bi publisher document viewer common region - embeded report output in oa framework page - part 2

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6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


Monday, 16 June 2008 12:21 Prabhakar Somanathan

BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - EmbededReport Output in OA Framework Page Part 2

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The XML Publisher common user interface document viewer or common region is an Oracle Applications Framework

(OAF) shared region

provided by XML Publisher to view the XML Publisher report in HTML,PDF,RTF,EXCEL format inline

within OA Framework page.

Please read the article BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region- Embeded Report Output in

OA Framework Page to understand the basics of XML Publisher Document Viewer Region.

Every XML Publisher/BI Publisher report requires the creation of

Data XML

RTF Template

Date Definition

Template Definition

Note : The Template can be defined in RTF, PDF, Excel ..

Please read the article Integrating XML Publisher and OA Framework to understand the basics of XML Publisher/BI

Publisher and the steps involved in creating the above mentioned components.

The data source is the method of obtaining the data XML file required for the report. This article discusses in details

the steps involved in integrating XML Publisher Document Viewer Region with OA Framework page using Blob

Domain data source. The Blob Domain data source is used when we want to report on a low volume of data in

database tables or we have the XML data available in database table BLOB column. The Document Viewer Region

requires the following page context parameter for its initialization.

Name Mandatory Description

p_DataSource Yes BlobDomain

p_DataSourceCode Yes Enter the DataSourceCode from the Template Manager


p_DataSourceAppsShortName Yes Enter the Application Short name for the data source


XML_DATA_FILE Yes Enter the BLOBDomain that contains the XML data file

p_TemplateCode No Specify the Template to be used to render the report. If not

set, then the XML Publisher provides a LOV to select the


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Template - SQL Query to

develop BI Publisher Reports

BI Publisher Report Migration


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Protect Documents

Training - BI Publisher [ XML

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BI Publisher Document

Viewer Common Region-

Embeded Report Output in

OA Framework Page

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from existing standard Oracle

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Suite R12

How to create a XML

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BLOB images from an RDF


Oa Framework - Xml

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6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


templates based on p_DataSourceCode parameter .

p_TemplateAppsShortName Required only when

p_TemplateCode is


Enter the Application short name of the application to

which the template is assigned in the Template Manager.

p_LocaleNo No The value "Default" can be entered to select the default

template locale. If not set, then XML Publisher provides a e

a list to select available locales for the selected template.

p_OutputTypeNo No Valid output types are: RTF, PDF, EXCEL, and HTML,

depending on the template type. If not set, then XML

Publisher will provide a list to select the output types.

p_XDORegionHeight Yes Height of the XDO common region window expressed as a


Lets start developing a simple OAF page to generate a XML Publisher Employee Detail Report of employees working in

a particular Department. The page will look like this.

6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


Steps involved :

1) Designing the OAF BC4J Data Model.

2) Designing the OAF Page and generating the Data XML

3) Designing the RTF Template using Data XML

4) Registering the Template with Oracle Applications.

5) Design the Employee Report OAF Page with Document Viewer Region

6) Set the Page Context Parameters and data XML

7) Execute the page.

The steps 1 to 4 are same as the steps 2 to 5 explained in article Integrating XML Publisher and OA Framework. Lets

discuss with step 5 onwards.

Step 5 : Design the Employee Report OAF Page with Document Viewer Region

Design a OAF page with two regions. The Region 1 should have a Text Input for Dept No search. The Region 2 should

be based on the XML Publisher Document Viewer Region

"/oracle/apps/xdo/oa/common/webui/DocumentViewerRn.MainRegion" . The Page should look like this.

Step 6 : Set the Page Context Parameters and generate the data XML

Set the page context parameters required for the BlobDomain datasource in the controller's processRequest method.

6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


Handle the Run submit button in the processFormRequest , generate the data XML and set the XML_DATA_BLOB

page context parameter.

Controller Code :

Import :


import oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsContext;

import oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.OAHelper;

import oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain;

import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode;


ProcessRequest :

public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);

// Get the current Locale

OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);

AppsContext appscontext =


String locale = null;



String as[] = OAHelper.getISOCodes(appscontext, appscontext.getCurrLangCode());

locale = as[0]+"-"+as[1];


catch(SQLException sqlexception)


throw new OAException(sqlexception.getMessage(), (byte)0);


// Set the page context parameter required for datasource BlobDomain.

pageContext.putParameter("p_DataSource", "BlobDomain");

pageContext.putParameter("p_DataSourceCode", "EmpDataDefinition");

pageContext.putParameter("p_DataSourceAppsShortName", "XXXX");

pageContext.putParameter("p_XDORegionHeight", "700");

pageContext.putParameter("p_TemplateCode", "Emp_Template");

pageContext.putParameter("p_TemplateAppsShortName", "XXXX");

pageContext.putParameter("p_Locale", locale);


ProcessFormRequest :

public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);

OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);

// Handle the Run button event.

if(pageContext.getParameter("Go") != null)


String deptNo = pageContext.getParameter("DeptNo");

Serializable params[] = {



// Generate the Data XML. The data xml should contain the employees of the specified dept

// number

XMLNode xmlNode = (XMLNode) am.invokeMethod("getDeptEmpDataXML",params);


// Create a blob object and add the data xml to it.

BlobDomain blob = new BlobDomain();

OutputStream os = blob.getBinaryOutputStream();



6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


pageContext.putSessionValueDirect("XML_DATA_BLOB", blob);


catch(Exception e)


throw new OAException(e.getMessage(), (byte)0);




EmpAMImpl :

// In this example we are generating data xml from data in existing database table. We can

// also get the the data xml from a blob column in a database table.

public XMLNode getDeptEmpDataXML(String deptNo)


EmpVOImpl vo = getEmpVO1();


XMLNode xmlNode = (XMLNode) vo.writeXML(4, XMLInterface.XML_OPT_ALL_ROWS);

return xmlNode;


EmpVOImpl :

public void initQuery(String deptNo)




setWhereClause("DEPTNO = :1");

setWhereClauseParam(0, deptNo);



Step 7 : Execute the OAF page

Deploy the OAF and the BC4J components in the middle tier. Open the OAF page, enter the dept number and click on

the run button. This will generate a inline Employee XML Publisher Report. Select the output format as per the


Note : Testing the XML Publisher Report from Jdeveloper requires setting up multiple libraries in the classpath. Hence i

would suggest testing the code in the middle tier directly.

If any one has worked on different approach of implementing the BlobDomain DataSource, then please share the

implementation logic.

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w ritten by Shiva1 , June 16, 2008

Hi Prabhakar,

6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


report abusevote downvote up

Thanks for providing an excellent article , straightly delivering inout desk tops

I see a typo, just want to make sure its in " Process Request " where we want to load the page with the template


I see though the heading shows its process request, in the code you wrote this for processFormRequest(),

please confirm this.

Thanks Again.



ProcessRequest :

public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);

// Get the current Locale

OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);

AppsContext appscontext =


String locale = null;



String as[] = OAHelper.getISOCodes(appscontext, appscontext.getCurrLangCode());

locale = as[0]+"-"+as[1];


catch(SQLException sqlexception)


throw new OAException(sqlexception.getMessage(), (byte)0);


// Set the page context parameter required for datasource BlobDomain.

pageContext.putParameter("p_DataSource", "BlobDomain");

pageContext.putParameter("p_DataSourceCode", "EmpDataDefinition");

pageContext.putParameter("p_DataSourceAppsShortName", "XXXX");

pageContext.putParameter("p_XDORegionHeight", "700");

pageContext.putParameter("p_TemplateCode", "Emp_Template");

pageContext.putParameter("p_TemplateAppsShortName", "XXXX");

pageContext.putParameter("p_Locale", locale);


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How to deploy ?

w ritten by St , July 08, 2008

How to Deploy ?

Please explain where to put these files ebiz.

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w ritten by Jay Patw a , August 11, 2008

Note : Testing the XML Publisher Report from Jdeveloper requires setting up multiple libraries in the classpath.

Hence i would suggest testing the code in the middle tier directly.

Can you please elaborate on above note that you have put.

Votes: +0


w ritten by Baris , October 06, 2008

Hi Prabhakar,

The link including the step how to register template in XML to Oracle "Integrating XML Publisher and OA

6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


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Framework" does not work(error 404) that is the point I think will be helpful for me

Thanks in advance

Votes: -1

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w ritten by barozkok , October 09, 2008


First thanks for this educative article.

I am new in OA Framework. I tried to develop the project in OA Framework to call XML Publisher. But I got error in


"XMLNode xmlNode = (XMLNode) vo.writeXML(4, XMLInterface.XML_OPT_ALL_ROWS);"

at line as "XMLInterface class not found". What to do for this error?


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a little help!

w ritten by Carl , December 30, 2008


maybe you can help me i am presently using the following code (this is just a sample) but as you can see i am

physically creating 2 files on the server. The space they use is not problematic since i have a cron job that

empties the directory every day but the problem is that i have to hard code the path of the files. I see in your code

that at no moment you are in contact with real files. I was wondering if you knew how to have relative paths that

would work on every instance apps without modifications or any suggestions that would allow me to fix this

issue without changing my code totally.

Blob rtf = rs.getBlob(1);

//Processing of the file rtf --> xsl --> pdf

//using 2 different processors RTF and FO

RTFProcessor rtfProcessor = new RTFProcessor(rtf.getBinaryStream());



FOProcessor processor = new FOProcessor();








Votes: +0

Alternative: BlobDomain from data template

w ritten by Radu Lascae , February 26, 2009


I found this site very useful, thank you for this. Since the question on the alternative approach on the

BlobDomain went unanswered, I thought to contribute.

This alternative approach will work in R12 without the need for a view object. It uses the data source parameters

- it assumes there is a parameter called DEPTO in your data template. The code is not that tidy (I've adapted it

from a current project). Given your example:





import java.sql.SQLException;

6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


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import oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsContext;

import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransactionImpl;

import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;

import oracle.apps.xdo.XDOException;

import oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.Parameter;

import oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.DataTemplate;

import oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain;

public static BlobDomain processTemplate(OAPageContext pageContext, String deptNo){

AppsContext appsContext =


String applicationShortName = "XXXX";

String dataSourceCode = "EmpDataDefinition";

OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

try {

DataTemplate dataTemplate = new DataTemplate(appsContext, applicationShortName, dataSourceCode);

//Get Parameters

ArrayList parameters = dataTemplate.getParameters();

//set Parameter Values as ArrayList of oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.Parameter

Iterator it = parameters.iterator();

while (it.hasNext()){

Parameter p = (Parameter);

System.out.println("parameter name: " + p.getName());

if (p.getName().equals("DEPTNO")){








} catch (SQLException e) {

System.out.println("SQLException occurred.");

} catch (XDOException e) {

System.out.println("XDOException occurred.");

} catch(Exception e){

System.out.println("Exception (other) occurred.");


byte[] xmlb = os.toString().getBytes();

BlobDomain blob = new BlobDomain(xmlb);

return blob;

}//end processTemplate



Votes: +0


w ritten by new _member , June 02, 2009

Hi Prabhakar Somanathan,

Greate article.

I am new in OAF. I am trying to develop OAF to call XML publisher.

Could you send to me the source code of 7 steps above?

6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


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Many thanks for your help

Votes: +0

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xml output from report

w ritten by rakesh1836 , June 16, 2009

Hi can anyone share. how to use the xml output from the report in the OA Framework. like here we are getting

the xml from the View object

Votes: +1

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Error while runing the Document Viewer Page

w ritten by venkat Reddy Pulichintha , August 25, 2009

Hi Prabhakar,

I saw your articale really good i reached Integrating XML Publisher and OA Framework

I tried Document Viewer. as per your steps i done. i tested in Midle tier.

am able to see the page once i enter the DeptNo 10

am getting error as per below

oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement

cannot be cast to



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Export to Excel is not working

w ritten by Rishav , August 31, 2009

Export functionality is not working as expected for "Excel" output. It is saving as type "Adobe Acrobat Reader" for

"Excel" output.

Votes: -1

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Implementing OAF - XML Publisher - Shared region - Common Document viewer region

w ritten by Sateesh D , October 31, 2009

Hi Prabhakar,

I found this site is very useful.

I have implemented “BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region”, as per the steps that you have provided.

The page looks like the one that you mentioned in step5.

1) I have created one region with department number text input.

2) I have copied the “commonRN” from /oracle/apps/xdo/oa/common/webui/DocumentViewerRn.xml and

pasted the region into my page and changed some parameters like controller class.

3) I have created implemented the controller code, AM Impl code and VO Impl code as provided in step 6.

4) I have deployed it in the middle tier directly.

But when I enter the parameter Dept Number and selected output type and clicked on the “Run” button, nothing

is happening.

Neither it is giving the error nor the required output.

Please clarify, whether we have to take care about any small things. Like adding


The in that case, please guide me of how I can provide in this case.

It would be great if you clarify this ASAP.

Thanks in Advance for your reply.



Votes: +0

6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2



w ritten by Sateesh D , October 31, 2009

Hi Prabhakar,

This is my controller code for your reference:

public class DocViewerCO extends OAControllerImpl


public static final String RCS_ID="$Header$";

public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =

VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(RCS_ID, "&#xpa;ckagename%");

public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);

// Get the current Locale

OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);

AppsContext appscontext =


String locale = null;



String as[] = OAHelper.getISOCodes(appscontext, appscontext.getCurrLangCode());

locale = as[0]+"-"+as[1];


catch(SQLException sqlexception)


throw new OAException(sqlexception.getMessage(), (byte)0);


// Set the page context parameter required for datasource BlobDomain.

pageContext.putParameter("p_DataSource", "BlobDomain");

pageContext.putParameter("p_DataSourceCode", "EmpDataDefinition");

pageContext.putParameter("p_DataSourceAppsShortName", "AK");

pageContext.putParameter("p_XDORegionHeight", "700");

pageContext.putParameter("p_TemplateCode", "Emp_Template");

pageContext.putParameter("p_TemplateAppsShortName", "AK");

pageContext.putParameter("p_Locale", locale);


public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);

OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);

// Handle the Run button event.

if(pageContext.getParameter("Go") != null)


String deptNo = pageContext.getParameter("deptno");

System.out.println("Department Number: " + deptNo);

String outType = pageContext.getParameter("OutputType");

Serializable params[] = {deptNo};

// Generate the Data XML. The data xml should contain the employees of the specified dept

// number

XMLNode xmlNode = (XMLNode) am.invokeMethod("getDeptEmpDataXML",params);


6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


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// Create a blob object and add the data xml to it.

BlobDomain blob = new BlobDomain();

OutputStream os = blob.getBinaryOutputStream();


System.out.println("After XMLNode Print");


pageContext.putSessionValueDirect("XML_DATA_BLOB", blob);

System.out.println(" After Put session Value direct");

/* Properties pr = new Properties();

String redirectURL = DocumentHelper.getOutputURL(pageContext,








"US" );

OAHTMLWebBean outRegion = (OAHTMLWebBean)createWebBean(pageContext,HTML_WEB_BEAN, null,



outRegion.setHTMLAttributeValue("width", "100%");

outRegion.setHTMLAttributeValue("height", "60%");





catch(Exception e)


throw new OAException(e.getMessage(), (byte)0);





Please help me in resolving this issue.



Votes: +0

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Thanks for the explanation

w ritten by akhil Kumar , June 03, 2010

Hi Prabhakar,

I tried exactly like you specified but its not working for me. I am getting an error "An error encounterd either due to

invalied Template details or due to null Data Input Stream."

Please suggest.



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w ritten by sm , August 02, 2010

6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


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The screenshots in the documents are not visible.

Can you please check and let me know, if there is problem with my system or with site.

If possible, can you please insert the screenshots.


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Multiple BI Reports in OAF

w ritten by sm , August 26, 2010


Can you please tell me if its possible to display more than one BI report outputs embedded in OAF page.....

If yes, how can we achive this.....

Or any pointers will be of great help.

Thanks in advane..

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Can we Rename the PDF File generated ? Also Bullet Points show as ???

w ritten by Sujay , November 18, 2010


We are working on an XML Publisher Report PDF rendered from a Self Service Page.

We have the final XML as a string, When I try to Preview PDF using this XML string locally in my desktop, The

Bullet Points from the fields are rendered properly.

However, When we render the same field by deploying into applications,

we see all the Bullet Points as ???

The bullet points used as Boiler plates appear correctly.

We are converting the string to a BlobDomain in the controller of the Page. Below is the code:

BlobDomain xmlData = new BlobDomain(XMLString.getBytes() );

redirectURL = DocumentHelper.getOutputURL(










Not sure if this conversion is converting the bullet points into ???

Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Also, Can we rename the PDF File generated ???

Thanks in advance.


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Whats in the EmpVO?

w ritten by Dave , June 21, 2012

I'm very familiar with BI publiser within EBS, and I'm very familier with OAF. since the sql statement is in the XML

Data definition inside EBS, is there SQL in the EmpVO or is this just an object you need to set the parameters

up? thanks!

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6/26/12 BI Publisher Document Viewer Common Region - Embeded Report Output in OA Framework Page Part 2


Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 June 2008 22:35 )

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