assignment description

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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This is a CSS assignment


In this assignment, you will be designing a web page for Presidents of Korea.

I am providing you with the following files:

1. presidents.html – this is the HTML file.

2. presidents_style.css – this is the css file.

3. images folder – this folder contain images of Presidents of Korea.

The HTML file presidents.html has the following layout: navbar and main are the name of styles in CSS file.

Your assignment is to modify presidents.html file to produce the following:

Do the following:

1. Modify the presidents_style.css stylesheet to produce the above web page. DON’T modify presidents.html.

2. In the above file, each image is 200 pixels wide and 250 pixels high.

3. The name of each president is centered below the image of and is ordered blue.

4. The background color of the image is aqua.

5. The width between the image boundary and frame boundary is 25 pixels.

6. Each frame president is separated by 25 pixels of white space from adjacent framed president and from top and left edges of the browser body display area.

7. The 2x2 arragment of presidents would be maintained regardless of the width of the browser window.

Create a new file navbar.html - it contains the menu on the left, similar to the image above.

1. This first link, Home Page, is the link to presidents.html page.

2. The second link, Rhee Syng-Man, is the link that you will be creating.

3. The rest of the 3 links are dummy links.

You can create a page rhee.html that will have a short description of 1000 words about the President Rhee Syung-Man. This web page should describe the life and works of President Rhee Syun-Man.

Hint: You might need to check how to include an html file inside another file. There is “include” tag in HTML that you might want to explore.

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