ben com and social media colombo

Post on 13-Sep-2014



Social Media



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How to be prepared to use social media during emergencies with a view to engaging with victims and beneficiaries of humanitarian aid. A presentation by Caroline Austin (@carolineawrites) and Philippe Stoll (@pstollicrc) done during the Beneficiary Communication Boot Camp organised in Colombo (Sri Lanka) between 07-11.10.2013 and organised by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (@federation), the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society (@SLRedCross) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (@ICRC).


Ben COM and social media Colombo – 09.10.2013

Caroline Austin and Philippe Stoll

Session today

Programme 1. Expectations 2. Introduction 3. Discussion on Social media - uses 4. Presentation 5. Exercise 6. Testing the guidelines


Tell us in two words what you expect from this


1. Introduction

Ben COM and social media


Online services, websites and mobile phone apps through which people can communicate publicly. • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • Blogs • Pinterest • Instagram • Flickr …..

What are Social Media Platforms?

1,000s of different platforms – all based on the same ideas.

Thai Floods case study: twitter •  Increase in activity with hashtags related to flooding in

October as water reached the urban areas of Bangkok.

Thai Floods case study: twitter •  Information sought included the following:

–  People sending information updates and alerts (39.1%)

–  People feeding back, complaints and comments (37.3%)

–  Requests for assistance (8.4%) –  Support announcements – i.e. where to get

aid or assistance (10.2%) –  Specific request for information (5%)

3. Discussion

a. Who is active on social media and on which channel? b. What is the difference between private and professional use? c. Which channel do you use for which objective? d. List the channel used by your NS? e. Give one positive and one negative story (not necessary linked to BenCom) f. What is your top 2 tips for two way communication on Smed (only if you do this)?

4. Presentation

How to engage with people/beneficiaries on social media?

4. Presentation

•  Who are beneficiaries: 1. People we provide a service to in RCRC.

2. Someone having an impact on the bens (govt, stakeholders)

4. Presentation

a crisis

1)  Before

2)  During

3)  After

4. Presentation

a. Preparedness

-  Work on a strategy

-  Get the leadership by-in

-  Internal workflow

-  Budget and resource

-  Be conversant with the social media environment of your country

-  Choose the correct social media streams

- Testing and practicing across your network (HQ To branch)

4. Presentation

a. Preparedness (cont)

-  Content creation

-  Understand the risks of communicating in your context on Smed

-  Partnerships

-  Donation mechanism

-  Agreement with Smed companies

-  Training

What content works on social media?

17/10/13 18 Social Media for Good –

Regular, useful and relevant updates that keep people interested.


Humour can help: Don’t be tooooooooooo serious, even if the topic is serious

21 types of content we all crave



Visual content is essential

•  On Facebook, videos are shared 12X more than links and text posts combined.

•  On Facebook, photos are liked 2X more than text updates.

•  On YouTube, 100 million users are liking/commenting on videos every week.

4. Presentation

b. Understanding

-  How do your beneficiaries use Smed?

-  Which are their preferred channel?

-  What information are they sharing?

-  How do people participate in your community?

-  Will they voice their needs over social media?

-  Will your Smed strategy place them at the centre of your programme

-  Work off and online

4. Presentation

c. Scanning

-  Identify and monitor key players (individuals and organisations) in Smed

-  Identify and monitor key words

-  Adapt your system to the latest developments

-  Scanning is for action

-  Work online and offline

4. Presentation

c.  Scanning - Tools and tips (Hootsuite)

4. Presentation

d. Connecting

-  Build your own audience

-  Engage online and off-line with key players

-  E-volunteers

-  Publicity?

4. Presentation

2. During a crisis a. Communicating b. Responding c. Engaging d. Analysing

4. Presentation

a. Communicating -  Be timely

-  Be proactive, but don’t forget to listen

-  Use different channels and different mediums

-  Dedicate staff

-  Work as directly as possible with leadership and operations

4. Presentation

a. Communicating (cont.)

-  Use targeted languages

-  Schedule posts

-  Target posts (on Facebook)

-  Be consistent and avoid mixed or contradictory messages

-  Activate your network (external and internal)

4. Presentation b. Responding

-  Be timely

-  Chain of decision

-  Use appropriate language

-  Don't be afraid to acknowledge

-  Link to your official documents

4. Presentation b. Responding

- Use different channels for the response

-  Personalise the message

-  Thank people

If reputation crisis

-  identify the origin of the information

4. Presentation

c. Engaging

-  Be timely

-  Ask questions but be prepared to answer

-  Ask people to contribute

-  Use your network

-  Understand the people’s need

-  Match your organisations capacity/objective and people’s needs

4. Presentation

d. Analysing

-  Be timely

-  Identify leaders of opinion

-  Identify words that work


-  Identify trends

-  Identify flow of information

4. Presentation During a crisis: Challenges of mis-information and verifying on Smed. “Twitter had over 500 million users generating 400 million messages a day” WDR 2013 Tips: Intervene where possible: Australian emergency personnel used a hashtag #mythbuster to tag every tweet to counteract rumours and disinformation

Advice to verify information •  What has this user posted in the past? •  What does the user’s profile tell you in this

context? •  Are there other sources? •  Ask internal and external experts •  What about GPS data •  Reverse image search ( or (

17/10/13 41

4. Presentation

3. After a crisis

-  Lessons' learned (include your leadership)

-  Maintain your network, esp. the new connections – provide feedback

-  (if not done during the crisis – thank the people)

-  Continue the monitoring

-  More training?

5. Exercise

Fill in the table: a. List the players on social media that you need to connect with in your context b. List the people in your NS that you need to convince c. Issues for scanning d. Training needs e. Any possible partnerships

Split in two groups Group A (experienced users of social media): review and comment on the "response worthy" flow chart Group B (with less experience use of social media): - give your input to the social media guideline

6s. Testing the guidelines

6. Exercise

Thank you for your attention




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