beginners beekeeping - three honey bees species

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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Disturbed… Beginners Beekeeping: Three honey Bees Species Get A Free Email Mini Course On Beekeeping Talking About the Apis Dorsata One is The Apis Florae Social or Solitary


Beginners Beekeeping: Three honey Bees Species

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Maybe you are interested in beekeeping or perhaps you just want to know more about honey bees and want some information for beginners beekeeping. No offense, I think that a lot of people begin as beginners. I still consider myself quite as one of the beekeeping beginners when it comes to the information. In either case learning about the different types of bees can help in identifying which bees are more suites for beekeeping than others. Effectively, all honey bees cannot be domesticated. Truly, certain bees don’t tolerate a lot of disturbance while others do. Within this article I hope to give you some indication about 3 common honey bees’ types as well as the two types of bees as far as behavioral differences are concerned. Social or Solitary There are effectively two known types of bees if one considers the behavioral dimension. In fact, there are solitary bees and social bees. What are solitary bees and what are social bees? Solitary bees are bees that do not live in a colony. On the other hand, social bees are bees that do the contrary, meaning that the queen the workers and the drones live all in a colony. Do you think that this is information for beginners beekeeping level? Disturbed… Now that we have mentioned the previous types of bees as far as behavior is concerned, it can be remarked that bees also differ in their tolerance of disturbances. In fact, certain colonies may abandon their hives because of disturbances. However, the level of disturbances tolerated by bees varies. Some bees can tolerate more disturbances than others. One is The Apis Florae With that being said, let’s concentrate on social bees and introduce 4 common honey bees’ types. First of beginning with bees that don’t tolerate a lot of disturbance we have the apis florae. As mentioned earlier, if the apis florae feels disturbed it is likely to leave its hive. Bees from this type are characterized by a smaller size when compared to other honey bees. Moreover it can be said of the apis florae that they build single comb hive and are generally found in forest as well as in lush, areas of farming. Talking About the Apis Dorsata

The apis dorsata or rock be has a larger size in contrast with the other species of bees mentioned in this article. Nonetheless, the apis dorsata shares some similarities with the apis florae or dwarf bee. Effectively, the rock bee also may abandon its hive because of disturbances. Additionally, the apis dorsata, construct single comb hives like the apis florae. Their hive can also be found suspended like those of the dwarf bees. Having the hive suspended 5 meters above the ground can serve as a protection against honey predators of a larger size. Another Apis… The apis cerana is our last specie in this list. This honey bee is dissimilar to the apis florae and the apis dorsata. This honey bee type according to what I have learned can be domesticated more easily. Moreover, the apis cerena build their hives differently. Effectively instead of the single comb hives particular to the two other honey bees types, here we have the parallel comb hives. Concerning the size of these bees, because the apis cerena can be found in countries with a variety of climates, a single size for this type of bees cannot be given. What is the link between the countries climates and the size of the bees? In fact, the climate seems to have an influence on the size of the bees. Consequently, due because of the variety of places with diverse climates where the oriental honey bee can be found, the bees also have different sizes. As you can see, this article is really a short view on these honey bees for beginners beekeeping or more experienced beekeepers who do not have this information (if this is possible). As mentioned earlier, bees are known to either be social or solitary. Regarding the fours common honey bees types, were included the apis florae, the rock bee or apis dorsata, the apis mellifera and the oriental honey bee or apis cerena.

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