before the bell rings: get out your journal and writing utensil. do you have your workbook?

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Before the bell rings: Get out your journal and writing utensil. Do you have your workbook? Did you answer the question on the attendance? If you would like to use a lap desk they are in the boxes at the front of the room. (If you have your syllabus you can turn it into the basket.). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Before the bell rings: Get out your journal and

writing utensil.Do you have your workbook?Did you answer the question

on the attendance?

If you would like to use a lap desk they are in the boxes at

the front of the room.(If you have your syllabus you can turn it into the basket.)

Write this in your journal.

Choose one for each question. You MUST choose one of the two choices.

1.Ketchup or mustard2.Cookies or carrots3.Sports or reading4.Driving your car to work/school or riding your bike to work/school.5.Attending college or vocational school (vocational = fashion, art, auto mechanics, chef, etc.)

Trade your paper with someone next to you. Correct their quiz.1.Ketchup or mustard

2.Cookies or carrots

3.Sports or reading

4.Driving your car to work/school or riding your bike to work/school.

5.Attending college or vocational school (vocational = fashion, art, auto mechanics, chef, etc.)

Write the person’s score on the top…out of 10. (Each question is worth 2 pts.)

These scores will be your only grade for this unit.

Answer these questions below your “choices quiz” you just took.

1. How do you feel about your grade?2. How do you feel about the “quiz”? 3. Are there right or wrong answers?

(If you feel like this was unfair, write about it!)


That wasn’t a quiz…I’m not going to record your grade….

…but how did you feel…

…why do you think I had you do a “choices quiz” when we are talking about health today?

Influences on Decision-Making

Internal-your knowledge-your likes and dislikes-your values-your desires (goals/plans)-your curiosity-your fears

Write these below your journal response.

External-your family-your friends and peers-your environment-your culture-federal, state, local laws-media and technology-your role models

Write these below your journal response.


1.Write your name in INK on the front cover.2.Number your pages…EVERY SINGLE PAGE….I will refer to page numbers and if they aren’t numbered, you won’t know what to do…NOT GOOD! Pg. 1 = Student Data Sheet


Total Health

Being healthy is more than just not being sick. It also involves

feeling good about yourself and getting along with other


Pg. 6

Health is a combination of physical, mental/emotional,

and social well-being.

Health Triangle

Pg. 6

Physical-exercise-nutrition-hygiene-avoiding disease-getting enough sleep-medical/dental check-ups

Pg. 6

Mental/Emotional-liking/accepting yourself-finding solutions to problems-expressing emotions in healthy ways-dealing with stress in positive ways

Pg. 6

Social-family-friends-giving and receiving support-interacting effectively with many different types of people

Pg. 6

The key to good health is keeping a balanced health triangle.

Each side of your triangle is equally important to good health. An unbalanced health triangle is


Pg. 6

Resources for building a healthy lifestyle:

-parents-relatives-teachers-coaches-school counselors-health care providers (nurse, doctor)-religious leaders-hospitals-SRO-police department-nutritionist-counselor-community center

(Inside Cover or

Your Journal)

Spill It

In your journal spill your brain…anything that’s going on in your life…anything you are thinking about…spill it on the page…Punctuation, spelling…who cares! Just spill it!

Draw…doodle…just spill!

On the back cover of your workbook:1.Draw and label the health triangle.2.For each side of the health triangle list or draw at least 4 specific examples that describe you.

Example:Physical = tennis

grilled cheese sandwiches

Emotional = happy: ice creamstress: homework

Social = family: hikingfriends: kayaking

If you complete that, begin listing at least 3 topics we will be learning this semester for each letter of the health alphabet. (pg. 4 wkbk) Can’t think of one…flip through your workbook for ideas!


Wellness is more than being healthy. Every decision you

make can affect your wellness. Wellness is an overall state of


Example: Eating healthy snacks instead of empty calorie foods

will satisfy your hunger and contribute to your wellness.

Pg. 6

Total HealthTotal Health


1.Write your name and class period in INK on the front cover.

2.Number your pages:Start with the Student Data Sheet. (Page 1)

Remember to bring your workbook to class EVERYDAY.

If you lose your workbook, you WILL NOT receive a new one…you will have to recreate all of the notes/worksheets in the workbook.

Choices and Decision-Making

Health is all about making healthy choices/decisions.

Decision-making Process1.State the situation.2.List the options.3.Weigh the possible outcomes.4.Consider values.5.Make a decision and act.6.Evaluate the decision.

Journal Question

Response: 4 sentences (at least!)

Would you rather win the lottery at age 18 and have to give 75% to charity or win the lottery at age 46 and have no restrictions? Provide your reasons. (2)

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