(auditorium) super sessions sessions 2016-3.pdf · percent increase in the number of adhd diagnoses...

Post on 24-Nov-2020






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(Auditorium) Super Sessions: Death of the Black Family: 1 Year Later (9a-10:15a)

Holtzclaw Case Review (10:30a – 11:30a)

Open Space (12:00p – 1:30p)

Dating while being a Black Female in 2016. How to find Mr. Right. (2:00 – 4:00)

My Black is Beautiful Hair Extravaganza (5:00 – 6:00)

Metro Tech Cafe

Healthy Food – Healthy Soul Food Demo 11:30a – 1:00p











Dr.  Shari  Coleman  

Panel  Members:    

Dr.  Joy  Thomas  -­‐  Oklahoma  Department  of  Career  and  Technology  Education      

Etta  Taylor  -­‐  Oklahoma  Parent  and  Teachers  Association  

Bob  Davis  -­‐  Family  Expectations  

Jason  Lowe  –  Lowe  Law  Firm  






My  Black  is  Beautiful  Hair  Extravaganza  is  a  celebration  of  hair…  short,  long,  curly,  straight,  natural,  processed…  come  and  see  what’s  new  for  2016  from  Oklahoma  City’s  best  stylist!  


Saturday  April  2nd  at  the  Women  of  Color  Expo  from  5pm  -­‐  until!  

Saturday  April  2nd  at  the  Women  of  Color  Expo  from  9am  –  10:15am!                                                                  Sponsored  by:  

Dating while being a Black Female in 2016. How to find Mr. Right. Stacii  Jae  Johnson,  founder  of  The  Single  Girls  Club,  is  also  an  actress,  radio  personality,  television  host,  lifestyle  influencer  and  women’s  empowerment  advocate  who  is  vastly  becoming  the  “go-­‐to”  girl  for  all  things  single  girl.  An  honors  graduate  of  the  esteemed  Spelman  College,  Stacii  Jae  created  and  hosted  Atlanta’s  #1  girl  talk  radio  show,  “Black  Girls  Radio,”  before  becoming  an  on-­‐air  jock  at  the  country’s  #1  urban  radio  station,  CBS  Radio,  WVEE-­‐FM  V-­‐103.  

 The  MultiDating  Philosofixer,  Stacii  Jae  is  a  lover  of  helping  single  women  fix  their  dating  life  by  coaching  them  and  guiding  their  philosophy  on  how  to  successfully  date  multiple  people  simultaneously.  The  premise  of  the  MultiDating  Philosofixer  is  to  (1)  get  single  women  to  stop  concentrating  on  an  expected  result  (2)  be  open  to  the  journey  that  each  individual  date  takes  them  on  (3)  not  hand  over  -­‐monogamy-­‐  on  a  silver  platter  until  it  is  deserving.    

“Dating  multiple  men  has  opened  me  up  to  self-­‐discovery.  I  relate  better  to  myself  and  to  the  men  I  date.  It  has  given  me  the  courage  to  be  all  of  me  and  it  has  taken  the  pressure  off.  For  the  first  time  in  my  life,  I  am  enjoying  dating.  I  feel  empowered  and  one  of  the  biggest  things  is  -­‐  I  stopped  settling.”  -­‐  Stacii  Jae  Johnson  












Saturday  April  2nd  at  the  Women  of  Color  Expo  from  2pm  to  4pm!    


Holtzclaw Case Reviewed: The Aftermath  Hosted by: Grace Franklin of OKC Artist for Justice

The Holtzclaw conviction represents a critical step toward visibility of Black women victims of state violence and rape. Some justice has been served, as Holtzclaw’s victims are now assured he will no longer continue his destruction.

Join Grace Franklin’s frank discussion about the Holtzclaw case and decision and its impact on our community. Learn invaluable strategies to protect yourself from sexual assault and domestic violence.


Saturday  April  2nd  at  the  Women  of  Color  Expo  from  10:30pm  to  11:30pm!    

“Healthy  Food…  Healthy  Soul”  Food  Demo:  










“A  Healthy  Take  on  Traditional  Soul  Food”  As  obesity  and  chronic  disease  soar  in  many  cultures  around  the  world,  African  Americans  seem  to  be  the  hardest  hit.  Black  women  have  the  highest  rates  of  obesity  compared  with  other  ethnic  groups  in  the  United  States.  Specifically,  about  four  of  five  African  American  women  are  categorized  as  overweight  or  obese.  

Along  with  the  weight  disparity  come  health  disparities:    

• Black  adults  are  twice  as  likely  as  white  adults  to  have  a  stroke,  twice  as  likely  to  be  diagnosed  with  diabetes,  and  1.5  times  as  likely  to  have  high  blood  pressure.    

• black  Americans  are  2.3  times  as  likely  to  die  from  diabetes  complications.    • black  women  are  10%  less  likely  to  be  diagnosed  with  breast  cancer,  they’re  almost  40%  

more  likely  to  die  from  the  disease.  

At  the  Health  Soul  workshop,  we  will  show  you  simple  and  easy  ways  to  make  subtle  changes  to  your  diet  that  could  lower  your  risk  of  falling  victim  to  some  of  these  chronic  diseases.    You  don’t  have  to  spend  a  lot  of  time  or  money  to  eat  health!  The  ingredients  for  all  of  the  dishes  prepared  at  this  workshop  can  be  purchased  at  your  local  grocery  store  with  breaking  the  bank!  

Save  the  date:  Saturday,  April  2nd  at  4pm  in  the  Metro  Café  at  Metro  Technology  Center  during  the  Women  of  Color  Expo!  

Kaely Jackson, RD/LD, is a diabetes educator and dietitian for the OU Prenatal Diagnostic Center at The Children’s Hospital in Oklahoma City. She was born and raised in the Edmond/OKC area and is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Kaely’s lifelong participation in athletics and wellness inspires her membership today in the OU Physicians Wellness Committee and the Oklahoma Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ Women’s Ministry.

Sponsored by:

Breakout  Sessions  

Re-Establishing Life After Incarceration – A Poignant Look at Conquering Recidivism - OQI Room (O) 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM

Over the last 20 years, Oklahoma has become the country’s capital of female incarceration, with 127 of every 100,000 women behind bars, double the national rate of 63 per 100,000. Once an inmate has served his or her sentence, the time to re-enter society comes. This transition is very difficult regardless of the amount of time served. A large number of inmates that are released from prison will re-offend and subsequently return to prison. This is called recidivism and it is one of the measurements commonly used to determine how well prepared individuals are for their release and return to society.

Join Donna K. Thompson for a thought provoking panel discussion that will explore the real truths that some people face re-entering society after incarceration. Listen to and understand the struggles behind their stories of each member of the panel as they strive to defy the statistics and rebuild a life on the outside.


Room B

FAA Credit Union “We Want to See Your Score Soar” with Shana Lewis 9:30 AM and 2:00 PM

A bad credit score doesn’t have to hold you back. Through this interactive presentation, learn why you want and need a better credit score, what contributes to your credit score, ways to improve your score, misconceptions about credit, and other factors that are affected by your credit score.


Lowe Law Firm “Navigating Oklahoma’s Legal System” with Jason Lowe 3:30 PM

Can police just search your car? Do you have to answer police questions? Know Your Rights! Dealing with a legal issue in the state of Oklahoma can be a source of stress… You need to know your rights under the law! Learn how you can navigate through Oklahoma’s legal system and avoid legal landmines with Oklahoma’s own Jason Lowe and get free legal advice!

Room C

Advantage Community Resources “The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder” with Tamika Carter 9:30 AM and 2:00 PM

Is your child on Adderall and other ADHD drugs? A recent study found a 70 percent increase in the number of ADHD diagnoses among African-American children, with a 90 percent increase among African-American girls. But is ADHD just slick marketing… is the academic pressure cooker turning ADHD meds into performance-enhancing drugs for the classroom?


Oklahoma Sickle Cell Warriors “Purpose by Pain” with Shawnetra Rogers 11:00 AM and 3:30 PM

Sickle Cell Disease is a devastating and painful condition that affects both children and adults. Dealing with such a debilitating disease can not only ravages the child, but the entire family. Lack of information, resources, and support can exacerbate the situation and leave families with a feeling of hopelessness. Join Shawnetra Rogers and learn more about dealing with your child’s pain.

Room D

Go Natural 24/7 “Natural Woman” with Shirlene Cook 11:00 AM and 3:30 PM

If you're thinking about going natural, you're certainly not alone. Whether you've got coils, waves, or serious texture, you curly-haired babes know your manes require some special treatment. Luckily, the ladies from Go Natural 24/7are more than qualified to guide you through the curl lexicon (pineappling? 4B?) and school you in the best treatments to get the most spring for your buck.

The Body Wrap Spalon “The Misconception of Healthy Eating Vs. Eating for Weight loss” with Tiffany Lenox 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM

Behind most food and nutrition myths, there's a kernel of truth - and some “myths” help us get to real dietary wisdom that actually might help our health. Let’s face it, myths and misinformation are much more seductive than the truth! Join Tiffany Lenox for this informative session that separate the science from the silliness behind eating healthy and eating for weight loss!

Room E

YWCA “ When Love Hurts: The Impacts of Domestic Violence” with Angela Beatty 1:30 PM

Domestic violence is a pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviors that one partner uses against a current or former intimate partner. Domestic violence crosses all racial, class, economic and cultural lines. African Americans, especially African American Women, suffer deadly violence from family members at rates decidedly higher than for other racial groups in the United States. How can we stop the cycle of violence…? Come to this seminar and find out how.


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention “Suicide Prevention: Out of the Darkness” with David Threatt 9:30 AM and 3:00 PM

Mental health concerns are among the biggest and most dangerously tabooed topics in Black America. The rates of suicide among African-American children have doubled in the last two decades, surpassing the rates among white children, which dropped over the same time period. Statistically, Blacks are disproportionately impacted by risk factors and experiences that increase psychic stress, hopelessness and trauma; factors that all contribute to suicidality. Find out how to cope when prayer isn’t enough…



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