august chronicle 2015

Post on 05-Feb-2016






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August Chronicle 2015


Mission Statement of Christ Church

To the glory of God, the mission of Christ Church Parish is to serve Jesus Christ and all the people of God; to

encourage and facilitate spiritual development for people of all ages; to grow as Christians in a loving and

forgiving fellowship, thereby confirming, witnessing, and leading others to the faith by the power of the Holy



"They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall

mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they

shall walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:32)

I am a bird lover and a bird watcher, and I know many of you are

also. On my feeder in July, I observed two little woodpeckers, hatched

in a nearby tree, three gloriously yellow finches, and a small black-

headed grosbeak, as well as the usual company of jays, sparrows,

crows, and a raven or two. Birds are having a hard time, with habitat

destruction, drought, and other challenges.

When I was in Israel I had a thrilling moment at St. Anne's church in Jerusalem. Our little group

had just finished singing a hymn, and then I heard music of unearthly beauty. I knew it wasn't

human, and for a few moments thought I was listening to angels. I found out it was turtledoves! The

church of St. Anne's is known for its amazing acoustics.

"The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is

heard in our land."

May you have an August full of beauty.

In Christ,

The cover picture depicts Sister Diana’s first day of presiding at Christ Church.


In the Episcopal Church the ministry as a vestry member has a

long and distinguished heritage. Members of the vestry are legal

agents in the congregation who provide leadership and management.

For several years, the vestry has been reading a book each year, usual-

ly one that the Bishop has recommended, to assist the vestry in their

work, and hopefully provide information as to where the Church is

moving towards at this time.

Currently the vestry is reading The Agile Church Spirit-Led Inno-

vation in an Uncertain Age, by Dwight J. Zscheile. Various vestry

members have volunteered to read, summarize and report on a chapter of the book each month. The

following is a summary of Chapter 1 of The Agile Church (Agility and Innovation).

An agile church is a spirit led church. The word "agile" means "marked by a ready ability to

move with a quick and easy grace." Many organizations today are recognizing the need for greater

flexibility and responsiveness in the face of the accelerated pace of change that characterizes the

twenty-first century world.

For generations, the church didn't have to focus on learning from neighbors how to be in minis-

try with them... The church had a clear role in society–to hallow life's transitions, to take care of its

members, to be a source of moral uplift to individuals and society, to get people into heaven, and to

enrich Western culture.

When newcomers show up, the church often focuses on assimilating them as participants in a vol-

untary religious organization ("have you filled out a pledge card?") rather than concentrating first on

introducing them to Jesus and his Way. Church leaders assume that what the church says is under-

stood, believed, and practiced, which is often not the case. THE CENTRAL CHALLENGE FAC-



What is required today is TRADITIONAL INNOVATION. Innovation must remain rooted in the

riches of Christian wisdom and practice from other times and places in order to offer deep, sustain-

ing, faithful gospel witness. Any community that survives over time must adopt regularized patterns

of life together.

Innovation involves learning. Learning is not easy for any of us– it is risky. There is always the

possibility– indeed, the likelihood–of failure. There are many good reasons why churches resist

learning. Foremost among these is the prospect that learning will involve change, and change will

involve loss. Many churches today struggle with the prospect of losing cherished customs or


known patterns, even if doing so might be necessary to adapt the church's life to speak to younger

generations and diverse neighbors.

General Convention, 2015

It was my privilege to spend a few days at the General Conven-

tion of the Episcopal Church in Salt Lake City. I am particularly in-

spired and challenged by our Presiding Bishop-elect, Michael Curry,

who proclaimed in his sermon on the closing day of Convention “We

are part of the Jesus Movement, and he has summoned us to make

disciples and followers of all nations and transform this world by the

power of the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus.” I am further inspired

by our current Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori who,

preaching on the story of Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter, translated

Jesus’ command to her as “Get up, girl. You aren’t dead yet” and challenged us to accept this as

God’s message to us as a church. The message from both is that we have a lot of love to share and,

rather than bemoaning what we do not have or have lost, we need to be about the business of sharing

that love.

During the ten days of General Convention, a number of decisions were made – some major and

some apparently minor but with real implications for how we choose to live together as servants of

Christ in the Episcopal Church.1

This summary only touches on a few of the highlights. There is so much more that happened, so

many decisions made, so much love and hope and struggle to hear God’s leading. How the many ac-

tions of General Convention will eventually play out in on-the-ground ministry is largely up to us –

up to our prayers and discernment about how we put these prayerful decisions into action as local

Episcopalians. Part of what we most need to do is pay attention and pray about how we can respond

to what the representative leadership of our Church has discerned as significant. There will eventual-

ly be official publications, but, in the meanwhile, a generous amount of information and ongoing de-

bate is available on-line.

Two events got the greatest amount of secular publicity: The election of Bishop Michael Curry

of North Carolina to serve as Presiding Bishop for the next nine years, and the decision to rewrite

language about marriage in our Church Canons (rules for how we do things) to permit same-gender

couples to be sacramentally treated on an equal basis with different-gender couples.


New Presiding Bishop

The House of Bishops elected Bishop Michael Curry of North Carolina from a slate of four nomi-

nees on the first ballot. He received 121 votes of a total 174 cast. Diocese of Southwest Florida Bish-

op Dabney Smith received 21, Diocese of Southern Ohio Bishop Thomas Breidenthal, 19, and Dio-

cese of Connecticut Bishop Ian Douglas, 13. The number of votes needed for election was 89. Cur-

ry’s election was confirmed an hour later by the House of Deputies, as outlined in the church’s can-

ons, by a vote of 800 to 12.

Bishop Curry is, to put it mildly, a live wire. When asked how people should describe him

(conservative, liberal, progressive, high church, low church, etc.) he skips past all of the labels by

which we tend to divide ourselves and says “I am a follower of Jesus.” He names reconciliation and

evangelism as the mainstays of his ministry. His vision for the church is that we are all called to be-

come “Crazy Christians”.2 His election produced a couple of “firsts.” He is the first African Ameri-

can Presiding Bishop. He is also the first Presiding Bishop to be elected on the first ballot – a clear

indication about how the vast majority of his sister and brother bishops see and respect him.

Marriage Equality

The June 26 U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage for all Americans, was con-

current with conversations at General Convention, which, on July 1 approved canonical and liturgical

changes to allow marriage equality within the Episcopal Church. The House of Deputies concurred

with the House of Bishops’ elimination of language defining marriage as between a man and a wom-

an and authorizing two new marriage rites with language allowing them to be used by all couples.

The revision of the canons on marriage has been a subject of prayer, study, discussion and dissen-

sion for many years. Not all agree with the outcome, including eighteen bishops who presented a

firm, thoughtful, courteously worded minority report, disagreeing with the decisions to change those

rules.3 The respect and mutual generosity with which disagreements were shared and received in both

houses is a sign of hope that, as a Church, we are increasingly able to stay together because of

Christ’s love, even in the midst of significant differences.4


The massacre in the church in South Carolina and the suspicious fires destroying so many black

churches were on the hearts of those attending Convention. Deeply embedded racism in our culture

and in our churches was the subject of prayer and conversation throughout Convention. Aside from

$2 million being newly earmarked for work toward racial justice and reconciliation, considerable

time was devoted in multiple forums to hearing each others’ experiences, praying for those who have

and continue to suffer due to racism, and looking for realistic, practical ways to move ahead both as

an international Church and in our local dioceses and congregations. It was made clear in a variety of

settings at General Convention that acknowledgement of and repentance from ways that we as a ma-


jority white church have colluded with and looked away from the realities of racism is an essential

part of the process of moving ahead together and being living, active witnesses of God’s love for

people of every race and nation.5

Facing addiction

Substantial discussion was held regarding how the culture and reputation of the Episcopal Church

leads us to complacency, if not complicity in alcohol abuse and regarding our need to deal openly,

lovingly and with integrity with the realities of addiction. The impetus for this conversation is the

tragedy that took place on December 27, 2014, when then Bishop Heather Cook, while driving drunk

and texting, hit and killed a bicyclist and left the scene. While there have long been policies regard-

ing appropriate use of alcoholic drinks at church functions, and while such organizations as Recovery

Ministries of the Episcopal Church and the Recovered Alcoholic Clergy Association have done as

much as they could to educate us all and to provide support to alcoholics, addicts and those affected

by them, much more remains to be done. In light of that need – now publicly and passionately recog-

nized – General Convention 2015 passed resolutions designed to move us ahead. One openly

acknowledges the church’s role in the culture of alcohol and drug abuse, another appoints a task

force to review and revise policy on substance abuse, addiction and recovery.6 Those entering the or-

dination process will also be screened and educated more thoroughly than in the past.

Structural Changes in the Church

In 2012, the General Convention decided on the appointment of a Task-Force for Re-imagining

the Episcopal Church (TREC) which would provide recommendations for improving the ways in

which we do business. Twenty-four people from across the Church, representing all four orders of

ministry, were appointed and worked hard for three years. They invited conversation in every way

they could think of. In the weeks before the Salt Lake City Convention, they published a report of

their findings and recommendations.7 Approved changes include a dramatic reduction in the number

of Standing Committees and restructuring of the Executive Council which works with the Presiding

Bishop. Considerable work remains to be done. As Bishop Mary Glasspool, Suffragan Bishop of Los

Angeles remarked, “This is a marathon, not a sprint.”.

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also . . . (Matt 6:21)

Budgets are tricky things in churches. We want to be the best stewards of our resources as we can

possibly be. There are so many needs, and assets can feel limited. Responding to these and many oth-

er pressures, General Convention acted on the Christian imperative to put treasure into places hearts

are called to be. The new budget emphasizes Evangelism (2.8 million added to the budget to support

sharing the incredible good news we have about Jesus) and racial reconciliation (2 million added to

the budget to support efforts to heal the bloody racial divides in this country). We know that money

won’t take the place of individuals acting in small ways and large to share the joy and hope we have


in Jesus, and of speaking and acting against prejudiced injustice while looking inwardly at our own

unacknowledged attitudes and practices. However, those we have elected to represent us worked

hard to bring our budget into line with our convictions and provide education and other resources for

the work we are called to as a Church.

Stewardship of the Environment

General Convention passed two resolutions aimed at taking greater responsibility for the world

in which we live. One directs those in charge of investments “to divest from fossil fuel companies

and reinvest in clean renewable energy in a fiscally responsible manner.” The other calls for the crea-

tion of an Advisory Committee on Climate Change that will work with experts in various fields to

help move the Church ahead as responsible caretakers of the world God gave us as our home, and to

provide the church with the resources to respond pastorally to people who are affected by climate

change. We are challenged as individuals and as congregations to do all we can to nurture, protect

and heal our world.

Prayer Book/Hymnal Revision

In a step toward revision of our current prayer book and hymnal, Convention voted to direct the

Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) to prepare plans for such revisions and present

them at the next General Convention, which will be in Austin, Texas, in 2018. This will not be a

quick process. The conversation about how our worship can continue to evolve while retaining our

Anglican roots, will stretch us and challenge us to risk growing in reverent worship that combines

beauty and tradition with language and style that speaks to the world in which we live and minister.

Solidarity with Persecuted Christians

Several resolutions urge us forward in practical support of and solidarity with Christians who are

living in danger under persecution and civil war. The daily suffering and risk of arrest, imprisonment

and death faced by our brothers and sisters require more organized, cooperative and consistent re-

sponses from us. The changes in structure and programs will enable the larger Church to respond

more effectively, but prayer, awareness and response are essential from all of us.

These few pages cannot begin to covey the life, love, excitement, sheer hard work, incredible

daily worship – about which volumes could be written, prayer, connectedness, exhaustion and fun of

General Convention 2015. Nor can they convey the hope and inspiration that grows when thousands

of committed Christians who love the Episcopal Church come together with mission on the mind

and willingness to listen and learn.

In our daily lives as congregations, it can be easy to forget that we are part of a diocese, part of an

internationally diverse church that is part of a world-wide Communion of God’s people. Aside from

the messy, chaotic work of democratically governing our Church, General Convention is a holy and


glorious reminder of our oneness in Christ, even when we don’t agree about everything. What a priv-

ilege to have been there and to share these few glimpses.

Sister Diana

[1] For a much more thorough summary of the decisions of General Convention 2015 with links to articles and the

actual resolutions, see

actions-structural-changes/. See also

individuals/ for the first of a three part series that goes into more detail.

[2] Go to bishop_michael_curry_crazy_christians to watch a video of his sermon by that name,

or look for his book of sermons, also called Crazy Christians. Also, see his sermon at the closing Eucharist of the

Convention at


[3] Go to to read this re-


[4] See also


[5] For more about the conversation on racism, visit





What a wonderful, sunny and bright summer we are having this

year. It has even been seen at coffee hours on Sundays due to the hard

work of John Hammond and Elizabeth Harper-Lawson: John has

cleaned the windows and Elizabeth has washed the curtains. What a

wonderful improvement. Thank you both so much.

Thank you to Katherine Clague and her "kids" who have continued

to work on the garden around the whole campus. Everyone's help is

needed: just walk around the whole campus when you visit the church

and check out how it looks. We need a presence in the neighborhood

and you too can help. Thanks.

Update on ADA Compliant Restrooms: We have had our Asbestos

Survey and a report is due within the next two weeks. There is also a


new visual funding report on the Stewardship bulletin board under the WISH LIST sign. This shows

you how much money we have toward the restroom project, and how much we still need. We are

looking for additional funds in various ways and hope that you will contribute also as you are able.

The quilters hope to have a quilt raffle next month. Watch for posters.

Update on replacing a fence panel: In the final week of July, Fortuna Iron will be fabricating the

fence panel and in early August they will be installing the panel and repairing, priming and painting

the existing fence.

Thank you to someone for adding to the CAMPUS NEEDS LIST to have the carpets cleaned in

the Pierson Room. (I do really mean thank you- no one person can see every need.) If you have

questions or solutions to any facilities issues, please call me or email me. Thanks, Beth

Lay Ministries

I’d like to extend an invitation to you from each of our lay ministry groups. We all have talents that

can find expression in one of these ministries. The slow summer is a perfect time to try one of the

following for just one Sunday – you may find yourself enjoying the experience.

= Lectors and Intercessors

= Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers

= Announcers

= Ushers and Greeters

= Eucharistic Visitors

= Coffee Hour Hosts

= Contribution Counters

= U Stream broadcasts

Please contact Marty Vega at 443-9782 or send an email to


Mary McNelis is looking for additional people to fold worship booklets: it would be one to two

hours on a Friday, once every 5-8 weeks—as easy as pie! Those who do it find it a soothing and

meditative exercise. There is often someone else to help, and it is an under-sung but necessary small

ministry. Call Mary at 822-6466 or email her at

Food for People

First of all I consider it a privilege and an honor to take your donations down to Food for People.

While they can always use about any kind of staples of almost any kind, for this bulletin I have a

different kind of request. Right now we are really short on volunteers. If anyone has a couple of hours

a week that they could give, this would really help.

I heard something this week that I have never heard before in all of my years of volunteering there.

The food bank is having to limit the clients that we can serve just because we don't have enough

volunteers. We have lost many volunteers this summer, college students that have gone home.

Hopefully they will return but in the next two months, it is really tight.

Thank you, Beverly Olson

Brief Notes

Summer Closet Clean Out for Foster Kids

It's the time for back-to-school clothes shopping, but that also means finding space in crowded

closets and drawers. Here's an easy solution - donate those outgrown, clean and gently-used school

clothes for children and youth to the Foster Kids Resource Room at one of the local churches. Even if

you don't have school-age kids, you probably know someone who does. Please bring clothing to

Lewis Hall no later than August 16 and be a part of helping some kids get off to a happier start to

school this year.

Foster Youth Back-to-School Fair

In late August there will be the second annual back-to-school fair for foster kids. Christ Church is

participating by helping to purchase school supply kits, sharing information about our Friday night

events, and providing volunteers. The fair is coordinated by the Humboldt County Office of

Education Foster Services Program. Just a few of the other participants: College of the Redwoods,

The Forgotten Initiative, Dental Van, Church of the Nazarene, Probation, Child Welfare Services,

Eureka Family Resource Center, possibly the Bookmobile, and several others. As of this past June,

the Humboldt County official count of school-age foster children was 101 in grades K-5, 32 in grades

6-8, and 60 in grades 9-12 - almost 225. For more information, please contact Mtr. Nancy or Peg


August 2 Mary Edson August 15 David Aronovici

August 6 Gail and Harry Freeman August 18 Jim Hogan

August 7 Harry Freeman August 18 Michael & Kathrin


August 8 Nancy Streufert August 24 Betsy Schlueter

August 8 Jim and Margo Fassio August 25 Margo Fassio

August 9 Laura Rose August 26 David and Patricia Toy

August 9 Belinda Zander August 27 Anna Klay

August 11 Anna Smithler August 30 Natalie Moore

August 14 Peter and Irene Hannaford August 30 Susan Whaley

The Chapel at St. Dorothy’s Rest



Quilters...PLUS! August 5th

Pick a piece of fleece - and work on a blanket for our Foster Kids Project! Come to Lewis Hall the

morning of Wednesday, August 5 about 9:30 a.m. Easy, lots of fun and the coffee and friendly

conversation are a bonus. The hardest part is choosing which piece of fleece to use. There are so

many colorful choices. Which appeals to you? Will it be frogs, rockets, dinosaurs, basketballs,

music symbols, baseballs, trains, dogs, flowers, sharks, trucks, or kites? See you there! If you have

questions, please check with Peg Gardner, 443-9627.

Our one thought during this summer of heat, outdoor activities and family get-to-gethers is: No

how busy you are you "Have to Make a Little Room for God".

Gail and Harry Freeman


Community of the Transfiguration

As August is the month of the Feast of the Transfiguration, August 6, I thought it

would be a good time to talk about the Community and my relationship with the Sisters.

I first met the Sisters in 1997. I was introduced by two women I had just met- Marylee

Rohde and Gretchen Ferrin, who were long time Associates of the Community. They

invited me to attend a monthly Quiet Day sponsored by the Sisters at their house in

Ferndale. Sister Teresa Martin and Sister Lydia Mathews were living in the house at that

time. Sister Alice was Sister Superior at the Convent. Sister Alice and Sister Teresa had

come to Humboldt County to start the community on the west coast in 1980.

I was raised Roman Catholic and attended Catholic school. I had left the church on

graduating from high school and our family relocating from Cleveland to Los Angeles. I

had returned to the Catholic church about ten years before I met the Sisters. Suffice it to

say I was discontent in the church as it left little room, as I saw it, for women except to

cook and clean for the church and priests.

When I met the Sisters, I was a bit cautious. I was schooled by Catholic nuns who

scared me to death as a child. Sister Teresa and

Sister Lydia were kind, generous, and welcoming.

I began to relax. And all I ever heard about was

Sister Alice, Sister Alice. Wait till you meet Sister

Alice. And meet Sister Alice I did. She returned to

Humboldt County in 1998 after she completed her

position as Sister Superior in Cincinnati. The

Sisters moved from Ferndale to Eureka in 1998.

That is when they became more closely associated

with Christ Church.

I continued to attend the Quiet Days monthly at

the Sister’s house. They were actually called The

Meditation Group. They were attended by women

of all varying backgrounds and religions and no

Chapel at the Convent in Cincinnati


religion. The day would begin by one of the women

doing a short presentation on a topic of her choice. It

might be on icons, Carl Jung, silence, or T.S. Eliot.

You name it! Then we spent the remainder of the

day in silence, including a potluck lunch and came

together at the end of the afternoon to share (if we

chose) about how the day was for us.

It was during this time I learned about Celtic

Christianity and how exciting that was. The Sisters

ushered in this teaching for me. This is the crux of it

for me: That God lives in His Creation, to honor our

ancestors, to see the Holy in God’s world, to

acknowledge the Mystery of God, to realize Heaven

is closer than we can imagine. And most of all, that

God lives in the Ordinary!

These are no ordinary women! I know you know them and would agree with me.

Sister Diana came to us seven years ago, and we have been blessed by her presence,

enthusiasm, and commitment to the Church in so many ways. She cooks, she teaches,

and she is a wonderful friend to so many. And now she has become a priest.

And with all, the Sisters lived out their motto: Kindness, Simplicity and Joy! I

asked Sister Alice in 1999, I believe, if the Community accepted Associates who were

from the Roman church. She said yes, they would. An Associate of the Community is

a man or woman, lay or ordained who participates in the spiritual life of the Commu-

nity while they serve God in their work and other obligations.

All that is required is developing and following a personal Rule of Life (Daily

Prayer) that fits each individual, to pray daily for the community, its Oblates and As-

sociates, to strive to live by word and example the good news of God in Christ in

one’s own life, to support and encourage the life and ministry of the Community of the

Transfiguration, and to share information about Religious Life and the Community.

So as it turned out, I was received as an Episcopalian AND became an Associate in

Sister Ann at St. Monica’s Recreation

Center in Cincinnati


2000. God works in mysterious ways! I continued the Meditation Group and began at-

tending weekly Eucharist at the Sisters house, where Father Doug Thompson celebrated

the Liturgy. After Sister Lydia became ill and returned to the Convent in mid 2006, I

visited the Convent for the first time. I expected to see a bunch of Sisters praying all day.

Was I mistaken. The Sisters have an active life with so many ministries it is hard to keep

up. And I could barely keep up with their schedule let alone their commitments: They

pray four times a day, have an elementary school on the grounds, a spirituality center that

has many groups on site continuously, St. Monica’s Recreation center for neighborhood

children a few miles from the Convent, homeless outreach—the list goes on.

Jake and I went back when Sister Diana was ordained a priest in May of this year. It was

a glorious time and with so many visitors on the grounds, it was incredible how seam-

lessly it all happened. The amazing hospitality they perform is probably the most radical

of all they do. Anyone is welcome to come and stay at the Community to enrich their

spiritual life.

A few years ago, our Associate Ginny Pankoski became an Oblate. I was curious and

asked if I, a married woman, could become an Oblate. I was told it was possible and I

began a discernment process. Two years later, I became an Oblate. There are twelve

Oblates to the Community, including one man. Oblate means one who is offered to God.

An Oblate offers oneself to God in service. An Oblate is a lay religious devotee as best I

can explain it. Oblates in the Community are more closely related to the Community in

Cincinnati and are asked to return to the Convent one week a year. It is truly a gift.

From all I have received knowing the Sisters, I have so much to be grateful for. They

have enriched my life in so many ways–through friendship, education, spiritual guid-

ance, support and so much more. They truly are my family and sisters!

There is an Associates Retreat at the end of September at St. Dorothy’s Rest, near

Sebastopol. You do not need to be an Associate to attend. I hope you will consider join-

ing us. It will be led by Sister Diana. See the information on page twelve of this


In peace, love and kindness, Stephanie Schultz


The Convent grounds at Community of the Transfiguration in Cincinnati

Sister Diana’s Ordination Stephanie


A Little Walk in the Woods

It was a beautiful day on July 6th, when two gentle musicians, one an organist and the other a

guitarist, set out to take a stroll through the woods and hills of our beautiful area. They felt that

communing with nature in a gorgeous area for a day would help instill a sense of inner peace and

contentment, perhaps bringing them closer to God as they left the frantic commercialism and pace of

the developed society in which we all live and began down the path that entered the eternal woods.

Well, here is the reality: Doug Moorehead and Paul Gossard awoke at 5:00 a.m., bolted down a

scanty breakfast, drove to Gasquet on Route 199, checked on some road conditions, proceeded to

drive for forty-five minutes up Jawbone Road to the top of Siskiyou Pass, parked the car, and hiked

for five miles over a trail designated as "very difficult" to a lake with the name of Devil's Punchbowl.

What, you might ask, could possibly inspire our two gentle souls to undertake such an arduous

expedition? The answer must lie in the brain structure of a musician, a structure that can consider the

Devil's Punchbowl


mysterious and the stark and the beautiful and make

sense out of all of it. In fact, Devil's Punchbowl is

one of the most beautiful mountain lakes in all of

Northern California, and even though one mile of the

trail is relentlessly steep and the temperature was

close to 80 degrees and large chunks of the "trail"

were marked only by occasional rock cairns, Doug

and Paul felt that this exercise in masochism was

well worth it.

Perhaps a little extra excitement added to the

pleasure of the day. Doug happened to be in front of

Paul at one point, and he saw a large snake wriggle

into a hole in a rock right in front of him. He then

heard a rattling sound. Paul, being experienced in

such situations, pulled him backward and cast

several stones at the hole. The two gentle musicians

then gave a wide berth to the area and continued


At one point Doug temporarily lost his balance

and almost slid down a rock slide that led into a small

pond of water. At another spot he accidentally missed

his footing while crossing a small creek and found

half of his hiking boot covered with water.

To summarize, two church musicians visited the

devil, but despite the devil's attempts to thwart their

way, they found beauty and bliss and peace at his

punchbowl. (Can someone make a sermon out of


submitted by Doug Moorehead Gentle guitarist, Paul Gossard, attempting to

stand upright

Gentle organist, Doug Moorehead, pondering

the meaning of anything at all



The Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner

Bishop, Diocese of Northern California


The Rev. Dr. Susan J. Armstrong

Priest in Charge

The Rev. Lesley McCloghrie

Resident Associate Priest

The Rev. Nancy Streufert

Associate Priest

The Rev. Sister Diana Doncaster

Associate Priest

Merry Phillips

Organist and Music Director

John Hammond, Sexton

Barry Ross, Administrative Assistant


Lyn Klay, Senior Warden

Beth Powell, Junior Warden

Bob Rex, Barry Ross, Lynne Bean, Lin Chase,

Helen Taylor, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson, Belinda Zander,

Peter Hannaford, Katherine Clague, Gail Freeman

Bob Hines, Treasurer, Peg Gardner, Clerk

625 15th Street

P.O. Box 861

Eureka, California 95502

Phone (707) 442-1797

Fax (707) 442-5647

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