
Post on 23-Feb-2016






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BELLWORK. Wiki Writing: List two needs children have on your class wiki. Needs and Guidance of Children. Children’s Needs. Physical Needs. Review: Large Motor Skills. Jumping Running Climbing Throwing. Review: Small Motor Skills. Dressing Drawing and Coloring Toys. Mental Needs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


BELLWORKWiki Writing:

List two needs children have on your class wiki.

Needs andGuidance of Children

Children’s Needs

Physical Needs

Review: Large Motor SkillsJumpingRunningClimbingThrowing

Review: Small Motor SkillsDressingDrawing and ColoringToys

Mental NeedsPronouns are difficultMay use incorrect grammar“Why?”Books

Emotional NeedsTouchingChildren need love

Types of Child AbusePhysical AbuseSexual AbuseEmotional AbuseNeglect

Signs of Child AbuseUnexplained bruises, welts, burns,

fractures that repeatedly occur.Hostile and aggressive, withdrawn,

poor self-image.Begging or steeling food, constant

fatigue, failing to attend school

Prevention of Child AbuseStrengthen the family through:

Communication skillsDecision making skillsConflict resolution skills

Encourage family members to develop:Develop self-esteemSelf-acceptanceSelf-control

Professional family counselor

Child Care QuizTake the Child Care Quiz to see what

you know!

GuidanceWhat are some of the methods of

discipline used in our school?Are the rules effective?Do the students know what is

expected of them?

Guiding the ChildMental and emotional needsTeaching and limitingMore than rules of behaviorLive what you want to teach

Positive StatementsAren’t you going to drink your milk?Don’t go out in the street.Get your blocks out of the way!Don’t get paint on the table.That doesn’t look much like a dog.You’re going to spill that water!

Discipline GuidelinesGive reasons and

explanations for rules.State guidelines

positively.Allow children time to

follow instructions.Spend time with the child.Ignore poor behavior

when possible.

Discipline GuidelinesFollow through.Redirect activity.Speak directly to the

child.Do not compare

children with each other.

Be honest with the child.

SummaryBe aware of the physical, mental and

emotional needs of the children you are caring for.

Guidance is necessary if you wish to have things run smoothly and accomplish the tasks you would like to accomplish.

Guidance must be done with love.

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