bible study lesson #5 (fall 2011)

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Fall 2011 Bible curriculum

Lesson 5 - Who is Jesus: his compassion

His interactions with people demonstrate his compassion

◦Jesus blesses the children (Mark 10:13-16)

▪the disciples rebuked the parents—wouldn't you?▪“the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” - What does that mean?▪What is the “kingdom of God?”▪Jesus' compassion: he took the children in his arms...and blessed them

◦the woman caught in adultery (John 7:53-8:11)

▪why didn't Jesus judge the woman? What she did was wrong. ▪he didn't answer their question of whether or not to follow the law▪what question did he answer?▪Jesus' compassion: he didn't condemn her▪but, he also told her to stop sinning: God's mercy is not an excuse to continue sinning.▪(mystery: what was Jesus writing?)

◦Mary & Martha (Luke 10:38-42)

▪Jesus' compassion: he didn't just teach men; he included women, too.▪what does v. 42 mean?▪are we worried and upset with many things?▪just like he did with Martha, Jesus is calling us to stop our busyness and spend time with him.

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