beaver final paper2

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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The effects of beaver ponds on community structure in a forest ecosystem

Jessie Moravek

Northwestern University

Mentor: James Nelson

The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory

Collaborators: Julia McMahon, Delaney Gibbs, Mairi Possion


Aquatic and terrestrial environments are connected by the exchange of production and resources

across ecosystem boundaries. The strength of this connection depends on the characteristics of

both ecosystems. As such, heterogeneous aquatic environments, such as those in streams

colonized by beavers (Castor Canadensis), are a valuable study site for analyzing how variation

in aquatic systems can impact plant and animal communities in the forest. The focus of this study

was to define the effect of beaver ponds on tree size and species distribution, and to analyze the

importance of aquatic production in terrestrial food webs. Overall, it was found that beaver activity

decreases the number of small trees next to beaver ponds, and increases the relative abundance of

red maple trees. In terms of food webs, higher trophic levels such as spiders and other insect

predators rely heavily on inputs from the aquatic production pathway, while lower trophic levels

are more dependent on terrestrial production. Aquatic production makes up about 60% of the total

primary production required to support terrestrial food webs. This might be attributed to the higher

nutritional value of aquatic sources, making them better able to support mobile secondary

production. Additionally, the influence of aquatic production in the diets of terrestrial insects

extends up to 60 meters into the forest, and reliance on aquatic production pathways does not vary

between pond and stream sites. This could be attributed to the mobility of both insect predators

and emergent aquatic insects, which act as vectors to move aquatic production into the forest.

Key Words: Beavers, Food Webs, Trees, Isotopes, Cart Creek, Aquatic Production


The exchange of resources across ecosystem boundaries forms a vital link in both

terrestrial and aquatic food webs. Inputs from land to water in the form of sediments, leaf litter,

and terrestrial insects are well characterized contributors to aquatic productivity (Gary A. Polis

1997). The reciprocal case is more difficult to define, since terrestrial resource-use is widely

varied and spread over a large area (Mary E. Power 2004). However, several studies have

demonstrated clear evidence of aquatic inputs to terrestrial food webs. For example, nutrients

from dead salmon provide important nitrogen inputs to riparian habitats (M. Ben-David 1998),

and lizard growth rates in Northern California riparian areas were found to be seven times

greater when aquatic insects were part of their diets (J.L. Sabo 2002). Based on these

observations, the connectivity between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems is crucial to the

productivity and function of both environments. As such, changes to one ecosystem should have

corresponding impacts on the other. In this project, I attempted to characterize the degree to

which the variation in aquatic ecosystems affects terrestrial habitats.

For this study, I analyzed riparian areas of streams recently re-colonized by beavers

(Castor Canadensis). Historically, beavers were extremely prevalent throughout New England

until the fur trade decimated their populations in the 18th and 19th centuries (R. J. Naiman

1986). However, a 1996 ban on leg-hold traps in Massachusetts has allowed populations to

recover, and beavers have recolonized streams where they had been absent for at least 50 years

(2014). As a keystone species, beavers dramatically alter aquatic systems. Dam construction

backs up stream water, which changes physical parameters such as water flow, sediment

deposition, and nutrient cycling, and also biological production and trophic interactions (R. J.

Naiman 1986). By building lodges and dams in several locations along a stream, beavers also

create a heterogeneous aquatic environment where flow, depth, and production vary with

proximity to beaver impoundments. The variation in stream structure caused by beavers is the

perfect opportunity to study how terrestrial systems are affected by aquatic change.

Beavers and Trees

The most obvious way that beavers influence terrestrial environments is how they affect

tree communities surrounding their ponds. Beavers often eat the cambium, or soft inner bark, of

small saplings 3-5 cm in diameter (Fryxell and Doucet 1993). They also use larger trees, up to

50 cm in diameter, for building dams and lodges. Beavers gnaw and fell trees, which they drag

to the proper location and patch with mud to create a watertight seal (Denney, Game et al. 1952).

Though beavers use what trees are available to them for food and building materials, they prefer

certain tree species over others (Denney, Game et al. 1952). Especially for feeding, they

typically choose soft wooded trees such as birch, alder, or willow. Harder woods like maple and

oak are avoided because they are more difficult to digest (Fryxell and Doucet 1993). Some trees

also have anti-herbivory compounds that deter beavers, including conifers and red maples

(Denney, Game et al. 1952, Doucet, Walton et al. 1994).

Based on this information, I expected to see changes in tree size and species distribution

next to beaver ponds and near streams with no beavers. Specifically, since beavers prefer to eat

small saplings, I expected to find fewer small trees next to beaver ponds. Also, since beavers do

not like to eat red maple trees, I predicted that a higher proportion of trees near beaver ponds

would be red maples.

Beavers and Forest Food Webs

The second part of this study focused on the less visible, but still important, impact of

beavers terrestrial food webs. By altering their water-based habitat, beavers change aquatic

production (R. J. Naiman 1986). As mentioned previously, inputs from aquatic systems often

move on to land via emergent aquatic insects like caddisflies, mayflies, and mosquitoes (Mary E.

Power 2004). These organisms start their lives in water, where they depend on aquatic

production pathways. At maturity, they fly out of water into terrestrial habitats and provide food

for terrestrial consumers. Prior studies have suggested that the presence of these emergent

aquatic insects alters the feeding behavior and habits of insect predators such as spiders (J.L.

Sabo 2002, Chika Kato 2004, Mary E. Power 2004). For example, filmy dome spiders in

California change their web shape and level of activity depending on how close they are to water

(Mary E. Power 2004).

I suspected that by impacting the diet and behavior of secondary consumers at higher

trophic levels, these aquatic inputs would affect the entire terrestrial food web. As such, I tried

to identify which terrestrial trophic levels relied on aquatic inputs, and how important those

inputs were for sustaining the overall food web. Additionally, since the movement of aquatic

inputs is mainly dependent on the movement of aquatic insects (Mary E. Power 2004), I

expected to see a decrease in reliance on aquatic inputs farther away from the water.

Furthermore, since beaver ponds alter aquatic systems by slowing down water movement, I

thought that aquatic production would be higher in the ponds, meaning reliance on aquatic

production would be greater in terrestrial environments around the beaver ponds.


Study Site:

I studied beaver activity in Cart Creek, a small freshwater stream located on the Martin

H. Burns Wildlife Management Area in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Cart Creek is a small

freshwater tributary to the Parker River, which eventually flows into the Plum Island Estuary and

out to sea (Figure 1). The creek was recolonized by beavers sometime in the past 5-10 years. I

sampled in the forest next to two pond sites with heavy beaver activity and two stream sites with

no beavers (Figure 2). These four sites form a rough lateral gradient parallel to the stream,

which allowed me to compare how terrestrial impact varied with differences in stream structure.

At each site, I extended a 60m transect perpendicular from the creek, which allowed me to

analyze how the terrestrial habitat changed with distance from water.

Tree Methods

At each site, I created two 10x20 meter plots 0 to 10m and 10 to 20m from the water. I

also made one 20x20 meter plot 40 to 60m from the water. In these plots, I identified and found

the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all trees above 3 cm in diameter.

Food Web Methods

At each site, I threw 3 to 4 quarter meter quadrats in order to quantitatively collect insects

at six stepped distance intervals along the 60 meter gradient. I collected insects from 0-2m, 2-

5m, 5-10m, 10-20m, 20-40m, and 40-60m. I weighed and identified all insects and spiders, then

froze to kill. I dried the insects for 4 days in a 50oC oven and weighed them again to obtain dry

weights. Using allometric equations for the production to biomass ratios of invertebrates, I

calculated the total secondary production of each trophic level at each site (K. Banse 1980).

By creating rarefaction curves for biomass and number of individuals, I determined

which insects contributed most to the overall biomass and number of individuals at each site. I

chose to run stable isotopes on these insects, in addition to as many spiders as possible. All dried

samples were ground by hand with a glass stir rod for stable isotope analysis.

I ran carbon 13, nitrogen 15, and sulfur 34 isotopes on a total of 16 insect and spider

samples (Otter 2014). I also ran the same isotopes on three aquatic primary production sources

(semi-aquatic moss, benthic algae, and aquatic detritus) and two terrestrial primary production

sources (leaf litter and understory grasses). Using the computer program R with a SIAR

Bayesian mixing model, I determined the proportion of every insect or spider’s diet that relied on

each production source (Parnell 2010). With this dietary information, I used the production of

higher trophic levels to calculate the total terrestrial and aquatic primary production necessary to

sustain the food web, assuming a 10% transfer efficiency between each trophic level. The isotope

analysis also provided me with the percent nitrogen and carbon of all sources and consumers.


Tree Results:

In the 10x20 meter plots from 0-10m, I found that the stem density of trees with a

diameter less than 10cm was lower by the beaver ponds than by the streams, especially at pond

one. Trees in the 10x20 meter plots from 10 to 20m followed the same pattern, although less

pronounced. The 20x20 meter plots between 40 and 60m from the water did not show any

regular trend between the pond and stream sites (Figure 3).

Red maples made up a greater relative proportion of trees by the beaver ponds than by the

streams in the 10x20 meter plots from 0-10m (Figure 4). Again, this trend was stronger at pond

1 than pond 2. The pattern was not observed 10-20m or 40-60m away from the stream.

Food Web Results:

Based on the isotope analysis from R, I identified two major groups of organisms (Figure

5). At the bottom of the food web were detritivores, such as earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris),

cranefly larvae (Tipula spp.), and millipedes (Ophyiulus spp.). This group of organisms

processes dead plant and animal material on the forest floor, and most are on the first trophic

level. However, several earthworms are on trophic level two since they often eat parts of dead


The highest trophic level in this system were the insect predators. These organisms

occupied the third trophic level, and consisted of spiders including the six spotted fishing spider

(Dolomedes triton), Carolina Wolf spider (Hogna carolinensis), and the Hobo spider (Eratigena

agrestis). With trophic information from the detritivores and insect predators, I developed a

generalized food web for the system (Figure 6).

Using the isotope data and SIAR Bayesian mixing model, I analyzed the diets of

detritivores and insect predators. I found that on average, organisms in higher trophic levels

relied more heavily on aquatic production sources than lower trophic levels. The insect

predators based an average of 62% of their diets in the aquatic production pathway, while the

detritivores used aquatic production for 15% to 48% of their diets. Additionally, 60% of the total

amount of primary production required to support terrestrial food webs came from aquatic

production pathways (Figure 7).

I also looked for a spatial difference between food webs close to and far away from the

water, and for a difference by beaver ponds and by streams (Table 1). However, I did not see a

spatial pattern. Especially in the insect predator level, insects close to and far away from the

water had similar levels of aquatic input, and there was little difference in food webs by ponds or

by streams (Table 1). Within the insect predator trophic level, there were differences in reliance

on aquatic input based on species: For instance, fishing spiders relied more heavily on aquatic

production than wolf spiders.

From the isotope data, I was able to compare the nitrogen content of terrestrial and

aquatic producers. I found that aquatic producers contain almost twice the amount of nitrogen as

terrestrial producers (Figure 8).



The patterns I observed in tree size and species distributions were what I expected. First

of all, there were fewer small trees by the beaver ponds than by the streams. I hypothesize this

occurred because beavers generally eat saplings less than 10cm in diameter, and by doing so

beaver activity decreased small tree density by the ponds. I did not observe this pattern 40 to

60m away from the ponds, most likely because beavers do not forage that far from a body of


Moreover, there was a higher proportion of red maples by the ponds than by the streams.

I predict this is because beavers avoid red maple trees and eat around them, thus reducing the

number of other tree species and therefore increasing the relative proportion of red maple trees

by the ponds compared to the streams. I did not see this trend in plots far away from the pond.

This again indicates that beavers do not have a selective influence on trees past 20m from the

pond, probably because they do not forage that far into the forest.

Both the trend in tree size and species distribution between the ponds and streams were

stronger at pond 1: there were fewer small trees and a higher proportion of red maples at pond 1

than pond 2. I hypothesize this occurred because pond 1 is a more well-established beaver pond.

The water at pond 1 covers about 2 times more surface area than pond 2; trees in the middle of

pond 1 are dead, while those at pond 2 are in the process of dying; and the dam is at pond 1 is

about twice as tall as the dam at pond 2. These clues indicate that of the two beaver dams, pond

1 has been maintained for a longer period of time. I predict the stronger trend in tree size and

species distribution in pond 1 compared to pond 2 occurred because beavers have been active in

that area longer, and have thus had a greater impact on the tree community.

Food Webs:

The isotope data demonstrated that organisms in highest trophic level were more reliant

on aquatic production than terrestrial production. Since these organisms were insect predators,

they must have been feeding on insects that relied on aquatic production themselves. This

intermediate link in the food chain most likely came from emergent aquatic insects. Because of

the time of year, I did not catch any of these insects and could not analyze them directly, but I

can infer their presence based on the diet of the insect predators.

Differences in how much each trophic level relies on aquatic inputs is most likely

attributed to the different methods of food acquisition. Deritivores process dead material, the

majority of which is terrestrial plant matter like leaf litter. A small portion of this dead material

might consist of dead aquatic insects or other life forms with an aquatic signal, therefore

contributing slightly to the diet of detritivores, but most of their food is from land based

environments. Insect predators, on the other hand, eat other insects. If emergent aquatic insects

are available as prey, these spiders will subsist on them, thus acquiring their aquatic signal.

Additionally, it is possible that the slight aquatic signal in detritivores could magnify up the food

chain, and if insect predators directly eat many detritivores, they will obtain a greater aquatic

signal than any one detritivore itself.

I speculate that the strong overall reliance of the terrestrial food web on the aquatic

production pathway is connected to the nitrogen content of terrestrial and aquatic producers. On

average, aquatic primary producers have almost twice as much nitrogen as terrestrial primary

producers. Assuming nitrogen is the limiting nutrient in both the aquatic and terrestrial systems,

this indicates that aquatic food is more nutritious than terrestrial food. I hypothesize that because

of this, aquatic production can support more primary consumers than the equivalent amount of

terrestrial production. Primary consumers directly support insect predators, so a higher relative

abundance of aquatic compared to terrestrial primary consumers should mean they make up

more of the diet of insect predators. As such, the diets of insect predators are more strongly

based in the aquatic production pathway, and aquatic production is more important than

terrestrial production in supporting the food web overall.

The differences in reliance on aquatic production between different spider species makes

sense based on the life history of those species. For instance, the six-spotted fishing spider

generally relies more heavily on aquatic production than the wolf spider, which is intuitive based

on the name of the species. However, when looking at all species of spiders at all distances at

each site, there is a lack of spatial difference in how much they rely on aquatic production.

Though the fishing spiders were found close to the water and based the majority of their diets off

the aquatic pathway, a hobo spider found 60m away from the stream also depended on aquatic

production for over 60% of its diet. Contrary to my hypothesis, this indicates that the reliance on

aquatic input does not decrease with distance from the water. This raises a new question: how

did aquatic production move from the stream 60m into the forest?

In analyzing potential vectors for the movement of aquatic production, I again turned to

the life history of the terrestrial spiders. None of the spiders I analyzed build webs. Instead, they

hunt on the ground, either lying in ambush for other insects or actively seeking out their prey. In

either case, these spiders are highly mobile. As such, they may act as more of a vector for

moving aquatic inputs on to land than we might expect. That being said, the most important and

effective vector for moving aquatic input from the water into the forest might be emergent

aquatic insects, who can cover more distance when they fly (Mary E. Power 2004).

I did not find a difference in aquatic inputs between beaver ponds and streams. I believe

this might be related to the mobility of both insect predators and emergent aquatic insects. Even

if aquatic production and insect emergence is different between ponds and streams, if the insects

can move up to 60 meters into the forest, they can certainly move just as far downstream. This

would muddle the differences between pond or stream terrestrial food webs. The season during

which I sampled prevented me from directly analyzing this hypothesis, so I would like to

perform the same procedure again in the summer, when there are more aquatic insects present.


I found that there are fewer small trees and more red maples next to beaver ponds than by

streams, as expected based on usual beaver activity. I also found that this pattern was not present

40-60m away from the stream, suggesting that beavers do not forage that far away from the

water. My food web data indicates that aquatic input is more important to higher terrestrial

trophic levels than lower ones, which I attributed to the presence of emergent aquatic insects and

trophic magnification. Additionally, aquatic production makes up the majority of total

production required to support terrestrial food webs, which I predict is due to the high nutritional

value of aquatic primary producer sources and their ability to support more aquatic primary

consumers. Furthermore, aquatic production moves at least 60 meters into the forest, probably

via a combination of movement by insect predators and emergent aquatic insects.

This study demonstrates how variation in aquatic ecosystems affects the surrounding

forest. Primarily aquatic mammals such as beavers utilize and manipulate the terrestrial

environment surrounding their ponds, changing the nature and composition of the tree

community. Additionally, production from the aquatic system is a major component of the total

production required to support terrestrial food webs, and makes up over 60% of the diets of

higher level organisms. Furthermore, this aquatic input extends at least 60 meters into the forest,

as demonstrated by the diets of insect predators found at that location. No variation was

observed between forest food webs by the beaver ponds or by the streams, possibly because of

the mobility of both insect predators and emergent aquatic insects. Overall, this analysis is a

good demonstration of how aquatic and terrestrial systems are connected, both in tree

communities and animal food webs.

A future study will further probe the lack of variation in terrestrial food webs between

ponds and streams. Interesting information about changes in aquatic production and movement

onto land might be found in emergent aquatic insects, which need to be sampled in late summer

when the insects mature. Emergent aquatic insects are an important vector for the exchange of

resources across the aquatic and terrestrial boundary, and most likely contribute to the lack of

difference in terrestrial food webs between pond and stream sites, and the movement of aquatic

production 60 meters into the forest. This question continues to explore the link between aquatic

and terrestrial systems, and comes closer to the goal of characterizing the reciprocal influences of

these two ecosystems.


I would like to thank Jimmy Nelson for his support, guidance, and instruction in isotope

analysis. I appreciate him hiking around the woods even though it was cold. I want to also thank

the TIDE project for the use of their facilities and resources. Thanks to Rich McHorney,

Marshall Otter, and John Schade for assisting with portions of this project, and to Fiona Jevon,

Nick Barrett, and Tyler Messerschmidt for answering questions and assisting with lab analysis.

Lastly, I would like to thank the Beaver Group, Julia McMahon, Delaney Gibbs, and Mairi

Possion, for an educational and productive collaboration.


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Doucet, C. M., R. A. Walton and J. M. Fryxell (1994). "Perceptual cues used by beavers foraging on

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Mary E. Power, G. P., Gary R. Huxel (2004). Food Webs at the Landscape Level. Chicago and London,

University of Chicago Press.

Otter, M. (2014). Effect of Beaver Dams on Forest Communities. MBL STABLE ISOTOPE

LABORATORY, The Ecosytems Center - Marine Biological Laboratory.

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Appendix Contents:

Figure 1: Map of Cart Creek watershed

Figure 2: Map of study sites along Cart Creek

Figure 3: Tree Stem density, <10cm DBH

Figure 4: Tree Species Distribution, 0-10m

Figure 5: Secondary Consumer R Data, 15N and 13C

Figure 6: Terrestrial Food Web

Figure 7: Percentages of aquatic inputs to each trophic level

Figure 8: Terrestrial and Aquatic primary producer nitrogen content

Table 1: Percent of aquatic/terrestrial inputs to diet of each trophic level in each location

Figure 1: Map of Cart Creek Watershed, Parker River, and Plum Island Estuary.

Figure 2: Map of Cart Creek area of study, with Pond and Stream study sites.

Figure 3: Stem Density of trees less than 10cm DBH in 10x20m plots from 0-10m and 10-20m

from water, and 20x20m plot from 40-60m from water.

Figure 4: Species Distribution of trees in 10x20m plot from 0-10m from water, % abundance in

terms of number of individuals. Red Maples are the red bar at the bottom of the graph.

Figure 5: Isotope byplot of 15N and 13C, generated in R. Note that the information in this

byplot also includes the 34S isotope, which makes up a third axis. For ease of viewing, only

nitrogen and carbon isotope data are shown here.

Figure 6: Generalized food web of the terrestrial ecosystem

Figure 7: Percent of aquatic and terrestrial inputs to the diet of each trophic level. Percentages

are based on dietary information from isotope analysis in R, and are taken as an average of all

individuals from each trophic level.

Figure 8: Percent Nitrogen content of terrestrial and aquatic producers, taken as an average of

terrestrial and aquatic sources used for isotopic analysis.

Table 1: Percent of diet based in terrestrial or aquatic production in each trophic level at each

location. Some sites do not include all trophic levels, because insects from those levels were not

caught at that location.

Site Interval



% Terrestrial


% Aquatic


Pond 1 0 to 5 1 0.85 0.15

2 0.33 0.67

3 0.38 0.62

5 to 20 1 0.87 0.13

2 0.86 0.14

3 0.39 0.61

20 to 60 1 0.80 0.20

Stream 1 0 to 5 1 0.86 0.14

2 0.41 0.59

3 0.37 0.63

5 to 20 1 0.86 0.14

2 0.82 0.18

20 to 60 1 0.85 0.15

3 0.37 0.63

Pond 2 0 to 5 1 0.90 0.10

2 0.33 0.67

3 0.39 0.61

5 to 20 1 0.87 0.13

2 0.33 0.67

3 0.41 0.59

20 to 60 1 0.92 0.08

2 0.33 0.67

3 0.39 0.61

Stream 2 0 to 5 1 0.86 0.14

2 0.92 0.08

3 0.43 0.57

5 to 20 1 0.86 0.14

2 0.49 0.51

3 0.38 0.62

20 to 60 2 0.63 0.37

3 0.48 0.52

top related