auteur theory

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Auteur Theory

By Daniel Vidal


Definition 3

Examples 4 - 6

Definition It is a way of 'reading' movies - what later came to be called 'auteur' theory. The basic principle was that the film was essentially

the product of an individual's imagination.

Originates in France

Means ‘Author’ director reflects their own vision, style, technique, innovation and creativity

Originally founded by Francois Truffaut in the 1950s

Director has more creative control

Directors that have their own style and personality

Alfred Hitchcock, Spike Lee, Tim Burton and Quentin Tarantino are three completely different style filmmakers, but their visions stand for originality and purpose. And all three of theses directors had/has there own special ways of shooting film.

Alfred Hitchcock Alfred Hitchcock is one of the first names who comes to mind when talking about auteur theory.

His most famous films are Psycho, The Birds and Rear Window. He has been attributed with revolutionizing the thriller genre. The reason for his success, however, was not the genre that he was working in, but rather the skill which he exhibited in the film-making. One of Hitchcock’s best-known screen moments is the terrifying shower scene in Psycho. This shot features 70 distinct shots in less than 1 minute. They are fused together in such a way that it is difficult to distinguish between the Montage and the Mise-en-Scène.


Spike Lee

Spike Lee, a NYU graduate, has been known to tackle the subject of racism in almost all of his films. The African-American director is a political force in Hollywood, willing to tackle important issues that have the potential to spark a debate of human morality.

Detective Frazier is assigned to negotiate, but half his mind is occupied with the corruption charges he is facing.

Inside man

Tim Burton

Tim Burton became famous for films filled with untamed imagination which has resulted in lots of different and bizarre films.

Burton has many of his protagonists as misunderstood characters trying to behave in a normal world. Edward Scissorhands (Johnny Depp) is the story of a creature with scissors for hands. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory explores the character of Willy Wonka (Depp once again)

and his misunderstood childhood.

Eward scissor hands

Quentin Tarantino

• The use of overkill and extensive blood shedding

Pulp fiction

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