bhagavad gita - chapter 4 summary

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Maximum Happiness to the Maximum Number of People for the Maximum Time


The Holy Geeta

Chapter 4

Quick Recap

• Chapter 3 (Karma Yoga):


Chapter 4 – Karma Jnana Sannyasa Yoga – Ending Action in Knowledge

• When and why does Bhagawan take an Avatar

Whenever there is an increase in adharma

To protect the righteous and destroy the wicked

• Four-fold Caste system

Man kind is divided into four kinds people (Kshatriya, Brahmana, Vysya,

Shudra) based on their

o Temperament – Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

o Attitude to work

This was later mis-used to propagate division of classes by birth

• Realized one is one who sees

Inaction in Action AND

Action in Inaction

• Anyone can reach me by adopting the 12-fold ‘yagna’ or sacrifice spirit

Daiva - puja

Brahma – self-inquiry

Indriya – sense control

Mano – mind control

Atma Samyama - Self restraint

Dravya - Wealth

Tapo - austerity

Yoga - Ashtanga

Swadyaya – Daily study

Jnana - Knowledge

Pranayama – Five Pranas

Niyatahara - Diet

Chapter 4 – Verses

Play verses 1-8

Chapter 4 – Karma Jnana Sannyasa Yoga – Ending Action in Knowledge

• When and why does Bhagawan take an Avatar

Whenever there is an increase in adharma

To protect the righteous and destroy the wicked

• Four-fold Caste system

Man kind is divided into four kinds people (Kshatriya, Brahmana, Vysya,

Shudra) based on their

o Temperament – Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

o Attitude to work

This was later mis-used to propagate division of classes by birth

• Realized one is one who sees

Inaction in Action AND

Action in Inaction

• Anyone can reach me by adopting the 12-fold ‘yagna’ or sacrifice spirit

Daiva - puja

Brahma – self-inquiry

Indriya – sense control

Mano – mind control

Atma Samyama - Self restraint

Dravya - Wealth

Tapo - austerity

Yoga - Ashtanga

Swadyaya – Daily study

Jnana - Knowledge

Pranayama – Five Pranas

Niyatahara - Diet

Kshatriya …

Brahmana …



…perform your DHARMA

Chapter 4 – Karma Jnana Sannyasa Yoga – Ending Action in Knowledge

• When and why does Bhagawan take an Avatar

Whenever there is an increase in adharma

To protect the righteous and destroy the wicked

• Four-fold Caste system

Man kind is divided into four kinds people (Kshatriya, Brahmana, Vysya,

Shudra) based on their

o Temperament – Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

o Attitude to work

This was later mis-used to propagate division of classes by birth

• Realized one is one who sees

Inaction in Action AND

Action in Inaction

• Anyone can reach me by adopting the 12-fold ‘yagna’ or sacrifice spirit

Daiva - puja

Brahma – self-inquiry

Indriya – sense control

Mano – mind control

Atma Samyama - Self restraint

Dravya - Wealth

Tapo - austerity

Yoga - Ashtanga

Swadyaya – Daily study

Jnana - Knowledge

Pranayama – Five Pranas

Niyatahara - Diet

Chapter 4 – Inaction in Action

Play Charlie Chaplin Video

Chapter 4 – Inaction in Action

Play Charlie Chaplin Video

Chapter 4 – Inaction in Action

Play Charlie Chaplin Video

Chapter 4 – Karma Jnana Sannyasa Yoga – Ending Action in Knowledge

• When and why does Bhagawan take an Avatar

Whenever there is an increase in adharma

To protect the righteous and destroy the wicked

• Four-fold Caste system

Man kind is divided into four kinds people (Kshatriya, Brahmana, Vysya,

Shudra) based on their

o Temperament – Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

o Attitude to work

This was later mis-used to propagate division of classes by birth

• Realized one is one who sees

Inaction in Action AND

Action in Inaction

• Anyone can reach me by adopting the 12-fold ‘yagna’ or sacrifice spirit

Daiva - puja

Brahma – self-inquiry

Indriya – sense control

Mano – mind control

Atma Samyama - Self restraint

Dravya - Wealth

Tapo - austerity

Yoga - Ashtanga

Swadyaya – Daily study

Jnana - Knowledge

Pranayama – Five Pranas

Niyatahara - Diet


24. BRAHMAN is the oblation; BRAHMAN is the clarified butter, etc.,

constituting the offerings; by BRAHMAN is the oblation poured into the

fire of BRAHMAN; BRAHMAN verily shall be reached by him who

always sees BRAHMAN in all actions

• The deity invoked

• The fire in which the offerings are poured

• The material things that constitute the offerings

• The individual who is performing the Yagna


1. Deva-Yajna (25)–Sacrifice of sense-objects

2. Brahma-Yajna (25)– Sacrifice of the Self to the Self

3. Yajna of sense control (26)

4. Yajna of Mind Control (26)

5. Yajna of Self Restraint (27)

6. Dravya- Yajna (28) – Offering of Wealth

7. Tapo Yajna (28) –Offering of pleasures and living in austerity

8. Yoga Yajna (28) – Worship of the Lord-of-the-heart

9. Svadhyaya Yajna (28) – Study of scriptures

10. Jnana Yajna (28) - Sacrifice of Knowledge

11. Pranayama Yajna (29) – Sacrifice of Pranas

12. Niyata hara Yajna (30) – Sacrifice of vital air sheaths




Intellectual Sheath

Mental Sheath

Vital-Air Sheath

Food Sheath Deva Yajna

Brahma Yajna

Yoga Yajna

Yajna of sense control

Yajna of mind control

Tapo Yajna

Yajna of self restraint

Svadhyaya Yajna

Jnana Yajna

Dravya Yajna

Pranayama Yajna

Niyata hara Yajna


25. Some YOGIS perform sacrifice to DEVAS alone (DEVA-YAJNA); while

others offer ‘sacrifice’ as sacrifice by the Self, in the Fire of BRAHMAN


26. Some again, offer hearing and other senses as sacrifice in the fires-of-

restraint; others offer sound and other objects of sense as sacrifice in the


27. Others, again, sacrifice all the functions of the senses and the functions of

the breath (vital energy) in the fire of the YOGA of self-restraint, kindled

by knowledge

28. Others, again, offer wealth, austerity, an YOGA as sacrifice, while the

ascetics of self-restraint and rigid vows offer study of scriptures and

knowledge as sacrifice


29. Others, again, as sacrifice the out-going breath in the in-coming, and the

in-coming in the out-going, restraining, the courses of the out-going and

in-coming breath, solely absorbed in the restraint of breath

30. Others, with well-regulated diet, offer vital-airs in the Vital-Air. All

these are knowers of sacrifice, whose sins are destroyed by sacrifice.

31. The eaters of the nectar – remnant of the sacrifice – go to the Eternal

BRAHMAN. Even this world is not for the non-performer of sacrifice;

how then the other (world), O best of the Kurus?

Chapter 4 – Is he doing any Yajna?

Chapter 4 – Is he where he is because of his Yajnas?

Chapter 4 – Mike Phelp’s Training Regime

Workout Set

Warm Up:6x (50 free, 50 side kick, 50 fly drill, 50 pull buoy, 50 im, 50 im)20x 100 on 1:15 (25 fly-50free-25fly)500 stroke (50 kick 50 drill)

Main Set:2000 timed kick stroke--MP did free with a board and held per 500 (5:48.9-5:47.5-5:46.0-5:39.6)4x100 IM drill continous

Pulling Set:10x 200 on 3:00 odd =free (moderate) even=fly (fast)

4 Speed Set:24x25 fly on :30 (1-ez drill, 1-no breath, 1-sprint)

after practice he did 500 abdominals and stretched

Next Workout

Warm-up:800 mixer on 10:304x150 kick on 2:30 (50 stroke-50free-50stroke)400 pull with buoy on 5:00 (breathe 3-5-7-9 by 100)200 stroke on 3:0010x50 on :45 (2-25kick/25drill 2-25free/25stroke 1-stroke)

Main Set:4x50 on 1:301x50 1:201x50 1:101x50 1:001x50: :501x50 :401x50 :30

Long Swim Down100-200-300 pull (lungbusters by quarters)400 choice kick300-200-100 IM Drills

Chapter 4 – Bill Gates & Yajna?

Chapter 4 – Can he be doing any Yajna?

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