baby development

Post on 02-Nov-2014






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Spencer boulin :3


Fetal Developments Yall!

The developments of a fetal baby in a mother.

The beginning!

It all starts out when your having sex of course and

the male releases the sperm into the female. The

sperm cell navigates through the vagina until it

meets and penetrates an egg. It will fertilize the egg.

Its called conception. In a few days, the egg will

rapidly divide into many cells. Its going to go through

the fallopian tube into the uterus where it will attach

to the uterine wall. After that, the placenta will

nourish the baby and it will also begin development.

4 weeks later

After 4 weeks the baby’s face and neck should be close to being evident. The heart and blood vessels should still be continuing to develop. The last parts that should begin developing are the lungs, liver and stomach. You used to look like that.~~~~~~>

4 weeks after the other 4 weeks

The fetus should now be at least half an inch in its current size after 8 weeks of being in a mothers stomach. The eyelids and ears of the baby should be forming and also the little tip of its nose should be visible. Its arms and legs should be well formed at this time and the fingers and toes should be extending.

8 week fetus

Week 12….its movements begin

In 12 months, the fetus is now 2 inches and starts making its own movements around the mothers stomach. With a special kind of, your doctor may be able to hear the fetus’s heart beat and also, its sex organs should begin to become clear!

Development @ 16 weeks

At 16 weeks the fetus should measure about 4.3 to 4.6 inches and weigh 3.5 ounces. At this state the baby should be able to blink its eyes and its heart

and blood vessels should be completely developed and the baby’s

fingers and toes should have finger prints on them by now.

Week 20

The baby should weigh 10 ounces and about 6 inches long. The mothers uterus should be around the belly button area.

The fetus should be able to suck its thumb, yawn, stretch and make faces.

24th week

The fetus should be about 1.4 pounds and it should respond to sounds either by moving or increasing its pulse. You should notice its jerks when if it hiccups. The ear should be fully developed.

28th and 32nd week!

The baby weighs 2 pounds and 6 ounces at this point. The fetus changes positions multiple times. Often, a moving fetus weighs about 4 pounds.

Fat begins to form under the skin and it has less wrinkles on it.

Week 36!!! ALMOST THERE!

The baby is about 18.6 inches long and weight probably 6 pounds. The brain has been developed quickly, the lungs are almost fully developed, and the head is usually positioned downward to the pelvis. That means when week 37 comes, its time.


This is the outcome of a fully developed baby. A complete baby has been formed.

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