atom: basic building blocks of matter structure: nucleus electron proton neutron

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Atom: basic building blocks of matterStructure:





Definitions: Nucleus- center of atom, contains

protons and neutrons Protons: positive charge (+) Neutrons: neutral charge (=)

Electrons- negative charge (-), orbit in energy levels on outside of atom

Location of Subatomic Particles




Energy Levels- Orbit around nucleus Forms “shells” around nucleus Electrons fill the shells from the inside






1st level: max of 2 electrons

2nd level: max of 8 electrons

3rd level: max of 18 electrons

Elements: all the same type of atoms bonded together Can’t be broken down into simpler

substances 90 occur naturally Others are man-made 25 essential to living organisms 99% of living organisms are made of


Isotopes- atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons in the nucleus

Symbols- shorthand abbreviations for elements Rules:

First letter always capital Second letter always lower case Every element has a different

symbol Ex’s: Mg N O Na C Cl

Periodic Table

Elements are arranged in columns known as a family or group

Families have similar properties because the outer shell of the atoms have the same number of electrons

Atomic Mass on the Periodic Table




Atomic Number


Atomic Mass

Atomic Number & Mass Meanings

Atomic number = the number of protons and the number of electrons (this will be equal for stable elements.)

Atomic mass – the atomic number = the number of neutrons (round to whole number)

Molecule/Compound: a substance that contains different elements bonded together

Formula- a set of symbols that show the type of elements and the ratio in which they combine Ex’s: CO2 H2O

Subscript- number after element indicating the number of atoms present

Coefficient- number in front of the formula indicating the number of molecules present Ex’s: 3H2O – 3 molecules of water

6NH4 – 6 molecules of ammonia

Water: (H2O)

One of the most important compounds in living organisms

Makes up 70-95% of most organisms

Properties of Water

1. Polar Molecule: it has an unequal distribution of charge. The oxygen side has a slightly negative charge, so ionic compounds dissolve easily in water.

2. Resists temperature change

3. Expands when it freezes

4. High surface tension because the polar molecules are attracted to each other and form a slight film on the surface.

5. Capillary action, which means, plants can carry water up thin tubes.

Organic & Inorganic Molecules

Organic molecules- contain carbon (C) Inorganic molecules- do not contain C

Which of the following are organic?

H2O NaCl C6H12O6 CaCO3

Living Organisms are made up of 4 abundant and 9 less abundant elements:

C Hopkins café Magic Salt (NaCl)

*C= carbon Ca= calcium

*H= hydrogen Fe= iron

*O= oxygen Mg= magnesium

P= phosphorus Na= sodium

K= potassium Cl= chlorine

I= iodine

*N= nitrogen *makes up 99.3% of a

S= sulfur living organism


Covalent bond- chemical bond when two atoms combine sharing electrons

- Examples: sugars, fats, & proteins

Ionic bond- bond formed by the mutual attraction of two ions of opposite charge Examples: salt (NaCl) Na+ Cl-

Hydrogen bond- electrical attraction between a slightly negative atom and a slightly positive atom. Very weak so molecules must be close to experience this attraction.

Examples: water (H2O)

Chemical Equations

Reactants- substances that undergo a chemical reaction

Products- substances formed by the chemical reaction

*Chemical equations must be written so they are balanced! Atoms are neither created nor destroyed during chemical reactions.

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