support and non-LHC programmes)2012 Goals Reach goals defined in the experiment proposals and approved by scientific committees and Research Board.

Risks The total number of protons which can be delivered to the experiments is lower than expected owing to the design of the accelerator chain.

Risks No financial, technical or managerial risks identified.

No financial, technical or managerial risks identified.

Future prospects & longer term

AD: Increased efficiency for antihydrogen trapping, enabling its spectroscopy. Beam formation. Measurement of gravitational properties of antimatter. Addition of a cooling ring (ELENA) to increase the trapping of antiprotons by 2 orders of magnitude.CLOUD: Low temperature and low pressure running to further study cloud formation.North Area: Intermediate mass ions beams to study phase diagram of strongly interacting matter (NA61). Measurement of Generalized Parton Distributions with muon beams and Drell-Yan with pion beams on transversely polarized proton target (COMPASS-2). Rare Kaon decays (NA62).n_TOF: n_TOF will pursue with 2 experimental area neutron reaction measurements devoted to basic nucleosynthesis, to improvement of present nuclear reactors, to nuclear waste transmutation and innovative nuclear cycles and, finally, to medical applications.ISOLDE: in the context of the HIE-ISOLDE project, construction of superconducting linac to boost the energy of post-accelerated beams; 18 experiments already approved for HIE-ISOLDE; on going design of new targets and separation elements to benefit from higher intensity and energy delivered by the injector chain.CAST: Vacuum run with upgraded sunrise detectors to search for solar WISPs and chameleons; design next generation axion telescope.

2012 Goals Provide resources needed to operate the Centre; organize scientific activities centred on the LHC physics programme (Seminars, Workshops, Lectures and working groups).

112012 Achievements

- Organised 13 Workshops, ranging from statistical techniques, to the determination of the LHC luminosity, to the implications of searches for new physics, etc.;- Tutorials on RooStats (statistical techniques) and on RIVET (documentation and retrieval of LHC results for MC validation);- Coordinated activities/meetings of the Electroweak WG and Minimum Bias WG;- Organised 26 seminars on LHC results in the PH-LHC series, plus the students’ poster session at March’s LHCC meeting and a ½-day overview of the results presented at ICHEP2012;- Coordinated the preparation of 3 documents on the implications of LHC results for Terascale physics, submitted to the Cracow Symposium of the European Strategy group;- Hosted and supported visiting scientists participating in the various Workshop activities, as well as engaged in the development of the following tools/projects, among others: RooStats, MCplots, EvtGen, LHC@home 2.0.

Activity 2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

Figure 5: Other scientific programmes

2012 Goals Support experiments and the TH community.

2012 AchievementsActive research with important results in vital areas of theoretical Particle Physics, Astroparticles and Cosmology. Published 369 TH preprints. Hosted 66 fellows, 63 students, 59 associates (35 paid) and about 770 short-term visitors (470 paid) of 1220 visitor-weeks. Organised on site 1 School, 4 TH-institutes and 4 Workshops. Hosts 5 scientists with ERC advanced grants, one physicist with a starting ERC grant and 2 ITN European network contracts.

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011


Future prospects & longer term

LHC physics centre

Future prospects & longer termContinue to be a research centre of excellence in Theoretical Physics. Reference center and facility for the international theoretical physics community by hosting visitors and organizing theory institutes and workshops. Provide support to the experimental program of CERN and profit from its stimulating environment. Contribute to training, education and outreach onsite and elsewhere.

Continue organizing scientific activities centred on the LHC physics programme (Workshops, Lectures and working groups, combination of results).


2012 Achievements

CNGS: 3.9x10**19 protons on target. OPERA: completed data-taking with a grand total of 18.1x10**19 pots; second nu_tau candidate observed. ICARUS: continued data-taking with overall 93.5% efficiency;both experiments had a 2 weeks bunched beam allowing final result on neutrino velocity. AD: ALPHA: first spectroscopy measurement with antihydrogen published in Nature . Commissioning of a large part of a new setup (ALPHA2) allowing antihydrogen laser spectroscopy. ATRAP: measured the antiproton magnetic moment to 4.4 parts per millons; progress towards trapping of antihydrogen after LS1; ASACUSA: completion of single photon cold pbar-He spectroscopy; antihydrogen setup completed in view of 2014 run; first measurements of pbar-A annihilation at 130 KeV. AEGIS: installation of full equipment in experimental zone and preliminary tests with pbar beam.DIRAC: data-taking in view of evidencing long-lived pionic atoms. CLOUD: successful commissioning of expansion system for droplets and ice formation and increased temperature range, down to -90C. Data-taking with detector improvements, including study as a function of biogenic vapours concentration. Analysis of previous nucleation data. North Area: COMPASS: pion and muon runs to measure Primakoff effect, test run for DVCS with modified target and detectors. Publications on 2008-2010 muon and hadron data. NA61: p-Pb reference data; Be-Be energy scan at 13 GeV/A (Be scan at other momenta will be completed in Jan-Feb 2013). Analysis of data; NA62: final publication of RK analysis, test run with parts of all detectors except GigaTracker and RICH; NA63: data-taking to study the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect and structured target resonances. n_TOF: 1.9x10**19 protons on target; very successful operation with several targets, providing results of interest to nuclear technology, medicine and astrophysics. Collaboration involved in two EU Projects: ERINDA and ANDES. First n_TOF measurement in the field of nuclear medicine. Construction of the new neutron beam (n_TOF-EAR2) has been approved. ISOLDE: record of physics experiments, 50 realised, including the long sought-after determination of 54Ca mass. First used of beta-NMR with liquids, successful milestone for biological applications. CAST: He4 run with improved sunset micromegas detectors to search for axions in the 0.4 eV region.

9Non-LHC physics

(fixed-target programme)



FTEPersonnel Personnel Materials Total

Other programmes (LHC support and non-LHC programmes)




38.9 17,180









59.02012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget 180









2012 Budget 7,700








Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget 1.5 -240 -176 -417

9Non-LHC physics (fixed-

target programme)



Figure 5 (cont.): Other scientific programmesFact

Sheet as in

MTP 2011

Comparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC5718)

in 2012 prices


Budget usage in % 103% 98% 93%

Due to delay in the planning, the NA62 project was already reprofiled end of 2012 to 2013/2014 leading to a carry-forward of about 3.6 MCHF to 2012.

Expenses in line with budget.


LHC physics centre

Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn


Other programmes (LHC support and non-LHC programmes) (cont.)

Future prospects & longer term The injector complex will restart after LS1 in summer 2014.

Assure a safe, efficient and reliable operation of the experiments. Provide support to the community of users.

Figure 6: Other scientific programmes (cont.)


RisksNo financial, technical or managerial risks identified, provided that the level of resources is kept at least at the present level to preserve expertise and to provide support to the community of users.

Future prospects & longer term

12 Scientific support

Support operation, consolidation for running experiments, in particular during the Long Shutdown 1. Support new initiatives and future upgrade activities. Consolidate computing tools for the analysis of LHC data.

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011

2012 Achievements The experiments ran with excellent efficiency throughout the year. Data analysis and simulation tools were extensively and successfully used.

2012 Goals


Low- and medium- energy accelerators

/ PS and SPS complexes / Accelerator

technical services / Accelerator


2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

All facilities were operated successfully with the amount of beam being close to or above the agreed value.- The availability of the various machines was very high.- The neutron Time-of-Flight facility received more beam than was originally promised due to a longer running time and an optimization of the sharing between different facilities.- The AD facility had a record year with an exceptional availability of beam of 91%.- In the North Area of the SPS, a dedicated run was scheduled using Pb- ions to produce fragmented beryllium at low energy. This run continues early in 2013 for two further energies.- The final run of CNGS delivered 3.9x1019 protons on target. The accumulated number of protons on target over the 5-year running period was 81% of the original forecast. Consolidation of the CERN electrical network: consolidation of SPS 18 kV power cables, contract adjudication for the consolidation of the 66 kV protection systems.Studies and contract adjudication for the consolidation of the cooling and ventilation systems of the PS.Definition of the East Area renovation plan.Start of n_TOF EAR2 studies.Approval of a clas- A laboratory for ISOLDE including CERN-MEDICIS project.Studies for AD target consolidation.Design of a new PSB beam dump in the framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade project.Demonstrated the substantial suppression of losses in the SPS using a bent crystal as primary collimator.Test beams in UA9, H4IRRAD and HiRadMat.

2012 Achievements


Delivery of beams to all users with the maximum overall efficiency. All the non-LHC physics programmes are done in parallel with operation for LHC injection. Continuation of accelerator consolidation to ensure reliable operation of the LHC and fixed-target physics experiments, e.g. PS access system, 18 kV cables for the SPS and the SPS power converters.

2012 Goals

- Specific risks have been identified and mitigation measures are underway. LINAC4 is being prepared for connection from 2015 onwards should a major failure of LINAC2 occur (if LINAC2 working well though, connection to the PS Booster will take place during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 (2018)). Extensive risk assessment of a 25-year consolidation programme will drive planning. Availability of personnel will determine the capacity to carry out the consolidation work. Renovating the general infrastructure is necessary to reduce operation and maintenance costs (cooling, ventilation, electricity distribution, powering, lighting, etc.).- The consolidation projects are organised in such a way that during the year, if new insights in risk are obtained, priorities are shifted and the items with the highest priority will have budget allocated. In addition to the accelerators themselves, risks to the experimental programme exist due to the state of experimental areas, beam line equipment and infrastructure. Mitigation will involve extensive renovation and consolidation of these zones.



Personnel Personnel Materials TotalOther programmes (LHC support and non-LHC programmes) (cont.)

Accelerator technical services

Budget usage in % 117% 126% 105% 117%

Budget usage in % 82% 84% 85% 85%

Low- and medium- energy accelerators

Budget usage in % 92% 94% 58% 78%

7,8752012 Budget

12 Scientific support


Figure 6 (cont.): Other scientific programmes (cont.)

ActivityComparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)

and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC/5718)in 2012 prices










Personnel reallocations from accelerator consolidation to LHC injectors upgrade. The heading is fully committed with opern commitments amounting to 5.4 MCHF.


Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget

PS and SPS complexes

Budget usage in %




95% 95% 93% 94%

Personnel budget was reallocated to LHC detectors improvement and R&D for HL-LHC detectors. Open commitments amount to 708 kCHF, subject to a carry-forward of the same amount. The 500 kCHF not committed will be used to reduce the deficit.Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget -29.4 -3,446 -1,245

2012 Out-Turn 19,894 6,630

135.9 23,340

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011














-12.6Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget

Accelerator consolidation





Budget usage in % 78% 85% 84%











-2,016 -4,633 -6,649



The difference between materials budget and OutTurn is mainly due to the delay in the ISOLDROBOT project, which will end in 2013. The operations part of the materials budget was fully committed

The heading is fully committed.

More personnel resources were allocated to “accelerator technical services”, which is linked to the start of the Maintenance Management project and as well as some upgrades of facilities.


Infrastructure and services

2012 Goals

2012 Achievements




Figure 7: Infrastructure and services

2012 Achievements

The new building (107) project is launched and the foundations have been laid. Major upgrade of CAD system to 64 bit version; Improved processes to exchange CAD data with subcontractors. Common Enterprise Asset tracking and maintenance management project (GS,EN, TE, BE) progressing well.Projects in the central design office and workshop:• LHC, injectors and experiments consolidation, specifically welding support for ATLAS and LS1;• LINAC4 design completed, fabrication well advanced, specifically the RFQ;• Support for the development and production by industry of the first 10 superconducting RF cavities for HIE-ISOLDE;• R&D for HL-LHC, LIU and PSB: focus on 11 T magnets, SC link, RF components;• Consolidate centralworkshop equipment and conformity to current standards.

Retain and develop the know-how necessary for the design, prototyping, diagnostics and small series production of complex or cutting edge technology components for the accelerators and the experiments in mechanical, printed circuits, fine-pitch photolithography domains.

Activity 2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

Manufacturing facilities

RisksLose the ability to design and prototype complex or cutting edge technology components necessary for the development of accelerator systems or detectors for the experiments.Commercial price policy for CAD and engineering data management software.



The infrastructure degradation has been slowed down but with more than 6000 incidents and 3600 requests for support in 2012 the efforts just to maintain an aging , large and distributed site are considerable. The gas and fire detection systems (respectively 800 and 8000 detectors in total) have been maintained as planned despite some serious subcontractor issues. The hardwired alarm monitoring system has been equipped with a new redundant powering scheme. The central helpdesk with its backing support structures, offering a single point of contact in Bat 55 is a clear success with more than 88000 incidents and 107000 request for support recorded over the last 18 months. In addition to the GS and IT departments, the HR and FP departments integrated during 2012 this facility, offering to their many users a coherent, single point of contact. Inventory of ventilation equipment in the LHC complex has been done and will be completed at the end of the accelerator run when some ventilation units will be accessibleNew maintenance management office aiming at standardising maintenance practices and adapting the associated computing tools.

The increased budget with respect to 2008 aims to further improve the services offered to the users and staff as well as the operation & maintenance of the sites and their infrastructures, particularly in terms of fire & gas detection as recommended by SAPOCO.A central helpdesk will be provided to users/staff/contractors to improve the quality of services offered using relevant key performance indicators, best practices and standardisation of support processes wherever possible.

Future prospects & longer termProactive measures such as data backups, multi-site hosting and increased critical power for IT services all contribute to increased availability and performance while ensuring that the business continuity needs of the Organization are met.

- Unavailability of services due to causes such as software or hardware failures, damaged data due to corruption, human errors or deliberate actions.- Computer Security continues to be a major concern due to CERN’s high profile and the continuing high number of attacks attempts combined with their increased sophistication and the distributed nature of CERN’s Informatics.- Several companies are raising significantly their software licences fees profiting from a market with few competitors.

The functioning of the basic infrastructure is more and more compromised by the urgent need for consolidation of both technical and general infrastructure at the end of their lifetime. The extreme cold in February 2012 caused numerous breaks in the district heating system’s piping and created even more leaking roofs.Main effort will continue with corrective maintenance - the long-term goal is preventive maintenance. The higher number of users and other persons on the sites increases the pressure on the ageing infrastructure and will necessarily increase the volume of corrective maintenance.

Future prospects & longer termFurther improve services to the users and staff as well as the maintenance of the site for reliable operation. Improved car-sharing should allow a reduction of the car fleet. The infrastructure consolidation programme and the move to “public transport” will improve energy usage and permit the use of more energy-efficient transport facilities.


- The services were generally delivered to users' satisfaction.- The consolidation of the CERN Computer Centre in B513 is nearing completion with increased protected power & cooling for critical IT services.- The remote hosting contract to Wigner was concluded, offering further prospects for off-site business continuity.- In addition to continuous Responses to security incidents, the CERN bulletin featured regularly computer security awareness articles.- The TETRA radio communication infrastructure for the Fire Brigade was commissioned.- A review of the administrative applications suite (AIS) has been performed and a project for reengineering the tools aiming at more automation and integration has started.- The INSPIRE HEP Information Service built by CERN, DESY, Fermilab and SLAC has started to operate, building on CERN’s Invenio technology.- The SCOAP3 contracts for the provision of open access publication services with 10 publishers have been established, enabling the move of HEP publishing to Open Access.

2012 Achievements

Future prospects & longer term

2012 Goals

Ensure adequate level of availability of the informatics services including data-loss protection (backups) against accidental errors or human mistakes for its user base, as well as perform capacity planning to anticipate the needs. Ensure prompt corrective actions in the event of service failures. Protect and educate against the risks of computer security vulnerabilities.Launch a re-engineering programme of the administrative information applications suite. Start-up of the INSPIRE service at CERN.Start-up of the SCOAP3 (Open Access) activities administered by the GS/SIS group.

General facilities and logistics

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011

2012 Goals Avoid any delays in projects where the design/production is on the critical path. Launch the project of the removal of the fine-pitch photolithography workshop to a new building.



Personnel Personnel Materials TotalInfrastructure and services

Reallocation of persoonel from this heading to general facilities and logistics. Materials budget fully committed.

34,820 58,630

2012 Out-Turn 162.1






Budget usage in %

15General facilities and


Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011


Manufacturing facilities

2012 Budget


Comparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC/5718)

in 2012 prices


2012 Out-Turn

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

The 2012 Out-Turn is split as such:- 29.5MCHF expense (21.6MCHF materials and 7.9MCHF personnel) for site facility management;- 37.1MCHF expense (18.6MCHF materials and 18.5MCHF personnel) for technical infrastructure;- 2.6MCHF expense (0.7MCHF materials and 1.9MCHF personnel) for logistics.

General facilities have incurred higher expenses notably due to the CERN car fleet including the user services, cleaning services and temporary barracks, with respect to the 2012 Budget, with respect to the 2011 Outturn, this heading is stable.

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget 10,5936,0754,51921.4

16 Informatics


2012 Budget 140.8

28,329 40,895 69,223

75.2 12,945 2,715 15,660

153.9 16,110

Figure 7 (cont.): Infrastructure and services



Budget usage in % 118%117%119%115%

The budget was fully used

2012 Budget 43,975

2012 Out-Turn 165.4 28,769 16,477 45,246

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget 11.6 904 367 1,271

Budget usage in % 108% 103% 102% 103%


61% 60% 93%


Infrastructure and services (cont.)

Future prospects & longer term Continuing streamline administrative processes and regularly review and establish best practices to maintain the service level with constant resources in spite of growing demands and users.

2012 Achievements

The service catalogue was expanded to include HR services, finance and procurement services, which are now defined. The 2nd phase of the Five-Yearly Review and Pension Fund package of measures were implemented. The competence model was introduced and all staff members trained. The review on the various statutes of associated members of personnel was completed and integration finalized. The Council iniative on diversity was supported by opening the diversity office and raising awareness. Optimised cash flow management allowed for reducing the deficit and to avoid taken on commercial loans. Development on financial KPI reporting and controlling processes further advanced, with a common software platform being developed.

Future prospects & longer term Further improvement in the field of Occupational Health and Safety as well as Environmental Protection for both radiological and conventional aspects with reference to CERN’s Safety Policy.

Too low workforce to cope with increasing variety of national programmes, additional constraints from the outside and higher number of users. This is particularly the case for the recruitment office as well as for procurement as there is a strongly increasing amount of contracts and orders to be issued and managed within constant work force.Finances & Accounting:A shorter payment delay to institutes will impact cash management at CERN. Furthermore, the difficulties of some Member States to meet its obligations towards CERN on time may result in the Organization having to start taking commercial loans to ensure ongoing operations.

Integration of the service portal across all services in the Organization. Review in-house versus outsourcing. For Human Resources: implementation of Five-Yearly Review outcome and Pension Fund package of measures to restore full funding (2nd phase); support for Council initiatives.

Occupational Health and Safety:- Reduction of the number of injuries (incl. more complete incident reporting)- Safety training and safety training refresher courses- Towards a systematic risk analysis and elaboration of safety files (workplaces, operation of equipment/facilities)Emergency preparedness and incident management:Installation of a new encrypted radiocommunications system for the Fire Brigade compatible with the Host States’ emergency networks. Installation of a fire simulator. Upgrade of the Fire Brigade's heavy vehicles (ambulances, fire engines). Installation of a modern OHS information system.Radiation protection:- Limit and monitor prompt radiation, limit induced activity (reduce beam losses, shielding, studies, …), RP optimisation – ALARA, rad. waste management: towards elimination of wasteSafe operation, maintenance and consolidation of CERN beams facilities:- Implement Chamonix 2009 recommendations to improve safety of LHC operation.Environmental protection:- Inventory, assessment and priorities in matters of environmental protection actions.

Occupational Health and Safety:- Reduction of the number of injuries (incl. more complete incident reporting).2012 CERN corporate Safety objectives included incident investigation and follow-up.Total number of accidents (253 at work, 50 commuting) about the same as in 2011.- Safety training and safety training refresher courses: 3778 persons trained in 480 class-room courses of 51 different types. ≈12000 Persons trained using E-learning.Emergency preparedness and incident management:- Medical service has installed a new modern OHS information system. An assessment of the Organization’s sanitary emergency management capabilities was launched in 2012. A report on asbestos and occupational health isssues was presented. The new radiocommunication system is in the process of being installed. A fire simulator has been successfully installed and is used in the regular training sessions. Some of the firebrigade’s heavy and outdated vehicles have been replaced (modern ambulance, fire/equipment carrier truck). trucks).Radiation protection:- Further consolidation of CERN’s radiation monitoring system. Replacement of ARCON (system of the 80’s) by RAMSES in injector chain almost completed.- Management and operation of 8061 dosimeters: Reduction of collective dose (494 mSv) by 7% compared to 2011. No one has received a higher dose than 2mSv.- Launch of ActiWiz, a very successful engineering tool for material choice and waste forecast in view of radioactive exposure.- Continued corporate effort in reducing beam losses in accelerator chain.- Part of 2012 CERN Corporate Safety Objectives: Job and dose planning for all level 2 and 3 works done in line with ALARA principle.- Radioactive waste removal pathway opened to France. 96 tonnes of radioactive waste already removed from CERN site.- principles of free release agreed with Swiss authorities, machinery to perform free release commissioned.Safe operation, maintenance and consolidation of CERN beams facilities:- Full implementation of the Chamonix 2009 recommendations to improve safety of LHC operation.- Towards a systematic elaboration of safety files and related procedures with 99 projects were given traceable Safety advice, plus 5 experiments from AD, 7 from ISOLDE and 2 from the SPS North Hall.Environmental protection:- Inventory, assessment and priorities in matters of environmental protection actions: Reduction of acoustic noise emissions and energy saving.- Conventional waste management: First annual report on conventional waste in collaboration with GS and FP Departments.- Energy saving potentials were analysed and intermediate results presented by the CERN energy coordinator.

Lack of preventive measures might lead to incidents impacting people, the environment or investments. Insufficient safety measures could have operational and financial consequences and an impact on CERN's reputation. Lack of emergency preparedness increases the impact of incidents and delays adequate response to alarms.

2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

Figure 8: Infrastructure and services (cont.)



2012 Goals

2012 Achievements



Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011

Safety, Health and environment



2012 Goals


FTEPersonnel Personnel Materials Total

Infrastructure and services (cont.)

100% 100% 106% 101%

2012 Budget

Budget usage in %

Figure 8 (cont.): Infrastructure and services (cont.)

The 2012 Out-Turn is split as such:- 22.7 MCHF expense (5.8 MCHF materials and 16.9 MCHF personnel) for general administration services, including the Director-General's office;- 12.5 MCHF expense (2.5 MCHF materials and 10.0 MCHF personnel) for finances and procurement services;- 14.9 MCHF expense (3.0 MCHF materials and 11.9 MCHF personnel) for human resources management.

The materials overspending mainly relates to subsistence payments for additional scientific associates, and temporary staff in the finance department.

The budget was fully committed in 2012, with some deliveries taking place in 2013





145.1 22,020 14,755 36,775


Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011

ActivityComparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)

and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC/5718)in 2012 prices kCHF

649612380.4Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget





17Safety, Health and


18 Administration


208.1 38,760 10,620 49,380

50,02911,23238,798208.52012 Out-Turn


Infrastructure and services (cont.)2012 Goals

RisksFuture prospects & LT Refurbishment of accelerator-related buildings and office buildings threatened by concrete carbonation. Some additional funds for computing infrastructure refurbishments and renewals. Asbestos removal.

Outreach: The main risks associated with not engaging in the activity described here are as follows:- Risk 1: Missed opportunity and unutilized potential to create awareness, improve knowledge and understanding, and to attract advocacy on a global level.- Risk 2: Not satisfying the needs and expectations of key stakeholders, media and the general public regarding CERN’s transparency and information supply.- Risk 3: Not being equipped to identify potential crisis situations in opinions and/or to handle a major actual crisis appropriately in terms of the required communications needs.- Risk 4: Lack of overall communication policy leading to misinformation.These risks apply not only to CERN’s reputation, but can have a direct influence on the Organization’s ability to operate.A deterioration of the quality of these programmes could harm the reputation of the Laboratory in the eyes of the general public.KT: The amount of external revenues and expenses will depend on CERN's success to conclude new partnerships and KT contracts.Risk of not executing KT projects within the deadlines foreseen due to lack of resources.

Outreach: CERN Teacher Schools: 36 schools with 1,045 participants from 35 countries, delivered in 18 languages.CERN guided tours: 85,182 persons (40 % of them from school groups).'Universe of Particles' exhibition: 63,000 visitors.The CERN "Accelerating Science" traveling exhibition (450 sqm) went to Ankara (Turkey) and to Galway (Ireland); in total, more than 30,000 visitors saw the exhibition.Smaller CERN traveling exhibitions (< 100 sqm) were shown in seven cities in Greece (Thessaloniki, Athens, Alexandropoulis, Kavala, Heraklion, Volos, Patras), Spain (Granada), and Cyprus (Nicosia) with about 30,000 visitors in total.CERN Globe of Science and Innovation: 170 events with 15,000 participants.- Publications: 2011 Annual Report; 10 issues of CERN Courier; bi-weekly issues of the CERN Bulletin; 185,800 brochures in various languages for CERN and Member States.- Media and public: Organised 504 media visits on-site for 1,121 media professionals; coordinated communication of the Higgs-like particle discovery on 4 July (450,000 public viewers of webcast, broadcast audience over 1Bn (1,034 TV Channels, 5016 broadcasts), 17,000 press cuttings, 150 institutes hosting parallel events, with 10,000 participants); worked with organizers of ICHEP2012, EPPCN and IPPOG to generate full public and media programme for the conference.- Audio visual: photographic coverage of 370 subjects, including 121 VIP visits; updated CERN’s YouTube and other video channels with over 200 short films.- Web and online: pre-released new CERN website (CERN’s existing website received 2.7 million unique visitors in 2012, the pre-release is receiving 6,000 unique visitors per day); applied for .cern as a new top-level domain; developed social media presence (e.g. 725,000 followers on twitter); soft-launched CERN’s iTunesU site; added new content to the CERNland website for children.- Branding: rolled out CERN branding via graphic charter.- Events: organised a Swiss heat of the international FameLab competition for young scientists; European Researchers’ Night (200 students welcomed in the control rooms and a theatre show attended by 200 people); various local events.- Local communication: developed Passeport Big Bang local tourism initiative (10 exhibition platforms, 110 road signs for 54 km of cycle routes, 40 new road signs for CERN and LHC to replace old LEP ones, coordination with all town halls above the LHC).- Education: organized ‘Dans la Peau d’un Chercheur’ activity for local schools (38 classes from primary schools in Pays de Gex, Canton of Geneva and Haute-Savoie, 950 participating children, presented this activity at conferences and prepared a kit and a book to develop the activity beyond the local area). - Artists residency (externally funded): hosted first two artists in residence in collaboration with Ars Electronica and the City and Canton of Geneva, broad and positive media coverage.- Preparatory work for major communication initiatives in 2013: TEDxCERN (3 May); presentation of the updated European Strategy for Particle Physics (29-30 May); inauguration of Passeport Big Bang (2 June); European Researchers Night and CERN Open Day weekend (September); media visits planning for LS1.KT: The number of internal technology disclosures increased by more than a factor 2 from 2011 to 2012, indicating that the awareness of the importance of KT has increased within the Organization and that activities are better known within the technical departments.25 new agreements of various kind (licence agreements, partnership agreements, co-ownership agreements, …) have been negotiated and concluded in 2012.6 excellent projects for the KT fund have been approved in 2012. The support that KT activities have from the DG and the department heads is increasing, as also indicated by the presentations some of them made to their departments.The KT report presented in March 2012 to FC has been received very well by the delegations, as well as a the presentation on Life Sciences activities of September 2012. The meeting with the ENET (the network of representatives for KT in the Member States) in March has also been very much appreciated by the delegates.In 2012, more than 20 presentations to VIP, official visits to MS and other participations of KT to official events took place.2 new initiatives have been launched in 2012: CERN Easy Access IP and the STFC-CERN Business Incubator Center in Daresbury (UK).The ICTR-PHE conference took also place in 2012, with more than 700 people registered and 400 abstracts.The EC funded PARTER project ended in 2012, allowing the training of 25 researchers in several topics linked to Hadron Theraphy.A meeting to discuss the possibility of using the CERN’s LEIR facility to built a Biomedical facility has been organised. The meeting was attended by more than 200 people from 20 countries, and has clearly indicated the need for such a facility.

Further increase of general awareness of CERN and prepare for a continuing increase of visitors. Implementing new KT policy and enhance KT importance at CERN.

2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

Figure 9: Infrastructure and services (cont.)Fact

Sheet as in

MTP 2011


2012 Achievements


Outreach and KT (including Scientific


2012 Achievements

Infrastructure consolidation, buildings and


2012 Goals

Not pursuing the infrastructure consolidation entails serious risks for both the functioning of the accelerators and working conditions for the staff. Scarcity of personnel which will determine the capacity to carry out the consolidation items.

Building 867 renovation project is terminated with special radioactive workshop air extraction systems installed. Building 107 project successfully started and underway. AMS POCC handed over to AMS and in production. Civil engineering in Building 513 is terminated as well as in HIE-ISOLDE. The foundations for the new building 774 (replaces Building 936) has already been laid. Installation of new barracks for the delocalization of control rooms outside the AD hall. The SL53 project which is part of the Pt consolidation project - CMS offices and visitor centre-has been launched in 2012. The Building 30 renovation (carbonatation treatment) is well underway- delays are mainly due to unfavorable wether conditions. Building 165 (Cryolab) is completely renovated. Asbestos removal continues – building 185 is renovated. The IT auditorium (bld 31) is renovated after the inundation that occurred in the 2012 winter. The creation of the 774 building will free office space on the Prevessin site. Civil engineering work on the CCC is well under way.

Refurbishment of accelerator-related buildings and office buildings threatened by concrete carbonation. Completion of the approved project for Building 867 (grouping together of all workplaces for radioactive equipment) and start of the new Building 107 for all surface finishing activities to comply with safety and environmental directives. The AMS POCC will be completed and handed over to AMS while the civil engineering for the Building 513 extension and the HIE-ISOLDE is expected to be terminated. Construction work for the CCC consolidation project. Delocalisation of control rooms outside the AD hall. Start of Pavillion renovation (Building 936) and completion of consolidation work on the CMS site.The global site consolidation project is spread over at least 10 years and site maintenance will then have to be maintained at a consistent level to avoid further deterioration. Additional office buildings are also planned in order to host an increasing number of users.

Promoting CERN's achievements and possibilities even further in all areas (research, technology, education, training). Sustaining interest in particle physics when the LHC enters a long period of running after the first long shutdown. Stimulate knowledge transfer and generate more partnerships. Promote CERN's achievements and possibilities even further in all areas (research, technology, education, training).



Future prospects & longer term


FTEPersonnel Personnel Materials Total

Infrastructure and services (cont.)

Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget






19.4 3,040 39,920 42,960


-1.5 -114 -22,960 -23,075

46%42%96%92%Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011

ActivityComparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)

and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC/5718)in 2012 prices

20 Infrastructure consolidation, buildings and renovation


19 Outreach and KT (including Scientific Exchanges)

Following delays in schedule of delivery of Building 107 and other infrastructure consolidation projects, the materials heading was already re-profiled end of 2012 to be included in the Final 2013 Budget.

3 MCHF earmarked for consolidation of the CERN Control Centre technical infrastructure was moved to the LHC consolidation heading in 2012.

10,245 15,600 25,845



The Outreach and KT budget was fully committed at the end of 2012. Of the materials expense, 55% was used for scientific exchanges (students and scientific associates), 35% for outreach activities and 20% for expenses linked to knowledge transfer.

Figure 9 (cont.): Infrastructure and services (cont.)


Infrastructure and services (cont.)21

2012Goals Reducing short-term loans.2012 Achievements In spite of the difficult economic environment, CERN has no more short-term loans outstanding as of 31/12/2011.

Future prospects & LT No more short-term loans, after repayment of the long-term loans, aim to have a positive balance of financial revenues versus financial expenses.

Centralised personnel expenses (incl. social


Internal taxation The internal taxation appears in centralised expenses and offsets the equivalent heading in revenues. The personnel costs in all other headings are thus without internal taxation.

The amount of staff members exercising their saved leave or compensation leave usually at the end of their career, the heading is funded by the provision for “amortization of staff benefits accruals”.

This heading aims to enhance internal mobility between Departments by helping to pay salary differences between an experienced staff member and a new recruit.

CERN personnel that is detached, i.e. working for a collaboration or other institute. CERN receives these personnel costs as revenues.

Personnel and goods insurances as well as the postal charges.Risks: Increasing insurances fees pending on the macroeconomic environment.

The running costs for the CERN hostels in personnel and materials.

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011

Personnel on detachment

Energy and water

Centralised expenses

This heading is dominated by the CERN share of the health insurance scheme for the pensioners, the costs for personnel arrivals and departures and unemployment benefits. These costs can be estimated but there is no specific goal associated. The amount will continue raising due to the increasing number of CERN pensioners as well as the Council approved higher health insurance contribution rate. Risks: The heading centralised personnel expenses depends on the validity of the actuarial assumptions for the Health Insurance scheme and is therefore subject to changes that are not within the Management’s control.

Paid but not available

Personnel internal mobility

Insurances and postal charges

Housing fund

Interest and financial costs

Activity 2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

This heading is dominated by the electricity supply. It further includes heating gases and water costs. Risks: It is likely that energy costs will further increase. Whereas these increases were absorbed by the stronger Swiss Franc in the last two years, it can be expected that the next increase will have an important impact on the next Cost-Variation Index.Future prospects & longer term: Following an Internal Audit Report, the management of energy and water will be split such as to aim for a more efficient use of heating gases and water consumption.

RisksThere is no risk on the interest rates for CERN’s fixed and contractual long-term loans (i.e. the FIPOI loans for buildings and the reimbursement of the loan for the Pension Fund). However, if an important fraction of CERN’s Member States’ would not be in a position to pay their contributions, additional short-term as part of the normal cash-management might again become necessary. This risk cannot be avoided by the Management.

Figure 10: Infrastructure and services (cont.)


FTEPersonnel Personnel Materials Total

Infrastructure and services (cont.)21 Centralised expenses

2012 Budget 33,030 33,0302012 Out-Turn 35,028 35,028

Variations Out-Turn wrt Budget 1,998 1,998Budget usage in % 106% 106%

2012 Budget 28,510 28,5102012 Out-Turn 27,572 27,572

Variations Out-Turn wrt Budget -938 -938Budget usage in % 97% 97%

2012 Budget 270 2702012 Out-Turn

Variations Out-Turn wrt Budget -270 -270Budget usage in %

2012 Budget 4.1 1,170 1,1702012 Out-Turn 3.5 1,070 1,070

Variations Out-Turn wrt Budget -0.6 -100 -100Budget usage in % 85% 91% 91%

2012 Budget 2012 Out-Turn 28.0 1,949 1,949

Variations Out-Turn wrt Budget 28.0 1,949 1,949Budget usage in %

2012 Budget 77,210 77,2102012 Out-Turn 69,480 69,480

Variations Out-Turn wrt Budget -7,730 -7,730Budget usage in % 90% 90%

2012 Budget 7,275 7,2752012 Out-Turn 5,863 5,863

Variations Out-Turn wrt Budget -1,412 -1,412Budget usage in % 81% 81%

2012 Budget 2.3 330 3,785 4,1152012 Out-Turn 1.5 189 3,286 3,474

Variations Out-Turn wrt Budget -0.8 -141 -499 -641Budget usage in % 64% 57% 87% 84%

Variations Out-Turn wrt Budget 2,050 2,050Budget usage in % 116% 116%

Comparison 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC5718)

in 2012 prices

Centralised personnel expenses (incl. social security)

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011


The lower expenses are essentially due to less energy consumption and the fact that the financial costs of a SIG loan is no longer part of this heading

Expenses in line with experience in 2011 . The difference to the budget is used to reduce the deficit.

This heading has its equivalent in revenues and therefore has no impact on the budget balance.


The amount of internal taxation is an estimate that changes in both revenues and expenses without impact on the budget balance.

As of the MTP 2010, all paid but not available staff was regrouped to be shown directly under one heading instead of being part of each heading.

Interest and financial costs

Personnel internal mobility

Paid but not available


Figure 10 (cont.): Infrastructure and services (cont.)

Personnel on detachment

2012 Budget

Energy and water

Insurances and postal charges

Housing fund

13,145 13,145

15,1952012 Out-Turn 15,195The increase is due to interest paid for the SIG loan that were previously inluded under the heading "Energy and water".

Internal taxation




2012 Goals

2012 Goals


2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

The CTF3 measurements have successfully demonstrated the key feasibility issues for the CLIC accelerator concept, including two beam acceleration above 100 MV/m. Measurements in X-band test facilities at KEK and SLAC show that the required breakdown rates can be achieved for the key RF components of the machine. All these measurements are documented in the comprehensive Conceptual Design Report for the CLIC accelerator studies. A shorter summary volume includes additionally a description of a staged implementation that optimizes the physics reach over a large energy range, schedules, costs and power, as well as the programme of work for next phase of the project 2012-16 for both accelerator and detector/physics studies. The CDR documents are all completed and available. A short strategy document, summarizing the main results of the studies, outlook and implementation discussions, was submitted as input to the European Strategy process. During the year the work-packages for the period 2012-2016 have become the dominating technical activities and around 75 expressions of interests from the collaboration concerning involvement are progressively being implemented. The work-programme has been fully adapted to the resources in the current MTP over the same period.The final composition of the global Linear Collider Organization that will become operational in 2013 was defined in 2012. This organisation will pursue a possible Higgs factory based on ILC technology in Japan, and in parallel developing CLIC as a future energy frontier option at CERN after LHC.

Complete CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) measurements to address major CLIC technical issues and demonstrate performances of the novel two-beam acceleration scheme with nominal parameters (100 MV/m at 10-7 breakdown rate).Complete final version of Conceptual Design of a Multi-TeV Linear Collider in stages.Develop plans for next phase of the CLIC project preparation in time for the European Strategy for Particle Physics in 2012. Contribute to discussion of and participate in future governance structures for a Linear Collider as a global project.

Contribute, on the physics and detector side, to the preparation of a CLIC implementation plan by 2016. Interpret LHC physics results and adapt Linear Collider goals accordingly. Continue simulation studies for CLIC detector optimization. Perform Linear Collider detector R&D in the domains of: vertex detector R&D for CLIC, fine-grained calorimetry to Linear Collider specifications including control of cost, power delivery and power pulsing, reinforced conductor for a large detector solenoid, engineering studies addressing the challenges of constructing and operating experiments at a future Linear Collider.

At this early stage, there are no specific risks attached to this project yet.

Following the publication of the CLIC physics and detector Conceptual Design Report (CDR) an additional volume of the CLIC CDR was produced in collaboration with the CLIC accelerator study. It takes into account recent LHC results and provides an outlook towards a possible CLIC project implementation. This CDR volume served as the basis for input to the European Strategy for Particle Physics. ILC-DBDs: Essential contributions to the software development, the benchmark process studies and the editing of the ILC DBD were made. Concerning the hardware R&D, beam tests were performed at the PS and SPS with a 1m3 fine-grained hadron calorimeter prototype based on tungsten absorbers and Resistive Plate Chambers with fully digital readout. The vertex detector R&D made good progress in the domains of device simulation, microelectronics readout design, power pulsing and engineering; beam tests were performed at DESY and at CERN. Analysis of reinforced conductor samples produced in 2011 indicate that the co-extrusion technology seems feasible for larger cross sections as needed for future detector solenoids.

Based on the CLIC Conceptual Design Report, provide relevant input on linear collider physics and detectors for the update process of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (due in 2012). Take into account the incoming LHC results. Participate in the ILC Detailed Baseline Document (DBD) for the SiD and ILD detector concepts (due end 2012). Perform hardware R&D in the priority areas of: compact hadron calorimetry, CLIC vertex detector R&D, power delivery and power pulsing, reinforced conductor for a large detector solenoid (ongoing activites).

Preparation of Project Implementation Plan by 2016 based on the programme of work now underway and initialplanning of a Preparation Phase 2017-2022 with focus on system performance optimisation, further industrial involvements and site authorization and preparation, as final steps before eventual construction.

Provision of accelerated ions A=6 to A=238 between 0.7 and 10 MeV/A to ISOLDE users by 2018 in 3 stages: 5.5 MeV/A in 2015, 10 MeV/A in 2017 and deceleration down to 0.7 MeV/A in 2018 or later.It should be noted that no external funding is currently pledged for the last 2 stages, therefore, a rescheduling of stages 2 and 3 is unavoidable.

Technical: some accelerator components are of novel design and require prototyping (Nb-sputtered superconducting copper cavities). In case of failure, alternative solutions exist but could lead to delay in the schedule. Financial: SC Linac financed entirely through external funds. Possible concerns are related to realities of funding which may cause complicated procurement strategies.The HIE-ISOLDE project competes with other activities at CERN during LS1. This jeopardizes the timely completion of Phase 1 of the project by 2015.A shortfall of both, CERN funding and external funding, has been identified by the Cost and Schedule Review; resources (M+P) remains to be secured.


2012 Achievements

Future prospects & longer term

2012 Goals

Technical: lack of availability of the CTF3 experimental facility with minimum spares.Collaboration: progress strongly depending on the continued effort from outside institutes, and the ability to engage these institutes fully in the future programme.


The Civil Engineering works have been completed and the installation of the general services has started.The contract for the supply of 4 SC solenoids for the 4 high-beta cryomodules was attributed.10 3D forged copper billets were procured for the manufacturing of the first series of superconducting high-beta RF cavities for phase-1.The procurement of the cavity alignment mechanism, helium vessel and vacuum vessel including the top plate for the fisrt 2 high-beta cryomodules was launched through the CATE contract KE2021.The re-use of the cryogenic plant previously used by the ALEPH experiment was decided; this leads to a cost saving but leaves an uncertainty on the cryogenic power for the phases beyond Phase 1.The procurement of the High-Energy Beam Transfer line components was delayed following the request by the physics community of an additional beam line already in Phase-1.

Installation and commissioning of the ELENA ring while using the existing beam-lines for delivery of pbars at 100MeV/c in 2016. Once the ELENA commissioning is completed, all the present transfer lines for the present experiments at 5 MeV kinetic energy will be dismantled and the new electrostatic transfer lines for 100 keV kinetic energy will be installed during the shutdown 2016/17. The first antiproton beam from ELENA to the experiments is foreseen for summer 2017 after commissioning of the new 100 keV lines.A second experimental area and a future experiment GBar have been approved. As a consequence, an additional building to house AD equipment and serving as stoirage place and a second ELENA extraction and low energy transfer line have been approved with the required resources.

Delays to the physics programme if ELENA installation/commissioning is prolonged.

The project has been set up with a well defined structure and work packages with budget allocations over the contruction and commissioning period. The basic machine layout and “lattice” have been fixed and updated estimates of beam parameters are available. Design and specifications of hardware components have been started and are underway.

Set-up of the project. Design, specifications and invitations to tender of various systems and components.

Future prospects & longer term


Future prospects & longer term


2012 Achievements

2012 Achievements

Future prospects & longer term

Completion of civil-engineering work. Launch series production of high-beta superconducting RF cavities and SC solenoids. Procurement of 1st cryomodule, cryogenics plant and transfer line magnets. Finalize LLRF system.

2012 Goals

2012 Achievements

23Linear collider detector R&D

Figure 11: Projects

22CLIC / Linear collider studies

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011



FTEPersonnel Personnel Materials Total


2012 Out-Turn

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

19.0 3,491 544 4,035

-1.6 -34 74 40

The personnel expenses are higher due to M to P for GET fellows. The budget was fully committed on 31.12.2012, some RF components will only be delivered in 2013

Figure 11 (cont.): Projects

23 Linear collider detector R&D

CLIC / Linear collider studies


The higher costs in personnel are due to charges linked to saved leave.The project has been delayed. Consequently, the materials expenses are lower and were re-allocated to future years. 25 ELENA



1.1 MCHF of the expenses was covered by external funding.

Lower materials expenses than budgeted due to delayed completion schedule of phase I. HIE-ISOLDE24


Budget usage in %

Budget usage in % 70%



Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011


Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget 4.4



Comparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC/5718)

in 2012 prices




72.02012 Budget

2012 Out-Turn

Budget usage in %





109%Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget 6,635









3,52520.62012 Budget 3,995470

-4,598-4,8732750.2Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

10,7173,6277,09045.32012 Out-Turn

15,3158,5006,81545.12012 Budget

100% 104%

99% 116% 101%


Projects (cont.)2012 Goals Build and test 4 elliptical superconducting cavities. Build the cryomodule components. Upgrade the SM18 test facility.

R&D accelerators (including HP-SPL)

Other R&D




Future prospects & longer termR&D computing supported by EU: IT is preparing a strategy for engagement in the forthcoming Horizon 2020 EC programme. This strategy will rely on collaboration with other research communities and industry in order to attract EC funding (including EGI, Helix Nebula, OpenAIRE+, the CERN OpenLab project and EIROforum). R&D for detectors: Prepare for future generation of detector systems.

The LINAC4 schedule has been revised to be consistent with the long-term CERN accelerator schedule: the accelerator will be completed at end 2015 and tests aiming at assessing and improving reliability will take place in 2016/2017. If LINAC2 is functioning well, it is foreseen the connection to the PS Booster will take place during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 (2018).

Future prospects & longer term

For HP-SPL, technical and financial: quality and completeness of the R&D until 2015 will directly impact on the collaboration agreement with ESS: delays would be disruptive for the ESS Project.

RisksMain remaining technical risks concern commissioning with a beam from an ion source, RFQ and chopper: unexpected problems could require repair or improvement programmes with related costs and delay.

2012 Achievements

The new ion source and the RFQ have been completed and installed in the 3 MeV Test Stand; beam measurements have been performed at the source exit and full 3 MeV tests will start at beginning of 2013. The first DTL segment, 5 CCDTL modules and 1.5 PIMS modules have been completed, corresponding to about 25% of all accelerating structures; the remaining DTL and CCDTL modules are in advanced stages of construction. The main cabling in the building has been completed, installation of the RF network is finished and 5 klystrons out of 16 are in position; installation of electronics has started.


R&D computing supported by EU: - Diversion of matching manpower required for many EC projects from the organisations scientific programme. - A number of EC funded projects (EMI, EGI-InSPIRE, EnviroGrids and eScienceTalk) will come to an end in 2013 reducing the manpower CERN has available to support the maintenance and development of the grid computing infrastructure as well as the dissemination results.- There are no further suitable funding calls foreseen in FP7 which means there is no possibility of replacing the manpower with EC funded effort during 2013. R&D for detectors: None.

2012 Achievements

R&D computing supported by EU: Successful submission of two CERN-IT led EC funded projects: Helix Nebula to study the use of commercial cloud computing services and ICE-DIP to work with Intel on developments for the LHC experiments trigger and data acquisition systems.Completed projects: OpenAIRE, PARTNER. On-going projects: OpenAIREPlus, EnviroGrids, EGI-InSPIRE, eScienceTalk, EMI, CRISP, EUDAT, i-Marine, BlogForever, Helix Nebula. ICE-DIP will start in February 2013.R&D for detectors: Continued contribution to RD18 (crystals), RD50 (silicon sensors) and RD51 (Micro Pattern Gas detectors), development of new cooling technologies (microchannels, CO2). These R&Ds are an essential input to the upgrade plans of LHC experiments during the future shutdowns.

2012 Goals

R&D computing supported by EU: Ensure the distributed computing infrastructure deployed by the LCG project can continue to support the increasing data quantities and processing needs of the Laboratory's physics programme. Expand CERN's influence in a range of scientific disciplines through distributed computing, exascale data management and open access digital repositories. R&D for detectors: Generic R&D for future generation of detectors.

Figure 12: Projects (cont.)Fact

Sheet as in

MTP 2011

Activity 2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term


2012 Achievements

Construction of cavities in industry has been delayed after the discovery of defects in a single cell test cavity. After analysis and definition of the correcting measures, fabrication has resumed and delivery is now expected during the first half of 2013. The electropolishing process has been validated on a single-cell cavity from CEA. Two high-power RF couplers have reached the required characteristics. Tuners have been delivered by CEA (France). The design of the cryomodule has been finalized in collaboration with IN2P3 (France) and mechanical parts will be ordered in 2013. The upgrade of the cryogenics of the SM18 test facility has started.The HiRadMat facility ended its first year of operations with nine experiments successfully completed. These included a robustness test of: an LHC collimator, an SPS to LHC extraction diluter, and of a bend crystal assembly before its installation in the LHC. Other experiments focused on R&D issues on future beam intercepting devices with a test of candidate materials for LHC collimators that collected useful data using novel online measurement techniques (fast photography, vibration and stress measurements) that would allow comparisons with simulation models, and two experiments related to high-power R&D for targets and of the response of RP monitoring devices to pulsed radiation fields. The EUROnu FP7/EU funded study was concluded in August 2012. Its final report summarizes the physics potential of three large-scale neutrino physics facilities: a 4-MW SuperBeam, a γ=100 Beta-Beam, and a low-energy Neutrino Factory, with the latter to be the preferred option for precision studies in the neutrino sector.

Future prospects & longer term

R&D for a high-power SPL is based on the work done for the LP-SPL. Four superconducting cavities will be delivered and measured in a vertical cryostat in 2013. A fifth cavity will be built by the CERN workshop and tested in a vertical cryostat during 2013. The auxiliary equipment and the mechanical parts for the cryomodule will be available before the end of 2013. The upgrade of the SM18 test place (2K cryogenics, clean room upgrade and MW-class 704 MHz RF system) will finish in 2013. The assembly of the string of 4 cavities in the cryomodule itself will take place in 2014. High-power RF tests of the assembled cryomodule is planned to begin before the end of 2014. A report will be published in 2015 summarizing the achievements and complementing the LP-SPL Conceptual Design Report (CDR) for high beam power. The objectives of the SPL R&D after 2014 will be decided as a function of the scientific strategy of the Organization, taking into account the achievements at that date. Studies continue within the present resource limitations on neutrino physics through the EU-funded LAGUNA-LBNO project, and towards a possible implementation of a Neutrino Facility in the SPS North Area including a short-baseline neutrino beam to support search of anomalous neutrino oscillations and neutrino detector development and large-scale prototype testing combining neutrino and charged particle beams.The creation of a test area for a Plasma Wake-Field Acceleration scheme is also under study, probably in an initial step re-using the CNGS beam line that concluded (verbally confirmed by DG) operation in 2012.

2012 GoalsCompl.the beam measurements on the 3 MeV test stand. Compl the construction of the DTL and CCDTL accelerating structures and of the first batches of PIMS structures. Install RF equipment, power supplies and electronics in the building. Install a first part of the accelerating structures in the tunnel.


FTEPersonnel Personnel Materials Total

Projects (cont.)

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget 7,6408106,83045.1











3,140 6,730


37.2 5,818 3,435 9,253

165% 162% 109% 137%

Figure 12 (cont.): Projects (cont.)

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget




Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011


R&D accelerators (including HP-SPL)

2012 Budget

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget


Other R&D

Comparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC/5718)

in 2012 prices

Budget usage in %


22.6 3,590


2012 Out-Turn

The move of the LHC shutdown and the decision to connect LINAC4 in Long Shutdown 2 has caused a reprofiling of the LINAC4 construction and commissioning. The pace of expenses was consequently slowed down in 2012.

The personnel out-turn is higher than the budget due to the direct allocation of some staff from the workshop to this activity (fabrication of RF quadrupole), as well as more fellows assigned to the project.



Budget usage in % 128% 114% 56% 73%



Budget usage in %


The increase is linked to additional EU project funds (e.g. CRISP and TIARA), and work packages taken on for outside collaborations such as ITER, for which additional revenues were secured.



The difference between personnel budget and out-turn on the EU projects and R&D detectors heading is due to the charging of EU staff and fellows to EU projects under specific activities, notably under R&D accelerators (and no longer under the generic EU heading).


Projects (cont.)2012 Goals


Future prospects & longer term


2012 Goals

2012 Achievements

LHC injectors upgrade29

2012 Achievements

Future prospects & longer term

2012 Goals


Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011



High luminosity LHC upgrade: Performance-

improving consolidation and

luminosity upgradeRisks

2012 Achievements

LHC detectors improvement and

R&D for HL-LHC detectors

Future prospects & longer term

Beam studies and tests in the PSB, PS and SPS with a view to refining the needs and specifying the required equipment.

Beam studies have progressed as planned and will continue in 2013 until the start of LS1. Their status was reviewed in August 2012 to make the best use of the remaining beam time. The acquired knowledge will allow refining the necessary upgrades at the beginning of 2013. The project planning has been adapted to the new LHC schedule foreseeing the connection of LINAC4 to the PSB during LS2 in 2018. A number of technological choices have been validated (digital beam control and new RF system in the PSB, new beam gymnastics in the PS, beam scraping technique in the SPS etc.) and the design of the future hardware has now started. Some equipment has been prepared for installation during LS1 and the necessary cabling has been negotiated.

Technical: the upgraded LHC will not reach its goal and deliver the expected integrated luminosity if the injectors do not reliably deliver beams of proper characteristics.

The LIU project defines and coordinates the work programme necessary for the LHC proton and ion injectors to meet the nominal LHC and HL-LHC requirements in terms of reliability and beam characteristics until the end of the LHC lifetime. A Technical Design Report (TDR) will be published in 2013 together with a refined estimate of the resources and schedule. The implementation of the main hardware upgrades is planned for the second long LHC shutdown LS2 in 2018. Some equipment will be installed in the accelerators during LS1 (e.g. PSB: prototype RF system and new beam dump, PS: shielding and longitudinal damper, SPS: coating of additional magnet vacuum chambers and new wire scanner…). Design will be finalized and construction of most other equipment will start in 2013-2014.

Machine Development to understand the present LHC intensity limitations (at different bunch spacings) and optics studies.Final qualification of Nb3Sn superconductor with a small model coil (SMC). Construction of large aperture high gradient quadrupole (HQ). Possible construction of the cold-warm transition necessary for DS collimators in 2013. Test of the first long SC link and of the first 11 T short model dipole.

The MD (Machine Development) studies on LHC have allowed to fully qualify: i) the Achromatic Telescope Scheme (ATS) scheme with beam; ii) the 25 ns bunch spacing (although not in an extensive way as wished); iii) compensation for beam-beam effect (octupoles and beam tune split). The nominal LHC current was reached, although at lower energy. On the technology side, three SMCs with various Nb3Sn superconductors have been fully manufactured but not yet tested due to testing queue in the test station (renewal of SM18 testign facility and need to test magnets that will be installed in LHC during LS1, which has priority): test is foreseen from March 2013. The aperture of the inner triplet quadruopole was fixed in June 2012, which allowed to launch the construction process of the HQ, now called MQXF. The design is in an advanced stage in the collaboration CERN-USLARP. The first large tooling for this project (a large 3 m long furnace for 700 C reaction) has been successfully installed at CERN. The first larger NbTi quadrupole (MQXC) has been completed and successfully tested. New very positive results: the first prototype of a Crab Cavity was delivered by the University of Lancaster and the Cockroft Institute to CERN for chemical processing and cold testing in spring 2013.The CERN-Fermilab collaboration ifinished and and tested the first 11 T prototype: results are positive but not final: 10.4 T was reached (or 95% of the goal). A new 1 m long prototype has been quickly launched by Fermilab to reach the full goal. The cold-warm transition has been almost finished (some delay, due to lower priority with respect to LS1 works; it will be tested in 2013). On the front of SC link and the development of the round wire in MgB2 was achieved (not existing before) and a short cable has been manufactured and successfully tested.The version of 12-20 m long is now under construction. Meanwhile, the new test facility has been commissioned and the cable will be tested in spring 2013.

-For each equipment based on new technology a back-up plan (less technically challenging with however some loss in performance) is being identified. New machine studies are under way to understand possible hard limits; these may influence the design parameters of the HL-LHC. The new ATS has been fully tested in the present LHC: it works so well that probably it will be implemented in LHC well before the HiLumi run, so the risk here is virtually zero.- High Field Magnet (HFM) programme and especially the associated US-LARP programme have shown that most of the issues can be solved: the only area of risk today is theMagnet Protection that is not yet fully tested with adequate redundancy and margin. However, the fall-back solution is provided by the large aperture NbTi quadrupole of Phase-1 (for this reason a 2 m long quadrupole of NbTi has been completedand tested).- Inability of using Crab Cavity: mitigation measure through use of Long Range beam-beam compensation wire and smaller crossing angle or the use of flat beams: loss in performance: 25-30% in peak and integrated; loss of the ideal leveling system.- Delays in the objectives caused by possible inherent difficulties, conductor deliveries or budget cuts from partners could have an impact on the readiness for the magnet design and the consequent luminosity upgrade. Tooling not yet ready. The availability of manpower will be challenging due to the splice consolidation work in the 2013-2014 shutdown.- A new area of risk has risen: it is related to the new concept of pile-up density. This new concept, emerged in the HL-LHC coordination group, is under discussion with the experiment collaborations.

HL-LHC will provide a global framework for all upgrade R&D studies and hardware modifications on the LHC necessary to upgrade the luminosity well beyond initial design (potentially a factor 25 in peak luminosity).All consolidation activities on LHC, beyond the ones agreed to, assume spare parts and assume reaching the original design values (in practice all acitivity beyond LS1), are beinggradually merged into the project and harmonized with the scope of the upgrade to avoid double counting and scattered intervention.The HFM programme is incorporated into HL-LHC as an independent work package devoted to generic High Field technology development. A further WP, called HE-LHC, contains a task “Magnets for Collider” to take care of the R&D and design issues aimed at the HE-LHC magnets. The FP7-EuCARD2-WP10 is incorporated into this WP. HL-LHC is the necessary step towards HE-LHC in terms of technology. From 2013, HE-LHC studies will incorporate the newly proposed VHE-LHC ,based on the 80 km tunnel launched by the Director of Accelerators in June 2012.

Continue R&D and in some cases start procurements and construction of components which will be installed during technical stops or the 2 shutdowns planned around 2013 or 2017 before the bulk LHC run. The planned CERN participation will mainly focus on: DAQ, TPC readout and ITS improvement for ALICE, insertable B layer (IBL) and trigger for ATLAS, new pixel detector, luminosity telescope, 4th RPC station and DAQ for CMS, new electronics for a 40 MHZ trigger for LHCb.

The LS1/2 upgrades plans of all 4 main LHC experiments have been endorsed by LHCC. Among highlights in 2012:ATLAS: IBL components being procured, ready for assembly; new Pixel services ready. New Inner Detector cooling plants under procurement. New small wheel technologies decided and tested in beams.CMS: YE4 yoke under assembly, 4th RPC and CSC production started, CO2 cooling plant for new pixel detector under procurement, demonstrator of new DAQ system.ALICE: ITS: several sensors/electronics technologies evaluated, prototyping of mechanics, cooling and integration. TPC: GEM-IROC prototype tested in beam.LHCb: test of different sensor technologies (strips vs pixels) for new VELO, evaluation of scintillating fiber tracker prototype (option for upgraded central tracker).In parallel, generic R&D is continuing on common electronics (90 and 130 nm deep submicron technology, power conversion and distribution, fast Gigabit links), cooling and novel detector technologies.Without these upgrades, the performance of the detectors would not be optimal and would not allow taking full profit of the luminosity of the LHC. Due to radiation damage and increased pileup, upgrades are a mandatory condition for running the detectors during the HL-LHC phase.Prepare for optimal exploitation of LHC at ultimate luminosity.

2012 Goals (CERN/FC/5534), 2012 Achievements, Risks and Future Prospects & longer term

Figure 13: Projects (cont.)


FTEPersonnel Personnel Materials Total

Projects (cont.)












The personnel heading for the performance improving consolidation and luminosity upgrade increased due to reallocation of some personnel from the LHC operation. The materials heading has been impacted by changes in the planning.




High luminosity LHC upgrade: Performance-

improving consolidation and luminosity upgrade

LHC injectors upgrade29

Fact Sheet as

inMTP 2011


Figure 13 (cont.): Projects (cont.)


-4,450 -2,243




The personnel heading of the LHC detectors improvement and R&D for LHC detectors improvement has increased significantly, due to reallocation of personnel from the scientific support heading to this activity.

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget 1.9 367

The main reason for the increase of personnel strength is due to transfer from materials to personnel for GET fellows. The materials budget was not fully committed due some delays in the project planning, which is now aligned to the LINAC4 connection in Long Shutdown 2.


Comparison Final 2012 Budget (CERN/FC/5578)and 2012 Out-Turn (CERN/FC/5718)

in 2012 prices


Budget usage in % 103% 103% 48% 78%

31LHC detectors improvement

and R&D for HL-LHC detectors



55.72012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget


9,335 20,395





126%Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget

Budget usage in %

Variations Out-Turn with respect to Budget

2012 Out-Turn

2012 Budget 18,935




III. Additional Information


1. Scientific Progress and Publications The performance of the LHC machine has been outstanding: integrated luminosities considerably exceeding expectations were delivered for the proton-proton run and this outstanding performance was matched by the achievement of record peak luminosities. In proton-proton mode, the LHC machine delivered an integrated luminosity exceeding 23 fb-1 to each of the experiments ATLAS and CMS, significantly above the announced expected 15 fb-1 goal for 2012 and with record instantaneous luminosities exceeding 7 × 1033 cm-2 s-1 at a centre of mass energy of 8 TeV. These record luminosities are due to the increased experience in operating the LHC machine and to the impact of enhanced maintenance and consolidation efforts. The LHC machine also ran successfully in proton-lead-ion mode for short machine studies, and physics data was collected by ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb.

The LHC experiments took data of excellent quality with high efficiency. As a result, more than 300 physics papers have been submitted to refereed physics journals and more than 1,600 conference presentations were made by the LHC experiments.

The highlight for 2012 was the observation of the Higgs-like boson by ATLAS and CMS. This year-on-year improvement in performance has allowed the LHC experiments to obtain important results quicker than expected. In addition to the spectacular discovery of a Higgs-like particle announced in July, the experiments have led to many other studies which have improved our understanding of the particle physics Standard Model.

For example, the inclusive jet cross section as a function of the jet transverse momentum (spanning over 9 orders of magnitude) or the single and double vector bosons production have been accurately measured and found to be in agreement with next-to-leading-order calculations. The large Top quark production at LHC energy has already allowed precision measurements of the Top mass and production cross sections and the observation of spin correlations. Limits were increased for new physics such as super-symmetry models.

The main physics results of LHCb include the first evidence for Br(Bs → µ+µ-) = 3.2 × 10-9, which is in agreement with the Standard Model; the measurement of the ϕs (phase of the Bs oscillation amplitude) at ±0.09 rad; the measurement of the forward backward asymmetry (AFB) in B → K* µ+µ-; and the first measurement of CKM angle γ at ±16 deg.

Most of the 2012 running period for ALICE was devoted to running in proton-proton mode to collect statistics of minimum bias and rare triggers to serve as reference data for the Pb-Pb data collected in 2011 and 2012. TOTEM measured the total cross-section in a luminosity-independent mode at high β* and collected data for diffractive processes with triggers in common with

CMS. LHCf completed its primary physics analysis of the π0 spectra at the 7 TeV collision energy. MoEDAL deployed new detectors and took data in proton-proton collision mode. Analysis of the MoEDAL data is in progress after removal of the test array.

The performance of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) continued to be outstanding, providing a stable and reliable computing service for physics and allowing a very fast reconstruction and analysis of the data. A total of close to 30 PB of data were written to tape for the 2012 LHC physics period. The WLCG supported significantly higher data rates from all experiments due to much higher trigger rates and additional ‘parked’ data. There was a continued growth in the number of end-users of the WLCG for physics analysis, with at present more than one third of the collaboration members of all the LHC experiments using the service. A contract was concluded with the Wigner Institute in Budapest to host the remote Tier-0, offering further prospects for off-site business continuity.

The non-LHC physics programme was also highly successful at all facilities – SPS, PS, AD, n_TOF and ISOLDE – as well as at the axion search experiments. OPERA and ICARUS completed their physics data-taking, with the former experiment reporting the observation of a second ντ candidate. The earlier surprising measurement of the neutrino time-of-flight by OPERA was not confirmed by further dedicated OPERA runs and by other experiments. Highlights at the AD include the publication in Nature of the first spectroscopy measurement with anti-hydrogen by ALPHA; the very precise measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment by ATRAP; the completion of the single-photon cold antiproton-He spectroscopy by ASACUSA; and the installation of the AEGIS experiment and the preliminary tests with antiprotons.

In the North Area, COMPASS measured the Primakoff effect and published results from their 2010 and 2008-2010 muon and hadron analyses; NA61 took proton-lead-ion reference data and started an energy scan with Be at 13 GeV/A; NA62 published its RK results and completed a test run with many of the sub-detectors; and NA63 took data to study the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect and structured target resonances. CLOUD continued its data-taking with improved detectors and advanced in its analysis of nucleation data collected previously. DIRAC took further data with a view to observing long-lived pionic atoms. The n_TOF programme was characterized by successful operation with several targets, providing results of interest to nuclear technology, medicine and astrophysics. Construction of the new neutron beam (n_TOF-EAR2) has been approved. A record number of physics experiments ran at ISOLDE, including a measurement of the 54Ca mass and the first use of beta-magnetic resonance imaging with liquids. CAST continued its He4 physics runs with improved detectors in their search for axions in the 0.4 eV region.


2012 saw the start of the performance improvement consolidation programme and of research for the HL-LHC project aimed at implementing the ambitious longer-term plans to provide a total integrated luminosity of the order of 3,000 fb-1 (recorded) by the end of the life of the LHC, implying an annual luminosity of about 250-300 fb-1 in the second decade of LHC operation. The HL-LHC phase will also entail modifications to components in the insertion regions of the machine whose performance will have deteriorated due to radiation effects, such as the inner triplet quadrupole magnets. Installation of the HL-LHC is scheduled for the 2022 long shutdown. LHC detector R&D and upgrades to make optimal use of the LHC luminosity are also underway.

The CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) measurements have successfully demonstrated the key feasibility issues for the CLIC accelerator concept, including the two-beam acceleration scheme with accelerating gradients exceeding 100 MeV/m within the required breakdown rates. The CLIC accelerator Conceptual Design Report has been completed and a position paper was submitted to the deliberations of the European Strategy for Particle Physics update.

Research in the Theory Unit (TH Unit) covers all areas of theoretical particle physics, as well as topics in particle astrophysics and cosmology. The TH Unit is strongly engaged in supporting the LHC physics programme, including both the proton and Pb-ion physics. Particular effort was devoted to the better understanding of Standard Model (SM) backgrounds, the investigation of the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking, the origin of mass and their hierarchy and the quantization of the gravitational interaction. One of the central issues was to understand the consequences of the discovery of a Higgs boson of around 125 GeV at the LHC for the validity of the Standard Model at high energies and for super-symmetry. Moreover, several directions beyond Standard Model physics were pursued, taking into account the present experimental constraints, including neutrinos and non-accelerator experiments. In Pb-ion physics, efforts have been concentrated on understanding the fundamental mechanism that underlies the energy loss of fundamental quarks and gluons. An important point concerns the interplay between particle physics measurements at colliders and the large amount of data coming from a diverse range of observations, including from astrophysics and cosmology. In the more formal theory fields, research focused on string theory, applications of gauge and gravity correspondence, lattice QCD, supergravity and non-perturbative gauge dynamics. The TH Unit members also play an active role in the study groups for CLIC and linear colliders in general, and for future upgrades of the LHC. The TH Unit published 369 TH preprints and hosted 66 fellows, 63 students and 770 short-term visitors (of which about 470 were paid by CERN) to collaborate with theoretical physicists and with the experiments. The TH Unit organised one physics school, four summer institutes and four workshops. The unit hosts 5 scientists with ERC advanced grants, one physicist on an ERC junior grant, and two ITN and one ICT European network grants.

2. Human Resources Status The total CERN staff member strength in 2012 was 2,423 FTEs, of which 2,354.3 FTEs were charged to CERN accounts and 68.7 FTEs to team accounts. 28 FTEs were using their saved leave, resulting in a staff strength of 2,326.3 active FTEs charged to CERN accounts, which is within the 5% flexibility around 2,250 active FTEs agreed by the Council.

The fellow strength corresponds to 513.2 FTEs including 482.2 FTEs charged to CERN accounts and 31 FTEs to team accounts. There were 21.8 FTEs of apprentices, all paid on CERN accounts. A total of 91.6 FTEs fellows were funded by EU, of which 62 FTEs are on Marie-Curie projects. Additional funding for 65 fellow-years was granted to CERN in 2012 for the future.

The Graduate Engineering Training programme has increased in importance. Some 91 fellows are on this sub-programme of the fellowship programme. CERN also had bilateral training programmes for some 110 students and young graduates with various Member States at the end of 2012.

Altogether, these training programmes and EU-supported fellowships contribute significantly towards attracting new talents into our field and developing the careers of fellows for the future.

The associated members of personnel amounted to more than 11,480 users, some 310 students and some 370 associates as at 31 December 2012. HR Review All HR activities were reviewed and simplifications introduced wherever possible (e.g. streamlining the administrative selection process and candidate claim reimbursement procedures, or eliminating multiple data entry for contracts). This review has also contributed to identifying an optimal functional structure for CERN HR, the aim of which is to develop a service and delivery partnership, relying on centres of expertise and an enhanced “Frontline” role. Recruitment 2012 saw over 30’000 applications received and 192 limited-duration contract selection boards held (compared with over 21’000 applications and 185 boards in 2011). The year was characterised by the conclusion of the wave of ‘flexibility post’ recruitments, an additional 50 posts beyond the planned level. Targeted sourcing actions were launched to encourage an increase in applications for specific positions, notably technicians at career path C level.


CERN Competency Model The CERN Competency Model, which provides coherent criteria throughout organisational processes to drive performance and continuous development of staff, became introduced as a keystone over the main HR processes (e.g. recruitment, indefinite contract awards and performance appraisal). Saved Leave Scheme In 2012, the existing Saved Leave Scheme, which allows staff to purchase "slices" of leave over and above the standard leave entitlement, was supplemented by a long-term component whereby additional days of leave can be accumulated and taken at the end of the staff member's career or contract. The objective of this new component is to enhance flexibility and thus CERN’s ability to attract and retain staff. CERN was awarded the 2012 "HR Innovation" prize at a recent Swiss human resources event for this scheme. More details are given in Figures 24 and 25. Learning and Development A new Learning and Development Policy was approved in 2012, based on the following underlying principles: learning as a strategic activity, developing the “whole” employee, ensuring equitable accessibility to all employed members of the personnel.

On average, each staff member spent about 2.7 working days on training in 2012. This figure does not include the training hours spent in academic lectures or training courses that are not organised by CERN. Students spent approximately 6 working days on training, and fellows around 5 working days (not counting conferences or workshop participation).

In 2012, 243 technical training sessions on software and system technologies, electronics/mechanical engineering, office software and physics took place; 70 in management and communication; 90 language classes and 520 safety courses. The total number of participants for all training courses amounted to 8,326 in 2012 (about 44% of the participants are staff members and one tenth are fellows).

1,045 teachers from 35 countries attended the CERN Teacher Programmes, either the international programme or one of the many sessions held in one of 18 national languages. Many teachers returned to CERN with their classes, and this together with daily general public visits resulted in about 85,000 visitors in 2012, continuing the upward trend of recent years. The CERN permanent exhibition – The Universe of Particles – received a total of 63,000 visitors in 2012. Diversity Initiatives were undertaken by the Diversity Office to, firstly, raise awareness and reinforce a greater understanding of the need to recognise, acknowledge and leverage the differences that people bring to the workplace (e.g. workshops

and conferences) and, secondly, to identify priority areas over the next two years. Pension Fund The 2010 and 2011 package of measures continues to be implemented with the aim of restoring the CERN Pension Fund to full funding within a 30-year projection period. The measures include an increase in the retirement age from 65 to 67 years for new members recruited on or after 1 January 2012, as well as changes to the total contribution rate, the contribution ratio, the annual accrual rate and the basis for calculating the pensionable salary for these members. In March 2012, an adjustment of the total contribution rate for new members of the CERN Pension Fund was adopted by the Council within the afore-mentioned package of measures in order to take account of the increase in longevity.

3. Health, Safety and Environment Health and safety services have been further improved or newly established to allow the Organization to systematically implement preventive measures, including the following highlights:

• A new modern OHS information system for the Medical Service was launched and is in production.

• An assessment was carried out of the Organization’s sanitary emergency management capabilities and a proposal for improvement will be made in early 2013.

• The Fire and Rescue Service is being equipped with a modern encrypted radio communication system (“TETRA”) that is technically compatible with the Host States’ emergency networks. Some of the main vehicles have been replaced by a state-of-the-art ambulance, new fire trucks and equipment carriers. A fire simulator was installed and is being used for regular training sessions.

• Regular technical safety inspections of CERN’s equipment were performed with an additional focus on machine conformity. ≈1,000 machine tools were inspected, with implementation of improvement measures co-ordinated by a centralised service in EN.

• Safety training and safety awareness has been stepped up with a view to the forthcoming long shutdown (LS1), with a focus on revised RP-training and LS1 safety briefings using e-learning and class room courses.

• Support in safety matters was provided for 99 projects (detailed safety advice followed up by all safety specialists, e.g. for the new Prévessin “main building”, Building 774).

• Safety advice was provided, including support for the drawing-up of safety files and procedures for safety clearance of new/existing


experiments (e.g. 5 AD experiments, 7 ISOLDE experiments, 2 experiments in the North Area, etc.).

• ActiWiz, is a new engineering tool provided by the Radiation Protection Group that assists projects to choose materials that will potentially be exposed to ionising radiation. The tool advises on material choice with a view to minimising the environmental impact, dose to personnel and the production of radioactive waste.

• A radioactive material tracking system, TREC, has been made available to ensure traceability of radioactive equipment. On the 2012 statistics side, 2,600 RP measurements were requested in buffer zones, corresponding to 1,100 m3 and 53.5 tons of equipment. TREC is installed in the LHC & SPS buffer zones (installation in the PS is due to start in 2013).

The preliminary accident statistics for the year 2012 comprise 253 work accidents and 50 commuting accidents. For MPE, the accidents at work caused 247 days off (254 days off due to commuting accidents).

The preliminary collective radiation dose to personnel for the year 2012 was 494 person-mSv (7% lower than in 2011). Again the number of dosimeters distributed has increased in 2012, reaching the record number of 8,061 dosimeters in operation while no one has received more than 2 mSv.

The continuous monitoring of CERN's environmental performance again showed that the Organization had a negligible impact on the environment in 2012. One of CERN’s corporate objectives is to optimise energy consumption and reduce acoustic noise disturbances.

Radioactive waste management entered a new phase in 2012, when the first ≈100 tons of waste left CERN, using the newly established pathway to France. With the Swiss Authorities the principles of free release were established, and the first devices were acquired and commissioned. The radioactive waste treatment centre (RWTC), a project well under way, will support processing and classification of the entire radioactive waste at CERN.

4. Collaboration Agreements A highlight of 2012 was the continuing geographical enlargement of CERN. Serbia became an Associate Member State in the pre-stage to Membership. The CERN Council unanimously admitted Cyprus to Associate Membership in the pre-stage to Membership. The related agreement was signed by the two parties and the status will come into force following notification to CERN of ratification by the Parliament of Cyprus. Negotiations for Associate Membership are on-going with Slovenia and Turkey. The latter has amended its application from Associate Membership in the pre-stage to Membership to regular Associate Membership. A number of other countries have also

submitted applications for Associate Membership (Brazil, the Russian Federation and Ukraine).

In addition, bilateral agreements between CERN and several other parties were signed. These include Protocols to International Co-operation Agreements (ICAs) that govern a non-Member State’s participation in specific CERN programmes. Several agreements have also been signed with partner institutes, laboratories and universities.

CERN’s expertise contributed to research projects such as at CNAO, ESS, FAIR, ITER, MedAustron, and SESAME. As detailed in Section IV.6, the number of European Union-supported projects continues to increase, particularly in cases where CERN is the project co-ordinator.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution granting CERN observer status.

New agreements and collaborations with non-Member State Governments and their agencies in 2012 were:

Overview of protocols concluded in 2012



Jordan P105

Protocol to the 2004 Co-operation Agreement between the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Synchrotron-Light for experimental science and applications in the Middle East (SESAME)

Egypt P106

Protocol to the 2006 Co-operation Agreement between the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT)


IV. Financial Figures and Explanations


1. Overview of Revenues and Expenses by Activity Figure 14: Overview of Revenues and Expenses by Activity

(in MCHF, 2012 prices, rounded off)


(a) (b) (c)=(b)-(a) (d)=(c)/(a)

REVENUES 1,174.7 1,186.5 11.9 1.0%Member States' contributions 1,082.2 1,082.2Additional contributions from Host States 1.9 1.4 -0.5 -26.8%Additional contribution from Romania as a Candidate for Accession1a 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0%Additional contribution from Israel as an Associate Member State1b 3.6 3.6 0.0 0.1%Additional contribution from Serbia as an Associate Member State1c 1.0 1.0EU contributions 17.3 17.0 -0.3 -1.5%Additional contributions (for LINAC4, HIE-ISOLDE, ELENA) 5.3 1.1 -4.1 -78.4%Personnel paid on team accounts 13.6 12.6 -1.0 -7.2%Personnel on detachment 1.2 1.1 -0.1 -9.4%Internal taxation 28.5 27.6 -0.9 -3.3%Knowledge and technology transfer 1.5 1.1 -0.4 -25.5%Other revenues (including other in-kind, housing fund, sales)) 14.7 32.9 18.2 123.4%

OPERATING EXPENSES 1,130.0 1,040.6 -89.4 -7.9%Running of scientific programmes and support 967.0 907.7 -59.3 -6.1%

Scientific programmes 529.1 493.1 -35.9 -6.8%LHC (including spares and new initiatives support to detectors) 322.4 304.0 -18.4 -5.7%Non-LHC physics and scientific support 60.7 51.2 -9.5 -15.7%Accelerators and areas 146.0 138.0 -8.0 -5.5%

Infrastructure and services 438.0 414.6 -23.4 -5.3%General infrastructure and services 230.3 235.0 4.8 2.1%Infrastructure consolidation, buildings and renovation 43.0 19.9 -23.1 -53.7%Centralised personnel expenses 33.0 35.0 2.0 6.1%Internal taxation 28.5 27.6 -0.9 -3.3%Personnel internal mobility 0.3 -0.3 -100.0%Personnel on detachment 1.2 1.1 -0.1 -8.6%Paid but not available 1.9 1.9Insurances and postal charges, energy and water 84.5 75.3 -9.1 -10.8%Housing fund 4.1 3.5 -0.6 -15.6%Interest and financial costs 13.1 15.2 2.0 15.6%

Projects and studies 163.0 132.9 -30.1 -18.5%CLIC / Linear collider studies 28.0 25.9 -2.2 -7.7%Linear collider detector R&D 4.0 4.0 0.0 1.0%HIE-ISOLDE 15.3 10.7 -4.6 -30.0%ELENA 6.6 3.0EU projects, R&D accelerators (incl. HP-SPL), R&D detectors 14.4 15.4 1.0 7.1%LINAC4 39.4 28.6 -10.8 -27.5%LHC injectors upgrade 2 15.9 13.7 -2.2 -14.1%Perfor.-improving consolid. and luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC)² 18.9 15.7 -3.2 -16.9%LHC detectors improvement 9.0 9.1 0.1 0.7%R&D for HL-LHC detectors 2 11.4 6.8 -4.6 -40.2%

OTHER EXPENSES 35.9 38.0 2.1 5.8%Personnel paid on team accounts 13.6 12.6 -1.0 -7.2%Various 22.3 25.3 3.1 13.8%

In-kind 4.3 7.1 2.9 67.5%Miscellaneous (incl. schools, conferences, stores) 1.0 0.2 -0.9 -84.8%Depreciation of current assets 0.7Budget amortization of staff benefits accruals 17.0 17.3 0.3 1.9%

TOTAL EXPENSES 1,165.9 1,078.6 -87.3 -7.5%

BALANCEAnnual balance 8.8 108.0 99.2Capital repayment allocated to the budget (Fortis, FIPOI 1 and 2, SIG) -21.9 -24.3 -2.4Recapitalization pension fund -60.0 -60.0

Annual balance allocated to budget deficit3 -73.1 23.7 96.8-Cumulative Balance⁴- - 70.3 -143.4 -46.6 96.8

For information:Capital repayment to FIPOI 3 0.2 0.2 0.0

⁴ The cumulative balance of -70.3 MCHF is the accumulated budget deficit as at 31/12/2011 as stated in the Annual Accounts for 2011, p.6.

1c Serbia became an Associate Member State on 15 March 2012 and has paid the statutory minimum of 1 MCHF as defined in Council Resolution CERN/2999/RA and updated by the Agreement signed by CERN and Serbia on 10 January 2012.

1b Israel became an Associate Member State on 1 October 2011 and, as such, paid of 25% of its theoretical Member State contribution in 2012 (26% in 2013) as defined in the Council Resolution CERN/2985/RA.

2012 Out-TurnCERN/FC/5718

Variations of Out-Turn with respect to Budget

Final 2012 Budget


2 These headings include personnel and materials needed for R&Dand prototyping only. They do not contain the resources necessaryfor the start of HL-LHC construction, planned to be commissioned in the early 2020.

1a Romania as a Candidate for Accession paid 50% of its theoretical Member State contribution in 2012 and will pay 60% in 2013 (75% in 2014 and 100% as of 2015) as specified in Council Resolution CERN/2829 and updated by the Agreement signed by CERN and Romania on 11 February 2010.

3 The difference in the annual balance allocated to the budget deficitof 96.8 MCHF is due to a) the re-profiling and anticipated carry-forward as already included in the Final 2013 Budget with the 2012Probable Revenues and Expenses FC/5693 - CERN/3041; b) thecarry-forward in line with CERN's financial rules as shown in SectionIV.5; c) savings that reduce the deficit as shown in Section IV.5 of 5.4 MCHF, notably due to less energy consumption and less insurancecosts.


2. Total Revenues Figure 15: Total Revenues

Outstanding contributions amounted to 85.4 MCHF as at 31/12/2012. Revenues increased due to contributions from new Associate Member States and notably to other revenues (including sales and financial revenues). Conversely, the re-scheduling and delaying of some projects resulted in smaller in-kind and third party contributions.

(in kCHF, 2012 prices)

kCHF %(a) (b) (c)=(b)-(a) (d)=(c)/(a)

REVENUES 1,174,670 1,186,533 11,863 1.0%

Member States' contributions 1,082,155 1,082,155

Additional contributions from Host States 1,865 1,366 -499 -26.8%


In-kind 1 1,865 1,366 -499 -26.8% This concerns contributions to LINAC4 that are delivered in 2012 and 2013.

Additional contribution from Romania as a Candidate for Accession2a 5,020 5,022 2 0.0%

Additional contribution from Israel as an Associate Member State2b 3,625 3,627 2 0.1%

Additional contribution from Serbia as an Associate Member State2c 1,000 1,000

EU contributions 17,260 17,000 -260 -1.5%

Additional contributions (for LINAC4, HIE-ISOLDE, ELENA) 5,260 1,136 -4,124 -78.4% Contributions delayed linked to the revised construction schedule delaying the completion date.

Personnel paid on team accounts 13,600 12,622 -978 -7.2% Identical heading under expenses.

Personnel on detachment 1,170 1,061 -109 -9.4%

Internal taxation 28,510 27,572 -938 -3.3% The internal taxation rates were revised in 2012 (with equivalent impact on the expenses).

Knowledge and technology transfer 1,500 1,118 -382 -25.5% Continuing trend since 2009: focus on knowledge transfer via partnerships rather than patenting and aiming for TT revenues, expenses reduced accordingly.

Other revenues 14,705 32,855 18,150 123.4%

Sales and miscellaneous 4,000 10,823 6,823 170.6%

The additional amounts are due to Department revenues and sales that increase their budget for expenses (5.7 MCHF), CERN shop revenues (1.1 MCHF), car sales that offset the increase in expenses under general facilities (2.1 MCHF), conference revenues offsetting their expenses (0.4 MCHF), revenues from the Globe of Innovation Foundation (0.2 MCHF) covering CERN's expenses, closed provisions and miscelleaneous (1.4 MCHF).

OpenLab revenues 75 3,244 3,169 4225.1% More revenues from partners with corresponding increase in the expenses for OpenLab under Informatics, inkind 1 MCHF.

Financial revenues 200 7,823 7,623 3811.6% The increase is due to exchange rate gains, notably due to the EUR CHF exchange rate.

In-kind 3 4,265 4,736 471 11.0%

Housing fund 6,165 6,229 64 1.0%

2b Israel became an Associate Member State on 1 October 2011 and, as such, paid 25% of its theoretical Member State contribution in 2012 as defined in the Council Resolution CERN/2985/RA.2c Serbia became an Associate Member State on 15 March 2012 and has paid the statutory minimum of 1 MCHF as defined in Council Resolution CERN/2999/RA and updated by the Agreement signed by CERN and Serbia on 10 January 2012.3 Theoretical interest of the FIPOI loan, advantage from free use of land, in-kind from CEA/CNRS.

Final 2012 Budget


2012 Out-TurnCERN/FC/5718

Variations of Out-Turn with respect to Budget

1 The 2012 amount includes a part of the remaining in-kind contributions from France due in 2009 and 2010. A fraction will be still delivered in 2013. The profile is based on the expected LINAC4 in-kind contributions.2a Romania as a Candidate for Accession paid 50% of its theoretical Member State contribution in 2012 and will pay 60% in 2013 (75% in 2014 and 100% as of 2015) as specified in Council Resolution CERN/2829 and updated by the Agreement signed by CERN and Romania on 11 February 2010.


3. Expenses by Scientific and Non-Scientific Programmes1 Figure 16: Expenses breakdown by activity (Personnel, Materials and Interest & financial costs)

1 Please note that this Section only gives details of the operating expenses. Other expenses not linked to the scientific and non-scientific programmes are summarized in Figure 14.

LHC machine and injectors11.3%

LHC machine and areas reliability and consolidation


LHC experiments (incl. consolidation)


LHC computing4.3%

Other scientific programmes


Projects (incl. R&D)12.8%

Infrastructure and services24.5%

Expenses allocated to other headings*

11.2% Internal taxation2.6%

Interest & financial costs1.5%

* Including Centralised personnel expenses, Social security, Internal mobility, Personnel on detachment (3.7%), Energy and water (6.6%), Insurances and postal charges (0.6%), Housing Fund (0.3%).


3.1. Experiments (CERN’s contribution to the collaborations and experiments on site) and Accelerators Figure 17: Scientific Programme

Explanations on Figure 17:

The materials budget for the LHC machine and experimental areas was fully used. Some personnel resources were reallocated to consolidation activities, linked to the shutdown preparation.

The materials budget for the heading LHC machine and areas reliability and consolidation was fully committed at the end of 2012, with some supplies being delivered only in 2013.

The difference in personnel expenses amongst the LHC experiments is mainly due to the allocation of more fellows to this activity.

The materials expenses under the Non-LHC physics heading is closely linked to delayed expenses for the NA62 project, which is now scheduled for 2013/2014.

During the year, personnel resources were shifted from Scientific support to LHC detector improvement.

The materials heading for Low- and medium-energy accelerators was fully used for expenses on operation, but expenses for some projects like ISOLDROBOT were delayed to 2013.

More personnel resources were allocated to Accelerator technical services, which is linked to the start of the Maintenance Management project as well as some upgrades of facilities.

As for LHC consolidation, the materials budget for consolidation of the injector chain was fully committed at the end of 2012, with some deliveries only taking place in 2013.

(d)=(b)-(a) (e)=(d)/(a)FTE FTE FTE kCHF % kCHF

Personnel Personnel Materials Total Personnel Personnel Materials Total Personnel Personnel Materials Total Total Total Materials921.6 169,605 152,775 322,380 LHC programme (incl. projects) 934.1 168,095 135,935 304,030 101.35% 99.11% 88.98% 94.31% -18,350 -5.69% 25,357400.0 69,480 58,775 128,255 1 LHC machine and injectors 358.7 60,263 57,742 118,006 89.66% 86.73% 98.24% 92.01% -10,249 -7.99% 7,173393.7 68,340 47,795 116,135 LHC machine and experimental areas 351.6 59,186 49,151 108,337 89.32% 86.61% 102.84% 93.29% -7,798 -6.71% 5,650

6.4 1,140 10,980 12,120 Spares 7.1 1,077 8,591 9,668 111.05% 94.51% 78.24% 79.77% -2,452 -20.23% 1,52389.4 15,525 47,970 63,495 1 LHC machine and areas reliability and consolidation 116.3 19,946 35,078 55,025 130.18% 128.48% 73.13% 86.66% -8,470 -13.34% 12,755

331.5 64,295 13,990 78,285 LHC experiments 356.2 67,526 15,093 82,619 107.46% 105.03% 107.88% 105.54% 4,334 5.54% 51498.7 19,880 3,615 23,495 2 ATLAS detector 106.1 20,015 3,666 23,682 107.44% 100.68% 101.42% 100.79% 187 0.79% 55

102.2 19,495 3,570 23,065 3 CMS detector 117.9 21,977 4,144 26,121 115.34% 112.73% 116.08% 113.25% 3,056 13.25% 19747.6 9,400 1,835 11,235 4 ALICE detector 47.1 9,143 2,026 11,169 98.84% 97.26% 110.42% 99.41% -66 -0.59% 847.6 9,430 1,650 11,080 5 LHCb detector 48.9 9,567 1,628 11,194 102.84% 101.45% 98.65% 101.03% 114 1.03% 6134.4 5,970 1,745 7,715 6 Common items, other experiments (incl. Totem, LHCf) 36.3 6,824 2,198 9,022 105.54% 114.30% 125.95% 116.94% 1,307 16.94% 147

1.0 120 1,575 1,695 Detectors re-scoping 1,431 1,431 90.83% 84.40% -264 -15.60% 452.4 425 7,275 7,700 7 LHC detectors consolidation 4,134 4,134 56.82% 53.68% -3,566 -46.32% 1,315

98.4 19,880 24,765 44,645 8 LHC computing 102.9 20,360 23,887 44,247 104.61% 102.41% 96.46% 99.11% -398 -0.89% 3,601651.2 114,705 91,985 206,690 Other programmes (LHC support and non-LHC programmes) 608.1 110,485 78,628 189,113 93.38% 96.32% 85.48% 91.50% -17,577 -8.50% 12,963

38.9 7,700 9,480 17,180 9 Non-LHC physics 37.3 7,287 5,499 12,786 95.71% 94.64% 58.01% 74.43% -4,394 -25.57% 1,97857.5 9,735 2,380 12,115 10 Theory 59.0 9,495 2,204 11,698 102.60% 97.53% 92.60% 96.56% -417 -3.44% 34

180 180 11 LHC physics centre 148 148 82.06% 82.06% -32 -17.94%135.9 23,340 7,875 31,215 12 Scientific support 106.6 19,894 6,630 26,524 78.41% 85.24% 84.19% 84.97% -4,691 -15.03% 708

37.7 6,595 5,325 11,920 13 Low- and medium-energy accelerators 34.7 6,210 3,073 9,283 92.04% 94.16% 57.71% 77.88% -2,637 -22.12% 852228.4 38,870 22,675 61,545 13 PS and SPS complexes 216.8 37,004 21,053 58,057 94.94% 95.20% 92.85% 94.33% -3,488 -5.67% 2,901

82.4 15,955 12,455 28,410 13 Accelerator technical services 96.1 20,101 13,039 33,140 116.52% 125.99% 104.69% 116.65% 4,730 16.65% 1,06270.3 12,510 31,615 44,125 13 Accelerator consolidation 57.7 10,494 26,982 37,476 82.03% 83.88% 85.35% 84.93% -6,649 -15.07% 5,428

1,572.8 284,310 244,760 529,070 Grand Total 1,542.2 278,580 214,562 493,143 98.05% 97.98% 87.66% 93.21% -35,927 -6.79% 38,32024.20% 20.84% 45.04% % of total revenues 23.48% 18.08% 41.56% 3.23%

Out-Turn with(2012 prices) respect to Budget Open

CERN/FC/5718in %


Final 2012 Budget

Fact sheet

Activity(2012 prices)



2012 Out-TurnCERN/FC/5718


2012 Out-TurnBudget usage Variations of

Commit.(c ) = (b)/(a)kCHF kCHF


3.2. Non-scientific Programme (Infrastructure and Supporting Services) Figure 18: Infrastructure and Services

Explanations on Figure 18: General facilities have incurred higher expenses with respect to the 2012 budget, notably due to the CERN car fleet, services to users, cleaning services and temporary barracks. However, this heading was stable, with respect to the previous year’s out-turn (2011). Administration expenses were higher due to subsistence payments for additional scientific associates, expenses for communication and external relations linked to the enlargement process and temporary staff in the Finance Department. The Outreach and KT budget was fully committed at the end of 2012. Of the materials expenses, 55% was used for scientific exchanges (students and scientific associates), 35% for outreach activities and 10% for expenses linked to knowledge transfer. With the implementation of the revised Administrative Circular No. 11, the overheads for associated members of personnel are now accounted against materials; previously the overheads for students and scientific associates were

handled under fellows (personnel) – this explains the transfer of 985 kCHF (compared with the published Final 2012 Budget - CERN/FC/5578) from personnel to materials for the Administration and Outreach headings. Under the centralised expenses:

• The internal taxation increase is linked to the staff strength within the agreed flexibility and the respective salary positions as well as to the applicable taxation rates. These expenses are offset by revenues;

• Less personnel was on detachment (expenses being offset by identical revenues);

• The variation for staff on saved leave is shown under paid but not available;

• The expenses for energy were lower than foreseen, mostly due to 6% less energy consumption than budgeted; the budget for water still included the financial cost of a loan by SIG, which is now correctly accounted for under interest payments (explaining the increase with respect to the budget) and capital repayment.

(d)=(b)-(a) (e)=(d)/(a)FTE FTE FTE kCHF % kCHF

Personnel Personnel Materials Total Personnel Personnel Materials Total Personnel Personnel Materials Total Total Total Materials804.2 201,995 235,955 437,950 Infrastructure and services 837.0 204,940 209,622 414,562 104.08% 101.46% 88.84% 94.66% -23,388 -5.34% 10,526

75.2 12,945 2,715 15,660 14 Manufacturing facilities (workshops, etc.) 45.7 7,716 2,528 10,245 60.81% 59.61% 93.12% 65.42% -5,415 -34.58% -4,356140.8 23,810 34,820 58,630 15 General facilities & logistics (site maintenance, transport) 162.1 28,329 40,895 69,223 115.18% 118.98% 117.45% 118.07% 10,593 18.07% 4,089153.9 27,865 16,110 43,975 16 Informatics 165.4 28,769 16,477 45,246 107.51% 103.24% 102.28% 102.89% 1,271 2.89% 1,052145.1 22,020 14,755 36,775 17 Safety, health and environment 142.8 20,975 13,069 34,044 98.43% 95.25% 88.57% 92.57% -2,731 -7.43% 2,379208.1 38,760 10,620 49,380 18 Administration 208.5 38,798 11,232 50,029 100.17% 100.10% 105.76% 101.32% 649 1.32% 425

55.2 10,245 15,600 25,845 19 Outreach and KT 61.5 11,620 14,638 26,257 111.34% 113.42% 93.83% 101.59% 412 1.59% 1,61719.4 3,040 39,920 42,960 20 Infrastructure consolidation, buildings and renovation 18.0 2,926 16,960 19,885 92.42% 96.25% 42.48% 46.29% -23,075 -53.71% 4,944

6.5 63,310 88,270 151,580 21 Centralised expenses 33.0 65,808 78,629 144,438 509.67% 103.95% 89.08% 95.29% -7,142 -4.71% 37733,030 33,030 Centralised personnel expenses 35,028 35,028 106.05% 106.05% 1,998 6.05%28,510 28,510 Internal taxation 27,572 27,572 96.71% 96.71% -938 -3.29%

270 270 Personnel internal mobility -270 -100.00%4.1 1,170 1,170 Personnel on detachment 3.5 1,070 1,070 84.99% 91.43% 91.43% -100 -8.57%

Paid but not available 28.0 1,949 1,949 1,94977,210 77,210 Energy and water 69,480 69,480 89.99% 89.99% -7,730 -10.01% -24

7,275 7,275 Insurances and postal charges 5,863 5,863 80.60% 80.60% -1,412 -19.40% 2132.3 330 3,785 4,115 Housing fund 1.5 189 3,286 3,474 64.10% 57.22% 86.81% 84.43% -641 -15.57% 188

13,145 13,145 21 Interest and financial costs 15,195 15,195 115.59% 115.59% 2,050 15.59%17.20% 20.09% 37.28% % of total revenues 17.27% 17.67% 34.94% 0.89%

(2012 prices)in % Out-Turn with

respect to Budget OpenCERN/FC/5718


Final 2012 Budget

Fact sheet

Activity(2012 prices)



2012 Out-TurnCERN/FC/5718


2012 Out-TurnBudget usage Variations of


(c ) = (b)/(a)kCHF


3.3. Projects (construction, R&D) Figure 19: Projects

Explanations on Figure 19:

CLIC has fully committed its budget, but some items will be delivered in 2013, resulting in a slight under-spending in 2012. The increase in personnel can be explained by the hiring of GET fellows on materials budget.

HIE-ISOLDE shows lower materials expenses due to a decision to reschedule and delay the completion of phase I. Some 30% of the 2012 expenses for HIE-ISOLDE are covered by external funding (1.1 MCHF).

In the beginning of 2012, it was decided to delay the ELENA project. The materials expenses for 2012 cover some studies and design of components. The project will be ramped up in 2013, with the external contributions for this project to be expected in 2014/2015. The higher costs in personnel are due to charges linked to saved leave.

The higher expenses for personnel under the R&D accelerator heading can be partly explained by staff and fellows allocated to new EU-supported projects under this heading (e.g. CRISP and TIARA), and work packages undertaken for outside collaborations such as ITER, for which additional revenues were secured. The difference between the personnel budget and out-turn under the EU projects, R&D detector heading is due to the charging of EU staff and fellows to EU projects against the specific activities, notably under R&D accelerators.

A new baseline was defined for LINAC4, and the materials budget was consequently re-profiled to 2013/2014. The personnel out-turn is higher than the budget due to the direct allocation of some staff from the workshop to this activity (fabrication of RF quadrupole), and more fellows assigned to the project.

The main reason for the increase in the personnel strength for LHC Injectors Upgrade is the transfer from materials to personnel budget for GET fellows working on this activity. The materials budget was not fully committed owing to some delays in the project planning, which is now aligned to the LINAC4 connection in long shutdown 2. The Cost-to-Completion is estimated at around 160 MCHF, to be confirmed by the results of the pre-study in 2013.

The personnel heading for the Performance-improving consolidation programme and Luminosity upgrade increased due to reallocation of some personnel from the LHC operation. The materials heading has been impacted by changes in scheduling.

The personnel heading of the LHC detectors improvement and R&D for LHC detectors improvement has increased significantly, due to reallocation of personnel from the Scientific support heading to this activity.

(d)=(b)-(a) (e)=(d)/(a)FTE FTE FTE kCHF % kCHF

Personnel Personnel Materials Total Personnel Personnel Materials Total Personnel Personnel Materials Total Total Total Materials413.6 72,530 90,470 163,000 Projects 457.4 81,090 51,808 132,898 110.57% 111.80% 57.26% 81.53% -30,102 -18.47% 19,620

72.0 12,780 15,250 28,030 22 CLIC / Linear collider studies 76.4 13,104 12,761 25,865 106.12% 102.53% 83.68% 92.28% -2,165 -7.72% 4,86220.6 3,525 470 3,995 23 Linear collider detector R&D 19.0 3,491 544 4,035 92.20% 99.04% 115.70% 101.00% 40 1.00% 2745.1 6,815 8,500 15,315 24 HIE-ISOLDE 45.3 7,090 3,627 10,717 100.45% 104.03% 42.67% 69.98% -4,598 -30.02% 1,31810.9 1,985 4,650 6,635 25 ELENA 11.9 2,815 211 3,026 109.13% 141.80% 4.54% 45.61% -3,609 -54.39% 17467.7 10,420 3,950 14,370 R&D 71.5 11,462 3,929 15,391 105.69% 110.00% 99.48% 107.11% 1,021 7.11% 1,98322.6 3,590 3,140 6,730 26 R&D accelerators (including HP-SPL) 37.2 5,818 3,435 9,253 164.83% 162.05% 109.40% 137.49% 2,523 37.49% 1,97745.1 6,830 810 7,640 27 EU projects, R&D detectors 34.3 5,645 494 6,139 76.07% 82.64% 61.01% 80.35% -1,501 -19.65% 660.0 11,360 28,065 39,425 28 LINAC4 76.8 12,982 15,617 28,600 128.02% 114.28% 55.65% 72.54% -10,825 -27.46% 4,79539.0 6,615 9,285 15,900 29 LHC injectors upgrade 49.2 8,822 4,835 13,657 126.43% 133.37% 52.08% 85.90% -2,243 -14.10% 1,72944.6 7,970 10,965 18,935 30 Perfor.-improving consolid. and luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC) 51.5 9,897 5,833 15,730 115.48% 124.18% 53.20% 83.08% -3,205 -16.92% 3,55821.8 5,240 3,770 9,010 31 LHC detectors improvement 28.7 7,217 1,853 9,070 131.49% 137.73% 49.14% 100.66% 60 0.66% 92132.0 5,820 5,565 11,385 31 R&D for HL-LHC detectors 27.0 4,209 2,597 6,806 84.39% 72.33% 46.67% 59.78% -4,579 -40.22% 255

6.17% 7.70% 13.88% % of total revenues 6.83% 4.37% 11.20% 1.65%

(2012 prices)in % Out-Turn with

respect to Budget OpenCERN/FC/5718


Final 2012 Budget

Fact sheet

Activity(2012 prices)



2012 Out-TurnCERN/FC/5718


2012 Out-TurnBudget usage Variations of


(c ) = (b)/(a)kCHF


Figure 20: Energy and Water

Explanations on Figure 20:

Due to changes in the planning, the total consumption of electrical power was less than budgeted. Following a correction in the accounting of the consumption, some expenses previously under the “baseload” heading were transferred to the “basic programmes”.

The expenses on heating oil and gas were more than budgeted, due to the cold winter.

Expenses on water are significantly lower. However, this is mostly due to the fact that the budget still contained the cost of a loan by Geneva’s industrial services (SIG) investment dating back to the LEP construction, which is now shown under financial expenses.

MCHF %(a) (b) (c)=(b)/(a) (d)=(b)-(a) (e)=(d)/(a)

Energy and water (baseload) 23.16 14.46 62.4% -8.71 -37.6%

Electricity 12.26 6.81 55.5% -5.46 -44.5%Heating oil and gas 3.40 4.78 140.6% 1.38 40.6%Water and miscellaneous 7.50 2.87 38.2% -4.63 -61.8%

Energy for basic programmes 54.05 55.02 101.8% 0.98 1.8%Experimental areas1 12.48 13.97 112.0% 1.49 12.0%Data handling 1.41 1.71 121.0% 0.30 21.0%Accelerators: 20.28 19.42 95.8% -0.86 -4.2%

AD 1.02 0.63 61.9% -0.39 -38.1%PS 4.20 3.23 76.9% -0.97 -23.1%SPS (incl. CNGS) 15.06 15.56 103.3% 0.50 3.3%

LHC 19.88 19.93 100.2% 0.04 0.2%77.21 69.48 90.0% -7.73 -10.0%

1 This includes particle physics (PS and SPS fixed target), ISOLDE, LHC experiments and LHC test beam into East, West and North Area.

Budget usage in %Variations of Out-Turn with respect to

Budget (in MCHF, rounded off)


2012 Out-TurnCERN/FC/5718(2012 prices)

2012 BudgetCERN/FC/5578(2012 prices)


Figure 21: Expenses for Fixed Assets Projects (non-recurrent activities and approved projects without EU funds) (in kCHF, rounded off)

(d) = (b)-(a) (e) = (d)/(a)

Personnel Materials Total Personnel Materials Total Personnel Materials Total kCHF %90,310 262,420 352,730 Programme Projects 103,759 172,268 276,027 115% 66% 78% -76,703 -22%

1,420 11,465 12,885 LHC machine and injectors 1,282 7,855 9,136 90% 69% 71% -3,749 -29%520 9,955 10,475 * LHC spares 660 6,702 7,362 127% 67% 70% -3,113 -30%460 1,025 1,485 * Rebuilding spares stock after 3-4 incident 417 885 1,303 91% 86% 88% -182 -12%440 485 925 LHC injectors 204 267 472 46% 55% 51% -453 -49%

15,440 47,810 63,250 * LHC machine and areas reliability and consolidation 19,686 33,031 52,717 127% 69% 83% -10,533 -17%3,030 9,780 12,810 Collimation system enhancements 3,553 3,898 7,451 117% 40% 58% -5,359 -42%

Electrical network 2025 54 6,480 6,534 6,534Experimental areas consolidation 731 245 976 976

195 1,995 2,190 Induced consolidation following 3-4 incident 0 497 497 0% 25% 23% -1,693 -77%8,655 19,000 27,655 LHC consolidation 8,756 15,603 24,359 101% 82% 88% -3,296 -12%2,355 8,800 11,155 Radiation to electronics (R2E) 3,281 2,956 6,238 139% 34% 56% -4,917 -44%1,205 8,235 9,440 Splice consolidation and repair 3,310 3,209 6,520 275% 39% 69% -2,920 -31%

Quench Heater Supervision Upgrade 143 143 143250 2,920 3,170 * CERN control centre consolidation 170 1,992 2,162 68% 68% 68% -1,008 -32%120 1,575 1,695 LHC Detectors re-scoping 1,431 91% -1,695425 7,275 7,700 * LHC detectors consolidation 4,134 4,134 57% 54% -3,566 -46%935 20,485 21,420 * LHC Computing Grid 639 20,144 20,783 68% 98% 97% -637 -3%245 230 475 AEGIS 389 252 642 159% 110% 135% 167 35%

1,580 7,585 9,165 * NA62 2,230 3,823 6,053 141% 50% 66% -3,112 -34%185 3,055 3,240 * Isolde robots2 174 564 738 94% 18% 23% -2,502 -77%425 500 925 * Magnet rescue facility 215 930 1,144 51% 186% 124% 219 24%

* Magnet Infrastructure Upgrade 171 22 193 19370 485 555 Helium infrastructure and distribution 231 713 943 329% 147% 170% 388 70%

265 710 975 * AD consolidation 299 1,035 1,334 113% 146% 137% 359 37%* East area consolidation 180 180 180

1,105 1,105 * 66/18 kV loop PS consolidation 165 165 15% 15% -940 -85%135 5,305 5,440 * 18 kV loop + substations SPS consolidation 136 9,505 9,641 101% 179% 177% 4,201 77%

12,110 24,495 36,605 * Accelerator consolidation 10,058 16,097 26,156 83% 66% 71% -10,449 -29%130 130 General facilities & logistics (site maintenance, transport) 174 174 134% 134% 44 34%130 130 * Extension building 40 154 154 118% 118% 24 18%

* Globe car park and "Place des Particules" 21 21 211,365 1,365 Informatics 591 591 43% 43% -774 -57%

780 780 * IT conference facilities renewal 202 202 26% 26% -578585 585 Computing network consolidation 389 389 67% 67% -196

645 7,520 8,165 Safety, health and environment 1,026 4,924 5,949 159% 65% 73% -2,216 -27%2,080 2,080 Radio infrastructure upgrade for firefighters 91 2,035 2,126 98% 102% 46 2%

15 1,070 1,085 * Consolidation of calibration hall 20 7 27 134% 1% 2% -1,058 -98%1,090 1,090 Ramses II light 548 548 50% 50% -542 -50%

570 2,075 2,645 Radioactive waste management 824 1,664 2,488 145% 80% 94% -157 -6%60 1,205 1,265 * SC dismantling and museum 91 670 761 151% 56% 60% -504 -40%

1,040 1,040 Outreach and KT - Visitpoint 242 242 23% 23% -798 -77%2,580 35,925 38,505 General and technical infrastructure consolidation 2,949 17,184 20,133 114% 48% 52% -18,372 -48%

550 550 * AD control rooms 104 104 19% 19% -446 -81%* AMS payload operations control center 15 15

115 2,830 2,945 * Building 774 (Prévessin main building , Pavilion replacement)3 84 460 544 73% 16% 18% -2,401 -82%575 16,005 16,580 * Building 107 (surface treatment) 672 3,560 4,232 117% 22% 26% -12,348 -74%230 2,105 2,335 * Building 867 (radiation workshop) 306 4,276 4,583 133% 203% 196% 2,248 96%

1,550 1,550 * CMS site consolidation 12 132 144 9% 9% -1,406 -91%1,660 12,885 14,545 * Surface and technical infrastructure consolidation (roofs, facades, heating, etc.)4 1,874 8,637 10,511 113% 67% 72% -4,034 -28%

12,290 15,180 27,470 * CLIC 12,704 12,658 25,362 103% 83% 92% -2,108 -8%3,250 240 3,490 Linear collider detector R&D 3,231 305 3,536 99% 127% 101% 46 1%5,190 8,500 13,690 * HIE-ISOLDE 5,488 3,627 9,115 106% 43% 67% -4,575 -33%1,985 4,650 6,635 * ELENA 2,804 211 3,016 141% 5% 45% -3,619 -55%

130 125 255 * High radiation material test facility2 1 526 527 1% 420% 207% 272 107%11,230 28,065 39,295 * LINAC4 12,816 15,536 28,352 114% 55% 72% -10,943 -28%

6,615 9,285 15,900 * LHC Injectors Upgrade 8,741 4,835 13,576 132% 52% 85% -2,324 -15%2,195 6,190 8,385 * LHC luminosity upgrade project (HL-LHC)5 7,571 5,214 12,785 345% 84% 152% 4,400 52%5,240 3,770 9,010 * LHC detectors upgrade 7,217 1,834 9,051 138% 49% 100% 415,355 5,435 10,790 R&D for HL-LHC detectors 3,530 2,536 6,066 66% 47% 56% -4,724 -44%

1 Excluding EU projects.2 Including the Radioactive waste management activities of the project.3 The B936 pavilion replacement was renamed "Building 774" and the budget for the Prevessin auditorium renewal was reallocated to this new building.4 Including some building renovation (e.g. renovation auditorium and main building) and technical infrastructure consolidation (heating, electricity, etc).5 The High Field Magnets have become part of the HL-LHC project.

Final 2012 Budget1

CERN/FC/5578(2012 prices)


ProjectsIncluded in Figure 19

LHC programmeIncluded in Figure 17

Other programmesIncluded in Figure 17

Infrastructure and services

Included in Figure 18

Budget usagein %

(c) = (b)/(a)

Variations of Out-Turn withrespect to Budget

Activity Project

2012 Out-Turn1

CERN/FC/5718(2012 prices)


Fixed asset


4. Operating Expenses by Nature Figure 22: Materials Expenses by Nature (including Interest and Financial costs)

The layout of the table has been adapted to the implementation of the revised Administrative Circular No. 11 and follows the current structure of the accounts reviewed in 2012. Therefore, some headings cannot be compared directly between the Final 2012 Budget and the 2012 Out-Turn.

The “Associated Members of Personnel” (MPA) and “Other overheads” headings should be compared as a sum (in Final 2012 Budget “Consultancy” and “MPA” were grouped under “Third party payments and consultants”). The 1.6 MCHF positive balance under these two headings is mainly due to a later arrival of MPAs and a lower cost of transport because of the delayed shutdown.

The total increase of 15.6 MCHF for “Industrial services” as already announced in the 2012 Probable Expenses and Revenues is linked to the preparation work for the shutdown: the supporting technical teams needed to be trained extensively, well in advance, to be ready for the shutdown start.

(in kCHF, rounded off)

kCHF %(a) (b) (c)=(b)/(a) (d)=(b)-(a) (e)=(d)/(a)

Materials expenses 561,470 466,818 83.14% -94,652 -16.86%Goods, consumables and supplies 300,655 200,050 66.54% -100,605 -33.46%Electricity, heating gas and water 77,310 69,284 89.62% -8,026 -10.38%Industrial services 105,520 121,086 114.75% 15,566 14.75%

Service contracts 59,085 74,363 125.86% 15,278 25.86%Repair and maintenance 46,435 42,966 92.53% -3,469 -7.47%Temporary labour 1

3,757 3,757

Associated Members of Personnel2 39,985 35,545 88.90% -4,440 -11.10%Other overheads 38,000 40,853 107.51% 2,853 7.51%

Consultancy 6,685 6,685Contributions to Collaborations 6,502 6,502Miscellaneous 3

27,666 27,666

Interest and financial costs 14,990 17,192 114.69% 2,202 14.69%Fortis bank 12,895 12,893 99.98% -2 -0.02%In-kind (FIPOI interest 0%) 4 1,845 2,104 114.02% 259 14.02%SIG debt interest 5 1,587 1,587Short-term interest 9 9Other financial expenses 250 600 239.86% 350 139.86%

576,460 484,010 83.96% -92,450 -16.04%

Variations of Out-Turn with respect to Budget



Final 2012 BudgetCERN/FC/5578(2012 prices)

2012 Out-TurnCERN/FC/5718(2012 prices)

Budget usage in %

5 This debt was previously handled under the "Electricity, heating gas and water".

1 In 2012 Budget "Temporary labour" was accounted with "Service contracts".

4 Theoretical interest at market rate for FIPOI 1 and 2 loans at 0%. This heading is compensated by the corresponding revenue line "Other revenues / In-kind".

2 This heading includes now the overheads for the Associated Members of Personnel; in 2012 Budget it was still handled under the Personnel expenses, Fellows (985 kCHF).

3 Including insurances and postal charges, handling and transport, depreciation of current assets.


The difference of some 100 MCHF on goods and consumables is mainly due to a) the re-scheduling of multi-annual projects and consolidation as presented in December for the 2012 probable expenses, more expenses under Industrial services (to overcome manpower shortages) and open commitments at the end of the year.

In addition, changes in planning resulted that the total consumption of electricity was less than budgeted (see also Figure 20). More explanations on the expenses breakdown by nature are given in the 2012 Annual Accounts.

Figure 23: Breakdown of Materials Expenses by Nature

Goods, consumables and supplies41.3%

Electricity, heating gas and water14.3%

Service contracts*15.4%

Repair and maintenance*8.9%

Temporary labour*0.8%

Associated Members of Personnel

7.3%Other overheads**


Interest and financial costs3.6%

Materials expenses: 96.4%

Interest and financial costs: 3.6%

* Total of industrial services: 15.4% + 8.9% + 0.8% = 25.1%.

** Including insurances and postal charges, consultancy, CERN contributions to collaborations, handling and transport, depreciation of current assets.


Figure 24: Personnel Expenses by Nature

Explanations on Figure 24:

The total CERN staff member strength in 2012 was 2,423 FTEs, of which 68.7 FTEs were charged to team accounts and 2,354.3 FTEs to CERN accounts (of which 2,319.8 FTEs on CERN’s core budget, 21.8 FTEs on EU funding, 4.5 FTEs on OpenLab, and 8.2 FTEs on other external revenues). The Paid but Not Available personnel accounts for 28 FTEs, which means a total of 2,326.3 active FTEs charged to CERN accounts. For fellows the total staff strength was 513.2 FTEs, comprising 31 FTEs charged to team accounts and 482.2 FTEs to CERN accounts (of which 378.2 FTEs on CERN’s core budget, 91.6 FTEs on EU funding, 8.9 FTEs on OpenLab and 3.5 FTEs on other external revenues). The total apprentices strength was 21.8 FTEs, all paid on CERN accounts.

(in kCHF, rounded off)

kCHF %(a) (b) (c)=(b)/(a) (d)=(b)-(a) (e)=(d)/(a)

Staff members 1 457,675 459,063 100.30% 1,388 0.30%

Basic salaries (incl Saved Leave) 290,795 288,723 99.29% -2,072 -0.71%293,399


Annual variation - paid leave 5,401

Allowances 64,110 62,603 97.65% -1,507 -2.35%

Non-resident allowances / International indemnities 20,560 19,714 95.89% -846 -4.11%Family and child allowances 23,505 23,726 100.94% 221 0.94%Special allowances 4,525 3,129 69.15% -1,396 -30.85%Overtime 4,260 2,801 65.74% -1,459 -34.26%Various allowances 11,260 13,234 117.53% 1,973 17.53%

Social contributions 102,770 102,336 99.58% -434 -0.42%Pension Fund 81,855 81,630 99.72% -225 -0.28%Health Insurance 20,915 20,706 99.00% -209 -1.00%

Fellows2 52,790 55,005 104.20% 2,215 4.20%

Apprentices 430 418 97.26% -12 -2.74%

Centralised personnel budget 3 61,540 62,745 101.96% 1,205 1.96%

Centralised personnel expenses 33,030 35,173 106.49% 2,143 6.49%Installation, recruitment and termination of contracts 7,710 6,234 80.86% -1,476 -19.14%

Installation and removal costs 1,708Termination allowances 4,526

Additional periods of membership in the Pension Fund for shift work 300 2,377 792.50% 2,077 692.50%

Contribution to Health Insurance for pensioners incl. longterm care 25,020 26,562 106.16% 1,542 6.16%Contribution to Health Insurance for pensioners 23,788Contribution to Long Term Care for pensioners 2,774

Internal taxation 28,510 27,572 96.71% -938 -3.29%

TOTAL PERSONNEL 572,435 577,232 100.84% 4,796 0.84%

Budget Amortization of staff benefit accruals 17,000 17,328 101.93% 328 1.93%

TOTAL PERSONNEL incl bud. amort. of staff benefit accruals 589,435 594,560 5,124

1 Including staff paid on team accounts (9.87 MCHF).2 Including fellows paid on team accounts (2.61 MCHF). In 2012 Budget this heading included also the overheads (985 kCHF) for Associated Members of Personnel, now handled under Materials.3 Including centralised expenses for staff and fellows paid on team accounts (0.14 MCHF).

Budget usagein %

Variations of Out-Turnwith respect to Budget

2012 BudgetCERN/FC/5578

(2012 prices)

2012 Out-TurnCERN/FC/5718

(2012 prices)Nature

Basic salariesContribution to Saved Leave schemes


The increase of the provision for paid leave of 5.4 MCHF results from the first-time introduction of the new Long-term Saved leave Scheme, where additional days were granted as an incentive to staff members to join the scheme.

The special allowances were lower than anticipated as fewer staff than expected joined the progressive retirement programme (PRP), and therefore lower PRP allocations were paid. Various allowances are following the trend as in 2011, however the Final 2012 Budget was already approved at that moment. Overtime was less than anticipated, which is linked to the delayed start of the long shutdown. In general, the staff expenses are slightly lower than anticipated, whereas the fellowship programme increased. This is due to more EU-supported and external funding as well as transfers from materials for the GET fellowships.

The travel and removal costs and installation indemnity on taking up appointment and travel and end-of-contract removal costs are included in the heading “Installation and removal costs”. The termination allowances in the centralised personnel expenses mainly include reinstallation indemnities and unemployment benefits. The indemnity paid upon termination of a limited-duration contract, as well as the variation in the provision for termination indemnities are not included under this heading, but under various allowances. The number of payments for additional periods of membership to the pension fund for shift work cannot be reliably anticipated as the decision on exercising the right for early retirement are made by the individuals. The increase in CERN’s payment for the health insurance for its retirees increases due to the Council decision in the last Five-Yearly Review on annual percentage increases to the health insurance scheme. More explanations on the personnel expenses breakdown by nature are given in the 2012 Annual Accounts.

Figure 25: Breakdown of Personnel Expenses by Nature

Basic salaries(incl Saved Leave)


Variation paid leave0.9%


Social contributions17.7%

Fellows and apprentices9.6%

Centralised personnel expenses

6.1% Internal taxation4.8%

Staff members: 79.5%

Fellows and apprentices: 9.6%

Centralised personnel budget: 10.9%


5. Carry-forward Figure 26: Carry-forward

Explanations on Figure 26:

The carry-forward is established on the basis of Article 9 of the Financial Rules which states: “The budget amounts shall be compared with the amounts of the final budget out-turn. The positive balance of that part of the budget which is allocated to multi-annual projects shall be carried-forward to the following year within the Cost-to-Completion. The unused part of the budget allocated to operation shall be carried-forward to the following financial year, provided that it relates to commitments open when the accounts for the financial year concerned are closed. Any excess budget expenses shall be carried forward to the next financial year.” A carry-forward for projects was already anticipated under 2012 Probable Revenues and Expenses in the Final 2013 Budget (CERN/FC/5693 - CERN/3041). This entailed a reduction in allocations to project expenses (mainly for goods and supplies) in the 2012 Budget of 86.7 MCHF, of which 64.1 MCHF were carried-forward to 2013, and 22.6 MCHF to later years. The carry-forward shown in Figure 26 is established by comparing the adjusted budget amounts for 2012 (Probable Revenues and Expenses) as published in the Final Budget 2013 (CERN/FC/5693) and the 2012 Budget Out-turn. Any positive balance between the budget and expenses plus open commitments is used to further reduce the deficit. The figures under the Operation heading do not include the impact of advanced payments for licences, subscriptions, etc. EU and TT projects are not included in the Project heading in the table. The amounts shown in Figure 26 include the changes in expenses under centralised expenses. These are mainly due to lower energy consumption and are used to reduce the deficit.

(in MCHF, rounded off)

Operation 6.1 5.4LHC programme 3.0Other programmes 3.2 0.6Infrastructure and services (incl centralised expenses) -1.6 4.8R&D studies and projects 1.5Project* 15.0LHC programme 2.3Other programmes 1.4Infrastructure and services 8.4R&D studies and projects 2.9

* Including all consolidation projects, excl. EU and TT projects.

Carry-forward to 2013 Deficit reduction


6. EU-supported Projects Figure 27: EU Projects


Project name Project Title Total EC contribution

EC contribution to CERN 2012 spending 2012 EU

resources2012 additional

resources (1)

EMI European Middleware Initiative 12,000 3,398 2,260 1,610 650 EUCard European Coordination For Accelerator Research And Development 10,000 2,269 1,826 666 1,160 EGI-INSPIRE European Grid Initiative: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure For Researchers In Europe 25,000 2,254 1,913 1,095 818 AIDA Advanced European Infrastructures For Detectors At Accelerators 8,000 1,828 1,408 787 621 LHCTheory Theoretical predictions and analyses of LHC physics: advancing the precision frontier 2,050 1,718 174 174 LAGUNA-LBNO Design of a Pan-European Infrastructure for Large Apparatus Studying Grand Unification, Neutrino Astrophysics and Long Baseline Neutrino O 4,900 1,656 579 409 170 CRISP Cluster of Research Infrastructures for Synergies in Physics 11,999 1,499 936 401 535 Torch A Large-Aera Detector For Precision Time-of-Flight Measurements 2,696 1,395 19 19 HiLumi FP7 High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Design Study 4,900 1,241 1,945 225 1,720 MassTeV Mass Hierarchy And Particle Physics At The Tev Scale 2,000 1,226 391 379 12 BSMOxford Physics Beyond The Standard Model At The Lhc And With Atom Interferometers 2,200 1,177 298 298 endoTOFPET Novel Multimodal Endoscopic Probes For Simultaneous Pet/Ultrasound Imaging For Image-Guided Interventions 5,516 1,000 427 357 70 Envision European Novel Imaging Systems For Ion Therapy 5,996 955 228 228 Ulice Union Of Light-Ion Centres In Europe 8,400 824 330 252 78 Cosmo@LHC Cosmology At The Cern Large Hadron Collider 800 800 182 182 ENSAR European Nuclear Science And Applications Research 8,000 784 438 335 103 TIARA Test Infrastructure And Accelerator Research Area 3,900 714 404 248 156 Superfields Supersymmetry, Quantum Gravity And Gauge Fields 1,700 689 215 215 EUROnu A High Intensity Neutrino Oscillation Facility In Europe 4,000 621 248 9 239 iMarine Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources 5,000 503 197 197 Blogforever Blogforever 3,165 467 214 214 eScienceTalk Supporting Grid And High Performance Computing Reporting Across Europe 1,300 466 187 187 TeraUniverse Exploring The Terauniverse With The Lhc, Astrophysics And Cosmology 1,929 433 60 60 Helix Nebula Helix Nebula - The Science Cloud 1,800 409 165 86 79 Aparsen Alliance Permanent Access To The Records Of Science In Europe Network 6,840 330 66 66 OpenAIRE Open Access Infrastructure For Research In Europe 4,170 309 85 85 EUDAT EUropean DATa 9,300 284 90 90 OpenAire+ 2nd-Generation Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 4,200 280 80 80 EnviroGRIDs Building Capacity For A Black Sea Catchment Observation And Assessment SystemSupporting Sustainable Development 6,223 268 45 45 ODIN ORCID and DATACITE Interoperability Network 760 254 48 48 ODE Opportunities For Data Exchange 720 225 94 94 Aspera II Deepening And Broadening Of Astroparticle Physics European Coordination 2,383 206 25 25 HotLHC Hot and dense QCD in the LHC era 1,379 151 10 10 Pathway The Pathway To Inquiry Based Science Teaching 3,379 135 53 53 Discover the Cosmos Discover the Cosmos 940 93 56 56 ICAN International Coherent Amplification Network 500 55 13 13

Other (2) 54 54 TOTAL 15,763 9,352 6,411


(1) Costs incurred by CERN and declared to the European Commission as additional contribution: does not take into consideration other direct support and central administrative costs(2) EU projects administrative support in IT department(3) 74% of EU resources have been used on Personnel costs (6.96 MCHF), 26% on Material (2.39 MCHF)


Explanations on Figure 27: Figure 27 shows all EU projects other than Marie Curie projects still active in 2012. 2012 figures are split into EU-funded expenses and additional expenses funded by CERN’s core budget in line with the specific contracts signed separately for each project. Most of the EU-supported projects concern IT developments (EGI-Inspire, EMI) or R&D for accelerators and detectors (Eucard, Aida, Hi-Lumi, not to be mixed with HL-LHC). The EU contribution for projects other than Marie Curie projects has increased by 23.3 %. 12 new EU projects have been selected for funding, for a total European Commission (EC) contribution of 12.4 M€ (over a period of 2 to 5 years). The newly selected projects are funded under the following FP7 programmes:

- Marie-Curie: 5 projects, EC funding for CERN of 10.8 M€, - E-infrastructure: 1 project, EC funding for CERN of 0.4M€, - Research Infrastructures: 2 projects, EC funding for CERN of 0.4 M€, - Cooperation: 4 projects, EC funding for CERN of 0.8 M€.

Out of these 12 projects, 3 are coordinated by CERN and 2 are mono-sites (CERN is the only beneficiary of the grant). Out of a total number of 88 FP7 projects funded since 2007, 24 are or have been coordinated and 17 are or have been mono-sites, which is a significant increase in comparison with the former Framework Programme (14 projects coordinated by CERN and/or mono-sites out of 39 under FP6).


Figure 28: Marie Curie Projects

Explanations on Figure 28:

Figure 28 shows all EU Marie Curie Projects at CERN still active in 2012. 2012 figures are split into EU-funded expenses and additional expenses funded by CERN’s core budget in line with the specific contract signed separately for each project.

In 2012, Marie Curie Projects represented 45.6% of CERN’s total EU funding. This is mostly due to the 4-year Initial Training Networks and the two first Cofund projects, which aims at co-funding a CERN fellowship programme.

The EU funding for Marie Curie projects has significantly increased by 28% in 2012. Despite the end of major projects (Cofund, Partner, Aceole, MC-Pad), the EU funding for Marie Curie projects is expected to increase slightly in 2013, confirming CERN’s success in obtaining training-oriented projects.


Project name Project Title Total EC contribution

EC contribution to CERN 2012 spending 2012 EU

resources2012 additional

resources (1)

COFUND-2 Cofunding Of The Cern Fellowship Programme 2 4,999 4,999 792 792 - COFUND Cofunding Of The Cern Fellowship Programme 4,996 4,996 1,462 1,462 - CATHI Cryogenics, Accelerators And Targets At Hie-Isolde 4,784 4,784 1,764 1,764 - ACEOLE Data Acquisition, Electronics, And Optoelectronics For Lhc Experiments 3,469 3,469 412 412 - oPac Optimization for Particle Accelerators 5,940 1,240 95 95 - Partner Particle Training Network For European Radiotherapy 5,601 1,200 388 388 - Ardent Advanced Radiation Dosimetry European Network Training initiative 3,988 1,115 305 305 - PicoSec Pico-Second Silicon Photomultiplier - Electronics and Crystal Research 5,700 1,075 134 134 - MC-PAD Marie Curie Training Network On Particle Detectors 4,670 1,070 220 220 - Talent Training for cAreer deveLopment in high-radiation ENvironment Technologies 4,567 842 192 192 - PureSafe Preventing Human Intervention For Increased Safety Infrastructures Emitting Ionizing Radiation 3,905 765 302 302 - LA3NET Lasers for Applications at Accelerators 4,581 739 110 110 - Entervision Research Training In 3D Digital Imaging For Cancer Radiation Therapy 3,818 736 368 368 - DitaNet Novel Diagnostic Techniques For Future Particle Accelerators: A Marie Curie Initial Training Network 4,163 690 111 111 - EDSUSAFE Education in Advance VR/AR Safety Systems for Maintenance in Extreme Environments 3,121 658 8 8 - Mechanics Marie Curie Linking Industry To Cern 1,026 597 186 186 - UNILHC Unification In The Lhc Era 3,674 460 220 220 - Long-Lived Particles Search For New Long-Lived Elementary Particles Decaying To Tau Leptons In The Cms Experiment 240 240 147 147 - EPLANET European Particle Physics Latin American Network 3,245 194 188 32 156 Cloud Cloud Initial Training Network 2,385 189 5 5 - Inflation-Pheno The Phenomenology Of Inflation 185 185 42 42 - Discovery@LHC Precision Parton Distributions for New Physics Discoveries at the LHC 178 178 118 118 - Jet X Section Measurement Of The Inclusive Jet Cross Section 175 175 62 62 - Samurai Precision Study of W Bosons Pair Production in Association With Jets at High Energy Collider 121 121 97 97 -

Other (2) 278 278 - TOTAL 8,006 7,850 156

(1) Costs incurred by CERN as additional support to the projects: does not take into consideration other direct support and central administrative costs (3)

(2) HR-RPM and DG-RPC expenses for Marie Curie projects administration and f inancial management(3) The main objective of Marie Curie Actions is to train young researchers: a large portion of their salary is covered by EU funds. Personnel costs represent 83% of EU resources (6.51 MCHF), Material 17% (1.34 MCHF)


Figure 29: EU Projects financial status – Projects completed in 2012

Explanations on Figure 29:

Figure 29 shows the use of EU contributions at CERN for the whole project duration for finished projects with a financial activity in 2012. The utilization rate of the EU financial contribution has systematically been over 90%. The lower use of contribution for 3 ITN projects is due to the difference between flat rates used by the EC to compute the financial contribution and the real costs incurred by the Organization.

Project name Start date End DateEC contribution

to CERN (kEUR)

% completion (time)

% contribution used

ACEOLE 01-Oct-08 30-Sep-12 3,469,406 100% 93%Aspera II 01-Jul-09 31-Dec-12 206,452 100% 100%Cloud (1) 01-Aug-08 31-Jul-12 189,000 100% 100%DitaNet 01-Jun-08 31-May-12 690,279 100% 93%EUROnu 01-Sep-08 31-Aug-12 621,270 100% 100%ILC-HiGrade 01-Feb-08 31-Jan-12 349,750 100% 100%Jet X Section 01-Sep-10 31-Aug-12 174,771 100% 100%MC-PAD 01-Nov-08 31-Oct-12 1,070,420 100% 93% (2)

ODE 01-Nov-10 30-Nov-12 225,246 100% 100%OpenAIRE 01-Dec-09 30-Nov-12 308,625 100% 100%Partner 01-Oct-08 30-Sep-12 1,372,007 100% 100%Samurai 01-Oct-11 30-Sep-12 121,353 100% 100%

Average 96%(1) budget revised in 2011(2) estimate


Figure 30: EU Projects financial status - On-going projects

Explanations on Figure 30:

Figure 30 compares the time spent since the beginning of each EU project and the financial EU contribution used as at 31.12.2012. Apart from projects for which expenses are not linear (mostly Marie Curie projects such as Cofund-2, PicoSec or Cathi, where the researchers are recruited during the first year), the table generally shows a correlation between time and the contribution used.

Project name Start date End DateEC contribution

to CERN (kEUR)

% completion (time)

% contribution used

AIDA 01-Feb-11 31-Jan-15 1,828 48% 44%Aparsen 01-Jan-11 31-Dec-14 330 50% 19%Ardent 01-Feb-12 31-Jan-16 1,115 23% 22%Blogforever 01-Mar-11 31-Aug-13 467 73% 57%BSMOxford 01-Apr-11 30-Apr-14 1,177 57% 31%CATHI 01-Nov-10 31-Oct-14 4,784 54% 35%Citimobil2 01-Sep-12 31-Aug-16 27 8% 0%Citizen Cyberlab 01-Oct-12 30-Sep-15 309 8% 0%Cloud-TRAIN 01-Oct-12 30-Sep-16 689 6% 0%COFUND 01-Apr-09 31-Mar-13 4,996 94% 69%COFUND-2 01-Oct-11 30-Sep-15 4,999 31% 13%COFUND-3 01-Oct-12 30-Sep-17 10,000 5% 0%Cosmo@LHC 01-Jul-08 30-Jun-13 800 90% 81%CRISP 01-Oct-11 30-Sep-14 1,499 42% 22%Discover the Cosmos 01-Sep-11 31-Aug-13 93 67% 49%Discovery@LHC 01-Sep-11 31-Aug-13 178 67% 74%EDSUSAFE 01-Sep-12 31-Aug-16 658 8% 1%EGI-INSPIRE 01-May-10 30-Apr-14 2,254 67% 84%EMI 01-May-10 30-Apr-13 3,398 89% 84%endoTOFPET 01-Jan-11 31-Dec-14 1,000 50% 36%ENSAR 01-Sep-10 31-Aug-14 784 58% 46%Entervision 01-Feb-11 31-Jan-15 736 48% 41%EnviroGRIDs 01-Apr-09 31-Mar-13 268 94% 82%Envision 01-Feb-10 31-Jan-14 955 73% 47%EPLANET 01-Feb-11 31-Jan-15 194 48% 13%ERINDA 01-Dec-10 30-Nov-13 100 69% 0%eScienceTalk 01-Sep-10 31-May-13 466 85% 84%EUCard 01-Apr-09 30-Jun-13 2,269 88% 69%EUDAT 01-Oct-11 30-Sep-14 284 42% 31%GO-Lab 01-Nov-12 31-Oct-16 168 4% 0%Helix Nebula 01-Jun-12 31-May-14 409 29% 17%HiLumi 01-Nov-11 31-Oct-15 1,241 29% 15%HotLHC 01-Jan-12 31-Dec-16 151 20% 5%ICAN 16-Jan-12 15-Jul-13 55 64% 19%iMarine 01-Nov-11 30-Apr-14 503 47% 36%Inflation-Pheno 01-Sep-12 31-Aug-14 185 17% 19%LA3NET 01-Oct-11 30-Sep-15 739 31% 12%LAGUNA-LBNO 01-Sep-11 31-Aug-14 1,656 44% 21%LHCTheory 01-Apr-12 31-Mar-17 1,718 15% 8%Long-Lived Particles 01-Jul-11 30-Jun-13 240 75% 70%MassTeV 01-Dec-08 30-Nov-13 1,226 82% 66%Mechanics 01-Sep-10 31-Aug-14 597 58% 49%ODIN 01-Sep-12 31-Aug-14 254 17% 16%oPac 01-Dec-11 30-Nov-15 1,240 27% 6%OpenAire+ 01-Dec-11 31-May-14 280 43% 23%Pathway 01-Jan-11 31-Dec-13 135 67% 66%PicoSec 01-Dec-11 30-Nov-15 1,075 27% 10%PureSafe 01-Feb-11 31-Jan-15 765 48% 41%Superfields 01-Jun-09 31-May-14 689 72% 54%Talent 01-Jan-12 31-Dec-15 842 25% 19%TeraUniverse 01-Apr-11 31-Mar-16 433 35% 16%TIARA 01-Jan-11 31-Dec-13 714 67% 49%Torch 01-Jun-12 31-May-16 1,395 15% 1%Ulice 01-Sep-09 31-Aug-13 824 83% 57%UNILHC 01-Oct-09 30-Sep-13 460 81% 72%

Average 48% 35%


AIDA The AIDA, “Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA)”, project is a 4-year project to which more than 80 institutes and laboratories from 23 European countries contribute. The project aims to upgrade, improve and integrate key European research infrastructures and develop advanced detector technologies for future particle accelerators (LHC upgrade, Linear Colliders, Neutrino facilities and Super-B factories). Moreover, researchers from outside the project can benefit from EU Transnational Access funding to access AIDA test beams and irradiation facilities. The project is coordinated by CERN. More information can be found at: 2012 was a very active period; progress was made on all 9 WPs significant. The project is now at its mid-term; after almost two years of operation all WPs are in routine operation mode. Over the year 2012 many events took place, with more than 16 participations in conferences and collaboration meetings. The first annual AIDA meeting held in DESY in March 2012 was very successful, especially the Industry-Academia Matching Event on Position sensitive detectors. This annual meeting triggered very good progress in the domain of irradiation facilities at CERN. In 2012, excellent use of resources was made in the area of TNA (Trans National Access); during the year more than 120 persons were supported by AIDA to contribute to test beam activities and 30 persons to irradiation activities. To prepare for future experiments, some considerable efforts are going into the upgrade; there is very good progress in implementing common SW and organising its repository, in developing IP blocks (65 nm CMOS technology) and testing chips for the FE electronics and in making first prototypes for future detectors.

EMI The European Middleware Initiative (EMI) is a 3-year project coordinated by CERN. The project is a 24 MEUR collaboration of four of the major grid middleware providers in Europe, ARC, dCache, gLite and UNICORE, and other consortia. Its main goal is to maintain and evolve the grid services used across the grid infrastructures in Europe and currently at the core of a large part of the WLCG computing infrastructure. In 2012 EMI has released its second major software distribution composed of services in the areas of computing, data management, security and infrastructure management, extending its availability to new operating systems and providing new functionality to support the evolving requirements of WLCG.

EuCARD The duration of the EuCARD project has been extended by 4 months from the end of March to the end of July 2013. The first goal is to disentangle the production of the deliverables from the significant final reporting effort, both on deliverables and on global project progress and issues. The second goal is to optimize the transition between EuCARD and EuCARD2 that will begin in June 2013. The EuCARD network activity has already fulfilled the initial goals, and beyond: the network on neutrino facilities has delivered input to the Strategy Upgrade process. The Accelerator Network (especially EuroLumi) has established itself as the brainstorming place for upgrades and futures facilities, and provided new ideas and collaborative framework for several major options for CERN’s future. Its results were the basis for the large extensions of networks in EuCARD2. The transnational access facilities will have provided more than the requested access units for MICE and close to the commitment for HiRadMat, in spite of its major construction delay. In the vast majority of the 21 joint research tasks, the results mark significant progress in the field, even though some deliverables will be late (up to 1.5 years) due mostly to the complexity of the R&D: the technological development of high-field magnets is a first in Europe and has shown no show-stopper and it has stimulated the CERN-US collaboration. Due to the requirement of additional iterations in the R&D, the final model magnet will be 1.5 years late. It will be integrated in the cable test station FRESCA. However, its HTS field booster insert is only a few months late. Other deliverables are on time, such as the successful superconducting links. Both the collimator and advanced concepts work packages have produced all their due deliverables with success, except the last one which is expected to be delivered on time. The Normal Conducting RF WP has all its deliverables in March 2013. The intermediate results show no issue and the WP results are expected to fulfil the ambitious R&D goals. In the superconducting RF WP, one task related to RF coupler industrialization will not produce its deliverable. This is essentially due to organisational reasons at the unique beneficiary. Otherwise, the crab cavity R&D is already a great success with the project already ahead of its objectives and of high value for the LHC upgrade (technology and external competence). The elliptical cavities for SPL will be late by less than one year, due to the combination of a late order due to a cost overrun and delays at the manufacturer. All other R&D tasks appear on good track to deliver on time.

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