at portland mennonite church we are striving to …...2020/07/12  · take my hands, and let them...

Post on 13-Jul-2020






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Rod Stafford Lead Pastor

Curt Weaver Pastor of Children and Youth

Britt Carlson Pastor of Community Life

Rachel Joy Administrator

At Portland Mennonite Church we are striving to take seriously the challenge of the prophet Jeremiah to “seek the peace of the city” (Jeremiah 29:7)

7.12.2020 — 9:30 am

Don and Deb are offering an apple press party for the MYF Auction!



Sarah Coffman

Worship Leader: Randy Lanford

Song Leader: Bruce Kuhns

Musicians: Paula Brunk Kuhns,

Henry and Edna Brunk (Paula's mom and dad),

Crystal Miller, Gail Manickam, Christina Moss,

Gerry Leatherman

Children’s Time: Matt Kauffman Smith

Sermon: Barry Frisby

Prayers: Britt Carlson

Technical Support: Curt Weaver

Tom Miller Rachel Joy



We are glad you have joined us for worship today. The season in the church year after Pentecost is sometimes called 'ordinary time.' This hasn't been an ordinary year, though, has it? This morning as we sing our gratitude, listen to the scriptures, and lift up our prayers, I hope that we

will all find the grace and faith to imbue these hours and days with the extraordinary lovingkindness of God.

Peace to you, Rod Stafford On Sunday please join us via Facebook Live and follow along with scriptures and songs in the following pages. We are on our summer schedule, beginning worship at 9:30 am in July and August.



Psalm 19:7-14

♫ ‘I will stand in the congregation’— Sing the Story, 113

Children's Time

Luke 21:1-4

♫ ‘I want Jesus to walk with me’ — Hymnal, A Worship Book, 439


♫ ‘Take my life’ — Hymnal, A Worship Book, 389 (verses 1-4)



Sending Words

♫ ‘Go, my friends, in grace’—Sing the Story, 57





Psalm 19:7-14

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the decrees of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever; the ordinances of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey, and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. But who can detect their errors? Clear me from hidden faults. Keep back your servant also from the insolent; do not let them have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

♫ — I will stand in the congregation— SS 113

Text/Music: Bill Babstone. © Maranatha Praise, Inc, admin. Music Services., CCLI # 119330

1. I will stand in the congregation and I will exalt you; I will stand in the congregation and I will exalt you. Let the children of your salvation lift their praises too! Hal-le-lu-jah! 2. I will stand in the congregation and I will praise your name; I will stand in the congregation and I will praise your name. With your people of ev’ry nation I will shout this praise! Hal-le-lu-jah!

3. We will join as a congregation and we will exalt you; We will join as a congregation and we will exalt you. We will sing as all creation lifts the song anew! Hal-le-lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jah! Let the children of your salvation Lift their praises too! Hal-le-lu-jah!

Children’s Time

Luke 21:1-4 He looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury; he also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. He said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them; for all of them have contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.”

♫ — Take my life — WB 389

Text: Frances R. Havergal, Songs of Grace and Glory, 1874. Music: Henri A. C. Malan, 1827


♫ — I want Jesus to walk with me— WB 439

1. I want Jesus to walk with me. I want Jesus to walk with me. All along my pilgrim journey, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me. 2. In my trials, Lord, walk with me. In my trials, Lord, walk with me. When my heart is almost breaking, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me. 3. When I’m in trouble, Lord, walk with me. When I’m in trouble, Lord, walk with me. When my head is bowed in sorrow, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me. Text/Music: African-American spiritual

1. Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee. Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise, let them flow in ceaseless praise. 2. Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of thy love. Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for thee, swift and beautiful for thee.

3. Take my voice, and let me sing, always, only for my King. Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from thee, filled with messages from thee. 4. Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use ev’ry pow’r as thou shalt choose, ev’ry pow’r as thou shalt choose.


Sending Words


Kris Voss-Rothmeier, and his family as they grieve the death of his mother, Sylvia Williams;

Kris was able to travel to Wisconsin to be with her last week;

Rod Stafford, who is on a seven week sabbatical through July and August; that this time

may be restful and rejuvenating for him;

Todd Maudlin’s sister Tanya, who had a heart attack on Monday and was under

sedation early last week; the family is anxious about her recovery;

All those who have lost friends and family due to coronavirus; this week we remember

especially Leroy Chupp, whose brother Sam died last week (in AZ); and the friends and

family of Lupe Aguliar (a close friend of Jen Boring), who died this week in Brownsville, TX.

Please Pray For...

Prayer (ending with the Lord’s Prayer)


Announcements begin on next page.

♫ — Go, my friends, in grace — SS 57

Text: David Wright; Music James E. Clemans. Text & Music © 2004. Permission to podcast / stream this

music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #M-734252. All rights reserved.

Have a prayer request? Let us know:

1. Go, my friends, in grace, beneath the blessed sky. Where you go, God is there, beneath the blessed sky.

2. Walk, my friends, in peace, within this fallen world. Where you walk, God is there, within this fallen world.

3. Serve, my friends, in love, your neighbors and your foes. Where you serve, God is there, in neighbors and in foes.

4. Come again, my friends, to worship and to pray. When we meet, God is here. Benedictus Deus. [Blessed be God]


Summertime Worship at PMC July-Aug / 9:30 am In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, the Table has decided that we will not meet for in-person worship during the summer months. In July and August, the services will start at 9:30 am. We will continue to stream our services and recordings of the services will continue to be posted on our website and to our Facebook page. A decision about the Fall will be made in mid-August.

Rod Stafford on Sabbatical Leave Rod is currently on a seven week sabbatical. Before he left, he wrote: “I am deeply grateful to the congregation for this gift of time for rest and renewal. I will be focusing on developing a clearer understanding of the challenges and rewards of long-term pastoral ministry. I am also hoping to do significant reading this summer, as well as spending time with my family and getting out for hikes and bike rides. While I am away Curt Weaver and Britt Carlson will continue to give pastoral leadership to PMC, and along with Rachel Joy, our Congregational Administrator, will support the life and ministries of our congregation. Thanks so much!”

Curt on Vacation Curt will be taking a few days of vacation this week, spending time with family. He will be back at work on Thursday, July 16. Please contact Rachel or Britt if there is anything you need while he is away.

Dorcas’ Needles and Stitches July 15, 29

Dorcas' Needles & Stitches is meeting again to knot and complete comforters for MCC. Our plans are to meet during the summer, every other Wednesday. Our next gathering is July 15 at 9:30 AM. We will work outdoor, weather permitting, but may be indoors. We will be following social distancing guidelines. If you are interested in attending, please contact Gail Manickam ( so that you can be included in the email notification that will go out the Monday prior. Future dates: July 29, Aug 5, 19. Please wear a mask.

PMC Crafts Exchange sign up now through July 19

PMC Crafts is a church activity designed to foster creativity and connection. By signing up, you commit to making a craft for another PMCer, and you will receive one in turn from someone else. Crafts can be any creative gift that comes to mind, maybe a piece of knitting, embroidery, woodworking, baking, canning, writing, or something else entirely. It should be a manageable craft—you will have two weeks to complete it. To sign up, fill out the form on the church website ( with your name, contact information, and a few sentences about yourself and your likes and interests to give your assigned crafter some ideas as they decide what to make for you. You will have until July 19 to sign up. After which we will email you the information of the PMCer for whom you will be making a craft. After completing your craft August 2, you can mail it to them or contact them to arrange a safe pickup or drop-off. We hope you enjoy this chance to create, give, and receive!

Transitions Tuesday, July 21 / 10 am Transitions, a group of older adults, usually meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am. Our July meeting will be hosted by Britt on July 21. A zoom link will be posted next week. Everyone is welcome.

Canceled: Oregon Mennonite Festival for World Relief Fall 2020 The Board of the Oregon Mennonite Festival for World Relief regrets to announce that they will be cancelling the in-person Fall Festival this year out of concern for the well being of volunteers and supporters. The Oregon Mennonite Festival for World Relief is a community fair that raises funds to meet needs through the global ministries of the Mennonite Central Committee, which is celebrating its centennial anniversary this year. In most years, OMFWR raises enough money after expenses to send MCC around $100,000. The needs MCC meets are even more critical in these times and we believe we are called to this same challenge and mission. The OMFWR board is actively seeking alternative methods to support MCC. Watch for future announcements and more information at

Collecting Stories of Living Through this Pandemic With the help of Gloria Nussbaum, we are starting a podcast called COVID Chronicles. Our hope is that this will be a way to listen to and get to know each other during this time of being asked to stay apart. Gloria will be contacting individuals for interviews and we will be letting you know how to listen when they begin to be compiled.

Bearing One Another's Burdens In the midst of this unsettling time we are committed to caring for each other and to 'seeking the peace of the city' (Jeremiah 29:7). If you or someone you know at PMC is facing financial need, please let us know. We can offer help through our Care Fund and through the Sharing Fund of Everence. Our Care Fund currently has plenty of funds, thanks to the generous support of many in the congregation; if you have extra resources at this time, please consider contributing to community partners. Thank you!

(Continued from page 6)

Next week’s PMC activities (with links) on next page...

Where do I send my offering? Portland Mennonite Church 1312 SE 35th Ave Portland OR 97214

Or use the online method: CLICK HERE

Join us on FB Live Sunday Morning at 9:30 am (through July and August), or check our page for updates throughout the week

Check out our website for news, sermons, event information, and ways to stay connected with each other including sharing prayer requests and video greetings.

PMC Staff are minimizing time in the office. Please email us for fastest response. We also check voicemail remotely.

Electronic Giving We have a variety of options for financial contributions, including by credit card, or direct debit from your bank account. Checks may be mailed to the church office at 1312 SE 35th Ave, Portland OR 97214. Rachel opens the mail once a week. For details and forms, go to You can also check with your bank about sending electronic payments. Contact Rachel Joy ( if you have any questions.

PMC and COVID-19

You can also find these links on our website at: Adult Ed Class — Racism: Making a Difference Sundays / 10:45 am

Due to current events, the Adult Education class is shifting its focus to Racism: Making a Difference. We will explore ways we can make a difference in the injustice our brothers and sisters of color have had to endure. This will be a class of learning about the history, listening to peoples’ experiences, and discussing steps we can take to help. As a church seeking the peace of the city, we need to step out and help bring peace to potentially volatile situations. Jane Bateman will be leading the discussion, but she is open to help from anyone who has direct experience in anti-racism, peacemaking, etc. This will be a time to connect with others and find hope in this unprecedented time. To join:

Monday Mornings Pastor “Coffee Time” Mondays / 9:00 am This Monday, 9:00-9:30 am, Curt will host a “coffee time” via Zoom for anyone who would like to check in together as the week begins. Look for the link in the weekly update, and on our website. To join:

Wednesday Dorcas’ Needles and Stitches —Twice a month—contact Gail if interested This Wednesday, the Dorcas’ quilting and comforter tying group will be meeting at PMC and following social distancing guidelines. Contact Gail ( for more information if you are interested in participating.

Friday Morning Coffee Group Fridays / 10:00 am

A group of PMCers continues to meet, now via Zoom, every Friday morning for an informal social time. If you’d like to join, contact Linda Rush or the church office for more information.

Staying Connected This Week

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