bible study lesson #11 (fall 2011)

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Lesson 11 - Who is Jesus: His teaching about himselfThe “I Am” sayings of Jesus, Part 3

6. Read John 14:6 - “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.”

Discussion:What do you think Jesus meant by this? Do you think he was saying that he is the only way to God?What do you think about that? How does that make you feel?◦Does that sound arrogant, crazy, or impossible to you?

Teaching:Jesus' claim here is not exclusive; it is inclusive.◦All truth is God's truth, all life is God's life. The Bible teaches that it all comes from God: the truth of our parents' wisdom, the truth of scientific research, the truth of great philosophers. It all comes from God, it all belongs to God.◦While these truths come from God and point us to God, they do not give us access to God, however.We cannot approach God from our side, no matter how great the wisdom, learning, or truth because we are incapable of knowing the whole truth on our own, because our sin has limited our capability.We can only approach God because he has opened the door from his side, because he has made a way and not we ourselves. ◦The only way to God through Jesus because all truth and all life are in him: he is God who became a human just like us.If that still seems exclusive, think about who is making that claim: the person who claims to be one with God, who claims to reveal God to people: Jesus.◦If God has no way to communicate with people other than his Word, then people have no way to reach God other than through his Word.Jesus is not only the way to God, he is the truth of God. He is not only the truth of God, he is the life of God. ◦The only way we can have access to God is through Jesus.◦The only way we can know the truth of God is through Jesus.◦The only way we can have life from God is through Jesus.To know Jesus is to know God. To not know Jesus is to not know God.

7. Read John 15:1-5 - “I am the true vine and My Father is the gardener.”

Background:History of raising grapes: archaeological evidence shows that raising grapes goes back to ~4000 B.C. The first recorded evidence we have of vineyards is from Egypt: 2500 B.C.Just as raising sheep was one of the primary occupations in ancient Israel, having vineyards (grapes) was another key occupation. Both are similar to Xinjiang Province. The most difficult part of growing grapes is the heavy amount of time spent in pruning.◦The suckers (false vines) need to be removed so that only one or two solid canes (stems) remain. ◦The canes need to be pruned multiple times through-out the year. ◦Too much pruning results in a lot of leaves but little fruit.◦Too little pruning results in a lot of fruit but poor quality. ◦A good vinekeeper knows when to prune, how much to prune, and is faithful to do it so that his/her vines produce good harvests.

Discussion:What does Jesus mean by saying he is the “true” vine? Who do you think Jesus thought were “false” vines?◦The Jewish religious leaders, false teachers, false prophets, fortune-tellers.What happens to a branch when it's not attached to the cane, trunk, or stem?◦It has no life. It can no longer produce fruit.▪with a grape branch, that's even more true: it can't even be used to make anything. It's worthless and only good for burning.What kind of fruit do you think Jesus means? ◦A full, meaningful, and satisfying life.◦A life of love, joy, peace.▪see Galatians 5:22-23 – the fruit of the Spirit◦The ability to be a good person.What does God, the gardener, do to the branches?◦He cuts off the branches that produce no fruit and trims the good branches so that they will produce even more fruit.What does that mean for us today? ◦Jesus isn't telling us that we have to be good enough for God to accept us—to become Christians. ◦He's saying that we can't be good without him. We can only be good when we're attached to him.

8. Read John 8:58 - “Truly, Truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”

Background:Abraham was the ancestor of the Jewish people—the nation of Israel. Modern scholars think that he lived somewhere between 2100 and 1800 B.C.

Discussion:What do you think Jesus meant by this?◦Jesus existed before his human life on earth; he existed before Abraham. ◦Therefore, he must be God—existing from before the beginning of the world.

Summary:We have now read all eight of Jesus' claims about himself. What are they?◦“I am the bread of life.” (John 6:35) ◦“I am the light of the world.” (John 8:12)◦“I am the gate.” (John 10:7 & 9)◦“I am the good shepherd.” (John 10:11 & 14)◦“I am the resurrection and the life.” (John 11:25)◦“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6)◦“I am the true vine.“ (John 15:1)◦“I am.” (John 8:58)

Which one do you like the best? Which one speaks to you the most? Why?

What do you think Jesus is trying to communicate in all of these?◦That he is the only way to God, to truth, to knowledge & wisdom, to a full & meaningful life, to safety & security, to satisfaction in life, to life beyond this physical life....◦That Jesus is God and to know Jesus is to know God.

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