beet root physiological disorder by mr. allah dad khan provincial coordinator ipm kpk minfal...

Post on 08-Jan-2017






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Beet Root Physiological

DisordersToT to FFS Staff By Mr. Allah Dad


Coordinator IPM KPK MINFAL

NitrogenDeficiency SymptomsSlow growth stems thin spindly and hard and fewer lateral shoots.  Leaves fade to yellowish green, even yellow, any may trun brown and die in severe cases; lower leaves first affected; leaves are smaller and thinner than normal.  Some purpling may develop under low temperature conditions.

Correction MeasureFoliar spray of Urea 1% at fortnightly intervals.

PhosphorusDeficiency SymptomsMaturity is delayed stems are thin and woody with shorter than normal growth.  Leaves smaller and darker green; undersides have a reddish-purple coloration, on leaf veins, fibrous root development.

Correction MeasureFoliar application of DAP 2% at fortnightly intervals.

PotassiumDeficiency SymptomsStems slender become woody.  Basal leaves first affected, grayish yellow or brown colour especially at margins, which develop scorched appearance; specks develop along veins of leaf with chlorotic areas in leaf.  Root are poorly developed and discoloured.

Correction MeasureFoliar spray of 1 to 2 % KCl at fortnightly intervals

MagnesiumDeficiency SymptomsLoss of healthy green colour between the veins of the older leaves, later spreading to younger leaves.  This inter-veinal chlorosis may turn brown, leaves become brittle and older leaves may drop.

Correction MeasureFoliar spray of MgSO4 1% at fortnightly intervals.


Older leaves, intervenal chlorosis and reddish tinting

Table Beet Plant Magnesium deficiency


Younger leaves chlorotic and high red tints.

Table Beet Plant Iron deficiency


Leaves triangular shape, margins curled forward; older leaves severely speckled; root dwarfed

Table Beet Plant Manganese deficiency


Leaves triangular shape, margins curled forward and severe intervenal speckling.

Table Beet Leaves Manganese deficiency


General field view. Foreground: susceptible "globe" variety severly speckled; Background: resistant long variety

Table Beet Manganese deficiency


Collapse of foliage, beginning with young leaves; rotting of outer tissues of the roots. ("Canker")

Table Beet Plants Boron deficiency

BoronDeficiency SymptomsPlants dwarf and stunted.  Leave are small.  The young leaves fail to develop, turn brown or black and dies.  Leaves assume varigated with yellow and purplish red blotches stalks with longitudinal splits.  Leaves twisted rough and gresh appearance.  Roots become hard and way.

Correction MeasureBorax 10kg/ha or Foliar spray of solution (20%B)


Transverse section. "Canker" lesions, mainly in outer tissues.

Table Beet Roots Boron deficiency

IronDeficiency SymptomsInterveinal chlorosis which may develop to a more uniform yellow, almost white, in the younger leafs.

Correction MeasureFoliar spray of FeSO4 0.5% at fortnightly intervals.


Hooking distortion and marginal scorch of young leaves; growing point killed

Seakale Beet Plant Calcium deficiency

ManganeseDeficiency SymptomsDeformation of leaves with red pigments.  Leaves become brittle.  Interveinal chlorosis in newly emerging leaves become redder and show narrow chlorotic striping.

Correction MeasureFoliar spray of 5% MnSO4 twice at fortnight interval.

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