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Cappello et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2018) 15:59

RESEARCH Open Access

Assisting hand function after spinal cordinjury with a fabric-based soft robotic glove

Leonardo Cappello1,2, Jan T. Meyer1,2, Kevin C. Galloway1,2, Jeffrey D. Peisner1,2, Rachael Granberry1,2,Diana A. Wagner1,2, Sven Engelhardt1,2, Sabrina Paganoni3 and Conor J. Walsh1,2*


Background: Spinal cord injury is a devastating condition that can dramatically impact hand motor function.Passive and active assistive devices are becoming more commonly used to enhance lost hand strength anddexterity. Soft robotics is an emerging discipline that combines the classical principles of robotics with softmaterials and could provide a new class of active assistive devices. Soft robotic assistive devices enable a human-robot interaction facilitated by compliant and light-weight structures. The scope of this work was to demonstratethat a fabric-based soft robotic glove can effectively assist participants affected by spinal cord injury in manipulatingobjects encountered in daily living.

Methods: The Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Hand Function Test was administered to 9 participants with C4-C7spinal cord injuries to assess the functionality of the soft robotic glove. The test included object manipulation taskscommonly encountered during activities of daily living (ADL) and lift force measurements. The test wasadministered to each participant twice; once without the assistive glove to provide baseline data and once whilewearing the assistive glove. The object manipulation subtests were evaluated using a linear mixed model, includinginteraction effects of variables such as time since injury. The lift force measures were separately evaluated using theWilcoxon signed-rank test.

Results: The soft robotic glove improved object manipulation in ADL tasks. The difference in mean scores betweenbaseline and assisted conditions was significant across all participants and for all manipulated objects. Animprovement of 33.42 ± 15.43% relative to the maximal test score indicates that the glove sufficiently enhanceshand function during ADL tasks. Moreover, lift force also increased when using the assistive soft robotic glove,further demonstrating the effectiveness of the device in assisting hand function.

Conclusions: The results gathered in this study validate our fabric-based soft robotic glove as an effective device toassist hand function in individuals who have suffered upper limb paralysis following a spinal cord injury.

Keywords: Soft robotic glove, Fabric-based robot, Spinal cord injury, Assistive wearable robot, Activities of dailyliving

BackgroundEach year, approximately 12,500 Americans survivespinal cord injuries (SCI) [1] and in 2016 the populationof SCI was estimated to be 276,000 individuals, 906 permillion people [2]. A major and devastating result ofcervical-level SCI is the drastic reduction of upper

* Correspondence: walsh@seas.harvard.edu1John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, HarvardUniversity, Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA2Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, 60Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This articInternational License (http://creativecommonsreproduction in any medium, provided you gthe Creative Commons license, and indicate if(

extremity function, specifically the hands, a conditionwhich can impact independence and quality of life ofthose affected. Incomplete tetraplegia is the most fre-quent neurologic deficit at discharge (45%) [1] andAnderson et al. found that 48.7% of surveyed tetraplegicsindicated that regaining arm and hand function wouldhave the greatest impact to improve their quality of life[3]. While recovery of hand function is highly desiredafter SCI, limited treatments are available to aid in re-covery despite the increasing knowledge of this medicalcondition [4].

le is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andive appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tochanges were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiverro/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Cappello et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2018) 15:59 Page 2 of 10

Many individuals with hand paralysis who retain wristmotor function can generate a type of passive graspcalled tenodesis grasp. This passive grasp relies on theweak elasticity of the hand muscle fibers and of theconnective tissue elements composing themuscle-tendon-bone unit. Tenodesis grasp functions bycontracting extensor muscles in the wrist and forearmthrough wrist extension. This action pulls the finger ten-dons towards the wrist, forcing a bending moment,which can be employed to produce a grasping posture inthe paralyzed hand. The passive forces produced by atenodesis grasp are weak and generally only sufficient tolift lightweight objects when the forearm is supinatedand gravity is assisting [5]. An active grasp would there-fore benefit SCI patients by allowing them to lift heavierobjects and manipulate them in free space.Robotics is currently proposed as a non-invasive solu-

tion to enhance hand functionality by means of wear-able, actuated platforms, namely robotic exoskeletons,which are able to move the hands of the impaired usersand assist functionality. A number of robotic exoskele-tons for the distal upper limb have been designed overthe past years, which can be classified based on their ac-tuation principles, materials employed, complexity, andintegrated functions. Many of these devices rely on rigidlinkages, which require careful alignment with the hu-man joints to safely and effectively transfer their robustand reliable forces and torques to the wearer. Rigid exo-skeletons are well-suited for challenging clinical scenar-ios, e.g., rehabilitation of the wrist [6, 7], the hand [8, 9],and the individual fingers [10] (for exhaustive reviewssee [11, 12]), however the design trade-off for highforces that characterize these rigid mechanical designs istheir limited portability due to the weight of the electro-mechanical actuators and their rigid frames. Conse-quently, most of the existing training systems arestationary, designed for in-clinic use, and require experi-enced personnel to oversee the patient’s safety and well-being during usage.Compliant, lightweight, and mobile devices designed

for home-use provide a new paradigm of assistive de-vices. Cable-driven transmissions enable reduced weightand increased compliance of wearable, robotic systems.This approach relieves the distal extremities from heavyactuation units and electronics by relocating them to moreconvenient locations, retaining rigid frames [13–17] or re-placing them with polymer-based [18] or fabric-based[19–24] structures, thereby increasing the portability,comfort, and usability of the devices. While cable-drivensystems have been developed to improve usability, reduceweight, and maximize compliance, the inevitable tradeoffis diminished strength and accuracy compared to trad-itional, rigid exoskeletons. A limited number of researchgroups successfully demonstrated cable-driven wearable

robots to assist hand function in SCI survivors [16, 17].Additionally, elastomers [25–32] and more recently tex-tiles [33–35] have been employed instead of traditional,rigid actuators and have been shown to offer a new classof soft wearable robotic devices. These recent efforts offerthe potential for safe, comfortable, lightweight andcost-effective devices that can provide users with at-homeassistance or rehabilitation activities for prolonged periods[25–27].The aim of this work is to demonstrate that a

fabric-based soft robotic glove, which is portable, bidir-ectional (i.e. assists both hand opening and closing), andmulti-posture (i.e. enables palmar grasp and pinch grasp)offers a viable assistive solution for participants with lim-ited hand strength and dexterity. To assess the effective-ness of the assistive glove, we administered a clinicalmotor function test to evaluate the grasping function ofuntrained participants with impaired hand motor func-tion due to SCI with and without assistance provided bya soft robotic glove. Although voluntary control is a cru-cial aspect when evaluating the feasibility of an assistivedevice, this work focused only on the mechanical per-formance of the proposed soft robotic glove to decouplefunctionality from control logistics.

MethodsFabric-based soft robotic glovePrior iterations of our soft robotic glove [25–27] incor-porated unidirectional molded elastomeric actuators.Figure 1a-b depicts a more recent model of the glove de-signed with bidirectional, fabric-based actuators, whichare lighter than their elastomeric predecessors (seeAdditional file 1: Figure S1). These fabric-based softrobotic actuators are described in detail in [35]. Our up-dated design is composed of a base glove with attach-ments points (i.e. hook and loop fasteners, straps) formodular, independent finger actuators. Each fabric-basedactuator is comprised of three fabric layers and twoair-tight bladders placed between each fabric pocket.Finger flexion and extension is obtained by selectivelypressurizing these bladders with an air pump. By lever-aging the material properties of each fabric layer (e.g.stiffness, anisotropy) and by incorporating geometric de-sign variables into the structure (i.e. pleats), the actua-tors are designed to accomplish complex motions thatmimic the natural movements of the hand [35].The use of fabric and other compliant materials in a

soft robotic glove allows our device to resemble the di-mensions and weight of a common padded wheelchairglove. The inclusion of fabric-based, soft robotic actua-tors into the design resulted in a device that is signifi-cantly lighter than our past designs (77 g here vs. 285 gin [26]). To optimize fit and improve performance, amodular sizing system has been adopted: four base glove

Exhaust Manifold

a c d

Extension BladderInflated

Flexion BladderInflatedMiddle Layer

Bottom LayerExtension Bladder

Flexion BladderTop Layer






Air Pump



ControlButtons and



Hand Closing

Hand Openingb

Fig. 1 Soft robotic glove and control box characteristics: a Schematic of the soft robotic glove b Basic motion principle of the glove c Constructionapproach with different fabric layers of specific material properties and enclosed air bladders d Operating principle: finger extension and flexionmotion are obtained when the respective chambers are pressurized e Portable, self-contained box used to actuate and control the glove

Cappello et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2018) 15:59 Page 3 of 10

sizes (small, medium, large and extra-large) were de-signed to provide a base for attachable actuation mod-ules. Three different size actuators (small, medium, andlarge), each with two different size finger pockets (nar-row and wide) could be easily mounted to the base glovethrough a combination of hook and loop fastener andstraps. This semi-customizable approach (4 base gloves× 3 actuators × 2 pockets × 5 fingers = 120 possible com-binations) allowed each participant to find the best fitbased on the unique size of the individual’s hand andfingers. This sizing scheme was based on measurementsfrom the hands of healthy individuals (12 females and 20males). During this measurement study, we collectedover 50 dimensions in multiple working postures, in-cluding circumferences of the palmar region and fingersas well as the lengths of each phalange. Moreover, tomaximize grip, the palmar surface of the glove featuredsilicon ripples.The soft robotic glove is designed to apply sufficient

force to open and close each finger, which enables grasp-ing and lifting of light objects. Due to its intrinsicallycompliant structure, the glove is capable of grasping ob-jects with different shapes. It was previously demon-strated that the glove can make a healthy user grasp an

object with a force of 15 N corresponding to an averageof approximately 30% of the maximum pinch force of ahealthy adult [36]. It was calculated as the integral ofcontact pressure measured with an ultra-thin pressuremapping sheet (5250, TekScan Inc., USA) wrappedaround a cylinder with diameter of 76 mm [35] whilethe user kept the muscles passive and the glove waspressurized to 172 kPa (25 psi), as determined by thespecific electric air pump used (D1011–23-01, ParkerHannifin, USA).To control the glove, a portable and self-contained

control box (Fig. 1e-f ) was developed. The box com-prises: i) the control electronics, ii) a battery pack, iii)the electric air pump, iv) an exhaust and fill air manifoldwhere each of v) seven solenoid valves were connectedto control the airflow of vi) seven pneumatic channels,ultimately connected to the pneumatic actuators. Apressure control loop was implemented to switch on theelectric pump and to drive the solenoid valves. The sin-gle finger actuators are either controlled individually, orpaired to joint pneumatic channels, to reduce complex-ity. The seven pneumatic channels included: i) thumbflexion, ii) thumb extension, iii) index finger flexion, iv)paired index and middle finger extension, v) middle

Cappello et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2018) 15:59 Page 4 of 10

finger flexion, vi) paired pinky and ring finger extension,and vii) paired pinky and ring finger flexion. The dimen-sions and weight of the box (25 × 25 × 20 cm, 5 kg) werepurposely kept as low as possible for easy portability, e.g.mounted on a wheelchair, or placed on a table.The glove performs a 3-point pinch grasp when

thumb, index, and middle finger flexion are individuallyactuated. When all flexion actuators - including pinkyand ring finger - are triggered, the glove performs a pal-mar grasp. During this study, the control box was oper-ated by a member of the research team who could selectthe grip type among the two available options with a ro-tary switch. Two buttons triggered hand opening (fingerextension) and closing (finger flexion) motions by alter-natively pressurizing the agonist actuators while depres-surizing the antagonist ones. A third button wasincluded to discharge the residual air in the bladderswhen no active assistance was needed and as a safetyfeature. The glove was controlled by the researcher afterverbally confirming each intended motion with the studyparticipant.

ParticipantsNine participants (8 males, 1 female, age range 20–68 years, see Table 1) were enrolled in this study, whichwas performed in accordance with the Declaration ofHelsinki and approved by the Harvard Medical SchoolInstitutional Review Board. Eligible participants fulfilledthe following inclusion criteria: i) age between 18 and70 years, ii) diagnosed with C4-C7 spinal cord injury, iii)loss of hand function, specifically strength and/or rangeof motion, iv) understanding and speaking English aswell as a score ≥ 23 on the Mini Mental State Examin-ation (MMSE) administered by the researchers prior tothe study session. All the admitted participants had ahigh level of general disability (tetraplegia) and werewheelchair-bound. All participants gave their written in-formed consent either themselves or by their legalguardian. Participants were recruited through rehabilita-tion clinics in the Greater Boston Area and screened

Table 1 Demographic data of the participants enrolled in the pilot

Age Gender

Participant 1 (P1) 68 M

Participant 2 (P2) 20 M

Participant 3 (P3) 49 F

Participant 4 (P4) 65 M

Participant 5 (P5) 45 M

Participant 6 (P6) 63 M

Participant 7 (P7) 56 M

Participant 8 (P8) 53 M

Participant 9 (P9) 30 M

during a first visit, in which they were instructed on thetesting procedure and familiarized with the roboticdevice.

Experimental conditionsThe study followed a case series design, where each par-ticipant was asked to perform the baseline conditionfirst, followed by the assisted condition wearing the softrobotic glove. The baseline condition consisted of exe-cuting a clinically relevant test to assess the gross motorfunction of the impaired hand without assistance. Dur-ing the test, participants were not allowed to wear pas-sive devices, including those normally worn by some ofthe participants, such as splints or padded gloves toavoid unpredictable effects that these devices could haveon the bare hand function. This test was followed by anassisted condition conducted with the participants wear-ing the soft robotic glove in the active state. The assist-ive glove was used on the preferred hand of eachparticipant. In both conditions, the participants wereallowed to use the contralateral hand to place objects inthe studied hand and to stabilize the initial grasp. Objectlifting and manipulation was then executed only withthe selected hand under investigation. Given the fullportability of the system, the study sessions were carriedeither in the Harvard Biodesign Laboratory, SpauldingRehabilitation Hospital Cambridge, or participant’shomes depending on each participants’ personalavailability.We selected the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Hand

Function Test (TRI-HFT) [37] as the outcome measurefor this study because it was specifically designed tomeasure unilateral gross motor function during palmargrasp, lateral pinch and pulp pinch in persons with SCI.The TRI-HFT has been previously used to measure theeffect of a training program for restoring upper extrem-ity reaching function using a neuroprosthesis [38] as wellas to measure the effect of a hand assistive device to re-store autonomy in participants with SCI [16]. TheTRI-HFT assesses a person’s ability to manipulate


Level of Spinal Injury Time Since Injury

C7 44 years

C5 1 year

C5-C6 33 years

C6 44 years

C5-C6 25 years

C5 50 years

C4-C5 38 years

C7 5 months

C5-C7 7 years

Cappello et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2018) 15:59 Page 5 of 10

objects and weights that would be encountered whileperforming ADL. Additionally, it assesses the forces thatcan be produced by the hand. The test can be dividedinto three parts: the first section consists of an objectmanipulation test (10 ADL objects, max. 7 points perobject) that requires two main grasp types, namely thepalmar grasp (objects 1,3,5,7,9) and pinch grasp (objects2,4,6,8,10). In the second part - the wooden blockstrength test - the participant is asked to manipulatewooden blocks of various masses and surface finishes(objects 11–19, max. 7 points per object). The final partconsists of a series of dynamometric measures to quanti-tatively assess the lift forces produced by the partici-pants. As such, this section of the TRI-HFT is rated inNewtons and is not validated [37], representing a sec-ondary outcome measure. The instruments to measurelift force were built in our laboratory. In this section, adynamometer is connected to a cylinder, a credit card(as described in [37]), and a custom-made wooden blocksimilar to object 12 (40 × 40 × 120 mm, 100 g) to meas-ure the maximum lift force produced with both a palmargrasp and a pinch grasp (Fig. 2b). We decided to includethis item in the original test to gather lift force data onthe power and pinch grasps, and thus perform moremeasures to capture differences in dynamometric scoresbetween the two conditions. The TRI-HFT primary out-come consists of a maximum potential score of 133points through the combination of 19 object manipula-tions, and the secondary outcome consists of the dyna-mometric measures.The experiments were conducted with the test objects

and the control box placed on a regular table, which the


Soft RoboticGlove




Fig. 2 The experimental setup: a The study procedure was conducted onthemselves as preferred and as their individual wheelchair permitted. The Tresearcher, were placed on the table in front of the study participant. b Tha cable to measure lift force

participants approached as close as their wheelchairallowed. The control box was operated by the researchersitting next to the participant (Fig. 2). The presentationorder of the tasks and objects was performed accordingto the original method proposed by Kapadia et al. [37],starting with the object manipulation test, followed bythe wooden block strength test and lastly dynamometricmeasurements. The baseline evaluation was always con-ducted first, followed by the assisted session. While thebaseline test was being conducted, at least one re-searcher assembled the assistive glove to meet the par-ticipants’ hand specifications. This sequence reduced theoverall time and workload of the study session. Sufficientbreaks were included throughout the administration ofthe test to allow the participants to rest and therebyminimize muscle fatigue effects. There were no time re-strictions on duration of task performance and the par-ticipants could indicate the end of the task if theybecame fatigued or judged the task too difficult toaccomplish.

Data collectionAll TRI-HFT trials were recorded on video for ratingpost-test. Due to high interrater reliability (ICC = 0.98,[37]), two independent raters were chosen to evaluateeach participant based on the guidelines of the initialstudy by Kapadia et al. in 2012. Any discrepancies be-tween the two raters’ scores were resolved by discussionto achieve a consensus, with input if necessary from athird independent researcher oriented to the TRI-HFTscore criteria. Dynamometric measurements were re-corded with a handheld force gauge (HF-50, Shenzen



Custom wooden block




a regular table, with the participant approaching and positioningRI-HFT test objects, as well as the control box, operated by the studye custom-made wooden block connected to a dynamometer through

Cappello et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2018) 15:59 Page 6 of 10

Tony Electronics, China) capable of storing the max-imum force measured during the trial. Thecustom-made block and supporting platform was de-vised to only permit and measure the application of up-ward vertical forces. The other TRI-HFT dynamometricassessments were performed strictly following the visualinstructions of [37] with consistent speed across the par-ticipants to minimize the influence of direction of forceand pulling speed in the outcome measures.

Statistical analysisTRI-HFT scores of the object manipulation, woodenblock test as well as the dynamometric measurementswere evaluated for all participants. A linear mixedmodel was fitted to evaluate the difference in theTRI-HFT scores between the baseline and assistedcondition. The random effects tested for possible in-teractions with the model included participants, ob-jects, and time since injury. The force measurementswere evaluated with a Wilcoxon signed-rank test totest for significance in lift force difference. The datawere processed and analyzed with Matlab (MathWorks,















ce [N













ect M






Fig. 3 Soft robotic glove for hand function restoration: a Study participantto lift an object (baseline condition) b Study participant performing an acti(assisted condition). c Soft robotic glove assisting palmar grasp d Soft roboof a wooden block to assess lift force f Improvement in TRI-HFT score acromean = 6.11, median = 7; mean difference = 2.34; 95% confidence interval fparticipants (N = 9; baseline mean = 1.76 N, median = 0.68 N; assisted meanrank test, Z = − 4.28, p < 2e-5) h Mean object manipulation scores of palmarThe mean score difference between the baseline and assisted condition is sigscores between the groups differ significantly (Linear Mixed Model CoefficieG3; F = 6.85 p < 0.01) i Subgroup specific improvement of the TRI-HFT smaximum value = 7 (G1 mean = 32.06%, median = 25.71%; G2 mean = 2overall mean = 33.42%, median = 31.85%). * indicates significant differenred lines denote medians, red circles denote outliers defined as data p

Natick, USA) using the “fitlme” class tools as well as the“signrank” function.

ResultsThe proposed soft robotic glove improved key handfunctions to manipulate ADL objects (Fig. 3a-e).Long-term effects that may arise from sustained use ofthe device were not an object of this study. The differ-ence in mean score between the baseline and assistedcondition improved significantly across all subtestswithin the TRI-HFT (mean score difference = 2.34, 95%confidence interval from 1.67 to 3.01, p < 3e-11, Fig. 3f ).Grouping objects by their corresponding grip types andsubtests - Objects 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 representing a palmargrasp (G1), objects 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 involving pinch grasp(G2) and objects 11–19 for the wooden block strengthmeasures (G3) - shows that the average score betweenpalmar grasp, pinch grip and wooden block strength var-ies but the difference between the baseline and assistedcondition remains constant (linear mixed model coeffi-cient test, G1-G2; F = 18.81, p < 2e-4, G2-G3; F = 10.63,p < 1.5e-3, G2-G3; F = 6.85 p < 0.01, Fig. 3h). The soft

aseline Assisted









e Im



t [%







iaseline Assisted











n O


t Man



n S


G1 G2 G3 Overall

BaselineAsstisted* * *


G1 G2 G3 Overall

during unassisted object manipulation using a passive tenodesis graspve palmar grasp to manipulate an object using the soft robotic glovetic glove assisting pinch grasp e. Soft robotic glove assisting the graspss all participants (N = 9; baseline mean = 3.77, median = 4; assistedrom 1.67 to 3.01; p < 3e-11) g Improvement in mean lift force across all= 2.76 N, median = 2.03 N; mean difference = 1.00 N; Wilcoxon signed-grasp (G1), pinch grasp (G2) and wooden block strength (G3) subtests.nificant and consistent throughout all subgroups (see 2F). The averagent Test, G1/G2; F = 18.81, p < 2e-4, G2/G3; F = 10.63, p < 1.5e-3, G2/core from baseline to the assisted condition, relative to the8.25%, median = 22.85%; G3 mean = 37.04%, median = 33.33%;ce with respect to the baseline condition, red stars denote means,oints outside the range of 1.5 times the interquartile range

Cappello et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2018) 15:59 Page 7 of 10

robotic glove improved the mean TRI-HFT scores of theobject manipulation tests overall by 33.42 ± 15.43% rela-tive to the maximum achievable score (7 points) (Fig. 3i),from a mean of 53.88 ± 24.20% to a mean of 87.30 ±11.82% of the total maximum score (133 points). Timesince injury did not significantly influence the object ma-nipulation performance (p > 0.11). It is worth noting thatthe assistance of the glove reduced the variability of theparticipants’ performance.Individual improvements of all study participants are

reported in Fig. 4a-b. The mean difference between thebaseline and assisted condition is consistent across allparticipants and, therefore, generally unaffected by thedifference in individual objects (Fig. 4c). No sign of mus-cular fatigue is interpretable from the performances ofthe participants within the test results (Fig. 4c).As for the secondary outcome of the TRI-HFT, we fo-

cused on the overall improvement across all dynamo-metric measures of lift force rather than analyzing eachtest method and individual participant. A significant in-crease in lift force of 1.00 N (mean baseline force 1.76 ±4.32 N, mean assisted force 2.76 ± 5.18 N) when usingthe assisting soft robotic glove is observable (Wilcoxonsigned-rank test, Z = − 4.28, p < 2e-5, Fig. 3g). The



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19Study Objects



n O


t Man



n S

core Baseline



P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9Study Participants



n O


t Man



n S

core Baseline



Fig. 4 Individual participant and object TRI-HFT measures: a. Mean manipulatiodifference between the assisted and baseline condition is significant and constimprovement of each study participant from baseline to assisted relative to the mmedian = 51.43%; S3 mean= 31.85%, median = 31.43%; S4 mean= 30.37%, mediamedian = 25.71%; S7 mean= 51.85%, median = 62.86%; S8 mean= 12.38%, mediaparticipants for each individual study object, listed in presentation order. Objectsand objects 11–19 composed the wooden block strength subtest. The meanconstant (mean difference = 2.34, p < 3e-11, see 3F) d Mean lift force across aacross participants between the baseline and assisted condition is significantdifference with respect to the baseline condition, red stars denote means, red

individual participant’s lift forces represented in Fig. 4dhelp gaining insight on the outliers displayed in Fig. 3g.It is worth noting that the eccentric wooden bar was notused in this study because none of the study participantswere capable of holding it.

DiscussionThe effect of active assistance from a fully portable,fabric-based soft robotic glove on hand function wasevaluated in participants with SCI. The Toronto Re-habilitation Institute Hand Function Test (TRI-HFT)was used to assess the grasping and manipulation cap-abilities of the study participants in baseline (no glove)and active conditions (glove powered).With the glove actively supporting grip, participants

on average performed 87.30 ± 11.82% on the TRI-HFT.Compared to the baseline average performance of 53.88± 24.20% when the participant was not wearing theglove, the improved score and the reduced variability inthe assisted condition suggest the glove is capable of en-hancing hand function of participants with disparate un-aided performance to a similar, more functional level.Individuals with low baseline scores (i.e. participants 2

and 7 with C4-C5 level of injury) particularly benefitted

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9Study Participants










ce [N



P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9Study Participants







e Im



t [%






* * **



n score across all subtests for each individual study participant. The meanant (mean difference = 2.34, p < 3e-11, see 3F) b. Object manipulationaximum score = 7 (S1 mean= 35.77%, median= 30.16%; S2 mean= 55.13%,n= 37.14%; S5 mean= 35.03%, median = 36.51%; S6 mean= 23.49%,n= 14.29%; S9 mean= 16.19%, median = 14.29%) c. Mean score across all1, 3, 5, 7, 10 represent the palmar grasp, object 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 pinch grasp,difference between the assisted and baseline condition is significant andll force measurements per study participant. The overall mean difference(Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Z = − 4.28, p < 2e-5). * indicates significantlines denote medians

Cappello et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2018) 15:59 Page 8 of 10

from the soft robotic glove, with an improvement in theprimary outcome of the TRI-HFT of over 50%. Inaddition, participants 8 and 9 with SCI of lower lesionlevels (C6-C7) scored high in the baseline condition butstill benefitted from the assistance provided by the glove.It is worth noting that the large standard deviation char-acterizing the baseline condition is reduced in theassisted condition, demonstrating that the glove pro-vided a reliable and consistent assistance across allsubtests.The glove provided the most consistent assistance dur-

ing the wooden block strength section, likely due to theconsistent block size and shape. The difference in sur-face textures of the blocks did not significantly impactthe performance, however the increasing weight did im-pact the participants’ ability to lift.We observed that the glove did not perform an opti-

mal pinch grasp with specific objects like the Ziploc bagfilled with golf balls (Object 4) or the pencil (Object 9).Due to the current actuator design and glove architec-ture: a powerful contact between the thumb and indexfinger is challenging. Generally, we can conclude thatthe glove provided a very firm and reliable palmar grasp,however the pinch grasp needs further improvementand investigation.In addition to demonstrating improved object manipu-

lation, we also saw positive effects in the dynamometricmeasures. Wearing the glove was shown to enable a fir-mer grip compared to the bare hand: the significant in-crease of lift force of 1 N allows the users to lift a largernumber of objects towards increased independency.Based on the list of objects of daily living compiled byMatheus and Dollar [39], the glove enables an averageimpaired user to lift about 59% of the objects of daily liv-ing, 11% more than the baseline, and would return thecapability of lifting about 33% of these objects to a userwith no hand function. In participants 6 and 8, we canobserve a reduction in lift force from baseline to assistedcondition that may be due to the combination of twofactors: i) the stiffness of their muscles and ii) the passiveexecution of the assisted condition. Participants 6 and 8,in fact, performed a firm tenodesis grasp probably dueto the large muscle stiffness, which produced large liftforces but resisted the effect of the glove. Furthermore,we hypothesize that participants 6 and 8, did not activelysupport the action of the glove with tenodesis in thissection of the test, thus resulting in lower forces com-pared to the baseline. It is worth noting that the actionof the glove was enough to allow these two participantsto obtain a higher score in the other sections of theTRI-HFT compared to the baseline condition, suggestingthat the glove does not negatively affect grasping.Although no structured comfort or usability question-

naires were completed during this study, no inherent

discomfort was reported from using the soft roboticglove or the associated instrumentation. Additionally,every participant stated that they would benefit froma daily domestic use of the glove to perform ADL in-dependently. The participants also noted that theywould be open to wearing the glove all day due toits light weight and minimal obtrusiveness. Partici-pants 8 and 9, who were capable of performing afirm passive tenodesis grasp during baseline testing,reported that the glove allowed them to rely on itsassistance and thereby minimized any required wristflexion to passively trigger hand closing posture.Most of the participants reported that they wouldbenefit from a lighter and more compact control boxto be placed on the wheelchair and some of them re-ported that the air pump was too noisy. Finally, theparticipants were unable to independently don theglove and suggested this feature in the next gener-ation device.The presented glove differs from other devices due to

its lightweight and compliant design, however theTRI-HFT results showed comparable improvementswith respect to [16], where an assistive cable-driven ro-botic glove was presented and tested in six SCI partici-pants. In [17], another group showed that theircable-driven robotic device successfully assisted handfunction in two SCI participants, assessed using theSollerman Hand Function Test (SHIFT). In a furtherstudy [23], the authors employ a soft wearable glove toassist ADL in 28 elderly people. As evaluated by the Sys-tem Usability Scale, the study showed that these usersare likely to accept a soft wearable glove for daily use.These exciting recent studies in SCI and elderly popula-tions demonstrate the potential for lightweight assistivedevices such as the proposed soft robotic glove to re-store hand function with small levels of assistance. Manyother soft wearable robots have been devised to assisthand function, either based on cable transmission [16–18,20, 21] or pneumatic actuation [25–28, 30, 33, 35]; how-ever, these efforts focused on the design and developmentof the devices rather than validation.In the field of rehabilitation robotics, many rigid plat-

forms [6–8, 10, 11] or wearable gloves [9, 13, 15, 24, 29,31, 33] have been specifically designed to deliver neuro-muscular therapy and focused their assessment on longi-tudinal performance measures. While the roboticplatform proposed in this paper was not intended for re-habilitation, we believe that it could potentially be de-ployed with minimal design changes to deliver physicaltherapy either as an active robotic trainer or as a con-tinuous passive motion device, similar to commerciallyavailable devices (Hand Mentor Pro, Motus Nova, USA).Consequently, future studies will focus on developingthe soft robotic glove as a multi-purpose platform for

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scenarios where both manipulation assistance andhigh-dose physical therapy treatments are desirable.Based on the results and the observations obtained in

this study, we believe that the performance of ourfabric-based soft robotic glove could be further im-proved. For some of the older participants, the assistiveglove negated decades of learned motor behaviors andwe believe that the performance may improve if partici-pants had more time wearing the glove outside of thestudy, which might enable them to develop innovativestrategies of completing tasks in their environment. Fur-thermore, the pinch grasp can be enhanced by designingthe actuators to be more conformal to the anatomy ofthe human finger, allowing the forces generated by thedevice to be adequately transferred to the hand. Add-itionally, in future work pressure and strain sensors willbe integrated into the palmar surface of the glove andinto the fingers, respectively to measure contact forceand bending status of the actuators. This will offer gripstrength and grasp posture feedback that can be fed to aclosed-loop controller as well as produce trigger signalsto control the glove. Moreover, the portable control boxdimensions will be optimized to enable in-home every-day usage, the possibility for individuals with limitedhand function to don and doff the glove autonomouslywill be included for independent use, and we will evalu-ate replacing the air pump with a compressed air cart-ridge to reduce noise. Finally, the aforementionedclosed-loop controller is under development that willsupport a portable integrated platform capable of detect-ing a user’s intentions and delivering appropriate andnatural assistance accordingly. Prior experience of theresearch team in using electromyography (EMG) to con-trol soft pneumatic gloves [25] will be leveraged towardsthe implementation of a responsive device based on thevoluntary activation of intact muscle groups. Future re-search will need to provide evidence of robustness andcontrollability of the glove, perform intensive testing ses-sions of at-home usage, administer usability question-naires, and gather users’ suggestions for furtherdevelopment through focus groups or other means. Des-pite the encouraging results, this work represents justthe first step of the holistic approach required to assesswhether an assistive device can be adopted and inte-grated into the end-user’s daily routine.

ConclusionsThis study provides insight on the viability of afabric-based soft robotic glove to restore basic handfunction. The administration of the TRI-HFT to individ-uals who suffered upper limb paralysis after spinal cordinjury showed a significant average object manipulationimprovement of 33.42% relative to the maximum scoreas well as significant average improvement of the

maximum achievable lift force. Being fully portable, theproposed soft robotic glove is versatile enough to beused both in clinical as well as home settings. Moreover,its restoring effects on manipulation ability are compar-able to those produced by similar systems found in lit-erature. In summary, this pilot study paves the way for afabric-based soft robotic glove to enhance dexterity andstrength in ADL in people who suffered hand paralysis.

Additional file

Additional file 1: Additional views of the fabric-based soft roboticglove. (PDF 430 kb)

AbbreviationsADL: Activities of daily living; ICC: Intraclass correlation coefficient;MMSE: Mini mental state exam; SCI: Spinal cord injury; TRI-HFT: Torontorehabilitation institute hand function test

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the study participants for their participationto the study and for their feedback. In addition, we acknowledge theinvaluable support from Mohammad Hattab for the statistical analysis, fromDorothy Orzel for the design review of the glove, and from Christine Bibeau,Lauren Bizarro, and the Wyss Clinical Research Team for the assistance withthe human subjects research and recruitment of participants.

FundingThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant #s1454472 and 1317744), the Wyss Institute for Biologically InspiredEngineering and the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering andApplied Sciences.

Availability of data and materialsData and materials can be made available upon request to the authors.

Authors’ contributionsLC, KCG, JDP and CJW designed the experiments, LC, KCG, JDP, RG, DAW, SEand CJW built the soft robotic glove and the control box. LC, JTM, KCG, JDP,DAW and SE performed the experiments. LC, JTM, SP and CJW analyzed andinterpreted the data. LC, JTM and CJW wrote the manuscript. All authorsprovided critical feedback on the manuscript. All authors read and approvedthe final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateThe participants volunteered and signed the written consent forms toparticipate in this study approved by Harvard Medical School InstitutionalReview Board and to publish data collected.

Consent for publicationWritten informed consent for publication was obtained from the participantsinvolved in the study.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, HarvardUniversity, Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 2WyssInstitute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, 60 OxfordStreet, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 3Department of Physical Medicine and

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Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, 300First Ave, Boston, MA 02129, USA.

Received: 10 December 2017 Accepted: 29 May 2018

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